KING EIGHT MIS AMONG BIGGEST Lightness, in Spite of the Enlarged Feature, Has Been Adhered to Strictly true King; Motor Car Company, De ■ roit, came into the limelight late in •he Fall, with an eight-cylinder car, selling with attractive type of stream lino body. This motor, which is of the V-type, with cylinders mounted on the • rank-case at 00 degrees to each other and in blocks of four, has a rating of -4.2-horsepower. The engine weighs little more than the four-cylinder King and has practically the same length ovel• all. Due to these features it is installed in nearly the same chassis as that used fo rthe four. The four-cylinder, which has been forced into the background, so to speak, by the newcomer, is much re lined as compared with the previous year's car. This eight-cylinder engine is the sec ond to be installed as standard equip ment in an American car, and it is eominendably-dosigned for lightness, compactness and accessibility. All valve tappets are readily reached for adjustment, which is accomplished by eliminating nearly everything from the space between the two four-cylinder blocks, the center lines of which are at 90 degrees to each other. Thecrank shaft Is the same in design as that used in a four-cylinder motor, this being possibly due to the coupling of the two connecting rods to each throw bearing. One rod has a yoked end which grips the outer ends of the bushing, while a small-end rod goes between the two parts of the yoke. The bushing is pinned to the yoke rod with which it oscillates with the shaft as its bearing. The King cars have for years been recognized as standards of efficiency and service. The famous King motor has been regarded as one of the best automobile motors on the market, and has been favorably mentioned by some of the leading engineers in the coun try. For years, the King four-cylinder car, their main production, has been regarded as the last word in automo bile designing. This car has, with each new year, been brought to a higher standard, and now represents the highest and best type of four-cyl inder car. Feeling that further im provement in this line was bound to be less effective than has been the case in the past, the company decided to pay more attention to the develop ment of other types of its car. The result is the present new eight-cylin der oar, which is one of the most handsome of such cars on the market, and which is also notable in that it is the first car of its type to be placed on the market at a price under SISOO. The King is represented in Harris burg by tiie King Car Sales Company, SO-SS South Cameron street, \V. P. Krister is proprietor, and us distribu tor feu - twenty-four counties he will display the King models at the auto show in Kelker street hall, assisted by J. Robert Barr, sales manager. A novel yet effective method of testing the alignment of wheels, ••limlnatlng the complications caused t>y fenders and running boards, is to iack up the wheels, drench the tires thoroughly with water and then re .olve the wheels rapidly. The water hus thrown off will leave a wet streak on the floor, the streak being r-xactly parallel with the plane of the wheel. Doing this with the front and •oar wheels on each side of the car lirovides a ready means for checking up the alignment. We Sell Fisk K Tires Fisk Accessories Hamilton Tubes Moore Jacks Electric Headlights Gas Headlights Side Lamps Tail Lamps All Kinds of Ford Accessories Reliners Wonder Worker Specialties Manzell 2 Cyl. Pumps Gloves Goggles Grease Bumpers Bicycle Tires Motorcycle Tires Klaxons Hand Klaxons Klaxonets Tool Kits Phinney Walker Clocks Flash Lights Dixon's Lubricants Weed Chains Prest-O-Lite Tanks Searchlight Tanks Horn Bulbs Chamois Sponges Blow-out Patches Hook-on Boots Mirrors E. Mather Co. Salesroom 204 Walnut St. Bell Phone—l2B6 United Phone—339 SATURDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 13, 1915. EMPIRE IKS Mil DISTINCT FEATURES Popular Priced Car Will Be Ex hibited at the Penbrook Garage During Show Week j Iff ■ H. A. FISHBURN European influence in body design and American demand for conveni ence !\ave been the two most com pelling forces to actuate the automo bile engineer in recent years. The first of these is brought about by means of the streamline body, while the second has been instrumental in the perfection and adoption of elec tric starting and lighting systems. These two influences that mark the modern motor car are noticeable in the Empire models for li) 15, which are being displayed throughout show week at the salesroom of the Pen brook Garage by H. A. Fishburn. The new Empires are striking ex amples of the year's advance in the Industry. These models, that mark the seventh year of the Empire, have as their most sweeping change from previous productions of the company, the new streamline body of added roominess and exceptional attractive ness. Seats are set low, allowing backs of more than ordinary height, while upholstering throughout is Turkish type of selected leather. All door hinges are concealed, and with the body tapering back from cowl a most pleasing flush side effect is given, completed by a limousine back. Koll crown fenders add to the gen erally attractive appearance. All in struments, such as speedometer, car buretor adjustment, dashlight, igni tion switch, battery indicator, light control, etc., are assembled on a dash instrument board sheltered by the cowl. The Empire is known as "The Lit tle Aristocrat' and is made by the Empire Automobile Company, of In dianapolis, Ind. The general specifications are as follows: ' Motor—Pour-cylinder, L-head, cast in pairs; bore 3%-inch, stroke inch; unit power plant. Cooling—- Thermo syphon Bystem with large, efficient radiator and fan; hood ven tilated. Lubrication —Constant level and force feed by plunger pump. Slight feed on dash for each main bearftig. Carburetor Holley Model H, hot air intake and special aid ad justment on dash to facilitate start ing; throttle lever on quadrant, foot accelerator between brake and clutch pedal. Clutch —Disc, running in oil; easy and postive engagement. Trans mission—Selective; sliding gear; three speeds forward, one reverse; gears are 30 per cent, oversize and run smoothly and silently. Drive— Shaft of chrome , nickel steel. Rear Axle—Weston-Mott extra heavy semi floating with removable sleeves; five pitch bevel gear and pinion, Hyatt high duty and New Departure bear ings, chrome nickel steel drive shafts 30 per cent, oversize. Front Axle— Weston-Mott drop forged I-beam. Steering—Warner, full worm and gear, irreversible type with 17-inch steering wheel. Control —Center with right side drive. Brakes—Two sets, internal expanding and external con tracting, acting on 12-inch drums on rear wheels. Equalizers give maxi mum efficiency, applying both brakes simultaneously. Fenders Pressed steel, with close fitting mud shields, giving complete protection. Body— Aluminoid steel, flush sides, full ves tibule, four four door entrances, lux urious wide seats, with resilient, deep Turkish cushions. Gasolines Tank—On touring cars. 15 gallons (l 1 /^-gallon reserve) under front seat; on road sters 13-gallon capacity, in cowl. Wheels —Artillery type, 12 spokes. Springs—Front, semi-elliptic; rear, three-quarters elliptic with special scroll ends for bumper plates. Frame -—Pressed steel, 3 9-16-inch channel [section and dropped to give low cen ter of gravity. Tires—32x3% inches. Color —Royal empire blue with baked black enamel fenders, hood, etc. Nickel trimings. Equipment—Remy electric starting, lighting and ignition system, fully guaranted for one year, Willard oversize storage battery and dash charging indicator, electric headlights with dimmers, electric tail light, mohair top, topboot and cur tains, rigid post, rain vision venti lating windshield, Stewart speedome ter, nonskid tires on rear, demount able rims, dash carburetor air adjust ment, spare tire carriers, rubber shock bumpers on front and rear, robe and foot rails, horn, extension lamp, tool kit, pump, jack, etc. Model 31-40 Empire is made n two body designs, a five-passenger tour ing with electric starting and lighting at SI,OOO, delivered In Harrlsburg, and a roadster model at same price with electric equipment. The Penbrook Garage has excellent service facilities, but plans are now being perfected by Mr. Fishburn for the erection of a new building this Spring to be devoted entirely to the The present hiilldlnarn. although hav selling. storage and repairs of auto mobiles for the Penbrook district ing concrete floors and repair pits for service on the large trucks of S. A. Fishburn, are inadequate to accom modate the rapidly growing business of the automobile sales department. ENSMINGER MOTOR CO. TIUItD AND CUMBERLAND STB, Distributors. JEFFERY AND THE PULLMAN MODELS These and the Vim Delivery Com prise Exhibit of Bentz-Landis Auto Company The month of March, which may well he considered to mark the open ing of the Spring selling season among automobile manufacturers, sees the Thomas B. JelTery company with over 50 per cent, of Its total production for the 1915 season sold and delivered. Inasmuch as most manufacturers de pend upon selling from 60 per cent, to 70 per cent, of their output between March and the latter part of June, the Jeffrey organization seems to be in a particularly enviable position. According to E. S. Jordan, sales manager for the Thomas B. Jeffery company, the cry of business depres sion has not come from manufactur ers who have been steadily building a reputable product and marketing it along sane business lines. In commenting on the big sales made by his company during the win ter months, Mr. Jordan said. "All through the year we have experienced a normal, healthy demand for Jeffery cars, which has at no time fallen be low the mark, which we consider to be highly favorable and highly indica tive of prosperity. Our larger models are practically all subject to orders now and from the present indication the Chesterfield Six and the Light Four will also be sold out at least a month before the time we normally set as the end of the Spring selling cam paign." This car is represented here by the Bentz-Landls Auto Co., and displayed at the Kelker Hall Auto Show. The Jeffery Chesterfield Six, the dis tinguished companion of the Jeffery NEW LIGHT SIX No Car in the World Will Compare With This 45 H. P. Six-Cylinder, 4x5 x / 2. 128-in. Wheel-base. 36x4-in. Tires Two, Five or Six-Passenger Body. Price, $1585, f. o. b. Racine THIS NEW LIGHT SIX was designed by Vice-President' and Chief Engineer John W. Rate, of the Mitchell-Lewis Motor Co., who also designed and built the FAMOUS MITCHELL BABY SIX, the FIRST Light Six-Cylinder Car ever put on the automobile market. For twelve months the Mitchell- Lewis Motor Co. have promised this car—promised it to its dealers—promised it to former Mitchell own ers and to the friends of owners, who insist that they want a car built by the who built the Baby Six. The Baby Six was a real Six, and even today—three years after its introduction—lt is practi cally impossible to induce an owner of one of these cars to part with it. THE NEW CAR IS READY. It has passed every test and you can now buy another Real Mitchell LIGHT SIX produced by ENGINEER JOHN W. BATE. You will want to see this car —it is truly a sen sational LIGHT SIX. It is the wonder of the 1915 automobile season. THE MITCHEL LINE FOR 19 15 ==? Mitchell Sis —two, five or six passengers—6 cylinders— Mitchell Special Six —s passengers—6 cylinders—so horse power 45 horse power—l2B-inch wheel base—36x4 tires $1,585 —132-inch wheel base—B6x4% tires, $1,8*5 Mitchell IJgrlit Four—two and five passengers—4 cylinders—3s Mitchell Special Six— 6 passengers, same as above $1,995 horse power—ll6-inch wheel base—34x4 tires $1,250 Mitchell Six l)e Luxe —7 passengers—6 cylinders— l44-inch Mitchell lAgUt Four— 6 passengers, same as above $1,300 wheel base—6o horse power—37xs tires $2,350 F. O. B. ItACINE •,/ j at Auto Show in Kelker Street Hall Mitchell-Lewis Motor Co., Racine, Wis., U. S. A. REAM & SON, Distributors Harrisburg, Pa., 108 Market St. 19 E. Main St., Palmyra. Pa. Four, lias been designed and named for quality and style leadership. The Jeffery Four has come to be recognized as the leader in the four cylinder field in point of modern ex cellence, distinctive quality, economy and style. It is logical, therefore, that the same splendid manufacturing organization, the same engineering brains—with the proven experience of Europe at its command—should develop the leading oar in the economical six-cylinder field. The Jeffery Chesterfield Six is the car. A great factory backed by forty years of manufacturing experience, five and one-half million dollars In as sets and three million dollars' worth of equipment enables the Jeffory to build a car of first quality which can be sold at a price which would be Impossible for the assembler who must cheapen his product In order to get his price down. The motor of the Jeffery Chester field Six is of the high speed, high effi ciency, bloc type, developing 35-42 horsepower. It was just such a motor as was specified as the power plant of the ideal car by the Society of Auto mobile Engineers at their last conven tion. This company are large producers of JelTery trucks and quads known all over the world. The Bentz-Landis Auto Company also have the agency for the Pullman motor cars of York. The 6-48 is well known as the "Palace Car of the Road" and the Pullman lightweight model made an instant hit when Introduced in January. The fame of Pullman products is rapidly becoming world-wide and they are steadily building the foundations fora phenomenal business. With an increase of over three hundred per cent. In shipments during the last sixty days and promise of one hundred and fifty per cent, over that In the next thirty days following, will give some Idea of the benefit this industry is to the city of York. The various points to which ship ments have been made during the last ninety days Is firmly placing York upon the map as an automobile cen ter, considered so the world over. .Shipments liavo been made In carjoads of from three to six to the shipment during the last ninety dais as follows: Seattle, Wash.; Los Angeles, Cal.; La Crosse, Mis.; Sious City, Iowa; St. Louis, Mo.; Wichita, Kan.; Houston, Texas; Bay City, Mich.; Gallon, Ohio; Cincinnati, Ohio; Youngstown, Ohio; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; Pen Argyl, Pa.; Lancaster, Pa.; Wash ington, D. C.; Alexandria, Va.; New York City; Jamestown, N. Y.; Lester shire, N. Y.; New Haven, Conn.; Bos ton, Mass.; Dover, N. H.; San Francis co, Cal.; Minneapolis, Minn.; Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Omaha, Neb.; Kansas City, Kan.; Macon, Mo.; Gladstone, Mich.; Cleveland, Ohio; Lima, Ohio; Ashtabula, Ohio; Springfield, Ohio; Wllliamsport, Pa.; Harrlsburg, Pa.; Philadelphia, Pa.: Reading, Pa.: Balti more, Mil.; Cape Charles, Va.; Buffalo, N. Y.; Rochester, N. Y.; Providence, R. I.; Worcester, Mass.; Manchester, N. H.; Bangor, Me. Shipments have also been made toi Havana, Cuba; London, Eng.; Toronto, Can., and Quebec, Can. Immediate shipments will be made to Australia and Ireland. Many single deliveries have been made over the States of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio and the Virg'nias. On account of the remarkable suc cess which the Pullman company has met In the distribution of their prod ucts a large force of men Is now em ployed, and owing to the demand for the product the increased business will necessitate the doubling of the force within the next few weeks. Howry & Son Wagon Works We build wagons and sell direct to the consumer and saving you the retail profit. Also build auto truck bodies, paint and trim auto cars. Shiremanstown Pa. Take the Girl Along This machine will climb a 45% grade with side car. 11 H. P. guaranteed. 3-speed sliding gear. CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS See Us at the Motorcycle and Bicycle Show Heagy Bros, 1204 North Third Street OPEN EVENINGS MILLER to the Road TIRES Add the "Class" Mark to Your Car STERLING AUTO TIRE CO., 1451 z«rk«r W THE VULCANIZERS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers