2 EcenrßAL>penn/v- UK BMUET IT HIIMEISTM H. Wells Buser, Charter Member of Derry Council, Serves as Toastmaster Special to The T tit graph Hummelstown, Pa.. MaVch 16.—A banquet was given last evening for the members of Derry Council, No. 40, .lunior Order United American Me chanics. and was attended by nearly one hundred members. The banquet followed the regular meeting of the council and was arranged by the fol lowing committee: F. C. Witmer, Harry Hemperly and H. Wells Buser, chairman. ' Past State Councilor H. Wells Buser, who had a continuous membership in the council since its organization and who has been chairman of the board oi" trustees since the organization in 1872, acted as toastmaster. Mr. Buser gave a history of the council from its organization and the following members of the council from its organization and the follow ing members of the council responded to toasts: X.'. T. Bolsbaugh. F. J. Schaffner, F. C. Witmer. William Kar many. Dr. W. M. Shull. Dr. M. I-. Nissley, Dr. R. N. Shaeffcr, D. It. Rei gel, Fred Graupner, Henry F. Holler, R. W. Strunk and Paul A. Strickler. THE BEST KIDNEY REMEDY I always carry a large stock of Swamp-Root and it has a steady de mand for kidney, liver and bladder troubles. Very frequently my custom ers give personal testimony as to the medicinal value of Swamp-Root, and it is a common occurrence for me to sell to people who buy the remedy on the recommendation of others who have used it. Have sold Swamp-Root since it was first put on the market, and will continue to sell it until a bet ter kidney, liver and bladder remedy is found. CHAS. G. PETER. New Orleans. La. Personally appeared before me this 3rd of July. 1909. Chas. G. Peter, drug gist. who subscribed the above state ment and made oath that the same is true in substance and in fact. WM. RENAUDIN. Notary Public. tetter to !>r. Kilmer »V- Co.. Klngliamton, N. Y. Prove W liat Swamp-Hoot Will l)o l-'or You Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingliamton. N. Y.. for a sample size bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention the Harrisburg Daily Telegraph. Regular lifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles for sale at all drug stores. CIGAR MfGP.BirCE.BAIIUSDHS Did You Receive The Telegraph Yesterday on Time? IS THIS YOUR CARRIER? j Each day a strict record is ■ kept in this office, of the ac- " jf^ leave the press every minute must be accounted for and there is no loafing on the iob. a This carrier serves the ' \ Telegraph in the following *£,> district; Atlas street; Logan , -jWm street, 2000 to 2300: Maclay 4I street, 300 to 400: Jgfc Third street. 2000 t<> | North I'Ourth street. 2000 to H I to 400: Woodbine street, '* SB&sBS!} 300 tO 500. BLAIR SMITH Carrier No. 8 18 minutes from the time the papers left the press the carrier's bundle of papers was delivered to him at Fourth and Peffer streets. 2 minutes were consumed by the carrier in recounting his papers. 2 minutes more and subscribers were being served with the Telegraph. 17 Minutes From Press to Home If you reside In this section, or any other section of Harrlsburg you can enjoy the same prompt service and have the Telegraph delivered at your home within the hour. Give your subscription to the carrier or telephone the Circulation Department (or fill in the subscription blank below). 6c HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH a Week Delivered at Your Home SUBSCRIPTION BLANK I o Date 19...." 11 ' 1 1 Tho Harriaburg: Telegraph; Please deliver the Telegraph daily Uliiil further notice at the rate of six centu a week and have your regular collector call for , pay m sat every two weeks. II ( 1 Name 11 * 1 Address ♦ TUESDAY EVENING, "Hardscrabble" Owners Invited to Meeting of Viewers, March 26 North Front street property owners who may be interested in the proceed-*! ings incident to the condemnation of i the "Hardscrabble" district by the city have been invited by the "Hardscrab ble" board of viewers to attend its next 1 meeting in the Council chamber, Friday , morning:, at 10 o'clock, March 26. At torney Paul G. Smith extended the general Invitation this morning, follow ing a brief session of the board. Only Oitv Solicitor D. S. Seitz turned j up to discuss the question of claims • this morning, and the viewers adjourn- I ed after a brief meeting. Most of tne : attorneys, it is understood, who might j represent property owners in the case, I are engaged in Quarter Sessions Court. ; Urges Members to Give to Local Charities First "Charity Begins at Home," is the j view expressed to-day to members of the Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce hy-officials. Members are urged to see that all local legitimate charitable in stitutions are given sufficient support before money is given to out of town i institutions that solicit Harrisburg l people for charity. At the office of the chamber it was j stated "that the practice of cities, much larger than Harrisburg, in Penn sylvania and adjoining States in send- . ing solicitors here to obtain support for charitable institutions was espe cially ill timed this winter. "The Associated Charities of Har risburg and the Home and War Relief Committee and other Harrisburg char ities can well use every dollar that Harrisburg people desire to give. It i» not necessary to go as far as Philadel phia. Pittsburgh, etc.. to find a worthy place for money that Harrisburg peo ple want to give away." Asks Merchants to Unite Againt Coupon Systems A request for Pennsylvania com mercial orgMiizations to unite against the trading stamp and profit-sharing coupon systems being so extensively pushed by certain interests, was sent out in the form of a letter by the Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce yesterday. The chamber called the other or ganizations' attention to what it re gards as "obnoxious nature to the local merchant" of the manufactur ers of notions, drugs, hardware and grocers' specialties inserting such profit-sharing coupons in the factory wrappers around the merchandise. United action on the part of Pennsyl vania merchants, acting through their local organization, the State Sec retaries' Association and the National Retail Dry Goods Association, which is waging a national campaign against the profit-sharing coupon, is asked. \SIiS ( Wit KIT'I. CONSIDERATION OF WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION In a letter to commercial secre taries throughout the State, the Har risburg Chamber of Commerce re quests a careful study of the work men's compensation bill. TO OBSKKVK ST. PATRICK'S DAY St. Patrick's Day will be observed in all Catholic churches by special High Mass at S o'clock tomorrow morning, in addition to the regular week day Lenten services held, every evening ai T. 4" o'eloi-k. 3gg A CLERGYMAN'S STORY REV. G. W. ROBERTS OF* Hartsell, Ala., R. R. 2, Box 27 A BRIEF STATEMENT OF FACTS: May, 1002 —"I suffered three years with bronchial affection. T j had got so weak I had lost my voice. My friends nave me lip. I was persuaded to try Peruna." April 2, 1801 —"After taking Peruna I feel well, eat hearty, sleep soundly, weigh as much as I ever did. Do work on my farm." Sept. 22, 1006 —"I am a great friend of Peruna. lam here to-day with my family because of Peruna. Nov. 22, 1»0» —"Peruna gave me back my life ten years ago. I am certainly thankful. Jan. 13. 1910 —"I shall ever be ready to speak in praise t>f Peruna. My cure was almost miraculous." Sept. 5, 1911 —"I feel that Peruna has been the means of pro longing my life for more than ten years." % Jan. 2, 19IS —"I trust that Peruna may prove a blessing to many, as it has to me." The above are but the briefest extracts from lons and enthusias tic letters, which we have received from this distinguished clergy man. In Ids first letter ho said: "I have tried the troatnient-of several doctors, also home remedies, but they failed and all hope had gone. My friends, like myself, thought I was in the last Btnges of bronchial disease. My daughter brought me a bottle of Peruna and plead with me to try it. I had got so weak that I had lost my voice. I thought it was of no use." Who can doubt but that Peruna saved his life'.* ' Kvery home should be provided with the last edition of "The Ills of I .ire." Furnished by The Peruna Co., Columbus, Ohio. FIRST CITY FORESTRY ORDINANCE GOES 111 Medical Society Representatives Invited to Confer With Com missioners on Hospital Harrisburg's lirst city forestry ordi nance, regulating the care and treat ment of trees, providing penalties for failure to make any cuttings, trim ming, pruning and planting without a permit and consent of thte City For ester forbidding the hitching of horses to shade trees: safeguarding trees and roots from damage by electric wiring or leaking gas and guarding against encroachment of paving or other material in such a way as to hurt roots —was introduced in City Council this afternoon by Commis sioner M. Harvey Taylor, superintend ent of parks and public property. The measure was prepared by City For ester Harry J. Mueller and City So licitor D. S. Seitz. A penalty of >25 fine with a thirty day in jail alterna tive is provided. In accordance with announcement made some days ago. Council decided to-day to meet with the Dauphin County Medical Society relative to the construction of the proposed munici pal hospital. The time will be fixed in the near future. STEtiLEU TO All) STATE By .Associated Press New York. March 16.—When the case of Richard P. Stegler, Richard Madden and Gustave Cook, charged with conspiracy against the United States in obtaining a false American passport, was called for trial to-day Federal Judge Cushman granted a mo tion of the government attorney that Madden and Cook be tried separately and first. PIANOS Chas. M. Stieff i 24 N. Second St. Bargain List of Used Pianos d»PA SIMPLEX PIANO PLAYER; 12 j •h Jll lolls of music; in good condi- 1 • 7 tion; can attach to any piano, i IM lO ST B R 1N G UPRIGHT; | n I I O ebony case; excellent condi- I x** tlon; a real bargain; sold for! lUnry 4 STIEFF UPRIGHT; rich full \//il tone; owner exchanged for •r• * player; sold for S6OO. A rare opportunity. tf»AO SCHAEFFER UPRIGHT; in >HX good condition: genuine bar gain. sold for ,250. It'AO STERLING UPRIGHT; ebony case; in perfect order: suit able for beginners; sold for $350. Annp STIEFF UPRIGHT: plain \ {/H case; satin finish; excellent V tone and action; good as when new; owner exchanged for play •er; sold for $450. AAMn BOUDOIR PLAYER; some *KaSil thing unique; just the thing for a small room; 12 rolls of music and bench; cost $750. EMERSON UPRIGHT; ebony S I case; tine condition; cost «px«s«s , 400; verv cheap. MARTIN BROS. UPRIGHT; > I /IS dark mahogany case; beauti- Tful tone; was $350. Ail A BENNETT-BRETZ PLAYER *4III PIANO; like new; perfect *r condition; 12 rolls of music; I bench and scarf ; was $550. j- Ann CHICK BRING UPRIGHT; *3 / O ebony case. Don't miss this t opportunity; cost $350. AP7O STUVEBANT UPRIGHT; ebonv at i. 1 case; real bargain at the price; sold for $325. ifinr'A BLASIUS UPRIGHT; mahog any caße : like new; a real T^ v bargain; original price $450. The ll»t given aliovc la mule up of planon taken n* part payment on SilrlT I'lnnox and I'lnjer I'lnnon, and loonlnl of Home really icooil piano*. Terms a* low a* $.">.00 per month. Stieff Piano Warerooms 24 N. Second St. HARRISBURG s££££& TELEGRAPH COUNCIL'S ACTION IN TODAY'S SESSION First city tree ordinance, offered by Commissioner Taylor. Dauphin county medical society and officers invited to confer witn commissioners relative to erecting municipal hospital, by resolution offered by Commissioner Lynch. Plans for new Royal Are house in Thirteenth ward to cost $7,500 approved as submitted by Archi tect C. Howard Lloyd. Commis sioner Taylor to open bids at noon, Saturday, March 27. Council approves lease for island coal wharf site with Harrisburg Light and Power company for 10 year term in return for 1,200 tons annually of fuel for filter plant, of fered by Commissioner Bowman. Mayor Royal alone voted "No." Ordinance authorizing purchase of three city scales for Verbeke, Hill and Chestnut street markets for SSOO, introduced by Mavor Royal. Commissioner Gorgas offered printed annual report of last year's finances of city. Submits addi tional statement of estimated re ceipts for 1915 totaling $557,340.57 to meet estimated expenditures of $553,000. Bid of Millard F. Saul to place pipe in half «a dozen streets, ap proved as offered by Commissioner Bowman. Ordinance authorizing paving of Cumberland street from Fourteenth to Fifteenth, no intersections, in troduced by Commissioner Lynch. Central Construction and Supply company granted permisson to take over assigned contract of W. F. Martin for construction of sewers in Wisconsin. Reel and other up town streets owing to illness of Mr. M-artin. by resolution offered by Commissioner Lynch. Petition signed by 1,000 west end voters and taxpayers praying for modern, fire apparatus for Camp Curtin company received. Ordinance - authorizing necessary repairs to Frinedship Fire appara tus passed finally. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE FOR ELECTRIC TRAINS Cars May Be Run as Experiment by Saturday; Equipment Goes East Today • Eight of the twenty electric cars stored at Enola were sent to the Phila delphia terminal yards, of the Penn ! sylvania Railroad, to-day. They will be | put in shape for the tests to be made | Thursday. It is expected that a num j ber of cars will be run between Paoli | and Philadelphia by Saturday. I According to official Information ! i from Philadelphia Division hcadquar ters to-day, the electrified branch will 1 not be in full operation before May ! 30. Cars and trains may be run between | now and that time as experiments, but | no effort will be made to conform to a i regular schedule until the plans are | thoroughly worked out . | With the inauguration of the electric service it is proposed to increase the I present service, and to make the run- I ning time of passenger trains east i bound somewhat shorter, although the grades west-bound will admit of but slight improvement. 1 According to the tentative schedule ! now being considered, oaggage, mail ! and express matter will be c arried largely on special trains running a«. I intervals during the day. There are I now forty-six trains from Philadelphia to Paoli and forty-seven in-bound ! trains. Under the tentative schedule there will be fifty-one east-bound and fifty-four west-bound trains. RAII.ROAD NOTES Vice-President and General Manager A. T. Dice, of the Philadelphia and Reading Railway, and Mrs. Dice have returned from Florida. Passenger employes of the Philadel phia and Reading Railway are being measured for their summer uniforms. The Middle Division employes, of the j Pennsylvania Railroad, will receive their pay for the first half of March on Tuesday. A test is being made in the Middle Division dispatcher's offices with a large horn as a telephone receiver The purpose is to do away with the head piece now used. VEXANGO IS "DRY" AGAIN* Judge C'flswdl Refuses All of the Sev enteen Ijiceiific Applications ' Franklin, Pa., March 16.—Venango county will remain dry another year, Judge Crtswell to-day refusing all of ; the seventeen applications for liquor liciiasc. When court convened in the forenoon the attorneys for the pe titioners announced that they did not desire hearings. In the afternoon the court marked j all applications refused. No opinion j was filed. Standing of the Crews IIARIUHBITKU MIIIK Philadelphia Olvlalnn—l3l crew first to go after 3:30 p. m.: 134, 102, 113, 114, . 104. 121. Knglneers for 131, 114. Finemen for 109. 112. l| Conductors for 115, 121, New Appliances For Poultry Keepers |j You will always find the very latest and best of everything in Poultry House Equipment here j; As well as (he quality Feeds fur Baby ( hicks. Broilers, Breeders and Layers. : The New Norwich Chick Feeder 10 in. size, 25 cts. each. 15 in. size, 30 cts. eaclf ji 10 In. aize, 35 cts. each. New Ko-Ze Brooder Simple and practical. It protects the feed against ,0111ns. prevents all waste, gives every chick an *° I KMF * p jj tqual chance. Use it for grain feed, mash, sour Built of heavy galvanized Iron with sanitary ver- Ji , . , . , . , .. . . min-proof lining and a Kelt adjustable for <| milk or as a drinking fountain. 10 cts. extra if any B | ze Q f chicks as thev grow. Just fill the tank j, lent by mail. wlth hot water twice a day. ( j New Spiral j \ j essit Leg Bands ' * The New Apaco Feeder The Norwich Automatic ;i It holds 12 qts., enough or a pen Easy to put on, can't come off — n r J for a week, 'i ou can adjust it to light as a feather, birds don't mind lIT/)!!! I RR[IRr '' allow just as much feed as you want ■„ o.„oo„ UICIIII I wwUwl ,> them to have each day.* The birds them. Made In red, white, green, , i work the feeder themselves. It yellow, etc. All sizes, including Saves your feeding troubles, keeps Ji keeps them busy all day and the chicks and pigeons. Mark your your birds active, makes them lay— '! bother—fll7 a the f eede7 once T week. blrds - the layers, the age. etc., prevents waste. jj The New Feeder, '>i)C per dozen ;$1.25 per 100; New Automatic Grain Feeder. !j Delivered Anywhere. 65* for 50. $2..)0 1 Feeder Works automatically r M !> -Fill it up Monday and HOrtß-DW iiOVCr your feeding for the Another of the high standard productions of ]! week is done —no waste, the p ra j r j e state Incubator Co. Use it in any jl no dirt. building, piano box, brood house, etc. s'<i.OO #8.50 complete. Feed Eaton's Life Saver Little Chick Feed It is positively the best Chick Feed made—it is used by prominent breeders all about here, because they have found it develops better chicks. Price 10 lbs., > 25 lbs., 75<S 50 lbs., ,> $1.38; 100 lbs., $2.75; 5 bag lots at $2.50 per 100 lb. We deliver anywhere. WALTER S. SCHELL QUALITY SEEDS 1307-1309 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. BOTH PHONES Open Saturday Evenings. ;; Flagmen for 102, 112, 131. Brakemen for 102, 104, 111. 11 Engineers up: Newcomer, J ennant, Sellers. Wolfe, Reisinger. Manley, Gib bons. Dennison, Smith. Welsh, Sober, Bissinger, Davis. Hindman, ]• irst, Madenford, Gallagher, Br.unner, Criss well, Geesey. _ Firemen up: Miller. Yentzer, Farmer, Watson. Shive. Ainsherger, Manning. Behman, Duvall. Huston, Myers, Her man, Kreider. Wagner, Gelsinger. Rob inson. Moffatt, Weaver, Collier, Spring, 1. U Wagner. Brunner. Conductors up: Eooker, I'esier Flagmen up: Donohoe. Clark, Harris. Brakemen up: Jackson, bweigert, File, Gouse. Albright, Malseed, Dengler, Bryson, Shuitzberger, Allen, Brown, Cox, Felker. Middle DlvUllon—232 crew first to go after 1:45 p. m.: 246, 17, 26, 16, .3, -o, 20. 21. Engineer for 23. Fireman for 25. Conductors for 17. -3, 25. Engineers up: Wissler. \V ebster, Kug- I ler, Garman, Smith, Knisley, Bennett. | Firemen up: Liebau, I Wright. Kuntz. Fritz. Gross, Arnold, Cox, Karstetter. Stouffer. Sheesley. ! Conductors up: Patrick, Eberle, i Byrnes. Fralick, Baskins. Flagman up: Frank. Brakemen up: Bolan. Frank, Baker, Myers, Strauser, Bell, Weneiick, Jro>, Roller, McHenry, Henderson, fetahl, Fritz, Kane. Yard CrrtvK—To go after 4 p. m.. Engineers for 1454, 1171. Firemen for 1404, 1171, 12o». 18.0, 0 0()<> I*l6B. " KnKineers up: Hoy ler, Beck, Riever. Blosser. Moals, Stahl. Swab, Crist Harvey, Saltsman. Kuhn, fenyder, P Fi?Smfn aVe up: Schiefer. Rauch. Woigle. Eackey, Cookerley, Maeyer, Snell, Bartolct. Getty, Barkey Sheets, Bair. Eyde, Shipley, Crow, Tjlsh, Shol ter, Bostdorf. ENOIjA fIIDE STUDY AND EXERCISE Study does not hurt a child unless the study time is taken from time that should be spent In out-of-door exer cise. Overstudy and lack of exercise make thin, bloodless children. It is a com bination that provokes St. Vitus' dance. If your child is thin and pale, list less, inattentive, has a fickle appetite and is unable to stand still or sit still, you must remember that health is even more important than education. See to it at once that the patient does not overstudy, gets at least two hours out-of-door exercise every day, sleeps ten hours out of every twenty four and takes a nonalcoholic tonic like Dr. Williams' Pink Pills until the color returns to cheeks and lips and the appetite becomes normal. For growing children who become pale and thin Dr. Williams Pink Pills are not only safe but in the great ma jority of cases they are the very best tonic that can be taken. They build up the blood and strengthen the nerves and assist nature iri keeping pace with rapid growth. The Dr. Williams Medicine Com pany, Schenectady, N. Y., will send you two books on the blood and nerves If you mention this paper. If your child is very younK ask for the booklet "The Care of the Raby." Your own druggist sells Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.—Adver tisement. • MARCH 16, 1915. 241. 215, 210, 233, 231. 237, 238, 232. Engineers for 210, 215, 219, 242. Fireman for 204. Conductors for 4. 5, 37, 38. Brakemen for 3, 34, 37. Conductors up: Flickinger, Dewees. i Brakemen up: Musser, Stimeling, Twlgg, Campbell, Vandling, Fair, Walt man, Knight, L,utz, Goudy, Kone. Ml<l<lle Division—22s crew first to go after 2:45 p. m.: 239, 113, 108, 104, 111, 118, 106, 105, 119. Engineers for 104, 105. Brakeman for 113. HEADING CREWS The 9 crew first to go after 9.15 a. m.: 7. 8. 4, 14, 24, 17, 22, 15( 11. 19, 1, 18, 20. 12. East-bound: 57, / First to go after 8.45 a. m.: 71, 59, 62. Engineers or 62, 17, 19, 22. Conductors for 9, 16, 18, 22. Brakemen for 1, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 17, 18. 20. Engineers up: Morne, Tipton, Wood, Fortney, Bonawitz, Fetraw, Morrison, Sweeley, Middaugh, Wierman, Woland, Kettner, Pletz, Massimore. Firemen up: Longenecker, Anders, L i.uViCC AUOUC Children's Coughs and Colds Physicians say at least half of tin cases of pneumonia, bronchitis, am: croup can be prevented. They advise against letting the simplest cough or cold gain any headway. At the first sign of a cough, sore throat, cold or hoarseness use Golfs Cough Syrup. It quicklv breaks up the congestion, loosens the phlegm, heals the Inflamma tion and keeps the cold from the lungs. It has prevented Pneumonia, Croup and Whooping Cough In thousands of cases. Guaranteed by your Grocer or Druggist. 25 and 50c. No opiates. Live Dealers WANTED for Harrisburg and leading centers of ad- Joining territory—Excellent proposition to llve-wirea— Demonstrating car here. WILLIAM T. TAYLOR Eastern Distributor Apperson Motor Cars THIS WEEK ONLY Hcatlquurlcrtt City Auto Supply Company i IH-I'io Market at. Boyer. Conductors up: 'McCormick, Hilton, German. Brakemen up: Oarlin, Stephens, Painter, Machnier, Ely, Smith, William H. Ware, Haines, Yoder, Shearer, Hoover. % The New Home Treatment For Ugly, Hairy Growths < (Boudoir Secrets) Here is a simple yet very effective method for removing hair and fuzz from the face, neck and arms. Cover the objectionable hairs with a paste made by mixing some water with a little powdered delatone. J_.eave this on for 2 or 3 minutes, then rub off, wash the skin and the hairs have van ished. No pain or inconvenience at tends this treatment, but results will be certain if you are sure to get real delatone. EDUCATIONAL Harrisburg business College 329 Market St. Fall term, September first. Day and night. 29th year. Harrisburg, Pa. Begin Preparation Now Day and Night Sessions SCHOOL OF COMMERCE • 15 S. Market Sq.. Harrisburg, 1*».
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers