12 | I ■ ' To-morrow \«p ' |Bj i' You will find your ideal Easter jKj jk ■ _" 1 ' Suit at this Store at a great saving j ;=} The Weather Man Promises g| J|| \J| | B Ideal Weather For Easter I/mm jj I (^k ), Now You Want the Suit 1/ 81/ mm -*-oj We have the High Grade Suit, but m 1/ not high prices. Serges, Tweeds, ]J \f 3 Overplaids, Tartan Checks. Your Jtf Wr I ideal Suit at $12.50, sls, $lB, S2O e /$> i Xl/ ere 3t 3 SaV ' 3 h i "KampusKlothes"--" Clothes of Quality" i[£ "National Student Clothes" jjjl Buy Your Easter Suit Now—Pay Af er Easier |pll Specials in Ladies' Suits, Dres.ses, jjji Jr!l Skirts and Coats To-morrow P #3 Boys' Suits, Hats and Caps fiL ■J Gately & Fitzgerald Supply Co. |jjj HOME FURNISHERS—FAMILY fijl 29, 31, 33 and 35 S. Second Street " j OUR LOCATION MEANS A AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS EMnnM Paiace Theatre Market Street Friday, April 2nd. ' Bshie Ritchie How did she \ Vlurdeck Macquarrie j came of her jew- "Wheels Within Wheels." M'tflT/jjf Aiimated Weekly fU sJ e the most tilling a " thc W * r News pictures ever thrown 0:1 a Patne feature Film Company Bcrep in The Black Box.^the Presents tnyaterious happenings, but—BraHiC . 'jßj TL Al _1 T1 • W f I I nespian You ant j to jhiazed, iP&P < In Three Reels. see the Black Box a j • • _ The Photoplay Serial Supreme /\QITI!SSIOD 10 15 Episodes—wo a ivreh A 0 I 1, Win lie shown ni tlie IMI,A< K. win- J tJCttl . . nieiiclng, WKD.MOSIIAI, A PIC 11. 7. •fiF'i fir - The admission price to the a^aCe W cents except ( ATTRACTION EXTRAORDINARY JOINT RECITAL fa MAUD POWELL JM EVAN WILLIAMS REIGNING QUEEN OF YIOI/IXIKTS AND AMERICA'S GREATEST CONCERT TENOR Thursday Evening, April 8, Chestnut St. Auditorium I'rices—7sc, SI.OO, $1.50. Mail Orilers Now. Seats Now on Sale at tlie J. 11. Troup Music House, ir» So. Market Sq. —/ Henrietta Crosman THE BLACK and Sapportcd by an excellent n>m|inny IIJIITTr |>p|T* la a dramatic >raw piayle-t W HI I l< KH V II h "Tho« Shalt N>t Kill" A\l> S OTHKR GOOD ACTS AND I and PICTURES Surrounded by a Splendid HUI . Mats., ft and 10ci Kvc., 10 and 15c. 'in ———^ Try Telegraph Want Ads FRIDAY EVENING. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH APRIL 2, 1915. MOTHER or |)R. BECHT DIES WHILE 111-: IS IX SOUTH Uews has been received in Harris hurg of the death on Wednesday night of Mrs. Catherine K. Becht, mother of I)r. J. George Becht, secretary of thc State Board of Education, at the home of a daughter in Montoursville, Lycom ing county. Mrs. Becht was 7X years old and is survived by four sons and a daugther. I>r. Becht was truveling in the South and tlrst heard of his | mother's serious illness at Pinehtirst, X. C. Wiiiie lie was hurrying home ward another message told him <,f her t death. Faith is to believe what we do not see, and the reward of this faith is to sec what we believe. —St. Augustine. AMUSEMENTS j 11' NOON TO 11 l». M. TO-UAI > I'nill Armstrong's Great Play, "ALIAS JIMMY VALENTINE" In Five Part*. With our iihiiiil ilally comedies: Special Show for Saturday, fca turlnK < lini,. Itiehiiinn In ' "Til 13 lUI.KIL" In Five Keels. HVTIt VilllDlN Alt \ SHOW FOK | VOMIM One or" Hie lllkkik) Film Productions I'Vfr shown in llnrrlv liurg! •THE SPOILHKS," |„ M, ip Heels Played 111 tlie Chestnut Street Onern House, Philadelphia, for Two Moiitlm. I v • Majestic Theater 1 WERK IS I*IOIIFOIIMAVrf IIKC.IWINC. MOMIAV AF TEttXOOS, APRIL 5 I The Only Real War Pictures I I.KDGEH Philadelphia lllreel from 4 weeks at tlie ■ Forest Thca-ter, Phllndelnhin I " BKELS AM) A I .EI'TUBER I J'l.'.T" 25c to lßc to ■ < liihlreii. Free Moving Pictures every evening 7 to 11 P. M., Palace Confectionery, 225 Market street. "The Life of Our Saviour" In R s e e e u n Shown Today Ourlnir the presentation of this great sacred drama, Handel's fa mous masterpieces will be rendered on our $25,000 Pipe Organ Orchestra The final selection will be tlie famous "Hallelujah Chorus" rrom "Tile .Messiah." VICTORIA THEATER DR. BALDY HITS AT STATE HOSPITALS Says Those Not Under Common wealth's Control Are Not Prop erly Conducted Now People on Capitol Hill were stirred up to-day by declarations that hospital organization in this State is a dis grace to the country, and the staff phy sicians alone are to liiame. by Dr. J. M. lialdy, president of the State Board of Medical Examiners of Pennsylvania, in his address at the joint meeting of the New York Obstetrleal Society and tilt! Philadelphia Obstetrical Society last night In Philadelphia. "No hospital in Pennsylvania ought to exist without a pathological and clinical department," said Dr. Baldy, "and yet there were not twenty Insti tutions in the State last year that had both of these departments. There were not ten in the State that passed in in ternship, and even such great institu tions as the German Hospital, Univer sity Hospital. Kpiscopal Hospital and Presbyterian Hospital did not measure up to the proper qualifications." "it is an outrage to the people of this Commonwealth." continued Dr. Baldy, "for our hospitals have been run as private institutions, and not as the public deserves. The public funds are being misapplied when the people don't know what they are being used for. They ought to know what is an efficient hospital and what is not an efficient hospital. "Staff physicians should resolve themselves into an educational institu tion and instruct the young student physicians in the proper manner. Men are not competent and able to treat a patient properly when they have been turned out after only a few lectures. You have to instruct them how prop erly to administer treatment and es pecially anaesthetics. It Is absurd to think that a student learns anaesthesia in three months. "The laity should know these things and it is the duty of the physician to instruct in the proper way. The physi cian has the inside ear to these condi tions. but in the past he has not in structed the public as he should. Hos pitals are inadequate in this State, and to-day the hospitals of the country, taken as a whole, have not the equlp men that they ought to have. Every one should have a pathological and a clinical department. They pay their cooks and engineers, but the things that save the life of the patient they won't pay for." Dr. Baldy pointed out that there are 218 hospitals in Pennsylvania and that last year the appropriation of only one hundred were approved. He prophe sied that of this number twenty-five will drop this year, for Governor Brumbaugh has asked for data rela tive to the conditions of various hos pitals in the State and the require ments for internship. War field in''The Auctioneer" - ;; " / • ' • • »" » _~: Will present a revival of his lirst great success. One of Uii* most Important bookings' of (lie season at the Majestic is that of David Warfleld whom David Belasco will present there on Thursday even inn. April 15, in a revival of his lirst great success, "The Auctioneer." A new generation has come into tho theater since this play's last perform ance eleven years ago, to whom Mr. Warfleld's creation of Simon Levi will appear in the light of a novelty. But the older generation remembers with affection, the reincarnation of the old Hester street secondhand dealer and auctioneer. who grew ambitious, branched out into the luxurious sur roundings of a l-exinurton avenue home and then returned sadder and wiser to the locality where he had first made his fortune. Mr. Warfleld has not ap- P» ared in tills comedy since he played "The Music Muster" five years ago. The supporting cast numbers fifty and is said to include all of the living members who were in the original production with Mr. Warfleld thirteen years ago. Mail orders accompanied by remittance and s-lf-addreased stamped envelope will Ijo received now.—Advertisement. sPKCIAii I:ASTI:IJ OWKK A iarge gilt-framed picture, sine iOj: 16. given with eevry 25c purchase of While Floating soap or a 25c bottle of furniture polish. This is positively the best offer ever made to the public. See this offer in our window. Grand Union Tea Company, 20S North Sec ond street.—Advertisement. SU . LULU IMtSEJIENTS PHOTOPLAY TO-DAY Thr finat SOBB-lllt of die Sea. moii, hlmiwu in feet of Motion I'leturt'K. "It's a Long, Long Way to Tipperary" A iicnutifiil 8-act dramatic pro duct I tm. lliirrlMhiirK'n Boy Soprnuu, A. II MM Ml, will kIII«: thity popular lit cncli piTfornmiUT, ♦THE MIM.ION AIItR'M 111 \ HltCI) DOLLAR 111 1.1.,** :t-recl llromlvmy Star Vltnurnpli. JoheNewasis Shoe Maker see no Classier Shoe on Easter Sunday than.the- / Wm uptrmU 137 NBWAKK I X f-K/nrr-Storew !m 97 CiUn "SAVE -.A ~DOLLAR"jg) i&QUK created them. We put flHf the $3.50 value in every stitch and seam of their iE|ttfcfc. SB Ira making, and an individuality VH&taA 289 that you can never get away tB from. Never were shoes more I ifSjJF alert with style. «* jKisfr And you may be sure that if it t,D were not WE, TIIGIR MAKERS, T^H^B^ORQ < y p 1 " who sold them direct to you at our I T TflllK FACTORY $2.50, no /^ =========== 1F =====^= 1 more than two million men iath^ Newark Shoe Stores Co., (HARRISBURG BRANCH) 315 MARKET ST., Near Dewberry Otli«r \eunrk Storm noiirliy: York, ItemlfnK, Altoonn. ilnltlmorc, I.ancniitcr. ••Open Saturday eveulugN until JO.ISO o'clock to uccoiuiiioilnte our cuMtovucru/' ~ 137 Stores in 97 Cities. __ VETO IX SWINGS ON TWO MORE BILLS Governor Ends Career of Bill Regulating Admission of Attor neys to High Court Governor Brumbaugh has vetoed the .Senate bill which would have re quired the appellate courts to admit attorneys who are members ol the bar of lower courts. "The admission of an attorney to practice before a court is a judicial act,' says the Governor. "The intent of this act 1B to compel the appellate courts to accept the judicial act of a lower court. This Is clearly in contravention of our whole judicial procedure and is unconstitutional." The Governor also vetoed the Mouse bill providing a secretary for the dis trict attorney of Allegheny county, holding that ho did not think the additional expense entailed was jus titled. Twelve bills were approved by the Governor, as follows: House Hills Authorizing Harrisburg, York ami other third class cities to extend water mains beyond city limits and to supply water in territory where there is no water company operating. Transferring $(>,000 from cold stor age inspection fund of the Dairy ami Food Commissioner to the chemist's fund. Refunding $21.50 to S. 1.. Stayman, York, for money erroneously paid the state for a license. Repealing act of April 23, 190!), re quiring road supervisors to erect and maintain foot bridges. Transferring sr>oo of funds of (Quar antine physician at Philadelphia. Requiring certificates of address of judgment creditor to be filed with pro thonotaries and requiring such officers to Kive to county commissioners monthly lists of all judgments entered with addresses of creditors. Senate Bills Increasing fees of district attorney of Allegheny county. Authorizing second class cities to appropriate money to historical so cieties. Authorizing Allegheny county com missioners to make appropriations to historical -societies. Empowering second class cities to construct and lease street car tracks and equipment. Validating municipal liens for street improvements iu boroughs. Amending acts- governing appoint ment and salaries of clerks or regis ters of wills in counties having over 150,000 population where there are aeimr&te orphans' courts. Athletics Are Defeated; Phillies Showing Form Special to The Telegraph Columbia, S. C., April 2.—Columbia took th«> Athletics down a peg yes- j terday whon they administered a 7 to 5 defeat. Alvaress. a Cuban twirler for 1 Columbia, kept the hits well scattered. I Rush and Davis occupied the mound ' for the visitors. The Athletics met I the 1-tißhmond team this afternoon and j will remain In the Virginia town for a game to-morrow. At Norfolk the Phillies smothered j the nine in a slaughter match. Kit- ! teen runs were scored on the Phillies' I side of the sheet when the umpire called off hostilities. Eight bases on balls in the sixth made the name a march Instead of sport. The Mo ran j bunch is now camping at Washington. Let Your j 11 Easter Hat $£ * J 11 p7/ bea 1 f "United" Hat \ / § • / .the ' a ONE PRICE $3 VALUES | Factory to You One Small Profit D| out of every three well-dressed men will Ej gl II wear a UNITED Hat on Easter morning— 9 |t* Phlladelphians are getting wise to the fact that 9 ijQj we give them $3.00 values and $5.00 styles for $1.50. SI M There's no need for you to pay more. New Derbies and Soft Hats in all the correct shapes and Spring colorings—the 0 hats for the American Gentleman at a price fair to g F§ his purse. Wear a "UNITED" hat and savo a dollar 3 ga fifty. • |j | UNITED HAT STORES, Inc. ii 3rd and Market Sts., Harrisburg, Pa. 0 STORES IN PIUNCIPAI, CITIES a E3 Ma " ° rdcr9 B repaid. Send Your Sl/.o □ w ■ ■ ■"■ a | a Other big league scores for yesterday afternoon follow: Detroit 7, Mem phis 0; Cincinnati 7. Chattanooga Chicago Nationals 7, New York Ameri cans 0; Boston Nationals 6, Cleveland 0. Friends of Mr. Disbrow Will Serve as Carriers funeral services for Charles A. Dis brow, who died Wednesday evening, will be held at the home, 1815 North Front street, to-morrow afternoon at - o'clock, the Itev. Dr. J. D. Fox, of Grace Methodist Church, officiating. lJurial will be private in the Harris burg Cemetery. The pallbearers will be Dr. .T. W. Ellenberger, Charles S. 8011, John I*. Mellick, V. Grant Forrer,, Frank A. Smith. William Pavord, D. S. E. Parthemore and L. V. Fritz.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers