PHONE YOUR CLASSro AI—BEiL 2040, CUMBERLANft 203 | DIED PITL.ER On Sunday morning:. Feb ruary 28, 1915, Alfred S. Spltlcr. in liis 69th year. . , Funeral services on Wednesday af sqnoon, at 2 o'clock, from his late rSidence, 1614 Swatara street. Rela ives and friends are invited to attend ithout further notice. Burial in East larrisburg Cemetery. LEHRING Suddenly, on Marcli 2, Wilhelm J. Mehring, 110 Boas street. Notice of funeral will be announced iter. IVANS On Sunday afternoon. Feb ruary 2S, 1915. Barton Darlington Evans, a; his home. Sigler Apart ments. 30 North Second street, aged 70 years. Funeral on Wednesday morning, at 1 o'clock. Services at St. Stephen s piscopal Church. North Front street. ) which the relatives and friends are ivited to attend without further no ce. Burial private, Harrisburg Cenie •ry. LOST LOST Lady's Mutt, half barrel , atural Lynx, Sunday afternoon, be iveen Fourth street Church of God and ourth and Market streets. Please call ell phone 3252R, or 1753 J. LOST Cameo Pin. between St. raneis' Church and Naudatn street, inder return to 1522 Naudatn street. FOUND FOUND The way to end your leaning and dyeing worries, by. calling Ither phone for Eggert's Steam Dye is and French Cleaning Works, 1345 [arket street. We call and deliver. HELP WANTED —Male WANTED An experienced liarness laker. One who can take charge ol <e stock. Address E., 1569. care ol elegraph. WANTED Young hireling, between i and 30 years of age. to work on irm. Must be honest, sober and rul " lsh best of references. Good home, oard and washing to right party. Act ress S., 2216, care of Telegraph. WANTEb Experienced Inside aper salesman; state age, salary ex ected. Address Salesman, care of t. o. ox 713, Harrisburg, I'a. j W ANTED Sufferers from Stomach rouble to try Dr. Leon's Tonic Herbs, itmple for four cents in stamps to jver cost of mailing: and labor. Ine ee-Ess Co.. Box 792. Harrisburg. WANTED First-class chef. Apply I once, Harrisburg Club, Front and iarket streets. WANTKD First-class dairyman. [us»t understand handling up-to-date airy machinery, including: ice ma nine, milk bottling machine and sani iry appliances for handling' milk. Ad ress H., 2226. care of Telegraphy WANTED Married man to work in le country. Must understand stock, ouse. garden, milk, potato patch free nd $250 a year. Must be sober, honest, nd furnish references. Address K, 224, care of Telegraph. MEN WANTED to become practical lauffeurs and mechanics. As opporlu itv affords students will be given lance while learning to earn 30c an our on overhauling work. Make imp lications at once. Special course for idies. Day and night schools. Auto r/uisportat ion School and Machine iwF- 5-7 North Cameron street. WANTED Married men. between le ages of 27 and -in years, who have ad experience in selling at retail di sci to the consumer —to quality for osllion as wagon salesmen —in llarrls urg and branches located within 200 dies of Harrisburg—men who will oil; will be result getters with our reposition guaranteed salary and ommission—must furnish best of refer tice and real estate bond—our sales len are making from $25 to $lO per eek. Apply in person only. Jewel ea Co.. 269 Broad street. HILLY SUNDAY'S MESSAGE and In •inational Bibles. We want several [en and Women to help distribut. pare time may be used. Get our :rms. Wholesale Supply House, 25 orth Third street, top. AGENTS WANTED WANTED Ladies and men for [arrlsburg and surroundings on a good aylng proposition to right Varty. Call . Berger, 401 Walnut street. WANTED— Agents lor our.ncw Dol ir-a-Month Accident and Health poli les (Including natural dcatli benefit); j men and women; all occupations, iberal commissions. National Aecl cnt Society, 320 Broadway, Now York. Established ISSS). WANTED Agents residing outside arrlsburg to sell our tea. coffee, etc.. irect to family trade in their locality, xeelient opportunity. Experience un ecessary. Taniusi Tea Co., Importers, 51 Market street. HELP WANTED—FemaIe WORKS DRESSMAKING SCHOOL I A,.; registered 28 new pupils, and has uom for a few more, day or evening. II pattern cutting is taught by meas re. You make your own dresses while iarnlne. Works Dressmaking School, Z North Fourth street. 52.50 PER DAY paid one lady in each >wn to distribute free circuit:rn for Micentrated flavoring in tubes. Per lanent position. F. E. Barr Co., Chi igO. W ANT E D Girls over 1(3 cars of age to learn cigarmaking. aid while learning. Apply IJar sburg Cigar Co., 500 Race street. WANTED Experienced stenog ipher who can take dictation; best of sference required; state salary ex acted and qualifications in first letter, dill-ess in own handwriting 10 L, 2227, ire of Telegraph. WANTED Lady for general office ork; steady position: state In own indwriting, age. experience, reference, Iso salary expected. Applications ■ tl.out above information wil not be insideted. Address M„ 2211, care of elegraph. WANTED April 1. girl, white, for ?neral housework anil cooking- must - experienced; three in family; state ages and give reference. Address G 121, care of Telegraph. WANTED Strong white girl. o>- Kliileiaged woman for general iiouse- UJ'k and to assist with invalid wo an. Apply at once. 107 South Second reet. FOR SALE I PLQT 100x170 FT. 1 North -Front Street— S near Emerald. A most | desirable location for a * home —the price is right. > MILLER BROTHERS &C 0 J HEAL ESTATE J Fire InNilrllnee Surety Boniln \ I.ocunt anil Court Street* > TUESDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED—MaIe or Female WANTED Experienced pianist for Vaudeville and Musical Comedy Thea ter. Apply Family Theater, Lebanon, Pa. United phone. A. Llchtenthaeler. SITUATION WAN TED—Male WANTED Chauffeur desires posi tion with private family; live years' ex perience Packard, Chalmers and Win ton cars. Address A.. 1552, care of Telegraph. REGISTERED PHARMACIST; excel lent experience; *un furnish good ref erence; capable of managing. Address !>.. 2222, care of Telegraph. WANTED Well educated young man desires position in ofllce, or out side work; can drive auto. P. O. Box 86, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Position as collector; have had experience and can furnish good reference. Apply, or address, W. E. M„ No. 1302 North Third street or Hell phone 16S5R. WANTED Bookkeeper t27) de sires position; seven years' experience; single and double entry; A 1 penman; can furnish best of references. Ad dress Accountant, care of Telegraph. .sat A HON s n a.v TEH—Femaio WANTED Woman wishes office cleaning, or day's work. Apply 1404 Vernon street. City. WANTED Young woman wishes washing or day's work of any kind, day. Call, or address. Si 1 James ave ton street, City. WANTED Young, white woman wants position at housework or house keeping; can furnish reference. Ad dress JO.. 2225, care of Telegraph. WANTED By colored woman, gen eral housework; no washing. 1306 Currant avenue. WANTED A young girl wrtuld like a position to assist in housework, or as child's nurse. Address D., 2220, care of Telograpli. WANTED Girl would like to get work by the day or week. Call, or write. No. 334 South Fifteenth street, City. WANTED By white girl, position at general housework, or work by the day. Call, or addres, Sll James ave nue. WANTED By young widow, with baby three years old, position as house keeper for widower or aged couple. Ad dress 135 North Summit. WANTED Woman desires position as housekeeper for widower; can give references. Address Box 226, Penbrook, Pa. Situation Wanted—Male ami Female WANTED Colored man and wife wish positions as cook and butler. Call, or address, 660 Brlggs street. UlulL ESI ATE i'Olt sALt FOR SALE Apartment house. 404 North Second street; live apartments and store; steam heat and all modern improvements. Apply, or address, M. Mall, 2(16 Herr street. FOR SALE l5Ol Berrynill; 3-story brick; 10 rooms; all improvements; front and back porch. Room tor garage on rear. Apply 1501 Berryhill. FOR SALE 77 Acres; 7 miles from Harrisburg: one-fourth mile from Car lisle pike on Silver Spring road; 2 miles from Meciianlcsburg; level lime stone soil: brick and frame dwelling; frame bank barn; tenant house and stable; (j limekilns in running order; running water. Brintoii-Packer Co., Se ,ond and Walnut streets. FOR SALE— -1703 Derry St.; 3-story brick; a rooms and bath; furnace; lot, 111x121. 1811 Regina St.: 3-story brick; 10 rooms, bath am steam heat; porch front and rear; drive alley on rear; iot, 17x110. BRINTON-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Sis. NO. 1258 SWATARA STREET FOR E Price reasonable brick house all improvements large house with light from three sides, in spect at once. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE No. 110 South street three-story brick B-room house, bath —gas and furnace. Inquire of C. Studebaker, Second at State street. $2,400 WILL BUY a three-story frame house with all improvements lot, 21 x9O to paved street on rear. Get par ticulars. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Eight-room brick and frame house, all modern improvements, Just completed, Lennox street, Cloverly Heights. No reasonable offer refused for quick sale. Call Bell phone 3553 R. 110-ACRE FARM, 2% miles"from En ola for sale large house, suitable for two families apple and peach orchard lO acres woodland large bank barn other buildings stock also for sale possession April 1. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Desirable building lots in tlia Tenth Ward, located on Fourth, Fifth, Schuylkill r.nd Atlas streets. An opportunity for a builder or real estate dealer to secure well located property for development purposes. Ad dress 1,.. No. 1587. care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Dauphin "iiuse and lot. House. 24x60, three stories, 10 rooms. :! largo liallfc; modern improvements. Ver> low price to quick buyer. Inquire R, A. Simmons, Pottsville, Fa. REAL ESTATE I'OR KENT FOR RENT 273 Brlggs street; 8 looms and bath; possession at once. Rent, $22.00 per month. Inquire F. 1;. Oyster, Business Office of Telegrapii. FOR RENT House 266 Herr street; !) rooms and balh; furnace; coal and ges ranges; 5 gas radiators; station p, i..- washstands in several rooms; screens und awnings. Possession April 1. Apply 129 Pine street, or Mrs. J. McK. Reily, Apartment 5, Tho Kenil wortli, Buffalo, N. Y. FOII RENT 2%-story detached houses, eight rooms with all Improve ments, on Schuylkill street, near Jeffer son. at $16.50 per month. Address Wit tertmycr Lumber Co., Seventh and Schuylkill, FOR RENT 623 Wlconisco street— 3-story brick 8 rooms large porch and bay window front and rear all improvements. Apply C. H. Mauk, 1715 North Sixth street. I'OR RENT —First and second floors, all improvements, partly furnished if desired. 1816 Green street. FOR RENT Residence 113 South Front street; city steam; electricity and gas. Also two rooms, 111 South River avenue, suitable for business purposes. J. W. Park, 32 North Second. FOR RENT ill North Second street; 3-story brick; 9 rooms and bath: all lmprove uents; electric bells all rocms to kitch*n; excellent location. Possession April I. Apply 1100 North Front street. FOR RENT Three-story brick ■dwelling. 1015 Market street; eight rooms; bath; furnace heat; paved cel lar; hot and cold water; possession at once. Inquire 213 Pine street. FOR RENT Houses with all improve ments at moderate rentals. J. E. Glpple, 1251 Market street. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED TO RENT A small place with from one to ten acres for one year, with privilege of buying if suited, not over eight miles from Harrisburg near trolley or train. Address Box S., 2207, cure of Harrisburg Telegraph. APARTMKi* TS FOR RENT KOR RENT An apartment with seven looms ami bathroom, balcony, with dumb-waiter and clothes drier. -01 Walnut street. City steam. A PAR T .M E N T S for rent, rhird floor apartment at W'alz dorf, six rooms, tiled bath and pantry, all very light, city steam, facing capitol, also April 1, second floor. Inquire 400 North street. APARTMENTS KOI! RENT—Fourth and - elTer street.3 and Schuylkill and Also houses 623-635-639 [Schuylkill. Possession at once. In quire of .1. C. Melirlng, 2439 Sixth street, or at Mehrlng's Drug: Store, Fourth and I Peffer streets. APARTMENT FOR RENT Five rooms and bath, with ail modern con veniences. Apply 111S North Sixth street. FOR RENT 127 South Fourteenth street, first floor apartment; 5 rooms and bath; large cellar front and side porches. Inquire 125 South Fourteenth street. MaeDANIELS FURNISHED APAKT MENTS For light housekeeping- two second floor front large rooms; bay window; bath; up-to-date; gas range; private meter: bells and mail boxes. 1-117 Market street. Phone 897 J. FOR RENT Three rooms and batli, bedroom, diningrooin and kitchen; gas range; balcony: cltv steam; no children. Call after 10:30 A. M.. 24A South Fourth street, third lloor apart ment. FOR RENT Apartment 3 rooms, including range, bath, toilet elegant location use of bath and phone. Ap ply to C. 11. Mauk, 1715 North Sixth street. FIRST FLOOR APARTMENT FOR RENT Six rooms and bath; large closets and pantry: all the modern con veniences. No. tills North Third street. Opposite Capitol Park. Apply to Dr. James. liUUMS L'OK REN'.'' FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, with use of bath, phone and city steam; gentlemen preferred. 70S Capi tal street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping; hot and cold water and bath: good location. Apply 20 North Seventeenth street. FOR RENT Two large rooms, com municating (one a front room); well heated and lighted; use of bath and telephone; good location. 210 South Thirteenth street. Bell phone 17'JIJ. ROOMS FOR RENT Large second floor front room, facing Reservoir Park- steam heat, electric and gas light and bath; private family. Apply 1847 Regina street. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping: all con veniences, including gas, heat and bath; good location. Apply 234 North Fifteenth street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or ensuilo; all conveniences, in cluding phone; reference required. Ap ply 1015 North Front street. FOR RENT Four-room flat; all conveniences. Apply 516 State street. KOOMS WANTED WANTED Two unfurnished rooms by jouiik. married couple without chil dren, within fifteen minutes' walk of Market street. Address C., 2223, care of Telegraph. WANTED WANTED —r SI,OOO on first mort gage. 6 per cent.; $25 bonus. Address W., 2218. care of Telegraph. WANTED GOOD SECOND-HAND TYPE WRITER— By private individual—must b.' cheap. Address, giving make, price,, etc., K.. 2215, carte of Telegraph. WANTED. AT ONCE Second-hand 8 or 10-horse-power gasoline engine; must be in good condition. Address E., 2213, care of Telegraph. WANTED A temporary home In refined home of no small children for boy two years; mother a widow. Ad dress Mrs. Carrie Lakjer, P. S. L. Hos pital. Pouch A, Harrisburg. Pa. WANTED A young man wishes young Kenlleman as roommate; room faces Capitol Park; has all conveni ences. Apply between 7 and 8 P. M.. at 410 North street. MOTOIttYM.NS \M) BICYCLES bought anil highest cosh prices paid. Drop us .1 postal and buyer will call. Keystone Cycle Co., 8H North Third street. United phone lli\V. WANTED Large, comfortably fur nished . room, between Market and Broad streets, by refined, young couple, for April 1. Slate price in answering. Address J., 2219, care of Telegraph. W ANT 10 D—Office furniture for one or two rooms. Answer at once. P. O. Box 74, Ilarrisburg, Pa. WANTED TO KENT Cottage or place along Conodoguinet Creek or (he river, near the car line. Apply Mr. Grimm, care of Bowman & Co. 75c TO S3 PAID for Old Broken Sets of False Teeth in any condition. High est prices paid for old Gold or Silver such as Rings. Pins, Watches, Watch Cases, etc.; also Dental Goid, Crowns and Bridge Work. Drop postal—we'll call. This week only. Box M, 2208, care of Telegraph. FOK SALE FOR .-'A — 1914 Cadillac; must be sold at once. Private only. No rea sonable Nifer refused. Address E. J., 2210, care of Telegraph. DOORS PPR SALE at Gable's, 111-117 South Second street. All sizes. Cypress, White Pine and Fir Doors, Porch work Sarli, Shutters and Mouldings. TYPEWRITER Remington Stan dard Model 8; almost good us new; will sell for one-fourth its cost when new. A bargain. Address "H.," Box 501, Mil lersburg. Pa. WHITE LEGHORN Hatching loggs for cale. Young-Wyclcoff strain, SI.OO per setting—s6.CO per hundred. Also stoc.'. for sale. Address Elkview Poultry Farm, fcipeecevllle. Pa. FOR SALE Cash grocery store doing good business, two squares from P. Ft. I!. Station. Reason for selling, bad health. Will sell right. Inquire 010 Mat-lay street. FOR SALE One and 2 % -H.-P. mo torcycle engine complete running order can be used on boat or mo torcycle. First $lO-takes it. Keystone Cycle Co.. 814 North Third street. FOR SALE Three motorcycle tan dems all different makes. Prices, J.I. $4 and $5 each. See these bar gains. Keystone Cycle Co., 814 North Third street. FOR SALE Three bicycles all good condition new paint, etc. See these bargain at sfi. $8 and $lO. Key stone Cycle Co., 814 North Third street. FOR SALE A "White Cross' elec tric vibrator in perfect order. Will sell reasonable on account of having no further use for same. Apply H3 South Fourteenth street. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Jennlng strain Indian Runner Duck Eggs for hatching, *1 00 per setting, $7.00 per hundred. Slock M'.SO for sale. Elkview Poultry Farm, , Speecevllle, Pa. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FOR SALE FOR SALE AT GABLE'S. 113, 115 and 117 South Second street, 5,000 gal lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. •FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business office. FOR SALE—One S-inch Sand Pump with 10xl2-inch center crank, engine, boiler and paddle wheels, all mounted on a flat IS ft. wide by 45 ft. long. Four flats 12x40 ft., nearly new. One locomotive crane, self propelling, on standard gauge track. Capacity 30,000 Pounds, at 10-ft. radius, 770 pounds at 30-ft. radius. One cubic yard Clam Shell Bucket, nearly new. Above ma terial now at Lewistown, Pa. For par ticulars inquire of H. J. Stannert, Northumberland, Pa. FOR SALE Bloch. baby carriage; up-to-date model; slightly used. Call Bell phone IS3J. FOR SALE Eggs for hatching. Single Comb White Leghorn, Barron strain. Prize winner at Poultry Show. SI.OO for Ilfleen eggs or $6.00 per hun dred. G. M. Border. Camp Hill, Pa. Phone 3181 M. SPECIAL BUTTERINE SALE for two weeks—s lbs. Butterine and 5 lbs. Granulated Sugar, $1.25. One Jt>. But terine. 19c. Baturin & Co., 1005 North Third street. FOR SALE Printing Plant, two presses, type, three stones, cutter, etc. Must be moved. Sell cheap. Box 221 Lititz. Pa. BARGAINS in L. C. Smith and Bros, and Underwood Typewriters; also one Corona, one Monarch, one Oliver. Prices reasonable. L. C. Smith and Bros, 36 South Fourth. CIGARS For a limited time we are giving "50 Madame X" and "25 Miss Lou for sl, postpaid. Snell & Co., Red Lion, Pa. Satisfaction, or money back. FOR SALE Mated team of black mares; weight. 2.500; perfectly sound; all purpose team; work anywhere hitched, single or double; fearless of steam ai.d automobiles; five years old. Address, or call, 11. S. Ilenry, Honey Grove. Pa. FOR SALE A Three Bellows Ball- Bearing Vacuum Carpet Sweeper on easy monthly instalment. Will ship anywhere upon a small payment with the order. Write Murray. P. O. Box 263, Johnstown, Pa. FOR SALE Hatching Eggs from larr'e and healthy S. C. Rhode Island Red liens. Price, $1.50 per setting of 15 e-gs. Fertility guaranteed. N. L. Siioop, care of Fritctiey's Farm, Ling lestown. KOR SALE Several Ford touring cars and other makes. Right prices. K. W. Shank, Maxwell Dealer, 33-1 Chestnut street. Bell phone 724. FOR SALE Mlfflinburg carriage, double seated, in first-class condition. Apply at Garage, 1713 Fourth street. Bell phone 595 J. FOR SALE Upright Piano, prac tically new, by pat ty leaving city, at a bargain. Address H., 2212, care of Telegraph. FOR SAtiK—l9ll starter Hupinobile, fi-passt nger touring; driven 3,700 miles. Guaranteed in first-class condition. Apply S4 South Cameron street. Call Bell, 3303. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and Board and Table Board at 26c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. If paid In advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. I'OK KENT FOR RENT Room 3500 square feet floor space, suitable for storage or light manufactur ing purposes. Inquire J. Rhoads, Cowden and Forster streets. BUSINESS oprou'i-uxrruus A GOOD PAVING Liniment Route recipe cut —Government serial guar antee book of retail and wholesale trado with full right and instructions of manufacture. Will be secrinced. Call from 4 to 7 P. M. -uso good Bicycle for sale. The Wolfe Medicine Co.. 13." Sassafras street, City. WANTED A Bond or Stock sales man to seil 8 per cent. preferred Hosiery stock. R. 54, care of Telegraph. CASH GROCERY STORE FOR SALE at inventory. Business in prosperous condition. Rent for dwelling and store only $25 per month. Particulars at Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. I MADE $50,000 in Ave years in the mail order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells bow. liea cock. 355 Lockport, N. Y. ANY intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock port, N. Y. BUSINESS I'KRONALS FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Ifair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary. 119 Market street Ilarrlsburg. Pa. Telephone o'-ders given prompt attention Bell 1960. GET instruction from an expert a ; horthand naturalist, one who knows L»arn on a blank keyboard. Ask my students? Harrlsburg Shorthand School, f.l North Second street. Bell 704 R. 7)1 J> GOLD AND SILVER, Watches Diamonds and Jewelry bought for highest cash prices. Jos. D. Brenner jeweler. No. 1 North Third street Beli phone 1274 L. PIANO MOVING done by experts Winter Piano Co., 2;! North Fourth street. Also call Bell telephone 146. HAULING 11. W. LATHE. Hoarding; S«„l»le and National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul- Ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No 2503 R. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts insure yout satisfaction. S. N. Cluck, 320 Woodbine street. MONEY TO LOAN LOANS —$5 to S2OO for honest work ing people without bank credit at less than legal rates, payable in instalments to suit borrowers convenience. Cooperative Loan and Investment Co. 204 Chestnut Street. ANY person needing money in amounts from $5 to SSO holding *a sal aried position, would be benefited by calling on us. Employes' Discount Co., 36 North Third street. LOANS—SS TO S2OO for honest working people keeping house. Rates less than legal. Pay ments weekly or monthly. No notification of employer or friends. CO-OPERATIVE L. & I. CO. 204 Chestnut Street Authorized capital, SIOO,OOO. • THE MARKETS DEALINGS RECORDED IN SMALL VOLUME Stocks Continue to Reflect Cau tious Attitude of Traders at Beginning of Day By Associated Press New York. March 2. Stocks con tinued to reflect the cautious attitude of traders at the outset of to-day's market, price changes being of a mixed character. Union Pacific. Northern Pa cific and Lehigh Valley were fraction ally lower, while Canadian Pacific. New York Central, New Haven and Ontario and Weshtern made substantial gains. | Dealings were in much smaller volume ; than on the preceding day. XEW YORK STOCKS Furnished by 11. M. Suavely. 208 Arcade Building. New York, March 2. Open .High. Low. Clog. Alaska G M 28% 2!)% 28% 29 Atual Cop . 53% 53% 53 % 53% Am Bt Bug 38% 39■">„ 38% 38% Am Can .. 26'* 26% 26% 26% Am Can pd 93 93 93 93 AIU C& F. 40% 40% 40% 4uy> Am Ice Sec 2« 2 6 25% 25% Am Loco . 20 20 19 19 Am Smelt . lil % 62% 61% 62% Am T & T. 120 120'/3 120 120% Anaconda . 26 26 25% 25% Atchison .. 94% 95 94 % 94% B&O '64% 65% 61% 65% ' Beth Steel. 54% 55% 54% 54% Bklyn RT. 87 87% 87 87 Cal Petro.. 17% 17% 17% 17% Can Pacific 154% 155 % 154 % 155 % Cent Leath 33% 34% 33% 33% C&O 40 41 40 40% C. M&StP 85 85 85 85 C Con Cop. 35% 35% 35% 35% Con Gas .. 115% 117 115% 117 Corn Prod. 9% 9% 9% si % Dist Sec .. 10 10 5% 7% Erie 21 21 % 20 % 21 % Erie Ist pfd 33% 33% Gen Motors 93 93 % 93 93% Goodrli BF 31 31 Gt Nor pfd 113% 114% 113% 114% Gt N Ore s 31 % 31% Gug Exp . . 50 50 In-Met pfd 55% 56% 55% 56% K C So . . 22 22 Lehigh Val 132 132 Louis & N. 110% 111',,, 110% 111 Mex Petro. 66% 66% 66 66 Mo Pac .. 12 12% 11% 11% Nov C C . . 12 12 N T Cent.. 82% 83% 82 82% NY, NHS II 46% 48% 46% 17% Nor &- W. 100'," 101 100% 101 Nor Pac .. 100% 100% 100% 100% Pac Mail . . 18% 19 18% 19 P K R ... 104% 104% 104 % 104% Pgh Coal . 20% 20% Press S Car 28 28 R C Copper 16% 11!% 16% 16% Reading .. 142% 143% 142% 143 R I & S.. 20 20 19% 19% So Pacific. 82% 82% 82 82 So Railway 13% 14% 13% 11% Tenn Cop.. 27 % 27% 27 2 7 Texas Co . 129% 129% 129 129 Third Ave. 48% 48% 48% 48% Union Pac. 117% 118% 117% 11S% U S Rubber 54 51 IT S Steel. . 42 % 43 % 42 % 42 *s r S S pfd. 103% 104% 103% 104% Utah Cop.. 51% 52 51% 51% West Md.. 17 17 West V Tel 63 63 % 63 6 3 West Mfg. 66% 68 66% 68 PHILADEI.PHI t STOCKS By Associated Press Philadelphia, March 2.—Stocks closed steady. Cambria Steel 3% General Asphalt \sked 26 General Asphalt. Pfd Asked 60 I>ake Superior Asked 7 Lehigh Navigation 7 1 Lehigh Valley 66 Pennsylvania Railroad 52% Philadelphia Electric 23% Philadelphia Company ...Asked 30 Philadelphia Co.. Pfd Asked 30 Philadelphia Rapid Transit 10 l ,i Reading 71 1-16 Reading Geenral Mortgage 91 Storage Battery 48% Union Traction Asked 3 1 United Gas Improvement 1 United States Steel 42^ Warwick Steel 9 % PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By Associated Press Philadelphia. March 2. Wheat Lower; No. 2. red, spot, export, sl.LVfi' 1.50: No. 1. Northern, Duluth, export, $1.53® 1.58. Corn --- Weak: No. 2, spot, export, 74<f»78c; No. 2. vellow, local, 77®78c. Oats Weals; No. 2. white, 61® 62c. ' ' Bran Weak: winter, per ton, $26.50@29.00; spring;, ,cr ton, $26.00® 26.50. Refined Sugars—Market steady; pow dered, B.8Bc; tine granulated, 5.75 c; con fectloners' A, 5.65 c. Butter The market is steady; \vesti:n, creamery, extras, 32c; nearby, prints, fancv. 3Ec. Eggs The market Is lower; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free eases, $6.45 per ease: do., current receipts, free cases, $6.30 per $6.45 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $6.30 per case. Live Poultry Firmer; fowls. 1 J r u 16 %c! old roosters. 11(0)llVfcc; chickens, 13«?16c; turkeys. 15@17c; ducks, 13@ 16c; geese, 12®) 16c. Dressed Poultry Steady; turkeys, fancy, 21c; do., fair to good, 18@>20c; fowls, heavy, 17%@18Uc; do., average. 15H@17c; do., small, 14®>15c; old roosters, 14c; broiling chickens, inear bv. 18<fC23c; western. 141® 22c; -oast- Ing chickens, 17@20c; ducks. 12@18e; geese. ioff?l4e. Potatoes Market weak: Penn sylvania. per bushel, 53©55 c; Maine, per bushel, 45(fi50c; New York, 40© 48c; Jersey, per basket. 30©)35c. STORAGE STORAGE 419 Broad sTreet] for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. Both phones. FIREPROOF STORAGE warehouse, divided Into private rooms for .Storage of household Roods. Low Insurance. Inspection Invited. General merchan dise warehouse and household goods warehouse are located on tracks of Penn. R. R.. 437-445 South Second street, llarrlsburg Storage Company. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the Board of Pardons on March 17, 1915, at 10 o'clock A. M.. in the Supreme Court at Harris burg. Pa., for an absolute pardon oil .March 17. 1915, of James W. Teal, a prisoner now out on parole who was sentenced on September 26. 1»1 o, for a term of not less than 14 months and not more than live years for the crime of Assault with Intent to Rape from Dauphin county. In the Estate of Joslah Monn, late of llarrlsburg. Dauphin County, Pa., de- NOTICE IS hereby -Iven that the Register of Wills for Dauphin County has gpanted Letters Testamentary to the undersigned on the said Estate. All persons Indebted to said Estate will please make payment promptly, and those having claims will present them without delp.y, to HARRISBURG TRUST COMPANY, Executor. No. 16 South Market Square. Harris burg. Pa. MARCH 2, 1915. Heavy Gale Puts Stop to Dardanelles Attack By Associated Press London, March 2. 12.10 P. M.—Op erations or :iie French and British j fleets against the Turkish fortifications! on the Dardanelles, which during the; past week had taken the warships of the allies some fifteen miles through this well defended and narrow water way, are at a standstill to-day on ac count of a gale of wind accompanied bv a heavy mist which hinders the efficient marksmanship of the naval gunners necessary to reduce the second line of forts concealed by the hill.. This respite is likely to prove oi , benefit to tiie Turks but the allies. I realizing the necessity of pushing any Oriental offensive movement with en ergy, will resume the attack as soon as possible. WILSON GRKETS CORN GROWERS Washington, D. C„ March 2.—Presi- j di nl Wilson to-day shook hands with thirty-nine boys and girls, champion | corn growers, from lowa, Minnesota, j Illinois, Pennsylvania, New York and] Massachusetts. CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago. 111., March 2. Hogs Re ceipts. 18,000; strong. Bulk of sales, $6.65®6.75: light. $6.55©6.82%; mixed, $6.50©6.82%; heavy. $6.25@6.80; rough, $6.25®6.40; pigs, $5.76®6.86. Cattle Receipts. 3,000; steady. Na tive steers, $5.50®9.15; western steers, $5.00® 7.10; cows and heifers, $3.50® 7.70; calves. $6.50® 10.00. Sheep Receipts, 8,000; strong. Sheep. $6.90®7.90; yearlings, $ 7.75 8.70; lambs, $7.75@9.90. CHICAGO BOARD OF THAUE Bv Associated Press i Chicago, 111., March 2.—Board of Trade closing: Wheat—May, 1.42%: July. 1.16%. <'orn—May, 72 :, i; July, 7t- 1 «. Oats—.May. 55%: Julv, 51 . Pork—May, 17.32; Jjuly, 17.75. Laril—May, 10.30; July, 10.50. Ribs—May, 9.90; July, 10.17. FOR SALE New 3-story brick house, 1819 Herr street, facing Arsenal Park. Never occupied, 8 rooms, hall and bath, all improvements, steam heat, cement cellars, concrete walks and steps, grass plots, side en trance, front and back porches, .lust finished in up-to-date stvle. Price, $3,000. ISI9 Boas street, new 3-story brick, never occupied, all improve ments; possession al once; price 1L.,00. 1831 Boas street, 3-story frame, ail improvements, cement •cellar, concrete walks, side en trance. Price. $2,000. FOR RENT— BIO N. 16th street, furnished house. 3-story brick, 9 rooms, hall and bath; 5..0.00 per month. Possession at once. Inquire CHAS. BARNHART 1821 WHITEHALL STREET Owner and Builder j! The Nittany Iron Co., of Bellefonte, Penna., has been jl purchased by Michlovitz & Co., Harrisburg, Pa. The wliole entire blast furnace plant, consisting of the following j> ,| machinery, large and small engines and boilers, drums, largo and small '1 j, pumps, lathes, two railroad locomotives, standard gauge and a few i> railroad flat cars. Two or three miles of rails, also electric generators !> . i blacksmith shop complete, machine shop, with tools, railroad scale' «' ij elevators, floor plates, etc. We will sell this plant at a bargain price' l! |! Get busy. Apply to » f »•<=• <, MICHLOVITZ & COMPANY !> Both Phones HAKRISBUKG, PENNA. !j " 1 . - | „ I SECOND STREET STORE ROOM FOR RENT 103, near Walnut; From April 1; very desir- H able, clean location; reasonable rental. G. L. CULLMERRY ■ COMM (;XWEALTH TRUST BUILDING House Dress Aprons |L Direct From Manufacturer to You Mke illufltration-—nicely made In (It atan«lar<l per rale* of extra quality—liirht, cadet nml navy blue— J J wltli pocket-—SO Inchca Iting. Pr '"Wr 47c—2 For 90c Satisfaction guaranteed. Otherwise return goods and we will refund money. [IHK- Moll your order now. together with remittance, !«♦*•** NtiitliiK quantity ami eolor deMircil, to THE D. & S. COMPANY DAUPHIN, PA. "St7ie U B N ° im mi 11 —— M— ■■———■————» — APA RTM ENTS Suites of 2 Rooms and Bath IN THE Reynard, 208 N. Third St. Large, light, airy, and comfortable rooms. Steam heat and constant hot and cold water supplied. Hardwood floors; electric light; wired for telephone service. TILED BATHROOMS. APPLY TO Commonwealth Trust Company, 222 Market Street HarrUburg, Pa» - 111 HIRING ON MINK AUBNDMBKTS ! The Senate mines and mining: coni- I to-day gave a hearing on tlie i bill amending: the present anthracite I mine rode so as to bring: all mint* | workers under the proposed workmen's compensation law and requiring" that i mine foremen before their appointment i shall have live years' experience in I cutting: coal in a hard < oal mine. RUPTURE CURED WITHOUT THE KNIFE The Shanaman's Spermatic |Shield Instrument and Electric Treatment will positively cure all curable Ruptures. Send for my booklet. Tt explains why drug store trusses, advertised fake j trusses, can not cure rupture, and I why they do more harm than good. TESTIMONIAL | Mr. J. S. Shanamnn & Son: I J am very glad to say thai your I Spermatic Shield Truss and Electric Treatment lias cured my rupture in throe months' time. Thanks lor same. Before I heard of you 1 sent for a Col lins truss and liniment. When the package came I lound only 36 inches t>f suspenders webbing and some sort of a pad fixed at one end, and he called it a truss. Is It not a shame how the unfortunate ruptured people can be so shamefully Immbuged. Yours truly. JOSEPH FINICLE. Duncannon. Pa. J. S. Shanaman & Son RIiPTUItE SPECIALISTS 408 MARKET STREET Above IJlener'a Jewelry Store ! For Rent Desirable offices in the Union Trust Building. Apply Union Trust Company 1V jl THE iiarnsburg Polyclinic Dispen sary will be open dally, except Sundav. at 3 P. M„ at Its new location, lldi | North Second street, for thu freo treat ment of tho worthy poor. nijßßEr? STAMHfI .|f£J SEALS S, STENCILS B#V ! Ul" MFG.BYHBG.STENCILWORKS ■ || 11 130 LOCUSTST. HBG.PA. If ' MONEY TO LOAN > at leaa tliuu legal rntca, In any I amounte. Pnyablc In imttulnientii to ■nit borrower. Poaltlvely loneat ratea In the city. Pennsylvania Investment Co. 13- walnut sthkkt 1 * 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers