CURED OF CATARRH OF Twenty-Three Years Standing MRS. J. H. BOURLAND OF I Frankston, Texas A FEW EXTRACTS FROM HER LETTERS: March 28, IDO I—"Pemna cured me of catarrh of twenty-three years standing." April 13. 1008 ."I shall spare no opportunity to speak a good word for the merits of Pemna." . Jan. 21, 1908- "Peruna is all you claim it to be. Please accept my heartfelt thanks." Aug. 23. I#o9 —"I assure you that my first endorsement of Peruna was not exaggerated. 1 also regard Peruna as a very valuable household remedy." April ». 1912—"I would state again that Peruna cured me of catarrh of twenty-three years standing." Aug. 8. 1914—"I always try to keep Peruna on hand during the I winter, for coughs, colds and catarrh. I advise all mothers to do so." Every one should have a copy of "The Ills of life." which contains scores of testimonial* from men and women equally honest and credit able as the author of the above corres|>onilcnce. The Peruna Co., Columbus, Ohio BANK BARN COLLAPSES Special to The Telegraph Elam, Pa.. March 2.—Three hundred, persons narrowly escaped death yes terday afternoon at the farm of L. K. I Schumann, when immediately after the sale, while the crowd was leaving., the large bank barn collapsed, due to j a cave-In of the foundation of the east ride. TOBACCO HABIT A very interesting book has been ' Published on tobacco habit—how to I conquer it quickly and easily. It tells the dangers of excessive smoking, chew ing, snufr' using, etc.. and explains how i.crvoueness. irritability, sleeplessness, veak eyes. stomach troubles and , numerous other disorders may be ellmi- j nated through stopping self-poisoning i " tobacco. The man who has written j this book wants to genuinel-- help all i who have become addicted to tobacco i 1 abit and says there's no need to suffer i thftl awful craving or restlessness vhieti comes when one tries to quit \oluntari!y. This is no mind-cure or temperance sermon tract, but plain I common sense, clearly set forth. The author will send it free, postpaid, in ; plain wrapper. Write, giving name and full address —a postcard will do. I Address Edward J. Woods. 92 E, Sta tion E. New York City. Keep this ad '. ertisemcnt, it is likely to prove the! best news you ever read in this journal. - -Advertisement. AMUSEMENTS * t v; I Free Moving Pictures : Abtfery evening 7 to 11 P. j Palace Confectionery, \ Market street. \ Photoplay To-day "The Mystery tf the Tea Dansant" 2 reel Girl Detective Series Feat, tiring KITH ROLAND. "The Rainy Days" 2 reel l,uhl». featuring OHMI HAW LEY and KARI. METCALFE. (irorjsr Ade Coined j Fable "THE COLD t.H A \ DAWN OK THE UOHNINU AFTER." 1 i AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS MAJESTIC ThEATtR TO-NIGHT AND TO-MORROW XI . 1 MATIVKE A to-morrow. 25c ..d soc 1 hursday m <;H t March 4 Night PripM. :S«, 50c. 75c. VI.OU. SEATS TO-DAI SKATS OX *|| i; Eniseiie \V niter'* Hypnotic Drarn ,, . ntlzntlon of .lulin Fox, Jr.'n Maurnctlc w * orld*, Greatest s(orj of lhr virgin!. Hill. f Magician THURSTON 'tlZ'Lp.t' >ee Hint nnd Wnmlrr „ , , , It l.eada to a Real Evening'* ■MS People; U carlondi. Happlno.,.. THE* AM. Effect,. PRICKS: Mat.. 25c. .VH-. Tscs Kve. IIM) \KW MYSTERIES TO SOLVE. Jsc to »1.50. V J rpi | • ROBERT HEMtY IIOOGE A CO. I he rashion ohop With Nrw >lu*l»' an«l (•<»«>«! Inn and Bill Blither's Bachelor PRETTV IIVLNG MODELS WITH Had THE LATEST (iOW.VS Harry Beresford& Co. The Kilm-ntrd ( kimpaiuff •THK WATER XYMPlffi** BIG HILL \ 2-rccl Krjutonc t'oinedv. I VICTOR special TO-DAY SIO,OOO Prize Solution of The Million Dollar Mystery Showing Pictures of the Prize Winner and Her Home V—— / ' hours DrprkiT iip°M. P UNEXCELLED PAIIAMOI'.NT PROGRAM To-day--TilK M \ N I'HOM HOME,"— Laaky-kJrliler Produetlon, fra turliiK I'll MILES l(H II >1 % Thrown on «creen at folloivluu; hourax 12.30, ..IMS, 3.14, 7.M0, HMMi. tho our tlally reel* of lllg;li Comedy, W -.'n.-Mlnv nnd Thuraday—"THE STRAIGHT ROAD. H Fainoup* Play era, Featuring laLADYS II A>SO>, With onr I nual Dally Chanjre. WKDslKSl)AV—"Liiumicfe of the lloui," (t'oniedyi* l.ubiu; *%loey and Hl* Trombone.** «€ *«»inecl > I Kdinon. Tlmmdny— From lhr Gallery/* (Comedy) Edition: Thorn Amcnic llH*rv" (( oiitcd) ) Kdlfton; ••Dr. Y:ik and Santa Claua,** M om. r4y » "•rllß. ADMISSION, I Or. CHILDREN, 5e 1 TUESDAY EVENING, | S\P FREEZES ON TREES j ! Branches From Horse Chestnuts and j .Maples Covered With Icicles Special to The Telegraph l.ewistown. Pa.. March 2. —A pheno-; ' mena in tree life was witnessed on the j streets of this place, from the twenty-j sixth of February until yesterday, j : Horse chestnut and maple trees that , were trimmed by the electric light ; 'company, in the early part of Febru ' ary. to prevent interference with the i j wires, presented an appearance never j (witnessed here before. Two weeks in: ! mid-February up until the twenty-; j sixth were \ ery mild and the sap be-j gan to drop from the punctured places on the trees until the pavements were ! wet. On the twenty-sixth of February ; 5 a cold wave appeared and on the i morning of the twenty-seventh the trees presented a beautiful sight hang ing full of icicles from 2 to 9 Inches in | length of frozen sap. VPPOINTED BATTIjESHIP SECRE TARY Special to The Telegraph Annville, Pa.. March 2.—William E. i Herr, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Herr, received an appointment from Secre tary of the Navy Daniels as Y. M. C. A. secretarv on the battleship Dela ware. Sir. Herr sailed February 20 j from Philadelphia for Cuba. Girls, Avoid Yellow Spots on the Teeth j "John, isn't it a pity Stella lias such J horrid teeth? What ugly yellow teeth | she shows when she smiles, with that 1 horrid gold front!" Now. as a matter of fact, holes in I the teeth and yellow teeth are usually I caused by pure carelessness. When the teeth begin l* turn yellow, blacken j inside, little spots appear, wher there ! is grit and tartar between tiie teeth (and gums, when teeth are sore and i begin to separate, when they are loose jin their sockets and wobble about, rock to and fro by the tongue, one can [overcome these conditions quite easily. I According to a German scientist, all j you need to do is to get from your I druggist about four ounces of fluid jergan (you won't need more), and use I j morning, noon and night, merely hold ing a teaspoonful In the mouth a mln- I ute or so. The infesiments and ml j crobes will be washed out. the enamel cleansed of the dirty yellow coating, land your own white enamel appear. IThe sensitiveness to heat and cold, to sweets and tobacco, will no longer be noticed. Your teeth will be firm and I strong again, all the mouth, tongue, iluppcr palate and teeth will be clean, Itlie disease condition disappear, and you save yourself a bill for store teeth. HIGKOK PUNT TO BE j OF MODERN DESIGN: Buildings of Concrete, Brick and Steel Construction Will Cover Five Acres i The Hiekok Manufacturing Com pany's new plant will be erected along the Pennsylvania Railroad tracks and will extend from Cumberland to Reily . .streets. The new buildings, which are to cost SIOO,OOO. will occupy five acres and will be of concrete, brick and steel. It was announced to-day that in the ' ; beginning the present force would be ; employed, but as orders increased and j business expanded, more employes | would be added. I At present the company is situated l at North and Canal streets, in that i part of the Eighth ward which has f been taken over for Capitol Park ex tension. The company recently re ceived $"10,000 from the State for the old buildings and the ground. Will Start Work Soon Work on the new plant will be be- ; gun within a month according to plans, and will be completed this Fall. Day <*.- Zimmerman, architects and engi neers. of Philadelphia, are {lra wing the plans which are expected to be finish ed in a few weeks. The front part of the building will be two stories high RPd will contain the offices. The rear will be one story high and will be lighted from the roof. A roof tank will be erected for water in case of lire and for use in the iron and brass foundries. machine. wood. paint, blacksmith shops and modern plating department. The entire plant will be equipped with modern machinery and will be' ready to manufacture the same grades ' of products made by the old one. i YOUNG PEOPLE'S OFFICERS Special to The Telegraph Annville. Pa.. March 2.—At a meet ing of the Junior Y. P. A. of St. Paul's! Evangelistic Church the following offi- ; cers were elected to serve for the' year: Superintendent. Mr*. John; Farnsler: assistant superintendent, ! Mrs. Harry Flickinger; president. Miss' Mary Ught; vice-president. Miss Doro- j thy Crowe: recording secretary, Missi Margaret Saylor: corresponding secre-! tary. Miss Elizabeth Farnsler: treas urer. Miss Emma Miller: pianist. Miss Margaret Saylor: assistant pianist. Miss Elizabeth Farnsler. REVIVAL MEETINGS END Special to The Telegraph Annville, Pa.. March 2. Special' evangelistic meetings held in the 1 United Brethren Church during the j past three weeks closed on Sunday, j More than thirty-five conversions re- j suited. MINISTER SERIOUSLY U.I, Special to The Telegraph Marietta, Pa.. March 2. —The Rev. H. W. West, a minister of the Bethel church is critically ill at his home. He is nearly seventy years old, and has been in the ministry more than forty years. i NEW POSTMASTER IN CHARGE Special to The Telegraph i Washingtonboro. Pa v March 2. J. IS. Wertz this morning assumed his du ! ties as postmaster here. The office will be moved from its present loca j tion to a more desirable and larger | building. SMALL ROY SCALDED Special to The Telegraph Washingtonboro, Pa., March 2. Ralph W. Wall, aged 2 years, was frightfully scalded with coffee last evening, while the mother was pre paring supper. M A.IESTIC This evening and to-morrow afternoon and e\ening—Howard Thurston, Ma gician. Thursday, afternoon and evening "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine." Saturday, afternoon and evening "Damaged Goods." Monday, March B—Relkin Yiddish Co. OItI'HEUM Every afternoon and evening High- Class Vaudeville. COLONIAL Every afternoon and evening Vaude ville and Pictures. MOTION PICTURES Palace. 10 a. in. to 11 p. m. Photoplay. 10 a. m to 11 p. in. Regent, 11 a. m to 11 p. m. Royal, 6 p. to 11 p. m. Victoria, 10 a. m to 11 p. m. THIRSTOX, THE MAGICIAN Few incidents of the regular theatri cal season stir more general interest than Thurston, the magician, who is the attraction at the Majestic to-day and to-morrow, with matinee. America is a trifle boastful of some of the accomplishments of the Yankee race, and certainly we have reason to be proud of Thurston, who has amused nations and made them pay for it. Thurston talks English or at least Americanese. He talks all the time ne works and then some. He use* language to divert you from what he is doing. If you speak English and un derstand what he is saying, you will rtnd that his conversation " dazzles, sparkles, electrifies. And here is the strange part: the people who do not know a word of English enjoy Thurs ton .iust as much as those who do, which shows you what a superfluity words really are.—Advertisement. -THE Tit All, OK THE LONESOME PINE** For rush of action and intensity of surprise. Eugene Walter's dramatiza tion of "The Trail of the I»nesome Pine" is without dramatic compeer. It is a vivid visualization of the most widely read romance of the day. en hanced by one of the most artistic and realistic productions ever made, a series of pictures of youth—dewy vir gin youth—in the rugged frame of na tural scenery. A story of primitive i love, it overshadows. In its stage pre sentation of tenderness and passion, the story of the June of Mr. Fox's de lightful book. You must see June on the stage with her foolish obstinancv and general impulsiveness, wonderful ly. attractive as she is port raved in perfect naturalness by Dixie .'oVnpton. who is the perfect embodiment of the ATLANTA. 2H la. high WHITBY. IH im. hlgk • I ll"Mtwl' Q»rH. * C».. Ut Mrim HARRISBURC TELEGRAPH Special at 79c I . Special at 95c Wear-Ever lipped sauce- I iflr // M WrWJ 4-qt. Wear-Ever Windsor * pans—l. lij anil 2*i quarts. I v regularly >1.60 (during dem- I and cover, regularly $1.30 onstration). I m ni _ . , « (during demonstration}. ► ; Call 1991—Any Phone Founded 1871 { _ J < ► __ 4 \ Our Annual March Silk Sale ■ I (Until March 11th) \ : Opened To-day With a Promise of Breaking All Records 1 ; in Silk Selling Ji ►, 4 \ j ► Never has nine days meant so much to women who are acquainted with values offered in our Annual Silk Sales. < ! ► Even in the face of advancing prices on silks, there is an extensive variety of the popular weaves, and also late 4 ► ///////.I — novelties, underpriced to such an extent, that yardage for Spring suits, dresses or < y waists will total considerable savings. See the splendid qualities, and the very 4 , JC* 1 newest designs. * *°^ ow ' n & are only a few of the 50c Silk Poplins, at 3J)<* —24 inches < ► f J notable values in this sale: wide: perfect shades of sand, Rocky 4 I i fl'J M wlyV 1 $1.50 Crepe de Chines, at $1.38 — Mountain blue, wistaria, Battleship 4 k 40 inches wide; all the wanted street gray, navy, Russian green and black. 4 , > ./J5 :V and evening shades. $2.50 Crepe de Chines, at $1.98 — 4 ► | Y\ SI.OO Satin Messalines, at 78<* —36 40 inches wide; in ivory. A j►~ /j 1 \)w I\\ inches wide: in seven of the newest $1.50 Chiffon Taffetas, at $1..*58 — < I -'K I \ \\\ / \l\ street and evening shades. all wanted street and evening shades. < k /// \ Vyl I IV- Striped Wash Silks, at 3;}<* — Black Dress Chiffon Taffeta—36 L ( \ \Vi i ' 32 inches wide; blue, green, lilac and inches wide, S<< jni 75c: on ► K black stripes on white. $1.00; 88<? from $1.19; 98<t from ► y fft ,4j $2.00 Silk Gros DeLondres, at $1.25: sl.lß from $1.50: $1.48 from < ► $l.B8 —36 inches wide; in Oregon $1.75; $1.98 from $2.50; also 40-inch < * t ' ! green, sand, Arizona silver and navy. at $2.48, from $3.00. < ► njjl j Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. 4 y . - : ► In Connection With the Silk Sale Comes a < I ► j> Marcli Home Sewers' and Dressmakers' Sale of Notions : IV March 3rd to 11th l j t Affording every woman, having much or little sewing to do, a chance to stock-up with t ir the little necessities that often times are not on hand when most wanted. Here is a lengthy / 4 list of items to be found —many at reduced prices and others specially priced because of J y huge purchases, and we advise buying several weeks' supply through which you may save < 1 ' , y a tidy sum. m" ■ y John J. Clark's Machine Cot- White and black silk inside 12 yards black and while 24-yard roll White Tape . .100 J i ton spool 2c Belting, 1% to ► Black and white Snap Tape, yard !2Vic to 2.>0 100-yard spool Sewing Silk. 5c teners, black and white 8c A I yard 15c and 25c Percaline Glrdelln, 1 to 5 100-yard spool white Basting 10c Yeiser Hooks and Eyes 7c IL. Eyes, on tape, varil 15c and 25c Girdle Foundations o-yard piece black and colored 15c %-lb. box Dressmakers' A Heavy Inside Belting. 1% to 3 10c. 20c and 25c Mercerised Skirt Braid ... 10c Pins 10c 1 i ► inches wide, yard ..5c to 12M.C Nickel Skirt Gauges _ 9 silk covered Collar Support- 5c silvered Thimbles 2c J White and black curved inside 10c and 25c ere ................ ....... 5° 5c 60-inch Tape Mnn »c ] Belting with stavs. yard 12-yard piece colored Bias 10c piece black Mohair Skirt 5c pack Sewing Needles.. 2 '/.c L. * 12V4C to 20c Seam Tape 15c Braid 5c 5c Snap Fasteners, 3 dozen 10c j r Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. < A Word About Quality' i * ltl lVllLLlTl&J"y In anticipation of military effects dominating < Many times, women in their Spring styles in suits, dresses, waists and shoes, pro- i enthusiasm over the stunning vision was made weeks ago for an unequaled assort- I 'tl.e'hS n,ent of military buttons, and now you will welcome y they are purchasing, and oth- this most complete array of these and many others. | y ers deliberately never mention u ' ar s^la( J es he matched. W'e must admit, this gives us >A \ Bullet Buttons brass, nickel and gun metal, dozen, I pleasure, tor there's pride back \\ He to I.JO ; ► of the reputation we've master- Acorn shaped Buttons black and colors, dozen. ► ed in selling only the very best to 75^ ► qualities at the price asked, Small trimming Buttons—all colors, dozen, to ii o6 | > and when a woman purposely does not question the Silver and b , ack combination Buttons dozen , quality, we know she has confidence in the quality, and 25# to SH3 00 j again when it is neglected, we re sure of gaining her Black and whjte ButtonS( dozen l() ft to 69<ft confidence alter the hat has given proper service Oblong and round silk and satin Buttons—black and col ► A good thing to remember—Style is not LV LR\ - . ors dozen ....«<• to 0»e ► 1 HI N"G in Millinery. I liankvou. Main FIoor— BOWMAN'S. I . Second Floor —BOW MAN S. — / ; Three Musiin. March Weather Is These Prices Will Suggest i; Specials— So Ver >' Starting Spring Papering Now * Wonted Grades Changeable Oatmeal Wall Papers, 30 incites wide, alkali-proof, non- I ► But with the approach of fair lading; regularly 18c; roll 110 I . 8c 39-inch Unbleached Mus- or stormy weather, the little Wall Papers -suitable for parlors dining rooms livim- 4 i iin. very fine weave; special at "Weather Cottage" will Rive am- , • | ~ , ' ° i y yd- pie warning, by the position of looms and reception halls, in browns, greens, tans and reds; «' 4 C 31-inch Unbleached Mus- its figures. Priced at 5Uc and »Hc regularly 22c; roll < I y tin. full perfect pieces, at japanned tin and copper case Wall Papers—suitable for bedrooms and kitchens, in I toe Hill Muslin, full pieces. floral designs and striped etfects; good selection to choose ► laimit. 20 yards to a customer Wood )>acU Thermomclers. at from; regularly 10c; roll 'if ■■ y Y « rd ' '* c :15c. 60c and *1.25 Main Floor BOWMAN'S BOWMAN'S—Basement Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. charming mountain maid. Tlie pl a >' cornea to the Majestic Thursday after noon and evening.—Advertisement. HICfIAHI) benxett* co-workers IX "DAMAGED GOODS The Majestic offers for Saturday, afternoon and evening', Richard Ben netts co-workers in the absorbing sociological drama. "Damaged Goods, from the pen of Kugene Brieux "l>amaged Goods" enjoys the distinc tion of being the only play in the his tory of the stage which has paid for Its "production" before the "produc tion" was purchased. The original scenery for the play was loaned to Mr. Bennett by George C. Tyler of the I,iebler Co.. the expectation being that there would be only one performance of the drama. The success of the play was Instantaneous, and when the time came to return the scenery, the profits from the play had paid for !t many times over.—Advertisement. COLOMAI, If there is a confirmed woman hater In Harrisburg to-day it is Bill Blith ers who trembles In anger when he hears » woman's voice and who Is mak ing theatergoers laugh themselves tired at th" Colonlnl during the llrst | half of the week. This excellent com- I edy playlet Is a mirth ringer of the ' first water and It Is proving the same | big sceram at the Colonial that it did I when it was in Harrisburg before, i Betty the educated monkey, who does j i everything but talk, is also a rare | treat of the Colonial's new show. Two ) blackface comedians and a dainty danc ing violinists coipplete the vaudeville I roster. —Advertisement. AT PHOTOPLAY TODAY Ruth Rtfland. of the Kalem Company, comes to-day at the Photoplay in her Girl Detective Series. "The Mystery of the Tea Dansant," a two-reel drama. "The Rainy Day." two-reel Lubln drama, featurlr. i Orml Hawley and Earl Metcalf, and a famous George Ade comedy fable. "The Cold Gray Dawfi of the Morning After." completes the program.—Advertisement. PARAMOUNT PROGRAM AT THE RECENT We have kept our word, and the verdict of the public la final Regent Film Plays are In "A Class by Them selves!" You have only to see our pro gram of this week to be convinced. "The Man From Home." as shown at this theater to-day. In one of the most pleasing and at the same time most * MARCH 2, 1915. realistic film plays shown on the screen to-day.—Advertisement. AT THE VICTORIA The Million Dollar Mystery has been solved and the ten thousand dollar prize has been won. The solution has been made Into the final episode of the popular serial and is being; shown at the i Victoria to-day. In addition to the story there will be shown the pictures of the girl who won the prize and her home surroundings. The episode of to-day marking- the last of the serial promises to be interesting for It solves the mystery of weeks, and for thoie who have followed the serial week by week there la now offered the answer to all of the mystery that has sur rounded the stor£. —Adv. . D. MONROE HEIKES BURIED Dillsburg. Pa., March 2. Funeral I services of D. Monroe Heikes, a for | rrier resident of Washington township, I who died in Harriaburg last Friday, I were held on Sunday from the home lot Mr. and Mrs. John Firestone, at j Franklintown. The services were con ducted In the Franklintown United I Brethren Church by the Rev. A. M. Funk. HIVE UNDERGO OPERATIONS L. D. Slaughenheupt, of Leinoyne. was operated on at the Polyclinic Hos pital. Front and Harris streets, yester , day afternoon for appendicitis. Other , persons operated upon at the institn - i tion within the past few days wero Miss Dora Smith, Worinleysbur" • Ralph Page, 16X7 Green street; Mrs' , St. Claire. Zarker street, and A. n. Sipe, of North Fourth street. Dry, Hacking Cough Quickly Broken Up A persistent, hacking cough is a se vere strain on the throat and wears out the nerves and energy. Tou will get relief almost instantly If tou take doff'* Cough Syrup. It quickly loosens the phlegm, stops the tickling, heals lha Inflamed throat and ends the cough. Oofts has done It for thousands, ami is guaranteed to do It for you or mon«y back. Try a bottle! Grocers and Drug gists sell it. 2S and SO cents. No opiates. 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers