lEIIHER PHONE' REACHES TEE TELEGRAPH CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT! iii * DIED SMITH Yesterday noon, March 7, 1913. Miss Hannah Smith. •Funeral on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from her father's residence, Dr. C. H. Smith, Llnglestown. Pa. The relatives anil friends are invited to at yvid without further notice. KROPP Mrs. Theresa J. Groff died this morning at her late residence. 245 Hummel street. Funeral arrangements will bo an nounced later. Kindly omit flowers. CARD OF THANKS Mrs Wilhelm .1. Mehrlng and son. iVllhelm J.. Jr.. desire to express their 'hanks to friends and neighbors for lie many kindnesses and sympathy • hown during their recent bereavement >f husband and father. LOST I.OST A black leather pocketbook. ontaining a pair of glasses and small hango. Reward if returned to 1- S'orth Sixteenth street. IXDST —■ Saturday, about 4 o'clock, ■etween 120 South Second street and lives' Store. Mosaic pin. about size of diver dollar. Five dollars reward if 'eturned to 120 South Second street. ] — FOUND FOUND The way to end your •leaning and dyeing worries, by calling ; dther phone lor Eggert's steam Dye- H5 and French Cleaning Works 1..45 ; darket street We call and deliver. , 11ELP WASTED —Male THE Jewel Tea Company can give mnlovment to tifteen men who la e iad soni' experience selling direct to he consumer. If you can qua»if>, ca , t their store. 269 Broad street. | MEN WOMEN WANTED Gov irnment jobs. $65.00 to sluo.oo month. Vritc for list positions now obtainable, •"rankiln Institute, Dept. 3t>l-t.. Roche*- I er. N. Y. j ARMV OF UNITED STATES. .MEN V ANT ED. Ablebodied. unmarried men ■etween ages of IS and 33: eltlzons or "nited States of good character and emperate habits, who can speak, read nd write the English la"* 11 "*?'.-;'' ° r r nformation apply to Recruiting Otlicei, iergner Building. 3d & Market . ts., larrisburg: 4S N. Queen St., Lancaster. Pine St.. Wllliamsport; 37 W Mar ;et St., York, or 113 Independence fet., Ihamokln. Pa. MEN WANTED to become practical haufteurs and mechanics. As opportu litv *fTords students will be K' ven liante wlille learning to earn 30c an tour on overhauling work. Make ap plications at once. Special course for adies. Day and night schools. "ransportatlon School and Machine : hop, 5-7 North Cameron street. \GENTS WANTED WANTED Agents residing outside larrisburg to sell our tea. coffee, etc., ircet to family trade in their localitj. :xcellent opportunity. Experience un lecessar.v. Tamsui Tea Co., Importers. :il Market street. | WANTED A reliable traveling gent to handle a profitable side line, n commission. Address Box 165, City. AGENTS WANTED—Men and women o sell household article needed in very home. profits. Don't JSC this opportunity. Cliarl-Rho Co., North Market Square. Room 23. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMAN WANTED—City salesman ailing on Department and Furniture itores to sell our line of Cedar Chests nt larrisburg. Liberal commissions, icme Mfg. Co.. South Bend. Ind. HIGH-CLASS SALESMAN for feed rushing machine. Highest references enuired in first letter. Sales manager rill be in Pittsburgh shortly. Com lission basis. Address W. L. McCul ough Co.. Yypsilanti. Michigan. HELP WANTED—Ecinnle W A N TED Girls over 16 ears of age to learn cigarmaking. 'aid while learning. Apply Har isburg Cigar Co., 500 Race street. CHORUS GIRLS WANTED for Tom inton's Jungle Girls, playing Colonial heater; experienced girls preferred, lit will consider willing, capable amu mrs. Call stage door. Colonial Tliea »r. any time after 10 a. 111.. Friday and aturday. Tom Linton. WANTED ■ — Experienced cigar ackers: good wages; steady employ lent. Apply at once. Dauphin Cigar 'o.. 710 State street. HELP WANTED— MaIe or Female WANTED—Railway Mall a.id Postal lerks: examinations soon: over 2.000 ppolntments yearly: prepare at homfe: rite for Flan No. 13. of payment after ppointment. Philadelphia Business oliege; Civil Service Dept. Philadel liia. Pa. WANTED Men and women, can lake big money selling household ecessltles. Good wages. salary or ommlssion. Apply 6 to 8 I'. M. or S . M. at 1518 Susquehanna street. BILLY SUNDAY'S MESSAGE and In "rnational Bibles. We want several len and Women to help distribut. pare time may be used. Get our -rms. Wholesale Supply House. 25 ortli Third street, top. WWAWWWWVWWWAW HOUSES FOR SALE j[ Several Special Offerings {I Donnlnnn property at reason- S able flenre lll Chestnut street > —A three-story brick and frame dwelling with ten rooms—bath and city steam heat (vapor svs tern). Lot 20x73.9 ft. SSOO cash: balance on mortgage at six per < * cent. , ► Suitably located property for <' ■ tore and duelling; 122 Chest nut street Three-story brick <[ house with nine rooms—hath and < J furnace. Lot 22%.\105 ft. <' house In desirable loea- < ! tlon lll6 North Fourteenth % street—(one of a pair)—2%-story < ( brick and stucco—seven rooms— bath and steam heat. Lot 18.6 x ' > 100 ft f.tson % For a nlee home, or an Invest- % uient —2218 Logan street 2- % story brick with eight rooms— ► bath and furnace. Lot 13.9x70 > ft. Easily rented at sl3 a month. ,► Price, only fisoo Property north considering 2133 Penn street—A 2%-story brick house with eight rooms <' bath furnace and cemented cellar. <' Small home for little money < [ 1327 North Second street—two- <1 story frame with seven rooms % electric light and cemented eel- % lar. Lot 11x75 ft. Price, Siaso % Storeroom and dwelling—l3l7 < . Williams street—two-story frame % —storeroom seven rooms and 4 > bath. Lot 13x60 ft. A few hun- ' > dred dollars cash; balance on ' > payments. < , MILLER BROTHERS & CO. j; REAL ESTATE * < J Fire Ii«» urn nee Surety Bond* * » l.onaaf and Court Streets < * AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA S~ MONDAY EVENING. SITUATION WAITED —Male Tailor experience*' and capable, wants Position HH bushr-hnan. Can furnish best reference. Address Kox. the tailor, -'2O Nortii Duke street. Lancaster. Pa. WANTED YounK. colored man de sire!; work of any kind: Just arrived from Pittsburijli; ran »ive good refer ence. Address 111 South Dewberry avenue. City, or phone 616 J. Bell phone. A middle-aged colored man would like a position as Janitor or takinK care of horses, fan furnish best of refer ence. Address 122S Spruce avenue. WANTED Young man. 2J, wishes a position as clerk In grocsry store; willing worker. Address H.. 2240, care of Telegraph. < WANTED —By young man, position as shipping clerk: experienced; best of references. Address C.. 2239, care of Telegraph. THOROUGHLY experienced harness maker and leather goods man to take charge of leather goods store, buyer or the road. Address 0., 2243, care of Telegraph. WISH a position of farming by the | year; man 42 years old with bis family; experienced farmer, and can give eood reference. 105'J South Ninth street, City. SITUATIONS ttA.NTtii —Femaio WANTED —An elder'" German wo man is looking for general housework. t in small family; good cook. Apply at 77S Mohn street, rear, Steelton, Pa. WANTED Middle-aged widow wants position as housekeeper, or cook in hotel or private family, in or out of city. Address M. W., General De livery, Carlisle, Pa. WANTED Middle-aged woman de sires general housework. Call, or ad dress. lU2O Wallace street. WANTED Colored girl desires dishwashing and general housework. Call, or address, 116 V, Liberty street. WANTED by colored woman general housework, or days' work. 140'j New Fourth street. WANTED toy half grown colored girl, work between school hours. Inquire 140!» New Fourth street. WANTED—Young woman desires po sition as nurse for confinement cases, experience. Call or address, 161» Chest nut street. WANTED Young woman wishes a position as housekeeper for widower, or in small family. Address W. 225:1, care of Telegraph. Middle aged woman would like child's nursing, cooking or days' work. Call 2S Linden street. WANTED By middle-aged woman, with child eight years old. work of any kind. Address W. 8., West Fair view. Pa. WANTED A reliable, neat, young colored woman desires work by the day or half day. Address 133 Balm street. Situation* Wanted Male and Female Man and wife as butler and cook. In or out of the City. Call 669 Briggs street. ULAJL KBTATK FOII SALJE 1127 AND 1429 Berryhill St. 3- story bricks S rooms and bath each— porches lot, 15x100 each. The owner of these properties Is anxious to effect a quick sale. Make us an offer. 1217 Mulberry St. Corner property —2Va-story frame 6 rooms lot. 15xi4. The price will suiprlse you. Brinton-Hacker Co., Second and Wal nut streets. SIXTH STREET PROPERTY FOR SALE Steam heat brick house 5 rooms side entrance drive alley on rear. Owners occupy property in spect it No. 2122. Bell Realty Co., Building. FOR SALE My property, No. 153 North Catherine street. Middletown, Pa. llarrisburg electric cars pass every twentv minutes. Apply to J. W. Fort ney, 171 South Front street, Steelton, Pa. DESIIiABLE Paxtang Bungalow for ' sale; eight rooms gas electric light steam heat porch, 10x42 plot. 60x120. Inspect this property. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. CORNER PROPERTY Steam heat —gas electric light porch front— enclosed concrete rear norch lot, 20x 120 brick house only $3,200. In spect it. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing 30 ACRES Hi miles west of Golds boro nearly new 2 -story frame dwelling 7 rooms frame bank barn well and running water large variety of fruit—possession April 1, 1915. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE Desirable building lots in tha Tenth Ward, located on Fourth, Fifth, Schuylkill md Atlas streets. An opportunity for a builder or real | estate dealer to secure well located i property for development purposes. Ad | dress L.. No. 1387. care of Telegraph. i FOR SALE No. 3320-"3 .'2 North | Sixth street, two 2',i-story fr%me houses, new: all improvements: steam : heat; granolithic walks. Inquire : Shreiner's Store, on premises. Take R. V. car. FOR SALE Apartment house. 404 Nortii Second street; five apartments and store; steam heat and all modern Improvements. Apply, or address, M Mall. 266 Herr street. ; FOR SALE Three-story brick dwelling. 10 rooms and batli all the modern Improvements hardwood floors throughout on Hill within 7 I minutes walk of business section •an be s.-en by appointment. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. FOR SALE No. 110 South street three-story brick B-room house, bath —gas and furnace. Inquire of C. Studebaker, Second at State street. I ARE You Looking for a Home? I | have them on Herr street, between Seventeenth and Eighteenth. They ! have eight rooms and hath, steam heat I' American radiator system, cemented cellars, cement porch and walks, sur rounded by California Pivot Hedge. Awav from noise and dirt, along Jitnev | Bus Line. Finest location in city. Bet i ter look them over and see me for terms. S. J. Brown. No. 28 South Nine teenth street, City. Bell phone 111 W. FOR SALE A Dauphin property; eight-room house. In good condition; lot. 93x123 ft.: price. $1,200. H. G. Ped low. 110 South Thirteenth street. FOR SALE City and suburban homes and home sites—first-class busi ness propositions. Kough. Br.ghtl>ill 6 Kline, Sixth and Reily. Both phones. ! Spring Edition i; Facts&Figures j| Now Ready A evniplrtr list of Improved , • clt> property, business propo- < * ■ Itions, elty and suburban lots. < * su linrban properties. Farms and/ Country plnees. < MILLER BROTHERS & CO.:: REAIi ESTATK Fire Inauranee Jturety llonria l.eruat nnd Court streets i NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA^ | REM, ESTATE FOR SALE i I>K W-DROP-INN COTTAGE FOR SALE Along the Conudogulliet; suit able for Hummer home or all-year round living. Close to Pyne's Corner, Enola. 1650.00. Frank Fake, AVest Fairview, Pa. FOR SALE Three-storv brick house. Kn, 222 Cumberland street: eight rooms and bath. Inquire at the premises. NO. 138 N. THIRTEENTH STREET —3-aiory brick house bath gas furimce porch side entrance. In spect this property. Price and par ticulars at Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Dauphin louse and lot. House. 24x60. three stories. 10 rooms. $• largo halls; modern improvements. Very low price to quick buyer, inquire R. A. Simmons. Pottsville. Fa. FOR SALE Eight-room brick and frame house, all modern improvements, just completed. Unnox street, Cloverly Heights. No reasonable offer refused for quick sale. Call Bell phone 3553 R. MARKET STREET PROPERTIES i FOK SALE Three-story bricks, every convenience, cemented cellars, side al ley nays, granolithic pavements, opf>n stairways, large double parlors, well built, suitable for business places and dwellings. Will fell singly or entire block at favorable prices and terms. For information address S„ 2245. care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT 36 North Tenth street; two-stor.v brick house; all Improve ments; rent. sl9. Apply Fred C. Mil ler, Attorney-at-Law, 21S Walnut street. FOR RENT First floor of building northwest corner of Court and Cran berry. Apply on premises. FOR RENT April 1. 29 South Six- ] teenth street: 9 rooms and bath: front I and rear porches; fine lot; house in good repair; s2u. Inquire 31 North Six teenth street. FOR RENT No. 2124 and No. 2130 Greenwood street. Apply 421 South Thirteenth street, or phone 1240 J. FOR RENT 1337 North Front street, corner Calder street; ten rooms and bath: large lawn. 11. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. FOR RENT 1914 Market street; possession April 1. For terms, call Bell phone 2553. FOR RENT 623 Wioonlsco street — 3-story brick 8 rooms laree porch and bay window front anil rear all improvements. Apply C. H. Mauk, 1T45 North Sixth street. FOR RENT House and Garage; thoroughly equipped and modern: all steam heated: 9 rooms; front and back porches and lawns: grape arbor. Kent reasonable. Apply 1515 Berryhill, or Bell 378. FOR RENT Houses with all Improve ments at moderate rentals. J. E. Gipple. 1251 Market street. FOR RENT—I6II Swatara street. 8 rooms, all improvements, gas and coal ranges, large yard. Rent. $lB. Possession april Ist. Address H. E. Marts, 304 Market street. FOR HUM' 1425 WALNUT STREET Three story brick liou.se eight rooms, bath anil furnace front porch. Rental, $25. Miller Brothers & Co., Opp. Post Office. Well phone 1595. FOR REM' CAMERON EXTENSION COTTAGES Several very desirable seven anil eight-room brick houses with l'urnace batli front porch and lawn, sl4, $lO and sl6. Miller Brothers & Co. FOR RENT 1335 North Fourth street: three-story mansard roof; eight rooms; Improvements: wide paved street: trolley passes door; possession April 1. Rent, S2O. Apply A. C. Young, 26 North Third. FOR RENT A TIHtEE-STORY brick house; all conveniences: hardwood floors; two bathrooms and a lavatory; instantane ous water heater: steam heat: electric ity and gas; desirable location. ITOS North Second street. FOR RENT No. 205 West State street: three-story brick; city steam, etc. Inquire 1904 North Second street. Bell phone 2254 R. FOUIt detached frame houses on Schuylkill street; comfortable and all conveniences; two at $16.00 and two at ! $17.00. Also one three-story brick. No. 2133 Penn street, at $17.00. Inquire I Wittenmyer Lumber Co. FOR RENT Storeroom, cor i tier Third and Cumberland streets. ! 33x100 feet, two show windows 9x14, first-class condition. Special price. J. S. Sible, 256 llerr street. FOR RENT Brick house, 1109 Green street, 9 rooms and bath, all improvements. From April 1. J. S. Sible, 256 Herr street. KtAL ESTATE FOR SALE OH HEM FOR SALE OR RENT A few de sirable houses at White Hill, with all improvements; lot, 35x119. Apply W. 11. Snook. 334 Kelker street. WANTED TO RENT SMALL PLACE IN COUNTRY OR SI'BUKBAN TOWN Must be near train or trolley, and stream of water i preferred. Wanted for the summer or i year 'round. Address W., 2245, care of | Telegraph. iv . APAHTME> is FOR RENT FOR RENT Third floor apartment; live rooms, bath, storage closet and all conveniences; heat furnished. Ap ply 1109 Market street. FOR REKT Apartment on Rivet- Front. choice location, two nicely fur nished rooms, with bath, complete for light housekeeping. Call Bell phone 659.1. or "05 South Front street. • FOR RENT Three rooms and : kitchenette, use of bath, completely fur | nished, light housekeeping, separate I bellf, refrigerator, gas range, hot water heat, corner house, good location, im provements, no chiltlren. 12,58 Kitta | tinny street. ! FOR RENT Apartment. Ave rooms I ami bath. 925 North Third street. In- I quire H. L. Mehrlng. 1410 North Sixth ! street. ; FOR RENT Apartment 3 rooms, [including range, bath, toilet elegant : I location use of bath and phone. Ap ply to C. H. Mauk, 745 North Sixth ■ j street. I ROOMS I'Olt REN?' ' ; FOR RENT Two nicely furnished '■rooms, for gentlemen, with city heat, 1 1 bath and phone. 272 Briggg street. • THE CONWAY —The most beautiful ly furnished room in the city, with ! every modern improvement. 131 Wal nut street. I FOR RENT Comfortably furnished room In central location. All modern , improvements. City steam heat, elec , trie light and use of phone. Inquire . 202 Locust street. ! FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, third floor. Bell phone 2786 R. FOFt RENT Furnished rooms, i single or ensulte; all conveniences, In ■ eluding phone; reference required. Ap ply 1015 North Front street. , FOR RENT Four-room flat; all ' conveniences. Apply 516 State street. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH ROOMS WANTED WANTED Three furnished rooms, complete for light housekeeping, for a family with two well-behaved i liildren; conveniences: state price and all par ticulars. Address N., 1241, care of Tele graph. WANTED Nicely furnished rooms about ftve minutes' walk from Market Suuare —by young lady, employed. Ad dress Box 2242, care of Telegraph. WANTED ' WANTED For light housekeep ing two rooms communicating separate entrance to each room: within walking distance of central part of city. Address 8„ 2250, care of Tele graph. WANTED Room in private family to store furniture. Also for sale, three piece parlor suit and refrigerator. Ad dress E., 2251. care of Telegraph. WANTED Names and addresses of people interested In a new kind of fraternal insurance, which pays child birth benefits. Interested persons send for descriptive literature. J. W.. care of Telegraph. MR. MOTORCYCLE OWNER We have 10 to 20 prospective buyers for motorcycles right now. who want sec ond-hand machines. If yen have a mo torcycle for sale at a bargain price. see us at once, if we cannot buy your machine we will sell for you at a very reasonable commission. See us for mo torcycle bargains. Davton Motorcycle Distributors for four counties. KEYSTONE CYCLE CO.. 814 N. Third Street, I'nited phone 19W. WANTED A second-hand Steno tvpe: must be in good condition; give lowest price and full particulars In tlrst letter. Address A., 2247, care of Tele g-aph. WANTED To lease, from two to three acres of good land for one or more seasons, for growing vegetables, near city. Address J. S.. care of Tele graphy 75c TO $5 PAID for Old Broken Sets of False Teeth In any condition. High est prices paid for Old Gold or Silver such as Rings. Pir- Watches. Watch Cases, etc.; also Dental Gold. Crowns and Bridge Work. Drop postal—we'll call. This week only. Box M, 2208, care of Telegraph. FOR SAUfi WHITE LEGHORN Hatching Eggs for sale, Young-Wyckoit strain, JI.OO per setting—s«.Co per hundred. Also stocU for sale. Address Elkview Poultry Farm. Kpeecevllle, Pa. FOR SALE CARDS on sala at the Telegraph Business office. FOR SALE Pocket Billiard Par lor. in good town. Good reason for selling. Lock Drawer J., Duncannon, Pa. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can b* secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Several very cheap used cars—touring and delivery bodies. Ap ply 413 South Cameron street. FOR SALE Day-old Chicks. S. C. W. Leghorns. 10 cents each. Hatching Eggs. 75 cents and SI.OO per 15. J. N. Yost, 232 East Water street, Middle town, Pa. FOR SAI.K TRUNKS, SUIT CASES. TRAVELING BAUS. and all kinds of Leather Goods. Special attention given to repair work. It will pay you to buy your l«egther Goods from the Leather Merchants, llarrisburg Harness & Supply Company. Second and Chestnut streets. FOR SALE Jennlng strain Indian Runner Duck .Eggs (or hatching, #I.OO per setting, $7.00 per hundred. Stock also for sale. Elkview Poultry Faria. Speecevllle, Pa. FOR SALE A No. I Chickens; Plymouth Rocks, the White Leghorns and White Wyandottes. Must be sold next week. Apply 2448 North Sixth street. City. FOR SALE Eggs for Hatching. Barred Rock. High grade. Low price —during had times. J. Oren New Cum berland. Pa. Box 116. FOR SALE Oyster, Fruit and Pro duce Store. Will sell cheap if sold be fore 12th of tnis month. Good reason for selling. S.. 2254, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Sawmill, complete; 25- H.-P. engine and boiler: mill with three head blocks: 25-foot carriage; sawdust elevator; 50-inch inserted tooth saw. belts, cutoff saw and everything com plete. Party purchasing will be given privilege of completing job on grounds where mill now stands that will pay for outfit: also team of four head can be with mill. Apply 125 Liberty street, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Sound, sorrel liorse, A 1 single-line leader, must work Rood, si!j.OO: also sound cob mare, suitable for milk or delivery wagon, $75.00. Ap ply J. H. Frantz, 1914 State. FOR SALE One reed go-c*rt. prac tically new. Call Bell phone 2152R, or call at 123 North street. FOR SALE One Bush auto, Rood as new. at sacrifce price. Also Bonds of Willianistown Gas Co.. tV. VV. Shope. Jr., Executor, 31 North Eighteenth street, or J. G. Hatz, Attorney. FOR SALE—A Red Cross range; good as new. Inquire at SlO Green street. PUBLIC S AI,K OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS AT 408 Briggs street, on Saturday, March 3, 1915, at 1 o'clock P. At., the valuable household goods and furniture of Katharine C. fralg. deceased. CI<ARK E. DIEHL Executor. FOit SALE AT GABLE'S. 113, 115 and 117 South Second street, 5.000 gal lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. FOR SALE Lot of grocery store fixtures, consisting' of cash register, coffee mill, scales, show ■ ases. etc. 329 j South Front street Steelton, Pa. FOR .SALE Printing Plant, two presses, type, three stones, cutter, etc. Must be moved. Sell cheap. Box 2i!l, Llttts. Pa. Closing out all Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds and While and Brown Leghorns. Also day old chicks. All thoroughbreci stock. Will sell incubators at | half price. Bell Phone 507R3, A. B. Davis, Penbrook, Pa. FOR SALE Long established, pay ing Ice Cream and Snowball Factory. | Only one in city. Owner wishes to re tire. Bargain for hustler. Particulars at Spangenberg's. 607 Keily street. I BARGAINS In L C. Smith and Bros. and Underwood Typewriters; also one I Corona, one Monarch, one Oliver. Prices | reasonable. L C. Smith and Bros, 3t> South Fourth. FOR SALE lncubator. 100-Egg machine, gas or oil; tireless brooder and brooder house. I. W. Tillman, Le moyne. Pa. FOR SALE Flanders delivery panel body, in good condition; one Oakland roadster; several Ford touring cars; no reasonable offer refused. E. W. Shank, Maxwell Distributor, Central Garage, 234 Chestnut street. FOR SALE Small grocery store doing good, cash business. Reason for selling, owner has other business to at tend to. Address D„ 1246, care of Tele grsph. FOR SALE —Gaaolin* engine, rip saw. bench and other woodwork ma chinery; two one-horse wagons and Keystone typewriter. inquire 3009 North Fourth street, city, i PHIL IDKI.I-111 V STOCK* H.v Associated Press Philadelphia. March 8. Stocks closed steady. American Hallways :s:i Ca>"brla Steel 12 , General Asphalt Asked 28 1 General Asphalt. Pfd (10 ldike Superior Asked 7 1 Lehigh Navigation 7 I'< Valley ti7 ■ . Pennsylvania Railroad 52 11 -It! Philadelphia Electric 2 1 Philadelphia Company ...Asked so Philadelphia Co., Pfd Vsked "0 Philadelphia Itapid Transit .... 1 I r, « Philadelphia Traction 78 Reading 72 15-16 Storage T>attery 18V. I'nion Traction 35*, ['nited Gas Improvement xl > 4 I'nited Sta'.vs Steel 15' 2 United States Steel. Pfd 105 CHICAGO CATTLE By Assecinitd Press Chicago. 111.. .March 8. llog* -r Re ceipt*. 2S.000; slow. Hulk of sales. Jti.SO 4»«.95: light. $1.7011) 7.00; mixed. $6.70® 7.00; heavy. s6.lo<i 7.00; rough, $6,104) 6.56; pigs. $5.75®6.75. Cattle Receipts. 16.000; firm. Na tive steers. ss.Bs<i 9.1 5: western, ss.2o<ij 7.60: cows and heifers, $3.50(& ! 7.75; calves. $6.50© 10.00. Sheep Receipts. 15.000: weak. Sheen. $7.00® 7.90 yearlings. S7.SO«i 8.75; lambs, s7.6otff 9.65. CHICAGO ROARI) (IK TH IDE B v Associated Press Chicago, 111., Mafch 8. Board of Trade closing: Wheat —May. 1.49 L; July. 1.19 V Corn—May, 7:i 1 «; July, 75-V Oats —May. Pork—Mav, 17.92; July, 18.32. Lard—Mav. 10.62; July, 10.90. Ribs—May, 10.22; July, 10.50. FOR SALE BICYCLES—BICYCLES, $6. SS. $lO, sl2. See these bargains a I once u you want lo save money. Try Keystone Repair Service. Will save yon money and Rive you the tiulckeet service in the city. 814 N. Third St. United Phone 18W. WEST END JOBBING CO.. 424 Reily street, selling: out reason, rebuilding" —one Underwood Self-Player Piano, one Upright Story & Clark Piano one r.- ledo Scale remainder will be sold at a sacrifice. Call, or phone, Bell 3606 M. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms. Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and j Board and Table Board at 25c each. Ona. of these signs will be given with each I six-time order for a classified ad. If paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. FOB It EXT KOK KENT STOREROOM 24x40 lOO7 and 1009 North Third Street. Miller Brothers & I Co.. Opp. Post Office. Bell phone 1998.1 FOR RENT Room 3500 square feet floor space, suitable for storage or light manufactur ing purposes. Inquire J. Rhoads, Cowden and Forstcr streets. BUblMi-tS* Ol'l'UKlUX 111 Lb j I MADE $60,000 In five years In the j mall order business, began with $5. Sena for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock. 856 Lockport. N. Y. FOR SALE Cigar and pool room, bargain to quick buyer. Reason for selling going into other business. Ad dress G. 2252, care of Telegraph. ANY intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, t,ock oort. N. Y. BUSINESS I'KHO.VAJ.S FOR falling hair try Half Tonic, prepared by Gross. th« Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street Ilarrisburg, la. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. PIANO MOVING done Winter PIEHO ,Co„ «•> North Kourth street. Also call Bell telephone 146. HAIILISG H . W. LATHE. Boarding Slnble and .National '• ra'isfer , Movers of I pianos, sates, boilers and general haul ing II- W. Lathe. Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Belt phone No j REPAIRING AND UPI 10 LST BRING with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts insure your satisfaction. 8. N Cluck. 820 Woodbine street. MONEY TO IX)A\ MONEY TO LOAN on Heal Kstate security in any amounts and upon any ferms to suit borrower. Address p. o Box 174. Ilarrisburg. Pa. ' ANY person needing monev in amounts from *5 to *SO holding a sai irled position, would be benefited by calling on us. Employes Discount Co.. 36 North Third street. I MONEY TO LOW LOANS—SS 'IX7 $200 for honest working people keeping house. Rates less than legal. Pay ments weekly or monthly. No! notification of employer or friends. CO-OPERATIVE L. & I. CO. 204 Chestnut Street Authorized capital. *lo#.ooo. STORAGE STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, *1 to 1,1. Wagons. 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. Both phones. WOKAGB IX s-utory brick building, rear 408 Market «lr«l. Household good* In eleau. private moms. Reasonable rales. Apply (u P. U. Ulener, Jeweler, 4U!S Market St. FIREPROOF STORAGE warehou: 2. divided into private rooms for storage of household goods. Low Insurance. Inspection invited. General merchan dise warehouse and household goods warehouse are located on tracks of Pfenn R. R-. 457-445 South Second street. Ilarrisburg Storage Company. I.EGAI. NOTICES HOWARD M. HINT. AMA X A TTORN E Y - AT- L A W 50-53 Union Trust Bldg. Ilarrisburg, Pa. Notice is hereby given that an appli cation will be made to the Governor of the Stale of Pennsylvania. 011 the twentv-fourth day of March. A. I>,. 1915, bv William C. Wanbaugh. Wil liam Howard iiby, Jr., and Charles 1 Maclav. under the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to Provide for the In corporation and Regulation of Certain Corporations." approved April 29, 18 <4, *nd the supplements thereto, for the charter of an 'ntended corporation to be called the "PENNSYLVANIA INSUR ANCE EXCHANGE COMPANY." the character and object of which Is con ducting an agency business in the plac ing of all kinds of insurance, the collec tion of rents and the transaction of a general insurance, real estate and col lection agency business in all its brandies and for these purposes to have and possess and enjoy the rights, bene fits and privileges of said Act of As sembly and its supplements. HOWARD M. BINGAMAN. Solicitor. MARCH 8, 1915. THE MARK STOCKS MANIFESTED BETTER TONE TODAY Hy Associated Press- New York, March 8. Stocks mani fested H stronger tone in to-day's early dealings despite the lack of encourage ment froMi London, where the interna tional list again registered substantial declines. Leaders in the local market made fractional gains, while New Ha ven. Interborougli. Pfd., and Maxwell Motors rose over a point, the advance in New llaven resulting from Its Im proved showing for January. Heports from various countries Industrial cen ter contained increased activity in the steel trade. American Tobacco and California Petroleum, Pfd., were among the heavy. issues. NEW YORK STOCKS Furnished by 11. M. Snavely, 208 Arcade Building. New York, March 8. Open. High. Jrfiw. Clos. Alaska G M 30 30% 30 So*i Aniul Cop . . r >4 55 54 5* 65 '/fa Am Bt Stlg 40 U ■H>-'!s 39 39% Am Can .. 27% 28 «i 27 *i 28% Am Can pd 95 95% 95 95% Ant C& F. 42% 42% 42% 42% Am Cot Oil 41i% 47 4H% 46% Am Ice Sec 28 28% 27% 28% Am Loco . 20% 21 20% 21 Am Smelt . 63% 64% 63 % 64% Am Sugar . 102% 102% 102 102 Ant T& T. 120's 120% 120% 120% Anaconda . 26 % 2«% 26% 26% Atchison .. 95% 96% 95% 95% B& O .... 68' 4 69 68% 68% Beth Steel. 56 56% 55% 66% Bklyn RT. 88% 88% Cal Petro. . 17% 18% 17% 17% Can Pacific 158% 161 158% 160% Cent Leath 34% 34% 34% 34% <'& 0 41% 43% 41% 43% C, M&St P 87% 88% 87% 88% C Con Cop. 36 36% 3# JfiVj Col F & 1. 25 25 % 24% 24% Con Gas .. 116% 118 116% 118 Coi\n Prod. 9% 10% »% 10% I>ist Sec .. 8% 8% 8% 8% Erie 22 % 22% 22% 22% Erie Isi pfd 35% 36 35% 35% Gen ECo.. 139% 140% 139% 140% Goodrh BF 31% 32 31 % 31% at Nor Pfd 115% 116% 115% 115% Gt N Ore s 32',i 32% 32% 32% Gag Exp .. 51 51% 51 51% In-Met ... 13 13% 13 13% In-Met pfd. 59% 59% 59 59% K C So . . 22% 22% Lehigh Yal 135 136% 135 135% Mex Petrol. 66% 68% 66 % 67% M.K&Tpf 27 27 Mo Pac .. 12 12% 12 12 Nat Lead.. 54% 55% 54% 54% Nev C C .. 13 13 N Y Cent.. 83% 84 83% 83% N} .NH& H ->O% 52% 50 % 52% Nor & W.. 102 102 % 102 102 % Nor Pac .. 103% 104% 103 103% P R it ... 105 % 105 % 105 % 105 % Peo G & C. 119% 120% 119 120% Pgh Coal . 20% 20% Pgh C pfd. 93 93 Press S Car 25% 26 25% 26 Ry Stl Spg 19 19 R C Cop.. 17% 17% 17% 17% Reading .. 145 146% 145 145% R 1 & 5... 20% 20% 20% 20»i RI & S pfd 77 77% 77 77% So Pacific. 84% 85% 84% 85 So Rwy . . 15% 16% 15 % 16 % So Ry pfd 49% .... .... 49% Tenn Cop.. 27% 27% 27% 27% Texas Co.. 13J 135% 134 135% Third Ave. 49% 51% 49% 50% Union Pac. 119% 120% 119% 120% U S Rubber 56% 56% 56% 56>- U S Steel. 45 46 44 % 45% l 7 S S pfd. 104% 105% 104% 104% I'tah Cop. . 52 % 53 % 52 % 53 % West Md.. 20% 21 20 21 West U Tel 63% 63% 63% 63% West Mfg.. 68% 69 68% 69 PHILADELPHIA PRODITI Philadelphia, March 8. Wheat Higher; No. 2. red. spot, export, $1.46®) 1.51; No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export, $1.51® 1.59. Corn Higher; No. 2. spot, export, 70 1 • f<77c; No. 2, yellow, local, 77%® 78 'ic. Oats —Firm: No. 2, white, 61$T62c. Bran Weak: winter, per ton, $26.00#29.00; spring, per ton, $25.004J 25.50. Reflned Sugars—Market steady; pow dered. 6.85 c; tine granulated. 5.76 c; con- I - i ■ LEGAL NOTICES DAY, MARCH 30, 1915, at 2 P. M. on the premises. 2—All that certain messuage and lot of land, situate in the Borough of Downingtown, County of Chester and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit: Beginning a; a stone on the north side of Lancaster Avenue: thence by premises and land of Isaac J. Delta north 8 degrees west 183% feet, to the south side of an al ley. 16% feet wide: thence along the same south 82degrees west 39 feet; thence by land and premises of Miller Brothers, south 8 degrees east 183% feet to the north side of Lancaster Avenue aforesaid; thence along the same north 82 '4 degrees east 39 I'pet to the place of beginning; containing 7.15b suuare feet of land, be the same more or less. It .'s proposed to sell the same, freed from ajid clear of all liens and incum brances, and If order of sale be granted sale to take place on WKDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 1915, at 2 P. M. on the prem ises. TKRMS —10 per cent, on day of sale, and balance thereof on confirmation by the Court. MECHANICS TRUST COM PAN V, Trustee. New Up=to=Date Apartments READY ABOUT MARCH 15th Second and Third Flows, 2208 N. Third St. Reception hall. 5 rooms. I>a(li, pantry and closets. Il'ardnood floors and sl<*ain lieat. Hoi and < old water. Laundry, laundry Uilw and stor age. I'ront and rear porclies. Large, light, airy rooms. Apply to C. C. WHITEMAN, 1317 Derry St * Houses Dress Aprons Jt Direct From Manufacturer to You | Like lllu»tr«ttoß—iileeljr made In <M Mandard »fr- yfc\' H calea of extra qnallty—tight, cadet and aavy blue— ; .TTJ with pocket—s# Inches tons. fT' ,' * (/ 50c—Two For 95c f\ •: : Satisfaction guaranteed. Otherwise return ffoods and (!'•. .!• we will refund money. hj • ' .'l*. Mull roar order now, together with remittance, It.' "I, JPF atatlug quaollty and color deal red. to If. 'L' THE D. & S. COMPANY DAUPHIN, PA. w l °Ty^ , V——————— —■ —mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm—mmmm.mmmmmmmmmd fe<"tloners' A, 5.65 c. Butter The market Is steady; western, creamery, extras, 81c; nearby, print*. fan«\. 34c. Krbs The market la lower; Pennsylvania and other nearbv Hrsts. free canes. $5.85 per cnae; do., current receipts, free cases, $5.70 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases. $5.85 per case; do., flrsls, free cases, $5.70 per case. Ijivo Poultry Firm; fowls. 18so lXc; old roosters, 11 ■,«■&> 12c; chickens, UtolTc; turkeys. 15® 17c; duck*, law llie; 12W160. Dressed Poultry Steady; turkeys, fancy, 21c; do., fair to good, lSfcZuc; fowls, heavy. I g (0) 19 c-; do., average, 15',«&'17HC: do., small, 14®15c; old roosters, 14c; broiling chickens, near by, 18® 23c: western, 14022 c; roast ing; chickens, 17020 c; ducks. 12®l$c; geese. 10® 14c. I'otatoes Market weak; Penn sylvania. pe l bushel, 53®55c, Maine, per liushel. 45050 c; Nrw York, per bushel, 404i)45c; Jersey, per basket, 30 (I 35 c. Flour The market is firm; winter, vania. 1«.40»h6-65: spring straights, $6.50® 6.75: do., patents. $6.7607.75; western, $4.256 4.40; patents, (4.509 4.76; Kansas straight, Jute sacks, $4.15 04.80; spring, firsts, clear, $4.6004.20; sirn'shts. $4.20®4.30; patents, £i.3tO 4.60. Hay The market Is weak; tim othy, No. 1. large bales, $18.00; No. 1, medium hales, $17.50® 18.00; No. 2. do., sls. .">0016.50; No. 8, do.. $14.69® 15.00; samples. $13.00® 14.00; no grade, sn.oo ® 12.00. Clover mixed hay. Light mixed, $17.00 ® 17.50; No. 1. do., $16.00016.60; No. 2. do.. $14.50®15.50. For Rent Desirable offices in the Union Trust Building. A PP!y d. Union Trust Company l - MONEY To Housekeepers, Work ■Of Ingmeß and Salaried Em. ■ ployes. ILMGAIJ RATES IQUIT AILS lNVLbiitttiNi torn*'AMY 9 N. MARKET SQUARE Uoom 21. 4th floor Spooner Building I FRANK R. LEIB & SON Real Estate and Insur ance Office No. 18 North Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE 209 State St., 3-story brick dwelling, 11 rooms antl bath, imp. 1006 N. Second St., 3- story brick dwelling, 11 rooms and bath, imp., side entrance, 2-story stable on ; rear of lot. 1439-41-43 Vernon St., 3-story brick dwellings, 8 rooms. V_ ■ J ' FOR SALE ' Corner (N. W.) Cameron and Paxton street, seven-room frame i -dwelling, newly paintod and pa pered. Water, gas and sewer con ; neetions. More traffic than ever j will pass this corner lot (20x73) ' on completion of Second street sub ' way. Recommended for store or. ! other improvement. Opposite only I llower and grass plot in Cameron street. Price $2,325„00, subject to change. M, A. Ffaught ' 272 Nor 111 SI. Harrisl»ur(t, Pa. 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers