|j It's Oily i Step Fran a Telegraph Classified Ad to a Good Position | i DUAWr "Keep your feet dry." was | x JbLUJNJS tiie laconic advice of the old family physician when asked | YOUR for a preventive of colds. : "Phone your Classified : AT) Ads these stormy days," i would be the old man's ad i qvQ"ITQT? vice if he were living today. | X H r/wJS Your phone message t rtsnsvnwr placed ill the hands of over • STORMY 115.000 readers at an outlay of mere pennies. I DAYS Call Bell 2040, Cumber j land 203, the Telegraph. DIED DUBB3 January 30. 191!, Walter Reinoehl luibbs, in his 25th year, son nf Mr. an.l Mrs. Charles C. Dubbs. at liis late home. *OO North Third street. Due notice of funeral announced later. LOST IX)ST On Saturday, in central part of city, small diamond stickpin. Lib eral reward if returned to I. P. Bow man. Attorney. 36 North Third street. FOUND FOUND —A place without trying. Careful cleaning—best of dyeing Where? At Eggert's Steam Dyoing and French Cleaning Works 1245 Mar ket Street. Call either phone. We de liver and call. HEl.l* WANTED—StaIe WANTED, IMMEDIATELY Experi enced Edge Trimmer. Apply at uftice of Lindner Shoe Co., Carlisle. Pa. WANTED Young man to work In wholesale house: give age and refer ence. Address M., M'J3. care of Hur risburg Telegraph. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS held soon. Railway Mail Clerks; P. O. Clerks and Carriers; Stenographers. Private and Individual tutoring at rea sonable rates. Address Tutor, P. O. •Box 431. Harrisburg. ARMY OF UNITED STATES. MEN WANTED. Ablebodied. unmarried men between ages of IS and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For information apply to Recruitinc Officer, Ferguer Building, 3d & Market Sts.. Harrisburg: 4S N. Queen St., Lancaster; SOS Pine St.. Williamsport; 37 W. Mar ket St.. York, or 113 Independence St, Shsjnokin, Pa. WANTED Railway mail and postal lierks: examinations souti: over 2,000 appointments yearly: prepare at home; write for Plan No. 15 of. payment after appointment. Philadelphia Business College. Civil Service Dept., Philadel phia. Pa. WANTED Man to take charge of an established tea and coffee route at once; salary and commission proposi tion: must be able to furnish bond and good reference; only married man be tween the age of 27 and 10 considered. Apply Jewel T<ra Co., 269 Broad street. WANTED —Colored man for work in private family. Apply 1218 North Third street. MEN WANTED to become practical chauffeurs and mechanics. As opportu nity affords students will be given chance while learning to earn 30c an hour on overhauling work. Make ap plication at once. Special course for ladies. Day and night schools. Auto Transportation School and Machine Shop, 5-7 North CSmeron street. IIEI.P WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Apprentice uirl to learn dressmaking Apply Louise Jiuber llynicka. 127 South Thirteenth street. I.ARGE KNITTING MILL invites cor respondence from women desirous of ■ aininsr money, part or full time. Good pay. Experience unnecessary. Inter national Knitting Mills, West Philadel phia. Pa. HARRISBURG SHORTHAND SCHOOL Stands for lndividual instruction. Best known methods In teaching. Real touch typewriting. A personal Interest In each student. My guarantee—To prepare students for good positions. To aid them in securing employment. Tuition will be charged for 7 months only. Free after that time. Free trial. 31 North Second street. SITUATION WANTED—MaIe WANTED Bread and take baker wants position, in or out of city. Apply W. D., 344. Hamilton street. WANTED By experienced short order cook, position in or out of town; can give best reference. Address X., 1 :99. care of Telegraph. WANTED Colored boy, 15 years old. good appearance and best city ref erences, desires work in private family and.be allowed lo go to school. Address J. Phillips. 667 Briggs street. Real Estate lasuraice Surety Beads ANNOUNCEMENT By reason of having accepted the position of resident vice president of the Globe Indemnity Company of New York, Mr. 1,. P. Neefe has under date of January 30th, by mutual agreement, retired from the firm of Miller Bros. & Neefe. The business of said firm will, from February Ist, 1915, he continued by Herman P. Miller and William P. Miller under the firm name of Miller Brothers & Co. Miller Brothers & Co. Federal Square Harrlsbiirg MONDAY KVENING, SITUATION S W A NTED—Female WANTED Washing and ironing to do at home. Address 32# South Fifteenth street. WANTED Young colored girl de sires work in or out of city. Call, or address. 1415 Currant avenue. WANTED White woman desires washing and ironing for Mondays and Tuesdays. Call, or address. Rear of 511 Walnut street. WANTED Colored girl wants gen eral housework or position as child's nurre. Call, or address, 1415 Currant street. WANTED By a settled colored noraan. position as cook in private family or boardinghouse: no washing: will stay nights or sleep home. Ad dress 1327 North Fourth street. City. WANTED Young girl desires nen eral housework; no washing: can fur nish reference.• Address E., 1194, care ot Telegraph. WANTED Stenographer, young Iscly. ten years' experience, also ex perience! dictaphone operator, desires position; unquestionable reference. Ad dress A., 1491, care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE Farm of «2 acres, situ ated in Wheatfleld Township, Perry County, Pa., SV4 miles north of Dun cannon. Pa.: 150 fruit trees, peach and apple, on the farm, and spring water In the he use. Price. J 1,600. Call on, or address. H. V. Lukens. Duncannon, Pa. K. P.. 4. FOR SALE \ 403 Woodbine Street. 410 Woodbine Street. 437 Harris Street. 200$ North Third Street. 1912 North Third Street. 1910 North Third Street. 3908 North Third Street. 1503 E. State Street. ISO 9 North Second Street. 20 Prospect Street 22 Prospect Street. BARGAIN PRICES FOR REVI' 302 Cumberland Street; rent, >24.00. Sl3 .lame.- Street; rent. |IS.Oo. 1937 Park Street; rent, 122.00. Apply to CLINTON M. HERSHEY, 14 South Second Street. Harrisburg. Pa. Ol K JAM ARV BAHRAIN SAI.K 1917 N. Second St. reduced $150.00. 1007 N. Second St. reduced $1,000.00. 1433 Market St. reduced $200.00. Corner Sixteenth and Swatara Sts re duced $130.('0. BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut Sts. THREE adjoining houses on Eigli teentn street for sale at an attractive price X rooms each all improve ments. Inspect them, as the price is right. Eell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing. OPPORTUNITY TO QI'ICK BUYER— Can offer cheap, exceeding fine lot containing about three acres land, suit able for chicken farm. Near fine resi dential section, Jonestown Road, trolley and city market. Will sacrifice to quick buyer. Address "Opportunity." care of Telegraph Office. FOR SALE Several plots, contain ing from one to five acres, located near iroiley line. Suitable for chicken or truck farm. Near city. Cheap to quick buyer. Address Box 1497, care of Tele graph. FOR SALE Lots at Penbrook SOx 150. Prices JtOO each and up to close them out quickly. Also for sale one frame house, centrally located, in the city: 6 rooms, bath and attic: hot air heat. Price, $2,100. For terms apply to S. Haldeman & Co.. Carpenters and Builders. 3222 North Sixth street. Job work promptly attended to by calling Bell phone 3622J3. FOR SALE Apartment house, 404 North Second street; five apartments and store: steam heat and all modern improvements. Apply, or address, M. Mall. 266 Horr street. Ol'R JANUARY BARGAIN SAI.E 333 S. FOURTEENTH ST. S-story brick 9 rooms, bath and furnace single property side entrance lot, 20x150. BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut Sts. i REAL ESTATE FOR SALE nE.tl< ESTATE FOR SAI.K 1312 N. Third St. 3-story brick dwelling. Also 2-story frame house on Susquehanna St. end of lot. An op portunity for the man who sees ahead the coining development of that section of Harrisburg. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Bell phone 15#5. FOR SALE One new brick house, near the center of the city, a beautiful location. 6 rooms and bath and all con veniences. Price only $2,400.00; and sold on easy terms. Also building lots at Riverside. Penbrook and Paxtang. Job carpenter work promptly attended to In any part of the city. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Apply to S. Haldeman t- Co., Carpenters and Build ers. 3222 North Sixth street, Harris burg, Pa. Bell phone 5622J-3. THREE Regina Street houses for sale at ti1.500 each brick gas electric lights porches all other Improvements. Price and other par ticulars at Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. $2,800 WILL. Bl'T a corner property on Seventeenth Street near Market 8 rooms bath gas electric lllghts furnace porch lot. 16x I Sl'. Rented at $22. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. JtEAIj ESTATE FOR HE-NT FOR RENT 1167 Derry street all conveniences gas and electricity —front porch furnace and cemented cellar. Rent. $20.00 per month, in ad vance. Inquire 253 Herr street. —FOR RENT— -2136 X. Seventh St $13.00 1641 Aprtcot St 15.00 2235 Atlas St 16.00 745 X. Nineteenth St 15.00 2225 N. Fourth St. 22.50 A. S. MILLER & SON. Real Estate and General Insurance, 38 North Court Street. FOR RENT Four desirable houses, all conveniences, on Schuylkill street; rent, $17.50. Also one brick house, all conveniences, rent. $17.00, 2135 Penn street. Apply Wittenmyer Lumber Co., or call Bell phone. \ FOR RENT House 124 State street. Apply to Mrs. Henry Uhler at above address. Phone 666 R. FOR RENT No. 465 Crescent street, new eight-room house; all con veniences; gas and electricity; large front porch; central location; rent, S2O. Apply 459 Crescent street. FOR RENT Houses with all lmprov*. menta at raodarat* rentals. J. E. Gippla, 1251 Market street. FOR RENT New ten-room brick houses; all conveniences; laundry; vapor heat; porches and yards. Apply to MacWillianis Construction Co., 2150 North Fifth street. RE All ESTATE WANTED HAVE couple thousand cash for in vt stment property, good condition and bring excellent rental. Give sine ground, improvements, monthly rental, yearly expense items. Consider condi tion realty market and name cut price. Address 8., 1500, care of Telegraph. WANTED TO RENT A HOUSE ln Ihe neighborhood of New Cumberland. White Hill or ("amp Hill, with half acre or more of ground. Address Box 15, Carlisle, Pa. APARTMENTS FOR RENT APARTMENT FOR RENT Five rooms and bath, with all modern con veniences. Apply 1118 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Apartments at south east corner Fourth and Peffer streets. All conveniences at reasonable rent. Outside porch. Apply B. F. Umberger, 108 North Second street, or 427 Pelter street. FOR RENT Apartments, 4 rooms and bath; city "vapor heat; electric light and gas. Apply 223 Locust street. 107 SOUTH FRONT STREET Sec ond floor housekeeping apartments i- -e rooms with kitchenettes and baths modern Improvements—elec tric lights gas city steam jani tor service. Apply at above address. FOR RENT Furnished apartments, two or lour rooms; rent reasonable; all conveniences. Apply before 6 o'clock, «21 North Second street, after C o'clock, 518 North Second street. Bell phone. KOOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Two well furnished second fluor rooms for light house keeping. All conveniences, good location. Box 1501, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Two large furnished and unfurnished rooms for light house keeping; use of licat, gas. bath and telephone; ten minutes' to business dis trict. Bell, 1012 H. Apply H32 Berry hill street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or ensuite; all conveniences, in cluding phone; reference required. Ap ply 1015 North Front street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, second floor, with use of bath and phone. 203 Kelker street. Phone No. 1763 W. ' FOR RENT —Large, front room; cen tral location; all conveniences; use of phone. Apply 209 State street. FOR RENT Two or three fur r.ished or unfurnished rooms, for light housekeeping, with use of bath. Apply 228 North Fifteenth street. FOR KENT Nicely furnished rooms in private family; use of bath and phone. Address 1115 South Front street. FOli RENT Nicely furnished front room; heated comfortably; all conveni ences. including use of phone. Apply 921 North Second street. FOR RENT. Two communi cating second floor rooms, fur nished. May be rented singly or ensuite. Fine location. Use of bath and telephone. Apply 203 State street. ROOMS AND BOARD FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD • t old Heyd homestead, Camp 1111 l Hot water heat. «ras, use of bath and phone. Call Bell phone 3432. or on premises Market and Heyd streets, Camp Hill. ROOMS WANTED ROOM WANTED Young gentle man wishes a furnished or unfurnished room; ran give best of reference. If teasonable, state price. Address O 1192, ware of Telegraph. '' HARRISBURG */£s&£ TELEGRAPH FOR SALE FOP. SALK—2OO Marred Rock. Whit# r.mi Brown Leghorn*, pullets, at a bar gain if taken (it once. Just started to lav. Call Ball plionts 507K-3, A. H. Davis, Penbrook. Pa. CAI.KS FOR SALE At Gable's. 111-117 S. Second street. Red Tip. Kins Point. Blizzard, Rowe Junior, Can't Slip, "Slant Urip and Always Sharp Calks. SAFES FOR SAUK CHEAP 2 stan dard makes, sizes 50 inches high. 37 ide. 30 deep; In good condition. Price, $25.00 each. Apply Chaa. Merxberg, Old Steam Heat Plant, Short street. FOR SALE. CHEAP 250 folding chairs, four and Ave to a section; suit able for hall or theater. Call C. Fry, 1114 Market street. Bell phon*. FOR SALE First-class grocery store, centrally located. Call, or ad dress, R. B. Stambaugh . 1009 South Ninth street, or phone 2»4l Bell. FOR SALE A few second-hand cars. In good condition; no reasonable otter refused. Hottenstein & Ze< h. BulcU and Chevrolet Agents, City Auto Garage. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Offie. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. BABV COACH FOR SALK Pullman model; almost bram 1 now; wooden body with folding top. Call 427 South Fif teenth street. City. FOR SALE Singing Canaries, up to-date Bird and Parrot Cages, large Goldfish and Globes of all sixes; Bird Seeds, natural flsh food and supplies, at Gebliardt's, the "Bird Man," 1004 North Third, between Boas and "Herr. FOR SALE 575.00 will buy a bay horse, weight 1,100 lbs. Great road horse. Works anywhere hitched. Ap ply at store corner Fourth and Lewis streets. Riverside. Bell phone 3621J11. FOR SALE Eight White Leghorn pullets and one cockerel, of splendid laying stock; *lO, or next best bid. Ap ply G. Horsman, Camp Hill, Pa., or Holmes Seed Company. FOR SALE Fine collection of Vlc trola Records, in good condition; sold singly or any number one-third off list ed price; 200 Ked Seal and others. S3O West State street. Bell phone SB6R FOR SALE Remington No. 7 typewriter, excellent condition, used very little. $25.00. Address E., 1495, care of Telegraph. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each. One o.T these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. If paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE Will exchange building lots in growing suburban sec tion for improved city or suburban property. Address Box 14.95, care of Telegraph. EXCHANGE Have plot con taining several acres, ideal for subur ban home, raising chickens and truck ing. In finest suburban section. Neat trolley. What have you to offer In ex change? Address Box No. 1496 care of Telegraph Office. FOR RENT FOR BENT Large storeroom, with cellar, at 1423 Derry street. Call at 1423 or 1425 Derry street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE OR RENT Seven-room dwelling, on East Market street, near station. Four rooms front. Water and lights. Terms reasonable. Anna B. Llghtner, Mllleraburg, Pa. WANTED WANTED A city broke, young horse—bay or black—weight about 1,400 lbs. Address, giving full descrlp tiori and where can be seen, P. O. Box 318, Harrisburg. GLASS WINDOWS will be placed In auto curtains while you wait C. A. Fair Carriage and Auto Works. BUSINESS orPORIUNITIES I MADE $50,000 in live years In the mall order business, began with $6. Send for free booklet. Telia how, Hea- COCk, 355 Lockport, N. V. DISTRICT AGENT WANTED for Pennsylvania provincial territory, to call upon grocery ana market trade. State age, selling experience, If any, references and general qualifications in first letter. Appiy Standard Comput ing Scale Co., Ltd., Detroit, Mich. HOTEL Nice little Hotel for sale in town of 12,000, nicely tarnished and doing' good business—fine Bar trade. Excellent reasons for selling. Address J., 34, care of Telegraph Office. FOR RENT HOTEL. GRAHAM, Ne> port. Pa. leading Hostelry In Ferry county. Terms, SSo per month. Call on. or address 1 ,- lrst National Bank, Newport, Pa. Restaurant for Sale. Cheap to quick buyer. On main street doing fair business. Apply Hap ple & Schwartz, Real Estate Agents, Mechanicsburg, Pa. ANY intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers - experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press gnydicate, JS*. Lock port, N. Y. BUS INKS S I'tlteO.NALS PIANO MOVING by experts. Winter Piano Co., North fourth street. Call 146, Bell phone. SPANISH Unequalled opportuni ties now for those who want to know Spanish. The language taught simply, easily and quickly oy three young South American gentlemen. Moderate rates. Address Spanish, Box SI", City. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the l>rußS' st and Apothecary, us Market street. Uarrisburg Fa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. HACUXC H. W. l ATUt, Hoarding SUble aaii National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. . 11. W. Lathe. Manager. Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No 250SR. NEW AND SECOND-HAND Furni ture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Drop postal, or phone 3<lBJ. Atlas Furniture Co., 1014 Mar ket street. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert halo Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts insure your satisfaction, g. N Cluck, 320 Woodbine street. MONEY JO LOAN ANY person needing money tn amounts from }5 to tSO holding a sal aried position, would be benefited by calling on us. Employes' Discount Co., 3® North Third street. i HONEST, Industrious people wltfioat Real Estate. Stocks or Bonds, caif se cure small LOANS here consistent wTtk sound business at Legal Rates. Small Payments. Prompt, courteous, confi dential service. Profit-Sharing Loan Society, Chartered—Licensed —Bonded, Second Floor, 9 N. Market Sauaxa. MONEY TO l/OAX MONET TO LOAN on Real Estate security in any amounts ami upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 171, llarrlsburg, Pa. LOANS—SB to S2OO for honest work ing people without bank credit at less than !«r-il rates, payable in Instalments to suit borrowers' convenience. Cooperative Loan and Investment Co. 204 Chsstnut Street. gTORAGE STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 7i> cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. Both phones. 9TOHAGE IV 3-story brick ksll4ls(, rear 408 Market street. Household geoda In rleaa, private ree-ma. Reasonable rates. Apply to P. 41. Dlestr, Jeweler. 40* Market St. HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two new eight-story brick warehouaes, one absolutely fireproof divided into fire proof private rooms ot various sizes for the storage of household goods; the other warahouae of the most approved type of Are retardent construction for general merchandise. They are equip ped with two large electric freight ele vators and spiral chute for the quick and safe handling of household roods and all kinds of merchandise. Low storage rates. South Second street near Paxton, on the tracka of Penna. R R. LEGAL NOTICES DEPARTMENT OF FIRE, Oflrt at <ii»rr«Bt«s*st, I Harrisbui-g, Pa.. January 27. 1915. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed by the undersigned, at his office. Room 402 Calder Building, until 12 o'clock noon, February t, 1915, for the purchase of one or more motor-driven : Combination Chemical and Hose Wagons; o>e Tractor for an 85-foot serial Hook and Ladler Truck, weigh ing approximately 10,000 lbs.; two Trac tors or automobile chassis for two sec ond class steam Are engines, weighing approximately 9,000 lbs. each. Specifications for the above may be obtained from the undersigned. All proposals shall be scaled and addresseu to the undersigned and marked PRO POSALS FOR CHEMICAL AND HOSE WAGONS OR TRACTORS. Each proposal shall be accompanied br a preliminary bond duly approved, or certified check in the sum of two hundred dollars. The successful bidder shall be requir ed to file a bond equal to 25 per cent, of the contract price, conditioned for the faithful performance of the con tract. The right to reject any or all bids Is reserved. M. HARVEY TATLOR, Supr. of Parks and Public Property. BIDS FOR MOTOR TRUCK January 29, 1915. SEALED PROPOSALS, with specifica tions attached, will be received at the olflce of the Superintendent of Streets and Public Improvements until 12 o'clock noon of Wednesday. February 10. 1915, for one gasoline propelled MOTOR TRUCK of two ton capacity, equipped with power dumping devise, operated by gasoline motor, and to be substantially built in every respect. Bidding bond or certified check for ten per cent, of bid to accompany proposal. The right to reject any or all bias is reserved. W. H. LYNCH. Superintendent. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALES O.V WED NESDAY. FHBRUARV 3. 101R PUBLIC SALE at 10 o'clock A. M. at 1134 Market street, Harriiburg . Pa. Refrigerator, Cash Register. Toledo Scales, Meat Cleavers and Saws, Auto matic Oil Can, 3 SHOW CASES. Coun ters. Meat Block. Shelving, Tobacco, large stock ol Oroceries, etc. TERMS OF SALE Cash to the highest and best bidder. ARTHUR H. HULL. Administrator of the Estate of E. L Minnig. NOTICE In Matter of the petition of George Rissinger, an insolvent. To all credi tors of said Petitioner. NOTICE is hereby given that a peti tion of George Rlsslnger has been filed in the Court of Common Pleas of Dau phin County, praying the said Court for the benefit of the Insolvent. Laws 01' this Commonwealth and for the dis charge thereunder. The said Court has fixed time for hearing of said petition on the 13th day of March. A. D. 1915, at the Court House in the City of Harris burg. Dauphin County. Pa. VICTOR BRADDOCK. Attorney for Petitioner. SAI,E OF It HAT, ESTATE THE undersigned Trustee appointed by the Orphans' Court of Dauphin County, to sell the real estate of Henry F. Young, deceased, in proceedings In partition, will offer at public sale at the Court House, at 10 o'clock A. M., on Saturday, the 27th day of Febru ary, 1915, the following described real estate: No. 1. Beginning on Walnut Street, st a point the corner of city numbers 504 and 506; thence along said street eastwardly thirty-four (34) feet and six (C) inches, to a point, the corner of city lot 508 and 510; thence by city number 510 thirty-one (31) feet six (fi) inches, to a point: thence eastwardly two (2) feet two and one-half (3%) inches to a post: thence by line of city number 510 northwardly one hundred and twelve f 112) feet and six («) Incites, more or less, to a private alley; (hence along said alley and along Angle Alley westwardly thirty-eight (38) feet and six (6) inches, .more or less, to a point the corner or city numbers 504 and-30ti: thence by line of city number 504 southwardly one hundred and fifty five (155) feel, more or less, to place of beginning. Being lot number* 306 and 508 Wal nut Street in the City of lfarrisburg. Having thereon erected a two-and-a half-story brick dwelling, a shop, and other outbuildings. Including the right in common with Nos. 510 and 512 Walnut Street to said .private alley being ten (10) feet wide and extending from 512 Walnut Street to Angle Alley In rear of Nos. 508 and 510 Walnut Street. No. 2. A certain lot of ground, situ ate in the Township of Susquehanna, County of Dauphin and State of Penn sylvania. bounded and described as fol lows. to wit: Commencing at the corner of Elm Street and Sixteen feet Alley and ex lending along said Alley towards Penn Street one hundred and eighty (180) feet to a Sixteen feet Alley running parallel with Penn Street: thence along said Alley thirty (30) feet to a line of lot No. 2: thence along said line at right angles with Penn Street one hun dred and eighty (180) feet to Elm i Street; thence along Elm Street thirty i feet to the corner of Elm Street and ! a Sixteen feet Alley, the place of be ginning and being lot number One (1) [ln Block number seven (7) in plan of I lots laid : out by David Mumma. TERMS OF SALE —Ten per cent, on the day of sale, 15 ner cent, on the con firmation of the sale by the Court, and the balance on the Ist day of April, 1915. when a deed therefore will be given. WILLIAM M. HARGEST. Trustee. IV THE COURT OF COMMON PI.EAS Or DAUPHIN COIATV NOTICE is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the above Court on Tuesday, February 23, 1914. at 10 o'clock A. M.. under the "Corporation Act of 1874" of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the supplements thereto for the charter of an Intended corporation to be called TIIK HARIIIS IIIJRr, HEBREW EDUCATIONAL IN STITUTE. The said Corporation Is formed for the purpose of the accumu lation of a fund by means of initiation fees, dues and assessment* of its mem bers and applications of such funds for the establishing, maintaining and car rying on a school for the training and educating the Jewish youth in the Jewish history and religion and the Hebrew language and literature, and these purposes to hare and to pos ses). and to enjoy all the rights, bene fitsvaml privileges of the said Oct of Assßrnbly and It* supplements. T ROBERT ROSENRERG. ( Solicitor. > \ FEBRUARY 1, 1915. If. S. STEEL COMMi CONTINUES TO DIP *liar«s, sold off from 40 to ami 38, its new low minimum, while Sears Uoe biu'k. In recognition of Its 50 per cent, stook dividend, moved forward to 209' i. a gain of almost fourteen points. Steel later recovered from its minimum on fairly large dealings lo 38'». Other active Issues showed some Irregularity, Union Pacific, Southern Pacific, St. Haul and Atchison making small re cessions, while Reading and Amalga mated Copper rose fractions, both, however, soon reacting. Dealings were on a moderate scale. NEW YORK STOCKS Furnished by H. M. Snavely New York, Feb. I. Open. High. Clos. Alaska G M 27% 28"/ i 27% 28»4 Atnal Cop . 54 >i 54% 52% 54% Am Bt Bug 38% 38% 37% 38% Am Can .. 27% 29' i 27% 29 AmC&F. 45% 45% ♦»% 45% Am Cot Oil 4ii 46 46 46 lAm Ice Sec 24 24 24 ,Am lx>co . 23 23 21% 22% !Am Snielt . 60% Kl* 4 60% 61% [Am Sugar. 109% 110% 108% 110% AmT&T.. 120% 120% 120% 120% : Anaconda . 2 7 27% 26% 27% I Atchison .. 93 % 95 93% 94% B&O xd2 % 70 70% 70 70% Beth Steel . 48% 49% 47% 49% Bklyn KT. 87 87% 87 87% CalPetro.. 18 19% 18 18% Can Pacific 159% 159% 107 159% Hd & I-eath 34% 34% 34 % 34 % C& 0 44 44% 44 44 % C. M4St P BS% 88% 88% 88% C Con Cop. 35% 3t>% 3&% 36% Con Gas .. 118% 11S% 117% 118% Erie 23% 28% 22% 23% Erist Ist pf 36 36 Gen E Co.. 143 148 Gen Motors. 94 ■ 94 Goodrh BF 31% 32 31 32 GBF pfd . 97 % 97% Gt Nor pfd 114% 115% 114% 115% G N Ore s 31 31% 30% 31% Giig Exp . 50% 51% 50 % 51% .In-Met ... 12% 12% 12% 12% In-Met pfd 53% 53% 53 53% K C So . . 23 23 Lehigh Val 136% 137 136 137 Mex Petro. 73 74 -72% 74 M.K& Tpfd 30% 30% Mo Pac .. 12% 12% 11% 12% Nev C C . . 12% 12% N Y Cent .. BS% 90% 88% 90% NY.NH& H 49% 52% 49% 52% Nor A- W. . 103% 103% 102% 102% Nor Pac .. 104 104 % 103% 104% P R R ... 105% 106% 105% 106% Press S Car 29 29% 29 29% R C Copper 17 % 17 % 16 % 17 % Reading .. 146 147 % 146 147 % R I& S . . 19 19% 19 19% K 1 & S pfd 72 72% 72 72% So Pacific. 85% 85% 84% 85% So. Rwy .. tG % 16% So Rwy pfd 60 60 Tenn Cop.. 30% 30% 29% 30% Texas Co .. W5 135 I Third Ave. 47% 48 46% 47% [Union Pac. 119% 120% 118% 120% U S Rubber 57 57% 56% 57% |XT S steel. 38% 40 38 39% xUSSpfd. 102% 103% 102 103% Utah Cop.. 53% 54% 53 54% West Md... 19% 20% 19% 20% West U Tel 63% 64 63% 64 | xEx. div. 1%. i>nrt.AnicL.i'HiA enoD" r * Philadelphia. Feb. 1. Wheat Higher; No. 2, red. spot, export, sl.s2C(r I 1.55: No. 1. Northern, Iniluth, export, I 11.60® 1.63. | ' Corn' I "Higher; No. I. spot, export; I 81 %ig 82% c; No. 2, yellow, local, 84%(W 85c. Oats—Higher: No. 2, white, 63%®64c. Bran Higher; winter, per ton, $29.60®30.00: spring, per ton, 128.50 0129.00. C HICAGO CA'ITI.K f'hicago. 111., Feb. 1. Hogs Rej celpts, 32,000; weak. Bulk of sales. $6.7u n6.85: light. $6.60i»6.85: mixed, $6.604z 6.90: heavy, $6.45®6.90: rough. $0.45® 6.60; pigs. $5.50®6.60. Cattle Receipts, 6.000; strong. Native steers. $5.65®9.25; western. $5.00 [017.50; cows and heifers. $3.10®8.00; calves, $7.50® 10.50. Sheep—Receipts. 8,000; firm. Sheep, $6.10® 6.90; yearlings. $7.10®8.00; iambs, $7..0®5.95, AMOS BOXSAT.Ii IHES By Associated Press Philadelphia. Feb. I.—Amos Bon sall. the last of the survivors of the Elisha Kent Kane Expedition to the [Arctic regions In 1853, died at his home here to-day. He was 86 years old. IX MEMORICM IN sad. but loving remembrance of my dear daughter. Pauline Ij. Price, who departed this life February 1, 1912. Many years ago we parted. But God. above. He knows the best. We are all. yea. broken hearted. While you are always at peaceful rest. MOTHER. YOUNG MAN— WOULD YOU LIKE TO OWN YOUR OWN HOME? IS IT LACK OF MONEY THAT KEEPS YOU FROM IT? We have an exceptional opportunity to ofi'e.r to a limited number of ambitious young men, who would like to build a home. We will construct it as you want it, and pay for it same as rent. An interview costs vou nothing, and will surprise you. FARMLYN COMPANY 610 KUNKEL BUILDING HARRISBURG [PT " ' - ' ■ -MW mmmm APARTM ENTS Suites of 2 Rooms and Bath IX THE Reynard, 208 N. Third St. Large, light, airy, and comfortable room». Steam heat and constant hot and cold water supplied. Hardwood floors; electric light; wired for telephone service. TILED BATHROOMS. Ready About February 1, 1915 APPLY TO Commonwealth Trust Company, 322 Market Street HarrUburg, Pa. PHII.ADEI.PtIII STOCKS By .Associated Press Philadelphia. Feb. I.—Stocks closed lower. . , Cambria Steel jj»% Utyierul Asphalt Asked 30 Gen: Asphalt. Pfd Asked 66 l.ake Superior Corp Asked 9 Navigation 74% l.eliigh Valley SS l^ R. I! Ex-dlv. 53 1-16 Philadelphia Electric .'. 23% Phila. Rapid Transit Asked 10 Reading 73% Storage Battery 4' » Union Traction Asked 39 U. <l. 1, 81 U. S. Steel 39% CHICAGO BOARD OK TRADE H\ Associated Preh Chicago. 111., Feb. I.—Board of Trade Closing. \Vheat—May, 1.56' i: July. 1.37%. i corn—May, sa'Sg: July, 84%. oats—May, 61: July, 58%. Pork—May, 19.30; July, 19.67. I^trd—May. 11.27; July, 11.4 2. Ribs—May, 10.45; July, 10.66. For Rent Desirable offices in the Union Trust Building. Apply, Union Trust Company I,. i ' Twelfth * Herr St. FACTORY FOR RENT Splendid Room, 50x75 feet. 50 windows; up-to-date steam heat ing; Included. Rent very reason able. Will be wired to suit tenant. Apply POST OFFICE BOX 34. v.. ■> sl, t MONEY To Housekeepers, Work ■Ol Inrmen and Salaried Eou I ■ ployes. [LEGAL RATES EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY 9 X. MARKET SQUARE Room 21. 4th Floor Spooaer Building IFRANK R. LEIBI & SON Real Estate and Insur ance Office No. 18 I North Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE | 209 State St., 3-story brick dwelling, 11 rooms and bath. imp. 1006 N. Second St., 3- story brick dwelling, 11 i rooms and bath, imp., side j entrance, 2-story stable on j rear of lot. 1439-41-43 Vernon St., 3-story brick dwellings, 8 rooms. »■ 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers