EITHER FEME IEACIES HE TELEGRAPH CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT DIED HSWARTZ On March 19. 1915, at Pltts- I burgh, George E. Swartz, aged 00 I years. , ■ Private funeral services will be held ■on Monday afternoon, at 2:30 o clock. :om his late residence. 1514 BerryhlU ■ ireet. Burial private. Harrisburg H>'r/netery. MrKSCURE On Friday morning. March | 19, 1915. Alice Motter Lescure, wife 1 of William J. Leseure. I Funeral services Monday afternoon. I March 22. 1915. at 2 o'clock, at her residence. 803 North Second street. private. LOST I I/JST Saturday noon, plain gold watch. Initials on back. Is. E. w. if returned to 8 North Market Room 209. I u)ST Black and gold link chain. IS Inches long, between 12 L ver- street and the Capitol. Reward returned to No. 12 Evergreen street. I LOST OR STRAYED White anil bulldog, male: small round spot Hn center of head. Reward if returned ■ o 1851 Swatara street. FOUND I FOL'ND One stickpin on Straw- avenue. March 12. The owner ■nay aecure the same by proving prop erty, and paying for this advertisement. all letters to M.. 2296, care of I FOUND The way to end >'<""■ and aveing worries, by calling phone tor Eggert's Steam Dye and French Cleaning orks. 1.45 street. We call and deliver. HELP WANTED —Male of Chauffeurs will be Hieeded within three or four ■be city of Harrisburg for public taxi- | Bab service. Prepare >'°*"'S«rlf once , Buako application for training to Auto Bransportutlon Machine * Cameron street, Harnsburg. ra. B'uli and unlimited course, $3J.00. Both 300 Men Wanted Join our Pressing «hape Beamed and pressed and kept in sn V Bor one dollar a montU U suit* a B"onth>. This special Price is.for • ■.lonths only ' See U ® rJ .nrt we will fcr°- V Thi'7.fth U Century Cleaning and _____ 20 to 30 years old. J?.i Bn'cc for electric railway motormen and , ■onductors; S6O to SIOO '"° n ol , por tun I ty; Berience necessary; flne opportuni >. B" strike. Write immediately for ap Blication blank. Address R.. I"-*. care Telegraph. . 1 ■ TjTv WOMEN WANTED ■ — Gov- Bruni' : nt lobs $65.00 to : 130.00 month. B ' ' for Ust Positions now olUaluaW. N. V. 1 I GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS B'horough instruction, $3. lieturnedif H.it niiDolnted. Particulars free. Ameri- ■ 3n Civil Service School. Washington. ■"TPro sla A DAY easily to- with us. No capital or experl ■ !ue necessary. Write at once Walter B"">-y. Dept. A. S.. Alden street, I hlla wanted— Manager I A large manufacturing goods uie now on sale at letaw Btorcs in all leading cities, desires a Bvc. wide-awake, hustling Beutative in the Harrisburg teriitory. Ability as a salesman to B* lll on tlie rctail t ra(le as „ other salesmen, a man whose Ha>i experience will make lu« ablllit> Bnd efforts worth $50.00 pev week to B> l»n 011. Capital ot s:'l3o nece**° the Initial stock. Bflns ■tic, S if you can meet with these re- see Mr. Jack Hlakley, presenting the conipaiiy. Y L° the Plaza Hotel in llarriaburg. la., Monday, March 22 only. .OTICE —We have a proposition for married men between ages of am l 40 years, that can furnish best references and real estate bond. I H,,u havr had experience In selling at —direct to the consumer, you can ■;ik>' ironi $:lo to $35 per week, w-ith I'lient clianco of promotion. Ex perienced grocery clerks, laundry or Hkerv drivers preferred. Men who are Kt afraid ot work will be result get- | Guarantecil salary anil commis- , to start with. Can also use ten live house-to-house solicitors. Heiniv work for those making good. H|,plv. or write, stating experience, 1 Tea Co.. 269 Broad street. | HumCRM AMI I'Al'EHll A\GKRS w ARTBD > sell wall paper from sample books, i ■ e are the largest wholesale wall house In Central Pennsylvania 1 Hd carry the largest line of cheap and 1 papers on the market. attribute our success to our low 1 prompt shipments, and fair deal ■ Let us send you our 1915 line of on approval. Write to-day to Wall Paper Co.. 420 Market ' Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED to become practical and mechanics. As opportu ■tv affords students will be given Hanio while learning to earn 30c an 1 Bur on overhauling work. Make ap- ! at once. Special course for Day and night schools. Auto ! School and Machine -7 North Cameron street. I Bargains in j: I Real \. I" rout SI, Lot* J'j 100x170 ft., between Woodbine ■ and Etnerald streets. 32«4:. 123 northeast corner S ■ Front and Hamilton street. 2300 Agate St. Two-story brick with 5 rooms S 1 ■ and furnace—front and ■ back porches. I,ot 12'sx 1 *!. Price H fl,o.*>o; and on easy terms. 1011 Fulton St. <! 14x100 ft., improved with a 3- < | 1 H storj* frame house—S rooms—fur- <, ■ nace —front anil back porches. A <, ■ very special price until April Ist. % 1011 V Thlril St. { ► j Three-story brick—nine rooms < J ■ i.ath and steam heat. Lot ISx ■ Tills would make a good busl- «. ■ ness or professional location. < , 1 1003 S. Tnenty-neeoiKl St. 40x115 ft. (corner) Improved ■ with a 2-story frame house C ■ rooms—electric light—granolith- V ■ic walks. Special at »a,o<W>. CAMP HIM, Park \ venue—Plot 40x150 ft. S ■ Improved with a double 2^4-story S ■ brick and frame house - each % ■ side has seven rooms hath ! > ■ furnace cemented cellar —!> ■ front and back porches bay ■ windows on second floor. This nropertv is rented at $15.00 ■ a month, a side. At the price. ■ you will realize a safe 6 ■ per cent, on your money. <' ■ MILLER BROTHERS & CO. \\ REAL EST\TK { I ■ Fire Ta*nranee Surety H»nd* S Locust and Court Street , > SATURDAY EVENING. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 20, 1915. ( HELP WANTED—MAIJi I MEN. 20 to 30 years old, wanted at I once for electric railway motormen and ' conductors; sso to SIOO monthly: no ex -1 perience necessary: fine opportunity; ■no strike. Write immediately for ap- I plication blank. Address R.. 1523, care j of Telegraph. ] GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy ;to get. My free booklet. Y-572, tells how. Write to-day—NOW. Earl Hop kins. Washington. O. C. GET in on an $S a day proposition. No talking. Show and sale Is made. Write H. A. Mosby & Co.. 6003 Bartmer avenue, St. I.ouls, Mo. WANTED Men in all localities. S2O | weekly. Permanent position showing ■ samples. Large mail order house. Out -1 fit free. Highest references furnished. American Grocery Co.. Port Huron. ; Mich. ! $2,500 ANNUALLY. Co-operate with me evenings at home. Everything fur nished. Don't worry about capital, lloyd H. Brown. Omaha. Neb. SBO MONTHLY and expenses, to (ravel, distribute samples and take orders, or appoint agents: permanent. Jap-American Co.. Chicago. I WILL PAY honest men lip to SSO monthly Spare time. Home work. No canvassing. No capital. Mail Order Business. Voorhies. Desk 155. Omaha, Neb. WANTED Men wishing to earn three to five dollars per day. Write for terms Immediately. First National Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y. ILL PAT Reliable Man or Woman '12.50 to distribute 100 FREE packages Borax Soap Powder, with Soaps, etc., among friends. No money required. Ward Company, 216 Institute Place. Chicago. WANTED Two first-class house painters. No booze bolsters need ap ply. union men preferred. E. K. Ben nett, 1602 1 ? Logan street. WANTED—Carriage painter to work as second man. Howry & Son, wagon and auto works, Hummelstown. Pa. I WANT to hear from young men who are willing to spend all or part time as my assistants. Those accus tomed to office work preferred. Ad dress 2305, care of Telegraph. W.yCTED s2O to $35 per month extra money to any employed person without Interfering with regular work. No selling. No canvassing. Positively no investment. Unemployed need not apply. Address The Silver Mirror Co., Inc . 123 West Madison street, Chicago, WANTED An experienced moulder to make and cast bronze and bearing metals. State age. experience and hour I rate expected. Also give references, j Address 11.. 2301, care of Telegraph. ___________ _____«. AGENTS WANTED $5 Tu $lO A DAY easily made. Co-' operate with us. Xo capital or experi ence necessary. Write at once. l,odl j Co-operative Co., sG Prospect street, ! N. J. AGENTS Snappiest household line j 011 earth. Red-hot sellers, steady re- I peaters—loo per cent, profit. 250 light weight. fast-selling, popular-priced I necessities. Agent's outfit free. Get busy quick write to-day postal I will do. American Products Co.. 1667 American Building. Cincinnati. Ohio. SALESMEN lnvestigate at once our line of brand new specialties which appeals to high-class trade. Write for free booklet. Schuyler & Co., Blooms burg, Pa. WANTED Agents in every town. Best selling Household article. Start at once. Large demand tor goods. $25 to SSO a week. Success assured. In vestigate to-day. The Fredericks Nov elty Co., 110 Poplar street. Grove Citv, Pa. WE WILL PAT YOU $l2O to dls | tribute religious literature in your com munity. Sixty days' work. Experience ] not required. Man or woman. Spare time may be used. Zelglcr Co.. Phila delphia. Pa. AGENTS WANTED To sell new Sanitary Corks: opens and closes on bottle. Sells on sight. 25c brings sample and particulars. Ralph P. Elch engreen & Co., Drexel Building, Phila delphia. DON'T be an agent. Make S3O week ly. Co-operate with me evenings at home. Others are growing rich. 1 will help vou and furnish everything. Don't worry about capital. Boyd H. Brown, Dept. 10, Umalia. Neb. GROW RICH IN BUSINESS OF TOUR OWN Get out of the wage-earner's class. Your co-operation with our fac tory starts you with little capital dur ing spare time in your own home. We manufacture exclusive articles. No canvassing. Experience unnecessary. Write for booklet and proposition. Ad dress Pease Mfg. Co., Dept. D-60, tis Broadway, Buffalo, N. Y. AGENTS Make up to $35 daily, selling our New World Beaters, quick sales, big profits, no experience requir ed. Catalog and samples Free. Cruver Co.. Jackson and Campbell, Chicago. BIG KANSAS COMPANY WANTS you to co-operate with them evenings at home; make $3,000 and more yearly; no canvassing; no experience; fast-grow ing business; we furnish everything: write for unique selling plan. FREE. C. W. Eyestone, President., 87 East Fifth, Pittsburgh. Kan. OWN A BUSINESS 1.000 PER CENT, profit manufacturing Inks at home spare time. Capital and experience unnecesary. Enormous commercial de mand. Our secret formulas and sure selling plans Insure lucrative, steadily increasing business. No canvassing. Investigate immediately. Particulars free. E. B. Covert. Secretary. 6935-C939 Kenwood avenue. Chicago. 111. SALESMEN Our specialties inter est people who buy high-class goods. Write to-day for booklet. James Speci alty Co., Box 198. Fairmount, W. Va. WOMAN to take agency for house dresses direct from factory; average salary of present agents $6 per day; a great opportunity for reliable woman. The P. V. L. Co.. Desk U, 43C Fourth avenue. New York. AGENTS lf I had your name I could show you how to earn $25 to SSO weekly. Greatest seller in years. Over 700.000 sold In last six months. Every housewife WILL BUY ON SIGHT. Pos tal brings liberal roposition and Free Sample. Address Manufacturer, 1 Union Square. New York. AGENTS Everywhere. Large de mand for quick-selling household nec essity. S3O weekly. Investigate to day. Square Merchandising' Co., 516 Goepp street, Bethlehem. AGENTS—We have a splendid seller; something everybody needs. Big profits. Many repeat orders. Send for particu lars. Gehman Specialty Co., Box 17, Vernfleld, Pa. EVERY WOMAN NEEDS Every husband approves this necessity. Great help to young wives. Big profits. Lightning seller. Shurcell Co., 330 West End avenue. New York. AGENTS WANTED to sell Record Repeaters for Victor machines. No springs. Will last a life time. Sim pllcitv itself. Gives continuous music for dancing. Anyone can demonstrate and make SB.OO to SIO.OO every evening. Write me now for big commission terms. The P-V-L Co., Desk U, 434 Fourth avenue, New York. LADY AGENTS I h*ve pleasant, profitable and legitimate work for one girl or woman canvasser In eaeli terri tory; either all or spare time. Money and experience unnecessary. My ascents are actually earning $12.00 to S3K.no per week. If you mean business T will start you at my own expense. A. M. Younc. 4*o Younft's Building:. Kala mazoo, Mich. I SAIKSME.V WANTED WANTED Aggressive, live-wire , salesman. full Urn* or aide line, to sell our Well Known lino of Temperance 1 Drinks In the small country towns. Permanent position. 23 per cent, com mission. $30.00 weekly drawing ac i count. Red Cross Company. -06 South ! Main street. St. Louis. Mo.. Dept. 'A. SALESMEN WASTED Experience | unnecessary, easy work, big: pay. Write ! for large list of openings offering op i portunlties to earn SIOO to SSOO a month while you learn. Address nearest of fice. Dept. 241. National Salesmen's Training Association. Chicago. New i York. Kansas City. San Francisco. SALESMAN Acquainted with gro , eery trade; large demand; liberal com : mission; pocket sample. Wlrth Sales I Book Co.. Chicago. SIDE-UN? pocket samples; 10 mln- I Utes. $lO commission; high-grade men ! only; no other need apply. Advertising | Novelty Co.. Newton. lowa. i SAI.ESMEN WANTED for special line Winter Dry Goods and Blankets. ; factory to retailer. Fine side line for ■ traveling men. Liberal commission, i Bryn Mawr Mills. Philadelphia, Pa. SALESMEN, capable selling largest firms. Belting Specialty, which imme -1 diatelv interests. Commission enables , SSOO monthly. Future for a business ! getter. Cleveland Core Compound Co., Cleveland. HELI* WANTED—FemaIe i WANTED Girls over 16 | years of age to learn cigarmaking. Paid while learning. Apply Har risburg Cigar Co., 500 Race street. LADIES—For home work. Nothing Ito sell. 25c an hour. Enclose stamp, i Rankin, Dept. 93, Hillsdale, Pa. | WANTED —An experienced child's II nurse. Apply to the Superintendent, Harrisburg Club, Front and Market streets. WANTED Ten thoroughly experi enced operators 011 power machines. Apply Jennings Manufacturing Co., 41-1- 416 State street. GET instruction trom an expert a • hortiiand naturalist, one who knows, i Learn on a blank keyboard. Ask my | students? Harrisburg Shorthand . School, f.l North Second street. Bell, 704 R. DO EASY, Pleasant Coloring Work at home; good pay; no canvassing; no experience required. Write Gleason Wheeler Co.. 337 Madison. Chicago. | LADIES lmmediately. Home work evenings. Addressing folding circu lars. etc. $3.00 per 1.000. No scheme. No ' canvassing. Excellent opportunity. Enclose stamp. Erina Specialty Co., I Toronto, Ont. ' MADAM Earn sls to $25 weekly. : Co—operate with me evenings at home, iNo canvassing. Everything furnished. | Don't worry about capital. I will help you. Boyd C. Brown, Omaha. Neb. 1 ANYONE, make sl2 weekly: copy let- I ters at home evenings; for quick an : swer enclose a self-addressed envelope, i Writer Company. 115 Mulberr- street, j Bristol. Pa. ' LADIES can make $lO weekly copy • ing. addressing and mailing samples; no canvassing. Particulars for stamp. American Co.. 2353 Orthodox, Philadel phia. FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. $25 to SSO per week. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co.. Dept. 520, Omaha, Neb. WANTED Good girl for general housework; small family. Apply 2220 North Third street. HELP WANTED—MaIe or Female WANTED—Railway Mail and Postal Clerks; examinations soon; over 2,000 appointments yearly; prepare at home; write for Plan No. 13, of payment after appointment. Philadelphia Business College; Civil Service Dept. Philadel phia, Pa. BILLY SI'VDAT'S MESSAGE and In ternational Bibles. We want several Men and Women to help distribut. I Spare time may be used. Get our terms. Wholesale Supply House, 25 | North Third street, top. SITUATION WANTED—liale WANTED Would like to have po | sition elevatorraan, or janitor; can fur nish best of reference. Call, or address, I 907 Sarah street. City. WANTED Young man. age 22, who lias three and one-half years' experi ence as grocery clerk, wishes to make a change; will furnish best of reference from oresent employer. Address It. J. D.. 122 Sayford avenue. WANTED A German familv, good, j sober, reliable man, about 30. is look ! ing for a place on a farm to work. Call I at 653 Mohn street. Steelton. I a ■ WANTED Stenographer, experi enced in shorthand, typewriting and general office work, desires position. (Address M., 2302, care of Telegraph. WANTED Position as shoe sales- I man by young, married man; several I years' of selling and factory experi ence: At references furnished. Address 1 Y.. 2300, care of Telegraph. I WANTED Position as second class '• baker on bread; four years' experience; I best of references. Address Edward [Borer, 302 South River street. I WANTED Young man. 18 years ' old. wants work of any kind: not afraid lof hard work. Call, or address, J. W. j S.. 2017 Wallace street. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Widow. 30 years of age. 'with daughter 11, wishes position as ; housekeeper for widower, 01* small fam ily, can furnish good reference. Ad dress F. G.. care of Telegraph. WANTED White woman, 28 years of age. desires housework, in city, with family of adults: can furnish good ref erence. Address B. R., care of Tele graph. WANTED By white woman, posi tion as cook in boardinghouse or res taurant: can furnish reference. Address C., 2303, care of Telegraph. WANTED Position as steno i grapher and typewriter by a young ! lady of one year's experience; can give I beat of reference; graduate. Apply to j Hox 275. Newport, Pa. WANTED —Experienced white girl ■ desires general housework. Address S., | 2298. care of Telegraph. ' WANTED ■— Youn*\ experienced j white woman desires position at gen- I eral housework; can furnish reference. ' Address Miss S.. care of Telegraph. I WANTED Dressmaker desires ; work 4>j the day. C. E. 0., IS2I North I Sixth. HEAL ESTATE FOR, SALE I FOR SALE 2518 Jefferson street; I new brick house; all Improvements; a ! bargain on easy terms. Inquire T. A. I Bell. 820 North Third street. FOR SALE Desirable bulKMng lota 1 in thj Tenth Ward, located on Fourth, ' Fifth. Schuylkill r.nd Atlas streets. |An opportunity for a builder or real 1 estate dealer to secure well located I property for development purposes. Ad | dres.r L. No. IS$7, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE City and suburban homes ard home sites—flrst-clasa busi ness propositions. Kough, Brightblll & Kline, Sixth and Reily. Both phones. | REAL ESTATE FOR BALE —EDOEWOOUS— (PouItry Business) running (Spring ' v '*»teri fine meadow, all klnda cooico Iruit (900 > bushel apples (1914). Home, Barn, outbuilding*, land mostly level (6> acres good (woodland). Only (half mile) to Trolley and btailroad Depot at large Market joining Susquenanna Kiver. (2i voting horses (1) fresh row (2) hogs isb) chickens, ducks, guineas and geese. All hay. straw, corn and oats. Farming Machinery. (42) acres onlv ($1,900); with everything above ($2,400). —mohnixgsux— City Market (and) Stale Hospital, Trolley and Railroad Depot and Beau tiful Kiver within (4) squares to Dandy i 501 acre farm, land level facing South, ' mostly New Buildings, water on porch. Choice Fruit (7) acres good woodland and great chance for Karly Vegetables. Remember (match team) horses, (2) fresh cows (6) hogs (60) poultry (40) bushel oats (50) bushel corn (a) ton hay and straw. Farm alone ($2,000); everything above ($2,700). Phone (7 to 8) Evenings. —ORCHARDKK— Only (mile) to Court House and City Market. (2) fruit orchards (meadow) running spring water, loam soil mostly level (13) acres good woodland. Handy to (3) Railroads and (2) Trolley Dines. (4) valuable horses (8) fresh cows (.) hogs (115) poultry, all hay, straw, oats and corn. Farming Machinery.(92) acre farm with (2) sots, of buildings only (53,500); with Stock (machinery) crops low price (S4.!M)oL Handy to shn inokln, Sunbury, Danville and Blooms burjc markets. GEOHUG R. OSTRAXDKH. Danville Telephones *unbur> Mornings (7 to 8) Evenings. FOR SALE—Three-story brick house, modern improvements, nine rooms, I front porch, ideal place for automobile garage on rear. 604 Woodbine street, opposite Camp Curtln school building. t ui U'lrns. apply above number. FOR SALE —$2 100 will buy_ an im proved frame house, lot 95x105, corner property, considerable fruit, chicken house. Inspect this property and other cheap property. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner building. FOR SALE —$1800 will buy a frame house, 8 rooms, hot water heat, lot 21 x 105, good location. Also other prop erties on easy payment. Bell Realty Co., Bergner building. FOR SALE —Store proposition for sale at Halifax, complete tixtures. Also several other stoic propositions for sale in different localities. Full particulars at Bell Realty Co.. Bergner building. FOR SAL. 15— 023 South Front street 2^4 -story frame, 7 rooms, bath and hot water heat, lot 16.4x87. Price, $2,000. 57S and 580 Showers avenue, 2%- story frames. 7 rooms each. Price SI,OOO. Rental income $9.00 each. Brinton-PaiJier Company. Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE 45 acres, o\* miles southwest of New Cumberland, frame buildings, running' water, lai go va riety of fruit. Price $2,300. Brinton- Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. HEAL ESTATE FOR KliNf FOR RENT llighfield, Blue Ridge Summit. near Pen-Mar, completely furnished, small bungalow— two min utes' walk from R. R. station and tele phone—l,4oo high, $75 season. Ad dress G„ 2280, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Three-story mansard roof houses. Nos. 132 Linden street and 157 North Fifteenth street: eight rooms each; water and gas. Apply C. F. Gohl. 1003 North Second street. Bell phono 899 M. FOR KENT—22S Boas, all improve ments, $28.00; 13 South Eighteenth, porch, steam heat, gas range, $22.50; 2000 Penn, $12.00; 1532 Wallace. $12.00; 2025 North Cameron, $12.00. Apply 815 Green street. FOR RENT 1718 State St $35.00 2227 N. Fourth St 23.00 70!) N. Eighteenth St 22.00 1821 Brlggs St 15.00 720 N. Nineteenth St 11,00 ISIO Brlggs St.. including up-to date and well equipped Green houses 35.00 A. S. MILDER & SON. Real Estate & General Insurance, 38 N. Court St. FOR RENT Modern, up-to-date home. Semi-bungalow, all conveniences, with gas. J. B. Mac Donald, 1808 Mul berry. FOR RENT First floor of building northwest corner of Court and Cran berry. Apply on premises. FOR RENT Three-story brick dwelling. 1) rooms, large pantry, all modern Improvements, cemented cellar, Rt 1004 Deny street. Apply Leßtle Lemer, 213 South Front street. Bell phone 323 M. %FOR RENT EP.ON EXTENSION COTTAGES Several very desirable seven and eight-room brick houses with furnace —bath front porch and lawn, sl4. sls and sl6. Miller Brothers & Co. FOR RENT Three-story brick eight rooms with all improvements front and rear porches with use of yard. Apply 531 Curtln street. FOR RENT Private rooms for Household Good# in new fireproof building. Clean and safe. Inspection invited. 437-445 South Second street, Ilarrisburg Storage Co. FOR RENT—At Dauphin, Pa., house with modern improvements, from April Ist. Address C. AV. Talley, Dauphin, Pa. BUSINESS PROPERTY on Nor'.to Sixth street for rent near Harris fair size storeroom all Improver-ants In house desirable location. Pos session April 1. Address Box 2295, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT No. 1413 Market St $26.50 No. 1530 Catherine St 16.00 No. 2016 Kensington St 10.50 No. 1019 S. 21 % St 10.00 -J. E. GIPPLE. 1251 Market Street. FOR RENT 1535 North Fourth Street; three-story »~-nsard roof; nine rooms; improvements; wide paved street; trolley passes the door: house In good condition: possession April 1. Apply to A. C. Young. 26 North Third street. Open evenings. FOR RENT Residence 931 North Third "treet; twelve rooms and bath; Immediate possession. Apply 613 Fors ster street, or 1719 Green street. FOR RENT MECHANICSBURG Two handsome, roomy homes, midst of best residence section. Handy to trains and trolleys. Hardwood throughout. All modern conveniences baths, ranges, hoatlng plants; gas. electric lights; many cupboards and closets, lawns, porches, balcony, solarium. Just the homes for Ilarris burg business or professional men. Many trains for commuters; commuta- I tion" cheap. Rent very reasonable. | Take a Mechanlcsburg trolley or train ' and Inspect these beautiful homes. ] After you do so. you will want no other. Also tine building lot. 80x140, In best residence section, for sale at reason able price. Walter L. Houck, Me cnanlcsburg, Pennsylvania. Bell phone 17 V. FOR RENT Three-story brick warehouse along P. & R. tracks, suit able for factory. Floor space. 30x45. Inquire. J. H. Sheesley, Hemlock street, Harrlsburg. Pa. LAND TO LEASE for trucking: rich soil. near city: rare opportunity. Farmers, know-hows, get busy, pull the stufT. attend market, make money. Elmer Zimmerman, 1435 Walnut. Har rlsburg. j FOR RENT No. 205 West State 1 street: three-story brick: city steam, j etc. Inquire 1904 North Second street. | Bell phono 22&4 R. lIEAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED To rent, or purchase, a small farm of about ten acres or less, located near station within twenty miles of Harrisburg. Address, giving full description of buildings, distance to station, price, etc., to P. O. Box 587, Reading, Pa. APAin .ME | OK KEAf f'OR RENT— Two apartments at No. 1121 North Third street. Second story apartment, four rooms and bath. $20.00. Third floor apartment, two rooms and bath, SIO.OO. Meat furnished. Applv at Room No. 212 Arcade Building, 219 AA alnut street. FOR RENT Housekeeping apart ment, 225 North Second street, second floor, 5 rooms, pantry and tiled batli. All rooms open on private hall. Sta tionary hall rack, laundry tub. Rental Including city vapor heat and hot water, $42,50. Apply 218 Pine street. FOR RENT • Apartment 1101 North Third street; all conveniences; steam heat. Apply 2«4 Herr street. FOR RENT Five-room Hat, heated and lighted, three rooms on first and two, wuii bath, on second floor, at 100 Hamilton street. Apply 1700 North Second street. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT, con" talning live rooms and bath: city steam heat anil all conveniences. Hoffman Apartments, Fifth and Market streets. FIRST FLOOR APARTMENT FOR RENT Six rooms and batU; large closets and pantry: all the modern con veniences. No. 60S North Third street, opposite Capitol Park. Apply to Dr. James. HOUSEKEEPING bay window front on Locust street. Tiled entrance, tiled bath; locker; hall phones; fully equipped kitchen. Apply Penna. Realty and Improvement Co., 132 Locust street. FOR RENT Apartments; also rooms for light housekeeping with all Improvements. Derry Block. Fourteenth ; and Derry atreets. Apply 1513 Vernon | street. I APARTMENT FOR RENT Third floor, four rooms, bath and kitchenette; bay wndow front; city steam heat: $30.00 per month: No. 18 North Third street. Apply Commonwealth Trust Co.. 222 Market street. FOR RENT Apartment, Ave rooms and bath. 925 North Third atreet. In quire 11. L. Mehrlng. 1410 North Sixth street. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT—Two large unfurnished rooms, all Improvements. Apply JtiJu North Seventh street, facing Hamilton street. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished second floor front room, very cool and com fortable in summer . time, private fam ily. Call. Bell phone 2324R, or 923 North Second street, FOR RENT Two rooms, also 3 rooms, completely furnished for light housekeeping; separate bells: hot water heat: gas range; all improvements: cor ner house; no children. 123S Klttatinny street. I'OU RENT Front room, furnished, in apartment. Second street, between Walnut and Locust: private family; ref erence required; rent. sl3 monthly; nice house; gentleman only; hoard if deslr- 1 ed. Applv "05 locust street. | FOR RKN'T Two nicely furnished rooms, for light housekeeping, with J use of heat, Kan, bath an<l telephone; ten minutes' to business district. Bell . phone 1012 R. Apply 1432 BerryhiU street. I FOR RENT —'Large. well furnish | ed room; gas; electric light; steam heat; use of bath: good location: sult ' able for man and wife or gentleman only. 5 North Thirteenth street. FOR RENT Four-room flat; all ] conveniences. Apply »■» SIC State street. | FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Gentleman desiring . cos.v room, private family, home com forts. fifteen minutes' walk to business section, address K., 2304. care of Tele graph. ! VNFURNISHED ROOMS I XFURMSHED ROOMS Built especially for light housekeeping, single or with kitchenettes, arrange ments strictly private, stoves furnish ed free, laundry, phone, and bathroom privileges. Private lockers for surplus furniture. Inquire office. 429 Broad street, or .lanitresx. same building. Dally Inspection invited. ROOMS AND BOARD FOR RENT Large front room, for either gentlemen or married couple,, with hoarding. Park Inn Boardinghouse, 328 North street. BOARDERS WA-iIED "OLD HOMESTEAD FARM," Spring and Summer: conveniences; Farm table: $K up weekly. Box 31, Manheim, Lancaster County, Pn.. R. 2. FOR SALE FOR SALE! CARDS on sale at th» Telegraph Business office. FOR SALE TRUNKS, SUIT CASES, TRAVEUNQ I BAGS, and all kinds of Leather Goods. , Special attention given to repair work. It will pay you to buy your Leather Goods from the Leather Merchants. Harrisburg Harness & Supply Company, i Second and Chestnut streets. DOORS FOR SALE at Gable s. 111-117 South Second street. All sizes. Cypress, White Pine and Fir Doors, Porch work. Sash. Shutters and Mouldings. 1 FOR SALE Two road horses, rub -1 ber-tired Jenny Lind. rubber-tired sur rev. market wagon and six sets of har ness. Call 214 Lincoln street, Steelton. Bell 6X or 6Y. FOR SALE Two cows and one heifer and a dairy outfit. 2017 Yousling avenue. FOR SALE One Chlckering up right piano, rosewood case, almost new; cost, S3OO. now $249. Terms, SIO.OO down, SI.OO per week. Winter Piano Co., 23 North Fourth street. FOR SALE Fifteen S. C. W. Leg horn Pullets, June hatched, all laying, 65c each. J. N. Yost. 232 East Water • street, Middletown, Pa. WHITE LEGHORN Hatching Eggs 1 for Bale, Youns-Wyckoff strain. SI.OO per setting —s6.Co per hundred. Also •totf; for sale. Address Elkview Poultry Farm. Speecevllle, Pa. FOR SALE ldeal China kiln, Stan dard sewing machine. Both will be sacrificed if sold before April 1. 234 Locust street. Steelton, Pa. I FOR SALE One Wessell upright . piano, mahogany case, good condition; . cost S3OO. now $1.39.50. Terms, $5.00 . down. SI.OO per week. Winter Piano Co.. 23 North Fourth street. s FOR SALE White reed coach. Ap plv 171 North Fifteenth street. ; FOR SALE One Arion upright piano, mahogany case, good condition; cost S3OO. now $139.50. Terms, $6.00 , down. SI.OO per week. Winter Piano Co., 23 North Fourth street. i I FOR SALE r will sell two coops . | S. White Lesrhorns 10 hens and a t I cockerel for sl2. Guaranteed trap . nesti'd from I). W. Young strain. Paul McDevitt Marietta. Pa. FOR SALE One Bradbury upright i piano, ebonlzed case, just overhauled; , cost $375. noW sll9. Terms. $3.00 down. 00 per week. Winter Piano Co., 23 North Fourth street. FOR SALE FOR SALE > — One Story & Clark plauo. walnut case, good as new, per tect condition; coat $450, now SIBB. Terma, $7.00 down. SI.OO per week. Win ter Piano Co.. 23 North Fourth street. FOR SALE One Harley-Davidson single motorcycle, free enslne, tandem, nearly new tires; Just overhauled; worth SIOO.OO. What is offered? Apply mornings, 3019 Locust street, Pen brook. PUBLIC SALE. SATURDAY. MARCH 27, 1915. at Dauphin, Pa., property of R. A.' Simmons. Entire household furnish ings, all kinds; lot of antique goods, lot of relics and curiosities. FOR SALE About 73 yards of hall carpet; in excellent condition. Cost originally, $2.00 per yard. Will sell very reasonable. Address P. O. Box 595, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Eggs for hatching from prize-winning White Wyandotte*, having won at 15 leading shows, $1,50 per 15 eggs Martin strain. William K. iVltmer, 1822 North street, Harrisburg, FOR SALE Toledo Scales. Com puting 30 pound capacity, drum shape 1 Blue) selling price 5 to $5 cents. Used but a short time. Cost $140.00. Will sacrifice. Inquire J. M. Shatzer, 529 South Sixteenth street, Harrisburg, Pa- Hell 2293 J. FOR SALE—S2SO.OO will buy a Ford delivery car. Phone 934. FOR SALE—Ford touring car in ex cellent condition; slip covers; extra and tube; ask for Roberts & Hoin, 334 Chestnut street, central Garage. FOR SALE Private sale. Bedstead, box spring, china closet, buffet, parlor suit, piano, hat racks, sewing machine, , other articles. 239 Forster street, from 2 to 4 p. in., each day. FOR SALE—IB-foot Oldtown canoe for sale. Apply 327 South Front street. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can b* secured at the Telegraph Business oiric©. FOR SALE AT GABLE'S, 113, 115 and Hi South Second street, 6,000 gal -I'inal New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. FOR SALE Jerntng strain Indian Runner Duck Eggs for hatching, SI.OB per setting. $7.00 per hundred. Stock also for sale. Elkvlew Poultry Farm, Speecsrille. Pa. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and Bosrd and Table Board at 2Bc eaoh. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad- It paid In advance. Inquire at Office or Telegraph. FOR RENT FOR RENT Second floor room 3.100 ;iquare feet, for light manufactur ing purposes. New building. Call at premises. Twelfth and Herr streets. OFFICES FOR nEJi'F FRANKLIN BUILDING. LOCUST AND COURT STS All outsido rooms —city steam heat elevator and jani tor service reasonable rentals. Mil ler Brothers & Co.. Opp. Post Office. FOR RENT Room 3500 square feet floor space, suitable for storage or light manufactur ing purposes. Inquire J. Rhoads, Cowden and Forster streets. WANTED WANTED Moderate-priced office room, first floor, or part of store with demonstration window. Address 0., 2299. care of Telegraph. SB.OO PER HUNDRED PAID for names and addresses. Steady work. Stamp for particulars. Address Box 200-48, Station N, Baltimore. Md. WANTED Guinea Pigs and Rab bits. Write me. Best prices paid for same. Also white rats bought. Clar- J ence L. Green, 1242 Derry street. Har- ! risburg. Pa. I BLSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ANY intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; ! experience unnecessary. Send lor par. I ilcuiars. Press Syndicate, 7*B, Lock* I oort, N. Y. Moving picture business for sale seating capacity 200, modern equipment, good location. Price and particulars at Bell Realty Co., ilergner building. I HAVE a 5 per cent. Bond for largo or small Investors that Is gilt-edge free of tax. You know what you are getting. 5 per cent, guaranteed. Bonds in slou. oo denominations. Address X 2259, care of Telegraph. — | 1 MADE $50,000 In Ave years In the I mall order business, began with $5 ; Send for free booklet. Tells bow. Hea. I [ cock. 355 Lockport. N. Y. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine, Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the! Druggist and Apothecary, lis Market atreet. Harrisburg. Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 19»0. HAULING H. W. LATHE, Boarding Stable aa< National Transfer Co, Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Belt phone Na. 2503 R. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDHHS Pcnn Construction Co., of Harris burg, Pa., Contractors and Builders. Beinforeed concrete a specialty. Esti mates furnished free. J. C. Pastor, 128 Hoerner Street. President. AWNINGS Place your order for Awnings with us now. We do up holstering of all kinds and carpet work. Jos. Coplinky. successor to Voll mer. 1208 V 4 North Third street Bell 2804 J. Use Pennant Brand Poultry Feed They are made of pure, wholesome grain and are balanced 1B just the right proportion to produce a large quantity of eggs, and eggs that will hatch. The Pennant Brand Poultry Feeds we will put up against any other feed on the market. They are just what we recommend them to be. Try them and be convinced. Phone your order, and we will deliver promptly. Bell phone 623-R. Open Saturday evening. CONRAD BR QUALITY POVIiTRY SUPPLY STORK 352 Broad St. Harrisburg, Pa. House Dress Aprons JL Direct From Manufacturer to You Like lllaatratloa—aleely made la M (taaMrt p «r- j i*' -J A tales of extra nnnlltT—light, cade* •■< s«Tjr Hue— J J •//# with pocket—« 6 loehos Irag. ** 47c—2 For 90c Satisfaction guaranteed. Otherwise return goods and we will refund money. 2.4 mall yoar order BOW. tosrether with reatlttaaeo, PV atatlas «uaatlty aad color desired. to .•*••• *1 THE D. & S. COMPANY dauphin, PA. 'j.vr* BUSINESS PERSONALS FREIGHT DRATAGB, Storage, Slilp pSr",.a,n,d of Merchandise of all kinds. Prompt and efficient ser vice. Warehouses on P. R. R. an( j p St. R. tracks. Montgomery and Co" (Pelpher Line). Tenth below Market street. PIANO MOVING done by experts. Winter Piano Co., 23 North Fourth | street. Also call Bell telephone 146. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with bast material and by expert help. I Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts Insure your satisfaction. & N. Cluck. #2O Woodbine street. MONEY TO LOAN LOANS—SS TO S2OO for honest working people keeping house. Rates less than legal. Pay ments weekly or monthly. No notification of employer or friends. CO-OPERATIVE L. & I. CO. 204 Chestnut Street Authorized capital. SIOO,OOO. ANT person needing money In amounts from $5 to S6O holding a sal aried position, would be benefited by falling on us. Employes' Discount Co.. 36 North Third street. STORAGE FI REPROOF STORAGE WAP.K ITOUSE, divided into private rooms for storage of household goods new tuildin-s low insurance inspec tion Invited. 437-445 South Second street. Harrlsburg Storage Company. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper A Co. 411 Broad street. Both phones. NOTICES BIDS FOR ASPHALT PLANT SEALED PROPOSALS, accompanied by plans nnd specifications, for the fur i nlslilng and erection of a SHEET ASPHALT PLANT, will be received at the office of the Superintendent of [Streets and Public Improvements, up to 12 o'clock noon of Wednesday, April 7. 1915. General bidding blanks and lyjeciflc.ations may be had on aplication. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. W. H. LYNCH. Hu Public Sale of Household Goods—Fur niture, etc., Near Camp Hill Tuesday, March 23rd 9:30 O'clock Sharp on Simon. Oyster's farm, *4 mile west of Camp Hill. Book case, desk, sideboard, tables, chairs, stoves, carpet, mattings, dishes, beds, bedding, double-seated lawn swing, hay rope, shovels, forks, etc. —■ y One Apartment For Rent in the REYNARD 208 N. Third St. Suite of two rooms and bath, steam heat, constant hot and cold water. Ideal bachelor apartment. Apply lo Commonwealth Trust Co. 222 MARKET ST. WANTED A Hustling Young Man To represent a large Chewing Gum and Confection Corporation in Har rlburg territory. Requirements: Energy and push; ability to sell and handle other salesmen; good char acter; ability and efforts must be worth $36 a week to begin on; capi tal of $350 to carry stock. Mr. J G. Blakeney will lie at Plaza Hotel In Harrlsburg, Pa., on Monday, March 22 ONLY, to appoint repre sentative THE Harrlsburg Polyclinic Dispen sary will be open dally, except Sunday, at t P, M.. at Its new location, 17fl North Second street, for the tree treat ment of the worthy poor. Ull SEALS *. STENCILS |J% W" M Ffi. BY Htß. STENCIL WORKS ■ |1 II 130 LOCUSTST*. HBG.PA. II 17
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers