♦ —' ' The Globe's Greatest Sale Due to Change in Firm BEGINS TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY sth* The Sale of Sales—The Sale You Have Been Waiting For | This remarkable feast of bargains should be a "Record Breaker" in merchandising annals of Harrisburg. No goods reserved—everything reduced. The newest of this season's high-grade merchandise for which THE GLOBE is famous. MEN'S OVERCOATS— The Most Favored of Men's Suits at thesrwOTomfcalfigtres 0 man Bhould miss Bupplying himself with an Overcoat Every good kind-they ARE the best kind-and made of the very newest fabrics. Balmacaan Overcoats, Worth $15.00, at ' El c & ant Suits Worth $15.00 and $16.50 Arc Now § $10.75 $10.75 W jSm mKOvercoats in fancy mix.d plaid Tweeds. Scotch effects Suits of , W ° rst f' Ve,our and Cheviots in every , an<l neat mixed Shetland cloths with satin yoke and sleeve lining. Some popular model-tailored to perfection and suitable for men of any age and * with velvet collars—smart models that any mari will fancy. * or evcr >' purpose. Superb Overcoats That Sold at Men's Superior Suits that Sold at $20.00 and $22.50, Are Now $20.00 and $22.50 Are Now MA ' $13.75 >13.75 - 'IS An elegant variety of Chesterfield overcoats in grav— OMI T Iff wfi Oxford gray and black Melton cloths—hand-tailored throughout— rinest bilk Mixed Worsteds---1 artan Plaids—heavy Blue II some satin and silk lined. Balmacaans of imported fabrics and also the Serges, Unfinished Worsteds and black Thibet Cloths. Every suit a marvel of li H| // TrW EnglisJ. Double Breast models in beautiful Vicuna cloths and Chin- make and finish that will satisfy the most critical man. Regular siz«, stouts, fl ■ / \1 VA Overeoatsof Ultra Make and Style guch Famous Makes as Atterbury Sys- Jf M 1 I a ' ter Suits that Sold at $22.50 and $25 are Reduced to 5i8.75 ti6 75 j Many of these are lined throughout with Skinner's guaranteed silks and satins «> # —English Meltons in blacks and grays, blue Elysian Beavers and natty Vicunas—styles and mod- A splendid variety of these Sterling suits that possess that airof dest.inction ■ els-to suit every man including stouts and extra sizes. and refinement. Many of them of imported fabrics and tailored in the most exclusive'style- A limited lot of men's fancy mixed heavy ] _An elegantassemblage of Men's Worsted Priestly j models t0 suit middle a & ed ° r elderly men. You'll find your size here, overcoats —full length and elegantly tailored— Cravenetted Ram Coats, originally priced at $45 and ■ TnAiirrnn ——————- former values to $12.50. Extra special at s<«; fecial a, $|Q.75 MEN i TROUSERS--AII Reduced A superb assortment of Young Men's Su,ts f » v • 111 Fancy Mixtures and Blue Serges; values to slip-on Rain Coats in English style, worth up to |5.00 Trousers reduced to JJ.bo s ls An extraordinary'special at ■ ■■ ■ SIO.OO, special at Qrj $3.50 Trousers reduced to «I»2.ua ■-J ■ J $2.00 Trousers reduced to $1.45 J J l^ MOTHERS—rHere's True Economy for Your Boys' Needs .1 BOYS' OVERCOATS lot no. i . lot no 2 cfc Xhe Better Grades at Nobby Fancy Mixed Tweed Over- smS'Sef- 1 111&1 j- A Saving PrkeS coats for boys, 3to 8 years—values to sizes 3to 8 years—values to $5.00 bWLAILub OT-TTOTPC! sale price, FOR MEN AND BOYS Onißlk) — - Buv now for present as well 4# VAW\ *' ith shaw ! j" ° xford $1 as future needs. ffi |J \\AfM A Gray; worth $2.00. Sale price... *P X j/j\ ||J y /\m *Ti . MEN'S HEAVY SHAKER-KNIT c ~ . . . , . //M \\\ vi\\\B| LOT NO. 3 LOT NO. 4 SWEATERS with shawl collars—navy, ox- Smart styles of soft shirts with Bovs' All-Wool Chinchilla Reefer yeLt-he^winter^oU^Sats 12 f ord gray and maroon; all sizes; CJ bo T't Overcoats - Gravs. Oxford Gravs. values to $4.00. Sale price &&.OD st.ft bosoms - thousands to select 4/- Wvk Brown and Navy Blue-values to $6.50 defant fancy mSed TwSs- SHAKER WORSTED from-worth to $1.50. — sale pnce ' values to sß:so—sale price SWEATERS with one-piece shawl collars Special at fV C * to OCr- AA ' aild loos f inverted pockets—white, navy, ma- Elegant styles of Soft Shirts of beautiful mercerized fabrics <PO*OO m)D«UU roon and oxlord gray; s6.do OC in plain colors and fancy stripes —original value 1 0/\ - bale P nce to $2 00 s j , J) 1 Boys' Mackinaw* /»r BOYS' BALMACAAN OVERCOATS ceptional value at $2.50. Sale prlceS 1.69 riety of beautiful and distinctive striped effects; i a Worth $6.50 a.tfpnt«Ov These popular overcoats also feel the effect of the great 'egukirly sold at $2.50 and $3.50. Very special at.. X assortment of hea\) storm- $6.50 Boys'Balmacaan Overcoats $4.85 HIEN'S 50c RIBBED .SHIRTS AND GLO BARGAIN defyu% coats in beautiful plaid effects $7.50 Boys' Balmacaan Overcoats $5.85 IfRAWERS—a 1 i sizes-cxtraordi- Q|- VJLUYLJ PRICES —plain and Norfolk styles—sizes 10 to $8.50 and $lO Boys' Balmacaan overcoats $0.85 nary bargain at JDC MEN'S WOOLEN GLOVES, in black, gray and OA 18 years. $12.50 Boys' Balmacaan Overcoats $9.85 BOYS' FLEECE LINED AND COTTON tan mixtures; regularly 50c. Special at «Jt/C - MEN'S CAPE WALKING GLOVES—AII shades — larly 3oc. Special 17c tan —values to $1.25. Special at 4%J C TJ /^VT7O ' BOYS' KNEE PANTS Jt PEERLESS UNION SUlTS—made of the >h M h EN ' S LI NED REINDEER AND MOCHA GLOVES, DOVS Drastically Reduced finest ribbed cotton; $2.00 d»i OA with heavy wool lining; worth $1.50. Special £ | qq - -| -| [- livery Une Means a Urcat saving 75c Cheviot Knee Pants are undvwear. All sizes—s2.so OAA tiful shade of dark tan; $1.50 values at 1. 1 D . „ . . * X O .C •* f f nA Tjr ZT values at S£«UU MEN'S GUN METAL MOCHA GLOVES- Af p-/\ An excellent assortment of Boys Suits of fane) mixed SI.OO Knee Pants are DR- WRIGHT'S WOOL FLEECE An exceptional value at $2.00. Very special at $1«50 $2.65 sl-50 and- $2 .00 Knee Pants are $1 .29 $2.29 39 C winter Stk « I—. w . "I I ALL HATS & FUR CAPS ARE REDUCED ] years—also Blue Serges. Originally $5. Sale Price, I dt V f SOFT AND STIFF HATS FUR CAPS — I n i > II L.l JhS VALUES AT $1.65 values at $ 1 . 50 , Boys' Suits of the better grades—RlGHT POSTURE Suits of finest Tweeds, Mixed Cheviots. Blue Serges and Velour-finisli '» ft Tl/L !"• I i C 1 f 9 $3& $3.50 Va'ues at $3.50 VALUES AT CA Cassimeres-values to sß.so. Sale j- gg "Where Everybody Shops —— _q>^.DU " ri,: f 3»0.00 322-324 MARKET STREET HARRISBURG. PA. qi; W.M VALUES AT qt; ' V MONDAY EVENING, ¥ HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JANUARY 4, 1915. 9
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