3 CALL 1991-AISY FOUNDED 18 71 Saturday Hours: Have you seen the pretty Neck- p OUNDID 1871 9§ JS/wmatti Jsxncmofi4 MA»RI«»U»«'S POPULA* mmimwrr STOM v / < J HARRISBURa'C POPULAR dipartmint STORE THE GREAT JANUARY CLEARING SALE Has a Great Message of Vital Importance For Thrifty Shoppers—To-morrow and Overcoat Is An Ex- j ! • S stj'lcs and large assortment, and remarked: Surely, ||j 1 C 1 • _ "|~| 1 | • j Con til; medium bust; long £f this store must do the millinery business of the town." || ample 01 Genuine Clearing Keduction j H ~ g Twice a vear, before inventory, a general mark down takes place on Men's Suits and Over- , I l^ u . rctl Lol ' l, . l: medium bust: » r long hips; webbing hose support- f \ coats in order to carry as few as possible during stock taking. In view of the fact that at all ers; draw string at top; hooks at } . limes the styles are kept right up to the minute, you are sure of getting the very latest. The ! M corset will, reducin, i 0-/nO/Tott> IOW LtIOICC OT quality of our garments speak lor themselves. Note the strong price reductions: straps in front for medium and - « • ¥*/ * • full figures; graduated clasps; Aluminum Ware y 10c a piece Reduced "£() 5 to $8%75 BOWMAN'S —second Floor Included in the lot are 1-qt. lipped saucepans; 10-inch pic $7.50 and SIO.OO Balmacaans. $12.50 and $13.50 chinchilla overcoats. plates; l-i|t. pudding pans; combination funnels; &-qt. saucepans SIO.OO and $12.50 shaWl collaj-overcoats. $12.50 rough cheviot overcoats. FYr»m ' with cover J and cake turners * <ma™ , „ n . n ... ~ Jsl2.ro form-fitting overcoats. ! 1 lUiH 111 C BOWMANS Bisemmi. SIO.OO and $12.30 convertible collar overcoats. 5 12.q0 black overcoats. ! c , £ j-, $9.90 and 512.50 gray cassimere suits. $12.50 Balmacaans. OSUC Ol 1* UfS ——— $9.90 mixed worsted suits. SI 2.50 and $13.50 fancy cassimere suits. w I $9.90 tartan check suits. $12.50 and $15.00 worsted suits. Here are several fur sets and J n Clearing Ol dcaring Oale ltemS Stouts IS well as remilar* • ~ C ser g e „ suits - coats that have been singled out _ , —, . P ® - , ' • ' a " d rCßU,ars ' of the large stock, as "very spe- BoVS Clothing in the MusluiWeaT Reduced to $10.75 Reduced to $12.75 probablyiust Are: n sb.oo and $16.50 Oxford gray overcoats; blue . Black and Gray Syrian Fox _ Dept. overcoats; black overcoats; fancy Balmacaans; chin- Mo.nU, Sle.OO and s_o.oo suits and overcoats —vi- g ets i ar <r e nrnff; animal scarf. Boys' Corduroy Suits at * chilla overcoats; form-fitting overcoats; full box back eiinas cheviots, velours, chinchillas, kersevs, meltons Reduced to SIO.OO from $20.00. —Norfolk model coats; sizes 10 Nainsook and Cambric Gowns overcoats; gray worsted suits; blue serge suits: tartan ' ' , ..... e „ . _ to 15 years. Regularly $3.9?. _ sn ,. are round hitdi and V ttate m ° MS " i,S: ®-»"art tailored suits and overcoats. , ®£«*TWBS *"*»"' . f"" T -cki. «ri m n,cd iri.l, cmbraidcry, * g Third Fioor-BOWMANS. and $15.00, from SIB.OO and $8.95 Norfolk model; in red, insertion, and ribbon-run beading. ——— Clearing of Good Women's ft | U n j on 1 89c All-Linen J&ofrlSi 1 *" cul,ar Boys' Norfolk Suits at #1.98 i ~]Js d" S< trirnm«l with enibroid- S l'l- C** 1 o xt , Marmnt Cnai wut fifh { in gray browns and tans, lined ery and ribbon-run beading; value Q? all ty Gloves Suits Now 69c Sheeting, 79c 3to 10 years ' Re g" 50c . at For Women come ill heavy weight cotton; j A very fine quality; 90 inches Muff S g coats —in 'ay °b d bun"] of longcloth and fine cambric; Women's Kid doves at Heece lined; silk finish and pearl wide; and a good value since the regularly SI.OO 2-clasp, 111 buttons * • 1 " 10 »P**.a»o, trom .v sizes Bto 17 1 rices are D . . black, white? enav and tan. ttU " recent price advance. to sl2. XCt.tKi from $4 95; s4.iK> from Price 18 Xi V* Fownes' French Overseam Kid ( s All Children s fur Sets reduced $5.95; from $6.05 and Flannelette Ski rt s nc a t Gloves at $1..»0 and $3.00 —2- to ONE-HALF. $7.50. , stripes of pink and blue: ruffle clasp, with self and contrasting '|'f | » BOWMAN'S— Second Floor Third Floor— bowmans. with scalloped edge at bottom; embroidery, in black, white, tan /«■ I # M # V f —— value 50c. Special at and gray. * M A |' v ' "T*>- BOWMAN'S—"Second Floor. The (Valmy) Glove at s3.o<) ,k H I p nC in I litre is a world of difference between this a iZ Sale of Women's Shoes domestic Specials and SI.OO 2-clasp chamoisette J* gmmff |7 Ar and leatherette gloves. >7/ *t\l A Q BOWMAN'S—Main Floor LUs sj) 1 #^T I CLLI I®)' VHgB \ lust Received *" d any o,her that yOU m « ht remcraber ' Harpsburg. * J il,c " es rn soft, fluffy hair switches, all Because-cvt-ry wanted style, every wanted size, and PIUow Tubiug 20f aud sap colors and shades: 26 inches long; cvei - r leather can be secured, out of the three thou- 1( w '' Ulcus WHO. all 3-stem. Regular $3.00 value, sand and over pairs. 1 \ $1 io $1.45 Because they represent the entire stock of a retailer Alio W7» 11111 - size 81x108 inches; made of We've put a price on this lot who closed out the lot at an almost unbelievable figure, /\ll OCclSOll We VC Held the IVePU- slightly k soiled!"' md,kul S " wh.ch accounts for our extremely low sale price. _ Pi.lo„ Cases „„tc h Mo economical woman in town ought Because—prior to this sale every shoe had an estab- fa firm rkf« Inp K«~r Pllicn I OSifc . s,sce 42x36 l^ l,es ' to take advantage of this unusual ]is hed price, and was never offered for less in which event teUOII 01. 1 lie OlOre T C,Y 1 lUSH »t 14«; 45x36 inches at I^. offering. Prompt ana courteous c » n wnicn event Main FIoor— BOWMAN'S. attention from expert who will < very shoe had to be right up to date in order to demand This is probably why we've sold almost two hundred plush SUai second 3 s. l )r ' ce ' coats since the first January. We gained this worthy reputation ;z: ; Bccau«?p thpv -iro t K» v 'ng the BEST values, and because every few days, we Two Important Under- cial lot Hid mfcrht h I I '| ° L edldllcc 01 ' h pe- showed new models and always had complete size assortments. Way Ol c K , £ i . Cldl ,ot& . an(l might have been placed fn our own stock and wear specials ror Men sold as regulars. Our last shipment arrived a day or two ago—better, we be- For* Rnv<; Men's $2.50 Union Suits, $1.98 r i lieve, than any lot yet received Good seal plushes; heavy yarn »JpCClalo 1 DUyo natural wool, ribbed, heavy Because the several cases which were never open dyed linings: with fur collars or without; full and half belts, and r„„c' w a utc vu 00 UndcrwMr w befo . re ', 'L a n& been f b °"K ht for Spring selling, have been full flared models. for^ y rv ' F s ' 1 a ZI^""J .c^aT marked Jh1.49 just the same as all tlie rest. . „ and „ei, strips. wool, camels hair and heavy cot- Investigate! Jrm.ll Clt vJTLC JrflCe \b 1 0 •{/(/ Boys' Gauntlets at 25^—form tul1 ' .. erly 39c and 50c lined and un- BOWMAN B—Main8 —Main Floor. , Qiypi» find*p trnm 1 fci 4*4- i* .j . ; ■ ' ■ . ' y ■ . ■- - - • - > - - I 'ONIMHAH AVQIHd HARRISBURG .TELEGRAPH JANUARY 22, 1915.
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