Easter Is Just Around the Corner -Prepare Now ~ ~ ] Timely Specials f JSaumand '**&> Checked Taffetas, 98f yd. f Y S ) Call 1991—Any Phone Founded 1871 v value $1.25; 36 inches wide; black J L I I ft i SATURDAY HOURS: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. J| ' > Turn -fh O T I4"H/2 Tn-fo value $2.50; 40 inches wide; white / \ \W \ j X LL' 11? LI (STS JL~j LIS LLC; A L/f'O only; beautiful quality. \ JF •fffyii* ly_ j~[> >-v Crepe de Chine, $1.59 yd. VKV I \\~\ mJ Ollt DOOrS vjUue $2.00; 40 facte wide; black y ' (T _ A rp, c • , . . 11, Crepe Meteors, $1.59 yd. ' Hie Spring air is a good tonic when baby has a com- valuc ?2 .00; 40 inches wide; rp* TJ7 Of ¥¥/ 1 I fortable cart and is warmly clad. 1 OmOYTOW VVC btlOW CI WOndeYTUl Our display ot Baby Carriages is complete with the 40 inches widc; Harlequin and A new models of Reed Pullmans and Roadsters, with revers- coin spot. f\r Tjl//-. tVL a ible gears, at $15.00 to $25.00. Also the new Station- ! Faille Francaise, $1.59 yd. : /iooOl Ifil&m or W OJilCil S *DUItS ary Rolling Chair of reed, at $11.98 and $13.98. black only; satin 1 , (!* Ir* r\f\ I AflA f\r\ Collapsible Go-Carts in green, black and maroon with Mam tioor —bowman s I" wlOil/v/ GT\CL f/ \J\J solid or soft sides, at $4.95, $5.95, $6.98 and up to C * $12.98. To "" lori :? w ~ _ We believe it to be the largest showing in Harrisburg—we KNOW it is the largest ever 10 rolls Crepe I oilet shown here. , S " «£?'^M QS S^ ie %n° f T d> PaPe '' *s* '"its are unusual-unusual from a standpoint of quality-unusual cannot begin to illus reed, at $1.98, SJ.oO, SJ.9B, SJ.oO and up to $9.98. Basement, j trate gtyle an( j b eaut y _ J A surprise awaits you in the materials. American Woolen Co.'s fine poplins; fine gabar- Henderson dines; men's wear serges and shepherd checks. Every wanted shade—black, navy, putty, sand, Belgian blue, the new greens, battleship gray, Are Recognized Last, but not least, is the splendid tailoring, and you'll wonder at such workmanship in mod- Wyfc Qi- 1 f~ y l erately priced garments. II Creators Priced at $15.00 and $20.00. Coats to Satisfy YOUR Taste ST ~" i > The makers of these high-grade niat^ er if it's a low priced coat, or a coat of high quality and price—it's here for you. a I M->y/ " iW V/>—corsets liave spent years in per- ' ' ie newest in style, in material, in color. Our coats come from famous niakers-w-tailors known 1m jT" / /| J fecting a construction that repre- to the trade the world over. I /Hk HBhfr f iJr |BHWp _ Materials are coverts, army coverts; India coverts; poplins, in silk or wool; gabardines, 'rwJl 1 ~\T£ a ' L >n, b""" a li\ ' Prices are $7.50 to $50.00 —the assortment covers the entire stvie field. iLL J* f J ' | ''iL _Si(K stays arc dui.l.le - made , ChinchiUas- i lu- lu-t i,r l. in,i. sit p. M . prices SIO.OO, $15.00 an.l Spring Suits For Men i.«& raK arc c " oke cou,n ami [ Crex Rugs 1 Bowman St y' es Are the Monarcli s of Are Examples of' *'Specially Priced MILLINERY » I „ re ® ru> ,or Uh ' 1,1 Such a tempting array-—they're ?o prettV —so distinctive —so 'be- Qm/wf Dv/iPP SOAP SPECIALS Size 9x 12, special at ST. 19 coming. I C/UU 10 takes soaiJ lde . Soap ' 38c Size Bxlo. special at $."».9S Stylish as they arc—high grade as they may be—or as low priced ... . 10 calses P. &G. Naphtha soap. l ourth Floor—BOW MAN'S as y ot , n iav desire. Ihe showing is more complete now and awaits your ap- „,. x . ,2® c ' ' T , , u , r r proval—sure of pleasing you from the ground up. -• eans 3 oid Dutch cieans°cr P "isc Cnntinnlna There Is a Hat For Every Popular patterns include gray overplaids, brown over- * N 'BRTOment— bowmax-s?' d ' Purpose plaids, blue flannels, homespun mixtures, shepherd checks and Is ) TL D E7 . Sailors, turbans, shepherdess "black striped" worsteds. ' _ . , IHe 1 re-HaSter 5 shapes—in fact all of the latest distinct lvel* dominate in one, two and Stylish Gloves to j Women's f/€ Three-button, double-breasted vests, resembling the mode fkaa l r> • l * oi # of 1830, are featured. llie SUIU VjlnS OUOeS N Alltogether.it is a most Note this oft-repeated fact, that men of all "dimensions" o • o , mf wonderful and authoritative can be fitted here—properly. oprmg Costume Prices Are Less Than Half I VA assemblage. »-♦. | • p a . f The Odette Glove popular 2- 1 lie shoes are in every way V Trimmed or Untrimmed Extraordinary Showing of 1 _ _ „ „ ,-. , , i • various lots contain all sizes. J&PZr&sJ / \ stales inat wm suit evcrjone. Sfftf c ***CQ OH Fownes Gloves real kid, in i „ ' . * / \ ,IC I we ca M attention to the OllllS dt "1/ all shades, in self and contrasting I here aie low shoes, pumps and ] high standard of quality in . r . . * ~J . embroidery, pair $1.50 Colonials and lngh shoes in both . hats that are I here are at least twenty different patterns, in good, re- Th „ Al l n r _ t r , • .. button and lace, welted and turn liable materials, and we'll vouchsafe thejr wearing qualities. while and tan, witJT wide con- soles; in black, tan and white Moderately Priced Others are slL..>o, $1.),00, $10.50, SIB.OO, $20.00 trasting embroiderv, pair, ca ICI ' Second FIoor— BOWMAN'S. and upward. . , Third FIoor— BOWMAN'S. ftSe'OO and 92.93 SI.OO for the $2.50 Grades. , j plain and black c-mbroidcry f o palr| n 111 $1.29 for the $3.00 Grades. I MEN— IkAjj r.i«vM roai kid. in white $1.40 for the $3.50 Grades. It's Time To See About YOUR Spring "Millinery." I wm. Cfl" 1 " m i and black ' 10 " buUon 10 flno ami'Voo o.^i?., B or "Vaie! Here are sure styles for Spring—soft hats and derbies —in TO AV7 11 D Hll pi • r-T—i I chixmo"sot"e**!r!ov?s, in^self^nml' C ?'on- Third Floor-BOWMAN'S. six popular shades. $ 1 .50 and $2.00 3d Floor-BOWMAN'S ✓Vc Will Buy Dollar ohirts io-morrow z v ; They're new arrivals that came in a couple days ago, and ! Siff " ! r O- m «"0W V/e OHer Wavy A Sale of Wometl S OQ/, a light smart value at /9c. Alade of mercerized madras in \ chamoi«ctto gloves, with the m Inu"' I Switches at $2.25 C 7 CQ c:]U fJ ose For O C l? i ,v " I wrist strap, pair Sl.u'o i . . . . .l/V/ aJClrv l ii/oc M Wl - - Stli pes. 1 rencll cuffs. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S Main Floor—BOWMAN'b. j \ ery special at this price. 26 . . . ( „ .. inches long; of splendid quality• was a 'manufacturers clean-up lot of vanes, winch means i mounted o7i three short stems' -there arc different kinds. Some arc all silk, others have lisle soles; all a jl shades have high spliced heels and wide garter tops. Slight mends may be found, opring House Cleaning Activity Will Remind , ' """""" " g '" a """" , " l '" r ' H '" c '""" ; Housewives of Our March Sale of Flouse The Great Annual March Embroidery Sale Furnishings and China Comes But once a Year ° —And just this one time in every year can the Embroidery De- Thfa which continues until March 25th, is of timely interest to every housekeeper. partment offer such striking economies. Besides offering rare price-specials, we call attention to the thousand and one little items /JiPVrMgl' t ... ~ . t . r . that nee 6 replacement—such little things as tack hammers, tacks, carpet beaters, to say \$M <&K\ W.thou you see them, .t is almost unbelievable, the beautiful nothing of cooking needs. Following are just an inkling of the special items Ml LJw I>aU<^ nS ' • extrcmely lo " pr ! ces that are ofterc<l ' t, c,. _ „ Oe VH f Every item is a winner. Read — y Mop— gets in the Aluminum Coffee Percolator— Bathroom Fixtures—value 75c JlMt \?IJJm*VJj corners. One 7?c dust mop, one value "SI 98 new nrtapnn c| nn » m 1.000 vards 15c to 20c Convent $2.00 45-incli Batiste Flouncing, blind 75c polish mop, one 25c can cedar caoackv Si SUS ~ assortment cons,sts of white X. !{{#; T Edges, blind and eyelet embroidery, 2 patterns, yard #I.OO oil polish total $1.75 value; for aClt > * J bathtub seat; 18 and 24-inch || fe*/ to 4 inches wide; extra heavy embroid- 3 9c and 50c 27-inch Swiss Flouncing. Aluminum Percolator value Keystone Safety Gas Iron— towel bars; 18-inch glass shelves, |TJ \ V:f;/ ered scallop, yard 12'/ 3 f ' yar d / 250 $2.98 French design; made of value Wa guaranteed to be with bracket; toilet paper holder; ft'l extra heavy metal, with black positively odorless and perfectly combination tumblcr and soap fiJ \W' yard ebonized handle sai e. It heats e\ en and uniform- . , . \\ /■£:] $1.25 and $1..">0 27-inch Organdie iOc and 59c 18-inch Swiss Flouncing Climax Food Chopper-value ly in four minutes. The acme of holder; combination tooth brush ijU Flouncing vard 89e T!" l» incli &wiss 98c—has three steel cutters and perfection Price is W1 7"» and tumbler holder; tub and wall _ .J, j I . neat patterns tor children s dresses, 'one double cutter «»* periecuon. t rice is 10c Embroidered Edges Swiss, V ard S.j# uuuuie cuitet Basement.— BOWMAN'S. soap holders. Choice 190 v , . , , , , ' >aiu v < |^lrPl«* AJ cambric and longcloth, yard Main FIoor— BOWMAN'S. FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 19, 1915 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers