t Victrolas-- 11 SI I Entertainment l|||B|i| f Whenever You Wish Temperament the characteristic W found in so many artists, is never ™ j found in the artist's representative yl —the Victrola. . The artist's work is there —in any record you place on the Victrola. Temperament doesn't enter into it—the artists will sing. And encore if you so desire. Your entertainment may be for minutes or hours — you are the one to decide. With a Victrola in your home, the entertainment is solved for all time. Con sult us for Victrolas on easy terms. Hear any records you wish in our Victor rooms. Victrolas, S1 •"».()() to Rothert's 312 MARKET ST. CONVEYS f.HKim\GS <,7< Runyan CONFEItKNCK TO UOVKRNOR , p"eac hed Lt Sunduy. The Rev. Robert W. Riinyan. who ! was returned for another year as pas- ■ Don t overlook the many opportunl tor of St. Paul's Methodist Church, I ties that arp offered for effecting sav tarried greetings to Governor Martini in *-' s 118 we " as niaking money in the Brumbaugh and official endorse- classified ads. To-night there are op tuent of his attitude and activities i n port unities in real estate, chickens, the effort to obtain local option, from ! nlltoß - positions, household goods and the Shamokin conference and also >"any other lines. Turn to the class!- | lied page NOW. I Nature undoubtedly intended Florida as the world's greatest 1 I source of supply for oranges and grapefruit. Grown here they I f§ reach the greatest perfection. The soil of the citrus fruit sec tion I H of Florida produces orange and grapefruit treo» of unusual vigor. I Sfl Florida showers and sunshine supply just the elements needed to 1 H rij>en into rich, spicy, juicy and sweet oranges and grapefruit the I HJ product of these fine trees. They gather sweetness as they ripen. I ■ Florida's Soil and Climate Give to Her I I Oranges and Grapefruit Surpassing Quality I I Realizing that the producers' prosperity The Exrhanpe ia'risU that its members I I depends_ finally upon the consumers' send to market only tree-ripened fruit. I S satisfaction, progressive orange and handled by white-gloved workers. No I ■ (frapefruit growers of Plorida have matter what grade of fruit you buy, I I formed the Florida Citrus Exchange, a you will get your money's worth if the I | co-operative, non-profit-making associ- red mark of the Florida Citrus Ex- I I ation for mutual protection aial benefit. change is on boxes and wrappers. AMt'SKMKXTS AMI'SF.MI'.NTS j Palace Theater 333 Market Street fIOMC OF THE I.NIVEHSAL PROGRAM FRIDAY, MARCH 26th "THE AVENGING DENTIST," featuring Billie Ritchie In 2 Reels. Yon *tIII fttirdy wnut In Mnrfln Hrown and lUn/lka Dolly In D.WCE Mcmiujt All tlic in iluiiclnt;, ANo a one-reel Hex, "SI I II IS 1,11 I!." "TIIE HI XAWAY lIiOSET/' Sterling. CI on ins the fthow vxlih the fnniouM \nlmated Weekly, shoulnff all the latent hupiM-nlnu* of the iln.v. Admission All Seats, 5 Cents The nilnilftxloii priee :it (lie I'Hlaee villi be 5 cent* except Saturday | DiKlitn nml liolldayM, 10 (rum, REGENTTHEATER THi:V C'AXT STOP TO-DAY AND TO-MORROW TILLIE S PUNCTURED ROMANCE AT THE HECiENT THE A TEH. THIS (.HEAT COMEDY HIT OF FILM- i DOM IN SIX HEELS AIM'EAHS AT THE BRA I TI Fi"l< THEATER TO-DAY AM) TO-MOHHOW WD THE t'Ol HT SAYS IT'S O. K. Mnrle Drc*»ler. fburlCM t'liaplln and Mnhol Normand, the three icreat comedy ntarn In movie*. \ Iniißh. A otcrcstm. ADMISSION—Sc AND 10c IN A CLASS BY ITSELF The New $25,009 Pipe Organ Orchestra Termed the pipe* organ with the human voice. "A WOMAN OF IMPULSE" la our apeeinl feature for to-day nitd is an exceptionally utronc offer ing lu four part*. VICTORIA 8 Royal Dragoons 6 Musical Gormans Claire Rochester A Wonderful Instrumental I Five Other Excellent Keith Musical Act Hits. And 3 Other Features Do You Believe in War? ~ c as well as See Henrietta Crossman Moving Pictures Next Week in Matinee, 5c and 10c. Evening "Thou Shalt Not Kill." 10c and 15c. FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 26, 1915. HE WET IS ! PRESENTED TO POST i i Patriotic Review in Courthouse Attended by Hundreds of Veterans The Maine Memorial Tablet, made iof metal recovered from the battle | ship M-.ine sunk In Havana harbor ■February 15, 1898, was formally pre-j | scnted by the United States Govern-1 I ment to Captain Howard L<. Calder j [Post. Xo. 31, Veterans of Foreign Wars ' jof the United States, at the ilrst an-1 nual entertainment and patriotic edu- i Icational review in the Courthouse last 1 I niKht. Senator E. E. Beidleman acted in behalf of the government anil made the presentation speech in the ab- j sence of Congressman A. S. Krelder, j who was unable to attend. The audience of several hundred in-1 eluded members of Grand Army posts, | Sons of Veterans and Spanish War i Veterans. Members of Post 58, G. A.! 11., marched in uniform to the Court house. The tablet was unveiled by Miss Charlotte M. Heist, as Buglers Braun, Smith and Uoblnson sounded "to the colors." It will be placed at : the post's headquarters at present, but { later may be kept in some public i place. E. 1.. Wagner gave a lecture on! Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippines. | with stereoptioon views. Miss Kuth A. j Woolcott sang a solo and the Ruther- 1 ford Y. M. C. A. Glee Club and this j audience sang. Mrs. Charles Lawrence ' was accompanist. Lieutenant Frank j A. Awl spoke on "Veteran Orders," anil Miss Moeslein recited. The Rev. J. C. Fornerook made the invocation. SORROW'S SHADOW Some days, when I am drest in shim mer-stuff. With yellow roses at my breast and hair; When just the air and sunlight seem enough To make the whole world delicately rai e; When people love me, and I them, and t all My heart is like a hill-brook's lilting call: Then, if I pass Her. in her dim black | dress. With heavy eyelids darkened by old tears. I feel a sudden clutch of loneliness: 1 stare down vistas of unsparkling years. . I And there behold myself, clad close in < ! black. With tired brows, thin hands, and j aching back i Oh. Sorrow's Shadow! let me be awhile! I I Wreck not my happy yellow roses; ' set !No watch upon my sudden cry and smile. j Why should I not forget—ah, half- j forget!— i That Sorrow's Self will meet me some strange day. I And take my hand, nor let me dance away. I —Fannie Stearns Davis, in Harper's; ! Magazine. HER ADVANTAGE | A mermaid sat on a high sea rock, ! And combed her golden hair. I For the rocks are mermaids' own bou doirs. I As everyone's aware. She combed It with a pearly comb. I And loud and clear sang she. j "It mays he hot where mortals are, , But 'tis cool enough for me." She tossed her golden tresses back ! Down in a gleaming shower. Then dived among the waters clear Into her coral bower. And as she sat on masses soft (if sea moss, caroled she. "I rare not where the mercury climbs, 'Tis cool enough tor me." I So warm waves came where soon she swam, | All cool waves were her lot, Their -Measant laps of luxury Marked every resting spot, And as she reveled in those waves, Far from heat's misery. She sang, "Is't hot enough for you? 'Tis cool enough for me." ■—Baltimore American. BAD BREATH Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get at the Cause and Remove It. Dr Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub stitute for calomel, act gently on the bowels and positively do the work. people afflicted with bad breath tlnd ciulclt relief through Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. The pleasant, sugar-coated tablets are taken for bad breath by all who know theui. Dr Edwards' Olive Tablets act gent- I lv but tlrmly on the bowels and liver, stimulating them to natural action. ! clearing the blood and gently purifying the entire system. They do that which dangerous calo mel does without any of the bad after effects. All the benefits of nasty, sickening, irrining cathartics are derived from Dr. I F.lwards' Olive Tablets without grip ing. P~ln or disagreeable effects of any j ki "ir F. M. Edwards discovered the i formula after seventeen years of prac tice among patients afflicted with bowel and liver complaint with the at tendant bad breath. Dr Edwards Olive Tablets are pure lv a vegetable compound mixed with o'Hve oil. you will know them by their olive color. Take one or two every night for a week and note the effect. ICo and 25c per box. All druggists. The Olive Tablet Company. Colum bus. O. AMUSEMENTS = N Free Moving Pictures every evening 7 to 11 P. M., Palace Confectionery, 225 Market street. PHOTOPLAY TO-DAY' BROADWAY-STAR PRODUCTION The Radium Thieves In « reels, featuring riIAItI.KS i KENT—LEO DELANEV nnd LEAH j BAIRD. To-morrow I* CHAPLIN DAY I CHARLBS CHAPLIN, thnt Funny Gay, featured In "A NIGHT IN THE | PARK." Ilroßil"nj-Stnr Feature at Photoplay To-day. i MAJ BSTI g* TO-NIGHT AT 8.15 Charles Frohman prcienti MAUDE ADAMS lu J. M. Ilnrrle'* Comedy QUALITY STREET SHU* to (in!. Koncrvrd. 75c :: Many Hearts Have We Made Happy With Our FREE SOUVENBRS and Our Prafit-Sharing L SUIT andTyFWSJ CASH and CREDIT PLAN far EASTER | i —— HA nnii ,re . rurß „„ . Mlal Our Former Patrons and New I\PBICES NEVER 88 LOW fea Qnes Are clamoring for These I W CASH & i beautiful Ladies' Suits, Coats and I If You Have ll a ' B Saturday Night. MAN OF THE ' Open Nights Till 8 You^oteest. O LAST CALL (Wff£^< M ' n ' S S " HS & 5 DRESSES SATURDAY ONLY. YOUR CHOICE. I Choice at .... $9.90 VOU FARMERS SAY DEER DAMAGE ORCRARDS Want Legislation Put Through That Will "Protect Them From the Critters" The Legislature is hearing from the forested section of tho State where the Statu has placed deer and is protecting them. Farmers and fruit growers who have cultivated the cleared spaces in the valleys and have planted orchards on the mountainsides are complaining of the ravages of the deer on their crops. Heavy lines are stipulated for those who kill the deer out of season, and those in the State's preserves are rigidly protected. Since Spring has come and the fruit trees are beginning to bud deer are said to be coming out of the forest preserves and eating tender shoots off the fruit trees. They commit ravages in the wheatfield and among other crops in the lower lands, and the farmers and fruit growers do not dare to shoot the marauders. The game bill, introduced by Representative J. E. Phillips, of Clearfield county, has a provision that deer which invade and destroy a farmer's crops may be shot. Representative Charles Walter, of Chambersburg, has received several appeals from constituents In the wood ed sections of Franklin county. One man up near Mont Alto writes him, "if you want to prove yourself a pub lic benefactor and earn undying fame as a legislator put some legislation through which will allow us to shoot these pesky critters. If they keep it up much longer. I won't have any c rops at all in my mountain orchards. \Ve daren't shoot them for fear of the law, and they just dote on tender fruit tree shoots." Another man has written him that the deer have Invaded his fields and are eating up his early crops. British Say U-29 Has Been Sunk; Captain Killed London, March 2G.—The British ad miralty announced last evening that it is believed the German submarine U-2S, which recently In twenty-four hours sank four British and one French steamship in the English Channel and damaged three other ves sels. had been sunk with all hands. The U-29 displaced 800 tons and was one of the largest and fastest of the German undersea boats. She made her record raid oft' the Scilly Islands and in the Channel. If the admiralty's information Is correct, the British are rid of the most destructive of all the German under sea raiders which have been preying on their shipping. Also a gallant offi cer, looked upon as Germany's most daring submarine navigator and an opponent praised by his enemies, has been killed. According to\a letter from the cap tjiin of the steamship Headlands, one of the ships sunk by the U-29, that submarine was commanded by Captain Otto Weddigen, who won fame and the iron cross on the U-9 earlier in the war by sinking the British cruisers Hogue, Aboukir, Cressy and Hawke. Do ocoming events cast their shadows before? Yes! Emphatically, yes! To the man or woman who has the push and go—the determination to succeed, a hint alone brings as much as repeated entreaties would to the less determined. And you have the push and go! So here is the hint. In Telegraph classified ads from day to day appear offers and appeals which ought to lead you to bigger, better ways. Turn to the classified page NOW —Read them and profit. Mexicans Insult U. S. Flag Following Murder Washington, March 26.—Secretary Bryan remarked to-day that when Za patistas attached and killed John B. McManus, an American citizen, at his home in Mexico City the invaders tore down and partially destroyed an American flag flying over the Mc- Manus house. The Secretary stated. Ladies' Newest Millinery Boots Unusually clever Military lace boots of patent coltskin and gun metal, with gray, brown or black cloth tops, made on stagy short vamps or the long slender effects. Specially Priced at $1.98 V" Factory-Outlet Easter Fsotwear \ of Charm and Character / / Never were so many varied and distinctive Spring styles ! shown anywhere, nor at such Economy Prices as one will / //i ll find here now. j||j^ Ladies' Colonial *1 f Baby Doll Pumps') / 11 f'llj; ill Pu MI |is, patent colt ladies Cravenette for growing fflrls. Mil I ill\ vamps, with black Button Boots, tips or Broad roomy toes, 1111 111 I i '111! Itt\ Kid or I*awn < loth plain toes* priced as shapes with flat wide ]/ J 111 l I /111 F,\ quarters made in * . ' heels. Patent colt I I'l I\ln\ new smart lasts; s|>e- usual an ,j „„„ metal; spe- I I 111 IHW daily priced at cially pi-iced at I I 111 I fimiU $1.98 si.9B $1,98 Little boys' gun metal calf button and blucher QQ ' |l/u Shoes, specially priced at t/OC J, jj |||jj /Ijj jily^ Ladies' Fine Viol Ladies' jII ■ lljiljj/lj 111 I \ Kid Juliets, with or Comfort Shoes for Ladies' Fine Viel II I SI! A. without tips, rubber tender feet, fine vici Klll K | lo ~, I I fl/ I ' I %. heels: specially kid in lace or button. Dress Shoes. jMII Ml I 11 /ffl a priced at ™ , i!sun, h ° o,S; pr,COtl »»" value, at I 111 f,| , 98c J 1 Si 98 J , 98c J VERY SPECIAL Ladies' $4.00 Patent Colt Button j 1I |\ \\! Boots; hand-turned soles; black cloth tops; plain toes; celluloid covered heels; principally narrow tfj 1 AQ J widths. Specially priced at «j) JL *%/0 \fX f f *\ f \ Men's Tan Russia Calf Men's Gun Metal Blucher Men's Black and Tan Button and Blucher Shoes. Shoes; good value at $2.00. 0 *oi - -v *■* $3.00 value. (fclQO Specially <M/IQ ® C ° U * ,$ 1 .98 at <P± i/O priced at .... M> 1 .Hbi/ Priced as usual,^ v t v i 1 FACTORY-OUTLET SHOE COMPANY Walter L. Stern, Mgr. 16 N. 4th St. that the flag incident was set forth in the original report ofthenuirder by the « Brazilian Minister, who is in charge of United States interests in Mexico City. The Secretary said that a request for ■ reparation for the indignity to the . flag was sent at the time, but he did ; not reveal what form it had taken, i He denied, however, that there had i been any request for a salute of the flag. Secretary Bryan said that while re- i gret had been expressed for the killing i of McManus, ho did not recall that ' any regret had been expressed for tlio . Hag incident. A messenger reached Mexico City > to-day from General Tomas Urbina, of 1 the Villista forces, saying that ex | President Gutierrez and several of his ! former cabinet members bad been kill ed in a light at Palmas Gordas, State ■ of San Luis Potosi. 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers