EITHER PEINE IEACIES TIE TELEGRAPH CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT' L_ ! . - • V DIED _ ROLLINS Miss Frances L. Rollins died at the residence of her sister, .Mrs. Thomas McCamant, 511 North Second street. Monday, at 11 P. M. Funeral services Wednesday. 7 P. M., »t the house. Burial Thursday morn ing:. at Altoona. I'a. JUMBLE Mrs. Jennie S. Gamble died Tuesday morning at her late resi lience. No. 607 Pelter street. Tiie funeral will be held from her ale home on Friday afternoon, at i'cloclt. Relatives and friends are in cited to attend without further notice. Elurial private. Please omit flowers. II 'M.MEL Miss Annie Hummel died at noon. Tuesday, at her home, in I lurnmeistown, after a lingering ill ness. The funeral will bo held from her ate residence on Friday afternoon, at ' o'clock. JROFF Mrs. Theresa J. Groff died on Monday morning, at her late resi dence. 245 Hummel street. Tiie funeral will be held from her ate residence on Thursday afternoon, it 2 - S0 o'clock. Relatives and friends ir« invited to attend the funeral with iut further notice. Burial private, vindly omit flowers. SMITH Yesterday noon, March 7. 1915. Miss Hannah Smith. Funaral on Wednesday afternoon, at : o'clock, from her father's residence, >r. C. H. Smith. Linglestown, Pa. The elatives and friends are invited to at end without further notice. CARD OF THANKS MR. JOHN M. MUM MA AND FAMILY rlsh to extend to their many friends nd neighbors their sincere apprecia ion of the kindness shown them in liclr recent bereavement. MRS B. F. CRANE AND FAMILY de ire to express their thanks for the Id rendered during recent bereave nent of husband and father. LOST LOST Saturday, about 4 o'clock, j etween 120 South Second street and >lves' Store, Mosaic pin. about size of j liver dollar. Five dollars reward if eturned to 120 South Second street. FOUND FOUND The way to end your leaning and dyeing worries, by calling Ithcr phone for Eggert's Steam Dye- ] it and French Cleaning Works. 1.4 E. larket street. We call and deliver. j UELP WANTED—MaIe WANTED Married men. between; lie aces of 27 and •>'» - ears, who have i ad experience in selling at retail <ll- j set to tiie consumer—to qualify for . osition as wagon salesmen —In Ilairis- | urg and branches located within " V i .iles of Harrisburg—men who will •ork will be result getters with out roposition guarantees salaiy and ommission—must furnish best of letcr nce and real estate bond—our sales len are making from s2j to S4O pel •eek. Apply in person only. Jewel | ea Co., 269 Broad street. I WANTED A Company, leaders in their line of special tics want to extend their op erations in this section of the country, want to hear from experienced specialty sales men, capable of earning from two thousand dollars a year and upwards, small bond re quired. Apply with full par ticulars. P. O. Box t>4s, Har risburg, Pa. MEN 20 to 30 years old, wanted at nee for electric railway motormcn and inductors; S6O to SIOO monthly; no ex- ; erlenee necessary: line opportunity , ri strike. Write Immediately for ap- ! lication blank. Address R„ 1523, care : r Telegraph. j THOUSANDS of chauffeurs will be ; ceded within three or four months In I le city of Harrisburg for public taxi- 1 ib service. Prepare yourself at once. I ake application for training to Auto ; raimportation Machine Shop, .i and . ' orth Cameron street. Harrisburg. Pa. nil and unlimited course. $35.00. Both > nones. j SALES EXGINEER Concern es- 1 itilishcd eighteen years wants capable j iles Manager for this territory. Pro- j let a necessity in ever boiler plant, ri.-e averages $250 per boiler. Sold on ! guarantee. Exclusive terrl- ■ rv allotted. Cash advances on all I ial order.- will finance you if you have j ie abilitv. Only applicants having! id sales expe em <• in Engineering I lies and able > furnish rrood refer i. es considered. Give full details in st letter, f orrespondence strictly mtidential. Address D., 2255, care of j .■legraph. j MEX WAXTED to become practical I :au(Teurs and mechanics. As opportu- i tv affords students will he given I lantc while learning to earn 30c an I nir on overhauling work. Make ap- | ications at once. Special course for ( dies. Day and night schools. Auto ; ransportat ion School and Machine j ion, 5-7 North Cameron street. AGKNTS WANTED WANTED A reliable traveling I font to handle a profitable side line, i i commission. Address Box 165. City, j AGENTS WANTED—Men and women j Fell household article needed In cry home. I>arge profits. Don't this opportunity. Charl-Rho Co., North Market Square, Room 24. j SALESMEN' WANTED SALESMAN WAXTED—City salesman j lllng on Department and Furniture ores to sell our line of Cedar Chests Harrisburg. Liberal commissions.! :me Mfg. Co.. South Bend, Ind. HIGH-CLASP SALESMAN r'eed I ushing machine. Highest references ! quired In first letter. Sales manager i !li be in Pittsburgh ehortlv. Com- ! ss'.or. basis. Address W. L McCul- j ugh Co., Yypsilantl, Michigan. HE Ll' WANTED—FemaIe W ANTED Girls over 16 | ars cf age to learn cigarniaking. lid while learning. Apply Har-| iburg Cigar Co., 500 Race street. Spring Edition !; Facts&Figures! | Now Ready i: A complete list of Improved < > cHy property, business propo- > atttonfl, city nnd suburban lota, < * ■ ulttirlian properties, Farm* nnd i ' Count rj- places. , ► IIILLER BROTHERS & CO.I REAIi ESTVrrc <[ Fire Tnsurance Surety RonAs ' . I.O'onst nnd Court Street* *, TUESDAY EVENING, HELP WA NTED—FEMALE GET Instruction from an expert a rhorthand naturalist, one who knows. Learn on a blank keyboard. Ask my students? Harrisburg Shorthand School, St North Second street. Bell, I 704 R. j WANTED A reliable white girl I in small family, as second girl, one who I can mend and do plain sewing pre ferred; reference.". Also young nurse girl, white, who is refined and accus- I tomed to children. Call_plione 994, be j tween and 1 and 2 and 7 and S 1". M. i WAXTED White girl for general I housework; good wages. Apply at j once. Eagle Hotel. Palmyra, Pa. I HELP WANTED—MaIe or Female ! WANTED—Railway Mall and Postal Clerks; examinations soon; over 2,000 | appointments yearly: prepare at home: | write for Plan No. 15. of payment after I appointment. Philadelphia Business [College: Civil Service Dept. Philadel j pliia. Pa. BILLY SUNDAY'S MESSAGE and In ternational Bibles. We want several Men and Women to help distribut. Spare time may be used. Get our terms. Wholesale Supply House, 25 I North Third street, top. SITUATION WANTED—MaIe | Tailor experienced and capable, wants ! position as busliclnian. Can furnish i best reference. Address Fox, the tailor, i 220 North Duke street, Lancaster, Pa. i WANTED Young, colored man de- I sires work of any kind; just arrived from Pittsburgh; can give good refer j ence. Address 111 South Dewberry ! avenue. City, or phone 616J, Bell phone. WANTED Position by man with i seven years' retail grocery experience i for himself; capable of establishing a I new business or taking charge one ; already established. Address H„ 2256, I care of Telegraph. I 1 | WANTED Young, married man of j 31, one child, wishas work on farm for ] both man and wife; can srive reference. 1 Address A. R. Klinger, Wiconisco, Dau i phln county. Pa. A middle-aged colored man would like a position as janitor or taking care of horses. Can furnish best of refer ence. Address 1228 Spruce avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED —i cranio WANTED Colored girl desires dishwashing and general housework. Call, or address, 116% Liberty street. WANTED by colored woman general housework, or days' work, 1409 New Fourth street. WANTED by half grown colored girl, work between school hours. Inquire 1109 New Fourth street. "WANTED—Young woman desires po sition as nurse for confinement cases, experience. Call or address, 1611) Chest j nut street. WANTED Young woman wishes a j position as housekeeper for widower, or jin small family. Address W. 2253, care ■ of Telegraph. ! WANTED White woman ants I day's work of any kind, or washing and | ironing to take home. 1211 Apple ave | ntie. WANTED Colored girl desires to assist with general housework, or po sition as chambermaid; good reference. Call, or address, 1915 Logan avenue. WANTED Young colored girl de sires general housework or work as chambermaid; good reference. Call, or address, 814 James avenue. -Middle aged woman would like child's nursing, cooking or days' work. Call 28 Linden street. WANTED A reliable, neat, young colored woman desires work by the day or half day. Address 133 Balm street. Situations Wanted Male and Female Man and wife as butler and cook. 11l or out of the city. Call 669 Briggs street. HEAL. ESTATE l-'OIi SALE 1127 AND 1429 Berryhill St. 3- stor.v bricks 8 rooms and .bath each— porches lot, 15x100 each.' The owner of these properties is anxious to effect a quick sale. Make us an offer. 1217 Mulberry St. Corner property 2',4-story frame 6 rooms lot, 15x7 1. The price will surprise you. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Wal nut streets. SIXTH STREET PROPERTY FOR SALE Steam heat brick house 8 rooms side entrance - drive alley on rear. Owners occupy property in spect it No. 2122. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE My property, Xo. 153 Xorth Catherine street, Middletown, Pa. Harrisburg electric cars pass every twenty minutes. Apply to J. W. Fort ney, 171 South Front street, Steelton. Pa. DESIRABLE Paxtang Bungalow for sale; eight rooms gas electric light steam heat porch, 10x42 plot, 60x120. Inspect this property. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. CORNER PROPERTY i— Steam heat —gas electric light porch front— enclosed concrete rear noreji jot, 20x 120 hrick house only $3,200. in spect it. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing. FOR SALE AT ONCE Douoio frame house, east end Hlghspire; cel lar heat, bath, hot and cold water, elec tric light, lots. 25x120, one-half square from trolley. Country luxuries with city conveniences. Will sell singly. If iooking for good, safe investment or pleasant home, investigate this. Sure to Increase in value. Bargain for some one. Reason for selling, leaving this section of Stale. R. J. Simingtcn, Esh elman street, near Franklin, on prem ises. 30 ACRES l-i miles west of Golds boro nearly new 2',i-story frame dwelling i rooms frame bank barn well end running water large variety of fruit—possession April 1, 1915. Brinton-Packer Co , Second and Wainut streets. FOR SALE Desirable building lots in tho Tenth Ward, located on Fourth Fifth, Schuylkill tnd Atlas streets An opportunity for a builder or real estatu dealer to secure well located property for development purposes. Ad dress L. No. tSS7, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE No. 3320-"3!2 North Sixth street, two 2%-story frame houses, new; all improvements; steam heal; granolithic walks. Inquire Shrolncr s Store, on premises. Take R. V. car. FOR SALE Apartment house. 404 North Second street; five apartments and store; steam heat and all modern Improvements. Apply, or\address, M. Mall. 266 Herr street. FOR SALE Three-story brick dwelling. 10 rooms and bath'— all the modern Improvements hardwood floors throughout on Hill within 7 minutes walk of business section can be seen by appointment. H G Pedlow. 110 South Thirteenth street. ARE You Looking for a Home? I have them on Herr street, between Seventeenth and Eighteenth. They have eight rooms and bath, steam heat American radiator system, cemented cellars, cement porch and walks, sur rounded by California Pivot Hedge Away from noise and dirt, along Jitney Bus Line. Finest location ir. cfiy. Bet ter look them over and see me for terms. S. J. Brown, No. 28 South .Nine teenth street, City. Bell phono lUW. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NO. 13S X. THIRTEENTH STREET -3-story brick house bath gas furnace porch side entrance. In spect this property. Price and par ticulars nt Bell Realty Co., Bergner i Building:. FOR SALE Dauphin nouse and lot. House. 24x60, three stories. 10 rooms, S largo halls; modern Improvements. Very low price to quick buyer. Inquire R. A. Simmons, PottsviUe, Fa, MARKET STREET PROPERTIES FOR SALE Three-story bricks, every convenience, cemented cellars, side al ley ways, granolithic pavements, open stairways, large double parlors, well built, suitable for business places and dwellings. Will sell singly or entire block nt favorable prices and terms. For information address S.. 2245. care of Telegraph. FOR SALE City and suburban homes and home sites—t'.rst-elass busi ness propositions. Kough, Brightbill l& Kline, Sixth and Reily. Both phones. j DEW-DROP-INN COTTAGE FOR SALE Along the Con Jdoguinet: sutt ; able Cor sumrter home or all-year round i living. Close to Pyne's Corner, Enola. JtSoO.OO. Frank Fake, West FairvWw, Pa. FOR SALE Three-story brick house. No. 222 Cumberland street: eight rooms and bath. Inquire at the premises. HEAL ESTATE FPU RENT j FOR RENT —36 North Tenth street; i two-story brick house; all iniprove- I ments: lent, *l9. Apply Fred C. >lll - ler, Attorney-at-Law, 213 Walnut I street. FOR RENT First floor of building ! northwest corner of Court and Cran- I berry. Apply on premises. i FOR RENT April 1. 29 South Six teenth street; D rooms and bath; front and rear porches: line lot; house In good repair; S2O. Inquire 31 North Six teenth street. FOR RENT House and Oarage; thoroughly equipped and modern: all steam heated; !• rooms; front and back porches and lawns; grape arbor. Rent reasonable. Apply 1515 Berryhtll, or Bell 378. FOR RENT Houses with all improve ments at moderate rentals. J. E. Gippie, 1261 Market street. FOR RENT—I6II Swatara street, S rooms, all improvements, gas and coal ranges, large yard. Rant, SIS. Possession aprll Ist. Address 11. E. Martz, 304 Market street. FOR RENT 1425 WALNUT STREET Three story brick house eight rooms, bath and furnace front porch. Rental. $25. Miller Brothers & Co., Opp. Post Office. Bell phone 1595. I'OH REM' CAMERON EXTENSION COTTAGES Several very desirable seven and eight-room urick houses with furnace —bath front porch and lawn, sl4, sls and sl6. Miller Brothers & Co. I FOR REN 4 !' Three-story brick [modern dwelling. 2230 North Secoml i street; ten rooms, batlvs. porches, laundry, steam heat, hardwood, elec tricity and gas, Chamberlin stripping, cement porches, tine location. $45.00. Fitzgerald's Real Estate Agency, 31" Walnut street. FOR RENT 2217-19 Atlas avenue, 2 , /a-story bricks: front porches; side entrance: gas and electricity; range; furnace. Snug little home. Kough, Brightbill & Kline, Sixth and Reily streets. I FOR RENT House Xo. 1522 North ! Second street; all improvements. Ap ply Backenstoe Ijiw Office, 14 North I Third street, City. Bell phone 874R, or I United phone 763 W. FOR RENT 1535 North Fourth street; three-story mansard roof; eight rooms: improvements; wide paved street; trolley passes door; possession April I. Rent, S2O. Apply A. C. Young, I 26 North Third. FOR RENT A THREE-STORY brick house; all conveniences; hardwood floors; two bathrooms and a lavatory/instantane ous water heater: steam heat; electric ity and gas: desirable location. 1703 North Second street. FOR RENT No. 205 West State street: three-story brick: city steam, etc. inquire 1904 North Second street. Bell phone 2254 R. FOR RENT Storeroom, cor ner Third and Cumberland streets. 33x100 feet, two show windows 9x14, first-class condition. Special price. J. S. Sible, 256 Ilerr street. FOR RENT Brick house, 1109 Green street, 9 rooms and bath, all improvements. From April 1. J. S. Sible, 256 Ilerr street. \\ \NTED TO BENT SMALL PLACE TN COUNTRY OR SUBURBAN TOWN Must foe near train ot\ trolley, and stream of water preferred. Wanted for tho summer or year 'round. Address W., 2248. care of Telegraph. Al'AimilSi IS FOR RENT FOIt RENT Apartments. four rooms and bath: ail improvements; side porch. Apply l>. Siibert, 154S North Sixth street. FOR RENT Third floor apartment; five rooms, bath, storage closet and all conveniences; heat furnished. Ap ply 1409 Market street. FOP. RENT Apa"tment or. River Front, choice location, two nicely fur nished rooms, with batli. complete for light housekeeping. Call Beil phone 659 J. or 305 South Front street. FOR RENT Three rooms and kitchenette, use of bath, completely fur nished, light housekeeping, separate bells, refrigerator, gas range, hot water heat, corner house, good location, im provements, no children. F->3B Kltta tinny street. FOR RENT Apartment, five rooms arid bath, 925 North Third street. In quire H. L. Mehring, 1410 North Sixth street. ROOMS FOR HEN?' FOR RENT One nicely furnished second floor front room all improve ments use of phone and gas five minutes' walk from Square. Address X.. 2260, care of Telegraph, or call Bell phone 3694 W. FOR RENT —r Furnished room, suit able for one or two gentlemen, with board and use of ->hone. Apply 1403 Market street. THE CONWAY—The most beautiful ly furnished room in the city, with every modern improvement. 131 Wal nut street. FUR RENT Comfortably furnished room in central location. Ail modern improvements. City steam licat elec tric light and use of phone. Inauir* 202 Locust street. '"quire FOR RENT Furnished rooms single or ensuite: all conveniences, in cluding phone; reference required. Ap ply 1015 North Front street. FOR RENT Four-room flat: all conveniences. Apply r>i6 state street. ROOMS ANI) BOARD WANTED WANTED Young lady, employed, desires room and board, private famllv Would consider joining another lady in small apnrtment. Must be reasonable Address Box 2258, care of TelesrraDU HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH ! WANTED ! WANTED Room in private family to store furniture. Also for sale, three piece parlor suit and refrigerator. Ad dress E., 2251, caro of Telegraph. MR. MOTORCYCLE OWNER Wo have 10 to 20 prospective buvers for motorcycles right now. who want sec ond-hand machines. *lf yon have a mo torcycle for sale at a bargain price, see ns at once. If wo cannot buy your machine we will sell for you at a very reasonable commission. See us for mo torcycle bargains. Dayton Motorcycle Distributors for four counties. KEYSTONE CYCLE CO.. 814 N. Third Street, United phone 19W. WANTED To buy good investment property. Will consider in any good, rentable location. No agents need answer, owners only. Address M., 2257 care of Telegraph. WANTED For light housekeep ing two rooms communicating separate entrance to each room; within walking distance of central part of city. Address S., 2250. care of Tele graph. 75c TO $5 PAID for Old Broken Sets of False Teeth in any condition. High est prices paid for Old Oold or Silver such as Rings. Pip- Watches, Watch Cases, etc.; also Dental Gold, Crowns and Bridge Work. Drop postal—we'll call. This week only. Box M, 2208 care of Telegraph. WANTED A second-hand Steno type; must be in good condition; give lowest price and full particulars in first letter. Address A., 2247, care of Tele g -aph. FOR SALE FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business office. WHITE LEGHORN Hatching Eggs for sale. Young-Wyckoff strain, SI.OO per setting—J6.Co per hundred. Also stoc:. for sale. Address Elkview Poultry Farm, Speeceville, Pa. FOR SALE Pocket Billiard Par lor, in good town. Good reason for selling. Lock Drawer J., Duncannon, Pa. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can b« secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Several very cheap used cars—tourins and delivery bodies. Ap ply 413 South Cameron street. v FOR SALE Day-old Chicks, S. C. W. Leghorns. 10 cents each. Hatching Eggs, 75 cents and SI.OO per 15. J. N. Yost, 232 East Water street, Middle town, Pa. PUBLIC SALE Thursday. March 11. at 1 ;30 P. M„ at the store, 1114 Market street, a large lot of Furniture. Any one wishing any kind or goods sold on commission, call or phone. C. Fry, Auctioneer. KOII SAI.K TRUNKS, Sl'iT CASES. TRAVELING BAGS, and all kinds of Leather Goods. Special attention given to repair work. It will pay you to buy your Leather Goods from the Leather Merchants. Harrisburg Harness & Supply Company, Second and Chestnut streets. FOR SALE Joining strain Indian Runner Duck Eggs for hatching, *I.OO per setting, J7.«t) per hundred. Stock also for sale. Elkview Poultry Farm. Speeceville, Pa. FOR SALE A No. 1 Chickens; Plymouth Rocks, the White Leghorns and White Wyandottes. Must be sold next week. Apply 2448 North Sixth street, City. FOR SALE An Oakland, 1914 model, electric starter and lights; pret tiest machine in city; can be bought cheap. Can be seen at Barrlngton's Garage, Market street and Brady ave nue. FOR SALE Scotch Collie pup, good stock; can give pedigree. Call Bell phone 2065J, Harrisburg. Pa., or write J. C. Burns. 321S Eighteenth street, N. E., Washington, D. C. FOR SALE ■ — Eggs for Hatching. Barred Rock. High grade. Ix»w price —during bad times. J. Oren New Cum berland. Pa. Box 116. FOR SALE Oyster. Fruit and Pro duce Store. Will sell cheap if sold be fore 12th of tnis month. Good reason for selling. S.. 2254, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Sawmill, complete; 25- 11.-P. engine and boiler; mill with three head blocks; 25-foot carriage; sawdust elevator; 50-inch inserted tooth saw, belts. cutolT saw and everything com plete. Party purchasing will be given privilege of completing job on grounds where mill now stands that will pay for outfit; also team of four head can be purchased with mill. Apply 125 Liberty street, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE - One reed go-cart, prac tically new. Call Bell phone 21521!, or call at 123 North street. FOR SALE One Bush auto, good as new. at sacrifce price. Also Bonds of Williamstoivn Gas Co.. W. W. Shope. Jr., Executor, 31 North Cightceuth street, or J. G. Ilatz, Attorney. FOR SALE—A Red Cross rang?: good as new. inquire at 810 Green stiee:. tM BMC SAI.K OF HOI SKHOLD GOODS AT 4«S Briggs street, 011 Saturday. March 3, 1915. at 1 o'clock P. M.. the valuable household goods and furniture of Katharine C. Craig, deceased. CLARK E. DIEUL. Executor. FOR S U E AT GABLE ;-*. 113. 115 and 117 South Second street. 5,000 gal lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acms quality. All tha full line of the Acme make. FOR SALE Lot of grocery store fixtures, consisting of cash register, coffee mill, scales, show cases, etc. 329 South Front street. Steelton. Pa. Closing out all Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds and While and Brown Leghorns. Also day old chicks. All thoroughbred stock. Will sell incubators at liaif price. Bell Phone 507R3, A. B. Davis, Penbrook, Pa. FOR SALE Long established, pay ing lee Cream and Snowball Factory. Only one in city. Owner wishes to re tire. Bargain for hustler. Particulars at Spangenberg's, 507 Reily street. BARGAINS In L C. Smith and Bros, and Underwood Typewriters; also one Corona, one Monarch, one Oliver. Prices reasonable. L. C. Smith and Bros. St South Fourth. FOR SALE Small grocery store doing good, cash business. Reason for selling, owner has other business to at tend to. Address D., 2246, care of Tele graph. FOR SALE—Gasoline engine, rip saw, bench and other woodwork ma chinery; two one-horse wagons and Keystone typewriter. Inquire 3009 North Fourth street, city. BICYCLES—BICYCLES, »6. 18 JlO, *l2. See these bargains at once if you want to save money. Try Keystone Repair Service. Will save you monev and give you the quickest service in the city. 814 N. Third St. United Phono 19W T . WEST END JOBBING CO., 424 Rellv street, selling out reason, rebuilding —one Gilbert Self-Player Piano, one Upright Story & Clark Piano one T< - ledo Scale remainder will be sold at a sacrifice. Call, or phone. Bell 3656 M. —. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. If paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. j PIIII.AnKI.PHi A HKIiniTE Philadelphia, March 9. Wheat Higher: No. 2, red, spot, export, $1.51® 1.56; No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export, | sl.s#® 1.64, i .Corn Higher: No. 2, spot, export, li7ffi7Bc; No. 2, yellow, local, 7S@7!lc. I Oats—Higher; No. 2, white, 62%® ] 63He. Bran Weak; winter, per ton, $26.00029.00; spring, per ton, $25.00(<i 25.50. i Refined Sugars—Market steady; pow- j dered. 5.85 c; fine granulated, 5.70e; con j fertlonors' A, 5.60 c. ; Butter The market is steady; western, creamery, extras. 31c; nearby, prints, fancy. 31c. | Eggs— The market Is unchanged; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, $5.85 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $5.70 per case; western, extras, llrsts. free cases, $5.85 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $5.70 per case. Dive Poultry Firm; fowls. 16® j 18c; old roostors, 11 H W 12c; chickens, 14® 17c; turkeys, 15®17c; ducks, 15® ! 16c; geese, 12® 1 i.e. ; Dressed Poultry; Firm; turkeys, I fancy, 21c; do., fair to good, Isiti-'uc; ! fowls. heavy. 18®19i-; do., average. 16@17Hc do., small, 14<SP15c: old I roosters, 14c; nroiltng chn ne«i ' by. 18®28c; western. 14®22c; roast ing chickens. 17®20c; ducks, 12@18c; geete. 10® 14c. Potatoes Market weak; Penn sylvania. per bushel. 50056 c; Maine, per bushel, 45®50e: New York, per bushel, 40®45c; Jersey, per basnet, 30 ® 35c. Flour—Tli6 market is firmer; winter, clear. $3.5 iij<4.lo. straights. Pennsyl vania, $6.85 ® 6.90; spring, straights, $6.75®7.00; do., patents, $7.00®7.80; western. $4.2504.40; patents, s4.su'cp 4.75; Kansas straight, jute sacks. $4.15 @4.30; spring, firsts, clear, $4.00®4.20; ctra'giits, $4.20®4.30; patents, $4.35(3 4.60. May The market is weak; tim othy. No. 1. large bales. $1S.00; No. 1, medium liaies, $ 1 7.50® 18.00; No. 2, do., $15.50® 16.50; No. do., $14.00®15.00; samples, $13.00@14.00; no grade, $ll.OO ® 12.00. Clover mixed hay. Light mlx»d, $17.00® 17.50; No. 1. do.. $16.00® 16.50; No. 2, do., $14.50® 15.50. CHICAGO C.ITTI.K By Associated I'ress Chicago. 111., March 9. Hogs Re ceipts, 25,000; dull. Bulk of sales. $6.60 (K6.90: llgh, $6.66®6.95; mixed, $6.654>. 6.95; heavy, $6.35 fa 6.95; rough, $6.35® 6.50; pigs, $5.75®6.75. Cattle Receipts. 4,000; weak. Na tive steers. $5.85®9.00: western. $5.1. r .ffi> 7.60; cows and heifers, $6.40® 7.80; calves. $6.50®9.76. Sheep Receipts. 12,000; steady. Sheep, $7.00(it7.90: yearlings, $7,904} 8.55; lambs, $7.605f9.85. CHICAGO BOAKII OK TRAUK • By Associated I'ress ' Chicago. 111., March 9. t— Board of Trade closing: \Vheat—May. 1.55; July. 1.22' i. Corn—May. 73%; July, 75 r s . Oats—Mav,.s7: July. 53', Pork—May, 17.65; July. 18.05. l^trd—May. 10.52: July, 10.77. Ribs—May, 10.10; July. 10.37. KIKE AT STATK COLLEGE State College, Pa., March 9.—The residence and valuable library of A. H. Espenshade. registrar of the Penn sylvania Stale I'ollege, was destroyed by fire to-day. Sparks from a chimney ignited the shingle roof. The loss Is SIO,OOO. FOR RENT FOR REST STORKROOM 24x40 lOO7 and 1009 North Third Street. Miller Brothers & Co., Opp. Post Office. Bell phone 1595. FOR RENT Room 3500 square feet floor space, 4 suitable for storage or light manufactur ing purposes. Inquire J. Rhoads, Cowden and Forster streets. BI.SiINI--.SS> Ul'l'OHl t.Mlits OHIO MANUFACTURER will be in Harrisburg tor a few days only to close a general agency for one of the best fast-selling, staple repeat order articles on the market, Is new to this territory and is backed by first-class endorsements. Will stand rigid in vestigation. Agency should net a good wide-awake man about $250 per month. This is strictly a legitimate proposi tion and is not a household article. To one who can make a small Investment and is capable of appointing or hand ling others and can fulfill these require ments will give an exclusive contract for territory, but want a man not afraid to hustle if well remunerated. If you are just looking for a job with a big drawing account attached to it, do not answer this ad., for only one looking for a permanent business proposition will be considered. Address with phone number, if possible, Box F, No. 2259, care of Telegraph. I MADE $50,000 In five years in the mail order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea.- cock. 855 Lockport. N. Y. FOR SALE Cigar and pool room, bargain to quick buyer. Reason for selling going into other business. Ad dress G. 2252. care of Telegraph. ANY intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 795. f,ock oort, N. Y. IHSIXK.SS PEKOXALS FOR * a iling hair try Gross Quinine Hair 'lonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary. 119 Market stree.. liarruburg. Fa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. HAULING H. \V. I-ATIIE. Boarding Slnble and National Transfer Co. Movers of piauos. safes, boilers and general haul ing. II- W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine street*. 801 l phono No 2503R PIANO MOVING done by experts. Winter Piano Co., 23 North Fourth street. Also tall Bell telephone 146 AWNINGS Place your order for Awnings with us now. We do up holstering of all kinds and carpet work. Jos. Coplinky, successor to Yoll mer. 1208</i North Third street. Bell 2804 J. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by oxpert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts Insure your satisfaction. S. N. Cluck. 320 Woodbine street. MONEY TO LOAN ANY person needing money In amounts from $5 to SSO holding a sal aried position, would be benefited by calling on us. Employes' Discount Co., 3® North Third street. LOANS—SS TOs2oo ' for honest working people keeping house. Rates less than legal. Pay ments weekly or monthly. No notification of employer or friends. CO-OPERATIVE L. & I. CO. 204 Chestnut Street Authorized capital. SIOO,OOO. STORAGE STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms. $1 to $3. Wagons. 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. Both phones. FIREPROOF STORAGE warcimi"! divided Into private rooms for storage of household goods. Low Insurance. Inspection Invited. General merchan dise warehouse and household goods warehouse are located on tracks of Penn. R R.. 437-445 South Second I street. Harrisburg Storage Company. I MARCH 9, 1915. IRREGUUIR Til II) lifIKETSDISPUVED International Harvester and Amer ican Tobacco Pfd. Yield Point Each; Reading Declines By Assoriattd Prtss New York, March 9.—The usual mixed price changes were registered in to-day's early stock market, leading is sues showing an Irregular trend. Union Pacific, United States St£el and a few ofher prominentshares roso fractional ly, these being offset, however. by corresponding declines in ptlier shares. Specialties like the Motor Btocka and Woolworth were appreciably higher, while International Harvester and American Tobacco preferred yielded a point each. Americans were lower in London. Reading declined a point. NEW YORK STOCKS Furnished by H. M. Snavely, 208 Arcade Building. New York, March 9. Open. High. Low. Clos. Alaska GM 30% 30% 30»2 30% Atnal Cop . 55\' a 55% 54% 54% Am Bt Sug 4 0 40 39% 39% Am Can ..28 28 27% 27% Am Can pd 95% 95% 95% 95% Am Cot Oil 4t> 4fi ~ 46 46 Am Ice Sec 28% 29% 28% 28% Am Smelt . 04% 64% 63% 63% Am Sugar . 102 102 101% 101% Am T & T. 120% 120% 120% 120% Anaconda . 26% 26% 26% 26% Atchison .. 96% 96% 95% 95% B&•O. .. . 68% 68% 67% 67K Beth Steel. 55% 56% 55% 55% BltlynßT. 87% 87% 87 87 Cal Petro. . 17% 17% 17 17 Can Pacific 160 160% 159 159% |C'en Leath. 34 34 33 % 33% C& 0 42 42% 42 42". <*. M&StP 87% 87% 87% 87% C Con Cop. 36% 36 % 35% 35% Col F & I. 20% 20% 20% 20% Con Gas .. 117% 117% 117% 117% Corn Prod. 10% 10% 10% 10% Dist Sec . . 9 9 % 9 9 % Erie 22 % 22% 22 22 Erie, Ist pf 35 % 35% Gen E Co. . 140 140 Goodrh BF 31 32 31 31% Gt Nor pfd 115% 115% (it N Ore s 32% 32% 31% 31% dug Exp . . 51 51 ill Cent .. 104% 104 % 104 104 in-Met ... 12% 13 12% 12% In-Met pfd 59 % 59% 59 59 Lehigh Vnl 135% 135% 134 134% Louis & N. 113 113 Alex Petrol. 67 % 67% 66% 67 .Mo Pae .. 12 18% 12 12% Nat Lead.. 54% 54% 54 54 Nev CO.. 13 13 ' 12% 12% N Y Cent.. 83% 84 83% 83% NY.NH& H 52% 53% 51% 52% Nor & W. 102% 10214 102% 102% Nor Pas .. 104 104 103% 103% r.iaii . . 20 20 P It it .. 105% 105% 105% 105% Peo G & C. 120 120 119% 119? i Pgli Coal . 20% 20% 19% 19% Pgh C pfd. 91% 91% 88 88 Press S Car 26% 26% Ry Stl Spg 19% 19% R C Cop.. 17% 17% 17% 17% Reading .. 145% 14C% 145% 145% R I & S .. 20% 20 % RI & 8 pfd 77% 77% So Pacific. 85% 85% 84% 84% So Railway 16% 16% 15% 15% So Ry pfd 51% 51 'i Tenn Cop.. 27 28% 27 27% Texas Co ... 135% 135% 135 135' Third Ave. 51 52% 50% 52 Union Pac. 120% 120% 119% 120 IT S Rubber 56% 56% 56% 56% U S Steel. 45% 40% 45 45% jl' S S pfd. 105 105 104% 104% Utah (Top.. 53% 53% 53% 58% West Md .. 20% 23% 20% 22% West U Tel 63% 63% 63% 63% JAPAN FILES ANOTHER NOTE Tokio, March 9, 3.55 p. m.—The (Japanese government has communi cated a supplementary note to the great powers in which she summar izes the articles not Included in her llrst statement of the demands made upon China. She explains that these I articles, being in the nature of re (|nests concerning old and long pend ing questions between herself and China, she had not felt previously any obligation to impart them to the powers. PROBABLY K \TALLY BI'RNED Peter Leskar, 937 South Third street, Steelton, was severely burned this morning, when he went too near the firebox 011 a boiler at the Harrisburg Railways power plant, in South Cam eron street, and hot ashes and fire fell on him. He was taken to the Har risburg Hospital, where it is said his condition is serious. APPOINT VIEWERS FOR ARM STRONG BRIDGE Paul G. Smith, Joseph Umberger and Earle Graeff were appointed a board of viewers to-day by the Dau phin county court to report upon the advisability of erecting a new bridge across the Armstrong creek near Flsh erville. I MIS FATHER'S EXECUTOR Wilhelm J. Mehring, 3f., former po lice chauffeur, to-day took out. letters of administration on the estate of his father, Wilhelm J. Mehring, a well known wholesale liquor dealer, who tlied suddenly a week ago. For Rent Desirable offices in the Union Trust Building. Apply Unitn Trust Company «■ * 1 House Dress Aprons JL Direct From Manufacturer to You I.lke 111 out rat lon—nicely made la 04 standard per- l/t'*'<rjf rnl<» of extra qunllty— light, cadet aid aavy blue— JJ with pocket—M Inches lons- ~W,tl | 47c—2 For 90c | Satisfaction guaranteed. Otherwise return good* and .»*••• «l we will refund money. *"•*** j Mall jour order BOW, together with remittance, stating quantity and color desired, to ..'J. N THE D. & S. COMPANY DAUPHIN, PA. ' MONEY TO LOAN ' •t leas. tfeaa legal rates, la aaj annuali Parable la laalnliacata la a alt borrower. I'ualtlvelr lawaal ralea la Iha city. PennsylrMi* Investment Co. ias WALNUT Sill liter V——mmmmmmmm ———■ ■ i >a^a—J REAL ESTATE BARGAINS 2130 AtlnM Ave.—2'/i-story frame house, 6 rooms, bath, furnace, finish ed attic, only |i>oo cash needed. Price *1425 170f> N. 4th Ml. 2-story brick house, S rooms. Lot 12x74 ft. Only S4OO cash neiidod. Price ... fltlOO 321 Marlay Ml. 3-storv brick house, 8 rooms, bath. Lot 15x95 ft. Price S3OOO Vork County Kami 4O acres, 11% miles from Ilarrisburg, and 3 miles from Goldsboro. House, barn, summer house, windmill and green house. Running water through farm. 200 fruit trees and 50 walnut trees. 4 acres of Timbcrluud. CHAS. ADLER Real K«tatc and Insurance 1002 North Third Street *- ' ' If Vou Need MONEY and hold a salaried posi tion, we can supply in amounts from $5 to SSO Will take your plain note. All transactions confidential. Employees Discount Co. 36 N. Third St. I.lecnsetl Kooiu 2 Bonded RUPTURE CURED WITHOUT THE KNIFE The Shanaman's Spermatic Shield Instrument and Electric Treatment will positively cure all curable Ruptures. Send for my booklet. It explains why drug store trusses, advertised fake trusses, can not cure rupture, and why they do more harm than good. TESTIMONIAL Mr. J. S. Shanaman & Son: I am very glad to sav that your Spermatic Shield Truss and Electric Treatment has cured my rupture in three months' time. Thanks for same. Before X heard of you I sent for a Col lins truss and liniment. Wlien the package came I found only 26 inches of suspenders webbing and some sort of a pad llxed at one end, and he called it a truss. Is it not a shame how the iunfortunate ruptured people can be so shamefully humbuged. Yours truly, JOSEPH FINtCLE, Duncannon. Pa. J. S. Shanaman & Son RIiPTUIIE SPECIALISTS I 408 MARKET STREET Above Dleaer'a Jewelry Store I New | | Up-To-Date ij Apartments I Ready About March 15 t 2nd and 3d Floors * |« 2210 N. Third Street ! J 6 Rooms, Bath, Pantry ♦ ♦ and Closets, Hardwood ♦ ♦ floors and steam heat. » | Continuous Hot Water. * ♦ Laundry and Storage, * ♦ Front and Rear Porches. ♦ ! Large, light, airy rooms. I J Apply to I ; H. W. Miller : State Highway Dept. ♦ or J 2141 Penn Street * | ♦ miBBEFt STAMnn af B| SEALS A. STENCILS |/\ jfl» MFG.BYHBG.STENCILWORKS ■ |1 II 130 LOCUST ST. HBG, PA. If THB Harrlsburt I'oiyellnto Diipta ■ary will ba open dally, except Sunday, at P. M.. at Its new location, 170t North Second street, for ttaa fraa trut* tnent of the worthy poor. 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers