jlllEß PHONE REACHES THE TELEGRAPH CLASSIFIEB DEPARTMENT DIED I'M MA Suddenly, on March 2. at 7:40 p. M., Kate Oberholtzer Mumma, wife of John M. Mumma, in her 53d y ear. Services from her lato residence. 1526 orry street, on Friday afternoon, at o'clock. Burial, in Shoop's Church emetery, strictly private. EHRING Died suddenly, on March 2, Wilhelm J. Mehring, 410 Boas street. Body can be viewed Thursday after oon and evening at the home of his ster. Mrs. A. J. White. 313 Verbcke ;reet. Funeral services will be held at Ge;- an Lutheran Church, Capital and Herr reets, on Friday afternoon, at 2 clock Burial Harrisburg Cemetery. LOST I.OST CH STRAYED Brindle and hite mule bull dog; one white and ne brindle eye, brindle spot on center ' head. Reward if returned to 1851 ivatara street. I>OST Ith diamond ' setting, surrounded by iaris. Reward if returned to Ladies' azaar. 10-12 South Fourth street. DOST Cameo Pin. between St. rancis' Church and Naudain street, inder return to 1*522 Naudain street. POUND FOUND The way to end your waning and dyeing worries, by calling Ither phone for Eggert's Steam Dye ik and French Cleaning Works, 1245 arket street. We call and deliver. UELI' WANTED —AlalO WANTED An experienced harness <iker. Line who can take charge of .e stock. Address E., 1569, care of clegrapli. WANTED Boy about 16 years old, • help In stock room. Apply at strlch's. Fourth and Market. WANTED Young hireling, between ► and 30 years of age, to work on irm. Must be honest, sober and fur sh best of references. Good home, >ard and washing to right party. Ad •ess S.. 2216, care of Telegraph. WANTED Experienced Inside iper salesman: state age, salary ex ?cted. Address Salesman, care of P. O. ox 713. Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED First-class dairyman. Ufct understand handling up-to-date ury machinery, including ice ma ilne, milk bottling machine and sanl ry rppliancea for handling milk. Ad :ess H., 2226. care of Telegraph. WANTED Married man to work In ie country. Must understand stock, ouse. garden, milk, potato patch free id *250 a year. Must be sober, honest, id furnish references. Address E., 124, care of Telegraph. WANTED Honest and willing an from 17 to 21 years, to solicit from >usc to house: small salary to start; jod future; permanent work. Address . 2230. care of Telegraph. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy get. My free booklet. Y-372. tells >w. Write to-day—NOW. Earl Hop ns. Washington. D. C. WANTED Neat-appearing young en: those who can travel only. Ap y between 4 and 6 P. M.. No. 11 North Mirth. Ask for O. R. Helf. ARMY OF UNITED STATES. MEN ANTED. Ablebodied, unmarried men •tween ages of 18 and 35; citizens of nited States o£ good character and inperato habits, who can speak, read id write the English language. For formation apply to Recruiting Officer, jrgncr Building. 3d & Market Sts., arrisburg; 18 N. Queen St., Lancaster; 3 Pine St.. Williamsport; 37 W. Mar >t St., York, or 113 Independence St., lamokin. Pa. SUCCESSFUL MEN AND WOfIIEK RECEIVING BIG SALARIES -day made preparation yesterday. It what you do to-day that bears the uit of success to-morrow. Inquire -day about my Private Lessons in lorthaud. Typewriting, etc. They'll ake you successful. Merle E. Keller, '9 Patriot Building. MEN WANTED to become practical i lauffcurs and mechanics. As opportu- i ty affords students will be given inrice while learning to earn 30c an I >ur on overhauling work. Make ap- j Ications at once. Special course for | dies. Day and night schools. Auto •ansportation School and Machine ! ion. 5-7 North Cameron street. HILLY SL'VUAY S MESSAGE and In- : • national Bibles. We want several : en and Women to help distribut. ' )are time may be used. Get our rms. Wholesale Supply House, 25 i orth Third street, top. AGENTS WANTED WANTED Ladies and men for arrisburg and surroundings on a good tying proposition to right party. Call Berger, 401 Walnut street. \\ ll>K-A\\ AKK AGENTS are coining t oney with our easily demonstrated eeialties. Write to-da.v for partlcu- ! rs and new catalog. Nail! Specialty >. 5615 Pine street. West Philadelphia, , WANTED Agents for our.ncw Dol- ! r-a-Month Accident and Health poli es (Including natural death benefit); I men and women; all occupations I beral commissions. National Acci- ' li*. Society. 320 Broadwav, New York i established 1883). *««•».[ _____ —__ HELP WANTED—FemaIe VfANTED April 1, girl, wliite. for i neral housework ami cooking: must' experienced: three in family; state ' iges and give reference. Address G.. i 21. care of Telegraph. i W ANTED Girls over 161 ars of age to learn cigarmaking. 1 lid while learning. Apply Har-i •burg Cigar Co., .■'OO Race street. WANTED Experienced stenog p ier who can take dictation: best of j 'creneo required; state salarv ex ited and qualifications in first letter. !dr»ss In own handwriting to L„ 2*>' > 7 re of Telegraph. WANTED For a private famll\\ j itte cook, chambermaid and waitress «o nurse; * to cook, $5.00 to the ! ier two: references. Employment ! treau, .»I , North Second street. FOR SALE | PLOT 100x170 FT. North Front Street— near Emerald. A most <1 desirable location for a \\ home—the price is right. 3>' MILLER BROTHERS&CO.! RGAI. ESTATE I Fire Insnrnnee Surety Roaria l.oeust and Court Street* ]» ; WEDNESDAY EVENING, . I I1E1.1" WANTED—I'EMALE WORKS DRESSMAKING SCHOOL ma registered 28 new pupils, and has room for a few more, day or evening. All pattern cutting Is taught by meaa | ure. Tou make your own drerses while learning. Works Dressmaking School, j JZ North Fourth street. i IIKM* WANTED—MaIe or Female j WANTED Experienced pianist for j Vaudeville and Musical Comedy Thea i ter. Apply Family Theater, I-iebanon, ; Pa. United phone. A. Llchtenthaeler. ————————————— SITUATION WANTED—AIaIo ! REGISTERED PHARMACIST; excel- I lent experience; can furnish good ref erence; capable of managing. Address | D„ 2232, care of Telegraph. WANTED Well educated young man desires position in office, or out side work; can drive auto. P. O. Box 86, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED White, married man desires work on a farm: experienced. Address Joseph Fruhworth. 474 Orch ard avenue, Steelton, Pa. WANTED Position as collector; have had experience and can furnish good reference. Apply, or address, W. E. M.. No. 1302 North Third street or Bell phone 1685 R. 9UI.IIIUM U a.M Hi)—i'cuiaJo WANTED Young, white woman wants position at housework or house keeping; can furnish reference. Ad dress E„ 2225. care of Telegraph. WANTED By colored woman, gen eral housework; no washing. 1306 Currant avenue. WANTED A young s'rl would like a position to assist in housework, or as child's nurse. Address D., 2220, care of Telegraph. WANTED Olrl would like to get work by the day or week. Call, or write. No. 334 South Fifteenth street, City. WANTED By white girl, position I at general housework, or work by the day. Call, or addres, Sll James ave j nue. | situation Wanted—>lnie anil remain | WANTED Colored man and wife ! wish positions as cook and butler. Call, or address, 669 Briggs street. itiuAi,'t: ion s.VLL FOR SALE Apartment house, 404 North Second street; live apartments ami store; steam heat and all modern improvements. Apply, or address. Al. Mall, 266 Herr street. NO. 1258 SWATARA STREET FOB .15 Price reasonable brick house all improvements large house with light from three sides. In spect at once. Bell Realty Co., Bergner building. FOR SALE No. 110 South street three-story brick B-room house, bath —gas and furnace. Inquire of C. Studebaker. Second at State street. FOR SALE 90S and 911 Capital Street; 2 frame dwellings; lot. 26x55; this location is always rentable; price right. 1621, 1621>4 and 1623 Fulton Street, new, 2-story brick; 6 rooms and bath; furnace; front porch; lot, 40x105; will | -sell separate. i 30 Acres; 1 mile north of trolley line lat Paxtonia; frame buildings; good I condition; well and running water. BRINTON- PACKER CO., | Second and Walnut Streets. $2,400 WILL. BUY a three-story frame house with all improvements lot, 21 x9O to paved street on rear. Get par ticulars. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building, FOR SALE Eight-room brick and frame house, all modern improvements, just completed, Lennox street, Cloverly Heights. No reasonable offer refused for ijulck sale. Call Bell phone 3553 R. THIRD STREET BUSINESS PROP ERTY FOR SALE l>arge brick build ing corner steam heat modern storeroom. Price, only $6,500. Inspect it. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE No. 2255 Jefferson Street two-story brick house with S rooms bath gas furnace porch. Offered at a reduced price owner left city. Bell Kealty. Co., Berg ner Building. 52.700 WILL BUY a frame house porch front, side and rear electric, light furnace plot, 75x150 fruit —chickenhouse. Particulars at Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE City and suburban homes and home sites—first-class busi ness propositions. Kough, Brlghtblll H Kline, Sixth and Reily. Both phones. ESS) ACRES < 91,200» ONE of Largest Carpet Mills in Pennsylvania, Iron (and) Steel Works, (3) trolley lines (4) railroads (90) trains dally. City market onlv CS) mile to dandy (28) acre farm with (2) story (G) room home, large windows and cellar, Bank Barn and outbuildings. Can have running spring water —ap- ples. plums, cherries, peaches, quinces, pears, grapes, (*100) fruit last vear. Horse (cow) four hogs (40) chickens, wagon, buggy, harness, ton hav. tan straw (20) bushel oats (25) bushel corn (price) everything only ($1,600). ITOt ACI4KS (tI.HOOi Edge (of) City Market. Lar-'o (Stove) Works. Machine Shops, Foundries '2oi passenger trains daily. Home (Barn') outbuildings (15) acres good woodland. Land mostly level Southern exposure spring water and creek. Apples, cher ries, peaches, ruinces. pears, grapes, and plum trees. Last year (100) bushel o" fruit. Ton straw, ton hay (25) bushel oats (50) bushel corn (2) horses (cow) two hogs (50) chickens (guinias) ducks (geese) and machinery. (Kemember) only ($2,500). I sou i ACRES oo > Here you are—'"—tat Bargain. Only (mile) to large Market between (2) cities of (30.000) population paying ($350,000> monthly. Buildings mostlv new and painted last year. Stone spring house at Fine White Home with porch (30) feet long. (16) acres (woodland) vained ($1,200) and (600> choice fruit trees. (2) horses (3) cows (6) hogs (70) chickens (9) ton hay (10) ton straw (100) bushe! oat« (120) bushel corn (Everything) only ($4,200). Handv to Trolley. GEORGE B. OSTRANDER. Danville. Telephones Sunbury Mornings (7 to 8) Evenings. FOR SALE Daupiiin tousc and lot House, 24x60, three stories. 10 rooms 3 large halls; modern Improvements Ve'ry low price to quick buyer. Inquire R. A. Simmons, Pottsvllle, Pa. FOR RENT Warehouse and Storage Space Two floors (44,000 sq. ft.) or parts thereof, in the new Emer son-Brantingham Implement Co. building at Tenth and Market Sts. Elevator service—P. R. R. siding in the building. Apply to MILLER BROTHERS & CO. HARRISBURG, PA. *■ REAL ESTATE FOLI SALE FOR SALE Desirable building lots In thj Tenth Ward, located on Fourth, Fifth. Schuylkill r.nd Atlas streets. An opportunity for a builder or real estate dealer to secure well located property for development purposes. Ad dress L, No. 1587, care of Telegraph. 11EAL ESTATE FOR KENT FOR RENT 2}i-story detached houses, eight rooms with all Improve ments, on Schuylklfl street, near Jeffer* son, at $16.50 per month. Address Wlt tenmyer Lumber Co., Seventh and Schuylkill. FOR RENT 623 Wiconlsco street— 3-story brick 8 rooms large porch and bay window front and rear all Improvements. Apply C. H. Mauk, 1745 North Sixth street. FOR RENT April 1, 29 South Six teenth street; 9 rooms and bath; front land rear porches; fine lot: house in good repair; S2O. Inquire 31 North Six teenth street. FOR RENT—First and second floors, inll Improvements, partly furnished If desired. ISI6 Green street. FOR RENT HIS North Second 6treet; 3-story b>-ick; 9 rooms and bath; all Improvements; electric bells all rooms to kitchen; excellent location. Possession April I. Apply 1100 North Front street. FOR RENT 312 Nectarine street, one three-story brick house: all im provements; rent, $13.50; possession at once. Inquire S2O Crescent street. , RENT Three-story brick (.welling. 1015 Market street; eight | rooms: bath: furnace heat; paved cel- I lar: hot and cold water; possession at j once. Inquire 213 Pine street. | FOR RENT Houses with all Improve ments at moderate rentals. J. E. Glpple. 1251 Market street. FOR RENT House at 211 Forster street: has city connected heat. Apply on premises. | REAL ESTATE FOR RENT RENT 2217 Atlas avenue, 201b North Third street, 627 Wiconlsco street. Several good storerooms, small apartments. Kougli. Brightblll & Kline, Sixth and Reily streets. Both phones. I' OR RENT Storeroom, cor-' ner I bird and Cumberland streets. 33x100 feet, two show windows 9x14, first-cJass condition. Special price. J. S. Sible, 256 Hcrr street. I'OR RENT Brick bouse, 1109 Green street, 9 rooms and bath, all improvements. From April 1. J. S. Sible, 256 flerr street. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED TO RENT A small place with from one to ten acres for one year, with privilege of buying if suited, not over eight miles from Harrisburg near trolley or train. Address Box S., 220<. care of Harrisburg Telegraph. APAUTMI:> IS FOH RENT FOR RENT ATi apartment with seven rooms and bathroom, balcony, with dumb-waiter and clothes drier. 204 Walnut street. City steam. A PAR T M E N T S for rent, 1 bird floor apartment a.t Walz dorf, six rooms, tiled bath and pantry, all very light, city steam, lacing capitol, also April 1, second floor. Inquire 400 North street. FOR RENT Two apartments. Ap ply between 7 and S o'clock evenings, at second or third apartment, Dcrry Block. Fourteenth and Derry streets. APARTMENTS FOR RENT—Fourth and . offer streetJ and Schuylkill and Jefferson. Also houses 623-635-63!) Schuylkill. Possession at once. In quire of J. C. Mehring, 243y Sixth street, or at Mehrlng's Drug; Store, Fourth and Peffer streets. APARTMENT FOR RENT Five rooms anti bath, with all modem cou vtnlences. Apply 1118 NortH Sixth street. FOR RENT 127 South Fourteenth street, first tloor apartment; 5 rooms and bath: larKe cellar front and side porches. Inquire 125 South Fourteenth street. FOR RENT Two apartments, 1408 State street, one four rooms and bath, other live kitchenette, storeroom and -oatu; rent reasonable. Call at above address. MacDANIELS FURNISHED APART MENTS For light housekeeping- two second tloor front large rooms; bay window; bath; up-to-date; gas range; private meter: bells and mail boxes. 1117 Market street. Phono 837 J. FOR KENT Three rooms and bath, bedroom, dinlngroom und kitchen; gas range; balcony; city steam; no children. Call after 10:20 A. M., 24A South Fourth street, third floor apart ment. FOR RENT Apartment 3 rooms, including range, bath, toilet elegant location use of bath and phone. Ap ply to C. 11. Msuk, 174il North Sixth street. FIRST FLOOR APARTMENT FOR RENT Six rooms and bath; large closets and pantry; all the modern con veniences. No. 608 North Third street oppcslta Capitol Park. Apply to Dr. James. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, with use of bath, phone and city steam; gentlemen preferred. 708 Capi tal street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping; hot and cold water and bath; good location. Apply 2y North Seventeenth street. FOR RENT Three rooms and bath on second floor at IS&3 North Second street; terms reasonable. Call between 7 and 7:30 P. M. ROOMS FOR RENT Large second floor front room, facing Reservoir Park- steam heat, electric and gas light and bath; private family. Apply 1847 Regina street. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; all con veniences, including gas. heat and bath; good location. Apply 234 North Fifteenth street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or ensuite; all conveniences In cluding phone: reference required. Ap ply 1015 North Front street. FOR RENT Four-room flat; all conveniences. Apply 516 State street. BOOMS WANTED WANTED Large, comfortably fur nished room, between Market and Hroad streets, by refined, young couple for April 1. State price in answering' Address J., 2219. care of Telegraph. WANTED Three or four rooms, with bath, on second floor, centrally lo cated, desired by two peoplp; good ref erences. Address XI., 2232, care of Telegraph. WANTED Two unfurnished rooms by young, married couple without chil dren. within fifteen minutes' walk of Market street. Address C.. 2223 care of Telegraph. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH HUOMS WANTED j WANTED Couple, without chil dren. desire about three or four rooms • on second floor, or apartment, for light housekeeping: can furnish reference. Call Bell 1319 L, or address M., 2231, care of Telegraph. WANTED By neat, young, married woman fcolored). furnished room, with all conveniences, In desirable private familv. Address Y., 2229, care of Tele- I graph. I —— WANTED WANTED SI,OOO on first mort gage. 6 per cent.: $26 bonus. Address W„ 2218, care of Telegraph. WANTED. AT ONCE Second-hand 8 or 10-horse-power gasoline engine; must be In good condition. Address E.. 2213. care of Telegranh. WANTED A temporary home in refined home of no small children for boy two years; mother a widow. Ad dress Mrs. Carrie P. S. L. Hos pital. Pouch A. Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED A young man wishes young gontleman as roommate; room faces Capitol Park: has all conveni ences. Apply between 7 and S P. M., at 410 North street. MOTORCYCI.KS AM) BICYCI.BS bought and highest cash prices paid. Drop us a postal and buyer will call. Keystone Cycle Co., 81-1 North Third street. United phone 19W. WANTED TO RENT Cottage or placo along Conodogulnet Creek or the river, near the car line. Apply Mr. Grimm, care of Bowman & Co. FOR SALE FOR SALE Auto Delivery Wagon. 1.500 lbs. capacity, full top job, excel lent condition, brand new hard rubber tires. 413 South Cameron street. | WHITE LEGHORN Hatching Eggs I for sale. Young-Wyckoff strain, SI.OO per setting—s6.CO per hundred. Also stoc:: for sale. Address Elkview Poultry Farm, Speeceville, Pa. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business office. FOR SALE Three bicycles all good condition new paint, etc. See these bargain at $6, $$ and $lO. Key stone Cycle Co.. Sl4 North Third street. FOR SALE A "White Cross' elec tric vibrator in perfect order. Will sell reasonable on account of having no further use for same. Apply 443 South Fourteenth street. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Jennlng strain Indian Runner Duck Eggs for hatching, »1.00 per setting, $7.00 per hundred. Stock also for sale. Elkview Poultry Farm. Spoeceville. Pa. FOR SALE Three'motorcycle tan dems all different makes. Prices, I $3, $4 and $5 each. See these bar ) gains. Keystone Cycle Co., Sl4 North | Third street. j FOR SALE —AT GABLE S. 113, 115 and 117 South Second street. 5,000 gal- IJons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. FOR SALE Cash grocery store doing good business, two squares from P. R. R. Station. Reason for selling, bad health. Will sell right. Inquire 610 Maclay street. FOR SALE—One S-inch Sand Pump with 10xl2-inch center crank, engine, boiler and paddle wheels, all mounted on a flat 15 ft. wide by 45 ft. long. I'our flats 12x40 ft., nearly new. One locomotive crane, self propelling, on standard gauge track. Capacity 30,000 pounds, at 10-ft. radius, 770 pounds at 30-ft. radius. One cubic yard Clam Shell Bucket, nearly new. Above ma terial now at Lewistown, Pa. For par ticulars Inquire of H. J. Stannert, Northumberland, Fa. • FOR SALE Bloch baby carriage; up-to-date model; slightly used. Call Bell phone 183 J. FOR SALE Pocket Billiard Par lor. in good town. Good reason for selling. Lock Drawer J„ Duncannon, Pa. FOR SALE Gulling outflt. Ad dress Golf, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE One good Jenny Lynn; also on? stylish open buggy. Inquire S. W. Shoemaker &. Son, 1545 North Sixth street. FOR SALE Eggs for hatching. Single Comb White Leghorn, Barron strain. Prize winner at Poultry Show. SI.OO for fifteen eggs or $6.00 per hun dred. G. M. Border, Camp 11111, Pa. Phone 31 SIM. FOR SALE Upright Piano, prac ticallv new, mahogany case. Will sell cheap if sold at once, or can p.* part cash, rest In several small payments. Address W., 2214. care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Bureau, chairs, sofa, stand, etc. Call 512 Donaldson Build ing. evenings until S o'clock. SPECIAL BUTTERINE SAL.E for two weeks—s lbs. Butterina and 5 lbs. Granulated Eugdr, $1.23. One Tb. But terine. 19c. Batu.-ln & Co., 1005 North Third street. FOR SALE Printing Plant, two presses, type, l!:ree stones, cutter, etc. Must be moved. Sell cheap. Box 221 Lltitz, Pa. BARGAINS in U C. Smith and Bros, and Underwood Typewriters; also one Corona, oue Monarch, one Oliver. Prices reasonable. 1* C. Smlt'a and Bros. 38 South Fourth. CIGARS l>'or a limited time we are ! flvlng "60 Madame X" and "25 Mias .on' for sl, postpaid. Sncll & Co., Red Lion. Pa. Satisfaction, or money back. FOR SALE Mated team of black mares; weight. 2,800; nerfectly sound; all purpose team; work anywhere JiP.ched, single or double; fearless of steam and automobiles; live years old. Address, or call, H. S, Henry, Honey Grove. Pa. FOR SALE A Three Bellows Ball- Bearinar Vacuum Carpet Sweeper on easy monthly instalment. Will ship anywhere upon a small payment with the order. Write Murray, P. O. Box 263, Johnstown, Pa. FOR SALE Hatching ICggs from and healthy S. C. Rhode Island Red hens. Price, $1.50 per setting of 15 e*"gs. Fertility guaranteed. N. L. Shoop. care of Fritchey's Fan -. Uni lestown. TOR SALE Several Ford touring cars and other makes. Right prices. E. W. Shank. Maxwell Dealer, 334 Chestnut street. Bell phone 724. FOR SALE Miffllnburg carriage, double seated, in llrst-class condition. Apply at Garage, 1713 Fourth street. ] Bell phone 595 J. GLASS window signs. Furnished j Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and I Board and Table Board at 25c each. One i of these signs will be given with each i six-time order for a classified ad. If paid In advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. FOR RENT FOR RENT Room 3500 square feet floor space, suitable for storage or light manufactur ing purposes. Inquire J. Rhoads, Cowdep and Forster streets. FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE Will exchan B e, my new Player-Piano for automobile or furniture. Player-Piano worth $600.00. Address B. U F., care of Telegraph. < BUSINESS m'PQK'IUNITIJhIS A GOOD PAVING Liniment Route recipe cut—Government serial guar antee —• book of retail and wholesale trado with full right and instructions of manufacture, will be secrlficed. Call from 1 to 7P. M. aikh good Bicycle for sale. The Wolfe Medicine Co.. 133 fcassafras street. City. WANTED A Bond or Stock sales man to sell (j per cent. preferred Hosiery stock. R. 54. care of Telegraph. CASH GROCERY STORE FOR SALE at inventory. Business In prosperous condition. Rent for dwelling and '.store only $25 per month. Particulars j at Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. I FOR SALE lce Cream and Con j fectlonery bustness; new. up-to-date ! furnishing. IncludlnK marble soda ; fountain, latest clear counter "style; j good business location. Will sell ' at low price on account of other business requiring owner's attention. Bargain to quick buyer. Address Box 2228, care | of Telegraph. • I MADE $50,000 In five years In the ! mail order business, began with $5. I Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea | cock. 855 Lockport. N. Y. ANY intelligent person can earn good I Income corresponding for newspapers experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock oort, N. Y. BUSINESS I'EKONALS FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention Bell I 1960. OLD GOLD AND SILVER. Diamonds and Jewelry bought for highest cash prices. Jos. D. Brenner Jeweler. No. 1 North Third street. Reii phone 1274 L. PIANO MOVING done by exnertv Winter Piano Co.. 23 North Fourth street. Also call Bell telephone 146. Harrisburg Paste Works l-U N. Cameron Street PAPERHANGERS', billposters', book binders' and all kinds of paste. Prompt' shipment. All paste guaranteed. Hell phone 1186 L. HAULING H. W. I ..AT HE, Hoarding Stable and I National Trimafer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2503R REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts insure your satisfaction. S. N. Cluck, 320 Woodbine street. MONEY TO LOAN ANY person needinK money in amounts from $5 to SSO holding a sal aried position, would be benefited by calling on us. Employes' Discount Co.. 36 North Third street. MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security in any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O Box 174, Harrisburg, Pa. . LOANS—SS TO S2OO for honest working people keeping house. Rates less than legal. Pay ments weekly or monthly. No notification of employer or friends. CO-OPERATIVE L.-& I. CO. 204 Chestnut Street Authorized capital, SIOO,OOO. STORAGE ! STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper tc Co., 411 1 Broad street. 'Both phones. STORAGE IN 3-* tory brick building. rear *OB Market street. Household goods In elean, private rooms. Reasonable rules. Apply 1,, |> ! G. IMener. Jeweler, 4IW> Market St. FIREPROOF STORAGE warolunilj divided into private rooms for storage of household goods. Low Insurance Inspection invited. General merchan dise warehouse and household goods warehouse are located oti tracks of Penn. R. R.. 137-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company. LEGAL NOTICES WILLIAM LONGENICCKHR AND ! WALTER BITRRIS. tinners, doing busi- I ness under Arm name of Longenecker | & Burrls. have dissolved partnership bv ! mutual consent. All persons owing said firm will I please make payment to Win. Longen- 1 ccker. All persons having 'claims against said ilrm will present claims to I W. G. LONGISNECKER, N. 1319 North Third. 1 NOTICE THE following ordinance was read in nlace in the City Council at »s meet ing held Tuesday Afternoon. February 16. 1915. and is published as required by Article 5. Section 3. Clause 10. of tho Act of Assembly approved June 27, 1913: AN ORDINANCE | To authorize the opening of Carlisle Street, from Holly Street to IJerry Street, and providing for the payment I of the cost thereof. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Harrisburg, and • it Is hereby ordained by authority of tho same. That the City Solicitor be and he Is hereby directed to take the necessary proceedings to have Carlisle Street, from Holly Street to Derry Street, as marked on the official map of the city, legally opened, and for that purpose, he is authorized, subject to the approval of Council, to agree with the property owners whose property will be taken, injured or destroyed by said improvement upon proper compen sation for the damages to be done or caused by the said opening of Carlisle Street as herein authorized. Section 2. That in case the Citv So licitor, in behalf of the city, and the property owners along said Carlisle Street, between the points designated, cannot agree upon the compensation proper to be paid, or Council subse quently falls or refuses to confirm any such agreement, or rejects the same, the City Solicitor may, if the property owners do not, apply to the Court for the appointment of viewers to assess tho damages and benefits according to law. Section 3. That the Superintendent of Streets and Public Improvements is hereby directed as soon as tho damages mentioned In the first and second sec tions iiereof shall be properly adjusted. 1 or secured by bond, to cause all oli- I structions now on the. line of said street, between the points named, to be removed, so that said highway mav be hereafter graded. CHARLES A. MILLER. Clerk of the City Council. Office of the City Clerk. Harrisburg, Pa.. February 16. 1915. NOTICE Is heraby Riven that appli cation will be made to the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, on Thursday, March 18. 1915, under the provisions of an Act of Assembly en titled "An Act to provide for the in corporation and regulation of certain corporations," approved April 29, 1874 and Its supplements, for a charter for an Intended corporation to be called the JITNEY TRANSPORTATION COM PANY, the character and object of which Is the transportation of passen gers, baggage and freight- by motor driven vehicles upon and over the streets and public highways In the City of Harrisburg. Dauphin County, Penn sylvania. and In the territory adjacent thereto, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges by said Act of Assembly and the supplements thereto, conferred. CHARLES C. STROH, Solicitor. MARCH 3, 1915. I_HE MAR GEMM'S ACTION MEETS WITH FM Trading Far More Active Than Usual; Distillers Bonds Heavy Today By Associated Press New York, March 3. Over night ad vices from abroad, particularly Ger man s reported acceptance of this Gov ernment's main proposals, were favor j ably received In the financial district to-day. Leading shares made further ; fractional gains and some of the spec ! laities Increased their recent advantage. i Trading was far more active than ' usual, with Indications of a moderate j investment demand. Among the few | features of weakness wore Harvester Corporation. Pfd.. which sold at 96, compared with 111 at Its previous sale some weeks ago. Distillers bonds were I also heavy. NEW YORK STOCKS Furnished by H. M. Snavely, 208 Arcade Building. New York, March 3. Open. Itlgh. Low. Clos. I Alaska G M 29',i 30 29U 29 s 4 I Amal Cop . 53 lb 54 »,j 53 54 H lAm Bt Sug 39 U 39 >2 38 *4 39 U Am Can .. 26% 27»i 2627>i Am Can pd 93»'» 93 93% 93*4 Am C& F. 40 ; '„ 40% 40»« 40% Am Ice Sec 26 U 2C»s 25 T» 26'4 Am Lpco . 19 19 19 19* i Am Smelt . 63 14 t>3 Am Sugar. 101 101% 101 tot% Am T & T. 120% 120 Vi 120% 120% Anaconda . 26% 26% 26% 26% Atchison .. 95% 95% 95 95 B& O .... 65% 66% 65% 66% Both Steel. 55% 55% 54% 55 Bklyn RT. 87 Vi 87% 87% 87% Cal Petro.. 17% 17% 17% 17% Can Pacific 156 157% 156 157 Cent Leath 33% 34% 33% 34% C&O 41% 41% 41% 41% C. M &-St 1' sr.% 85% 85% 85% LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE DEPARTMENT OF Pt'BI.IC SAFETY, Bureau of Water and I.lßhtlng;. BIDS will be received at the Office of the Superintendent of Public Safety, Room 10. Court House, at 3 o'clock P. M., March 8. 1915, for the furnishing of about 5,000 tons of river coal delivered In the bunker ai the Pumping Station, Front and North Streets. Coal to be free from sand, and delivered In the bunker each day until said amount is , supplied. H. F. BOWMAN, Superintendent. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF I'tRT. XERSHII* NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing be tween Dean F. Walker and George -. Messlmer, trading and doing business under the firm name of Walker & Mes simer, at No. 411 North Second Street. Harrisburg. Pa., has been dissolved by mutual consent, George F. Messlmer re tiring therefrom and Dean F. Walker taking over the bustness and all of the assets and assuming all of the liabili ties. All persons having claims against the said firm will present the same for payment to the said Dean F. Walker at Ills new place of business. No. 409 Nortli Second Street. Harrisburg, Pa., and all persons indebted to the said firm will make payment thereof to the said Dean F. Walker. DEAN F. WALKER. I GEORGE F. MESSIMER. | IN RE OPENING OF FRONT STREET. I FROM IIEHIt STREET TO ( AI.DER ! STREET, IN THE CITY >F HARRIS, i HIRU, PA. ' NOTICE is hereby given that the un dersigned Viewers, appointed bv the ! Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin ! County to ascertain and assess dam ages and benefits which have accrued or may accrue by reason of the im provement aforesaid, will meet upon the line of the Improvement and view the same and the premises affected thereby on Monday, the 15th day of March. 1915. at 10 o'clock A. M„ when and where all parties in interest mav attend personally or by Counsel if they see fit. And the unders.gned Viewers will hold an adjourned meet ing In the Council Chamber, in the Court House, at Harrisburg, on the next succeeding day (Legal Holidays and Sundays excepted), at 10 o'clock A. M„ and continue the bearings until all I parties In interest, and their witnesses, ' who may attend shall have had an op- 1 portutiity to be fully heard. JAMES D. SALTSMAN, ! KARL STEWARD. PAUL G, SMITH. Viewers, j NOTICE is hereby given that applica- j tlon will be made to Tho Public Ser vice Commission of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by THE HAG ICRS TOWN and FREDERICK RAILWAY COMPANY for a Certificate of Public Convenience, evidencing the Commis sion's approval of the purchase and ab solute ownership of the controlling right, title and interest In the HAG EUSTOWN AND FREDERICK RAIL WAV COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The public hearing on which will be held in the rooms of the Commission at Harrisburg. on the 17th day of March, 1915. at 2:30 P. M.. when and where all persons in interest may ap pear and be heard, if they so desire. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Estate of John J. Weltmer, late of the City of Harrisburg. Pa., deceased. NOTICE Is hereby given that letters Testamentary upon the Estate of said decedent have been granted to the un dersigned. residing at No. 435 Ver bcke Street, in said city. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay, to SAMUEL KLINE, Or to Executor. JOHN E. PATTERSON, Attorney. EXECUTOR'!* NOTICE Estate of Edmund S. Martin, late of the City of Harrisburg, Pa., deceased. NOTICE Is hereby given that Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of said decedent have been granted to the un dersigned. residing at No. 1731 Green Street, in said city. All persons In debted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delav. to EMMA C. MARTIN. Executrix. ' > Houses Dress Aprons ft Direct From Manufacturer to You l.lko ill uat ration—alcel? made la 04 ataadard per- it*\' calra «f extra quality—light, cadet aad mmvr bine— T - ' I'lM with pocket—M lachea l»ag. I W Satisfaction guaranteed. Otherwise return goods and fl'-l .I'l we will rotund money. ■gP Mall your order MOW. together with remittance, |V°* '-111 BW atatloK quantity aad color dcalred, to j*. Y '.jul THE D. &S. COMPANY y* DAUPHIN, PA. C Con Cop. 35% 36 35% 36 Con Uas . . 116% 117 116 & 117 Corn Prod .9 9 9 9 Dlst Sec . . 7 % 8 % 7 8 % Erie 21% 21% 21 % 21% Erie Ist pfd 34 35 34 % 35 Gen E Co. 138% 138 % Gen Motors 94 94% 94 9 4V.» Goodrh BE 31% 31% at Nor pril 114% 115 >4 114% 115'* at N Ore a 31% 32% 31% 31 % Oug Exp .. 50% 50% In-Met ... 12 12% 12 12% In-Met pfd 56% 56% 56% 56% Lehigh Val 132% 134 132% 133% Mex Pero. 66% 66% 65 6u%, Mo Pac .. 11% 12% 11% 12% Nat Lead.. 51% 53 51% 53 Nev C C .. 11% 12 11% 12 NT Cent.. 82% 83% 82% 82% NT.NH& H 47% 49% 47% 48% Nor & W. . 100% 101% 100% 101% Nor Pac .. 101 102% 101 102% Pac Mail .. 20 20 P R R ... 104% 105% 104% 105 Peo G & C. 118 118 Pgh Coal . 20% 20% 20% 20% Press S Car 28 28 27 % 27% Ry Stl Bp. 20% 20% 20 20 R C Copper 16% 17% 16% 17 Reading .. 142% 144% 142% 141% RI & 8 ptd 16 76 75% 75% So Pacific. 81% 83 % 81% 83 So Railway 14% 15% 14% 13 So Ry ptd 45% 43% Tenn Cop.. 27 27 26% 27 Third Ave. 48% 30% 48% 50-% Union Pac. 118% 118% 118 118% jU 8 Rubber 55% 56 55% 56 U S Steel. 42% 43% 42% 43% U S S pfd. 104% 104% 104% 104% Utah Cop.. 51% 52% 51% 52% West Md . 18 19 18 19 AVest U Tel 63 63 % 63 63% West Mfg.. 68% 68% 68 68% PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By Associated Press Philadelphia, March 3. Wheat I Firm; No. 2, red. spot, export, sl.44<ii 1.49: No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export. $1.52 «f. 1.57. t Corn Higher; No. 2, spot, export, i 75% fa 77'/jc; No. 2, yellow, local, 78<& 79c. Oats Firm; No. 2, white, 61®' 62c. Bran Weaker; winter, per ton, I $26.50® 29.00; spring, per ton. $25,506- I 26.00. Refined Sugars—Market steady; pow dered. 6.85 c; tine granulated, 5.7bc; con fectioners" A. 6.65 c. Butter The market is steady; westt:n. creamery, extras. Sic; nearby, prints, fancy, 3Bc. Eggs The market is lower; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, $6.30 per case; do., current receipts, free cases. $6.15 pet case; western, extras, firsts, free cases. ! $6.30 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $6.15 per case. Live Poultry Firm; fowls, 15%®' 16% c! old roosters, ll(&'ll%c; chickens, 13@>16c; turkeys. 15@17c; ducks, 15fa> 16c; geese, 12®16c. Dressed Poultry Firmer; turkeys, fancy, 21c; do., fair to good, 18®2Uc; fowls, heavy, 18l§>19c: do., average, 15% # 17'/2c; do., small, 14<fil5c; old roosters, 14c; broiling chickens, nmi ■ by. 18®23c; western, 14®22c; roast | ing chickens, 17@20c; ducks. 12@18c; ge»se. 10®14c. Potatoes Market weaker; Penn sylvania. per bushel, 53@55c. Maine. I per bushel. 45@50c; New York, per 'bushel, 40f045e; Jersey, per basnet, 3n <@3se. Flour Market nominal; winteiv clear, $3.5@4.10: straights. Pennsyl vania, $«.75@7.00; spring straights, $6.75@7.00; do., patents, $7.00@>7.85; western, $4.25®4.40; patents. $4.60(& 4.75; Kansas straight, jute sacks, $4.15 QM.iJO: spring, firsts, clear. $4.00@4.20; Etrn'gnts. $4.20®4.30; patents, $4,358' CHICAGO CATTLE Chicago, 111., .March 3. Hogs Re ceipts. 32.000: steady. Bulk of sales. I s6.ossf 6.65: light, $6.40tfj>6.65; mixed. $6,40W6.70; heavy, $6.15(5t 6.60; rough. $6.15(&6.30: pigs, $5.506'6.75. Cattlo Receipts. 13,000; slow. Na tive steers, $5,069.15; western, $5.00*/ 7.50; cows and heifers, $3.50@7.70; calves. $6.506 10.00. Sheep—Receipts, 16,000; weak. Sheep, $7.00®7.90; yearlings, $7.7568.60: lambs, $7.7369.95. CHICAGO IIOAItD OF T'HADK Chicago, 111., March 3.—Board of Trade closing; Wheat—May. 1.44%; July. 1.17%. Corn—May. 73%; July, 75%. Oats—May, 56%: July, .52%. Pork—May, 17.37: July, 17.72. Lard—May, 10.30; July, 10.55. Ribs—May. 9.87: July. 10.17. 1 ———— atmtmtm^ LOOK BRAND NEW PLAYER PIANO 31 rolls of music, bench and music cabinet for sale by party moving into flat and having no room for it; will sell for $290.00 spot cash, cost new $550.00. Address Player-Piano, care of Telegraph. For Rent Desirable offices in the Union Trust Building. Apply Uni«n Trust Company "MONEY ' To flousebeepera, Work ■Oa Insmca mid Salaried Em. ® plojcs. I LEGAL RATES EQUITABLE ihvtdimciil LuincAfti 9 N. MARKET SQUARE Room -1. 4lb I'iour hpooaer Building I I 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers