8 JITNEY TRANSPORTATION COMPANY I HARRISBURG, PENNA. CAPITAL $25,000.00 SHARES SIO.OO EACH A Limited Amount of This Stock Can Be Purchased at Par By Applying to the Undersigned AUGUSTUS WILDMAN ROSS OENSLAGER OWEN M. COPELIN PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER Sooner) The Fine Flower of Chivalry By Beatrice Fairfax Is chivalry dead? On every side you hear the discussion as to whether chivalry went out with hoopskirts and fainting and general fjeminine helplessness and the coming in of feminism and suffrage. The whole discussion is ridiculous, for chivalry is no more an exclusively masculine quality than are truth and honor. Chivalry is, after all, but noblesse oblige. The fineness of feelings that obliges one to do certain things and that would make it impossible for one to do certain others is chivalry. Chivalry is not Sir Walter Raleigh spreading his velvet cloak over a ruddle that Queen Bess may pass dry-shod; chivalry is not a knight In ormor fighting all other knights to prove the superior charm of a lady who has tied a blue scarf to his arm. Chivalry is the spirit close within one's self that makes one think kind ly of people and refrain oven In the inmost places of one's own mind from criticising or disparaging. Chivalry is never showy at the ex pense of others. The day before Christmas I saw a poorly dressed wo man, with babe, toil-worn hands, stumble out of a street car and drop H great box of cheap toys. With much elaboration a well-dressed man rushed from the curbstone and stood, hat in hand, offering the woman ad vice about going into the nearest grocery store to get a box to hold her things. There was no chivalry in the condescension that offered cheap ad vice, although two women thought IX HONOR OK BIRTHDAY Special to The Telegraph Dauphin, Pa., March B.—Mrs. Le roy McKissick entertained at a party on Thursday evening, in honor of her husband's birthday anniversary. After a social evening refreshments were served to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wel ker, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Barn liart, Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Feasor, Miss Jane Bickel, Miss Alice Feaser, Miss Viola McKissick, George Feaser, William Feaser, Paul Welker, Randall Bickel, Ralph Feaser and Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Kissick. Resinol cleared away everypimple! At least once a dav—usually twice —I bathed my face for several min utes with plenty of Resinol Soap and hot water and applied a little Res inol Ointment very gently. 1 let this stay on for ten minutes or so, and then washed it off, with Resinol Soap and more hot water, finishing with, a dash of cold water to close the pores. I was astonished how quickly the healing Resinol medication soothed and cleansed the pores, removed pimples and blackneads, and left my complexion clear and velvety. pbymlcijiw hare nwd Retinol Ointment and Resinol Soap for 20 year, in tho treatment of itching, burning, skin-.ru ptirms. Sold by til drugriah; for trial free, writ* to l>cpt. 11-S. Resinol, Baltimore, Md. ASTHMA COUGHS I WHOOPING COUCH SPASMODIC CROUP BRONCHITIS CATARRH COLDS A simple, safe and effective treatment avoid ing drugs. U*ed with success for 35 years. The air carry tna the antiseptic vapor, inhaled with every breath, make* breathing easy, soothesthesore throat, iMaanßa and stops the cough, 7dp~9| assuring restful nights. IW Cresolcne is invaluable J jje' to mothers with young K 3 1 ! children and a boon to Ik ItUr MWlfcl sufferers from Asthma. ■ OLD »V DHUaoiSTt I.^l VAPOCRESQLENECO. MONDAY EVENING, the man very fine not to be ashamed to bo seen talking to the poor, shabby creature. A passing wagon driver threw his reins about the whipstock and. cap on the back of his head and cigaret 1 drooping from his lips, went to the aid of the woman. He picked up the various tO's and scattered bundles of cranberries and nuts and carried them to the curbstone. Then he stood guard while the wo man went into a store and secured a new box and some strong t.wine Thereafter the shabby teamster helped the woman pack her posses sions. "Have you any kiddies at home?" she asked, and on finding that he had three she insisted on sending three toys to the children of the man who had helped her. "You're a good man," she said,' and there was a blessing in hor tone. Kindness and gratitude actual practical kindness and definitely ex pressed gratitude. Can you think of anything more chivalrous than the man who helped and the woman who spared some of her hard-earned Christmas in thankfulness for his kindness? Chivalry is not dead. It does not ; "ride atilt for the honor of its lad.ve j faire." It does not celebrate itself in minstrelsy and song. But the fine j tlower or U is in the kindness and j gratitude common men aijd womgn I show to the A NEW AND BECOMING BLOUSE —— / A Late Model, the Neck of which can fie Finished in Two Quite Different Ways. By MAY MANTON *554 Gathered Blouse, 34 to 42 bust. Such a blouse as this one fills man> needs. It can be made with skirt to match to mean an attractive gown of a simple ! tort, or it can be made of soft silk, of ; cotton crfpe or of other washable ma ; terial to be worn with the tailored suit, j I he gathered fronts mean becoming full- I ncss; the high neck makes a most effective finish and_ the sleeves may be either 1 i_ or ln three-quarter length, as each wearer prefers. Women who find the open neck too comfortable to be surrendered will like the treatment shown on the figure, but if a higher neck is wanted, the two fronts can be made alike and turned back to form "small revers. Here cr£pe de chine is usort throughout, but an exceedingly handsome and exceed ingly smart effect could be obtained by using Bengaline silk for the co)lai\ sleeves and cuffs, and white silk is liked whether the blouse is white or colored. For the medium size will be needed yds. of material 27 in. wide, 2*4 yds. 36, a yds. 44, if contrasting material ia used, yd. 27 inches wide will be need ed for collar, cuffs and revers. The pattern No. 8554 (s cut In size* from 34 It will be mailed to any address by the Fashion Department of this ppaer, oa receipt of ten cents. Bowman's sell May Manton Patterns. DIPHTHERIA AT DAIPHIV i Special 10 The Telegraph Dauphin, Pa., March B.—Mrs. Her bert Singer, of RaUroad street, has de veloped a case of diphtheria. r —; \ I Miss Fairfax j Answers Queries BE TiOYAIi Dear Miss Fairfax: I am twenty-four. About five months ago I fell in love with a young lady live years my junior. I have taken her to theaters, etc. I have made her sifts. I have met her father, mar ried brother and sister. Now I have asked her if she could marry me. She told me that for the past year she has been in love with a married man of thirty-six. Her folks do not know this. I told her to forget him for her own good. 1 told her I would be will ing to wait. G. B. C. Be patient and loyal, and even if the girl annoys you with confidences about her 111-advised infatuation, go on trying to win her. You see she has the utmost faith in you, and I think |j "THE TYPEWRITER OF THEIIE NATIONALLY KNOWN j j I I \T' ..J. _ „ II _ j I TRIPLE SERVICE" SPECIAL v lclor ♦ 1 A,M.A.HOFF ESS Victr °!f UlSa tVhlttall Mara. Royal Arm WUI b ® c,osed °»lt at .attractive • V jO&S&ESNi Clialra, .McDouicall Kltch. reductions. Regularly priced at \/- -i. _ „ M /VO SSSSf-SoSE u.« to » 2 .00. _ VlCtOr M ICITIOS \\Tp)f?rRWATT // Congoleum Floor , tig 61 £ WiIWV Complete line of summer un- RPCOrHS il"™" Tv I m VI- "■> ■' '/ Roaa Cedar Cheat. derwear now in stock Extra for their sweet and durable g M wSV "no"' extra 3 SS&JSt jfef •»««« a specialty. ' tone. Sold direct from fac- | : YEA Price *IOO. For demonstration, qi . , tory to home. V*3 if! Harrisburg Typewriter Bessie E. Ptorman and Supply Co. New Cumberland, GIOTCS . noslcry . tinder PM OYLER THAQ M QTIFPP 1 gS I 40 North Court Street PeMia. lilies' Goods Onl, 1 • AVl * 1 CHAS. M. STIEFF oS Harrlaburg, Pa. 222 LOCUST STREET 1 A C? f . V c, 24 North Second Street gj FOURTH AND BRIDGE STS. 14 O. T OUrth St. HARRISBURG. FA. jjj Tfpar j WHERE TO FIND wrr :^~" 1 NATIONALLY fliii&l J ADVERTISED £££ I Harrisburg Agency SI B -W ■ Mm. MM M BH * p - Twin Two Speed... bg MSr R vJ Vy vy JLy k/ 12 ix - r - Twin Tw ° apcej •• r - 75 t\ Universal Starter, Klectrlc V<l I Cor. e . and Ho.iery Shop The World's Best Merchandise ' | M 107-A N. Second St. , M - UHLfcK i T 1 \T 1317 DEIiltV STREET P In. and In eat y | Aristocrat HARRISBURG, PA. 3 M ftay au those quaH- Merchandise that will bear national advertising h as to have exceptional merit. mJY • MxCCU | m li" accuracy e ! s . e the manufacturer could not afford to spend large sums of money for the adver- ===== | ity— tising, and to attach his name and reputation to an article that was not extraor- CIA/ o THE HAMILTON dinarily meritorious, for it is the repeat sales that he depends on. It is there- IsUOniKJIV 01 fore quite evident that when an article is nationally advertised and nationally SO r E i m m°o 8 £ than tt it e c™?s re ' sold,year in and year out, year after year, it is exceptionally good goods to stand 3 m m c 3 et goid OC and f gold "fined the test and prove worthy of continued sales and growth. It is conceded by ex- SHOE 3 cases, for men and women, step perts that when an article is advertised generally—nationally— it is the best pos- SI gg in and examine them. sible product. The wise always, in consequence, prefer n.vtionallv known poods F ° r Men * ni Women - tl' : "niatinr The and ask for what they want by name. Read the magazines and keep posted on 3 l/lCllcr 9 Jeweler nationally advertised goods. JERAULD SHOE CO. | —| if IT'S ON THIS PAGE IT'S WORTH WHILE 310 M " k " Stf " t | yfci EVERY ACCOUNT READY ' "I 1 I " R^\oS^ EM^T Woo ft IhtWLLUO J MCfASK Dowser "trtzu c— tj ~ Chains I VylLi in a motor car 1 M storage AII s szes Chalmers | qyqtpmq Save your friends AND THE FIRST AND STILI, THE BESTI JI J 1 LlVlj ... . . ■ ~ g c. L sawtelle ■ a trip to the hos- C_ vnr » i 1 s . sow" Koi*KTH T S Tn EE r. "* pital. JdAUM 'i Bowser & Co,, Inc. Uotor c .r. m>, .. 5... .C Th. 1 D.1,,1 Telegraph Building Front-Mark»l Motor Supply Keystone Motor Car Co"*' 3 Y'' r . Alw handle S«lea Booka In e.ery uahhisblhu. pa. Co., Market St. Bridge Br „ MS laia-iaaa MARKBT ST. " 1 known variety. n . r . REYNOLDS, Salea Agent. Robert lu. Norton, HARRISBURG & TELEGRAPH you would be failing that if you did not make every effort to help her cure i herself of her former love. Patience and loyalty now will surely win her | love and devotion. TRUE I/OVE Dear Miss Fairfax: I am thirty-five, and at twenty-four' I married most inadvisably. Four years j ago my wife and I concluded that a separation was necessary. Later my wife obtained a divorce and was given j tlio custody of our child. They have j been sufficiently provided for. and i since there was never any bitterness j between my wife and me, I hope to 1 give my child as much of a father's guidance as if our family life had been quite different. At present I am still | longing for that happiness which I did not llnd in my marriage. What I want to know is, would a J woman care to take a chance for 1 [happiness with a man 'ike me? Could j she possibly sympathize if she knew my whole story ? Could she value me for what I might prove to be to her, | or would she permit my experience to ] lessen the love of which she is cap able? DISAPPOINTED. If ever you meet a woman who is I capable of true love of the sort for which .vou yearn, I think she will be I perfectly willing to give you both love i and sympathy. Perhaps she will even ! care for you the more tenderly be cause of your sad experience. Good women are like that. I DEBATE AT PIXE GROVE Blain, Pa., March B.—The question debated on Friday evening at the Pine Grove Literary Society was "Re solved. "That the Horse is More Valu | able Than the Cow." Afflrmitive side won. Speakers were Roy Arnold and i James Yohn, aftlrmiatlve; Russel Stroup and Samuel Kennedy, nega tive. Judges were, Miss Mabel Stew jart, Iloward t Kistler and Paul Kiner. MARCH 8, 1915. BIRTHDAY SURPRISE Mrs. Charles Slianfer Celebrates Aiini ersary at Dauphin Special to i lie Telegraph Dauphin, Pa., March B.—A delight ful surprise party was Riven on Sat urday evening to Jlrs. Charles Shaf fer in celebration of her birthday an niversary. Mrs. Shaffer received- many beautiful gifts. The evening was spsnt with music and refreshments were served to the following: The Rev. and Mrs. R. F. Stirling, Mr. and Mrs. Free man C. Gerbcrick, Mr. and Mrs. David Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Wil liams. Mr. and Mrs. William Oarver ick, Mrs. J. D. M. Reed. Mrs. William Rodenhaver, Mrs. William P. Clark, Miss Margaret Brooks, Miss Bertha Sellers, Miss Carrie Hoffman of Mid dletown. Miss Naomi Kbcrsole, of Roaring Branch, Miss Carrie E. Ger bcrick, Miss Sabra Clark, .Miss Ruth Shaffer, Miss Esther Shaffer, William Shaffer, Donald Shaffer and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaffer. SOX BO UN" AT ATLANTIC CITV Dauphin, Pa., March B.—Word has boon received by .Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Sweltzer, of tlie birth of a son, Harry A., to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Young, of Atlantic City, on Monday, March I. Mrs. Young Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Swcitzer. Dauver of Pnonnmula From Children's roughs Many a mother has worried through lays and nights with a child sick with pneumonia, just because when the child started coughing she "waited to see." Any parent who does that should be arrested for criminal negligence. At the first sign of cold or cough, give Goff's Cough Syrup—lt breaks up ths congestion in the bronchial tubes, loosens and raises the phlegm very quickly, and in almost every case keeps the cold from the lungs. Tastes pleas ant; free from dope, wonderfully effect ive for relieving colds, ('roup, Whoop ing Cci'tsh. Guaranteed by Grocers and Druggists, 25 and 50c. Get it now.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers