RECEPTIONS, PARTIES, WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARIES BUTCHER KILLS 219 | noes ID 7 BEEVES Big Winter's Work For William A. j Johnston on Perry County Farms I 1 I: PARTY AT GUTSHALL HOME 1 Western Man Makes First Visit to • Old Home in Twenty Years ! i By Special Correspondence I Bluin. Pa., March 13. —Large hogs . were killed by Willain A. Johnson : during the winter for the following \ persons: C. E. McVey, two, 452 andj. 403 pounds: W. X. Zimmerman, 429; ; ( S. B. Gutshall, two. 436 and 404;!, Albert Mumper. 402: O. L. Hench, ! 436 and 41S; Clarence Klinepeter, 405 i and 402. Total numbered butchered, ; 219 hogs and 7 beeves.—The Rev. J: W. Keener preached on Tuesday and i Wednesday evenings at Landisburg, 1 assisting the Rev. Mr. Matterness inj' a series of meetings in the Reformed j I Church.—Miss Cora Burd returned to ■ ! her home at Eact Waterford. Ah party was held on Thursday evening j at the home of G. A. Gutshall. Games j were played and refreshments served. —E. K. Weaver set his sawmill on the : Baker tract to saw out lumber for a new barn to be built on the farm.—; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller and baby, i of Waterloo, lowa, came on Monday j to visit friends.—Mrs. Marietta Camp- ! bell went to hear Billy Sunday in 1 Philadelphia.—Samuel Woods is visi- j ing at Florin.—Mrs. J. C. Rickard, wha was ill, is able to be out again. I --Mrs. W. W. Woods, who was ill. is | improving.—Steve Boyer. of Indiana. I came to visit his sister. Mrs. Lizzie! Moreland. He had not been here fori over twenty years.—Miss Burnadette j Nesbit, of Pine Grove, visited W. H. j Sheaffer. ' ' ! I Proved for Merit BT 80 Years Continuous Sale ASK TOU* DRUGGIST FOB Schenck's Mandrake Pills SUGAR COATED FOR Constipation, Billiousness £<\, Ac. A Vegetable Substitute for Calomel without its Mercurial after effect DO NOT GRIPE OR SICKEN DR. J. H. SCHENCK A SON, Phila Take Care of Your Eyes and They'll Take Care of You For advice, consult With 11. C. darter. :50-J Market Street. ' * -\ Lath to LathtoTimbers Lumber for repairs or lumber for new buildings. Small orders or i large orders supplied j on very- short notice. It makes no differ ence to us if }*ou want one board or one car load we will give your business prompt and careful attention. This is the one thing we are particular about— to get lumber on the job when it is wanted. United Ice & Coal Co. ForMer and Cowdru St*. |fg§ War Book Coupon \ tKSssfW Coupon entitle* you to one copy of THE LONDON TIMES Mm HISTORY OF THE WAR |i| '' presented at the office of thii newspaper with 98 cents to 2bSs§?l IBSHJWJ °over our cost of handling. If the boot it ordered by mai!, fffifiSss V&SS&W leD<l thC coupon 10(1 51-15, with your nan* and address. <||§£ A $3.00 Book for Only 98c g§§ T Through our special advertiaine arrangement with The IliiaslaG London Times we are able to make una great hook offer j JSgSkd ,0 #Ur re,der, » for * limited time only. K§§p9 wefSfffW The London Times History ol the War ta the one ufjW£ra| ilotyj really great book on the European War. It coat $70,000 KfPCgflr 3K !° produce and is acknowledged to bathe standard author- Kug§J« /frar3BYU '*? °° P*at conflict. It is a boot you should own, so Kslg|sv IpiEt&Xin d ° BOt 'k'* opportunity to obtain it at ona-third cost. KylSvjt IpfeffSflffj I* ■ big book, size 7% *ll inches, wcigns about 3 pounds tt£§§§s —supenor paper, bound in clotfi. Cat out thia Coupon Now SATURDAY EVENING, QARTtfSBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 13, 1915 "German Student Life" Discussed by Woman's Club By Special Correspondence j Mcchanicsburg, Pa.. March 13 —Last j evening the Woman' Club met at the j home of Mrs. N. W. Hershner. West J Main street. The subject of the even ; ing was "Education." and papers were ■ read by Miss Grace Winner on "The j Public School System," Mrs. R. A. Dc- Frehn, "The Universities," and Mrs. I A. J. Beitzel. "Froebel and the Kinder \ marten." This was followed by a dis icussion of the club on "German Stu | dent Life."—Miss Laura Westhafer quietly celebrated the anniversary of | her eightieth birthday on Tuesday and received congratulations of her friends. She is remarkably well preserved and ! active for her years and conducts a I millinery establishment in West Main street where she has successfully ear j ried on the business for many years. —Martin Mumma. who has been threatened with pneumonia, is recov ering,—Mrs. William G. Krohn and 1 Mrs. S. M. Goodyear, of Carlisle, at tended the Sunday school convention yesterday.—Charles Soltan, of Xew ] York, a former resident of Mechanics-! burg, is spending several days here, j—The members of Grace United Evan- I gelieal Church and numerous friends 'of the Kev. L. M. Dice welcome his | return by the recent conference in 1 Carlisle, as pastor of that church. — | Mrs. Fred Gerber- and small daughter i have returned to their home at York, , after a visit to the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Mercer. —C. X. Williams is improving from his recent illness. —T. J. Scholl. cashier of the Second National Bank, was at Phila delphia.—Mrs. R. A. DeFrehm and I Mrs. Murray L. Dick, spent Tuesday |in Carlisle.—Mrs. Charles King, of Harrisburg, visited her sister, Mrs. A. | ! S. Hauck. ORIENTALS BANQUET j General Cameron Council, F. O. A„ j Knioy Feast By Special Correspondence Mount Joy. Pa., March 13. —Orien- , 1 tals of the General Cameron Council. No. 851. Fraternal Patriotic Amerl- I cans, of Mount Joy. held a banquet at the C. H. Zeller Cafe on Monday even ' ing.—Elson H.iuensteln left on Satur | day for San Antonio, Texas, to start spring practice with the San Antonio | baseball team, of which he is a mein i ber.—Mrs. Elias Wissler, of Middle j town, spent Monday in town with her i sister, Mrs. J. R. Missemer. —Mrs. Kate j Cooper, of Harrisburg. is spending | some time with her brother, Amaziah j Good. Mrs. Mary Walters. Miss | Maude Walters and Clark Lindsay, of i York, were visitors in the family of I James Walters.—Miss Elizabeth Barn- I hart is spending some time in Otnaha, Neb., visiting her brother. —John F. | Lynn, of St. Louis. Mo., was ths guest ! of John "\V. Eshleinan.—John Eby, j son of Emanuel Eby, left for Okla homa.—H. C. Grelder. president of the ; Lancaster County Sunday School Asso ciation. returned on Wednesday from I Greensburg, where he spent three days | at the state Sunday school convention, j —Miss Maine Klugh, of Harrisburg, : was the guest of her mother, Mrs. j Harry Klugh.—The men's Bible class I of Trinity United Evangelical Sunday- School held a meeting on Tuesday evening at the home of C. S. Gingrich, when a tine program was rendered.— Harry N. Nissly, cashier of the Union National Bank, has been appointed a member of the executive committee of the Pennsylvania Bankers' Associa tion. —Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hoffman left on Tuesday for their home at Abilene, Kansas. Comfort Boot This Hub-Mark Robber Boot is a •olid comfort—a genuine protection. Although a tough boot that will withstand severest service, it is shapely and well fitting. Thorn- ds of men are wearing this boot and will accept no other. Boys, too, —by the thousands are wearing it. Also made in all lengths. TkaTwk>tai Look for the Hub-Mark on all kinds and styles of Rubbei Footwear for Men, Women, Boys and Girls. Note this:— You can rely on anything you buy from dealers who sell Hub- Mark Rubber Footwear They are dependable merchants Boston Rubber Shoo Company Mtldu, Mais. Personal News Items From Nearby Towns in Central Pennsylvania By Special Correspondence New Cumberland. —John M. Hoover,' of Altoona, visited his parents in Mar-1 ket street, this week.—Mrs. Willard j Wertz, of Bellwood, is visiting her par- j ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Simmons.— ] Mrs. Otto Kaufman and son Otto, of ; East Orange, N. J., are guests of Mr. j and Mrs. Abner Fox In Bridge street, j —Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fehl an J j daughter Alta, of Hancock, lowa, are guests of John Fehl, brother, at Bella-) vista.- —Miss Maggie Prowell Is visit ing Mrs. Leichtenberger at Manches-j ter.—Dr. Ward Sprenkel, of Phila-1 delphia, was the guest of his parents! on Wednesday.—Mr. and Mrs. T. J. I Lee, of Phillipsburg. spent the week! here.—Miss Eva Keiffer, of Lykens, is | visiting Charles Leedy's family.— Miss Mabel Wood, who has been visiting j her sister, Mrs. Samuel Sipe, returned j to her home at Llsburn.—Miss Irene ! Wolf had an operation tor chronic ap-! pendlcitis at the West Side Sanator- , iatn at York, this week. Thompsontown. Pa., March 13. j Mrs. Ross C. Davis and son Lester and j Banks Heller returned to Altoona af ter visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. i M. E. Heller. —Mrs. Laura Krelder, of' Lancaster, is visiting her brother, Ibra 1 Loudenslager.—Mrs. M. E. Schlegel! spent Tuesday In Harrisburg.—Mrs. J. 1 Frank Patterson, of Mitfllntown, spent j Tuesday at the Tennis home. The i special services conducted by the Rev. | D. B. Treitley in the Lutheran churchi closed Tuesday evening.—James Smith j was badly bitten by a dog on Mon-; day. He had the wounds cauterized I and then went to the Harrisburg hos- j pital for treatment. The dog was not mad.—Mrs. Sowers was in Steelton on j Wednesday.—Miss Bertha Kearns was > called to the home of Holmes Books. near Mexico on account of the illness of four members of the family.—Mrs. J. B. Currlns of New York city, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Halde man, at the bungalow.—W. H. Brit baker has returned from Philadelphia. By Special Correspondence I.lnnle<•(<><> n. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kreiser announce the birth of a son.— Misses Ella Good, Edna Hummer and Elizabeth Graybill will enter the Mil lersvllle State Normal School at the ! Spring term. Mr. and Mrs. Harry, of Hoernerstown, were the recent ! guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Crum. i Miss Nora Hetrlek, of Shellsville, spent j a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John 1 Look. Miss Annie Schaner was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Geyer, at Middletown. John Early and daughter , of Harrisburg, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Feeser on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Stroh were the guests of friends here on Thursday. J. H. Mcllhenny spent Tuesday among friends in town. IJr. E. R. Rhein spent several days with Dr. C. H ~ -ith and daughter. An drew Hetzel," of Steelton, spent Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Holland were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hicks. Daniel Rudv and son. of Penbrook, spent Sunday with Mrs. Mary Feeser. The Embroidery Club met Monday night at the home of Miss Eliza Buck. Dr. F. L. Shenk, who has returned from his post-graduate work In Philadelphia, Is the guest of Mrs Annie Smith. X™ nioomflrld. The Rev. I. Pot ter Hayes, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, is assisting? the Rev. Wheeler, of Big* Spring: Presbyterian Church, at Newvllle, Pa., this week, in special ser ' vices. Charles A. Barnett, Jr.. of Great BarrinKton. Conn., is visiting: his father. ex-Judg:e Charles A. Barnett.— Fred S. Bernheisel, of Chicagro, 111., who is visiting: his mother, Mrs. M. J. Bern heisel. of Green Park, spent Wednesday with S. H. Bernheisel and family, here. —Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Scheibley, of Dawson, lowa, are visiting Mr. Shelb ley's mother, Mrs. D. H. Shelbley, who Is seriously ill at the home of her dauehter. Mrs H. B. Rhinesmith. Professor D. C. Willard. of the New Bloomfleld Academy, spent Saturday in Philadelphia and New York in the interest of the academy. The proba bilities are that a new three-story ad dition will be built to the grirls' dormi tory this summer. Allen Mlchiner, of Duncannon. was here on business on Wednesday. Mrs. Victoria Thudium. of Baltimore. Md., was called here by the serious illness of her sister. Mrs. D. H. Sheihlev. at Hotel Rhinesmith.—Mc- Clelland Woods, ex-oounty commis sioner. of Wheatfleld township, was here on Thursday. Mrs. A. R. John ston spent some time with her daugh ter. Catherine, a sophomore at Wilson College, Chambersburg, Pa. .liiiif»ti>mi.—On Saturday evening: a ' surprise party was held at the home of Amos I* Dorcas, in honor of his daughter. Miss Ethel. The Swatara township school board met on Satur day nnd grave their teachers the sixth month's pay. Dr. Samuel T. Gilbert nurchased a bay mare at R L. Robin son's sale, in — Mr. and Mrs. Albert K. Lentz. of Annville. spent sev i eral da'-s with their respective parents. —Miss Emilv Stoer. of Palmyra. N. J., is visiting: her Mrs. J. Caroline ; "Itreerald. Mrs. Andrew A. Bender. T, e banon. spent Tuesdav with Elmer E I>eining:er, at the Heilman Hotel. Miss Sarah C. Kalev attended the 'nreral of Miss Tlehecca Miller, an aunt her mother, at Womelsdorf—Charles TYsutman. of I>ebanon. snent several days with his grandparents, Mr. and j Mrs. John Pesh. Wnrmle'slmrir.—Mrs. Wesley Geitrer and Mrs. G. R Renshaw were in Me- this week as delegates to the Sundav school convention.— JL»ewis tTolcome expects to eo to Hamhurs: for his health. Mr. T-everine returned to i his home, at Danville, on Mondnv. after 1' a short- stay at the United Brethren narsonage. HAD ECZEMA SEVEN ; HEARS DM IIP Also Ringworm on Hand. Could Not Sleep at Night. Itching and Burning. CuticuraSoap and Oint ment Healed Hip Also Ringworm^ North Bend, Pa.-—"I had the eczema 1 for seven years also ringworm on my hand. I The eczema was in a sort of rash and itched ' and burned when I scratched. It made an ! eruption and the clothing Irritated the : | breaking out on my hip. I could not sleep 1 at night and when I would get warm I suf -1 fered awfully with the Itching and burning. ' j The ringworm was In circle* on my hand ' I and scaly and If I used much soap or had 1 my hands In water long It would get so so<« the scales would come open and bleed. "Then I used Cuticura Soap and Oint ment. I bathed my liand In hot water with the use of the Outlcura Soap then dried my hand good and put the Cuticura Oint ment on. I also washed my hip with the Cuticura Soap and warm water, then I took a thin cloth, put the Cuticura Oint ment on It and laid It on my hip. Cuti cura Soap and Ointment healed my hip also the ringworm on my hand." (Signed) Airs. A. Elder, October 27, 1014. 1 Sample Each Free by Mail I With 82-p. Skin Book on request. Ad dress post-card "Cuticura, Dept. T. Boa -1 ton." &>id throughout the world. Lebanon County Wheat Crop ! Will Break Former Records Annvlllc, Pa., March 13.—Reports) received from farmers In this part i of the county show that this year's!] wheat crop Is expected to eclipse all , i former records.—Mrs. D. M. Neiklrk \ and Mrs. D. D. Keedy of Keedsyville, ! Md„ spent several days as the guests 1 of Professor and Mrs. 11. Clay Deancr, i of West Main street.—A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Arndt of Ma- i pic avenue, OR Monday.—Mr. and Mrs. ; ■ Albert Gingrich left on Sunday fori California where they will be the guests of the latter's brother while | visiting the exposition.— George ll»| Stein of Philadelphia returned to his: home after visiting his son. George W. | i Stein, cashier of the AnnviUe National I i Bank.—Joseph W. Pomralnlng of Har- . ] risburg. who recently purchased the|i farm of Samuel Imboden, was in this , town recently. VALUABLE FARMS SOLD lUfe, Pa.. March 13. Peter Stro-. hecker sold his home to Levi Schaffe." ] ; for $2,700 and will move to Elizabeth ville.—S. A. Holtzman sold his farm j of eighty.four acres to Wilson Lebo jf j Millersburg for $3,800. Mr. Lebo will j 1 take possession on April I.—Nicholas j; Lenker lost a valuable horse last week. | —Jacob Lenker. William Paul anij Walter Spotts expect to start for lowa where they will spend the summer.— Mrs. Ed Teager was taken to a Phila- ' delphia hospital for an operation.— I 1 Mr. and Mrs. S. A: Holtzman were at Millersburg Monday.—Harvey Holts- , man, of Curtln, was here on Wednes day. ii | CHICKENPOX AT SHIPPENSBFRG j Sllipiicnshurg, Pa.. March 13. —Missi | Ethel Burtstield, of Montpelier, Vt., |i ; spent a few days here.—Paul Burts- I field, of Enola, spent a few days in I 1 town. —The Otterbeln Guild met at the j I home of Mrs. Lila Mcßeth. —The Rev. ! Jay Yohe spent the week end at his I ! home in Shippensburg.—An epidemic.! j of chickenpox has reached Shippens- I ! burg.—Mr. and Mrs. Bert Funston and | I Miss Clara Baker, of Path Valley, | j spent a day at the home of Russeli ; Jacoby.—Professor Mainwaring taught j i the men's Bible class of the Messiah j ! United Brethren Sunday school last j Sunday. I "UNDER COVER," THRILLING AT MAJESTIC THEATER WEDNESDAY SMHKLrwMk WSlw i I 9| Hk % $ ; m » ■ Tjjj mm hHq Hsum hmbbrb EhP9S9HHI Clara Louise and Roy Larue Cumberland Valley S. S. Convention Ends With Big Parade of Men Mechanicsburg, l*a., March 13.—En thusiasm ran high here last evening at the closing of the convention of the Cumberland County Sabbath School Association, when about 1,500 men, representing organized Bible classes, paraded the streets in a blaze of red lights and appropriate banners. There were four divisions, each headed by a band of music. The Carlisle band led I the first division; the Singer band, of I Mechanicsburg, the second; the Le- I moyne band, the third, and the Dills i burg band led the fourth division. The j officers of the Sunday school asso ; elation, with the chief marshal, the Kev. Charles F. Raach. and his aids marched at the head <jf the proces sion. W. G. Landes, general secretary of the State Sabbath School Association, and Dr. W. A. Hutchison, headmaster of Conway Hall, Carlisle, addressed a men's mass meeting in the First United Brethren Church and a wom an's mass meeting in the St. Paul's Reformed Church. These county officers were elected: President, James 1,. Young, Mechan icsburg; vice-president, W. A. Lutz, Shippensburg; corresponding secre tary, T. L. Gray, Carlisle; recording secretary, W. A. Rupp, Carlisle; his torical secretary, the Rev. H. B. Stock, D. D., Carlisle, and treasurer, G. F. Walters, Shippensburg. FORTY-FIVE HIT TRAII, Special to The Telegraph Shippensburg, Pa., March 13.—Serv ices last night were especially for young people. The Sunday schools of the co-operating churches and stu dents of the high and normal schools marched, headed by the band. Over 1,000 persons were in line. Exercises were given by the students of the schools and fort.v-flve persons hit the trail. Amonsr thiß number were some church members. The total is sixty one to date. MR. BOSCH ADDRESSES CI;FB Special to The Telegraph Waynesboro. Pa.. March 13. A meeting of the Waynesboro Motor Club last evening was attended by more than one hundred persosn. The meet ing was addressed by F. B. Bosch, of Harrlsburg, and a luncheon followed. SILVER WEDDING Mr. and Sirs. St. Elmo Getter Will i Entertain This Evenliur By Special Correspondence Newville, Pa.. March 13. —Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Elliott and son. of Hagers town, Md., spent the week-end with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. , Samuel Elliott. Fred Randall, of I Wilkes-Barre, is spending a short time I with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert | Itandall.—Mrs. J. Shields Gracey will | return to her home to-day after a visit with her mother at Pittsburgh.—Mrs. j Annie McCoy is spending the week with her sons at Philadelphia.— Miss Louisa McCune, who spent a few days with her niece, Mrs. J. E. Whitney, at Harrisburg, has returned home. —Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Zelgler. who spent the past three months with the former's pnrents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Zeigler, north of town, returned on Tuesday to their home in California. Mrs. Oerr, of Lancaster, is visiting her son, Will Derr.—Mrs. D. Hart/.ell is on a trip to Philadelphia.—J. E. Snyder, of Williamsport, spent Thursday with Mr. and ilrs. R. C. Espensehade.— Miss Annie Greaver has returned from a visit at Philadelphia.—The Christian! Endeavor Society of Zlon Lutheran Church will celebrate its twenty-fifth anniversary by holding a special serv ice in the church Sunday evening, March 21.—This evening Mr. and Mrs. St. Elmo Getter will entertain about' ninety friends in honor of the twenty lifth anniversary of their marriage. BOY TAKEN TO HOSPITAL By Special Correspondence \ Lykens, Pa., Marcli 13 —Mrs. Golden, | sister of George and Richard Budd. j died at the home of her parents at I Willlamstown. —Miss Maine Spangler I spent Monday at Harrisburg.—The co'- | liery worked two days this week. — 1 Mrs. Anton Mlnnlch entertained the I United Brethren Ladies' Sewing Circle at her home on Tuesday evening.— I Miss Gertie Miller will entertain the .Social Circle of the Lutheran Church I Thursday evtning at her home in j Market street.—Henry Kauderman, | son of William Kauderman. of this ; place, is very seriously 111. Three phy j slcians were called and after making lan X-ray examination they decided to j have him removed to the Harrisburg ' Hospital, which was done yesterday. RECEIVES COMMISSION" Special to The Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa., March 13.—John W. Warehimc, the newly appointed postmaster of this place, received his commission from the Post Office De partment yesterday and expects to take charge of the office here next Monday. VALUABLE CATT EE CONDEMNED Special to The Telegraph. Strasburg, Pa., March 13. —One case of aphthous fever on the farm of Ben jamin Caskey, near town, developed yesterday and the entire herd, valued at more than $2,000, will be killed. MOTHER SAVES DAUGHTER Gettysburg, Pa., March 13. —Dash- ing into the flames which enveloped the bed on which her 4-year-old daughter Frances lay, Mrs. Herman Kane, of 119 West Middle street, saved the child's life in a boarding house at Frederick, Md. ji em THKTRAD&MARK I I 24 IS "TOUR GUARANTEE, { I There is no genuine R I BAKER'S COCOA | I IJ [j« BAKER'S CHOCOLATE I 1 If I j \ unless has this trade- I 1 J&*X\fn ■ on the package. 1 ifi» & WALTER BAKER » CO. LTD fcj Rea.NuaPAr.oi-K ESTABLISHED 1780 DORCHESTER,MASS NEW COUNCILMAN ELECTED j iJ. I>. M. Reed Will Take Plaee of Danlrl Tobias By Special Correspondence Dauphin Pa. March 13.—The Rev. J. M. Shoop of Stoelton, tormer pas tor of the United Evangelical Church j ■of Dauphin, spent Monday in town. — , Mrs. Alice Heldler, of Shenandoah, i j Va., spent several days with Mrs. W. 1 | D. Klnter.—Mrs. Harvey Keed has re- j jturined home after spending a week , :at Harrisb'urg.— J. D. M. Reed has been': elected to the town council to till the 11 unexpired term of Daniel Tobias.— ji Miss Ruth Shaffer spent the week ■! with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. 1 W. W. Davidson, at llarrisburg.—Miss i Naomi Ebersole, of Roaring Branch, Miss Carrie Hoffman, of Middletown, and Miss Qoldie Douglas, of Harris-' i burg, were week-end guests of Mrs. i. Frank E. Williams. Mrs. Blanch; Robinson, of "Maple Grove Farm," j spent the week-end with Mrs. Harvey I B. Greenawalt.—The Rev. Edwin P.J Robinson, left on Tuesday for a trip to Philadelphia.—Mr. and Mrs. Harvey j C. Forney and children, Edgar and! Ethel, of Derry street, Harrlsburg.' spent the week-end at their summer' home here.—Mrs. J. J. Llnder, of Bloomfield, N. J., spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. E. M. Sellers.- Mrs. Mary Kline, of Harrlsburg, spent Wednesday In town. Mrs. Edgar White and Miss Bertha Coffrode of Johnstown, left Wednesday for homo after a visit with their grandmother,' Mrs. Mary Coffrode.—Mrs. Agnes Ir vin is slowly recovering after a severe illness. —The Rev. George A. Maurey, of Mauch Chunk, Pa., spent several days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Maurey.—W. A. Bailetts re-; turned home on Wednesday after a 1 short trip to Lebanon. Miss Anna Hoffman has returned from a visit with Mrs. Frank Sanford of Washing ton, D. C. —Jacob Conrad spent Wed nesday with his daughter Mrs. Theo dore Lannert, .at Wllllainsport.—• Miss Agnes Whiteman, of Girard Col , lege, Philadelphia, is visiting her] Mrs. Jessie Whiteman, Stony j Creek. #5,000 FIRE APPARATUS Ephralu Businessmen Moving to Buy Modem Motor Truck By Special Correspondence Ephrata. Pa., March 13.—Ex-Gover nor Robert B. Glenn, of North Caro lina delivered an excellent lecture on "The Cry of the Children," In the Grand theater on Monday evening be fore a audience, this being one of the five number In the course of lectures and entertainments given during the winter months under the auspices of the Eplirata public schools. —The Ephrata Women's Christian Temperance Union will hold a Frances E. Willard memorial service in the United Brethren Church on Tuesday cevning next. An interesting program will be rendered, followed by a social hour. Mrs. W. W. Griest, of Lancas ter. will contribute a paper on one of the popular Questions of the day. A baptismal service will be held In the Ephrata Mennonite Church to-morrow afternoon. —A movement is on l'oot among the citizens of Ephrata bor ough and township to secure funds for the purchase of a $5,000 motor lire en gine. Fire Chief H. M. Sprecher, H. H. Singer and J. H. Herr, prominent businessmen have the matter In charge. NEW MINISTER ASSIGNED The Rev. F. L. Fuhrman Will Take Charge of MarysvlHe Church By Special Correspondence Marjsvillc, Pa., March 13.—At the recent Evangelical conference at Car lisle. the Rev. W. E. Detwiler was transferred from Marysville to Dan ville. and the Rev. F. L. Fuhrman ap pointed to the Evangelical church here.—Miss Susan Bell has returned home after spending the winter with her sister, Mrs. John Husband, of Nan istlque, Michigan.—Mrs. Addle Ettien and son James spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Hosier at Chester. —C. F. Kass spent several days this week with his son, Jacob Kass, of Phil adelphia.—Mrs. Kirby Shope, of In dianapolis, has returned home after spending' several weeks with S. A. Shope.—Mrs. E. M. Dissinger spent Monday and Tuesday with her son Wilmer Dissinger, of Philadelphia.— Miss Ruth Miller, of Baltimore, is the guest, of her aunt. Miss Annie Horn berger.—Mrs. B. L. Behrens. of Balti more, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wil liam Bonneson.—J. W. Beers spent the week-end with relatives in Philadel phia.—Miss Lillian Wilson, of Phila delphia, has returned to her home af ter spending some time with Miss Ju lia Dissinger. INJURED BY FALLING BRANCH New German town, Pa., March 13. James O'Donel and Miss Mary Gut shall were in Blain on Monday.—While cutting extract wood on the State land on Tuesday Ambrose Hockenberry was l hit by a large limb from a tree, ren -1 dering him unconscious for a time. — s Mrs. J. C. Reeder. of Jackson township, - was the guest of her parents, Mr. and > Mrs. A. D. Bowman, on Tuesday and t also stopped to see S. B. Trostle, who is still bedfast. She was accompanied by Mrs. Laura Sollenberger, of that > township, who spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Trostle's family. Misses Mary and Nellie Robinson, of Jackson e township, called on their cousin. Henry - Eby, on Friday.—Mrs. E. M. College, 1 of Philadelphia, is visiting her parents, 1 Mr. and Mrs. David Hollenbaugh.— William Hockenberry. of Cumberland county, visited his brother, Edward Hockenberry. and sister, Mrs. Annie Otto. —J. A. Noel, overseer on the - State road, had several drags leveling I un the roads.—Mrs. Andrew Brown, I of near Mlllerstown. is visiting her i brother. Georire M. Burkett, and Mr. I and Mrs. A. M. Trostle.—Albert Gut t shall, of near Duncannon. is visiting his mother. Mrs. Amanda Gutshall. Dinner Party in Honor of Cleveland, Ohio, Guest By Special Correspondence MlfTUntown. Pa., March 18.—Miss Katharine Mathers is visiting at Hunt ington.—Misses Tlllie and Jane Lou don guvo a dinner party in honor of their cousin Miss Edith Vans we ringer," of Cleveland, Ohio. The following guests were present: The Rev. ami Mrs. J. C. Eby, Mr. and Mrs. Charles B.' Crawford Mr. Murray Hetrlck, Miss Sara Kaufman, Miss Belle RothrocU, Mrs. Mussulman and Mrs. Mae Good j fellow, of Hollldaysburg.—Mrs. Elmer Stoner, of Harrlsburg, spent Saturday with her father. Colonel J. K. RoUl son.—Mrs. James Sterrett entertained the following guests at a dinner on Wednesday evening: Mrs. Mary Jacobs, of Philadelphia; Miss Rebecca Jacobs, 'Miss Sallle Mayer, the Rev. Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Robison.- | James Nelson gave a dinner at the I National Hotel on Sunday. Those prcs 'ent were: Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell N, ; Manbeck, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Man j beck, Mr. and Mrs. Tliad Vincent, j daughter Florence ana son Alexander, ; Mr. and Mrs. Charles I '.ashore and 'daughter Marian, Mrs. Klser and Mrs. Michael Bashore.—Mr. and Mrs. W. 1. Kulp are spending a few days with their daughter, Mrs. Paul Helmacli, at Philadelphia.—John Henry, of Burn liam, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Harry Dickershied.—A public meeting In the Interest of Odd Fellows will be 'held In the Lutheran Church of Mif flintown, March 17. Grandmaster Paul A. Benson and other prominent mem bers will make addresses.—Warren Groninger, who has spent the past month with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. j James N. Groninger, of Port Royal, left for Kansas City, Mo. MISSIONARY BARRELS OPENED Lewlsl>erry Sunday School Classes Con tribute LilK*rally Ijewisherry, Pa., March 13. — On Sun day the missionary barrels wero I opened in the Methodist Episcopal I Sunday school. The classes gave the following amounts: The Rev. David L. Dixon, $24.25; Mrs. E. A. Pennington, ! $23; Miss Carrie Cllne, $11; Isaac Rudisill, $5.10; Mrs. Ella M. Sutton, $5.10; P. C. Bell, $6.51; J. F. Sutton, $6.05; Mrs. F. B. Crone, $3.18; Mrs. J. C. Parthemer, $35: Miss Fairie Zlnn, $4.48; Mrs. Lewis C. Wise. $3.74; Mrs, J. P. Sutton, $4, and S3O for the sup port of a native worker in India; grand total, $131.41. —Members of the men's organized class of the Methodist Epis copal Sunday School at the session on Sunday morning authorized the presi dent, Ijogan S. Reiff, and the secre tary, Harvey Erney, to send congratu lations to Governor M. G. Brumbaugh on the stand he has taken on the county local option bill.—The Rev. D. L. Dixon, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, on Sunday will preach his last sermon of the confer ence year and at that time will con clude a series of sermons on the words of Jesus on the cross. —The Ladies' Aid Society or the Methodist Episcopal Church will meet Saturday evening at the home of Its president, Miss -Mary Frankeberger.—The Rev. A. M. Funk, pastor of the Franklintown United Brethren Church and teacher of Lewis berry school, is ill.—F. B. Crone and F. M. Sealover are spending the week at Kralltown.—Mrs. Clarissa Bratten has returned from Harx-isburg.—Mrs. Harry Elchelberger, of Siddonsburg, | was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Strayer. TOWER CITY REVIVALS One Itondreil and Kitty Converts Won During Winter Tower City, Pa., March 13. ,Tlm . Parent-Teachers' Association. m*t- in . the hl.-fh scnool room. Miss Anna Barry rendered a solo and James Zerbe sang. Miss Laura Belder teacher of A gram mar room, spoke In "Discipline in the Schoolroom." This proved the theme , for the evening's discussion IT- Mr. Schwalm, Miss Boyer and several others. At the close of the meeting I several members were taken In, making a total of eifctity. Miss Grace Kant ner spent the week-end with her sis ter, Mrs. E. B. Jenkyns, at Harrlsburg. I —Mrs. William Carl returned homo after spending several days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jury, at Rife. . William Batdorf, of iconisco, spent several days with his brother-in-law. John Dando. While In town he spoke in the United Evangelical Church. —■ i The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Ramer formerly - pastor at Wiconisco but now of Slat . ington, visiting relatives hero. Never in the history of Tower City was there as much harmony in the churches as ' there is this winter and about 150 eon ■ verts have been won during the revival ) meetings in the various churches. A . revival is now being held in the United . Evangelical Church. On Monday ' and Tuesday nights the Rev. Mr. Romig, ot the I'nited Brethren Church, preachei'l, " and on Wednesday evening E. Wil liams and severa? others from Wfl liamstown had charge of the meeting. DINNER FOR CLUB MEMBERS > Mr. ami Mrs. Clark Cooper Entertain I For Sons at Mlllcrsburg 3. Millersburg. Pa., March 13. Mr. . and Mrs. Clark Cooper entertained tho - members of the Pioneer Cabin Club at a dinner at the Hotel Koppenhaver I Monday night in honor of their FOII. , 1 [Clark. Jr.. and Jack, who are member* > of the club. The following members 1 of the club were present: Clark an I t Jack Cooper, R. R. Novinger, A licit . Gilbert, R. L. Franke, Roswell Day, * George Bufflngton, Thomas Ilartman, i Herbert Miller and Alfred Hoffmttn. r In an after dinner speech Mr. Hoffman , gave an interesting talk on the history , lof the club. —March 26 and 27 are tho - dates set for the rendition of "Tho I ! Old Oaken Bucket" by local talent in 1 | the high school auditorium.—Alfred »|Fralick, of Luzerne, attended the fu ; i neral of his brother, C. W. Frallck on j Tuesday.—J. M. Alvord was taken to , the Medico-Clii Hospital, Philadelphia, p on Tuesday, where an operation will . be performed for gallstones. Mrs. - Mary Lance was called to Coatesvllla : Monday on account of the illness of a relative. 5
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