12 / p= ; Important Savings Mark To<lays List of Bargains for Friday r \ _ 1 /■■ v #■ \ / 1 t _ » \ No Friday Women' Necktvear White Pique Women's Vests Colored Dress Goods Silk Specials Cotton Damask • 1 f~* O Special K>t of mussed l°c white pique: -8 IQ C white cotton ribbed 7.x* shepherd checks, 42 French brocades woven bleached cotton table CiaiS 00111 V— • v/. neckwear from regular inches v\ idc. Special Fri- vests; sleeveless. Special inches. Special Friday only, on silk faille; 42 inches damask :58 inches wide; ex- D OT" 11 OI" stCK k,\ al lies to 50v. Spe- onlv. \ai d ....... l»>r 1* rida v onl v Ivard *ti)o wide 1 ; larlv $2. Spe- tra good patterns Spccia 1 \ cial Friday only ...12i;c .K>c fine stripe crepe: good oive. Pomerov * Stewart , 7 1 5 c " avv . mohair, 44 cial Friday only, yard .89* Fridav only, vard' ...19* leleohone or- Dives. Pomeroy * Stewart. l a,ue for wwsts. * v P c si al . inches. Special Friday only. DIV... p.™..™ * 8c * bleached imitation i £ll i _ - i S ' T "-" r: °" r - Friday onl v. yard ~\>C y '»9c . street frioor. linen toweling; 1/ inches ders tinea Dives. Pomerov & Stewart. __« . '? c wo °l crepella, 3 l > " wide; red border. Special — ' , * , street Floor. u, »_ c_.*x- inches: _navy. Copenhagen. * Fridav onlv. vard .1c Lace Soecials I Women s Union baits Special Friday only, yard. Moire Saltings f \ Lace jpeciais eim , ° Dives. Pomeroy * Stewart. Women's Shoes Camisole lace 14 inches f/> 1 jii/ld . 1 0- . , ° $2.00 moire suitings; 42 street Floor. Womens Shoes wi de shaLw patterns Colored Wash Remnants ribbed union suits medium 80c serge, good shades. inches wide; in wistaria and 53.00 military lace shoes Fndav onTv. Remnants of 59c crepe de "eight, low neck, sleeveless Special Friday only, yard, Russian Rreen . Special Fri- v in gun metal calt and pat- d • 1() chine; 36 inches wide; one- and elbow sleeves . none ex- day only, yard 98c Bed Spreads ent colt skin, with sand - iw half silk• leneths of 2to 4 changed. Special Friday $1.25 French serge, M * cloth tops, stitched soles Allover shadow lace. 36 vard< Specif Fridav onlv. onl - v '" ,o<k m . ch f s : selectionot Dives. and French heels. Special inches wide: white and Vard... .'.lsc Dive,. Pomeroy * st.wrt. shades " Special Friday > ner satin Marseilles bed Fridav onlv S'-i.'i!) ecru; value. Special - street Floor. only, yard 95* spreads; full size. Special Fridav only, yard 39* Dives. Pomerov 4 Stewart. v ' SI.OO granite cloth. 54 M*n'c L'l„ Fridav onlv $1.39 Dives. Pomeroy a Stewart. ; , n lace. Ito inches. Soecial Fridav onlv. Men S Handkerchiefs ■ ■ > 1' j inches wide; 2c value. yard ... ... 49* Mens 12J4c cambric ___ Special Fridav onlv. vd.. lc MnAm* nnA rinnlmm en S Hose 51.2? French crepe, r>o handkerchiefs with initial. ' jjr QJ Xet top allover lace. 18 " 7c and 10c cotton seam- inches. Special Fridav onlv. Special Iriday only, .•> for , \ Womens Shoes inches; white and ecru. madras shirting in less hose; lavender and pur- yard ... 49* 25* White Dress Goods j Women's S2 00 white can- Special Fridav onlv. vard. white grounds. Special 1 ri- pj e Special Fridav only, 5c $1.50 silk and wool crepe. Dives, Pomerov a stowart. in , ( -.11 m. >r#» " 2.»e day only, vard 12* 2 c _ .... 40 inches: navv. mvrtle. , Mpn ' B Sto,e ' s, " et Floor - I rice cloth; toi waists "V bu, V.°.:.„ V. 8c Iw eitldiam in •gZM.tf™"- ...H »n,l Wrr. »»<1 ■*«»: ", K,C - M %c° "LSlFridav """■ SSZTni?"" 1 shor, lengths of 2!... «o 4 . Special FriJav only, yard ' T! ,P J 4 Spee,al Fndav only ... llj; a.I MZCS. .peuai • vards Special Fridav onlv. * 88C I Ollet Goods 15c white Plisse crepe; 30 ° n > yard '. ev 4 c —r. 51.50 silk poplin, 40 Witch Hazel—bring bot- inches wide; for underwear; rnves - F^rniAo rv Snpr.nlt Dives. Pomerov a Stewart. Children S Hose inches: red and gold. Spe- He. Special Friday only, needs no ironing Special ' embroidery Specials street Floor. IJ, jc heavy black cotton cial Friday only, yard, 59* quart ''Of* fridav only, yard He _ Swiss embroidery flounc- seamless hose. Special Fri- rxt..„ Soap tablets, witch hazel Dives. Pomeroy .* Stewart. M„„> r ins. 27 inches wide: values c j av on i v 9f ' street Floor. and buttermilk, 10c size. L street Floor. men s onues to Special Fridav onlv. Galatea and Crepe o v ' Special Fridav onlv. a r • -i -f\ li I l-A \ j . Dives. Pomerov Stewart. ' _________________ Men s Sl.rO black kid -km yard >c ga ] atca c i ot h i„ street Floor. —' dozen »Oc« ~ " lace shoes; with solid leath- Cambric corset cover em- navy grounds. Special Fri- N Black Dress Goods predicated tar soap. Spe- White Lhecks er soles. Special l-rida> hrniHerv. 1" inches wide: <ln\- nnlv var<f tii/y cj o; „jj|. an 1 wool San- cial_ Friday only, cake 8c I 5c white lawn checks; 3b I olu - % ~f values to 18c. .Special Fri- crepe in neat styles Mpn'x Union Suits tov, 40 inches. Special Fri- c Tj C ace powder. Special inches wide; sheer qualitv. Dives. Pomeroy i- Stewart. day only, vard l-. 2 c a ud solid shades. Special dav onlv 98c ridav onl\ 10* Special Friday onlv, vd., 8c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, I riday only, yard 1 Or* SI.OO l .gvpiian cotton 81.25 canton crepe, 48 D 1 v <f»V, P ,t n \?-[n y A " Ste * art ' $1.50 English longcloth; ____ street noor. Dives. Pomerov * stewart. ribbed union suits: medium inclies. Special Friday only. *- " j 10 yards to a piece: 36 r rL'U ' J & street Floor. weight; sizes .->4 and .•>(>. 98c inches wide. Special Fri- Chlldren S and Infants Special Friday only ..69C 5] 00 scrge 50 inches. Mp„\ S.»C» day only, piece 89c Shoes Corset Covers O-. ■ ,p.• * Dives. Pomerov i Stewart Special Friday only .. ?9c P Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. . suiting and Katine Str««t H00.% 51.25 French serge, ?4 2.ic police suspenders. street Floor. l? y lh.cn finis,, s „i.in ß s_ in Special Fridaf ojfc ends. Spec,, 1 Special Friday only ,85c* 50c nainsook cor>et covers. r:u,n< V * 2 50c all linen damask nap- inches. Special 1 nda> onh ea ici tncs pecta Silk taffeta ribbon, 2to 3 Infants' 50c kid skin sott Special Fridav only ...35c w'de: solid shades ot light «>•»* - inchM to sole -hoe-. .Special I riday 50c nainsook or cambric ? ", C ' F Hdav onlv 'v ard 40c odd patterns in fine double Dlves ' Men .' stoT'stfeef noo": Special Friday only, yard, only 2.» c drawers. Special Friday uai rnaa> onij. >aru. -w damask qua lity. Special v Dives. Porn-roy & Stewart. Otllv .'lsc Dives. Pomeroy i Stewart. Fridav Only . *i5C x \ Silk taffeta ribbon, 5 street 'Floor. Embroidery trimmed bras- t. ». o , Pillow Ca<e* Watch Fobs inches wide; values' to 29c. * ■ c. t.v;,l-,,- Dives, Pomerov «: Stewart. tlllOW 0 • i T.- - J i j sieres. rridav onlv. . . ... Snecial Fridav onlv. varn. V '>s<» street i-ioor. 45x36-inch bleached pil- , 25c leather watch fobs 1 - ihc Celluloid Clocks and Sl.oo to brassieres. Silk Muslm low cases: regular 12'jc metal charm, .special Wash rjbbon in fancv rnlA Pirfnr* Frnrne* Special Friday only .. .95c 20c silk muslin: one-half TT value. Special Friday only, iriday only 100 block weave in Nvhite, light ... . silk: solid shades and neat Stamped Scarfs 10c Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, blue and pink; 5-vard 51.25 fancy white cellu- Wveß -M°V.?o? Uwart * styles; with self-color fig- cream art cloth scarfs . 39 "i" ch ""bleached mus- Men . pieccs; U yJ va ,' ue . pe loid clocks. Special Friday 1 tires. Special Friday only. and center nieces stamped lin; 10c value. Special >ri- f c j a l Friday only, piece, 80 '"c'n. 11 "• Y \ %ard 8 ready to embroider. Spe- on^-v ' > Chambray Shirts r Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart. . g ?, ld . P lCtUi ; e Nisht Gowns DIV««. Pomeroy * Stewart. cial Fridav onlv 17* Dives. PomeroyStewart, k ' Street Floor. Special Friday only .. .>9c ° street Floor. * street Moor. Mens light blue cham- v _. T> . Gowns of nainsook in low ' Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, brav shirts; collar attached; \ ? street Floor" e ' ? ' neck and kimono sleeve «• .. 1 . .. u/ • • . n double stitched; sizes 14 to RugS and Linoleum ' style : limit 2to a customer. Bleached Sheets Writing Paper 16. Special Friday only 40c rubber mats. Special ( -» Special I riday only ...,,oC .. , . . „ . "* 1 lb. writing paper and Fridav onlv iWc Watch Fobs and Pins rOc crepe gowns with ki- Size Art Scrim two packages envelopes to Dives. Pomeroy * s ewart, I I 35c wool and fiber rugs! 1 1 ;1 - mono sleeves. . pecial Fri- -- 1 ■ 25c to 39c plain and fancy match. Special Friday only. Me&-s store. Soecial Fridav onlv i£3C -0c leather watch lobs. dav only :{sc Subject to slight imperfec- . . J' whit _. J 21C x u" i, "'T, Special Fridav only ..10c tions. Special Fridav onlv, , , , , , \ . , ~ • j > ? 0c and (>0(. Wilton 1 tigs. 50c brooches, bar pins. DIT "- ' 39> edge and colored borders ; One clutch pencil, with Coofe Books Special Fr.day only ... I9c black belt pins and buckles. i - fC " n,i r " or 76x90 bleached sheets 3to 6-yard lengths. Special clip, 2 leads in holder. Spe- LOOk tSookS Remnants of 79c inlaid Special Friday only .. .15c with scalloped edge• reeula? Friday only, yard 19c cial Friday only 10* Lowney s cook bqoks. linoleum. Special Friday 59c German silver coin D J t W 1 value Special Fridav Dives. Pomerov & Stewart, Dives. Pomeroy * Stewart, . pecia <rula\ onl\ ...18c only nurses Snecial Fridav onlv. Rcody-tO-W COT tl.' SpCC,al m Third Floor. L Street Floor. Dives. Pomerov ft Stewart/ Remnants of 55c and 60c Straw Hats, 98c . . - cork linoleum. Special J-rr ' Dives. Pomerv .Stewart, ft i T V dav onlv •> * ( Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart A special purchase of r: "" r r . • r nrnorr N Huck I OWels \ 7k cocoa mats. Special ■ treet Floor. straw hats in large variety Curtain Corners \2\'iz red border huck Stamped Dresses Friday only 59c of sailor shapes with silk 11/ > n ( 1 25c to 59c curtain cor- towels: for general use. Spe- 25c plain white lawn 50c velvet and Axininster Men'* Carter c bands: a fresh new stock in rromensnose ners, in Irish point and Not- cial Friday only, 4 for 25C dresses for children; Ito 4 hassocks. Special Friday men S uaners reds, blues, white and black: 25c tan cotton hose with tingham lace; 1?4 yards 59c scarfs and shams to years; cross stitched stamp- onlv Men's elastic pad garters. values to 51.98. Special Fri- fashioned feet. Special Fri- long. Special Friday only, match; lace trimmed. Speed. readv to embroider. 20c rubber stair treads. Special Friday only (ic day only 98c day only 15c 12y a f cial Friday only 39* Special Friday enly ...19* Special Friday only ..15( 4 Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart. Dives Pomeroy ft Stewart. Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart. Dives. Pomerov ft Stewart. Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart, Dives. Pomerov & Stewart. Dives. Pomerov ft Stewart, Mens More, btreet Hoor. Street Floor Fourth fctreet Aisle. Street Floor. Third Floor. Street Floor. Third Floor Third Floor. V / V V v * ' v l 1 Grippe a Robber of Strength and Flesh HUB Don u, I nilcrurlKht IVupU* Should Rrgain I.ont Klf»h ami at This *e«*on People who have gone through | winter suffering a succession of i coughs, colds, grippe, catarrh or other j ailments peculiar to cold weather will ' probably be surprised, if they climb on , a weighing scales, to see how much . flesh they have lost. Most everyone ' reaches Spring with weight decreased, j vitality lowered, nerves affected and | general health and strength impaired. The best way to regain lost flesh and strength is through the original source of all flesh and strength—your food. Food, however, produces flesh and i strength only in proportion in which | its nourishing elements are absorbed i by the blood. Loss of weight indicates ] a leakage of the fats, sugars and starches of your food. Instead of going to the blood they are passing through ] your body as waste. The assimilative functions of your stomach and intes- | tines are out of order and you need something that will get them working right again. Nothing !s better for this purpose than a single Sargol tablet eaten at meals for a few weeks. Sar gol does not build flesh of itself and taken between meals is of little value for the purpose, but. swallowed with your food, it acts upon every mouth ful you eat, first separating all the fats, oil®, sugars, starches and other materials which make for flesh and strength from the waste matter and then preparing all these fat making, nourishing elements into a which the blood can readily absorb and dis tribute throughout the body. The ef fect is qulcklv felt, itcportf-d gains in weight of from ten to twentv-flve pounds a are by no means in frequent. Yet its action is perfectly natural and absolutely hrrinbs . Sr r gol is sold by George A. Gorea> urn! leading druggists everywhere :md every package contains ;■ oositlvc guar antee of weight increase or money back. CautionSargol is widely used as a general body buibb-r and for many r.ervous troubles, but when :is"tl ->r such purposes alone anrl where patient does not desire an increase of wehrht ft should be taken not less than ine hour after meals. If taV-*- »• meal times It will almost certainly produce ■n Increase In weight that some may ■ot desire.—Advertisement THURSDAY EVENING, Newsies to See War Pictures at Majestic as Guests of Ledger Harrisburg newsboys will be the . ! guests to-night of the Philadelphia' Public Ledger at the Majestic The- | , ater. where the Ledger moving pic- ; tures of the war are being shown. The newsies will meet at Market I Square at 7.30 and will march in a body to the theater, under the direc : tion of Arthur Koplowitz, chief of the ! city's newsboys. F. Hopkinson Smith, Engineer, Author and Artist, Dies, Aged 77 By Associated Press New York, April B.—F. Hopkinson Smith, author ana artist, died last night at his home here. He was 77 i years old. ;, The genius of Francis Hopkinson Smith, manifested itself in many ; branches of activity. His reputation 1 as an artist was only second to that as , an author, while as a practical engi s I neer he won high standing. Sixteen •! years after his birth in Baltimore, in [ 11838, he left school and went to work, 1 first as a shipping clerk and atter : i wards In a metal industry. Subse quently he studied mechanical engi . i neering. however, and permanent re i suits of his work in this line of endea ■ vor came in the construction of sea. walls at Tompkinsville. Staten Island,; Governor's Island, in X<nv York har ■ bor: llace Hock Lighthouse, near New 1 London. Conn., and the foundation for ■ (he Statue of Liberty in New York harbor. Mr. Smith's artistic bend developed . early and he became the producer of successful paintings ami i other work, many of which won recog tinition at art expositions. ? i It was undoubtedly, however, as an that Mr. Smith was oest known { jas he was a prolific writer of novels, •hurt stories and books of travel, many of which he illustrated himself. His ! tales of the South, of New York, and of New England won him fame, which was added to by other literary work, i the charm of which was widely recog ; nized. Among: the best known novels were "Caleb West." "Tom Grogan," ;"The Tides of Baregat" and "The For i tunes of Oliver Horn." Harrisburg Lodge of Odd Fellows to Take in Members Tomorrow Harrisburg Lodge, No. 68, Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows, to morrow evening will initiate a class of candidates at the lodge headquarters in Union Square Hall, Allison Hill. ' The district degree team will be in I charge of the initiation. Following aArJMfc ]:j \ ) vM The 2 in 1 Shine Brings the Bmile of Satisfaction! Quick, Brilliant, M 111 toSfeL rl Jkm Lasting. In the Bo*. |CI .DEALERS FFWS&FJMI R#W THE F. F. DALLEY CO.. LT«. BurrALo. W.Y„ HAMILTON, CAN. HARRXSBURG TELEGRAPH the ceremonies the recently elected i noble grand. D. E. Xuman, and the ; vice-noble. S. D. Myers, will be in- i stalled. Compensation Bills on Third Reading in House The workmen's compensation bills | will be on third reading in the House of Representatives on Monday night.! special orders having been made for | their consideration. The bills passed the House yesterday after an attempt, to amend the main bill so as to ex- | elude exployers of Jive persons or less j had been voted down and a number, of changes had been made by W. H. i Wilson, sponsor for thfe bill. The chief change was to include a provi sion whereby miners would come un der the compensation act. Bills to make necessary changes in the va ; riouß coal mining laws are also pend ' ing. i There was no opposition manifest ! Ed to the passage of the bills on sec j '>nd reading. Paderewski Sails For U. S. to Ask Aid For Poles Special to The Telegraph London, April B.—lgnace Paderew ' ski sailed from Liverpool with his wife ion the Adriatic yesterday, on a mis sion to arouse Americans to give finan i cial aid to Poland. The pianist's whole isoul is wrapped up in the undertaking. "1 won't play while I am here." he said. "I cannot get myself to touch a piano. All my thoughts are- upon my suffering kinsmen. Knowing the gen erous hearted Americans, I feel they APRIL 8, 1915. will respond as nobly as they have with Belgium." Paderewski lost nearly his whole fortune in the devastation of his home In Poland. Rich art treasurers and other valuable accumulations were ut terly destroyed. Paderewski will re main In America for some months. TO BCII.I) BIG DYE PLANT New Elizalx-tli Factory Will t'se the (airman Formula Spcrml to The Telegraph Elizabeth, N. J., April B.—Repre sentatives of the Midvale Chemical Company, of St. Louis, announced this afternoon that work would be com menced to-morrow on a new $200,000 plant here. The new plant will em ploy more than 300 skilled laborers and will manufacture dyes from Ger man formulas. Dr. Adolph Kiereir, of Berlin, Germany, will have charge of the local plant. Leslie M. Simpson anil George W. Hunter, of St. Louis, direc tors of the Mldvale Company, said tho Elizabeth factory would furnish a large portion of the dyes used in the Eastern States. RICH COAL VKIX STRUCK Deposit 20 Feet Deep Found as Work ing Was to Be Abandoned Special to The Telegraph Hazleton. Pa., April B.—Miners driving a rock tunnel at the Drifton colliery of the Lehigh Valley Coal Company struck a 26-foot vein of an thracite coal on a portion of the work ings, which were on the vergo of abandonment. The discovery means a long lease of life to the mine, whlcli has been in steady operation since 1863.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers