6 Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always Bought has borne the signa ture of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has hern made under his personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and "•Just-as-good " are but experiments, and endanger the health of Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR IA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It de stroys Worms and allays Feverisliness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic,all Teething Trou bles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW VOBK CITY. CURE YOUR CQLQ IN A FEW HOURS 10 FEEL FINE "Pape's Cold Compound" opens clogged nose and head and ends grippe Relief comes instantly. A dose taken every two hours until i three doses are taken will end grippe misery and break up a sereve cold! either in the head, chest, body or i limbs. It promptly opens clogged-up nos- , trils and air passages in the head,! stops pasty discharge or nose run- i ning, relieves sick headache, dullness, : feverisliness, sore throat, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blowing and snutlling! Ease your throbbing I head! Xothing else in the world give.i! such prompt relief as "Pape's Cold i Compound." which costs only 25 cents at any drug store. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, causes no in convenience. Be sure you get the genuine.—Advertisement. DAVID Y. LENKER DIES ' Special to The Telecroph MiHersburg, Pa., Feb. 9. David 1 Y. Lenker, the pioneer brick | • manufacturer of Millersburg, died at; his home in market street on Monday Modern Business grew to a point where letter service at telegraphic speed was imperative. The Western Union originated Day and Night Letters to fill this need. The astonishing results have shown this was a real need capably filled. THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. Unnecessary Brain Fatigue Imagination may help the man who smokes any old brand, but why run the chance of brain fever when all you have to do is ask—a-s-k—for King Oscar 5c Cigars Get yeur nickel working for you in the future. It pays to hitch up to quality that's been on the level for 23 years. TUESDAY EVENING. after a long illness, in his 67th year. He- is survived by his wife and four sons, Frank, Edward and Arthur, of Millersburg, and Charles K., of Sun bury. The funeral will take place from his late home Wednesday after noon at 2 o'clock. The Rev. Mr. White of the Lutheran Church, assisted by the Rev. Skeath of the Methodist Episcopal Church, officiating. Typos Want Taxpayers' Money Spent at Home^ i Members of the Harrisburg Typo graphical Union. No. 11, passed a reso ! lution at their regular monthly meet -1 ing. Sunday afternoon, at 321 Market street, protesting to County Controller ! (Jougli against the expenditure of Dau phin county taxpayers' money for ; printing done in Carlisle. William Byrem, secretary-treasurer : of tile organization, has been instruct ! Ed to send a written copy of the pro test to the Controller, officers for the ! present year were installed as follows: , I.inwood P.. Wanbaugli, president; | .Tames Reld. vice-president: William Byrem, secretary-treasurer: Ralph Lav- I >»rty. recording secretary: Richard ; Gray, sergeant-at-arms. The finance i committee appointed includes: James Held, Roy A. Walters ami John Wise. "LITTLE BUCKSHOT" PRODUCED Blain. Pa., Feb. —On Saturday | night, the Dramatic Troupe from this i place, were greeted witli a crowded house at Landisburg, when they pre sented their melodrama play, "Little Buckshot." The troupe will repeat the play on Saturday evening in the town hall here. BREAD PRICE RAISED Li tits, Pa., Feb. 9.—As a result of j the raise in the price of flour the I bakers of Lititz and several other sec ! Hons of, the county have reduced the I weight of their loaves of bread to fif- I teen ounces. Wheat sold yesterdav at JChurchtown for $1.50 per bushel,"the highest since the Civil war. LOCAL OPTION SENT INTO TIE HOUSE Representative G. W. Williams Presents the Bill Favored by Governor Brumbaugh TEXT OF THE NEW MEASURE Triennial Limitation on Voting on the Question of Being Wet or Dry Provided The local option bill calling for the county unit and endorsed by •Gov ernor Brumbaugh was introduced in the House last night and referred to lhe law and order committee. Mr. Williams. Tioga, chairman of the com mittee, Introduced the bill. The provisions of the bill arc as follows; "Section 1. That whenever a number of the qualified elec tors of any county equalling twenty-one per centum of the number of votes cast therein at the last preceding general election shall present a petition to the court of quarter sessions of the peace of that county,verified by the affidavits of three of the petitioners, praying for the holding of an election to determine whether license for the sale or fur nishing of vinous, spirituous, malt or brewed liquors or any admixture thereof in said county shall be grant ed, it shall be the duty of said court of quarter sessions of the peace to or der an election to be held in the said county in not less than thirty days nor more than forty days from the date of such order, which election shall be held by the. regular election officers at the usual place or places for holding elections in said county and the election shall be conducted in all respects and all election officers shall be governed by the directions and subject to the penalties and be compensated as now provided by law for the holding of general elections. Notice of such election shall be given by the officers designated and in the manner provided by existing laws re lating to county elections in so far as the same may be applicable, and every such notice shall state .first) the ques tion to be voted upon as hereinafter set forth; (second) the day and place of holding said elections: (third) that the polls shall be open between the hours of seven o'clock ante meridian and seven o'clock post meridian. "Section 2. The ballots at any election held under the provisions of this act shall he printed, distributed and furnished and in such quantities and of ihe form provided by existing laws relating to general elections. I'lion such ballots shall be printed the question "Shall the granting of license for the sale of intoxicating liquors be prohibited," followed by the words "Yes" and "Xo" with a square of sufficient size at the right of each said words in which to give the elector an opportunity clearly to designate his choice by a cross mark (X) placed in one of the said squares. "Section 3. Each qualified elector receiving a ballot provided for by this act, in accordance with existing laws, may mark in the appropriate square a cross (X) opposite the answer he de sires to give and all votes cast at said election held under the provision of this act shall be counted and declared and a complete return of the same made in accordance with existing laws relating to elections. "Section 4. Whenever it shall ap pear by the returns aforesaid that a majority of the votes cast at such elec tion are in favor of prohibiting the granting of such licenses in the coun ty in which said election shall have been held, it shall thereupon become unlawful for said court of quarter sessions to issue or grant any license authorizing the sale or furnishing of any vinous, spirituous, malt or brewed liquors or any admixture thereof in said county at any time thereafter un til at an election held as hereinafter provided a majority of the electors voting thereat shall vote against pro hibiting the granting of such licenses therein. "Section 5. At any time after three years from the date of an election held under the foregoing provisions of this act another such election may be or dered and held as hereinbefore pro vided. "Section G. This act shall not be construed to repeal any special or local laws relating to the sale or grant ing of licenses to sell • Intoxicating liquors nor shall it be construed to prevent the granting or refusal of a license under existing laws the same as if this act had not been passed in counties where the of the votes cast ut an election as herein before provided are against prohibit ing tlie granting of license to sell in toxicating liquors and in counties where no such election has been held." MAJESTIC Tonight—lllustrated Lecture by Sir Douglas Mawson. Thursday and F'iday—The Harilsiiurg Operatic Society In "The Mikado." All next week—The Ciias. K. Champlin Stock So. ORPHELM Every afternoon and evening High- Class Vaudeville. COLONIAL Every afternoon and evening Vaude ville and Pictures. CHESTNUT STREET AUDITORIUM Thursday, February 11—Naulty Picture Journeys on Spain. MOTION PICTURES Palace, 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. Photoplay, 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. lioyal, 0 p. in. to 11 p. m. Victoria, 10 a. m. to 11 p. ni. CII AS. K. CHAMPLIN. IN "THE MA N FROM HOME." AT THE MAJESTIC NEXT MONDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING. When Booth Tarkington and Harry Leon Wilson set forth to write a big American play, they went abroad to do It. The Tarkington-Wilson reason, from all accounts, was that pure Ameri • anlsm shone all the more strongly by comparison with Huropean forms of usages. The result was the play, "The Man From Home." the drama that run for 342 consecutive performances in Chicago, and then in New York for seventy weeks. Later it appeared in Boston for twenty-seven weeks. The theme of the play is a blow at snob herv. And It is hinted that It has a "punch" that has been delivered with no uncertain hand. Mr. Champlin and ills company will present tills wonder ful play at the Majestic on next Mon <lav, afternoon and evening. During the week's engagement the following; dramas will be given elaborate presen tations: "The Heart of Maryland." "The Stranger." "The Ghost Breaker," "He Fell In Love With Mis Wife. rhe Littlest Rebel." "The Keformer" ami "The Master of the House."—Advertise ment. COLONIAL The elephants are here! Camping In the vicinity of the Busy Corner, for the first half of the week, is an important fr.rt'on of tills winter's circus at the New i'ork Hippodrome, so it's high HARRISBURG 1&8&S& TELEGRAPH Robinson's SALE n ji n rj 28 Winter Suits SILK SALE 11/p Thnrtl? V mi I lICS© oDCCISIIS reduced regardless of v ' ort !l* ht VVC 1 nUTIK 1 OUr COST TO *5 AND $K> Xmcrka makes uTableto of" j* i | i , fOR Those that have been An fer these most desirable silks 10l tile many pleasant COll- $12.50 to $25.00 «pD»wU at prices that would havs bocn gratulations on our 251h vOlllv SIO.OO "w birthday, for the way in WC(MieSdayUlMy no ISSZ which our celebration efforts 3g c Oil Shades 25c our regular stock. I in full lengt is. Also one lotl were appreciated. Opaque Oil Shades (seconds), <ti°nn'l*7 PO u"eMt r.rw 1 > . , . ... greeu only. G ft.x:s ft. of" IX7* a. P a. SI.OO Wash Silks ... G9£ but at abn thday least the 10c Cambric Muslin 654 c Winter VsO&tS A pretty lot of neat pat host furnishes the feast and 3« inches wide Cambric Mus- REDUCED TO s3.#B, $5.00 AND lengths. 32°1nclU!8 S wi r de VaiSt the handshake of welcome. , 1 OT/ SIO.OO — —- VEHY SPECJAI, So must \VC, as best a store Unbleached, 27 Inches wide. popular Skating to QQ ,I ' so COVERT SCIIING, can. And our feast all this - Tht'Vio to S2O si ' w I month will take the form of GALVANIZED TUB ' c°%* V«r . . 8 w sp d Hn S ult co?e« All the $lB to $25 Coats in cloth that •will be greatly n r . 1 T» .r» • Made of a good grade of I Hindu, Lynx (1A AA used to obtain the mill. Kv rarfnA Kf>Cr Karrraine sheet iron, heavily galvan- and Matelasse 1 tary effect In dresses. 1411 l " c IJCOI Ufll gAllld i5!e(J handles secure. _ - the Store Ever Offered 2 l -r UNDERMUSLINS I daV (On''to a customer) Night ;^.( 25c Hoys' Flannelette Pajamas, in |> ,j to one customer. The Biggest of All Shoe Sale, 25c Tan stfi Hose i2-4c i|i M&k 'WttttSU*! Now there arc three big specials. They have All sizes Ladies' Tan Silk MQ , \ Y/y\/~ \ fyl the corset cover top. been all replenished from last Saturday's phe- Hose. W iTi Sflr Priccioro oto nomcnal selling. 29c Children's Skirts 15c V f v/hi «L .ofmide C „f deVpem were $2.00 to were $2.00 to were $2.50 to With and without body at- [7 j' ' '/ i\\ broidery; another lot, a $3.00, women's w< J nu ' n sr>.oo, women's tached. 1 -.J l\\ \ 1 i cambric shaped brassiere. and children's 1 Sjoys' " and men's 50c Work Shirts.... 39c xVcv V- , 39c Drawers .... 25c . A j A _ Heavy plain blue Chambray 25 dosen in two styles: one Cfjn CI AA \1 vjO Working Shirts, in all mens y 1 with a deep embroidery «/Ut# I (|7I,UU lis A • atJ sizes up to 17'/ 2 . 1 -Oa.- rulfle. the other with ruf- I » V /* 1 ■ —— fled hemstitched tucks. time to make a visit to the Colonial, same name, is coming to Harrisburg before the rush becomes too great, to-day ami will bo shown at the Vlc- W hen tiie Colonial presents acts that , . \ . come here from the New York Hippo- Theater. 223 Market street. It is drome, it's time to wake up to the fact a five-part drama, and tells the story that the. management Is presenting big 0 j an ar tlst. Richard, who breaks down t-me attractions. A wealth of clever x tiiient supports Robbin's Elephants, in- ' n health and Is put under the care of eluding: Stewart and Hall, The. Knglish a physician. Later he meets Lucie, Johnny and the American Miss; Pier- and after a short courtship marries, lert and Sehotield, novelty entertainers, Several months later he accepts an of and Luce and Luce retined vocalists fer to paint a portrait of a young so and musicians.—Advertisement. ciety girl and while his work is in pro- giess lives at lier house. "THE I'll I CPj HE I'AIIJ" Soon after Lucie meets Richard's physician, ami while lie operates 011 her lly Kiln Wheeler Wlleox, nt 4lie Vle> grandmother she remains at his house. torln T<i<ln> One day Richard comes to the doctor's A play, "The Price lie Paid," from anil while denying his marriage with Ella Wheeler Wilcox's poem by the Lucie the doctor shows him a casket THIN FOR YEARS t "Gains 22 Pounds in 23 Days" "I was all run down to the very bottom," writes F. Gagnon. "I had to quit work I was so weak. Now, frl, thanks to Sargol, I look like a new man. I gained 22 \ pounds in 23 davs." X' . 1;' '! A ' f ,jj| 'SUjjm "Sargol has put just. 10 pounds on me in 14 days," 'JL Mi states •' '• Roberts. "It has made me sleep well, enjoy | what I ate and enabled me to work with interest and • •Mm JsyJjSflS■ "1 weighed 132 pounds when I commenced taking 1 mm I Sargol. Alter taking 20 days I weighed 144 pounds. \ -Mmtk ■ jflHB Sargol is the most wonderful preparation for flesh build ing I have seen," declares 1). Martin, and J. Meier, |I|II§F adds: "For the past twenty years I have taken medi cine every day for indigestion and got thinner every year. wBB/Bw/ 1 took Sargol for forty days and feel better than I have | felt in twenty years. My weight has increased from 150 • \ When hundreds of men and women —and there are jWgl hundreds with more coming every day—living in every \'A nook and corner of this broad land voluntarily testify to weight increases ranging all the way from 10 to 35 I * 4 JM pounds given them by Sargol you must admit, Mr. and i >/ Mrs. and Miss Thin Reader, that there must be some thing in this Sargol method of flesh building after all. Hadn't, you better look into it, just as thousands of *^llShSlothers hare done? Many thin folks say: "Fd give \ % 'JS most anything to put on a little extra weight," but when \' - MM someone suggests a way they exclaim. "Not-a chance. Nothing will make me plump. Fin built to stay thin." j Until you have tried Sargol, you do not and cannot Sargol has put pounds of healthy "stay there" flesh on hun dreds who doubted, and in spite of their doubts. You don't have * to believe in Sargol to grow plump from its use. You just take j t an( ] watch weight pile up, hollows vanish and your figure round ollt t0 pleasing normal proportions. You weigh yourself when slilHWMHßffi' J OU begin and again when you finish and you let the scales tell the story. gSMf Sargol Is absolutely harmless. Tt is a tiny concentrated WVytJ tablet. You take one with every meal. It mixes with the food f you eat for the purpose of separating all of its flesh producing ingredients. It prepares these fat-making elements In an easily * " jlsSSiri?' assimilated form, which the blood can roadily absorb and carry ~ii over your body. Plump, well-developed persons don't need Sargol to produce this result. Their assimilative machinery per- Kf forms its functions without aid. But thin folks' assimilative or- H gans do not. This fatty portion of their food now goes to waste through their bodies like unburned coal through an open grate. wflK A few days' test of Snrgol in your case will surely prove whether 'iwi nfiiflr ° v not this is true or you ' lsn 4lt worth » If you want a beautiful and well-rounded figure of ayrnme trical proportions if you want to gain some solid pounds of healthy stay-there flesh, if you want to increase your weight to normal, weigh what you should weigh, go straight to your drug y mm. I Kist to-dav and ge.t a package of Sargol and use it as di rected. Sargol will either increase your weight or It won't and { & the only way to know is to try it. A single package of Sargol . easily enables you to make this test. Sixty days' use of Sargol, ) according to directions, is absolutely guaranteed to Increase your \ \ Y / the money you have paid him for it. Sargol is sold by leading V y \ druggists everywhere and in Harrisburg and vicinity by G. A. GORGAS 1 FEBRUARY 9, 1915. : where the dead body of his deformed child is lying-. He realizes then the tragedy for which he is responsible, and on the spot becomes a ravins: maniac ami dies afterward in a padded cell. Lucie recovers her health and after a trip abroad she and the doctor realize that they have found happiness at last with each other. Wednesday, "England's Menace," a powerful plea for preparedness in peace. In three parts.—Advertisement. AT THE PHOTOPLAY "The Affair of the Deserted House," the first of a series of exciting stories released under the general title, "The Girl Detective Series." These features are produced by Kalem, and the patrons of the Photoplay are therefore assured of thoroughly good entertainment when they see the first episode of this newest series. "Tha Affair of the De serted House" shows how Ruth, a wealthy girl, is appointed special in vestigator by the chief of police, as the result of her plucky work in bringing about the capture of a band of counter ffcitera. The gfirl beards the criminals i +i ™* n ' discovery means ucatli. There s a rattling- gruod storv in the outcome. Be sure you see this feature. And don't miss Chas. Chap lin. in 'His Isew Job." Saturday, it's Immense.—Advertisement. An Easy Way to Get Fat and Be Strong The troubie with most t'-in folks who t° gain weight is that they on drugging their stomach or !L Kfeasy foods; rubbing on use it BS n / ,esl } creams," or following some foolish physical culture stunt, while the real cause of thinness goes un touched. Vou cannot get fat until > our tract assimilates the . food J-ou eat. . I JF' ia , l . lks t0 a remarkable new scien discovery, it is now possible to combine into simple form the very ele- , rnents needed by the digestive organs ' to help them convert food into rich, fat-laden blood. This master-stroke of modern chemistry is called Sargol and has been termed the greatest of j flesh-builders. Sargol aims through its I re-generative, reconstructive powers to coax the stomach and intestines to lit erally soak up the fattening elements of your food and pass them into the blood, where they are carried to everv starved, broken-down cell and tissue of your body. You can readily picture the result when this amazing transfor mation has taken place and you notice how your choeks fill out. hollows about your neck, shoulders and bust disap pear and you take on from 10 to 20 pounds of solid, healthy flesh. Sargol is absolutely harmless, inexpensive, ef ficient. All leading druggists have it and will refund your money if you are not satisfied, as per the guarantee found in every package. Caution>— While Sargol has given ex cellent results in overcoming nervous dyspepsia and general stomach troubles it should not be taken bv those who do not wish to gain ten pounds or more. How Thin People Can Put On Flesh .V New Dlncovery | Thin men and women—that big, hearty, filling dinner you ate last | night. What became of all the fat ] producing nourishment it contained? You haven't gained in weight one ounce. That food passed from your body liko unburned coal through an open grate. The material was there, but your food doesn't work and stick, and the plain truth is you hardly get enough nour- I ishment from your meals to pay for j the cost of cooking. This is true of I thin folks the world over. Your nutri tive organs, your functions of assimi lation, are sadly out of gear and need reconstruction. Cut out the foolish foods and funny sawdust diets. Omit the flesh Meant rub-ons. Cut out everything but the meals you are eating now and eat with | every one of those a single Sargol tab let. In two weeks note the differ ence. Five to eight good solid pounds I of healthy, "stay there" fat should be j the net result. Sargol, too. mixes with your food and prepares it for the blood in easily assimilated form. Thin peo | pie gain all the way from 10 to 2 r > pounds a month while taking Sargol. | and the new flesh stays put. Sargol I tablets are a scientific combination of | six of the best flesh-producing cle | ments known to chemistry. They como 1: 40 tablets to a package, are pleasant, harmless and Inexpensive and all deal ers sell them subject to an absolute guarantee of weight increase or money back. Thin People Can Increase Weight Thin men and women who would l to increase their weight with 10 or 1 j pounds of healthy "stay there" fat i should try eating a little Sareol with I their meals for a while and note re \ suits. Here is a good test worth try i ing. First weigh yourself and measure I yourself. Then take Sargol—one tab- Met with every meal—for two weeks. [Then weigh anil measure aguln. ft | isn't a question of how you look or j feel or what your friends say and think. The scales and the tape meas ; tire will tell their own story, and most ' any thin man or woman easily add from live to eight pounds in the first fourteen days by following this simple direction. And best of all, the new tlesh slays put. | Sargol does not of itself maite fat, but mixing witli your food. It turns the I fats, sugars and starches of what you i have eaten, into rich, ripe fat produc | ing nourishment for the tissues and ! blood—prepares it in an easily assimi lated form which the blood can readilv I accept. All this nourishment now passes from your body as waste. Hut I Sargol stops the waste and does it | quickly and makes the fat producing contents of the very same meals you ! are eating now develop pounds and pounds of healthy flesh between your I skin and bone*. Sargol is safe, pleasant, I efficient and inexpensive. All leading druggists sell It in large boxes—forty I tablets to a package—on a guarantee of weight increase or money back.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers