14 jerry on the Job By Hob an THREE BASEBALL BOOSTERS ARE AT THE HEAD OF DAUPHIN TEAM |. **»*»*■ Jm Jm I w'al sBBBP . JM On left Dr. William P. Clark, presi dent; right. Dr. A. C, Coble, treasurer; bottom, H. I. Gerberich, manager. Final Plans Come Up at Meeting Next Week; Early Work on Field Special to The Telegraph Dauphin. March 27.—Baseball will get another big boost when the Dau phin Athletic Association meets next week to take up final plans. Enthus iasm in this town is running high. Dauphin's team will go hot foot after the Dauphin-Perry League pennant. The affairs of the local club are in good hands. Dr. William P. Clark, the president, and Dr. A. C. Coble, treas urer, are active in securing funds to kepp the team in good shape all sea son. The manager, 11. I. Gerberich, is lining up a strong aggregation. Ai res. lywrenty or met* oanuKimes ham been secured, and practice will start within the next three weeks. Work on the field i 3 under way. Bleachers will be erected and other improvements made. BESCIIEK GOES TO ST. LOVIS "Muggsy MrGrnw Closes Deal by Which IViritt Comes in Exchange Special to The Telegraph St. Louis, Mo., March 26.—-Bob Bescher. outfielder on the New York Nationals, yesterday became a mem ber of the St. Louis Nationals, thereby completing the deal in which W. D. (••Poll") Perritt went to the New \ork club. , , Miller Muggins, manager of the local Nationals, announced to-night he had received a telegram from Manager Mc- Graw of the New York team accepting the St. Louis club's offer for Bescher, but he refused to make known the terms of the deal. NEW BOWLING RECORD Special to The Telegraph Peoria, 111.. March 2d.—W. H. Pierce, of Pueblo, Col., rolling in the singles as the American Bowling con gress, last night, broke all A. B._ C. records when he rolled a total of 711 | pins. The previous high record was held by T. Haley, of Detroit, who rolled 705 in 1910. A collar masterpiece. Ide p°J Collars I SIDES & SIDES HHHRBMffinnnVIHHI AMUSEMENTS Are You o Guilty f My clew leads to your home. The Mayor. Chief of Pblice and Big Men of your town are involved. l,Sanford Quest Scientific Criminologist am on the trail LookOut forthe"*flHP FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 26, 1915. Sf 188 IgHESfI mm More English Pheasants For Breeding Purposes Special to The Telegraph Philadelphia, March 26.—Eighteen hundred ring-necked pheasants were brought to this port yesterday by the British Steamship Cardinian.from Glas gow. The birds were consigned to the Pennsylvania Fish and Game Commis sioners, and will be distributed throughout the State for breeding pur poses. This is the second lot to ar rive this week, the others coming on the British steamship Dominion. When the Sardinian arrived yester day she had no name at either bow or stern. She also was painted a dull gray, to resemble a battleship. The vessel sailed from Glasgow March 8 and from Liverpool March 9. Just after leaving Liverpool she received a wireless notifying her that two Brit ish coasting steamships, the Princess Maude and the Kilkone. had been sunk by German submarines. Until well out of the "war zone" the vessel ex tinguished all of her lights at night. Central High Loses to Patrician Girls •"entra! high "co-eds" lost to Patri cian girls at York last night, score 15 to 12 The game was hard fought, "Jth teams putiing up a brilliant game on th« door. The game was tied up by Central girls and an extra period was played. Miss Melville and Miss Rauch were llarrisburg stars. Miss Pohlman and Miss Smith piaved the best game for York. The line-up and summary follows: Harrisburg. York. Melville, f. Pohlman, f. Kamsky. f. Heiges, f. Rauch, c. Smith, c. Richards, g. Shuman, g. Rote, g. Carr, g. Field goals, Pohlman, 3; Heiges, 1; Shuman, 1: Melville, 2; Kamsky, 1. Foul goals: Melville, 6 of 13; Pohl man, 5 of 8. Referee, Hollinger. Time—2o minute periods. LAFAYETTE I,OSES TO FEDS Special to The Telegraph Fayetteville, N. C„ March 26.—Af ter winning three straight games, La fayette lost to the Baltimore Feds yes terday by a score of 8 to 2. This was | Bender's first appearance, and he seemed to be !n his old-time form. | The college boys scored two runs while he was on the mound. In the fourth inning, with one man down, Troxell got the first hit of the game, a single to left field. Helfrieh then hit a triple to the same field, scoring Troxell. On Wright's infield out Helfrieh scored. PUBLIC BASEBALL MEETING Special to The Telegraph Halifax. Pa., March 26.—A public meeting of baseball fans will be held Monday evening, March 29, in the band hall above the post office. All inter ested in the welfare of the Halifax team are requested to be present. We live In a progressive age, in a time that has demonstrated that the talk of opportunity coming but once in a lifetime is a fallacy—or in the language of the street, "plain bunk." We live in the classified ad age, in the time when opportunities come with every sunset. Don't expect your opportunity to come up and tap you on the shoulder with a greeting of "Here I am, old top!" Look for your opportunity on the Classified Ad page of this paper every duy. Turn to it NOW w S t y ie f° r *'7 Styleplus #l7 Mi Clothes *" T«»Bf MAU RECI3TCRCO ~"The same price the world over." SSPSH The style in Styleplus is accepted as a matter of course by the men who wear I In fact the very name implies style— Style plus a number of other qualities which combine to make these clothes absolutely unique and of exceptional value. >1 Everything a fastidious dresser demands trl * n c^ot^es * s found in Styleplus. The W$ lively, correct fabrics; the design that |1 gives youth and vigor; the build and the H the |o wearer il J I THE■Hlic© Market St., - Harrisbutg, Pa. Rcii,,et * I I'llIVATI: ROOMS FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS Union Trust Co. r0 of Pcnna. Fireproof Storage CSHffilraffl Union Trust Buildinz ! WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION Cumberland Valley Railroad ! TIME TABLE j Harnsburg Storage Co. TKimß i;r,aL ! r' V«— // _ I«'or Winchester and Martlnsburr at ' 437-445 SOUTH SECOND STREET 6:03, *7:50 a. m.. *3:40 p. ni. u - For Hagerstown, Chambersburg. Car lisle, Mechanlcsburg and intermediate _____—„ _____— stations at 5:03, '7:60, *11:63 a m — Additional trains for Carlisle and T XI L 117 «. k J '■ m -**'• Iry telegraph Want Ads i i ; aa«a a A I(v )} 'Daily. All other trains dalljr except — ' v" Sunday. H. A. RIDDLE, — j. h. TONGEI. U. P. A.
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