1 LOOK FOR IvV \ v KAUFMAN'S A I EXTRA SPECIAL if I Broom Coupon' B ON * MXJt PU H Zl |\| Wla/L ? IL" If 1 Cf Ik T Value $2.50 I 1 "»B Opposite Page J OVV JL»JLJr > ■9 \ V UW &tfTV' w Black, Navy and Ked. J I Ifesl Starts To-morrow Morning at 8.30-Biggest Price Cutting Event Ever Known SSST K C 1^ h Dr f S nnnnnnni-- 111 „, ' * , Ml!!!" I E JhS. m>r Carefully These Drastic Price Reductions on I$S ! | I <r%» II r «3T Women's and Misses' SUITS and COATS: -®tl MM j HJ L__——. ' C 'M. I C • ■ ~ materials. All J ft, li sr" J>mt* r.i._ «4 7S 2S»* Suits (tq 7C Coats 7 r - Coats »'•'-• * A AA ij > ■1 Fyfra Snprial' j| ean Swee P Sale .. A?? *P • Clean Sweep Sale Price t@T V • Clean Sweep Sale Price.. £3T«P«Jo| 5 Clean Sweep Sale Price' 8 ' s9*oo ji if ■X 1 ;! N owest styles, all-wool material In every color All new materials styles and colors in every size. Made of all-wool materials, lilack and color*. \ vnrietv ~r ~r,..tv i". ... , '! F„».., C n „„:„|f L H Girls' Winter \ > nndalze - Newest fuU length styles. All sizes. dl siiST materials, colors and styles In jj txtra Special! | R coats || women-.& Suits w,w,,p en Suits (0 &i oaa Coats soM &»r aa w«me n - 8& Coats *° w «•»» n»ii A a m ™«?pc i K W;! Clean Sweep Sale ■ Clean Sweep Sale Price#.#" » • clean Sweep Sale Price ss»oo clean Sweep Sale Pr?ce~ 8 ! s °'. $ 1 I*oo ij 1 Hi (S lauif ! > c ■ ii . 1 Stunning styles. I'incst materials in all the newest > M , . " * T a A i A ■£ T* ,ww , Splendid styles, materials and colors in all sizes. shades. All sizes. All-wool mixtures and black thiltcts. Newest I,lr trlnuned I'lushcs, Ziljcllncw, etc. Black and > 1/ /ill ■J <; styles in every size. colors. All sizes. <; ?£d«T"*/ I Hf Value up to 94.00 • . C *M. J < ' | B -S«tSi I ST* Suits *o cn £r" Suits rjz.. <l4 on Coats -a, tc CA sr?" Coats s-R, ffjj AA li - «.• -«'■•» , 1 I) lVyXirs. " I: Clean Sweep Sale Price. Clean Sweep Sale Price Clean Sweep Sale Price.. Clean Sweep Sale Price".' Y i 4*"U i i P i! Beautiful materials, styles and colors. All sizes. 1 ,| aS e. n|>ortl ' <l ,n » terta *> ,K?st s,vk ' s « n<l « in every Hundred, of pretty coats in splendid all-wool ma- Corduroys, Plashes, Imported novelty materials, i I « ,mml s,mpe m " n - , 1 I tnal> - AU Ikst i<o!ors; all sizes. j; 1 IliMll Women's . Extra Size SUITS F^r I dSs and Extra Size COATS K? : B $2.29 ii "Z""L Suits T,Zo. <CC AA Suits«« tl? AA Coats "" <t7 CA «-«•• tio CA ii $1 59 ( B ji Clean Sweep Sale Price # Clean Sweep Sale Price. ,«P Z.UU clean Sweep Sale Priced <P ' *5" ClelnSweep Salt Price""' 3>12.50 ii * * I ■I serge, black and Ji Odds ajid ends In splendid all-wool materials, do- Ser K es. Uedfortl Cords, etc., in black, navy und M ado of line L-ra.lo all-w.w.l «,r lw < i„ ,„.l ~ , "T. K ' ' '! 80,(1 »P to >»•»<> J ■f navy blue. New- ,< slrable colors. Sizes «n» to 51 bust. other shades. Newest styles; Sizes up to 51 bust. i,in„ n,?iv Serges, in dark navy y, tuid full length coats in all-wool materials. ! , . W ■1 est styles. AH J | _ n .. wue onij. Sizes up to 51. Colors, black and navy blue. Sizes up to 51 bust. I' Black and nat- \ B I SllitS u"Z, CfcH Kstra Size SllitS Jo $s „ P «o. f)0 > Vomen .' S CofltS sol, i u _ p (A CA Women's no IPA A\> st,apo oapce - ) ■f | Clean Sweeo Sale Price Clean Sweep Sale Price. .T * **•"" <ru 'r>°- wif•«)U K<uu s,/0 * 2 .-».oo. Jk | (111 || ■/ ■IT £ Clean bweep bale Frice £?? t Broadcloths, imported smw and Crenes. Clean Sweep Sale t v v «Plt/»UV;! 1 K Extra s p« ,al! f orrxrsr.ratisr lß,slo,n ~,n,k andtoN b,a,k - ,,,,vvan " oU,cr °° ,wrs s,zcsup twsl »«- «**+ ii F ."T > # navy nine. Mzes up to .»i oust. black and navy blue. Sizes up to 51 bust. fcxtra special! J WD Women's t W twv*wwv tM %^m^vwvv^vv%w»vt%wvwv%%wwvw^ivuvv < w M mtiv,, w > iimwimnMMwtiimiviwiiiiwiJ. ~T Q. ~ | B Petticoats p———————j— ——toney akin \ I * issiMrisas I a* B p a st bia<!k re# ' VeiUl ' or we Sold at Such Low Prices At Prices That Would Be Cheap in March ,1 B 'a™-,*''AiTn'"'""; w »men's and Mis.es' Cloth: Women's and Misses' Cloth UNTRIMMED VELVET HATS; sold 1C _ flirls' Pnatc sold up p-Vlc' fV»fo sold up i*S '' Bi£ lutDRESSES ,o sß.so siitDRESSES t o o sts.oo 15c f <° at i to L 6 i2 "'St-- ! ■ Clean Sweep Sale djo QC Clean Sweep Sale ne UNTRIMMED VELVET HATS, sold OQ p ric „ P $2.55 Price" P $4 55 "" '' i i| 1 Prtae ......... 3>O.S*o Price 3>7.95 up to $3.00. Clean Sweep Sale Price j"C N,.,v,,t n. Hm. m. JL. x™„t | ■ Erir, Special! JSTZ#!!? Jt. ,'S UNTRIMMED VELVET HATS, sold |*A A " ""'"aSlfiSr •fT . I . E Women's = ■ up to $4.00. Clean Sweep Sale Price .... 59 C Girls' CoatS S °' d "» Girls' S«t S »P " 'I V Mndin Women's and Misses' Cloth W ° men ' s and Misses ' Cloth One lot of TRIMMED HATS, sold up c c , to $5.50. ® VUai ® toslo.oo Wnmon'a I I Gowns -DRESSES to 1? 2 -DRESSES t ;S.oT P 50c $6.55 Neckwear ' I 29c Sw " p Sa,e $5.00 SwMP Sale $9.75 SI.OO 19c 'I R Value 50e. Handsome styles, every color and sjiUn a i)u"*ess ll Ch <^ieii^' oCriMjc 0 CriMjc One lot of TRIMMED HATS, sold (J* OAA Values to 50e # cm fnii• cm. 1,1 I'reneli serge, silk poplin <ie Chine and lmisjrt<<<i snm u in ud to $6.00. Clean SweeD Sale Price. tDuaUU £ B hrolderv trbnmed: and sUk messallnc. siz«>s. s r r r> . O • ~~~ f— ———, Assorted lot: all J ■ — One lot of FANCIES, WINGS AND 1C _ LxtraSpeCial F*tra Snprial Fvh-a newstyl?" I '' ' h ° ( B Women's Extra Size Cloth Werner's Extra Size Cloth FLOWERS. Sold to SI.OO. For lOC & a P CCIaI Eltra JpCCial ' ' / m sold up Tn>ircci?c sold up One lot of FINE OSTRICH PLUMES; black VV omen S Children's Women's Bath ' mr. c ... I to $12.50. lAKJLOOJC/O to $15.00 and colors. Sold up to $3.00. Clean <t»-| £*r\ Uloves Ufwp Robes s c rPrir p . $5.00 s"r p $9.75 s »«p^ pri « •. 69 5c 9 s c bt.sp.ut , E Children's Newest styles: colors, black , Best grade siik poplin \ow One lot of Extra Fine OSTRICH PLUMES; \AI,IKs TO 50c C VALUK $1.50 m 7 1 , n VUliurcil S navy blue, serges and «-st styles in blacks and ,-olors black and colors. Sold up to $5.00. d» O OA cashmere ami golf VALUE 10c Ma(lo of stpJ Women S 1 B Drawers .r,|.Q». uj, ...... H,„|. | sue, u „ „,, Clean Sweep Sale Price ....$2,89 "li Muslin ' I B 5c ~ zmm ' I Petticoats I | Cloth Dress Skirts (|ir MUSLIN & FLANNELETTE WOMEN'S I ' pi' 1 To be Sold Far BeFow the Maker's Csst UNDERWEAR u AII ,- n,. . 533" j By Women's and Misses' Cloth Women's and Misses' Cloth K 1 n 1 1 rfc • lIUUSC L/ICSScS f I Extra Special! | DRESS SKIRTS ,o^iso p DRESS SKIRTS , s „ 0 w.50 P At Greatly Reduced Prices J \ HOT * Clean Sweep Sale d»-I CQ Clean Sweep Sale O Women's Muslin Gowns cut full; em- Women's Corset Covers; lace or em- Extra Special! 1 i V Women S Price «J> 1 »D%J Price broidery trimmed; 75c value. QQ- broidery trimmed; values to 1 A —— , ■ Bungalow i-lJ't.':, S2 JSAM'SrS Clean Sweep Sale price 0»C 39c.' Clean Sweep Sale price.. 1%/ Ci I I Women's !$ B Aprons in black and navy blue. colors. Women's Muslin Gowns; lace or em- ... ,„ ~ n . . ~ r> .• 1 i K OA Women's and Misses' Cloth Women's and Misses' Cloth broidery trimmed; cut full; SI.OO value. omens Muslin Petticoats; embroid- V»lllP« tn tl Corsets # B 2?c DRESS SKIRTStoIoS DRESS SKIRTS s " Je : Sale 79c c .: a,ue '43c Value, to 5i.50 J B color 4lo I'crraies? Sweep Sale $9. Clean Sweep Sale. CQ Women's Flannelette Gowns; cut full t Women's Muslin Petticoats; 18-inch Made of Pfercale and Value si.oo. V . cut full: aU col- Poniins series etT (~* nmtiv fast colors; 61c value. Clean A Q embroidery ruffle; $1.25 value. rfA Gingham in all colors and l J!' < T' fßt l^ pM C P or, sr>,^LndaK.^ U> ln PreM> AifSSSS XZ Sweep Sale price 46 C Clean Sweep Sale price 79C sizes; all nicely made J H |_^_______well: all sizes. K I W" Girls' Wash and Wool Dressesl W" ™ i I ' W, y Down in Price . W ~*4~. i ■ IQ|* Girls Wash Dresses; sizes 2to 6 years; I Girls' Wash Dresses; sizes 6 to 14 Kimono; in all shades; cut full; r\i / B C? l"\ value - Clean Sweep 10/ L years; values to $3.00. OA plain and fancy; values to 6AC ] Values to 50c. I Sale price IL* /ZQ Clean Sweep Sale price ... M> 1 «OZ/ $2. Clean Sweep Sale price.. .79c 5Q Clean Sweeo *T/\ ' H ftcr^ °*hiai'iV' inH Girls' Wash Dresses- sizes 6to 14' Girls' Pure Wool Serge Dresses; values Women's Cotton Petticoats; black • 7 j(* 20c. ( A a . n . (l \/„i . V cresses, sizes o to 14 , n r . a _ q ol . a and colors; values to 75c. OQ„ price.... 147 v Mode of fast i H* mostly Value to $3.50 years; values to 75c. Clean O A to $3.50. Clean Sweep Sale <f» -1 AZL (lean Sweep Sale price OIJC - ; color check Ging- TTmuli sizes. 5,1. „rin» SMr price «PI,4J rw.,„ v. . Women's full length Crepe hams with poek- ' , B' Made of Turkish Cloth and P Girls' all Pure Wool Serge Dresses; and colors; values to si.so. and Flannelette Kimonos; all et; largo sizes. B Eiderdown; satin trimmed; Girls' Wash Dresses; sizes 6to 14 sizes 6to 14 vears: value* tn nn Clean Sivwp salc price #»C the newest coloring; silk trim- —————l | BIT I TTI newest designs; all sizes and years; values to $1.50. Clean 7A Clean Sweep Sale <f» o€\ O *** and med; values to $2.50; all sizea. ______ 1 , [ EltraSpeciaj Sweep Sale price (tfC price W. 98 SiJ 'X ,lc " n .. $2.59 Sw " p 95 c Eltr. Special! I, ■ Women's " omen 'j V TO I n hem- C ■ hemstitched. of Mess»line Silk; cut full; all .-olors. UH UppOSltd iCIgC mlwHn'all sl^ 00 I MONDAY EVENING. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JANUARY 4,1915. 5
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