! Is Here Amy Easier, Quicker, Surer Way Thau a Telegraph Classified Ad? DIED XttfKLAND—On February 4. 1915, Mll »ton Wieland, aged 60 years, "J months anj 22 days). , Funeral on Monday afternoon, at 1.30 *>' clock, from his late residence, 41 jKorth Summit street. The relatives and friends are invited to attend with out further notice. ___ EBHENHOUR On Friday, February 5. 191j, Mrs. Annie Kshenhour, aged K.'i years and 9 months. Funeral on Tuesday afternoon, at « o'clock, from her lato residence, 1i.22 liowafd street. Burial Baldwin Ceme tery, Steelton. the Rev. Thomas Reiscli officiating. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. MILLER Died, Friday morning, Feb ruary 6, 1915, at 10 o'clock, Lewis 11. Miller, of I t North Fourteenth street, an employe of the Harrisburg Pipe and Pipe Bending Works, aged 65 years. Funeral services Monday evening, at 7:30, from his late residence, the Hev. Mr. Smucker officiating. Body will be taken to Tremont Tuesday noon, at l-:ou, where burial will take place, lie was a member of the Odd Fellows, of this city, anil also of Tremont. Rela tives and friends are Invited to attend without further notice. BARNIIART Died, February 4. 1915, H. Stanley Barnhart, aged 22 years. Relatives and friends are invited to ottend without further notice the ser vices on Monday afternoon, at 2 o clock, from the late residence, 2147 North Fourth street. Burial private, Last Harrisburg Cemetery. LOST LOST • On Thursday afternoon, a ».mall, gray, lady's purse, containing a sum of money, pi-ooably on Third street near the Post Office. Finder will be rewarded by returning the same to 226 State street, llarrisburg. LOST Lady's gold watch, black fob Knights of Columbus charm. Reward if returned to 23 South Seventeenth street. FOUND ~ FOUND The way to end your cleaning and dyeing worries, by calling either phone for Kggert's Steam Dye ing and French Cleaning Works, 124j Market street. We call and deliver. FOUND —A place without trying. Careful cleaning—best of dyeing Where? At Eggert's Steam Dysing and French Cleaning Works 1245 Mar ket street. Call either phone. We de liver and call. UJSLF WANTED—MaIe WANTED Experienced Black smith, and all-around man, to do horse shoeing and wagon repairing. Address Box 1510, care of Telegraph. WANTED Railway mail and postal clerks; examinations soon; over 2,000 appointments yearly; prepare at home; write for Plan No. 15 of payment alter appointment. Philadelphia Business College, Civil Service Dept., Philadel phia. Pa. DISTRICT MANAGERS WANTED sß.oo a month matures and repays prin cipal of $1,000.00 loan on real estate In 128 months. Interest 5 per cent., re duced annually, not exceeding $248.00. Investors guaranteed 4 per cent., plus earning. Loans from SSOO up on farm or city property. Good commission, ex clusive territory, and a good connection iriken to live, capable men. , Reference r Squired. Empire Brokerage & Finance Co., 648 Drexel Building. MEN, 20 to 30 years old. wanted ai once for electric railway motormen and conductors; S6O to SIOO monthly; no ex perience necessary; line opportunity; no strike. Write immediately for ap plication blank. Address R., 1523, care of Telegraph. WANTED Traveler for 1915. Age 27 to 50. Experience unnecessary. Sal ary, commission and expense allow ance to right man. J. E. Mcßrady, Chi cago. . I WILL PAT honest men up to SSO monthly. Spare time. Home work. No canvassing. No capital. Mall Order Business. Voorhies, Desk 155, Omaha, Neb. SBO MONTHLY AND EXPENSES, travel, distrlbuteX samples, take or ders, appoint agents; permanent. Jap- American Co., Ogden & Taylor, Chicago. $2,500 ANNUALLY. Co-operate with me evenings at home. Everything fur nished. Don't worry about capital. Boyd H. Brown, Omaha, Neb. WANTED Two suitable men to represent the Singer Sewing Machine i'o. Address their Supervisor, Mr. E. F. Grove, York, Pa. GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS Thorough instruction $5. Returned it not appointed. Particulars free. Ameri can Civil Service School, Washing ton, D. C. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to get. My free booklet, H-372, tells liow. Examinations in this State soon. AVrite to-day—NOW. Earl Hopkins, Washington. D. C. WANTED MEN Prepare as Fire men. Brakemen, Electric Motormen, Colored Train Porters. Hundreds put to work SSO to SIOO month. No ex £erience necessary. 500 WANTED, arge Pennsylv. la Roads. Steady worlf. Write Inter Railway, Dept. 251, Indianapolis. Ind. BECOME Railway Mall Clerks; Har risburg Mail Carriers. $65.00 to $150.00 month. Pull unnecessary. Schedule of Winter and Spring examinations—free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 361-B, Roches ter. N. Y. WANTED Four hustling solicitors, who possess honesty and energy, to work; salary or commission basis. Ap ply at 316 South Twenty-ninth street, Penbrook, Pa., after 4 o'clock p. M. MEN WANTED to become practical chauffeurs and mechanics. As opportu nity affords students will be given chance while learning to earn 30c an hour on overhauling work. Make ap plication at once. Special course for ladles. Day and night schools. Auto Transportation School and Machine Khop. 6-7 North Crfmeron street. Merle E, Kelier gives private lessons in Shorthand, Type writing, Penmanship. Dictation, etc.. at rlsss instruction rates to students who want Direct Results. Several open periods. Call to-day. Room 307, Patriot Building. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS "•Id soon. Railway Mall Clerks; P. O. **fcrks and Carriers; Stenographers. Private and Individual tutoring at rea sonable rates. Address Tutor, P. O. Box 431. Harrisburg. FOR SALE NEW HOUSES 1822 Boas Stre**t—(one of a pair) 2-story brick with six rooms, bath and furnace, cemented cellar 1 with hot and cold water, front and I back porches, front bay window. t i,ot 18x110 ft. Price 92,500 •3 11 tfl X. Fourteenth St.— (One of "a pair) 2 M -story brick and stucco, geven rooms, bath and steam heat, cemented cellar, 10x15 ft. porch. Lot 18.6x100 ft. Price .... $:t,900 MILLER BROTHERS & CO. REAL ESTATE Fire Insurance Surety Bonds I I.oeust ond Court Streets SATURDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED—MaIe AGENTS WANTED To sell tea and coffee and merchandise In Huxn melstown, Carlisle. Mechanlcsburg and Chambersburg. Apply Tamsul Tea Co.. 331 Market street. Second Floor. WANTED Tinner; permanent po sition to right man. Apply at once, Twenty-ninth and Main streets. Pen brook. HELP WANTED—Fcmate WORKS DRESSMAKING SCHOOL HAS registered 28 new pupils, and has room for a few more, day or evening. All pattern cutting is taught by meas ure, You make your own dresses while learning. Works Dressmaking School, 22 North Fourth street. LARGE KNITTING MILL Invites cor respondence from women desirous of earning money, part or full time. Good pay. Experience unnecessary. Inter national Knitting Mills, West Philadel phia, Pa. DO easy, pleasant coloring work at home; good pay; no canvassing; no ex perience required. Write Gleason- Wheeler Co., 337 Madison, Chicago. WANTED Young lady for office work. One having previous experience preferred. State age, salary expected, and place where formerly employed. Address No. 1517. care of Harrisburg Telegraph. WANTED—Experienced help. Apply "Silk Mills," Cor. Second and North Sts. LADIES lmmediately. Filling and labeling boxes. Home work. Evenings. Steady. No experience, sl2 weekly. No canvassing. Excellent opportunity. Enclose stamp. Erina Specialty Co., Toronto, Ont. Stenographers Wanted Business firms of Harrisburg and vicinity have requested us to send them more office assistants the last few days than they did in as many months during the re cent business depression. If this increased demand for capable Stenographers and Bookkeepers is a proof of better business, and it certainly is, then we will need more graduates to supply the de mand l'or efficient office help. Be gin preparation now. If you have difficulties which hinder you, call at the School of Commerce, 15 South Market Square. Harrisburg, and see if we can solve them for you. for home work. Nothing to sell. 25c per hour. Enclose stamp. Rankin & Dobsin, 118 Elm street, Hills dale, Pa. FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. s'.'s to SSO per week, Railroad fare paid. Good rich Drug Co., Dept. 520, Omaha, Neb. LADIES can make $lO weekly; copy ing, addressing and mailing samples; no canvassing; particulars for stamp. American Co., 2355 Orthodox, Philadel phia. MADAM Earn sls to $25 weekly. Co-operate with me evenings at home. No canvassing. Everything furnished. Don't worry about capital. I will help you. Boyd C. Brown, Omalia, Neb. HARRISBURG SHORTHAND SCHOOL Stands for lndividual Instruction. Best known methods In teaching. Real touch typewriting. A personal interest In each student. My guarantee—To prepare students for good positions. To aid them In securing employment Tuition will be charged for 7 months only. Free after that time. Free trial. North Second street AGENTS WANTED WOULD $l5O monthlv Interest you? If so secure your county for that re markable seller, Anti-Thief Combina tion Automobile Switch Lock; thief proof; no competition; you should eas ily earn this, then some. Send for con tract. Anti-Thief Lock Co., Dept. 146, Indianapolis. ACTIVE HUSTLERS can earn $5 to $lO daily handling: a new article needed in every home. State previous experi ence. Write for booklet and terms. Illuminating Electric Mfg. Co., Phila delphia. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANT — Large Eastern Manufacturer of Loose Leaf Systems and Accounting Supplies require* man in Harrisburg and vicinity. Knowledge of stationery or printing lines preferred. A liberal commission proposition. Leads fur nished. Exceptional opportunity to es tablish a. legitimate, dignified, perma nent business. Sheppard Co., 305 Hud son street, New York. A NEW article that is an absolute necessity in every household. Unlimited returns derived by capable agents. Van Keuren Sales Co., Tonkers, N. Y. EARN SSO to SIOO week. Working capital of less than SIOO starts you. Mail Order business. Write for particu lars. Snow, 23-25 Otis street, Boston. AGENTS Do you want to be inde pendent and earn a good income? If so write immediately for our proposi tion. Homer Smith Co., Derry, Pa. WE want reliable men everywhere to handle our ftoods. Every woman buys on sight. Write to-day. The Keystone Specialty Co., Box 254, Pittston, Pa. AGENTS AND AUTO OWNERS—The greatest "Spark Gaps" on earth. Ad dres i M. Lowe, DOS Van Brunt street, Mankato, Minn. AGENTS in every town. 300 per cent, profit. No competition. Something new. Success assured. Write for propo sition at once. Komfort Kollar Klip Co., Carlisle. Pa. $5 TO $lO A DAY easily made. Co operate with us. No capital or experi ence necessary. Write at once. Reliable Specialty Co.. L. J. Roll, 1012 Lovejoy. Buffalo, N. T. AGENTS write quick for big FREE sample case proposition Mexlmol Toilet Accessories, Resurrection Plants, Arizona Diamonds, etc. New line; ex clusive territory; no competition. Big chance for hustlers. Lester Company, Box 42, Mesilla Park, N. M. iton't be an agent. Make SSO weekly. Co-operate with me evenings at home. Others are growing rich. 1 will help you and furnish everything. Don't worry about capital. Boyd H. Brown, Dept. 10, Omaha, Neb. OWN A BUSINESS 1,000 per cent.' profit Manufacturing Inks at home spare time. Capital and experience un necessary. Enormous commercial de mand. Our secret formulas and sure selling plans insufe lucrative, steadily increasing business. No canvassing:. Investigate immediately, particulars free. E. B. Covert. Secretary. 6935-6939 Kenwood avenue, Chicago, 111. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMAN, each County; capable of caUing on merchants. Willing to hustle for $30.00 weekly. Permanent business: no investment. George Ma -1 comber, 542 Franklin Bank, Washing ton, D. C. WANTED Traveling salesman for [ our Spring product low-priced Dress [ Fabrics. We sell the retailer direct and pay good commission. Desirable i side line. Schuylkill Mills, Box 1192, [ Philadelphia. Pa. SALESMEN WANTED Experience unnecessary; easy work; biff pay. Write fur large list of openings offering- op portunities to earn SIOO to SSOO a month while you learn. Address near est office. Dept. 244 National Sales men's Training Association. Chicago, New York, Kansas City, San Francisco. SIDE LINE, pocket samples; 10 min utes, $lO commission; high-grade men only: no other need apply. Advertising Novelty Co., Newton, lowa. SITUATION WANTED—MuIe WANTED Young man would like to have position of any kind; can fur nish reference. Bell phone 3113 LW. H. Orimwood. Jr., Wormleysburg, Pa. WANTED Middle-aged man wishes place as gardener; handy with flowers, and can furnish (rood reference from iust employer. Address J. B. G., 302 South River avenue, City. WANTED An holiest, reliable col ored man desires work, either as a driver, porter, janitor, houseman or watchman; can furnish good reference. Address 133 Balm street. WANTED Young man wants posi tion; six years' clerical experience, one year shipping and stock clerk; furnish references If required. R. S. L, 2352 Perry street. 1459 J. WANTED Young man desires stenographic and typewriting work evenings and Saturday afternoons; has machine and willing to get out work at home; three years' experience. Ad dresj^B^^^^cart^ji^pelegmph^^ SITUATION 8 \v ANTfcl)—Female WANTED Day's work, or wash ing or Ironing to do at home. Call, or address, 1403 Mayflower avenue. WANTED A reliable colored wo man desires work, either by the day or hour; also any kind of clerical work by former teacher. Address 133 Balm street. WANTED Country girl wants work as chambermaid, or housework of any kind, except cooking; best of city references. Address 1113 Kltta tlnny street. WANTED Trained nurse, with four years' experience, wishes situation as companion to elderly lady, or care, of invalid. Terms reasonable. Bell phone 2396 L WANTED Colored woman desires work of any kind, In or out of town. Please call, or address, 519 Showers avenue. Room 7, second floor. WANTED White girl desires work of any kind. Call, or address, 502 Strawberry avenue, or call United phone 441 Y. WANTED Lady wants position as dishwasher, or chambermaid. Address 602 Cumberland street. WANTED A young, colored wo man desires a position as child's nurse or lady's maid; can furnish best of ref erence. Address 1525, care of Tele graph. POSITION WANTED By a colored woman carlr- for children by the hour or day, day's work or cooking. Address 1526, care of Telegraph. WANTED • By middle-aged woman, position as companion to elderly lady, or as housekeeper for widower' no ob jection to one or two children. Ad dress M„ 1519, care of Telegraph. WANTED Experienced child's nurse or upstairs girl wants position; speaks German and English fluently. Miss Tarsisch, 553 South Tenth street. WANTED First-class colored cook desires position; can furnish reference. Call, or address. 665 Briggs street. REAL ESTATIS FOB SALE FOR SALE Property No. 1913 Penn street; brick house; front and back porches; cemented cellar; fully improv ed; model home for small family price right to quick buyer. Apply on premises. INVESTMENTS 1223% Bailey, $1,500, rent $14.00; 173 North Fifteenth, $2,550. rent $26.00; 1350 North, $2,100; 15 North Eighteenth, $4,200. Irwin M. Cassell, Real Estate and Insurance, 1444 Reglna. FOR SALE 213 Crescent street, one storeroom and eight living rooms; all improvements; has buildings on rear facing another street. Apply 213 Cres cent street. FOR SALE —An up-town brick house 8 rooms bath gas fur nace porch drive alley on rear —■ will be sold at sacrifice. Owner lias gone to Florida. Bell llealty Co., Berg ner Building. FOR SALE Fourteen-room brick dwelling; latest improvements', suit able for roomers and boarders; good lo cation. Miss Catherine Miller, 107 South Banard street. State College, Pa. FOIL SALE AT A BARGAIN! OR will exchange for Improved city property, an imposing 14-room 40x40 ft. Colonial suburban residence. All Im provements; porch, 10 ft. wide. 70 ft. long. Lot. 116x200 ft. Shrubbery; 6 kinds of fruit in bearing. Trolley near; 12 minutes and one fare from Market Square. Also Camp 11111 frame house. Price, $1,600. Also 8-room brick house on lot 118 x 220, In Camp Hill: ten minutes' walk from trolley. Price, $3,800. Also lots of large Lots at $3 to $6 per front foot. Address A.. 1471, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Several plots, contain ing from one to five acres, located, near trolley line. Suitable for chicken or truck farm. Near city. Cheap to quick buyer. Address Box 1497, care of Tele graph. OPPORTUNITY TO QUICK BUYER— Can offer cheap, exceeding fine lot containing about three acres land, suit able for chicken farm. Near fine resi dential section. Jonestown Road, trolley and city market. Will sacrifice to quick buyer. Address "Opportunity," care of Telegraph Office. FOR SALU 52,000 will buy rental income of $48.00 per month. Penn street house, chestnut finish; steam heat; side entrance; front porch S2OO reduction. Call 1464 J. AN up-town brick house. S rooms, bath, gas, furnace, porch; drive alley on rear; will be sold at sacrifice. Owner has gone to Florida. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Lots at Penbrook 30x 150. Prices |IOO each and up to close them out quickly. Also for salo one framo house, centrally located, in the city; 6 rooms, bath and attic; hot air heat. Price, $2,100. For terms apply to i'. Haldeman & Co., Carpenters and Builders, 3222 North Sixth street. Job work promptly attended to by calling Bell phone 3622J3. (14) ACRES <«I,SOO> GREAT bargain (telephone) in (2) porch, fine cellar (7) room home. Paint ed white, large windows, water on porch, newly papered and painted, • mall) delivered every day, dandy bank barn, wagon house with windows', large hog, poultry, corn anil wood houses. Buildings all like (new) on main road near school and cvhurch. Choice orch ard. apple, pear, cherry, plum and peach trees. New fence around fine large garden. At ($1,800) add horse, age (7) and (2) cows (6) hogs (50) chickens. Photos. <r,o) ACRES (Si'.nooi Price very low (sacrifice), woodland (8) acres joining will add to make bar gain if sold at once. Cozy home, large windows, double rooms, front with folding doors, fine outkltchen, front and back porches (painted) in fine location facing main road to (3) good markets. Bank barn (2) wagon houses, poultry, corn, storage and hog buildings. Short distance to school and church. Finest (poultry farm) In Montour County. Will add (12) acres winter grain for good luck. Photo. (120) ACRES 193,<100) (Two) farms (60) acres each at ($1,800) apiece with one set of build ings. Large windows (2) porches, fine white home. Stone milk house, large glass front poultry house, (hoggery) with (6) windows, (new) frame bank barn, new stocn yard. Remember all buildings painted except one. (2) large fruit orchards (20) acres good wootl lnnd mako poles, railroad ties and props. Sunbury to Bloomsburg. half mile to main road, trollev and mile to city market (10,000) people. GEORGE H. OSTRAN'IIER, Danville Telephones Sunbury Mornings (7 to S) Evenings harrisburg telegraph REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE Small fruit and chicken farm, 3 acres, 2Vj -story frame house, liog sty, smokehouse, clilckenhouse 4Sx 16, all in A No. 1 condition; also 85 fruit trees and all kinds of berries, two wells, $»50.00. Inquire Amos Peters, 3240 Main, Progress, Pa. FOR SALE Apartment house, 404 North Second street; five apartments and store; steam heat and all modern Improvements. Apply, or address, M. Mall. 266 Herr street. HEAL ESTATE FOR KENT FOR RENT March 1. No. 411 North So ond street, 3-story brick. Will alter for business. Apply 309 North Second street. FOR RENT No. 465 Crescent street, new eight-room house; all con veniences; gas and electricity; large front porch; central location; rent, S2O. Apply 4i>9 Crescent street. FOR RENT 1157 Derry street all conveniences gas and electricity —front porch furnace and cemented cellar. P.ent, $20.00 per month. In ad vance. inquire 259 Herr street. FOR RENT MECHANICS BURG'S FINEST HOME. Center of best resi dence section. All modern conveni ences. Hardwood throughout. porches, lawns, balcony. Ideal home for Harrisburg business or profes sional man. Rent reasonable. Posses sion April 1. Walter L Hauck. Me chanlcsburg, Pa. Bell phone 17Y. FOR BE:;T 636 N. Seventeenth St $20.00 636 S. Sixteenth St $17.U0 1524 Catherine St ,15.00 1937 Swatara St $15.00 1019 S. Twenty-first-and-One- Half St $10.50 912 N. Third St. (store r00m)....520.00 J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market St. FOR SALE CHEAP. OR RENT l6OB Walnut street, one storeroom and three living rooms. Apply 213 Crescent 6treet. FOR RENT Eight-room brick house, with improvements. 1729 Park Btreet. city; rental. S2O per month. Ap ply James Bricker, New Cumberland, Pa. R. F. D. FOR RENT 2217 Atlas avenue, 501 Hamilton street, 1805 State street, sev eral store rooms. Kough, Brlghtbill & Kline, Sixth and Reily streets. FOR RENT Ten-room house, all improvements, every room front, with running 'hot and cold water, steam heat, electricity, gas, phones, recently fitted throughout; centrally located. W. L. Montgomery, corner Third and Chestnut streets. FOR RENT SI3 North Second street; 3-story brick; 9 rooms and bath; all Improvements; electric bells nil rocms to kitchen; excellent location. Possession April 1. Apply 1100 North Front street. FOR RENT Houses with all Improve ments at moderate rentals J. E. Glpple, 125 . Market street. APAKTMEXTS FOR KKXX FOR RENT Apartments at south east corner Fourth and PefCer streets. All conveniences at reasonable rent ! Outside porch. Apply B. F. Umberger, 108 North Second street, or 427 Fetter street. FOR RENT Furnished apartments, two or iour rooms; rent reasonable; all conveniences. Apply before 6 o'clock. 621 North Second street, after S o'clock. 518 North Second street. Bell phone. APARTMENT FOR RENT Five rooms and bath, with all modern con veniences. Apply 1118 North Sixth street. MacDANIKLS FAMILY APARTMENTS —Floor of two or four rooms, furnished or unfurnished, for housekeeping. Large back porch, private meters, bells and letter boxes. 1417 Market, or call Bell phone 897 J. FOR RENT Apartment, second floor; 4 rooms with bath; city steam lieat; gas and electric lights; call bells; hot and cold water; central location. 'A., 1524, care of Telegraph. 107 SOUTH FRONT STREET Sec ond floor housekeeping apartments 1 * rooms with kitchenettes and baths modern improvements—elec tric lights gas city steam ,l#a l, tor service. Apply at above address. KOOMS l'Olt KENT FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or ensuite; all conveniences, ln cluulng ohone; reference required. Ap ply 1015 North Front street. FOR RENT—Large, front room; cen tral location; all conveniences; use of phone. Apply 209 State street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, In cluding parlor bedroom; all conveni ences. 107 Chestnut street. FOR RENT ■ — Two nicely furnished rooms, second floor, with use of bath and phone; a few steps to the trolley; fine location. 203 Kelker street. Phono No. 1763 W. FOR RENT Widow wishes to rent room to middle-aged lady. Apply to 427 Kelker street. FOR RENT Large, cozily furnished front room, for two gentlemen, in small, refined private family on Allison Hill; good location, conveniences and home comforts. Price, SIO.OO per month each, including breakfast and wash ing. or $15.00 for one man. Address S., 1521, care of Telegraph. — > FOR RENT —With or without board, nicely furnished second floor rooms; small private family. 45 North Six teenth street, City. FOR RENT Two large furnished, or unfurnished rooms, for light house keeping; use of heat, gas, bath, tele phone; ten minutes' to business district. Bell 1012 R. Apply 1432 Berryhlll. FOR RENT Furnlsherooms, with bath and use of phone; river view; excellent location; reference re quire 1. Apply 2015 North Second street. ROOMS AND BOARD AVANTED Two men boarders, with room; all conveniences. Including use of 801 l phone. Apply 12C0 State street. UNFL'RNIMIFD ROOMS lIM'tRMMHUI) lIOOMS Built especially for light housekeep ing. with or without kitchenettes. Rooms strictly private. Stoves furnish ed free. Laundry, phone and bathroom privileges. Private lockers for surplus furniture. Inquire offlce (or see Jani tor, same building), 429 Broad street. (Sunday inspection invited). FOR SALE CALKS FOR SALE At Gable's, 111-117 S. Second street. Red Tip, Ring Point, i Blizzard, Rowe Junior, Can't Slip, {Slant I Grip and Always Sharp Calks. SPECIAL for two weeks at Baturin & Co., 1005 North Third street—s lbs. llutterine (the best), with 5 lbs. Sugar, for $1.24. One 11). Butterine, 19c. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Oftle. CIGARS For a limited time we are giving 60 "Madame X" and 25 "Miss Lou" Cigars for sl, postpaid. Snell & Co., Red Lion, Pa. IN order to make room for a large shipment of new cars in transit, will sell new and used trucks on hand at a sacrifice. Here Is an unusual opportu nity to buy a good truck. Harrisburg Auto Co. FOR SALE 1 small Vlctrola and 29 double-disk records for $20.00 cash; nte* 1 Old Trusty Incubator, 110 eggs, for $4.00. Apply at once. W. E. Mur ray, New Cumberland. End of car line, creel: bridge. l'OR SALE FOB SALE Ford Touring Car for sale cheap. Bargain for someone. Bell phone 100. FOB SALE One 8-H.-P. boiler, up right, practically new; man-powur bone grinder; ;160 Cyphers incubator, prac tically new. one or two-horse huckster wagon; light set of good harness. Ap ply J. D. Mlnnick, Lemoyne, Pa. FOB SALE One automobile Road ster, Buick, 1!»14: self-starter; electric light; run a short time; party leaving the city. Address H., 1518, care of Tele graph. FOR SALE One beautiful dining room set. Call B'll phone 1169 L FOB SALK Twin-cylinder Indian motorcycle; Just been thoroughly over hauled; fine shape; big bargain; price, S4O; investigate. Keystone Cycle Co., 814 North Third street. FOR SALE 1914 Overland Road ster. fully equipped, like new; run only a little over 2,000 miles; demountable rims. 413 South Cameron street. WAGON FOR SALE Plattorni wagon (made by C. A. Fair); absolutely new and never used. Cost $lB6. Will sell at a very low price, lie cause of It being replaced by auto de livery. Apply SUPERINTENDENT, BOWMAN & CO. FOR SALE Safe and gentle horse for work on farm will be sold at low price. Can be seen at 421 South Second street, Harris burg. FOR SALE Singing Canaries, up to-date Bird and Parrot Cages, large Goldfish and Globes of all sizes. Bird Seeds, natural ilsh food and supplies, at Gebhardt's, the "Bird Man," 1001 North Third, between Boas and Herr, FOE SALE Brood mare, colt. Jer sey cow, Guernsey bull and heifer, one l.'ayton wagon and two sets of harness. Second and Walnut streets, Worrnieys burg, Pa. Bell phone 3099 J. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOB SALE Tom Barrens Wyan dottes—wonderful layers. Two settings of eggs, for immediate disposal, from Imported stock. Price reasonable. J. L. *Spence, Middletown, Pa. FOR SALE Fine collection of Vic,- trola Records, In good condition; sold singly or any number one-third off list ed price; 200 Bed Seal and others. 230 West State street. 801 l phono 6S6R. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board at 23c each. Ono o~ these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. If paid in advance. Inquiro at Office of Telegraph. l'Olt KENT FOR RENT The machine shop in City Garage. A chance to secure an es tablished business in the largest garage in the city. Apply City Garage. 116 and 118 Strawberry street. WANTED WANTED 1913 or 1914 Overland car; must be at a bargain. Address X., 1516, care of Telegraph. $4.20 EACH paid for U. S. Eagle Cents dated 1856. $1 to SSOO each for hun dreds of other U. S. and Foreign Coins dated before 1890. Send TEN cents for New Illustrated Coin Value BooU, 4x7. Get posted. It may mean your j?oo<i fortune. Clarke Coin Company, Box 134, Le Roy, N. Y. GLASS WINDOWS will be placed in auto curtains while you wait. C. A. Fair Carriage and Auto Works. BUSINESS OPPOIt'X UNITIES ON account of ill health, 1 offer for sale my entire stock of General Mer chandise, also an excellent Tea and Coffee Route. Must bo sold quick. Special bargain for quick buyer. Call, or address, Lock Box 13, Swatara Sta tion. Pa. WANTED Few investors for new Invention, recommended by State De partment. Will pay at least 10 per cent, per annum first year, with in creaTe In stock value. Address 8., 1511, care of Telegraph. A LOCAL manufacturing plant, doing good business, desires to extend Its business. Offers an exceptional oppor tunity to investors of from SIOO to SSOO. Will bear investigati6n. Address In vestment, P. O. Box 59, Harrisburg, Pa. A GOOD investment for a party with S3OO to SSOO. Full particulars. Address G., 1515, care of Telegraph. GROW RICH IN BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN. Get out of the wage-earner's class. Your co-operation with our fac tory starts you with little capital dur ing spare time in your own home. We manufacture exclusive articles. No canvassing. Experience unnecessary. Write for booklet and proposition. Ad dress Pease Mfg. Co., Dept. D-60, Buf falo N. Y. GROCERY STORE FOR SALE: stock at inventory and fixtures at reduced price. Corner property, good location, not previously offered. Get particulars at once. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. BARBER BUSINESS FOB SALE Six-clialr shop and equipment there with; this shop is centrally located on a prominent street in Harrisburg. All details at Bell Bealty Co., Bergner Building. BARBER BUSINESS FOR SALE Six-chair shop and equipment there with. This shop is centrally located on a prominent street in Harrisburg. All details at Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE A real business oppor tunity. A retail oyster, fruit and lunch goods—and market stund. Excellent reason for selling, and good offer to quick buyer. 1522, care of Telegraph. BAKERY FOR SALE Only bakery in town of S00; good location and good business. Best of reasons for selling. Low price. Address R. S. Klucker, New Bloomfield, Pa. FOR RENT Gasoline sidewalk privilege Must have $350. Address P. O. Box 402, City. DISTRICT AGENT WANTED for Pennsylvania provincial territory, to call upon grocery and market trade. State age, selling experience, if anv, references and general qualifications in first letter. Apply Standard Comput ing Scale Co., Ltd., Detroi , Mich. Restaurant for Sale. Cheap to quick buyer. On main street doing fair business. Apply Hap ple & Schwartz, Real Estate Agents, Mechanicsburg, Pa. ANY intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticular*. Press Snydicate, 798. Lock port. N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS PIANO TIOVING by exports. Winter Piano Co., 23 North Fourth street, call 146. phone. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street. Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. FEBRUARY 6, 1915. BUSINESS PISRONAJjS OLD GOLD AND SILVER. Watcher Diamonds and Jewelry bought for highest cash prices. Jos. D. Brenner. Jeweler. No. 1 North Third street. Bell phone 1274 L. Harrisburg Paste Works 1-0 N. Cameron Street PAPERH ANGERS'. blllpostars\ book binders' and all kinds of paste. Prompt shipment. All paste guaranteed. Bell phone 1186 L. IIAKDWOOO KLOORS ~ Rescraped ami rettnlshed. New floors laid of all designs. Stairs covered with hardwood. Prices reasonable. J. at. Smith, No. 2219 Brookwood street Beli phone 1391 L. hauling 11. W. LATHE. Hoarding Stable and Notional Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. 11. W. loathe. Manager. Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No 2503 R. NEW AND SECOND-HAND Furni ture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Drop postal, or phone S7IBJ. Atlas Furniture Co., 1014 Mar ket street. I REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING I with best material and by expert help Send us your worn furniture. Our best I efforts Insure your satisfaction, s, N Cluck. 320 Woodbine street. MONEY TO LOAN HONEST, industrious people without Real Estate, Stocks or Bonds, can se cure small LOANS here consistent with sound business at Legal Rales. Small I Payments. Prompt, courteous, confl j Uential service. Profit-Sharing Loan Society Chartered —Licensed—Bonded, j Second Floor. B N. Market Square. | ANY person needing money in {■. mounts from $5 to SSO holding a sal- I aried position, would be benefited by I c alling on us. Employes' Discount Co 3<i North Third street. LOANS—SS to S2OO for noneat work ing people without bank credit at less than legal rates, payable In Instalments to suit borrowers' convenience. Cooperative Loan and Investment Co STORAGE I HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two ! new eight-story brick warehouses one absolutely fireproof divided Into fire proof private rooms or various sizes for the storage of household goods; the other warehouse of the most approved typo of lire retardent construction for general merchandise. They are equip ped with two large electric freight ele vators and spiral chute for the quick and safe handling of household goods and all kinds of merchandise. Low storage rates. South Second street near Paxton. on the tracks of Penna. R. R. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for I household goods and merchandise Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 75 cents per mouth. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411 Broad street. Both phones. NOTICE THE Annual Meeting for election of Directors of the Eureka Life Insurance Company of Baltimore. Md., will be held at the Home Office of the Com pany, at Baltimore, Md., Tuesday, Feb ruray 9, 1915, at noon. J. P. SANSOM. Secretary. PERSONAL LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA lf you or r>ny friend afflicted wishes to learn of a successful treatment, address Room 92 Broadway, Detroit, Allch. LEGAL NOTICES | CLERIC'S NOTICE. NO. 2525, IN BANKRUPTCY ln the District Court ] of the United States for the Middle Dis trict of Pennsylvania, Clarence E. Zar ios. of llarrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of July 1, iB9B, having apnlled for a full discharge from all debts provable against his estate under said Act. notice is hereby given to all known creditors and other persons in interest, to appear before said Court at Scranton, in said District, on the Bth day of March, 1915, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, If anv they have, why the prayer of the said peti tioner should not be granted. GEORGK C. SCHEUER, Clerk. Public Service Renders Decisions Members of the State Public Ser vice Commission last evening lvuelved a letter of appreciation for what it had accomplished and it came from a borough, too. The letter was from the borough of Tamaqua and extend ed thanks for bringing about assign ment of crossing watchmen for three streets crossed by the Reading and Lehigh and New England Railroads. The borough council had declared the crossings dangerous and the commis sion secured protection for them. The commission issued directions last night fcr the making of the big inventory to be hastened by the Phil adelphia Electric Company, and to be checked up as to cost of each item by the engineer of the commission. The inventory, which will be the most elaborate ever undertaken by the or ders of the commission, is to be tin ished during May, when it is proba ble that hearings will be resumed. The commission advised E. J. Klingman, of Dalmatia, which is on the line of the Northern Central I tail road, that a shelter station would be erected at that point. Klingman com plained that the patrons of the road were without adequate accommoda tion. The commission took testimony on the complaint of W.W.Maehemer that the West Reading Water Company re fused to extend its mains. The mat ter was amicably adjusted on the rep resentation of a sufficient number of patrons that they would accept the service. WORK SCARCE IN SPAIN Madrid, via Paris, Feb. 6, 5.30 a. m. —Workingmen and their families throughout Spain are suffering much distress becauso of the increasing lack of employment. Conditions are es pecially bad in the provinces of Huel va and Almeria. APARTMENTS Suites of 2 Rooms and Bath IN THE Reynard, 208 N. Third St. Large, light, airy, and comfortable rooms. Steam heat and constant hot and cold water supplied. Hardwood floors; electric light; wired for telephone service. TILED BATHROOMS. Ready About February 1, 1915 APPLY TO Commonwealth Trust Company, 222 Market Street HarrUburg, Pa> ' Burglary No house is safe against a burglar. Will you be tlie next victim? Why not buy a burglary policy for $7.50 per $1,000.00? See or phone H. F. Oves, 40 N. Court St. Forßent Desirable offices in the Union Trust Building. Apply Union Trust Company > —— i j Twelfth k Herr St. FACTORY FOR RENT Splendid Room, 50x75 teet. 50 windows; up-to-date steam beat ing Included. Rent very reason able. Will be wired to suit tenant. Apply POST OFFICE BOX 34. _ Public Sale Saturday, February 13, 1915 We, the undersigned, will sell at public sale at John Hair's farm one-half a mile south of Dellville on the road leading from Dellville to Grler's Point. Imported H Belgian Luxemburg Registered No. 3921. Belgian stud book No. 49792. Said stallion is i,n color chestnut, stripe in face. Bred by Mr. C. Baron Gaff!net, of Freux. Imported June 28, 1909, by H. J. Speicher & Co. Foaled Jan. 3, 190fi, sired by Clarion de Corroy (13228) lie by Carion (7888) Out of Ba ronne do Corroy (8885). Dam Diane (9081) she by Sultane de Noville (1214) Out of Alezane (2653). This horse is sound, weight 1,600 lbs. This horse took the blue ribbon at the Cumberland County Horse Show near Mechanb sburg,- every year he competed there. He is gentle, a good drafter with action. Salo at 1 o'clock. SHKRMANSDALE HORSE CO. mißßErt STAMJip Mil SEALS & STENCILS IIV jT| MFG. BY HBG. STENCIL WORKS ■ |1 I 1 130 LOCUST ST. HBG.PA. U THE Harrisburg Foiycllnlo Dlspsn •ary will be open dally, except Sunday, at 3 P. M„ at Its new location, 1701 North Second street, for tha Ire® treat ment of the worthy poor. MONEY TO LOAN ' at I«m than legal rates, la uj amounts. Payable In Instalment* to ■ult borrower. Positively lowest rates In tlie city. Pennsylvania Investment Co. 132 WALNUT BTIIEGT V PLOTS OF GROUND 1 2033 N. 2nd St.. 50x162 ft. 700x500 ft. along Pennsylvania railroad for manufacturing plant. 85x150 ft., Paxtang ave„ Pax tang. CAMP HILL Dong St., 2-stor.v dwelling, with 2 acres of land, all kinds of fruit. Dong St., 2-story dwelling, with 1 acre of ground, all kinds of fruit. FARMS 100 acres, fruit farm, 1H miles east of Llnglestown. 150 acres, 5 miles east of Har risburg, good ground, buildings and water. 3 acres, Baraitz, on Yellow Breeches Creek, brick house. 11l acres, Beaver Station, good buildings, ground and water. H. M. Bird Union Trust Bldg. 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers