2 fffiffl^pcnnayLVAmftfiesftS] ißecent Deaths in Special to The Telegraph t Marietta. Mrs. Sarah K. Horn, S3 iycars old. died yesterday at the home lof her daughter in York. Kaur chil- Idren survive. High mount. Airs. Frank Foust, 160 years old. died yesterday. Tier hus- Iband, four children and six grandchil dren survive. Aunville.—The funeral of Raymond Miller, is years of age, only son of iieorgo Miller, was held this afternoon «.t. the home of his grandmother, Mrs. J. Miller on Railroad street. j PI.AY BY HALIFAX TALENT Special «o The Telegraph Halifax, Pa.. March S.—"Cupid at •College." will be given by local tal ent, under directions of Miss E. June |T?reineier, in the Royal Theater, on [Friday evening, March 12, for the (benefit of the high school piano fund. The program will be made up of kdrills, musical numbers, etc. tIF.VKN* PKARLS FOUND Lewlstown, Pa., March S.—The lat est find of pearls of quality was made n oysters by the well-known railroad (policeman, M. A. Davis, a day or two mgo. Davis was feasting on oysters mt. his home at the Junction when he •bit into some hard substance, which tproved to be pearls, seven in number, ■ill of good size. Davis will have the jjearls mounted. DO YOU SUFFER FROM BACKACHE? When your kidneys are weak and ■torpid they do not properly perform their functions; your back aches and you do not feel like doing much of anything. You are likely to be despondent and to borrow trouble, just as if you hadr.'t enough already. Don't be a victim any longer. The old reliable medicine, Hood's Sarsapariiia. gives strength and tone To the kidneys and builds up the whole system. Uet it to-day.—Advertise ment. Does the Bottom of the Bin Show Don't neglect to replenish your coal supply. Because it's March don't think that winter is over and you'll not need any more fuel. Weeks of weather is ahead of us which will demand continuous furnace fire. Get Kelley's Hard Stove at s<>.7o most in de mand for the average furnace. Don't wait till the last piece in the bin disappears. H. M. KELLEY & CO. 1 N. Third Street * Tenth and State Streets r~r ; «i Try Telegraph Want Ads Did You Receive The Telegraph | j Yesterday on Time? IS THIS YOUR CARRIER? ' j Each day a strict record is pr ; . j kept in this office, of the ac tual time consumed in serv- _ ing the Telegraph to sub- . scribers. |B From the time the papers leave the press every minute must be accounted for and T* ■ ■ there is no loafing on the f M > ob - *JLd This carrier serves the ■ 'jf&jWfc Telegraph in the following street : ' s'hin __ to 700; Seneca street, 600 to JAMES HOT,AHAN 700. Carrier No. 9 15 minutes from the time the papers left the press the carrier's bundle of papers was delivered to him at Sixth and Emerald streets. 4 minutes were consumed by the carrier in recounting his papers. 1 minute more and subscribers were being served with the Telegraph. 20 Minutes From Press to Home. If you reside in this section, or any other section of Ifarrlsburg you | can enjoy lho same prompt service and have the Telegraph delivered I at your home within the hour. Give your subscription to the carrier or telephone the Circulation j j Department (or till in the subscription blank below). 6c HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH a Week ' Delivered at Your Home SUBSCRIPTION BLANK ii v Date 19. ... ♦ i The Harrisburg Telegraph: ♦ Please deliver the Telegraph dally until further notice at thef 1 rate of six cents a week and have your regular collector call fori payment every two weeks. I ■ Name i • * !, Address J " MONDAY EVENING, Asking State Aid to Restore Historic Old Fort Hendricks - ;-v ■■ ■■ " ' . .. s '" ' ' ' ' ..... ... . s : «... {;, i- - --rAf» ~ m", ■< ■ : •: .'H: r . 7'j^ ..JJI IL, Snyder County Historical So ciety Working Through Sen ator and Representative From That Section to Save Landmark Special to The Telegraph Lewistown, Pa.. March 6.—At the in stance of the Snyder County Historical Society, Representative Snmpsel and State Senator W. C. Connell are mak ing efforts to procure an appropriation from the State for the purpose of re storing historic Fort Hendricks to its former condition. The ancient fort is a stoutly-built log structure, located in the center of a wide meadow and was one of the outposts in colonial days. A bloody massacre of whites took place about this fort in the days when tlu> redskins were on the warpath. An | Help the Stomach 1 Digest Your Foodj I When the stomach fails to digest! and distribute that which is eaten,* the bowels become clogged with a J I mass of waste and refuse that fer-4 i ments and generates poisons that* • are gradually forced into the bipod,l f causing distress and often serious? I Illness. * f Most people naturally object tos I the drastic cathartic and purgative! i agents that shock the system. Al • mild, gentle laxative, positive in itsi f effect and that will quickly relieve* ? constipation is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup! ! Pepsin, sold by druggists at fifty! ! cents and one dollar a bottle. It! i does not gripe or cramp, but acts! • easily and pleasantly and is there-* • fore the most satisfactory remedy} ! for children, women and elderly? t persons. For a free trial bottle! ! wrife to Dr. "W. B. Caldwell. 4511 i Washington St., Monticello, 111. f CHAS7H.MAUK UNDERTAKER Sixth and Kelker Streets j Largest establishment. Best facilities. Near to I you as your phone. Will *o anywhere at your call. Motor aervice. No funeral too small. None too expensive. Chapels, rooms, vault, etc., used wiifc* Out charfia. effort may bo made to have the site taken over by the State. In the picture will be seen the I'ort with the peculiar opening at bottom through which the settlers en tered. when the Indians were on a raid, and an opening: above through which shot could be fired, as well as cracks between the logs from which many a bullet wliizzed to cut down a red warrior. The roof on the building was one placed there some years'ago to keep the historic structure from going to decay. _ This fort was erected in the year 17 70, or 145 years ago. It stands in a picturesque spot near Kreanier, in Snyder county. TG PItKSKRYK I'OHT AUGUST.! Special to The Telegraph Sunbury, Pa., March B.—Acting on the suggestion of members of the Pennsylvania State Historical Com mission, Fort Augusta Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolu tion, of this city, sent petitions to the State legislature asking for the pres ervation of the site of Old Port Au gusta here, the grave of the Great In dian chief. Shikcllimy, and other his torical spots of interest in early Revo lutionary war days. hhom:i,i\g sxow Special to The Telegraph Sunbury, Pa., March S.— Isaao Jla li'-'k. G7 years old, a retired Pennsylva nia railroad man. while shoveling snow in front of his home this morning, was seized with an attack of heart disease. Neighbors carried him indoors, but he died before a doctor arrived. WILDCAT KILLF.P Special to The Telegraph Lewiatown, Pa., March B.—W. C. I Lefever, of near Longfellow, this coun ty. 1 thought here one of the largest wildcats seen in this section in many a day. The animal was killed several nights ago, after a tierce light. Mr. Lefever heard the dogs making a big racket and going to the pigpen lie found them engaged in a scrap with the ferocious animal under the sty. The tight w as a hot one while it lasted and two of the dogs were badly torn about the body by the claws of the animal. Mr. Lefever, Anally was en abled to deal the bobcat a blow that! killed it. The animal measured be-1 1 V < II I Hill] lull!' I eel in !• !, v. I li. OUCH! LAME BACK. RUB LUMBAGO Of! BACKACHE AWAY i | Rub pain right out with small trial bottle of old "St. Jacob's 0U" Kidneys cause Backache? No! They have no nerves, therefore can I not cause pain. Listen! Tour back ache is caused by Lumbago, sciatica or a strain, and the quickest relief is I soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil." Rub it right on your painful back, and instantly the soreness, stiffness land lameness disappears. Don't stay |crippled! Get a small trial bottle of j "St. Jacobs Oil" from your druggist and limber up. A moment after it is applied you'll wonder what became of the backache or lumbago pain. I Rub old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" whenever you have sciatica, neuralgia, I rheumatism or sprains, as it Is abso lutely harmless and doesn't burn tlio | skin. —Advertisement.* REMARKABLE CURES Thankful People Tell Wliai Kiin C«ra Ointment Did for Them George A. Gorgas sells San Cura Ointment on the money-back plan no relief—no pay. Guaranteed to re i lieve eexema, tetter, salt rheum, itch ing, bleeding or protruding piles, burns, cuts, bruises, old sores, pim ples, boils, carbuncles, chapped hands, chilblains, festers, insect bites and poison from ivy. "My face and neck were one mass of sores; doctor said I had eczema and erysipelas. I had not slept for weeks with burning, itching pain. The ! first time 1 used San Cura Ointment jl slept all night and in a short time was completely cured."—Chas. Fay, iTownville. Pa. 1 "My wife stepped on a rusty nail I and ran it into her fool. San Cura Ointment drew out a poisonous brown 'pus and cured her promptly."—Eu gene McKenzie, Plum, Pa. "T had been afflicted over thirty years with piles .and spent over 7500 for pile medicine. Two jars of San | Cura Ointment cured me."—James | Lynch, Enterprise, "a. i San Cura Ointment costs 25 and 50 cents a Jar at George A. Gorgas' and | is a splendid remedy for burns, 3Calds, 1 cuts and bruisee.-T-Advertlsement. •■OPHEAL THANOS PEPTGNOI? (made in a health RESORT AT DRUG STORES; SI.ooPrrBOTTLE THE PEPTONOL CO ATLANTIC CITY (St . ~J. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH j WEST SHORE NEWS | UN OF M FOR BUM BUILDING Marysville Council Passes Resolu tion Authorizing Erection of Municipal Home Marysville, Pa., March B.—At the [regular meeting of the town council, a resolution was passed authorizing a loan of $3,800 for the erection of a borough building. The committee ap pointed to secure plans and estimate the cost of the building reported that bonds to tho amount ol" $;!,800 at tho rate of 4 % per cent, would be neces sary. The resolution passed on fixe "Ayes" against one "Nay." The application of W. H. Sponsler, of New Bloomfield, for permission, for the Perry County Telegraph and Tele phone Company to place poles and string wires in the borough for the extension of their lines, 1 was defeated. Work on Tabernacle Starts at Marysville Today Marysville, Pa., March 8. At. a meeting of the representatives of tho several congregations interested in Ihe tabernacle revival held in the Bethel Church, an organization was made and committees appointed. The lumber for the big tabernacle is now here and work was started this morning. H. A. Baum, who had charge of the con structing of the tabernacle at Mechan icsburg, will assist In the work. C. W. Heisley Is chairman of the tabernacle building committee and desires all men who can and will to be on hand early lor the work. The evangelistic party arrived here Saturday. SCHOOL STANDARD RAISED Marysville, Pa., March B.—Professor Pentz, State high school inspector, who made his second visit to the high school at this place', this term, gave tho principal, A. K. Deckard, the as surance that the high school would be rated as a second class high school instead of a third class one as for merly. WEDDING AT NEW CUMBERLAND New Cumberland, March B.—Miss Minnie ('line of New Cumberland, and Abrain Zimmerman, of Cumberland county, were married on Thursdav evening by the Rev. S. N. Good at the Church of God parsonage on Reno street. MRS COOVER II,Ij New Cumberland, Pa., March B. Mrs. J. it. Coover is ill with pneumo nia at her home on Bridge street. ENTERTAIN ED UI'ILD New Cumberland, Pa., March B. Miss Lillian Mosey entertained the Su dors. Guild at her home in Market street on Friday night. DEATH OF FLORENCE WARNER New Cumberland, Pa., March B. Word was received here of the death of Mrs. Florence Warner, wife of Dr. A. Warner, of Baltimore, on Saturday night. Mi.-. Warner lived in New Cupmberlar.d where she ban many friends. HIS." EXCESS WEIGHT GONE Prominent Idnlic Physician Sayr. He Reduced 25 Pounds in S Months Sainton, Idaho. Feb. 28th.—Dr. AV. Wliitwell of this city, former can didate for Governor of this State, lias let it become known that his remark able experience in reducing 25 pounds in three months was due neither to 'dieting, mediiine nor exercise. He says |that a simple, invisible device, weigh ing less than an ounce, did it. This, when worn as directed, acts as an ef fective Hesh reducer and many promi nent men and women have adopted this easy means/of reducing superflu ous flesh, and it is stated tho Inventor, N. O. Burns, of No. 14 West Thirty seventh St., New York, is sending these outfits on free trial to all who write him.—Advertisement. PERRY LICENSE HEARINGS Court Considering Cases Where Re monstrances and Changes Arc- Made Special to The Telegraph Marysville, Pa., March B.—Perry County License Court convened to-day to hear charges and remonstrances presented last Tuesday against appli cants for liquor licenses in Perry coun ty. To-day's session was taken up with charges against D. C. Nary, of Elliotts burg. Tuesday the remonstrances and specific charges against McC'lellan Cox, of Blain, and M. H. Atkinson, of New BiootrilieltJ will be heard. Wednesday morning's sessions will j he devoted to hearing the cases against 11. B. Rhlnesmith, New Bloomfield; Milton W. Derrick and Charles O. Mayne, Dumannon; Charles O. Mitch ell and Blanton F. Blattenberger, Liv erpool; Albert Zaepfel and George W. Rhoads, Marysville; Robert W. Hopple and P. K. Shenk. Millerstown. and James Strauss and Robert B. Nixon, Newport. Thursday afternoon's ses sion will be devoted to the case of Theopollus 11. Butturf, of Oliver town , ship, near Newport, Perry County's only bottler. DIES AT HOTEL TABLE Cornellu« W. Fralick Stricken In MU lcrsbnrg Dining Room Special tu The Telegraph Millersburg. Pa., March B.—Corne lius \\\ Fralick died suddenly of heart failure while sitting at the table eat ing Ids morning meal at the Hotel Koppenhaver on Saturday. He was apparently in his usual health when the fatal attack occurred. He is sur vived by a son. John D„ of Harris burg and a married daughter living in Philadelphia, also two brothers, Al fred, of Luzerne, and Frank, of this place, apd two ulsters. Miss Sue Fralick and Airs. Sarah Noll, of Moore street. Millersburg. The funeral will take place from Mrs. Noll's home on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Tahoe tribe of Bed Men will have charge of the fu neral. lie was 64 years old. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Special to The Telegraph Marietta, Pa., March B.—Cards have ! been issued announcing the engair"- j nient of Miss Frances H. Lenz and Llnneus L. Reist. of Portland, Ore gon. Mr. Relst. is a graduate of Frank- I tin and Marshall College, and a na tive of Lancaster county, lie Is now a member of the bar of Portland. DANCE TO YIOLIN AND BANJO Special to The Telegraph Blain, Pii., March B..—A dance was held on Thursday evening at the home of John G. Gray, In Jackson township and there was an attendance of about twenty-five guests. Clarence Mess, vio linist. and Joe Leonard, banjo, furnish ed the music. - v ™ j ■ fJIBWBIBPrj Grand Opera In Your Own Home \A7"HILE everybody can't go to the opera, everybody can *» have the opera come to them. With a Victrola in your home you can have the most famous artists sing for you the masterworks of music which they sing in the great opera houses of the world. And- on the Victrola it is all so real that you enjoy it just as much as though you were really attending a performance in an opera house. Come in and hear Caruso, Melba, Schuman-Heink and other artists on the Victrola. We'll gladly play any music you wish to hear, and tell you how you can easily have a Victrola in your home. All Styles— sls to $250- -Any Finish Private Demonstration Parlors J. H. Troup Music House Troup Building 15 S. Market Square ENTERTAIX EI) AT TEA Special to The Telegraph Halifax, Pa., March B.—Mrs. Claude G. Ryan unci Miss Miriam Kyan serv ed tea on Saturday afternoon from 2.30 to B. These guests were present: Mrs. Isaac Gilbert, Mrs. L. W. Kyan, Mrs. J. S. Gemberling, Mrs. C. K. Shope, Mrs. C. M. Kicliter, Mis. C. C. Baker, Misses Esther Brubaker. Ver lie High, Charlotte Heisler, Carrie and Virginia Shoop, Marie Smith. Mil lit Offenbach, Anna Prenzel, Florence l and Helen Matter, Helen and Marian boudermilk, Mae Clemson, Pearl Kline. Kstlier Zimmerman, Anna Bell Gemberling and Miss Adelaide AVood side, of Mlllersburg. STAMP COMPANY IXSOI A'E.'T Special to The Telegraph Sunbury, Pa., March 8. —The Mer chandise Discount. Trading Stamp Company, having severa' county offi cials and prominent Sunbury and Sha mokin cili'/.ens as officers and direc tors, has declared itself insolvent and offers the creditors 20 per cent, on the dollar. NEW CAMP ORGANIZED Special to 'lhe Telegraph Dillsburgr, Pa., March B.—A camp of Patriotic Order of Americans which is a ladies' auxiliary of the Patriotic Order or Sons of America, was or ganized in Dilisburg and theffo r lowing officers elected on Friday night: Past president, Mrs. Lizzie Bentz; president, Mrs. William Elicker; vice president, Aliss Clara Arntsberger; as sistant vice-president, Mrs. J. E. Tay lor; conductor, Mrs. Peter Spatli: as sistant conductor, Miss Susan Beatty; recording secretary, Mrs. L. I>. Bentz; assistant recording secretary, .Miss Jennie Harlan; financial secretary, Mrs. J. S. Kapp; treasurer, Mrs. O. M. Bushman: chaplain, Mrs. Adam Mil ler; guard. Miss Trean Beatly; senti nel, Miss Lizzie Harlan; trustees. Mrs. Adam Miller, Mrs. William Elicker and Miss Kennie Stouffer. "WAR CAUSES MORE SORROW" Special to The Telegrqfh Bluin, Pa., March 8. —A number of citizens attended the high school liter ary Society held on Friday afternoon and enjoyed an excellent program, which consisted of a debate, music, recitations and readings. The ques. lion discussed was, "Resolved. That War Causes More Sorrow Than Intem perance.' Affirmative debaters were. Miss Josephine Sheaffer and Clark An derson; negative. Carleton Spotts and Miss Edith Bistline. The judges were Mrs. Kerstetter, George Zeiters and Harry Orth. who decided in favor of the affirmative side. DIETING TO KEEP WELL Some people ure born with a tend ency to certain diseases. What they eat either aggravates this condition or tends to correct it . Anybody can see the importance of a proper diet, but human beings, un like the lower animals, lack the in stinct that tells them what to eat and what to avoid. it is a fact that proper diet and a good tonic will keep people well under most conditions and restore them to health except in acute diseases where the need of a physician is imperative. , Start to-day by writing to the Dr. i Williams Medicine Co.. Schenectady, N. Y.. for a copy of the diet book, "What to Eat and How to Eat." It is full of useful information and describes the tonic treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for indigestion, nervous dys pepsia. for those conditions of flatu lency or gas on the stomach, discom fort after eating, caused by lack of tone in the digestive organs. Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills supply the stomach with well-oxygenated blood without which good digestion is impossible. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a nonalcoholic tonic and are free from poisons. A short course of treatment with these pills will show in an improved appetite, better digestion, refreshing sleep and quiet nerves. Tour own druggist sells Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. - Advertisement, MARCH 8, 1915. VETERAN KILLED BY TRAIN Special to The Telegraph Shamokin, March B.—Blinded by tho heavy snow storm, Benjamir: Sny der was killed at a crossing here yes terday by a Readinr passenger train while on his way home from the wed ding of his daughter. He was a mem- l her of tho Grand Army of the Repub lic. LANCASTER CO. WEDDING Special to The Telegraph Concstoga Center, Pa., March 8. — . Miss Daisy Richardson, of this place, was married yesterday to Clarence L. Williams, of Carlisle, at the home of the Rev. Mr. Moser. CONTRIBUTIONS FOR EIRE TRUCK Special to The Telegraph Sunbury. Fa.. Marcli B.—W. F. Groce, a silk mill owner in that town, offered to give SSO and started a fund tor the purchase of a new automobile . truck. Subscriptions came rapidly ' and assurances have now been receiv ed that there will be sufficient money tc purchase the truck. CAUGHT IN MACHINERY Special to The Telegraph Elizabethtown, Pa., March 8.- F. B. N. Hoffer while working at a boring machine at the 1 leagy and Martin shops, Saturday, had his coat sleeve caught in the machinery, and was drawn into the cogs, badly lacerating his arm and hand. MARRIED AT HAGERSTOWN Special to The Telegraph Blain. Pa., March 8.-—The marriage of Miss Hope Brinser, daughter of Ed ward Brincr, of Loysville, this county, and David S. Elder, of Lancaster, took place at Hagerstown, Md., the cere mony being performed by the Rev. E. K. Thomas. For Agonizing Corns You Can't Beat It Certainly not, "Putnam's" has 'em all beat a mile. It's a marvel on corns j and foot lumps, acts like magic. Why | for nearly fifty years Putnam's Ex- j tractor has been the standard remedy, j the dependable one, the sure kind that never disappoints. It's painless too. Think of it! Paint I It on to-night, In the morning the ; pain is all gone. Small wonder the sain of Putnam's! Corn Extractor Is so large, 25c at dealers everywhere and at C. M„ For- 1 ney's.—Advertisement. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■UHHHHHHfIHHHHMHHHHMii Plant SCHELL'S QUALITY SEEDS THEY GROW BETTER THEY YIELD BETTER NEW CROP VITALITY TEST ifADE—READY FOR PLANTING PLAN FOR YOUR GARDEN AND SELECT THE SEEDS YOU WILL NEED NOW Ask for a Copy or my .Seed Catalog—lt contains fifty-two pages devoted to Garden, Flower and Field Seeds, Garden Tools, Farm, Dairy and Poultry Equipment. It Is FREE to everyone J'°" have m garden It Pays to Plant *he Best Quality Seeds m They Mean Bigger Crops end Better Vegetables. EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN Walter S. ScHell QUALITY SEEDS 1307-1309 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Open (Saturday Evening Wo Deliver Everywhere Bell Phone 3285 United Phone 803-Y BISHOP CON HI RMS ObASS Special to The Telegraph Sunbury, Pa., March 8. —The Rf. Rev. James Henry Darlington, bishop of tlio Episcopal diocese of Harris burg, preached a sermon here last night and confirmed a large class in St. Matthew's Church. WOMAN GORED BY RAM Drumore, Ps., March B.—Mrs. Ger ritt Smith is in a critical condition from being gored by an angry rani yesterday afternoon. Backache? The pain stops —your sore ness and stiffness leaves. You are able to walk upright and vigorously after a few applica* ' tions of SLOANS LINIMENT Penetrates right to the eorc place and gives instant relief. Lee, of Washington, D. C., j writes: "I had a severe fall from a scaf fold. and suffered with a severe psin In the bnck for thirty years. I heard of Sloan's Liniment and started to us* it, and now am thankful to say that o»y back is entirely well." At sdl dealers. Price 25c„ 50c. Cs SI.OO Dr. Earl S. Sloan,lnc. Phila. & St.Louis f . The Great God Gold It Dominates the Story of Runaway June By George Randolph Cheater Sixth Episode at the i Victoria Today
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers