6 Y. W. C. A. GYMNASIUM BUSINESS GIRLS' CLASS HAS A VALENTINE FETE i —Kellberg Studio MOCK MARRIAGE A FEATURE OF THE EVENING All the members of the Business Girls" Gymnasium Class of the Y. W. C. A. tamo to tllfir Valentine fete dressed as ehildren and i.i.l the happiest ereninK of fun and frolic. There was a motfc wedding with Miss Pearl Yahn as bride; bridegroom. Elizabeth Killlneer' ."r'eacher Helen Mauk: best man Margaret Turner; maul of honor, Mabel Edwards; ushers, Helen Heckert and Marjorie Wall: bridesmaids. Grkce SisU- and Keen Urenneman; ribbon bearers. Kit Morgan and Anna Glass. _____ rieien TEA THIS AFTERNOON ! WITH MISS CMILL Miss Irma Lloyd, of Delta, Guest of Honor at Pretty Social Event Sliss Elizabeth Trull's guests at aj tea this afternoon from 2 to 6 o'clock hart the pleasure of meeting her house j guest, Miss Irma A. I.loyd. of Delta. 1 Kerns, plants and masses of brilliant I rcariet carnations decorated the I rooms. Miss Mary Womer poured tea and ' Miss Florence Huber presided over the I chocolate service. In attendance were i Miss Lulu Ernst. Miss Helen Cunkle. j Miss Elizabeth Killinger, Miss Pearl Yahn. Miss Marjorie Boiles, Miss Katharine Morgan. Miss Bertha Tur-1 ner. Miss Martha Turner, Miss Delia j Drake, Miss Pearl Wolfe, Miss -Mar jorie Wall, Miss Marv Sigler Aiissi •■race Sigler, Miss Edith Kiester. Sliss Elsie Lehman. Miss Nellie Lehman, I Miss Blanche Melo.v, Mrs. Harrv Ham-i ilton. LADIES' BAZAAR LAST CALL! Saturday Offerings in Ladies' Wear That Correctly Typify the Word "Bargains" Tomorrow there's to be a complete clearance of certain lines of ladies' wear at this store. With the prices we've placed on the merchandise there's no question that our purpose will be attained. Whether you profit or not, depends solely upon you. Last of Our Ladies' Last of Our Coats Suits I„ 0 t 0 f 22 Coats in light weight All-wool serge suits. Just five " P SI.OO in the lot. satin lined, worth 10 5 '' cnoKe " $lO 'o sls; choice fIJO QQ Lot of Coats in a variety of while they last <p«J.CO fabrics, worth up to <J»Q qq Four suits in poplin, cordu- ?'--00, choice tor V • roy and broadcloth, worth up Lot of Broadcloth Coats, Beld "whufthey lartff.. $5.98 ine s S«aranteed satin lining, in laid velvet collar and cuffs, sizes up to 43, worth $18; Q _ choice for Silk Waist Specials $:».00 crepe de chine waists in all wanted shades, new models; day Cl oniy atu . r " $1.49 New Spring Apparel (Limit—One to a customer) We jnvite you , 0 jnßpect our | Waist's" extra' five display ° f advance moflcls in J different shades, just 14 in the Spring Suits and Dresses, and y lot: special Sntur- no [ day while they last J#OC acquaint yourself with our mod (Limit—One to a customer) erate pricing. mm - Don't Forjet 1 A 1O C iiL C. Do.'t Forget the Number lU-lZ ij. 4tll ijt. the Number ' SCHMIDT'S Saturday SPECIALS] 98c VALENTINE BOXES 98 c < \nNortcd Flourrß. Kpgiilar \ nlur 91.2.") $1.50 VIOLET CORSAGES $1.50 Each FANCY BOXES Each Roses, Carnations, Daffodils, Sweet Peas, Orchids, Gar- j denias, Forget-me-nots and all other flowers for Mother, Sweetheart or Wife. SCHMIDT 313 Market Street and FLORIST P. R. R. Station FRIDAY EVENING. BARRISBURG TELEGRXPU FEBRUARY f2, 1915. ' 1 Sewing Club Celebrates Fifteenth Anniversary! Members of the 1900 Embroidery! i Club will celebrate their fifteenth an-1 nlversary next Wednesday afternoon j 1 with a dinner at Rutherford's, North j 1 Second street. Cards from 4 to 6 1 1 g'clock will precede the feast. 1 The appointments will be in A'alen- < i tine style. j The president of the club is Mrs. < , Bellert Dawson: vice-president, Mrs. J i.loyd Pleam: secretary, Mrs. Fred- ] j *ric H. Marsh; treasurer, Mrs. Edwin 1 j Cook. J: AXNOVXCE BETROTHAL I J Mrs. Dora Frank, of 418 Walnut■ street, announces the betrothal of her | daughter. Miss Helen Rebecca Frank, to Alfred Kaplan, a young business) 1 man of Rochester. N. Y. The mar -1 riage wrll take place at Buffalo. X. Y., I | March 16. j CLASS IX SPANISH | J The class in Spanish meets this i i evening at 7.30 o'clock at the Young |. [ Women's Christian Association with I \ I Mrs. Melvin Menses as teacher. Mrs. ( f I .Menges resided for a number of years j at San Domingo and is fully qualified 11 |to teach the language. A number | j : have enrolled and if necessary another , I class will be formed. Guests in Fancy Dress Attend a Surprise Party -Mrs. Mathias H. Baker, of 1330 ' Derry street, was slven a surprise party last evening by the ladles' Bible class of Christ Lutheran Church, the teacher, William Hetrick, and the members of the class wearing fancy dress. In attendance were Sirs. Jacob Sny- j der, Mrs. Howard Slengel, Mrs. Schuy- ! ler, Airs. Charles Knoll, Sirs. Sowers, Mrs. Samuel Hetrick. Mrs. W. t'lrick, Mrs. W. L. Byler, Mrs. Troy, Miss Anna Etzler, Mrs. Charles Enierick. Mrs. Shetron. Mrs. Harry Boyer, Mrs. \ erkes. Sirs. Kauffman. Mrs. Spang ler. Mrs. Jacob)'. Mrs. 11. K. Laehtnant. Mrs. ASoodrow. airs. W. 11. Alkire. j Mrs. Charles St rick ler, Mrs. Ripp, ' Mrs. King. Mrs. Grove, Mrs. Slentz, | •Mrs. Emma Spat/.. .Mrs. Reynolds. Mrs. John Boath. Mrs. lleim. Mrs. Samuel Weidenmyer. Mrs. Borrick. j Mrs. 'Willis Hackman. Mrs. William j Shader, Mrs. M. Plough, Sirs. James ' Dugan, Miss Zimmeran, Mrs. Beck- ! ley, Mrs. Herman Snyder, Mrs. C. S. i Shefter. Miss Jennie Gruver, Mrs. C. ! W. Rice, Mrs. Kathryn Shrum, Mrs. i Xelson, Mrs. S. F. Gotsehall, Mrs. John Whistler. Sirs. Harry Allen, Mrs. liob- j ert I.ee Gardner. Mrs. Chronister, Mrs. i J. B. Fast, Mrs. George Drake. Miss. Breidigan. Miss Hoyler. Sliss Emma ' Dunmoyer, Sirs. Hamil, Sliss Margaret lCutz. Mrs. Slatcliett. Sirs. David ober. Sirs. C. I;. Thorpe. Mrs. Charters, Sirs. W. Seerist, Sirs. .Mullen. Sirs. S. B. Steff.v, Sirs. Charles E. Boyer, Sliss Rose Slumma, Sliss Hilda Snyder, Sliss ' Agnes Sloore. Sliss Laura Brown. Mr. \ and Sirs. AA'illiam Hetriclc, of Paxtang, ! and Sir. and Mrs. SI. H. Baker. BAITIST AGOGA CLASS HOLDS MOXTHLV MEETIXG j The Agoga Bible Ciass of the Mar- | ket Street Baptist Church held their monthly meeting in the church last r evening. The following officers were ' elected for the ensuing six months: President, Dana Griffin; vice-presi dent, Harold McXamee; treasurer. Mervin Ripper; recording secretary. George Bender; corresponding secre tary. John Peters; reporter, Jesse AVhite. Tiie following committees were ap- ! pointed: Membership, Fred Kinney, E. Bricker, p;. Stonesifer; social, Victor Xeff. Ralph Henry. Xorman Ward: visiting. Donald Dallman, Willis Alan der and Fred Henry. Sliss Helen Patterson, who has been visiting her parents, Sir. and .Mrs. James C. Patterson, of Green street, has resumed her studies at AVilsoii College. Sirs. Chauncey C. Baldwin returns to-morrow to her home at Perth Am boy, X. J.. after spending the week with her sisters in this city. Sliss Clara Cunkle Bauiii, of Xorth Second street, has recovered from an; attack of the mumps. . . j Mrs. Clark, of Slercer, Pa., has been! visiting at the home of her son Thomas Clark, 923 Xorth Second i i street. Sirs. Robert Xicholson. 1641 Slar-' ket street, has gone to Wilkes-Barrc, to be with her sister, Sirs. Kane, who is seriously ill. Sliss Anna Froelilich. of Xineteenth street, is going to AVashington, D. C„ next week lor a visit with relatives. Sirs. Sidney Bamberger, of Balti more, is a guest of her sister, Sirs. Alfred Seligman, in this city. Mr. and Sirs. John P. Gohl came i home to-day after a pleasure trip to i Washington. D. C. Dr. Joseph Rhoads, of Philadelphia, j [will be a week-end guest of his par lents, Mr. and Sirs. J. E. Rhoads, at [.Second ahd Cumberland streets. I Sir. and Sirs. Edward R. Sponsler! and Sliss Louise Sponsler, of Chestnut i street, arc enjoying a stay at Atlantic •City. Mrs. Frederick AV. Cohen has gone home to Upper Slontclair, X*. J.. after! visiting for a week with friends in i town. Dr. and Mrs. John Barr SleAlisterl are spending the week in Xew York city. , Sliss Katharine Carmichael, of Xew ri ork. is a guest of her sister. Sirs. I James Andrews, at 1608 State street, j Sirs. AA'illiam Reed and Miss Ella |A\ aimer Reed, of Hununelstown, are •in Philadelphia for a six weeks' visit I with relatives there. Captain AA\ C. Slills. of Millersburg has returned home after a brief visit I among friends in this city*, i Sirs. SlcKance Black, Cleveland, left I to-day for her home after having | visited Sliss Slargaret Pomerov, 1520 (State street. i Walter E. Bellis has returned to his j [home in Scranton after a several .lays' ivisit among friends in Harrisburg. I Sirs. Wesley E. Darlington, of Xor folk, A'a., Is spending a few days with I Allison Hill friends. Sirs. AV. F. Garman. 1608 Penn I street, who has been confined to her! I room for several weeks, is recovering from her illness. Sirs. Jonas Fuld. of Baltimore, is j visiting her sister. Sirs, otto J. Bux-1 baum, 1613 Xorth Second street, j Miss Annie Kolbenschlag and Miss ilda Swope are spending a week in Xew I York, on business. Sirs. Millard K Bingham, of Chi cago, was a guest of her sister. Sirs. I Oliver Simmons, yesterdav on the wav from her country place at Oxford. Sid. ; Miss Margaret SlcConkey Weber, of 128 South Third street, has returned i from a trip to Xew A'ork city, where I she was the guest of Miss Rose Levy, | of Tliverslde Drive. j Charles AA\ Foster, of AVashington; ! street, who has been ill at his home, I lis recovering his health and expects to i j resume his store duties on Monday. Other Personals Page 7 lEIITIIDISH : AT COUNTRY CLUB Girls' Aid Society Gives Large Pre-Lenten Event Tomorrow Afternoon Most of the dancing 1 contingent of , the city will be in evidence to-mor | row afternoon at the Countrv Club of j Harrisburg, when the Girls' Aid So ciety of the Visiting N" nrse Assocla tion gives a "The' Dansant" from 3 : to 6 o'clock. The appointments will be in Yalen i tine style anil the Updegrove orchestra I will play. This is a purely charitable j event and tickets, including dancing ; and tea may be secured for seventy i five cents from members of the club, lat Rose's or at the club to-morrow. I Anyone who desires is privileged to j attend. The patronesses are Mrs. W. O. ! Hick ok, .Miss Wierman, Mrs. William K. Bailey. .Mrs. George W. Kelly. .lr.. Mrs. J. v. W. Heynders, Miss Mary Miller, Mrs. Harvey F. Smith, Miss Mary Cameron, Mrs. Paul A. Kunkel, Mrs. Philip T. Meredith and Mrs. B. F. I Burns. Presiding at the tea table will be Mrs. Bailev, .Mrs. Keily, Mrs. Reyn ! ders and Mrs. Smith, j Assisting will be the members of the club, including Miss Kmily Bailey, j Miss Frances Bailey, Miss Kleanor i Bovd, Miss Kleanor Clark, Miss Dora 1 foe. Miss Louise Carney, Miss Sara Denehey, Miss Kleanor Darlington, I Miss Ivatherine letter, Miss Margar etta Fleming. Miss Constance Ferri . day. Miss Sarah Hastings,' Miss Kmily Hammond. Miss Helen Hammond. Miss Virginia King, Miss .Margaret McLain. .Mrs. John M. Mahon, Miss Helen K. Montgomery, Miss Frances Morrison, Miss Mary K. Meyers. Miss Janet Sawyer. Miss Margaret Stack - j pole. Miss Catherine Stamm, Miss Julia iStamm, Miss Maul Stamm. Mrs. Paul G. Smith, Miss Margaret Williamson. Miss MaTy Williamson, Miss Arta Wil liams. Miss Alice Wallls. .Miss Susanna Westbrook, and Miss Kathreen West brook. Mrs. D. V. Ness, of IS2 Walnut street, is home after a two weeks' stay in Philadelphia and Baltimore. Mrs. Harry Kdgar Bashore, of 213 Harris street. Is home after a ten days' visit to Philadelphia and New York. Flower Valentines I.ove's remembrances arc best expressed in fragrant Flowers. Our Valentine Floral Ideas are sure to please. SCHMIDT FLORIST 3i:i Market SI., nml I*. it. it. Station ——— _________ EYE CARE No. 6 A Series by J. S. Bclsinger Railroaders' Eye j Care. With the approach of examinations, now is the time for all railroad men to look after their eyes. Other wise the examination may not end as satisfac torily as you wish. At your disposal is the Belsinger service which for scope and efficiency is unequaled in this city. It will be to your ad vantage and satisfaction to consult us. Glasses at prices every one can afford. Prescription Optician 205 Locust Street opposite Orpheum Bel! 96;. i„ Eyes Examined Lenses Ground Exclusive Optical Storo Y. W. C. A. Sunday Service Will Be Held as Usual The regular Sunday service of thej Young Women's Christian Association I will he held Sunday afternoon at 3.30 j o'clock. The Rev. J. A. Dyter, pastor j of Derry Street I'nited Brethren 1 Church will speak on the subject,! "Some Imperatives of a Worthy l.ife! There will bo a solo hy Miss Helen! Hright and the ladies' quartet of Derrv church will sing. The members of! this quartet are Mrs. .r. A. l.yter. Mrs., K. S. Nisslev. Mrs. 11. O. Mil.ler and, Mrs. .1. 10. Clippie. Miss Edith Stouf fer will preside at this service. I Mrs. WiMman'c Class Elects New Officers Mrs. Augustus WiUlman, Jr.. Xorth Sixth street, entertained her class of the Division Street Mission school at her home, last evening. The new offi cers elected were: President, Harvey Hitting; vice-president, (iladious Dye>- baugh; secretary. John Shoop; treas urer. Harry Minsky. In attendance at the festivities werej the officers and Jacob Matson. Jolinj Roller, Edward Gramer, Robert' Schubaner, Harry Snow. George Schu-I i baner. Sylvester Keener, David Metz-. I ler. The Misses Brenneman Entertain at "The Hedge" The Misses Brennetnan, of North Cameron street, pleasantly entertained the teachers of the Division Street; Presbyterian Mission school at their home. "The Hedge." The guests included Miss Hodge, Mrs. , Augustus Wildman, Jr., Miss Margaret I Richards. Miss Phoebe Richards, Miss Helen? Brenneman, Miss Cordelia Bren- 1 neman, John Corl and John OlmstM. ___________________________ Louis Leaves I For New York Style Exhibit The custom tailoring establish- ! I ment of Louis, ladies' tailor, will be | | closed uptil Monday the 15th, while i I,ouis is attending' the display of the ] | most exclusive ladies' custom tailors I and designers of Europe. Selec- j I tions from the importations of ma ' terials and novelties will be made, ! I as well as style sketchings from i the most approved models. These j I will be arranged for your inspec- | I tion upon return home, and the ideas gained while there will be of In | valuable aid in choosing your Spring I and Summer costumes. 621 N. Second St 4 ** \ One Pair of Eyes I For a Lifetime Every detail towards the health Ij of your eyes is carefully looked ■ t after here. We want everyone to Hi feel that as long as he or she wears glasses £ Kj ] that we have an inter- $ B est and will be glad to 1 W advise or help tliem in H kM \ way to conserve ■ j 2fthat most important ol H IK the senses GOOD I i SIGHT: T M I. 1101 l (.lIIMMCN Itm low B I RUBIN & RUBIN I llarrishurg's l.cadin? Kyeslglit a Specialists 320 Market St. Second Moor u Bell Plionc 202UW ■if-' * if " - - - g. Allison Hill Market Company : 5 NORTH THIRTEENTH STREET | Will Give a Demonstration and Free Sampling of PURE FOOD PRODUCTS J Saturday, February 13, 1915 , ;v' National Biscuit Co. —Zu-Zu and Choice Boiled Ham 39c lb., or 10c a l lb. (§) Lemon Snaps, Uneeda Biscuits, 4c . , •jg package, Baronet Biscuits, Graham ned beet 35c lb., or 9c a T 4 lb. jg Crackers and Social Tea Biscuits, etc., ;\] j ncct i Ham 22c lb., ox 6c aVAIb S all 9c or 3 for 25c. P rr T T-i ■ r p 1 IT> Lebanon Bologna ..25c lb., or 7c a % lb. & H. J. Heinz Co. —Baked Beans, .... jH Spaghetti. Ketchup, Peanut Butter, Swifts Premium Bacon 28c lb. || I omato Soup. Swift's Winchester Bacon 25c lb. y'.', (§5 All our meats will be cut by the , f , , •,, , ~ , „ § , 1 i- • i • " i i All 10c goods will be sold for... 9c vC\ world s best slicing machine, made by the United States Slicing Machine Co. All 5c goods will be sold for 4c 1 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE FOR g I SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, ONLY I I EVERYBODY WELCOME | | Allison Hill Market Company | fSLIDING SCALE SALE! 1 I T Saturday and Monday—Eighth and Ninth Day j , > Garments arc now about -JO per cent, or almost two-fifths ® > : , below tlie reduced price. Come and a real Coat, Sfiit, or ! i Dress Bargain. The good kind cheap. IJ !Xew Spring Coats, Suits, Skirts and Waists have Keen ' arriving every day this week. Witmer, Bair & Witmer 1 202 Walnut Street SCHOOL OF Modern Dancing L. P. DICKEY AND CY H. HECKERT j announce the opening of a private dancing studio at 304 North Second Street j MONDAY, FEB. 15 Standardized dances taught under personal direction iit'll Plione 2731-.I I > |j | .jj Flora, the Goddess ot Flowers, and Aphrodite, the i> ij Goddess of Beauty, combine their efforts to assist j; it us in our life's work—to embody Individuality, Art j; |! and Flowers into one—to meet the requirements of ji j; each particular occasion. j IForget-Me-Nots, Violets, Orchids and Floral Novelties For Valentine 311 Walnut Street j!> Opposite Capitol Park Bell Phone Ul2-K, United Phone 921-Y j| MESSIMER'S Homemade Sweets j Third St. at Briggs *«*HC«.%I, TOMOHHOW Choco late Mint Patties 35c lb.
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