| 10 YOU MEED WORK? REAft TELEGRAPH CLASSIFIED) ABS ] DIED CDINGER John Klinger aged about .'>9 years died last night. He was an employe of the Breisford ■acking House for about llfteen years. Vlll his relatives please communicate >«fi Hoover it Son, Undertakers. 1413 .'<n>h Second street, in regard to uneral arrangements. tt'NKLE On February 19. 1915, lto maine Elizabeth, youngest child of Edward D. and Mary E. Runkle, aged 2 years. 1 month and 9 days. Funeral on Monday afternoon, at 2 clock, from parents' residence, 1511 tegina street. Burial private. The elatives and friends are invited to at end without further notice. IARKS Died. February 18. 1915, Samuel A. Marks, Sr., at his late home. 414 Herr street. Funeral services will be held at the bove address Sunday evening, at 6:30, v the Rev. Gottscliall. of York. Burial ■ill be made at Lewistown, Monday lorning. ItAIG On February 19. 1915. Cathe rine C„ widow of the late William S. Craig, 408 Briggs street, aged 44 years. _ . Private services Sunday. Burial londay at Danville. Pa. Kindly omit owers. LOST LOST Browr. Collie, with white l>ots on neck and stomach. Liberal award if returned to Lock House, be n-een Harrisburg and Steelton, to De alt! Reinliard. LOST A T. O. fraternity pin. be iveen Briggs street and Market Square n Third, or on Third street car. He ard it returned to M. G. Wolbert, 301 riggs street. LOST. STRAYED OR STOLEN On ebruarv 11. a large, white, yellow and altesc spotted cat: answers to name of usle. Reward if returned to Clara E. >'olfe, 1423 Shoop street, City. FOUND FOUND The way to end your icanlng and dyeing worries, by calling Ither phone for Eggert's Steam Dye lg and French Cleaning Works, 1245 larket street. We call and deliver. II K.I.P WANTED —MLalo SALESMAN WANTED MAN of ability to sell a high grade bonl-lide article to well to-do people in Harrisburg and vicinity for local concern. Must be willing to operate the automo bile (learning it necessary), fur nished for his use. Excellent op portunity for hustling young man of integrity. Communications will be treated strictly confiden tial. Address 1565, care of lele gr&pb. WANTED A drug clerk a Q. A. pply Rlckert Eighteenth and AA ainut reets. City. w ANTED An experienced harness laker One who can take charge of ic stock Address E.. 1569, care of elegraph. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy | i iret Jlv free booklet, H-3i tells jw. Examinations in this State soon, rite to-day—NOW. Earl Hopkins, aslilngton, D. C. _ >u MONTHLY and expenses, travel, samples, take orders, ap >int agents; permanent. .lap-Atnerl iiiCo.. ogden and Taylor. Chicago. S \LESMBN for architectural and in iistria 1 varnishes, either reKular or de line Good commission. The Tlgei arnish Co., Cleveland. Ohio. , vTi.-n Sufferers from Stomach rouble to trv Dr. Leon's Tonic Herbs imple for four cents in stamps to Iver cost of mailing and labor. The e r Era Co.. Box 792. Harrisburg. s■>soo ANNUALLY. Co-operate with e evenings at home. Everything Jur ished Don't worry about capital, oyd H. Brown, Omaha. Neb. t WILL PAY honest men up to $»0 onthlv. Spare time. Home work. No invassing. No capital. Mnil Order usiness. Voorhles. Desk lou, Omaha, eb. S VLESMAN Salary and expenses, xperience unnecessary. Pe !™f eneral Agency opening. I<air\iew urseries, Rochester, N. «• WANTED Traveler for 1915. Age to 50. Experience unnecessary. >al- . ■v commission and expense allowance ► ' right man. .1. E. Mcßrady, ( liicago. j TO $lO A DAY easily made. Co jerate with us. No capital or exoeri- j ice necessary. Write at once. A. \\ i >urdan. 2911 West Virginia street,: vansville, lud. i WANTED Names and addresses by i ail Order Houses; big pay; home! ork- information for stamp. Direct ppeal Co.. Plymouth. Indiana. | GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS - borough instruction, $5. Returned if I >t appointed. Particulars free. Ameri- ; in Civil Service School, Washington, | . C. j WOULD $l5O monthly interest you? j so, secure vour countv for that re- , arkablc seller. Anti-Thief Combina- ; ition Automobile Switch Lock: thief! •oof; no competition; you should easily irn this, then some. Send for con - 1 act. Anti-Thief Lock Co., Dept. 191, 1 idianapolis. MEN. 20 to 30 years old. wanted ai j ice for electric railway motornien and : inductors; S6O to SIOO monthly; no ex uicncn necessary; fine opportunity; . > strike. Write immediately for ap [ication blank. Address R.. 1523. care . ' Telegraph. BECOME Railway Mail Clerks: liar- 1 sburg Mail Carriers. $65.00 to $150.00 onth. Pull unnecessary. Schedule of inter and Spring examinations—free, -anklin Institute, Dept. 361-B, Roches r, N. Y. WANTED Railway mail and postal erks: examinations soon: ovet 2,000 ipointments yearly: prepare at home: rite for Plan No. 15 of payment after ipointment. Philadelphia Business >llege. Civil Service Dept., Philadel lla. Pa. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED wherever there Is water supply to sell a household icessit.v. 100 per cent, profit. Send ic for sample. Swedesford Specialty [>., NVirrlstown, Pa. NE W HOUSES BELLEVUE TWU NTV-riHST STItEKT \MI HII.I.SIDK ItOAU im.I.SIDi: AM) Y{M2YAUD XIOADS NOW REAPY FOR INSPECTION Flue, lintiatmll.v u H l-luillt, llvnlilf Houiifx mwilfra In ntyle cotiuilele In <l<*(nll nml fluflftli «tn«l every iip-tu-Hnte vunveuleuve. Miller Brothers & Co. t'GDKHAL S<tl ARB OPP. POST OFFICE SATURDAY EVENING, AGENTS WANTED "BILLY SUNDAY'S MESSAGE." Agents wanted in all central Pennsyl vania towns and country districts. Great book, authorized bv Mr. Sunday, contains his copyright sermons and il lustrations. Price, SI.OO and $1.50. Agents now handling are making $5 to $lO a day clear. Get our proposi j tlon and free sample outfit. Keystone • Book and Bible House, Box 596. Har j rlsburg. Pa. i AGENTS lf I had your name I I could show you how to earn $25 to SSO weekly. Greatest seller In years. Over i 700,000 sold In last six months. Every I housewife WILL BUV ON SIGHT. Pos j tal brings liberal « roposition and Free I Sample. Address Manufacturer, 1 Union i Square. New York. | WANTED Agents for our new Dol lar-a-Month Accident and Health poli | cies (Including natural death benefit); to men and women: all occupations. , Liberal commissions. National Acci i dent Society, 320 Broadway, New York, j ( Established 1885). i SALESMEN Acquainted with gro [ eery trade; large demand; liberal com mission. Pocket sample. Wirth Sales book Co., Chicago. GROW RICH IN BUSINESS OF YOUR I OWN Gel out of the wage-earner's class. Your co-operation with our fac tory starts you with little capital dur ing spare time In your own home. We manufacture exclusive articles. No can vassing. Experience unnecessary. Write for booklet and proposition. Ad dress Pease Mfg. Co., Dept. D-60, Buf j falo. N. Y. BILLY SUNDAY'S MESSAGE Au thorized. We will pay you $120.00 to distribute It in your neighborhood. 60 days' work. Great opportunity for man or woman. Spare time may be used. Particulars and sample free. Uni versal Bible House, Philadelphia. COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE WANT ED Must be hustler and buy out right. Manufacturers and jobbers of high-grade utilities. State County de sired. Two-cent stamp brings full in formation. J. B. Rosenheim. Founda tion Fund. 114 North Eighth street. Philadelphia, Pa. DON'T be an agent. Make SSOO week ly. Co-operate with me evenings at home. Others are growing rich. I will help you and furnish everything. Don't worry, about capital. Boyd H. Brown, Dept. 10, Omaha, Neb. WE WILL PAY you $l2O to dis tribute religious literature in your community. Sixty day's work. Ex perience not required. Man or Woman. Spare time may be used. Zfeigler Co., Philadelphia. Pa. BIG MONEY being made every day by our live Agents selling our automo bile supplies. Write for free instruc tions telling how. Conestoga Supply Co., Berwyn, Pa. AGENTS Make big profits selling our Automobile specialties. Large de mand for goods. Success assured. In vestigate. Morrls-Kineaid Co., 134 East Sixtieth street. New York. AGENTS lncrease your earnings by handling our specialty. It's a fast seller and easily demonstrated. For particulars write The Overpeck Supply Co., Ottsvllle, Pa. WANTED Refined, trustworthy woman to introduce PRISCILLA FABRICS. Petticoats, Hosiery among personal friends. Good income easily earned. Nothing risked. Get particu lars. Fitzcharles, Trenton, New Jersey. AGENTS in every town. 300 per cent, profit. No competition. Something new. Success assured. Write for propo sition at once. IComfort Kollar Klip Co., Carlisle, Pa. AGENTS WANTED To sell article wMeh Is positively needed in every home. Demonstration makes a sure sale. Big commission. One sale brings others. Call 1713 Petin street. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Experience unnecessary, easy work, big pay. Write for large list of openings offering op portunities to earn SIOO to .SSOO a month while you learn. Address nearest, office. Dept. 24 4, National Salesmen's Training Association. Chicago, New York. Kansas City. San Francisco. WANTED Aggressive, live-wire salesman, full time or side line, to sell our Weil Known line of Temperance Drinks in the small country towns. 1 Permanent position. 25 per cent, com mission. $35.00 weekly drawing ac count. Red r*ross Company, 206 South Main street, St. Louis, Mo., Dept. Z. WANTED An energetic salesman who can make SSO to SIOO weekly sell in"' our own line of copyright exclu sive Calendars, Fans. Novelties and Cloth Specialties direct to tlie trade for advertising purposes in eight coun ties in Southern Pennsylvania. To be ~in work ilurch 1. Line good the year round; protected territory assigned. We are calendar manufacturers (not job bers). No better line in America for the hustling, ambitious salesman who will cover his territory thoroughly. If vou mean business, white Sales Man ager. Merchants Publishing Co., Kala mazoo, Michigan. SALESMEN. visiting Industrial plants, make big money on the side selling our well advertised products. Repeat order* assured. Address Fed eral. Box 190, Station' C, Cleveland, Ohio. HELP WANTED —Female LARGE KNITTING MILL invites cor respondence from women desirous of earning money, part or full time. Good pay. Experience i nnecessary. Inter national knitting Mills, Wes Philadel phia, Pa. LADIES lmmediately. Filling and labeling boxes. Home employment evenings. No experience. No can vassing. l«ocal work. Excellent oppor tunity-. Enclose stamp. Erlna Speci alty Co.. Toronto. Ont. DO EASY, pleasant coloring work at home: good pay: no canvassing; no ex perience required. Write Gleason Wheeler Co., 837 Madison. Chicago. LADIES —For home work. Nothing to sell. 25c per hour. Enclose stamp. Rankin & Dodson, 118 Elm street, Hillsdale. Pa. LADIES Can make $lO weekly eopving. addressing ami mailing samples: no canvassing; particulars for stamp. American Co., 2355 Orthodox, Philadelphia. MADAM Earn sl3 to $25 weekly. Co-operate with me evenings at home. No canvassing. Everything furnished. Don't worry about capital. I will help 1 you. Boyd C. Brown. Omaha, Neb. . HKLP WANTED—FemaIe FIVE bright, capable Indies to travel, (demonstrate and sell dealers. $35 to SSO I per week. Railroad fare paid. Good '■ rich Drug Co., liept. 820, Omaha, Neb. | WonKH DK KB* MAKING SCIIOOI. i HA.I registered 28 new pupils, and has I room for a fnv more, day or evening. • All pattern cutting Is taught by meas ure You make your own dresses while | .'earning. Works Dressmaking School, j 22 North fourth street. I WANTED A good girl for general I housework; three grown persons In | family; must stay at night; good wages. Apply -»t once to 1#27 North Second street, City. WANTED • Girls over 16 years of age to learn cigar making. Paid while learning. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Co., 500 Race street. WANTED Girl for kitchen helper; references required. Apply to Cook at Engineers' Club, 31 South Front street, , Chestnut street entrance. SITUATION WANTED—MaIe WANTED Young man, 21 years old, wants work driving double team; live years' experience. Call, or address, 1711 North Seventh street. WANTED Young, white man de sires position as clerk in grocery store; experienced; can furnish best of refer ence. Call, or address, T. N„ Box 217, Enola, Pa. WANTED Young colored man de sires position as chauffeur, or house man: can furnish reference; five years' experience as chauffeur. Call, or ad dress. G. L. M., 016 Forster street. WANTED Position as watchman by middle-aged man; experienced: can furnish reference from last employer. Address L., 156;., care of Telegraph. ; SITUATIONS WANTED—ieuiaio WANTED By sisters, white, din ingroom or chamber work; experienced. Miss Cooper, 339 Church street, Dau vllle. Pa. WANTED Work of any kind by colored woman. Call 5.69 Briggs street, City. WANTED By colored woman, work of any kind, in or out of city. Mary Walker. 540 Showers avenue, Harris burg. Room 7. WANTED By colored woman, work of cay kind, in or out of city. Fannie Harris, 549 Showers avenue. Room 5. WANTED—Woman, white, with three chllden to support, would like office cleaning or club rooms to keep clean. Address C.. 1564. care of Tele graph. WANTED Young woman desires plain sewing to do at home. Call, or address, 1223% North Sixth street. WANTED -By young colored girl, general housework, in or out of city. Call, or address, 1415 Currant avenue. WANTED Young lady desires po sition as stenographer and typewriter, general office work; three years' experi ence; best of references. Address P. O. Box 377, City. WANTED Housekeeping for widower, or plain cooking in small family. Address Miss Ella liinen, Gen eral Delivery. Harrisburg. Pa. WANTED Position as dishwasher j by young woman. Apply 654 Calder street. WANTED By a refined widow of ! 20. a position as child's nurse or com- , panion to invalid or elderly person, j Address J., 1561, care of Telegraph. REAL. ESTATE FOll SALE FOR SALE Two building lots, In 1 city limits. Sold at a bargain if sold . at once. Call 205 Bergner Building or j Bell phone 1572 J. | FOR ?ALE Homes at Riverside at i prices $2,250, $2,.">00 and $2,800; electric llgli' steam heat and all improve- i inert'. Also Building Lota at Pen brook, Paxtang and Riverside for sale. For terms apply to S. Haldc-nian & Co., Carpenters and Builders. 3222 North Sixth street. Carpenter repair work | proi ltly attended to by calling Bell phoni 3622J3. Estimates cheerfully fur nished. FARM FOR SALE S-ACRE truck and fruit farm; 8 minutes' walk from Beaver Subway (trolley): 250 fruit trees planted, dif ferent kinds: all kinds of berries; 6- room frame house, good condition; con crete cellar; cement walks; hydrant in house; barn to accommodate 5 head of cattle. Price, $2,100. .ipply to Morris Wagner. Hummelstown. Pa. <2.N) ACRES i ONE of Largest Carpet Mills In Penn sylvania. Iron (and) Steel Works, (3) trolley lines (1) railroads (30) trains daily. City market only (3 > mile to dandy (28) acre farm with (2) story <6> room home, large windows and cellar. Bank Barn and outbuildings. Can have running spring water apples, plums, cherries. peaches, quinces, pears, grapes, ($100) fruit last year. Horse (cow) four hogs (10) chickens, wagon, buggy, harness, ton hay, ton straw (20) bushel oats (25) bushel corn (price) everything only i $1,600). (70) ACHES (SLNIIO) Edge (of) City Market, barge (Stove) Works, Machine Shops, Foundries (20) passenger trains daily. Home (Barn) outbuildings (1.5) acres good woodland. Land mostly level Southern exposure, spring water and creek. Apples, cher ries, peaches, quinces, pears, grapes and plum trees. East year (1,000) bushel of fruit. Ton straw, ton hay (25) bushel oats (50) bushel corn (2) horses (cow) two hogs (50) chickens (guineas) ducks (geese) and machinery. (Remember) only ($2,500). <100) A CRMS (93.5041) Here you are —Great Bargain. Only (mile) to large Market between (2) cities of (30,000) population paying ($350,000) monthly. Buildings mostly new and painted last year. Stone spring house at Fine White Home with porch (30) feet long. (16) acres (woodland) valued ($1,200 1 and (600) choice fruit trees. (2) horses (3) cows (6) hogs (70 > chickens (!') ton hay (10) ton straw (100) bushel oats (120) bushel corn (Everything) only ($4,200). Handy to Trolley. (JEOIUiF. 11. OSTHAXDKK. Danville Telephones Sunbury Mornings (7 to 8) Evenings. FOP. SALE AparLment house. 404 North Second street: live apartments and store: steam heat and all modern Improvements. Apply, or address, M. Mall. 266 Heir street. FOR SALE Dauphin nouse and lot. House. 24x60, three stories. 10 rooms, 3 large halls; modern improvements. Very low price to quick buyer. Inquire R. j A. Simmons, Pottsvllle. Pa. IFOR SAMS—SI'BITRBAN PROPERTIES 2 la-STORY frame dwelling—o rooms, | hath and attic all modern improve ments located on trolley line east of I Camp Ilill—lot. 35x120. Price. $2,100.00. 2-story brick 7 rooms and bath —all modern improvements lot. .".Ox 300 located on Market St., Camp Hill. Price. 2.850.00. 2% -story brick 7 rooms and bath —all modern Improvements lot. 40x 1 (0 located on Bowman Ave.. Camp Hill. Desirable lot located on Oyster Point Ave., ("amp Hill size, 75x160. Price, $650.00. 2V--story frame dwelling 9 rooms and bath cemented cellar gas electric light steam heat fruit and shade trees large garage large porches lot. 14 4xl 40 located on Bowman Ave.. Camp Hill. BRINTON-PACKER CO.-. Second and Walnut Sts. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH IUCAL ESTATE FOR SALE WHY not get a list of properties which we are offering for sale? Some desirable, properties are offered at re duced prices. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Several properties at an attractive price with little cash needed. Now is the time to buy. Con sider it and get particulars. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. HEAL ESTATE toil DENT FOR RENT Residence 113 South Front street; city steam; electricity and gas. Also two rooms. 114 t-outh River avenue, suitablo for business purposes. J. W. Park. 32 North Second. FOR RENT Whole oi part of house between and P:..e on Second street; central location all conveni ences; suitable for resilience or board inghouse; rent reasonable Address G., 1545, care of Telegrapn. FOR KENT At $15.00, large, two story brick house 613 Oxford street; all improvements; fine front porch and bay window; possession March I. H. IS. Spahr, 1223 North Third street. FOR RENT 1604 Derry street 3-story brick Iwelllng 9 rooms all conveniences can be adjusted for two ! families also storeroom, with ce t mentori cellar. Call Bell phone 32SM. FOR RENT Storeroom Fourth and i Walnut streets; central location; pos- I session April 1, 1915. Fitzgerald Real Estate Agency, 317 Walnut street. FOR RENT—OId-established whole sale and retail Ice Cream Manufactur ing plant, complete outfit and resi -1 dcnce; central location. Fitzgerald Real Estate Agency, 317 Walnut street. FOR REST No. 536 S. Seventeenth St $20.00 No. 1524 Catherine St 15.00 No. 1019 S. 21 «i St 10.00 No. 2107 Greenwood St 8.00 J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market Street. FOR RENT llO9 Green street 9 rooms all Improvements side and back alley from April 1 s3s per month. Apply J. S. Slble, 256 Herr street. FOR RENT 1926 Seventh street 8 rooms ail improvements—-front porch sls per month. Apply J. S. Sible, 256 Herr street. ! FOR RENT <l3 North Second street; 3-story brick: 9 rooms and bath; all Improvcnents; electric bells all rooms to kitchen; excellent location. Possession April 1. Apply 1100 North Front street. FOR RENT MECHANICSBURG Splendid now home; midst of best resi dence section. Very handy to trains, trolley and center of town. ALL MOD ERN CONVENIENCES. Many cup boards and closets; large lawns; roomy porches; balcony. HARDWOOD THROUGHOUT. Handsome shado trees: granolithic pavements. Splendid home for Harrisburg business' or pro fessional man. Many day and night trains for commuters: commutation ( heap. ALL ADVANTAGES OF ROTII CITY AND COUNTRY. WITHOUT DIS ADVANTAGES OK EITHER. If you se.» this house, you will, want no other. Rent reasonable. Walter L. Hauck, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Bell phone 17Y. FOR RENT Houses with all Improve ments at moderate rentals. J. E. Glpple, 1251 Market street. FOR RENT Two-story brick' lirtise, all improvements. $12.50 prr month, 1009 Manada street. W. E. Moeslein. 812 Boas street. Bell nhone 2593. FOR RENT 320 Broad- street; 11 large rooms; successfuly used for boardlnghouse; all Improvements; rent cheap. Inquire Office, 429 Broad, or 1631 North Second street. Bell nhone 413 R. IUCAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED For summer, small, fur nished house, preferably upper part of city near river; would consider subur ban property near trolley. Give full particulars. Address S„ 1573, care of Telegraph. AI'AHT.MIC rs FOR KENT FOR RENT 127 South Fourteenth —first floor apartment—five rooms and bath; front and side porches; possession March 1. Inquire 125 South Fourteenth street. FOR RENT partments at south east corner Four and Peffer streets. All conveniences at reasonable rent. Outside porch. * oply B. F. Umberger, 108 North Secon' street, or 427 Peffer street. APARTMENT FOR RENT Five rooms anci bath, with all modern con veniences. Apply 1118 North Sixth street. ' APAKTMENTS WANTED WANTED April 1. four or five room apartment, unfurnished, or house keeping rooms, by couple without chil dren; references exchanged. Address H., 1571, care of Telegraph. ROOMS L'Oli HENT FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping; electricity and gas if desired. 618 Camp street. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms, seoohd fioor, with all conveni ences. Apply 925 North Third street, at store. FOR KENT Two large furnished or unfurnished rooms for light house keeping, one front room, well lighted and heated; use of bath and telephone. Apply 210 South Thirteenth street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, singl" or ensuite: all conveniences, in cludlr. phone; reference required. Ap ply 11 '5 North Front street. ROOMS FOR RENT Well furniah cd apartment of two rooms and bath; private entrance from vestibule; city steam heat and electric light; references reuuired. 513 North Second street. FIN tCLY furnished room for rent; ex cellen location, facing Capitol Park, secom floor: all modern conveniences; use ot phone; city steam heat. Inquire 406 Ni.rth street. FOR RENT Four-room fiat: all conveniences. Apply at 516 State street. I' N EURNISHED ROOMS UNFURNISHED ROOMS Built especially for light housekeep ing. with or without kitchenettes. Rooms strictly private. Stoves furnish ed free. Laundry, phone and bathroom privileges. Private lockers for surplus furniture. Inquire office (or see Jani tor. same building), 429 Broad street. (Sunday inspection Invited). BOARDERS WANTED SIMMER BOARDERS WANTED Will be able to accommodate two or three families for the summer at rea sonable rates in the country near Dau phin. Good fishing. Address 8., 1566, care of Telegraph. WANTED WANTED TO 151'Y A good, sec ond-hand grocery wagon; must be In good condition. E. L Wenrloh, River side, Pa., or call Bell phone 3621J1-I. WANTED Women to send 50c for a nice, large pack of Silk yuilt Patches. One sewing apron free for 10 days. Send at once. Valley Supply Co.. Shlremanstown. Pa. $4.25 EACH paid for *J. S. Eagle Cents dated 1856. $1 to SSOC each for hun dred:; of other U. S. and Foreign Coins dated before 1895. Send TEN cents for New Illustrated Coin Value Book, •tx7. Get posted. It may mean your good 'fortune. Clarke Coin Company, Box 134. Le Hoy, N. Y. FOR SALE WHITE LEGHORN Hatching Eggs for uale, Young-Wyckoff strain, SI.OO per setting—s6.Co per hundred. Also stocl. for Bale. Address Elkview Poultry l''«rra. Speeceville, Pa. FOR SALE Day-old Chicks, Barred Rocks, White Leghorns and Rhode Island Reds 16 cents each. A. B. Davis, 2436 Canby street, Penbrook. Bell phone 607R3. WILL sacrifice new violin, just bought at $25, for $18; also new Player Piano, worth 1650, at $495. Monthly payments if desired. Address A., 1067, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business office. BARGAINS In L C. Smith and Bros, and Underwood Typewriters; also ono Corona, one Monarch, one Oliver. Prices reasonable. L C. Smith and Bros. 36 South Fourth. FOR SALE A second-hand Harley- Davidaon twin-cylinder motorcycle. In I absolute reputr and running order. Fitted with Prest-o-llte tank, lamp, speedometer, horn, luggage carrier and tandein seat. S. L Thomsen, Superin tendent. The West Construction Co., City. FOR SALE Chickens, shoals, horses, wagons and farming imple ments, cheap if sold at once. William Haines, two miles and a half north of ; Hogestown. across the Huston bridge j and five miles from Mechanicsburg. FOR SALE Cadillac, slngle-cyltn | der A 1 condition; good tires; first $60.00 takes it. Parts for two-cylinder Max ! well car cheap. West Falrvlew Gar- I age. West Falrvlew, Pa. Bell phone ) 306HL FOR SALE One bedroom suit, one si rifle folding bed, fine library table, kitchen cabinet, parlor suit, gas range, pictures, etc. Apply 2006 Kensington street. CALKS FOR SALE At Gables, 111-117 S. ; Second street, Red Tip, Ring Point, I Blizzard, Row© Junior, Can't Slip. Slant Grip and Always Sharp Calks. FOR SALE Motorcycle. 1814 Thor. 5-H.-P., single two speed. Perfect con dition. 1610 Catherine streut. FOR SALE Thoroughbred S. C. White Orpington Eggs, SI.OO for 15. postpaid; also choice Pullets and Cock erels. C. E. Enders, Enders, Pa. FOR SAI.E 1912 Reo Touring Car, has just been overhauled; electric lights. No rea sonable offer refused. Will demon strate. Roberts & Hoin, 334 Chestnut street, Harrlsburg, Pa. FOR SALE 25 young hens, 50 cents each. Apply at once. w. F. Murray, New Cumberland, end of car line, creek bridge. POULTRYMEN Here's a bargain. Complete portable brooder house 16 ft. wide 45 ft. long equipped with latest Newtown heating system, with ten i hovers. Will sell for S2OO cash. In quire Scholl's Seed Store, 1307 Market street. DOORS FOR SALE at Gable's. 111-117 South Second street. All sizes. Cypress, White Pine and Fir Doors, Porch work, Sash, Shutters and Mouldings. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Jenning strain Indian Runner Duck Eggs for hatching, JI.OO per setting, $7.00 per hundred. Stock also for sale. Elkview Poultry Farm, Speecevllle, Pa. FOR SALE Two delivery trucks in A 1 condition, both with panel bodies. One will carry 1,600 lbs., other one 1,000 lbs. Good buy for person needing truck of this kind. Bell 724. E. W. Shank, Maxwell Dealer, 334 Chestnut street. 1 WILL SEND you twenty-four good moneymaking plans for 25c. If not satisfied I will return money. Address Box 514, Millersburg, Pa. DOGS FOR SALE All breeds, for all purposes: cattle, sheep, hogs, fer rets. rabbits, pigeons; 15c for new, handsome catalogue, with 90 illustra tions, all breeds; price list poultry. Susquehanna Valley Kennels, Tunk hannock. Pa. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms. Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. if paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE One International Truck, cheap, or will exchange on tour ing car. Also offices and picture build l ings for sale or exchange on property— I all rented. Address Box Z, 1562, care j of Telegraph. FOR RENT FOR RENT Storeroom. No. 5 Grace street, two doors from Market street and P. R. R. depot entrance. Large show window. Suitable for any busi ness. Apply Claster's Jewelry Store, 302 Market street. STOREROOM FOR RENT ln ex cellent condition steam heat from April 1. Apply J. S. Slble, 256 Herr street. STOREROOM FOR RENT 1209 North Third street. Enlarged if need ed. Best business blook on Third street. Steam heat. Rent reasonable. Possession April 1. Inquire C. D. Cam eron, on premises. FOR RENT Room 3500 square feet floor space, suitable for storage or light manufactur ing purposes. Inquire J. Rhoads, Cowden and Forster streets. ! ' i BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I MADE $60,000 In five years In the mail order business, began with $5. .Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock, 265 Lockport. N. Y. WHAT have you to Exchange on equities in well-rented houses !u town of 3,500, seventeen miles from liarris burg.' Address V., 1666, care of Tele graph. ! WANTED Party with a small amount of money, to help put on the market the greatest burglar alarm and lock bolt ever invented. Come and see it demonstrated. 320 Chestnut street. FOR SALE Pocket Billiards Par lor, in good town. Good reason for I selling. Lock Drawer F, Duncannon, |— I 2UO SHARES of Guaranteed Preferred ; Stock of a well established business paying 7 per cent, annually, par $25.00. | Address F , 1572, care of Telegraph. I CONFECTIONERY BUSINESS FOR SALE -- Well equipped good loca , tion —• rent reasonable. Also good gro cery store for sale at inventory. Full I information at our offices. Bell Realty | Co., Bergner Building. I WANTED —To communicate with ' several young perfple in every store, I bank and factory in Harrlsburg and I vicinity. Easy work. Good pay. No (■anvassing. Address It., 1575, care of | Telegraph. ' FOR RENT OR LEASE Stone I 1 Quarry, with crushing plant and Lime Kilns. Good location and well de veloped. Address E.. 157 1, care of Har risburg Telegraph. FEBRUARY 20, 1915. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE One of the best hotel properties In County; good repair; doing an extra good money making business: well located. If in terested, investigate. Frank P. Ham mar, Pa. Restaurant for Sale. Cheap to quick buyer. On main street doing fair business. Apply Hap pie & Schwartz, Real Estate Agents, Mechanicsburg, Pa. ANY Intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock port, N. Y. BUSINESS PEKONALS I TEACH boxing, bag-punching and physical culture. Youths witli weak physical bodies will become strong Weak lungs will be developed and made strong. Fat people will lose weight, ami thin people will gain weight. Sick people will get well. In what class do you belong? Best of ref erences. Address Box L, 1567, care of Telegraph. OLD GOLD AND SILVER, Watches. Diamonds and Jewelry bought for highest cash prices. Jos. D. Brenner, i Jeweler. No. 1 North Third street Bell phone 1274 L. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street. Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone oidera given prompt attention. Bell 1960. GET instruction from an expert • a shorthand naturalist, one who knows. Learn on a blank keyboard. Ask my students? Harrisburg Shorthand School, 31 North Second street. Bell, 704 R. Harrisburg Paste Works l-'l X. Cameron Street PAPERHANGERS'. billposters', book binders' and all kinds of paste. Prompt shipment, All paste guaranteed. Bell phone 11861.. HAULING H. W. LATIIK, Hoarding; Stable and .NalloiiHl Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing'. H. W. Lathe, Miinager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 250.3 R. NEW AND SECOND-IIAND Furni ture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. 'Drop postal, or phone 3718 J. Atlas Furniture Co., 1014 Mar ket street. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts Insure your satisfaction. S. N. Cluck, 320 Woodbine street. MONEY TO LOAN HONEST, Industrious people without Real Estate. Stocks or Bonds, can se cure small IXIANS here consistent with sound business at Legal Rates. Small Payments. Prompt, courteous, confi dential service. Profit-Sharing Loan Society, Chartered—Licensed—Bonded Second Floor. 9 N. Market Square LOANS—SS to S2OO for honest work ing people without bank credit at. lesa than legal rates, payable in instalments to suit borrowers' convenience. Cooperative Loan and Investment Co. 204 Chestnut Street. ANY person needing money in amounts from $5 to SSO holding's sal aried position, would be benefited by calling on us. Employes' Discount Co . 36 North Third street. STORAGE HARRISBI'RG STORAGE CO. ~ new eight-story brick warehouses, one absolutely fireproof divided into fire proof private rooms of various sizes for tlie storage of household goods: the other warehouse of the most approved type of fire retardent construction for general merchandise. Thev are equip ped with two large electric freight ele vators and spiral chute for the quick and safe handling of household goods and all kinds of merchandise. Low storage rates. South Second street, near Pax ton, oil the tracks of Penna. R. R. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. Both phones. NOTICE K. HAMAWEI has sold the Palace Cafe. 18 South Fourth street, to Nagl Sedek and H. C. Gongee. Gongee and Sedek will be responsible for all debts. NAGI SEDEK AND H. C. GONGEE. Twelfth k Herr St. FACTORY FOR RENT Splendid Room, 50x75 feet. SO windows; up-to-date sieam beat ing Included. Rent very reason able. Will be wired (o suit tenant. Apply POST OFFICE BOX 34. v. ,J THE Harrisburg polyclinic Dlspen «ary will be open dally, except Sunday, at 3 P. M.. at its new location, 1701 North Second street, for the tre* treat ment of tlie worthy poor. MONEY TO LOAN > ■ t less tlian legal ratea, la an) amount*. Payable In tnatalmeata to salt borrower. Positively lowest rates In tlie city. Pennsylvania Investment Co. 13a WALNUT STREET I SECOND STREET STORE ROOM FOR RENT I 103, near Walnut; From April 1; very desir able, clean location.; reasonable rental. G. L. CULLMERRY , COM>IONVVI:ALTH TOIST BUILUINU i| The Nittany Iron Co., of Bellefonte, Penna., has been ;| purchased by Michlovitz & Co., Harrisburg, Pa. The whole entire blast furnace plant, consisting of the following !> j> machinery, large and small engines and boilers, drums, large and small j\ 'J pumps, lathes, two railroad locomotives, standard gauge and a few ( | !> railroad tlat cars. Two or three miles of rails, also electric generators, ]! blacksmith shop complete, machine shop, with tools, railroad scale, <| i» elevators, floor plates, etc. We will sell this plant at a bargain price. ;! Get busy. Apply to ' j MICHLOVITZ & COMPANY |! Both Plioncs HARRISBURG, PENNA. jj For Rent Desirable offices in the Union Trust Building. Apply Uni«n Trust Company niIBBER STAMrM jfEJ SEALS & STENCILS UV B|"mfg.byhbg.stencilworks ■ 111 II 130 LOCUSTST. HBG,PA. If ' J Camp Hill Property FOR SALE 8 room house, nil Improvements; situated on Hir trolley at the corner of Moore and Market streets. Gar age, chicken house, shade and fruit trees, one-half to two aeres of ground. W. F. KENDALL 228 N'ortlt Third Street, Harrlsburg, I*a. 1 * For Sale A good 8-room dwelling house, 205 Brlggs street, city steam heat, large gas range, gas .attachment on boiler for heating: water, no coal to handle. Housekeeping: made easy. Price, $3,400; rent $25. 3-story brick and frame dwelling, 1231 D'erry street, 7 rooms and bath, (bath room fixtures new), furnaee heat, front porch. Price, rent, sl7. M. A. FOUGHT 272 North Street *■ > PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will sell at Pub lic Sale at his stables, 677 Briggs street, midway between Cowden and Pennsylvania avenue, Harrlsburg, Pa. Wednesday, February 24, 1915 Sixty Head of EXTRA FINE HORSES Consisting of single lino leaders, farm chunks, brood mares, flne drivers, extra fine black horse, 4 years old: chestnut sorrel, some ex tra high class horses ranging In weight from 800 to 1800 pounds. 5 Dump Wagons, Carts, Harness, etc. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, sharp. SIMON COOPER. H. D. KOONS, Auct. WM. HOBHNUR &. SON, Clerks. i —\ Special List Quick Sale—Bargain Prices ■»j dl IH mm 21 S. Seventeenth street. 1139 Derry street, large house. 514 S. Fifteenth. Improved brick. 2255 Jefferson, 8 rooms, bath. 1846 North, improved, large lirt. 1333 Susquehanna, all improvements. 627 Woodbine, improved frame. 10 S. Eighteenth, corner, near Mar ket. Two Steelton houses, corner prop erty. 809 N. Seventeenth street, inspect It. 16 S. Eighteenth, 8 rooms, bath. Small Farms—4, 26, 39 acres. 650 Boyd, 8 rooms, bath. Bell Realty Co. BHR(iM'.R BUII-IJING. 1 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers