-n< Brockway Tmck^l Dependablity—Stability Brockway Trucks are constructed of highest standardized units throughout, such as Continental Motor—strong as the nation. Brown Lipe Transmission practically inde structible. Bosch Magneto—standard of the world. David Brown English Worm Drive—Europe's best Vertical Finned Tube Radiator—guaranteed not to leak, the life of the truck. Sheldon Axles and Springs—none better. Body building, painting and finish—Brockway Quality. Brockway Quality Known Throughout EXPERT SERVICE CARE IN BUILDING You will find us always at your service, not only to assist as efficiency experts in Brockway has the quality, alright, and we could go on talking to you about the the solution of your delivery problems, but experts as well in the inspection and care high character of the firm building them. Their painstaking care in using nothing but of the truck after proper installation. We are Specializing in Motor Trucks with the h BEST in everything. The composite superiority and composite guarantee, which, idea that by doing one thing only and doing it well; by fair play and undivided atten- . r , b . . .. . , tion, we can serve you as well as our interests best. reinforced by, the strongest manufacturing concerns in the automobile industry, spells The Service Organization that is back of every Brockway Truck sold is probably hi S h efficiency, long life and great satisfaction. But we CANNOT tell you so the most vital part of the entire transaction. To anyone who owns motor trucks, this y° u cai } see t^ie completeness of detail, beauty of finish, and the strength and power in importance is apparent. Experience will have taught him that only an organization every line. That is the reason we want you to see us at the Capital Auto Show, Kelker such as is outlined on this page is capable of rendering real Service; and only Service of Street Hall, where we have two models on exhibit. After seeing them you will want this sort makes a truck worth owning. an appointment to demonstrate their merits in your own business and thus permit us to Assurances as to Service Qualifications are backed by fifteen years of personal ex- back up our statements with facts, perience on motor car construction. All YOU ask of a customer is to try YOUR line. WE'RE asking you to try OURS. Two Models, 2500 Pounds and 4000 Pounds—Worm Drive. Three Models, 1500 Pounds, 2500 Pounds, 4000 Pounds—Chain Drive Commercial Car Company Manager 13th and Walnut Sts. Ba RHONES MITCHELL LIGHT. SIX IS LUXURIOUS Economy of Operation and AU the . Superb Appearances of the Beit Cars Built The Mitchell Light Six. according to Ream & Son, local dealers, presents more than economy in first cost. Not only is this car sold for less than half the price of the so-called high-priced ears, but it is also the cheapest to maintain and operate because it is built on the right lines, and with spe cial regard to husbanding the money of its user. There Is nothing in prac tical automobile work that this car will not do. It is as good as any tour ing car at any price, in all the essen tials. Only in operating cost does it differ, and the saving is great enough to attract to it the patronage of the prospect who would like to own a. six eylimler car, but who hesitates to make the purchase because of the • •ash outlay from week to week to keep the machine going. This is the really serious expense of motoring. There are many who could stand the first cost, which is really comparatively trivial. But it is impor tant to look closely into operating ex pense, which is a weekly item that never ceases while the car is in active service, and which is likely to increase as it begins to age, to pass the years of ite best service and to need more repairs to keep it going. When we speak of the Mitchell Eight Six as effecting a virtual revolu tion in presenting economy of opera tion we wish to emphasize that this is not a skimped, cheapened production. It is not an economy at the cost of quality. Back of every promise is a service guaranteed by one of the wealthiest automobile-making con cerns in the world, by a local repre sentation that has made a reputation America's Greatest "Light Six" $1485 is the result of correct design, selected materials, accurate workmanship and 22 years' experience in motor car construction. It is made manifest to Haynes owners day after day—year after year—by dependable per formance under all conditions. THE PROOF IS IN THE CAR ITSELF. See, Compare and Critically Inspect It at the AUTO SHOW Kelker St. Hall, March 13th to 20th ROBERTS & HOIN (Salesroom Central Gangs SM t'Brwtnul Street HMUllSBlIU;. I*A, SATURDAY EVENING, HAKRISBURG (666$ TELEGRAPH MARCH 13, 1915 for caring for its customers and has a plant able to meet any demands. The wheelbase is 128 inches. It is thus a big, little car. It will carry six persons any time to any place and under any conditions. The six cylinders assure absolute flexibility. This car will do its work at half the gasoline and tire consumption that would be required for the high priced machine costing about $4,500. It has the same comfort and econ omy as the llnest car. It has all the superb appearance of the best car built'. A low rakish effect is gained by fitting the rear springs under the axle instead of above it. This results In lowering the body five inches and makes a substantial difference in the appearance of the car. In fact, it gives it the look of the best foreign production, while at the same time permitting enough axle clearance to permit operation on the inequalities of American roads. The Light Six is made in a variety of models. In the touring car it is made in two, five and six-passenger models. It is to be obtained in all Mitchell forms in the closed cars, which naturally at this season of the year are in special demand for all the many diversions of winter that make a demand for comfortable transporta tion from home to theater, opera, dance, dinner, reception, wedding, etc. The coupe, coupelette, sedan and limousine all have the powerful mo tor of the Light Six, and all present its many advantages of power, comfort and economy of operation. All of these closed models, except the limou sine. are so arranged as to be driven from the interior of the machine by the owner. The limousine has a seven-passenger capacity and is driven from the outside. In addition to the Bight Six, which costs $1,585, we will also show the Special Six, with 132- Inch wheelbase, for $1,805, and the Big Six, with 14 4-inch wheelbase, for $2,350. i The Light Six is a combination car, I equally well suited for work in the 1 country as In the city. Its elegance ;of appearance makes it hard to dis tinguish from the high-priced ma chine. For this car any test is wel comed, regardless of distances or road conditions. In fact, It Is sold on this basis. . DETROITER EIGHT 10NG NEW ONES Model Introduced at New York Show Now With Local Dealer Complete preparation for the manu facture and marketing of a low-priced eight-cylinder car on a large scale, without a word leaking out about Its plans. Is the remarkable achievement of the Briggs-Detroiter Company of Detroit. Mich., which exhibited its new "Eight" at the Palace Show, New York. The price of the new model car is $ 1,295. "We have been experimenting with eight-cylinder cars for more than a year," says Claude S. ljriggs, president of the Briggs-Detroiter Company, "and the remarkable work of the car under every conceivable condition has been a revelation to us. "An investigation of the possible market for a moderate-priced eight, covering a period of several months, has proved to us that the demand is going to exceed the supply quite ma terially." The Detroiter "Eight" will be ex hibited at the Capital auto show in Kelker street hall by Connover and Mehring, local Detroiter dealers. The Briggs- Detroiter Company had one of the new eight-cylinder touring car models and a chassis, as well as its four-cylinder models, on exhibition at the Palace Show, New York. While following closely the stylish and dis tinctive lines of its older brother, the 1915 Detroiter "Four," the new "Eight" is more elaborate In finish and appointments, and embodies many of the most advanced Ideas of American motorcar construction. The "Eight" touring car is finished in a handsome Kimball green, with gold stripe, and 'has Turkish type upholstering in real I leather. The chief interest of the New l York show patrons naturally centered lin the motor, a compact, clean-cut ' power plant, for which much is claimed in the matter of power, flexl bility and economy of operation. I The cylinders are in two en bloc sets of four each, the cylinder dimen sions being 2 % by 4 % inches. The S. A. E. formula gives the motor a rating of 24.25 horsepower, but this rating Is not applicable to the Dc , trolter type of motor, which is rated at. 34 horsepower at 1,800 revolutions. The iwo-cyllnder blocks bolt to an aluminum crank race, which has a removable bell, flywheel housing. The jcrankshaft has two main bearings, . front being 1% by 2 3-22 inches, and the rear being 1% by 4Vi inches. Both of connecting rods connect with | this shaft, one throw bearing taking fare of a pair of rod ends in opposite | cylinders. In order to operate in the I same bushing, one rod is yoked on I the end, the other rod end fitting ' within this yoke. | The single camshaft is directly above the crankshaft and has eight cams, one operating two opposite in let valves or two exhaust valves, as the case may be. The cam assembly is on the under side of a plate which bolts to the top of the crank case between the cylinders. Positive lu brication is effected by means of a plunger primp. Riving an ample oil flow for all moving parts within. CASE BUILT FIRST MOTOR VEHICLE? Pioneer Inventor Made Self- Propelled Buggy There Back in 1871 The transfer of the tiles to the new office of the Secretary of State at Mad ison, Wis., recently brought to light one of the most interesting pieces of automobile news that has been un covered in the United States in many Indisputable evidence was brought to light to show that the State of Wisconsin was one of the first, if not the very first. State in the Union to anticipate the of the self-pro pelled vehicle. • J. S. Donald, Secretary of State for Wisconsin at the present time, has become so interested in the data he discovered in the old files of his of fice that he lias prepared a formal statement to show when and how the the inception of the modern automo bile came about. Wisconsin back in the early 70's, and especially in the year 1875, de veloped an age of invention and the State Legislature encouraged every sign of progress and especially along lines of labor-saving devices. That this enthusiasm was not spas modic and superficial is borne out by the many inventions brought to light at that time. However, the greatest interest centered In the self-propelled road vehicle and in 1875, 1876, 1877 and 1879 the Wisconsin Legislature passed laws for the purpose of en couraging the work that was then go ing on along these lines. Among the evidence that came to light during the moving of the files into the new Capitol of Wisconsin was an act appropriating SIO,OOO to the first successful inventor, who would produce a self-propelled vehicle that would pass tests, the rules of which were then laid down by the lawma kers, and, compared to the rules of the modern endurance test, they surely offer the best example of what the A. B. C. of modern automobile com petition was like. This award was to go to the winner of what was prob ably the first endurance race ever held in the world for self-propelled vehicles. That the State legislators of the great State of Wisconsin had foreseen the trend of the times and anticipated wisely, was shown by the seven self propelled machines that were intro duced to the public in 1878. But back of the appearance *f these machines was the invention of Dr. .1. M. Carhart, of Racine, Wis., in 1871 in the machine shop of the J. I. Case Threshing Machine Company, the present builders of the Case car. Dr. Carhart not only invented and built a self-propelled vehicle in 1871, but also operated it and, according to the news paper files of that time, was indi rectly responsible for the activity at Madison, Wis., on the part of the State Legislature. Upon discovering the data in the files showing the beginning of the au tomobile and realizing that because of the magnitude of the industry at the present time, almost everyone would be interested in the develop ment of its earliest stages, the Secre tary of State at Wisconsin wrote to the present officials of the J. I. Case Threshing Machine Company at Ra cine and the investigation followed which resulted in this account of the dawn of the modern self- propelled vehicle. The vehicle itself is no longer in ex istence but the State Historical So ciety at Wisconsin has in its files a photograph of this most interesting machine. When the present-day visitor is go ing through the great shops of the J. I. Case Threshing Machine Com pany, which rival in size and com pleteness, that of any other manufac turing institution, little does he dream that the modern high-class self-pro pelled motor car had. as its forerunner in 1871, a self-propelled buggy, minus ball bearings and roller bearinsrs, and lacking anything that looked like the modern rubber tire. But the first au tomobile managed to travel over the then undeveloped country roads at the rate of about six miles an hour. | STANDARDIZED i | j WILL BE IIERIC OX OR ABOUT APRIL FIRST j ml 'PHIS CAR is the product of more than a year's exhaustive research and de- J | ♦ velopment on the part of the best eight-cylinder engineering; brains in the j c j automobile industry. ♦ | 1 Weighs less than 3,500 pounds with 126-inch top of pleasing design. Turkish upholstorlßgr of t l!i, wheel base and roomy comfort for seven people. long grained, hand-buffed, genuine leather. 7 □ I The very latest simplified Delco separate unit I [7ll North way unit power plant with bore, starting ignition and lighting equipment built into { If by 4 '/a- inch stroke, 346.5 cylinder displacement, the mo tor—now absolutely standard. i ||| t ail moving shafts enclosed. Latest type accessible Tlmken axle with extra ♦ Of A distinctly foreign type of full-flowing body large, noiseless helical bevel gears and powerful, t lilf design, with divided front seats, disappearing quiet brakes. Extra large driving shafts and I HI t auxiliary seats, and beautifully rounded one-man bearings. I 1: r> 1 • A . H. L. Myers, Manager ; li Excelsior Auto Co., j ii EHj-miiEii j —ign^g^imrs«=aiai—-TT-rißf4J~"«iEit""-r—ißMPßiaap 1 There was no liquid fuel as the first motor car was steam propelled. Dr. Carhart just before hib death recently at San Antonio uncovered the following facts to l>e added to the his ! Tory of the first self-propelled vehicle, ; discovered at Madison, Wis.: I "The foreman of the foundry and machine shop of the J. I. Case Thresh ing Machine Company aided me to i the fullest extent, making my pat j terns, casting my cylinders and cylln- I der heads, boring out and turning the same together with the main shafting l and the like. This timely and efficient • I aid made It possible for me to accom i j plish my task." RAINPROOF GOGGLES Anyone wearing eyeglasses or gog-1 gles who has been caught in a rain-j storm knows how great is the deflclen- i cy of vision caused by the water or | the lenses, says the Motorcycle Review. But few persons are aware that this difficulty may be overcome by wiping off the moisture and then rubbing the outside of the glasses with the tip of the lingers covered with kerosenes. They will then appear dull, but just as soon as rain comes in contact with the glasses it will be possible to see clearly through them. When kerosene is used it will be essential to rub it over with the hand so that the raindrops may run evenly. The efficiency of a lamp may bo maintained by similar treat ment of the front glass. UK AT IX TIRES A test of the heat of tires in run nihg fast has shown that from 130 to 150 degrees Fahrenheit was reached. | Unless run deflated, 200 to 212 degrees could not be exceeded.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers