4 CLASTER'S SPECIAL SALE °* . I Community Silver a. Factory Discontinued W Patterns %to H Off I Our many patrons who know the value of Com munity Silver will be interested to learn that by Jh . Mi special arrangement we have secured a complete . assortment of two of their well-known patterns, L'nn JmgSmk the AVALON and the FLOWER-DE-LUCE, g yySps'j which they are to discontinue and which we are K * I permitted to offer you at %to % less than the | ] 'M regular price. •' ''«• Jr THE USUAL, 50-YEAR GUARANTEE GOES WITH THIS CLOSING-OUT BALE Flotver-de-Luce Avalon REGULAR SALES REGULAR SALES STAPLE ITEMS PRICES PRICES STAPI.E ITEMS PRICES PRICES —— "— " ' Teas .. $ 4.30 Doz. t 3.22 Doz. Tables 5.60 " 6.4. r > T ea , S 4.30 Do«. $ 3.22 Doz. Medium Forks 8.60 " 6.45 " Tables* .. 5.60 " 6.4." " Dessert Forks 8.00 " 6.00 " Medium Forks 8.60 " 6.45 " Dessert Spoons 8.00 " 6.0(i " Dessert Forks S.OO " 6.00 5 O clock Teas 4.,!0 3.22 Dessert Spoons 8.00 '* 6.00 " Soup Spoons 5.60 6.45 5 O'clock Teas 4.30 " 3.22 " A. D. Coffees 4.30 " 3.22 " SOUD Snoons 5.60 " 6.45 " Butter Spreaders 3.50 set 2.63 set A. D. Coffees 1.30 " 3.22 " S. H. Emb. Medium Butter Spreads 3.50 set 2.63 set Knives 5.50 Doz. 4.13 Doz. H. H. Medium Knives .. 12.00 doz. 9.00 doz. S. H. Emb. Dessert H. 11. Pie Knife 2.25 ea. 1.69 ea. Knives 5.30 3.98 HH. Dessert Knife .... 11.60 doz. 8.70 doz. IT- H. Medium Knives.. 12.00 " 9.00 " H. H. Medium Fork 12.00 " 9.00 " H- H- Pie Knife . 2.25 ea. 1.69 ea. H. H. Cheese Scoops ... 2.00 ea. 1.50 ea. H. H. Dessert Knife ... 11.60 Doz. 8.70 Doz. H. JI. Dessert Forks ... 11.60 doz. 8.70 doz. H. H. Medium Fork 12.00 9.00 " H. H. Orange Knives ... 5.75 set 1.31 set H. H. Cheese Scoops ... 2.00 ea. 1.50 ea. H H Fruit Knives .. 5.50 " 4.13 " H. H. Dessert Forks ... 11.60 Doz. 8.70 Doz. Child's Bet. II H. Knife} 2.50 " 1.88 » H. H. Orange Knives ... 5.76 set 4.31 set Child's Set. Flat Knife. 1.75 " 1.31 " «. H. i ruit Kntv, ea... . r.,,.0 4.13 (1,,—., 85 ea 64 ea Child 8 Set. H. H. Knife, 2.i>o 1.88 Butufrs .95 - .u - chud-s set. Fiat Knife. 1.75 •• 1.31 «. Sugars 85 ea. .6 I ea. Butters 93 " 71 " FANCY ITEMS FANCY ITEMS • Oyster Forks 2.75 set 1.38 set Oyster Forks 2.75 set 1.38 set Pickle Forks 90 ea. .45 ea. Pickle Forks .90 ea. .45 ea. Bouillon Spoons 3.75 set 1.88 set Bouillon Spoons 3.72 set 1.88 set Baby Spoons GO ei». .30 ea. Baby Spoons 60 ea. .30 ea. Berry Spoons 1.75 " .88 " Berry Spoons 1.75 " .88 " Orange Spoons 3.00 set 1.50 set Orange Spoons 3.00 set 1.50 set Iced Tea Spoons 3.00 " 1.50 Preserve Spoons 1.25 ea. ,6S ea. Cold Meat Forks 1.25 " 63 " Cold Meat Forks 1.25 " .63 " Berry Forks 2.50 " 1.25 " Berry Forks 2.50 set 1.25 set Serving Salad Forks ... 2.25 ea. 1.13 ea. Serving Salad Forks ... 2.25 ea. 1,13 ea. Flat Serv. Fish Knife 3.00 " 1.50 Ind. Salad Forks 4.25 set 2.13 set Sugar Tongs 1.25 " .63 " Ice Cream Forks 3.25 " 1.63 " Food Pushers 60 " .30 " Sugar Tongs 1.25 ea. .63 ea. Cream Ladles 1.25 " .63 " Food Pushers 60 " .30 " Gravy Ladles 1.50 " .75 " Cream Ladles 1.25 " .6.3 " Ind. Soup LaTdles ...... 2.75 " 1.38 " Gravy Ladles 1.50 " .75 " Bouillon Ladles LSO " .75 •• Oyster Ladles 3.25 " 1.63 " Oyster Ladles 3.25 " 1.63 " Medium Ladles 4.00 " 2.00 " Medium Ladles 4.00 " - I'.OO " We have also a Full line of Community's Latest Patterns, Georgian, Sheraton and Patrician, Six Teaspoons $2.15 XO MAIL OH TELEPHONE ORDERS FILLED FOR DISCONTINUED PATTERNS 1 j Gems, Jewels & Silverware . VJ. Vjiaster, 302 MARKET STREET THIRD CLASS CITY i BILLS COMING UP Informal Conferences Planned by the Officers of the House Committee Representatives of the Third CJass , City League are to be called into con- i sultation with the House committee i on muncipal- corporations on proposed i amendments to the Clark act of 1913 establishing a code for the municipal)- < ties of the grade and the first of the i II Oranges Today J|l Seedless Navels are Now dn Sale in Abundance H at All Good Dealers' Stores in Your Neighborhood j| The name "Sunkist" stands for a rigidly main- Serve them at f/JfwSSSaS^^ tained standard of quality, and these oranges come every meal, begin- * l|ll|j from California's finest groves. Picked only when ning tonight —have |||f| fully ripened. Sunkist sliced for dessert. 9 /nssw Prices are low. Sunkiat cost no more q 1•a. I an you pay * or ordinar ,y ° ran £ es * ijunkist Lemons Don't go without them now Perfect In color—the most appetizing „„ garnish—best to serve with fish, meats 111 l . WhCn th ! y a J® S ° «d Juicy, tart, practically seed -4 good and good ies S> the juice wherever you now f for* O/t° r y° u * use vinegar. Learn 86 ways to employ ||||| 4 Sunkist Lemons as a delicacy ''<? and a household help. FRIDAY EVENING, HAKRISBURG TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 12, 1915 series of meetings will be held on Mon day night. Chairman W. D. Walton, who represents New Castle, says that it is his intention to have an informal discussion of bills prior to the hearings so that the committeemen may get the views and suggestions. Numerous let ters have been received by him, many of them suggesting changes not made by bills, hut which he thinks the com mitteemen should discuss. He has invited some of making these suggestions.. The principal bill to be taken up next week will be that establishing civil service for policemen and firemen in the third class cities on which a dif ference of opinion exists as to some details and to which it has been sug gested that employes of the electrical | departments be added. There will be a talk on this bill on Monday night and la formal hearing on Tuesday. The next third class city bill to be considered will be that establishing a bureau of steam and hot water fit- I ting, to which Allentown and some other cities have objected because of expense and which is advocated by some western cities and by members of the steam fitters' organizations. Another act is that proposing to take away from mayors the onerous duties of holding police courts and confining their work to the hearing of charges of violation of city ordinances. This measure has been urged for years by mayors of some of the larger cities who object to being compelled to hear drunks and petty offenders. The bill changing the provisions for the initiative and referendum and that putting in the recall will come along later. NEIDIGS TO HOLD FESTIVAL The Neidig Memorial Athletic Asso ciation of Oberlin will hold an ice cream, candy and cake carnival at the enginehouse Saturday evening, Feb ruary 13. Proceeds will go to (he sup port of baseball and other sports. THE MIKADO HAD EXCELLENT CIST New Principals and Good Chorus Present Gilbert-Sullivan Opera in Pleasing Manner In this day of clap-trap melodies, born to live but a brief hour or two, there is a never-falling accord of wel come extended to the tunes of twenty years ago. The shows that have with stood the ravages of time; those rot' shaped over the lines of the present- ! • day mould of light opera or of musi cal comedy, come as a .welcome re lief from the stereotyped standard over which writers think that they must produce. Just such a show is "The Mikado," the light opera by Sir W. S. Gilbert and Sir Arthur Sullivan. Moulded over entirely different lines than those which govern our light operas to-day, "The Mikado" stands as a type of those shows which pleased our fathers. Unfortunately, we have all too few of them produced to-day. Only on such occasions as j prompted the Harrisburg • Operatic Society to revive the show, or upon the occasion of an all-star revival as an ending for the theatrical season, are they brought into prominence. But every time they are brought back we are glad of It. About ten years ago, when the present-day Orpheum was known as the I-.yceum, there was organized the Harrisburg Operatic Society. Their first production was the same light opera which they revived last night— this time for the benefit of war devastated Belgium. In the cast of last night there were several of that first cast. "The Mikado" in Harris burg wouldn't be 'The Mikado" with out Frank Davies as Ko-Ko, the Lord High Executioner, or without Elmer Ehler as the Mikado. Ada Heisley as Yum-Yum (and an excellent Yum l'um she was, with clear, vibrant voice and clever acting) and George K. Hoy as the Royal Umbrella Car rier, completed tho members of the original cast. New faces appeared in the cast in the other parts, notably Henelen Keis as Peep-bo, Mrs. Jacob Miller as Katisha, Jerome Hamilton as Nanlcl poo, Ruth Hoover as Pitti-Sing, Rus sell Rupp as Pooh-Bah, and Louis Munnell as Pish-Tusli. One could not expect to have the society produce such a work with the grandeur of an all-star revival, but, judging alone from the spontaneity of the applause, everyone thoroughly enjoyed the production and felt amply repaid for their attendance. Detail of staging received considerable at tention as was evidenced in the fetch ing effect of the second act. Under Professor E. J. Decevee, the orchestra, augmented to meet the de mands of the score, lent capable as sistance to the chorus, which proved itself to be master of the task before it in every manner. The ensembles were particularly effective, and for the greater part that stiffness one so frequently sees in such productions was happily absent. The principals would require sepa rate reviews if one wished to do them Justice. Suffice to say that they all proved masters of their respective roles, as was evidenced by the audi ence when the applause secured en cores to the old melodies such as the "Madrigal Quartet," "Three Little Maids From School," "Here's a Pretty Howdy-do," "The Flowers That Bloom in the Spring." "Tit Willow" and "The Moon Song." In voices, staging, costumes, in fact everything, there are many exceed ingly pleasant surprises in store for this evening's audience of this de lightful Gilbert-Sullivan opera. MAX ROBERTSON. MAJESTIC To-niglit—Harrisburg Operatic Society in "The Mikado." To-morrow, afternoon and evening Return of the European War Pic tures. Beginning Monday, and continuing all week —The Charles K. Champlin Stock Co. in a repertoire of successful plays. Monday afternoon, "The Re former;" evening, "The Man From Home." ORPHKIM Every afternoon and evening—High- Class Vaudeville. COLONIAL Every afternoon and evening Vaude ville and Pictures. MOTION PICTURES Palace, 10 a. m to 11 p. m. Photoplay, 10 a. m. to 11 p. rn. Royal, 6 p. m. to 11 p. m. Victoria, 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. EUROPEAN WAR PICTURES No need for any venturesome spirit to make tracks across the sea to get a glimpse at the great war now raging, j It is to be brought right to the Ma jestic for a return engagement, Satur day, afternoon and evening, where it I will be shown on the screen and with | accurate and reliable scenes taken on ' the spot. The greater portion of the first section of the entertainment I shows what awful havoc was wrought j by the German army on Belgian towns »nd fortresses. The ruined forts at Liege. Namur and at Antwerp and the I wrecked buildings at Louvain, glimpses Into the actual life of the soldiery struggling for supremacy in the field of bottle and hundreds of exciting events me shown Just as they actually occur red. The pictures are genuine and not posed for by a lot of actors.—Advertise ment. CHAMPLIN STOCK CO. theatergoers will welcome with pleasure the forthcoming engagement j of Mr. Champlin and his Metropolitan | Stock Company at the Majestic all of next week. The play selected for the ; opening on Monday afternoon is "The Reformer," and in the evening Is Wil liam Hodge's big success. "The Man From Home." Every play in their repertoire has ahd a lor" run in Broad way and has been produced by the best Players In the country, only recently bt ing released tor stock purposes. Then, too, each play will he presented In a most elaborate manner, for special [ attention has been paid to the scenic I und electrical equipment of each pro- I iluction. Such successes as "The Ghost I Breaker." "He Fell In Lxive With His , Wife." "The Reformer," "The Heart of Maryland," "The Stranger" and "The I Littiest Rebel" will be produced.—Ad vertisement. ORI'HEUM One of the good Keith hits support ing Emma Cams and Carl Randall, of musical comedy fame, Is a rattling vocal turn called "The Volunteers." The members of the act are all singers of talent and their efforts in some of the latest song lilts are taking audi ences by storm. The act also contains some rich comedy. Just how the com edy situations are brought out. must pot be told here, for the act of "The Volunteers" Is a surprise turn. The Orplieuin's bill this week is excellently halanced, Its greatest asset an abund ance of rich cpmedy. with the excep tion of the opening act. In this respect sunshiny Emma Carus, latest star of "A Broadway Honeymoon.' is the leader. The song, dance and comedy turn that sho a.id Carl Randall are presenting at the Orpheum tills week Is proving popular in Harrisburg. Bert Fltzgib bons Is unloading his knapsack of "nutty" talk to the unadulterated de- Hcrht of everybody. Then there Is the Welling Levering Troupe of comedy cyclists that just keeps the house in a conn' Ant uproar of laughter and four or five other clever turns round out a bill that 1b both meritorious and di verting.—Advertisement. COLONIAL Rillv Van. the popular minstrel man, who for years has been a favorite here in his black cork specialty, is one of the very Interesting artists appearing on the Colonial's bUI that was uncov- See Mill and Factory Sale Announcement on Page 16 Men's and Young Men's $15.00 and $16.50 Winter Suits at ... V •*> Suits that have $15.00 and $16.50 quality in fabric, style and tailoring. , The maker heard of our great clothing outlet and wanted to have his clothing represented in our stocks. His product passed our inspec tion, and as the transaction was under very favorable conditions, you can buy genuine $15.00 and $16.50 Winter Suits at SIO.OO. Remember good suits at SIO.OO are scarce. The styles include:--- Brown worsted Blue shadow stripe serge and worsted Black unfinished worsted Blue and white chalk stripe worsted Black cheviot Fine blue serge Grey shadow stripe worsted These suits are in the new two and three-button sacks with patch or regular pockets. Sizes 16 years to 42 regular. Stouts from 38 to 46. SIB.OO Tartan Check Suits at $12.00 Brown and blue tartan check worsted suits, English sacks, sizes 33 to 40. Regular SIB.OO values, at $12.00 Clearance ot Overcoats at Half Price SIB.OO Overcoats at $9.00 $20.00 Overcoats at SIO.OO Pay yon to buy an overcoat for next winter if your present needs do not re quire an extra garment. We are just getting the stock in shape. Brown and grey storm cloth overcoats Heavy worsted overcoats Heavy cheviot overcoats Grey frieze overcoats Some have velvet collars and are Cravenetted; plain or patch pockets; full or quarter lined. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Men's Clothing, Second Floor, Rear. $1 and $1.50 Men's Shirts at 69c Just to make lively buying in the Men's Wear Section Saturday, we offer these specials in shirts at 690 Plain grey SI.OO light weight flannel shirts, sizes 14 to 17; special 690 SI.OO mercerized and repp cord shirts and. Eagle and Emery laundered percale shirts; special 690 $1.50 mercerized negligee shirts with small tucks and soft cuffs, sizes li]/ 2 to 17; special 690 \ 1 \ Men's Eagle, Emery and Wachusett mad- Mercerized negligee and pique shirts, nar ras and percale shirts, QC row, medium and wide stripes, £\ to 18 VDC 13% to 18 J7OC v 1 v i Men's $1.98 and $2.50 negligee and mushroom bosom shirts; special... $1.50 Men's $3.50 silk and silk bosom shirts; special $2.39 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Men's Store, Street Floor. Hansen's SI.OO Railroad Reindeer Gauntlets, 74c Other interesting items in this class of men's furnishings: ' sl.oolambs' wool lined reindeer palm mittens with wool knit wrist. Special 74^ 65c reindeer heavy lined leather mittens, knit wrist. Special 5 Men's 50c heavy wool gloves and mittens; special Men's 75c blue and grey flannel shirts; special, flic 25c and 3Gc calfskin palm lined mittens and heavy . Boys grey flannel shirts / knit mittens; special l»e SI.OO values at MEN'S AND BOYS' FLANNEL SHIRTS 75c values at fl|Q Men's SI.OO blue, grey and tan flannel shirts, sizes J 14 to 19: special 70c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Men's Store, St. l^loor. ered at the Busy Corner yesterday. Billy has a knapsack of gags that are n's fresh as the eggs laid by the family hen and he proved a big hit at botli of yesterday's performances. Another lauerhlng lilt of this bill is a rattling comely called "Easy Money," played by George Richards and company. The talent in this sketch Is above the aver age, and the screeching situations of their fsree is made the most of by this cast. Mallla Bart and company, In grotesque comedy, and the Jewell Sis tors, in songs and dances, complete the vaudeville roster.—Advertisement. "UNDERNEATH THE PAINT" As the title indicates, this three part Boardway Star is a most engrossing and analytical Insight into the lives of those who impersonate characters different from their own. It is so Intensely dramatic it will not fail to convince those who view its showing at the Photoplay to-day that hearts arc sometimes breaking beneath the carefree smiles they dis simulate.—Advertisement. VICTORIA TODAY The management of the Victoria Theater desires to extend a cordial in vitation to all the ministers and school teachers of Harrisburg and \ i cinity to witness this greatest of ail motion picture plays the story of Antony and Cleopatra. In the pro CASTORIA For Inf'jnts and Chilitran. Bears the J „ " The Klrd You Have Always Bought Blgn of ture duction of this wonderful d*ama 7,500 persons took purt. It re/quired two years' time In which to produce this stupendous Kleine feaureZ The ,samo cast of actors and actresses that played "Quo Vadis" took jWt in this great play. Antony and Cleclpatra pic tures have been shown in solme of the largest theaters In the coUintry at prices ranging from 50 cents'.to $1.50 —to-day the Victoria Theatjer—the home of features, presents this mag nificent film play at 10 cents.! Don't fail to see it.—Advertisement.!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers