2 (fetffwatoPcnn ay LVA.mgcfiew.s] BIE MUMI SHOW | OF CARLISLE ELKS Replica of Union Station at Har-' risburg to Be Used in the Production Carlisle. Pa.. March 9.—With hun-' dreds of dollars invested in gorgeous Kowns and costumes, especially paint ed scenery and music for the event, the annual musical show of the far lisle Elks will be given in the Opera House at that place, three nights. March 15. 16 and 17. Since they produced their rtrst show lour years ago. the Carlisle Elks have made an exceptional reputation for amateur theatricals. Their show isl a veritable whirlwind of snap, with c lever steps executed during the ren dition of Broadway's latest hits. A re plica of the Union Station at Ilarris-J imrg. will be used as a scene in the 1 second act of the show. The female impersonations, espe- j cially attracted attention last year from' prominent theatrical critics. This year, more stress has beer, laid on this and } the ballet work of the show. : GOOD ADVICE IN KIDNEY TROUBLE I have been troubled with my Kid-, Xieys for many years. One day I could liardly move, and someone told me to I net a bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-' Hoot, which I did. and in a few days I •was alright. About seven years asoj 1 was in such a condition that my chil- i dren had to lift me out of bed. 1 j ■wanted Swainp-Koot. but they got aj doctor. I sent for Swamp-Root ami i oidn't take the doctor's medicine; ; Swamp-Root did the work. Swamp-j Root is the remedy, if the Kidneys arc over out of order again. Tours very truly, A. KIUCHHOFF. 132 Wyckoff Ave., Brooklyn, X. T. Personally appeared hefore me, this 4th day of February, 1914.A.Kirchhoff. ! v.-no subscribed the above statement and made oath that the same is true in substance and in fact. GEORGE KXAUT. Commissioner of Deeds, j Letter to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. I llinghamton, X. Y. 1 )-ro\ c What Swan»p-Root M ill I)o For You Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., ; Binghamton. X. T.. for a sample size bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable. Information, telling about the kidneys ' nnd bladder. When writing, be sura and mention the Harrisburg Daily Telegraph. Regular fifty-cent and : one-dollar size bottles for sale at all «irug stores. j Cumberland Valley Railroad TIME-TABLE In Effect May M. lilt TRAINS leave Harrl»bur«— For Winchester and Hartlnsbarg at ' i:O3, *7:60 a. ra, *S:4O P- . For Hagerstown, Chambersburg. Car» lisle. HAcnanlcsburc and Intermediate stations at 6:01. *ll:6* a. n, • 1-40, (:IS. *7:40. "11:00 p. a. Additional trains to r Carlisle aa« Mechanicsburg at )>:4fe a. l:l». I:]], • SO. »:3e a. m. For Dlllsburg at «:OJ, *7:60 and •11:11 a. oi.. 2:11. *J:4O. 1:31 and l:|| d. m. "Dally. All other trains dal!y exoept Sunday. H. A. RIDDLE, J. B. TONQK. OTP. A Try Telegraph Want Ads Did You Receive The Telegraph Yesterday on Time? IS THIS YOISII CARRIER? [ Each day a strict record is "J | j kept in this office, of the ac | tual time consumed in serv- . ing the Telegraph to its sub icribers. From the time the papers * "-v. . leave the press every minute \«| ; : must be accounted for and w there is no loafing on tlie T Z3OO : '"\vood- bine street, 600 to 700. EDGAR CRIBT Carrier No. 10 IS minutes from the time the papers left the press the carrier's bundle of papers was delivered to him at Sixth and Maclay streets. 6 minutes were consumed by the carrier in recounting his papers. 2 minutes more and subscribers were being served with the Telegraph. | 31 Minutes From Press to Home. .Tf you reside in this section, or any other section of Harrisburg you can enjoy the same prompt service and have the Telegraph delivered •t your home within the hour. Give your subscription to the carrier or telephone the Circulation Department (or fill in the subscripts* blank below). 6c HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH a Week Delivered at Your Home SUBSCRIPTION BLANK ♦ ♦ Date 19. ... > tThe Harrisburg Telegraph: ! » Please deliver the Telesraph daily until further notice at thef ♦ rate of sis cents a week and have your regular collector call fori ! ♦ payment every two weeks. J i ' t i I ♦ Xame I I Address J ' ♦ x II TUESDAY EVENING, Wedding Ceremonies in I central rennsyivania Special io Ihe Ten%mp:> Waynesboro.— Frank A. Manheris, this place, and .Miss Zelia WiUr, west lot town, were mat tied in liagerstown [on Saturday, by the iiev. F. f. iiohnur, j who accompanied them there iron* \\ a.vncsboro. Marietta. —Miss Margie C. llarman, : of near mis place, was married >es i terday to Lloyd A. Kuumnan, ot lron vllle, at the parsonage oi the I'nlted Brethren Church at Mlver Springs, by thi Kev. o. K. Brooks. West (.nil.—.Miss i-.lsie M. Rcsslcr was married to l.loyd E. Aumeai, ot Lancaster, by the Rev. D. C. Glass, at the parsonage of the Faith lieiorined Church, at Lancaster, yesterday. Drumare. — Miss Mary E. Downs was married yesterday to Mary A. Wocr ner of I-ancaster. by the Kev. Dr. Meister, ot the Lutheran church. Recent Deaths in Centrai Pennsylvania Special to The Telegraph Wajuesbom. —William Aaron Flory, j well-known here, died at the home of 'James Hoover. Sunday, aged S5. Warwick. —-Mrs. Harriet Carpenter, \S4 years, died yesterday. She is sur [vlved by three children. Marietta. —Mrs. Albert Hawthorne, I t.O years old. was taken suddenly 111 with heart disease, yesterday and lived | only an hour. Marietta. —James 11. Steckman, SI years old, of Lancaster, died jester-! ; day. i Dlll«l>urg. —Joseph Ilollinger. of j Monaglian township, died at lits home • near Andersontown on Sunday, aged titf. lie Is survived by his wife and several sons and daughters. Hersliey.—Mrs. Lizzie Hehm. one of the oldest residents of Derry Church. ; diet! at the home of her daughter. Mrs. ; Morris Wenger, Saturday, after a long' 'lllness, She is survived by two sons. Jacob, of Philadelphia, and Samuel, !of Harrisburg. and two daughters. Mrs. | Clayton Taylor, of Annville. and Mrs. Morris Wenger. of Derry Church. STORM SEWER PLANS RECEIVED Special to The Telegraph | Annville. Pa., March 9.—On Mon day evening the board of commission ers of Annville township held a special | meeting and accepted the resignation of Policeman W. C. Watson. The board of health recommended the election of | : Watson as health officer. The board I opened bids for crushed stone for thej year and awarded a contract for 1.500 tons to a local firm. Plans and specifi cations for the proposed storm sower J were received from a Harrisburg lirtu. DINNER ON BIRTHDAY Special to The Telegraph \ Annville, Pa.. March 9.—ln honor of the fiftieth birthday anniversary of William Fink an elaborate dinner was served to the following: Mrs. George ! Shepler. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mc ! Laughlin. Mr. and Mrs. Frank De !Lon£■ Miss Elizabeth DeLong. Grant I Sliepler, Victor Detweiler. Mr. and Mrs. William Fink and son George. - "■ A ATLANTA. 2H U. hl<k WHITBY, 1H in. •»"'<«» AR.R.OW COLLARS Z lor 23 ell Cl«ell. h C«.. l»c. litm 11,000 Men Will Parade at 1 Sunday School Convention at Mechanicsburg Friday Special to The Telegraph | Mechanicsburg. Pa., March 9.—On 'Thursday and Friday, March 11-12, j the forty-third annual convention of I the Cumberland County Sunday School i Association will be held in the First j Fnlted Brethren Church, which proni ' ises to be of unusual interest. A well j planned, instructive program will be (given, as follows: ; Thursday Afternoon—Music; quiet ; hour service, the Rev. Dr. H. B. Stock; address oT welcome, for the city, 11. A. ! Mishler. chief burgess; for the school, j the Rev. E. C. B. Castle; response, j Jsiiues L. Young; business reports. Thursday Evening Music; quiet hour service, the Rev. Dr. 11. B. Stock, of Carlisle; teacher training grad uation exercises: address. "Prayer and Preparation,'" the Rev. W. X. Yates, of . Harrisburg. Friday Morning—Address, "Tench- ' er's Vision," the Rev. F. W. McGuire. : of Lisburn: conference, questions and : problems in Sunday school work. W. • G. Landes. general secretary state Sun day school association; "Eleven Thoxi ■ sand Missions in the Sunday School. ' j ! Mrs. A. P. Stover, of Carlisle: "Tem ' perance in the Sunday School." W. A. I Lutz. of Shippensburg. Friday Afternoon—Reports of com j mlttees; address. "Safety First." W. G. I 1-andes: address. "The Reglnner," Mrs.' \ W. G. ICrohn. of Carlisle: front line [ ! school recognition: elementary confer ence. Mrs. T. L. Gray, superintendent | elementary department; "The O. A. B. I Class." J. A. W'itmyer, of Xew Ciim- I Uerland. and J. E. Reisner, of Ship , pensburg: meeting and luncheon of the superintendents of the Sunday | schools of the county. W. A. Xlcklas, ( president; meeting and luncheon of ' the teacher training alumni associa- I tion. the Rev. A. P. Stover, president. Friday Evening Men's organized ; Bible class street demonstration, the | Rev. Charles F. Raaeh, chairman of I committee: procession moves at 7 j o'clock. i At S o'clock a men's mass meeting ! will be held in the First United Breth j ren Church, where devotions will be I conducted by the Rev. George Pulton, j pastor of the Presbyterian Church: ad- I dress, "Winning the Adult," \V. G. > I Landes: address. Dr. W. A. Hutchi- | J son. headmaster Conway Hall. Car-| i lisle. In the St. Paul's Reformed Church a women's mass meeting will ibe held in the St. Paul's Reformed i \ Church, where devotions will be con- I j ducted by the Rev. John S. Adam, the ' pastor. Address. Dr. W. A. Hutchi- i son. headmaster Conway Hall, Car- j lisle; address. W. G. Landes. Plans ; are being made for the entertainment of a large number of delegates. It is expected that 1,000 men will be in line ' in the parade on Friday evening. W lI.L SELL GAS PROPERTY | •Security Trust to Offer Northumber land Plant For Sale Special to The Telegraph Sunbury, Pa., March 9.—To-morrow morning the Harrisburg Seeurity Trnst company, will, at the Dauphin j county courthouse, Harrisburg, offer |up at public auction, the property of the Northumberland Gas Heat "and Fuel company, of Northumberland, now a part of the Northumberland County Gas and Electric company, controlled by the Harwood company. The Trust company, mortgagor, claims that the gas company failed to satisfy a mortgage and defaulted in the pay ment of the interest. T. F. Freeburn, chief burgess was recently appointed [receiver oof the company. SAW STOPPED IN TIME Special to The Telegraph Blain. Pa.. March 9. —Just in the nick of time a fast revolving saw was checked by Daniel S. Reber, sawver on the sawmill of L. M. Wentzel," to save the life of Frank Haugleten. 30 years, an employe, who was drawn by the carriage so close that his I trousers were cut. The man was help- i j less and had not the machinerv been ; stopped his body would undoiibtedlv have been cut in twain near the ' middle. : CHARGED WITH MANY CRIMES Special to The Telegraph Lewistown. Pa.. March 9.—Samuel I Quay has been arrested here, charged ' with selling liouor without a license, j carrying concealed deadly weapons and with being implicated with others j in the wholesale stealing of chickens j in this section. FREAK GROWTH IN PI.MPKIN Special to The Telegraph Waynesboro. Pa.. March 9.—Nature played a rather extraordinary feat in j a pumpkin which had been selected | to furnish the chief parts of a pumpkin pie at the home of W. F. Kane. Fav etteville. When one of the women of the household cut open the afore said pumpkin she was surprised to find that within it several sprouts had reached an advanced stage of devel opment—containing stems to each one of which was attached thirty leaves. The sprouts were in a healthy, vigor ous condition. ■ "I In Foods — more than in anything else quality counts more than quantity. Grape Nuts FOOD contains more body buil cl i n g nourishment, weight for weight, than either meat or bread. Grape-Nuts is deli cious and economical, and "There's a Reason' Grocers everywhere sell Grape-Nuts ■ ■ HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH '■ jmo., wrues: "i cannot, thank you enough for being cured. For seven long years I doctored steadily for my catarrh and cough, which cost me hundreds of dol lars. But my catarrh grew worse all the time. Even though I was under the treatment of some of the most famous doctors, X still had a terrible cough and thought sometimes that P would choke. I could get no air. I then bought a bottle of Peruna. and that evening and all night my wife gave It to me according to the directions, and I felt bet ter tho following day already. Three days later I felt much Im proved, and today, after the use of tin fourth bottle. I fs«l en tirely cured. I can conscien tiously recommend this grand medicine to every citizen." A Good Cough Tablet. There are people who object to taking fluid medicines. For such people the Peruna Tablets are especially valuable. They are convenient to carry in the pocket. WEST SHORE NEWS | ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF TWINS Marysvitle, Pa.. March 9.—Mr. and Mrs. Miles P. Stambaugh. of Valley street, announce the birth of twins, a son, Paul, and daughter, Pauline, March 6, 1910, FOXES FOlt CHASE Marysvitle, Pa., March 9.—Harry A. | Ganster received two fine foxes last week from Catawissa. Mr. Ganster j proposes holding a chase some day i this week. SPECIAL PENSION GRANTED Marysvitle, Pa.. March 9. —A special ! hill was passed in Congress and ap- j proved by President Wilson granting William A. Myers, a retired farmer of j this place, a pension of S3O per, month. The bill was introduced by i Frank L. Dershem, congressman from this district. REAL ESTATE CHANGES Marysville. Pa.. March 9.—John W. I Rhoads, who has been a farmer in Fishing Creek Valley for a number of years, has purchased the dwelling house of H. B. White in Lincoln street. Mr. White will erect a new home on the lot adjoining his former residence. Samuel T. White has purchased thci S. S. Stees property in Maple avenue. ! .Mr. Stees has purchased a farm two' miles west of town and with his family I will move there in the near future. MI'SICAU: FOR CHI'RCH BENEFIT j _ New Cumberland. Pa., March 9. | Next Monday evening a musicalc will i bo given by local talent in Baughman'sj Memorial Methodist Church, under the auspices of the official board, for the benefit of the church. ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF DAUGHTER New Cumberland. Pa., March 9. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Forney of Bella vista announce the birth of a daugh ter Sunday, March 7. RECOVERING FROM ILLNESS New Cumberland, Pa.. March 9.—! •Mrs. Davjd Keebaugh is from an attack of appendicitis. DEATH OF TWINS New Cumberland, Pa.. March 9. Twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Diberta. born last Thursday, died and were buried at Mt. Olivet Cemetery. NEW PASTOR AT CENTER i The Rev. Hush Masill Installed at | Presbyterian Church Special to The Telegraph Newport, Pa.. March 9.—On Sun- i day morning the Kev. Hugh Magill, j M. D., was installed as pastor of the) Presbyterian Church at Center. The I Rev., t. Potter Hayes, of New Bloom-i field, preached the installation sermon. I The Rev. Mr. Burchfield, pastor erne- i . ritus of the Center Church, gave the j «-harge to the pastor, and the Bev. I Robert M. Ramsey, of Newport, gave i the charge to the people. Because of ; the inclement weather the Rev. Ft. F. j McClean, of Mechanicsburg. who was j expected to assist in the services, was j unable to be present. Dr. Magill was j for a number of years a medical mis- I sionarv of the United Presbvterian | Church in the hospital* of that church j at Khartoum. Africa, and returned to this country during the past year. Dr. I Maeill is the son-in-Jaw of Mrs. Laura j L. Fllckinger, of this place. BOAT BUILDERS' BIRTHDAY Special to The Telegraph Marietta. March 9.—John M. Camp bell yesterday celebrated his TBtli ; birthday anniversary. Mr. Campbell is ' a retired boat builder, and served dur ing the Civil War. OLD INJURY CAUSES DEATH Special to The Telegraph l Sunbury, Pa.. March 9.—Lapsing 'tnto unconsciousness Thursday night. | Mrs. Harriet Evcland, of Roaring j Creek, aged 77 years, remained in that I condition until she died yesterday aft .crnoon. Five years ago she fell and Itorc from the bone one of the leaders {in her right leg. and since that time was able to walk only with the aid of crutches. At times, during her long ! affliction, she euffered great pain, but i for seventeen days prior to her state | of coma she suffered such severe pain ;that she was unable to sleep either ; day or night. MRS. S. G. GEAHHAHT DIES Special to The Telegraph Sunbury, Pa., March 9.—Mrs. S. G. Gcarhart. who was found lying on 4he floor in an unconscious condition by her daughter, Miss Margaret, as she entered the kitchen of their home last Friday, died this morning. ACCEPTS JEAXETTE CALL ! Newport. Pa., March 9.—The Rev. | James M. U'inkle. Ph. D., pastor of the j Reformed Church of the Incarnation, j announced to his congregation on Sunday that he had decided to accept the call which he had recently receiv ed from the Reformed Church at jJeanelte. Dr. Rtinkle has been tho I successful pastor here for the past I seven years, and In all branches of Church activities the congregation has I grown. The time for Dr. Runkle's de parture has not yet been decided j upon. TO REDEEM BONDS ! Bonds of the Lin«lp«towu and Blue Mountain Street Railway company have been called for payment April 1. 1915, by the trustees, tho Harrisburg j Trust Company, Payment will be at par with a premium of 5 per ment. |with Interest up to date. Bonds not i redeemed at time advertised will cpase I bearing interest. [? Let t' Cabinet cut Your Kitchen Work Save s 2= Tomorrow Next week will be too late While this limited allotment last?, Ilurry, before the new Hoosier Club this week, you can have the famous is filled. For remember, we arc per "WHITE BEAUTY" Cabinet at a mitted to deliver the Hoosier Cabinet lower price than any woman ever paid. to all club members during this great The Hoosier Company is holding this sale for $2.50 less than the low cash special sale in 1000 towns in order to price, but club members do not have to double the sale of "WHITE BEAU- pay cash. This is the big advantage TV"—the finest cabinet made. The of enrolling in this Hoosier Club it chance may never come again. You does not cost one penny extra. Come must pay regular prices when this, lot in now—at once—before this club is is sold. tilled. One Dollar Puts "White Beauty" into your kitchen Then $1 weekly soon pays the balance. giving you a tabic space 42x39 inches. You Your money back promptly if you are not have plenty of knee room underneath, delighted with your Hoosier. 40Labar-SavingFeatures"l7New Whole Kitchen at Fingers' End You save miles of steps with this new You can reach everything In your cabinet Hoosier. 40 special leatures help you save without a step. All of the 40 conveniences labor—even reduce the effort of reaching. and the 400 articles which the Hoosier Cab- Kvery inch of space is utilized. You get j not will hold, are in the most liandv places through Quickly, Everything is closed up, to save reaching, free from dust. The Hoosier gives you a business-like kitchen. It gives you a better p nmtt A f kitchen than you possibly could have with- L.0T06.S Apart tor Cleaning out The Hoosier is the one sanitary cabinet. Sit Down at Wnrlr ,J ' two i» ini »tes you can take it entirely on dt ¥»uriv apart for cleaning, to let sunshine and fresh The sliding pure aluminum table pulls out, air into every corner. Only You and a Few More Women So many women are making up their ready in use. To-morrow you can still de minds to get Hoosiers now while they can t ide whether to buy one now and save $2.50, save $2.30, that this small allotment is go- or later, when the price goes up again, .ing more rapidly than we expected. Hoosier $2.50 Is worth saving. Decide now to come Cabinets are becoming the one universal la- down to-morrow and examine this cabinet, bor-saver. Over SOO.OOO of them are al- Remember, next week will he too late. ROTHERT'S TO THE PUBLIC: We authorize this sale, limited to "White Beauty" Hoosier cabinets, at $2.50 less than the fixed cash price of these cabinets, this week only. THE HOOSIER MFG. CO., New Castle, Ind. DEATH OK HEN It YA. MILLER j( Well-known Carpenter and Contractor j t Dies at t'uion DcikisU |i Special to The Telegraph ] Union Deposit, Pa., March 9.—Hen- j ry A. Miller, a life-long resident of this |] place, died on Sunday morning at I< 11.30 o'clock at his home in Hanover |j street, after suffering two days withh acute indigestion. Mr. Miller had I been employed at the Hersliey Ohoco-! late plant for the past seven years and j rte had worked at the carpenter trade j all his life. He was faithful member j of tho United Brethren Church for the past twenty-two years, lie was 40 . years old, and is survived by his wife and two children. Harry and Paul, at ■ home; also survived by his aged! mother, one brother and one sister of j town. The funeral will lie held on i Thursday morning at 10 o'clock at the j house, and will be followed by ser vices in the United Brethren Church. The Rev. George W. Hallman, pastor ■ of the church, and the Rev. Harry | Miller, of Pcnbrook. will officiate. | Burial will be made In the Union De-1 posit Cemetery. TO INVESTIGATE QUARREL Sunbury, Pa., March 9.—Following the death and burial of Mrs. Hannah De Witt, who ended her life because I Everyone Admires This j Good-Looking Woman J i Wherever you go you hear people j comment upon a pretty woman and It i is really her beautiful hai' - more than I perfect features that gives her the ap j pea ranee of charm, youth and beauty. Any woman can merit this praise, | I for beautiful hair Is only a matter of I care. Just as a plant needs attention j and nourishment, so must the hair [ | have care and nutriment to make it i i grow long, thick, soft. tlufTy and lus- j trous. The scalp must be free from i dandruff, and the hair roots properly nourished, as nature intended. Parisian which is delicately! perfumed and easily applied, is just j what is needed. It tones up and in vigorates the roots of the hair and i furnishes the necessary elements to make It grow long, soft, abundant and j full of life. One application of this scientific tonic removes every trace of dandruff and cleanses the hair of dust and ex cess oil. Why not start now to beautify your hair by using Parisian Sage, the great tonic treatment? It is inexpensive and »%sily applied'at home. It can be had from H. C. Kennedy or any drug counter and will surely work > miracle oven if the hair is dandruffy, oily, faded, streaked, dull ami lifeless. —Ad- '.ertiseuicnt. \ MARCH 9, 1915. of a squabble with Health Officer Har ry Kasold, residents of Lower Augusta township, where she lived, to-day made efforts to have a rigid investiga tion made and learn the circumstances which led to the quarrel between the health officer and Mrs. Do Witt pre vious to the woman throwing herself in a creek near her home, where she! drowned Saturday morning. DEATH OF COL. A. J. FRICK [ Special to The Telegraph Sunbury, Pa.. March 9. —Colonel Alexander ,T. Frick, 87 years old, died at his tiome in Danville yesterday. He was formerly a revenue collector for the Twelfth Internal Revenue district, ihad a brilliant war record and was — mm ——— How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollar!! Reward for any | . esac of Catarrh that cannot bo cared bj Hall's : Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, bare known r. J. Chrne.r for the last 15 years, and beliere htm perfectly honorable in all bualneas transactions and financially able to carry oat any obligations outde by bis Arm. NAT. BANK OF COMMERCE. Toledo. Ohio. Hall'i Catarrh Cure It taken Internally, acting (Slroctly upon th" blood and mucous surfaces of the njstem. Testimonials sent free. Prlca H ecntg per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation. Plant SCHELL'S QUALITY SEEDS THEY GROW BETTER THEY YIELD BETTER NEW CROP VITALITY TEST MADE —READY TOR PLANTING PLAN FOR YOUR GARDEN AND SELECT THE SEEDS YOU WILL NEED NOW Ask for n Copy of my Seed Catalog—lt contains fifty-two pages devoted to Garden, Flower and Field Seeds. Garden Tools, Farm, Dairy and Poultry Equipment. It Is FREE to everyone If yon have a garden It Pays to Plant the Best Quality Seeds Tliey Mean Bigger Crops and Better Vegetables. EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN Walter S. Schell QUALITY SEEDS 1307-1309 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Open Saturday Evening We Deliver Everywhere Bell Phone 3285 United Phone 803-Y NWWMHnBBnMHBiBBMHHHMB | made lieutenant-colonel for bravery jot Winchester and lor meritorious ser vice in helping: to repel Tree's invasion. He was in many battles and showed undaunted heroism. lie was promi nent in political circles. Help for Hoarse Throats ' When you're no hoarse It hnrts to i talic or swallow; when your throat Is | all "filled up," Golfs Cough Syrup will | have an almost Instant effect; removlntc : the congestion, opening the clogged air passages and overcoming the danger of Bronchitis and Pneumonia. Get a 15 or 50 cent bottle at your Grocer's or Druggist's and stop that injurious hoarseness. Guaranteed satisfactory, or , money back. Contains no opiates. Kin:CATION A Li Harrisburg business College 329 Market St. Fall term, September first Day and night. 29th year. Harrisburg;, Pa. Begin Preparation Now Day and Night Sessions SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 15 S. Market Sq., HarrisbuPK, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers