2 ATTEND THE BIRTHDAY PARTY OF MRS. CLARENCE SHENK S ■ ♦ •». iJffISL .(StW B MNtw w <• ' >flft' { tBSI flk.'vSH w iSLIX sj® t9 . Li i r." f*WL *ll • 4k - fiHk- Ir %aH ■*' Fm. f ■_* HSr jbß , iffiL * «■ wnwMP®*** %Mr M - AH 4k. tVHi SNAPSHOT TAKEN 111 BIRTHDAY FETE Pleasant Social Evening With Games, Music and a Late Supper A very pleasant evening was spent at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence S. Shenk. 2 4 South Nineteenth street, when thirty-six guests called to extend greetings and good wishes to Airs. Shenk on her twenty-fifth birth day anniversary. Games, songs and recitation were enjoyed and a late sup per waa served in the beautifully deco rated dining room. In attendance were Miss Ruth Grey l'ill. Miss Katherine Alentzer, Miss I'barlotte Shenk, Mrs. Samuel Smith, Airs. Edgar Humphreys, Mrs. Frank Richardson, Mrs. William Green, Wil lis Shenk, Howard Fraim, Hiram Shenk. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Stickell, Air. and Mrs. Karl D. Fogg, Mr. and Airs. Arthur W. Holman, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Rettew, Mr. and Airs. Daniel THE BLAKE SHOP REMOVAL DURING THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF WALL PAPER Will Be OrZo/ Less Than Sold at '0 Usual Prices This includes all stock papers of carefully selected decorative patterns in foreign and domestic makes. Numerous other articles will be closed out at inviting reductions, such as odd lots of Swisses, Cretonnes, Lacc, yard goods and Curtains. Sofa cushions in tapestry, cre tonnes and silk; also number of silk and cretonne lamp shades. We will move into our new store room at 225 North Second street, April 1, where double the amount of space will be utilized to care for our rapidly growing business. THE BLAKE SHOP 103 NORTH SECOND STREET ' bad weather fgfiPjpS wintry weather you'll be particularly glad TMi <• the VicttoU XIV. 1150. VICIIf O1 £1 Other to $-50, T All of the vast range of music within your home. Xo inconvenience of going out, when you have a Yictrola in your home. Permit our salesman to demonstrate styles and explain our convenient terms to you. Si alar, Inc. Pianos Viclrolas (y -20 N. and.st. IggHSlgp SATURDAY EVENING, i Wheeler. Mr. and Airs. Frank Shellen ' berger, Captain and Mrs. Porter, Mr. j and Mrs. David Gotwals, Mr. and Mrs. I lieorge W. 1-Sogar. Mr. aild Mrs. \V. C. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. .lames God j dard, Mr. and Mrs. diaries W. Tittle, j Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shenk. Bride Guest of Honor at Bridge and Supper i Miss Isabel Nissley was hostess this I afternoon at a Valentine fete in cora | pliment to Mrs. William P. Biekley, a 1 recent bride, who was formerly Miss Eliza Single. The event was held at the Thomp son residence. Thirteenth and Derry streets, where <'lipids, hearts, Yal entlnea and golden arrows were fea tured in the decorations with bride roses, ferns and marguerites. The candles had clever shades with card designs on them and there were quaint favors for the guests as well as prizes for the winners at cards. Invited to meet Mrs. Hickley were Miss Constance Beidleman, Miss Eliz abeth Allison. Miss Hertha Sellers, Miss Jessie Kishpaugh, Miss Mary Leib, Miss Mollie Dingle, Miss Wynne Cassell. Miss Mabel Jones, Miss Eliz abeth Royal. Miss Ethel Bratton. Miss Mildred Bitter, Miss Cora Albright, Miss Anna Nissley, Miss Kathryn Niss ley. Mrs. Frank Ramsey and Mrs. Ed win Thompson. ! ARTISTS' CONCERT PROGRAM AIOICED Sassoli-Witherspoon Recital Mon day Evening For the Wednes day Club The following program is announced for the Sassoli-Wltlierstioon concert of the Wednesday Club, Monday evening, | at Fahnestock Hall: Gavotte, Bach; Oudes Sonores, Sind ! ing: Impromptu, Pierne, Miss Sassoli; I "') Tu Palermo" ("I vespri Sicilian!"), | Verdi: "Nun plu Andrai" ("Marriage of Figaro"). Mozart, Air. Witherspoon; | Alenuct. Massenet: "Chacone," Du rand: "Marguerite et ltouet," Gabel; "Marionnettes." Tedcshi. Miss Sassoll; "Der Lindenbaum." Schubert: "Der Doppelganger," Schubert: "WerMachte Dich so Krank." Schumann: "Der Knabe Alit Dem Wunderhorn." Sclui- I 1 mann, Mr. Witherspoon: "Priere," Nocturne. Gltana. Hasselinans, Allss Sassoll: "Chanson Espagnoli," Georges; "De Cirque," Faure; "Not With An gels," Rubinstein. Miss Sassoll and Mr. I j Witherspoon; "Eyes of Blue," Ort.li; I "My Dagan Dove." Obi Irish: "The I) Minstrel Boy," Old Irish, Mr. Wither- I spoon. By special request Mr. Witherspoon will sing "Flow Gently, Sweet Afton" , and "Meet Ale By Moonlight." This | concert is free to all classes of meni i bers of the Wednesday Club. The ( general public may attend by paying j the admission fee of sl. I Mrs. Ella Edwards and Miss Mahal i Rarlck have returned from a visit to : their brother, W. V. Rarick, Dewis ■ town. Miss Vera Care, of Irving College. ; is spending the week end with Miss I Esther Jauss. 22S South Second street. ! Arthur AlcCafferty, of Hershey, is ■the week-end guest of llarrisburg ! friends. ! "Mentis" 1 At New Address Because of Fire Considering the damage done to my establishment this morning, I ask the indulgence of patrons who had placed their orders for Spring garments. New materials will be sent for to replace selections made. The materials and sketchings chosen at the New York Style Exhibit had not reached here, but will be shown at my temporary r.dtlress, 518 North Second street. These In clude copies from Drecoll, Donvin, Jenny, Pauquin, Cheruit, CnHot. 1 that were shown by Schwartz & ! Portegal, exclusive importers and I designers of women's custom tal ; loring. Eadies having placed orders, and ' those desiring the newest In c-us ! torn tailoring are requested to call j at the new address. LOUIS KailiCs' Tailor and Cost inner I 518 North Second Street 1 - f - \ FURS At Less Than Cost of Manufacturing R. Gerstner PItACTICAI. FUltltlEll 'JIN L,ui-uat St. Opp. I'uat Office Every Wife is praying to Suint Valentino to whisper to her "Old Man" to send her a Flower Valentine. SCHMIDT FLORIST SI3 Mnrkct St., nail I*. It. H. Station HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MIDYEAR ASSEMBLY IS WELL IIITEIEII Several Small Dinners Precede Brilliant Society Event in Masonic Hall The midyear assembly held lust year in Masonic Hall was thoroughly enjoyable, as these events always are. The Frueh Orchestra, of Philadelphia, played and there was a revival of the older dances with many of the ultra modern ones. The decorative scheme, arranged by I'ttley. was unusually attractive. The ballroom represented a Creek garden, with large and feathery Cibotum ferns In the windows, garlands of Alabama smilax over the walls, baskets of bright yellow daffodils and reproduc tions of famous Greek statuary adding to the beauty of the scene. John Erit sson led the cotillion after supper, choosing viirlous partners for the pretty figures. The patronesses were Mrs. Daniel 11. Hastings, wearing black lace over satin; Sirs. "William O. Hickolc in a costume of black satin and net; Mrs. Robert Gault Goklsborough in white satin with draperies of embroidered chiffon and totiches of coral; Mrs. Ed ward Batloy, wearing black satin and jetted net; Mrs. Charles l<. Bailey, Jr., in a dainty creation of black lace. Among' the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus K. Woods, Mr. and Mrs. l.ewis Sadler, of Carlisle; Mr. and Mrs. I.cwis Sadler, of Carlisle: Mr. and Mrs. J. V. W. Re.vnders, Mr.- and Mrs. J. Austin Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse 10. R Cunningham, Judge and Mrs. Kun kel, Mr. and Mrs. William Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Ranford D. Coe, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Karle. Mr. nnd Mrs. Rob ert M. Rutherford, Mr. and Mrs. Golds borough, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hat field Irons. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lesley McCreath, Mrs. Walter Hradshaw, of Helena. Mont.; Mrs. Harry Riley, of Texas; Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Berne Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Goodman, Bishop and Mrs. James Henry Darlington, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter H. Gaither, Mr. and Mrs. Ross A. Hickolc. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mar shall, Mr. and Mrs. Richard McKay, Mr. and Mrs. Xeil Salstcli, Mr. and Mrs. A. Reeder Ferriday. Mr. and Mrs. John Fox Weiss. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wal : ley Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam S. Bergner, of Newport; Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Robhins, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. J. Austin Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Payne. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Mahon, Jr., Mr. anil Mrs. F. Herbert Snow, Mr. and Mrs. Swing. The Younger Set Miss Marian Angrell, Miss Virginia King, Miss Elizabeth Bailey, Miss Helen Hammond. Miss Margaretta Fleming. Miss Susanna Fleming, Miss Alice Wall is. Miss Mary Meyers. .Miss Eleanor Clark. Miss Margaret. William son. Miss Constance Ferriday, Miss Sarah Hastings, Miss Frances Bailey, Miss Wriglit, Miss Darlington, Miss Martha Fleming, Miss Louise Carney, Miss Katharine Hradshaw. Miss Mar-- garet McLain. Miss Francis Bailev, Miss Emily Bailey, John E. Ericsson. Frank J. Brady, George Moffit, Richard Knibloe, William McCreatli, Charles X. Hickok. of Cleveland. Ohio: David Fleming, Thomas Baldwin, Mr. Ab bott, George Shotwell, Edward E. Good willie, of Pittsburgh; Albert Stackpole, Clarence Funk, John F. Culp. Henry Rittenhouse, Mr. Berln and Casper Dull. Dinners Precede Dance Among the little dinners preceding the dance was that of Judge and Mrs. George Kunkel. at their North Front street home, with the Secretary of the Commonwealth and Mrs. Cyrus E. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse E. B. Cun ningham. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sadler, of Carlisle,.as their guests. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Anderson Hickolt's dinner was in ohonor of Miss Susanna Fleming. The party included Miss Susanna Fleming, Miss Margaretta Fleming, Miss Emily Bailey. Miss Sarah Hastings, Miss Elizabeth Bailev. David Fleming, Henry M. Gross, Al bert Stackpole. Charles X. Hickok, of < "lex-eland, Ohio: Edward Goodwillle and Robert McCreath. MISS ItACII UvL SKAXI-: IS FIVE YEARS OLD Little Miss Rachael Skane enter tained her friends at a birthday party at the home of her grandfather, John Skane, 403 Kelkrr street. The even ig was spent in playing games suitable to children and the tablp was deco rated with American Beauty roses. The centerpiece was a birthd'av cake decorated with five candles. Each guest was presented with n rose rose and valentines were given as favors. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Skane, the Misses .Mary, I .aura and Moss Sknne, Mr. and Mrs. George Ar * laugh. Mary Arbaugh. Mrs. Rachael Skane, .Tolin, Daniel, Kmma and Ra cliael Skane. Miss Fannie Sellers, Lewis Johnson. MRS. SCH >H VDIVS GCF.KTS AT \ V \M:\TI\I-: PARTY Mrs. Warren ]. Scharadin, 30fi Rcllv stree. entertained a. number of her friends at a \ alentine party last even- I lug. The guests enjoyed games and | music. ; The dc-orations were in red and !white, anil the table was decorated |with cupula and hearts with a bunch >of red rosea and ferns in the center piece. I in attendance were the Misses Gladys Kuhn. Mary Bixier, Anna Siegel and Edna Wunbau.trh. Cirason IWeikert, Preston Smith, John Miller, j [tarry Bender. Herbert Gormley. Kd tward Scharadin, Mr. and Mrs. Warren I Scharadin. MISS BTOBER IS HOSTESS TO SIADAV SCHOOL CLASS Members of I'lass No. 1G of the State Street United Brethren Sunday school were socially entertained Thursday evening by Miss Ruth Sto ber, 2100 State street. The evening was spent in playing games and fine plana selections after which refresh ments were served to Mrs. Mazle M. Mailey, teacher: Miss Margaret Myers, Miss Mary Albright, Miss Bessie Montgomery, Miss Marie Gerhart. Miss Naomi Spangler, Aliss Naomi Matz, Miss Mary Bowman. Miss Ruth Spang ler. Miss Romain Gill, Miss Ruth Stober, Miss Alice Brackbill, Miss Elsie Schooser, Miss Mabel Potteiger and Miss Zimmerman. MISS VODERS KXGAUKMEXT Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Yoder, of Wyneote, Pa., announce the engage ment of their daughter. Miss Gertrude Rosella Voder, to M. Alphonse lOrdell. of Fargo, N. D. The marriage will bo an event of the early autumn. Many friends of the bride-elect in this city are interested in hearing of the en gagement. OFF FOR FLORIDA Mr. and Mrs. K. Wallower and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Herman start ed to-day for a pleasure trip to Flori da. Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Gibson of 1525 North Second street, left for Florida to-day. stopping enroute at Washington. Richmond, Savannah and various southern resorts, including Palm Beach. . [ [Other Personals on l'agc ».] VBwm. : I VjV SpringHatsj J THIS MONDAY SATIN AND HEMP HATS £ I I WORTH $1.50 to $2.00 AT jMCI J INCLUDING SMALL SATIN SAILOKS—SMALL HEMP TIPPERARY TURBANS AND >IK- V J £ HU M SMALL HEMP HATS D I Satin and Silk Hats Satin, Silk & Hemp Hatst 4 Five large tables showing all the pa Wonderful assortments. Large, AA 1 /very latest shapes in eight color small and medium shapes. All col- m•* * C g assortments. Values up to $2.00. fl a§ ors including white and black. Val- J F % Monday only ™ ues up to $3.00. Monday only. . r i New Trimmed Spring Hats New Trimmed Hatband Turbans 2 f Smali Turbans, Sailors, etc.,with pp Made of faille silk and hemp. OO | 1 Veils, Velvet Band and new Fruit «P | »OP Eight entirely new models. All »0O r M and Flower Trimming. Values up I ===== the new colors. Actual $3.98 \to $3.00. Monday only hats. Monday only ■ I New Millinery Trimmings and Fancies at Special i I Prices For This Monday Only j F Silk rosebuiH-hcs; four to a Newest flower and fruit wreaths. New OSTRICH FANCIES and / \ bunch and foliage. Reg- latest designs, 75c AAc POMPONS; all the latest AAc # C ular 25c bouquets, Momlay lAi/JJV value; Monday 111. colors. 7.1 c value. Monday. . .44V K M OSTRICH LOBSTER HANDS, OMrich Tips, three to bunch, six Now fruit, grapes and IKMTICS, ■ g eight colors, real value 7fl/» colors, also black and Qftp beautiful clusters: fftr» f K .Monday " VI. white, value 75c, bunch OVC Monday IVC C J Many More Special Monday Bargains in Trimmings j I LOOK FOR RED MONDAY PRICE TICKETS ( > LAST CALL OTV ALL WiNIER HATS J I ALL TRIMMED HATS left over ALL TRIMMED HATS left over A A § • from Saturday's One Dollar Sale, / from Saturday's Fifty-cent Sale, « | Monday Monday J VELVET HATS and TURBANS, H A ALL BEST PANNFYELVET A M C (all left over from 25c sale, Mon- LUP and LYONS VELVET TURBANS, ATLF I C day values originally up to $5.98, ■ V % fThis Is the Last Special Monday Sale on Velvet Hats, So Don't Miss It. Rain or Shine? Miss Fissell's Guests Greet Miss Fleming Miss Charlotte Fleming, of Phila- i delphia, was guest of honor at a | charming; little card party given this afternoon by Miss Anne Kissel, of 815 ! North Sixth street, whom she is visit- i ins. A color scheme of pink prevailed in the appointments, with roses, ferns, Cupids, hearts and darts a-s Valentine suggestions. The Clipper favors were Colonial bouquets. In attendance were Miss Fleming, Miss Edith Troup, Miss Anna.Keii, Miss Marian Steiner, Miss Fannie Hoy. Miss Eleanor Walters, Miss Anna Ba ron. Miss Katharine McCloskey, M}-s. Howard Ilaines, Miss Elizabeth Do honey, Miss Alice I.eCompte, Mrs. C. If. Hunter. Mrs. Herbert Harry, Mrs. John A. Fritchey, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Fisscll. Harry K. Maxwell, North Four- ' teenth near Market street, a machinist | in the roll turning department of the | Pennsylvania. Steel Company, will j spentl the week end with his parents I ai Baltimore. Miss Dora Wiekersham Ooe, North! Second street, is the guest of her cousin. Miss Leavitte Wirkersluim, | North Duke street, Lancaster. HERHCIDE WILL JKIt FT UERPICICE WILL SAVE IT TOO LATE FOR HKPlClflfc To You This Secret We Confide HERPICIDE V/Zo^ l The value of Newb o's Herpicide for saving and beau tifying tlic hair is a secret known to thousands. More men Ii \ and women probably have obtained positive results from | I t))e i n t e u|g en t (lse of Herpicide than from all other hair I remedies combined. In the majority of cases it is dandruff contagion that makes the hair dull, brittle and lustcrless, followed later — in many instances With white, scaly deposits, itching scalp all d falling hair. Newbro's Herpicide eradicates this enemy of beauty and (except In cases of chronic baldness) enables the hair to resume its natural luster and luxuriance. Discriminating persons speak of Newbro's Herpicide in the highest terms for its almost magical ef fect upon the scalp and also for its excellence as a regular hair dressing. Just begin the use <* Herpicide without anyone's knowledge and see how quickly your friends will notice the improvement in your hair. Scntl 1(1 cents In postage or sliver to Tlic Ilcrpicide Co.. Dept. 120-B, Detroit. Michigan, for trial bottle and booklet. Sold and guaranteed at all toilet goods counters. Accept only genuine Herpicide. Applica tions at the better barber shops. Kennedy's Medicine Store, Special Agents 321 MARKET ST. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY FEBRUARY 13, 1915. PRUNING TIME \OW IN Ihe I INN* to have your ( ROl'* and siirnhs pruned and jour vine* trimmed. Hotter have It done right and atnve time and disappointment l»> our eipertx. The Berryhill Nursery Co. Phone 871 M. . a. ,| , 181 ,| | mi | | . .. i-* ■UA • rrrmn.Miu%i*i'- . —r - Walter Heaton Coming in an Organ Recital Wnlter Heaton, organist of Memo rial Church of the Holy Cross, Read ing. I'a., will give nn organ recital in Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Green and Cumberland streets, this city, Monday evening, March 1. Mr. Heaton was horn and educated in England. He has given several hundred recitals in this country and the fact that he has been asked to give a number of return engagements is indubitable testimony of his ability to please. Xo admission will be charged, but a silver offering will be taken. Mrs. Allen Kaufi'man and daughter, Miss Frames, and Mrs. Joseph Kaufi'- man, of York, who were quests of Harrisburg friends during the week, have returned home. THIIT - •• > - ! I KI-:i) HAXI) IX Xi:W YORK r<)H ELKS' ANM.YI, BANQUET l'red Hand, clerk in the State I Department of i,abor and Industry, left to-day for New York. On Mon day night lie will be a guest at the ■ annual baimuet of Xew York Lodge, j Xo. 1. Henevolent and Protective Or der of Elks, to lie given in honor of Grand Exalted Ruler Raymond Ben i jam in. Napa, Cal. Mr. Hand is past | exalted ruler of Scran tun lodge and I past grand deputy exalted ruler of this I district, and has not missed these an nual functions since they were inaugu rated fifteen years ago. ■IX-SIIKRII T SELLERS WAS 11,1. Ex-Sheriff Charles W. Sellers, of Dauphin, was in Harrisburg yesterday. It was his lirst appearance in four 1 weeks. The cx-slieriff had been con j fined to his hotel with a severe attack of grip.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers