4 EIiIDEAVORERS TO SING "ME!" CANTATA More Than Hundred Enrolled in 1915 Chorus; Frank Mc- Carrell to Direct Officers of the Harrisburg Christian Endeavor Choral Union met at the home of the president, J. Frank Pal mer, last evening to enroll members for the season of 1015. The majority of the former members have asked to be enrolled and applications from sixty-six new members will carry the enrollment to more than one hundred. The chorus will be accompanied by a volunteer orchestra, the following members have already been secured: Violin, Claude Engle and Arthur M. Bushman; cello, I. M. Rider, W. J. Dunlap; double bass, M. H. Mulli gan: ilutc, Miss Dunlap; first cornet, H. D. Sollenberger; second cornet, W. D. Reed. The director will be Frank A. Mc- Carrell, organist and choirmaster of tho Pino Street Presbyterian Church.] Tho rehearsals will be held each Mon day evening, beginning January 18, in the social room of the Pine Street Presbyterian Church. The cantata to be sung will be "The Nazarene" written by William Ape Ma doc and W. Rhys Herbert. Those present last evening were Misses Mary Deilart, Emily Edwards, Anna McKelvcy, Messrs. Alfred Lewis, Forest E. Schwartz. GIVES DINNER-DANCE Miss Marian Strouse, 1632 North Second street, gave a dinner dance at her home last night in honor of Miss Henrietta Bloch, of Philadelphia. The guests included Misses Henrietta Strouse, Jeanette Claster, Reta Bux baum, Leonore Rosenthal. Marie Yount, Henrietta Jesselson, of Atla.ntlc City; Alva Romberger, Helen Hoff man and Elizabeth Koons, George Widder, Nelson Strouse. John Hart, Charles Dunkle. George Jeffries, Claude Stroup. Albert Astrich, John Morganthaler, George Sheider, Robert I Sheider and Lane S. Hart. WINTERDALE 15 North Market Square As many plain waltzes and two-steps as new dances. Every Tuesday. Thurs day and Saturday evenings. Thursday evening, December 31, masked or un masked.—Advertisement. j Our Service to Women j The service of a strong financial institution is as valuable to women as it is to men and realizing this, a constant aim of the management of the Mechan ics Trust Company is to make it an institution with which the women of the city may conveniently and I advantageously transact their financial business. Small as well as large accounts are received— either subject to check or at 3 per cent interest— I and those women who favor us with their patronage receive the most prompt and courteous service at all times. Mechanics Trust Company S. E. Corner 3rd and Market St. j Harrisburg, Pa. j •■■aanKß'kEKCtß.'aanucaßßaHHUJCßHn mmmmMMnzmmmaammmmmmmmamamacxanammmmmmmmßtTfj With the New Ideas j OFFERS Everything in arrangement of flowers Dinners—Wed dings—Fancy Bouquets and Baskets a specialty. 311 Walnut St. Opp. Capitol Park f"' 1 " 1 ' -IWJ.'.f. J - v. ij> M , I'll IIIHLIf.,I TJ. A Iw*Ig33CB—OBBWPI w *Ig33CB—OBBWP & fITI7I7ftPC D AIM IT thirteenth and J | v4llLE.ii o DAWN derry streets t OPEN EVERY SATURI»AY EVENING » Will Open a | !.| Christmas Savings Club I V Club Year Reckoned From, nnd Kesrnlar Pa;mcnt> Ilrcln %£'■ : ff. MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1914, AT 9 A. M. ft 5 Open An Account Paying Each Week \' f 25c 50c SI.OO v IntrrHt will b« added to all account* paid la fall at the end 1 of the 80-wcek club year. !? ' OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT BEFORE JANUARY 2, 1918. | : E. C. THOMPSON, Prc«. S. F. BARBER, Vlce-Pren. 4 C. O. MHiLER, Cashier. ;1 WEDNESDAY EVENING, Miss Jean Sheesely Weds West Shore Business Man at Frederick Rumors of Elopement Vigor ously Denied; to Be at Home at Enola After Jan uary 20 Miss Kathryn Jean SheesleV, of this city, and Tolbert K. Wonderly. of Enola. took a little trip to Frederick, Md., and were married in that city Monday morning by the Rev. E. H. Lamar, pastor of tho First Mjßthodist Episcopal Church, in the parsonage. The wedding was a quiet affair and the happy couple returned homo shortly after the ceremony. The couple had been engaged for Bomo time and the little romance ended in the wedding in Maryland. Tho bride was a clerk in the Schleis ner store, in North Third street, and is popular and well known among the younger set. The groom Is a pros perous business man of Enola. Mr. and Mrs. Wonderly will be at home to their friends after January 20 in Enola. Rumors that the pair eloped were vigorously denied this morning. ENTERTAIN REUNION PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Commlngs, 3 4 North Fourth street, entertained a number of guests at their home last night. Those present had Just returned from a family reunion at the home of A. B. Commlngs in Reading. The fol lowing were guests: Mrs. Emma Com mings, Miss Mary Commlngs and Frank Wilson, this city; Mrs. B. G. Commings. Miss Margaret Commlngs, Marion Wiker, all of Lancaster; Wil liam Wolflnger, Burton E. Commlngs, Miss Charlotte Commlngs, Charles B. Commings and Mr. and Mrs. Com mings. MRS. FOG ARTY ENTERTAINS Mrs. Eugene Fogarty, 1121 North Front street, entertained members of the five hundred club of which she is a member. The following were pres ent: Mrs. Charles Gilmer, Mrs. Charles McEnroe, Miss Kate Hemler, Mrs. An drew Taylor, Mrs. John Gohl, Mrs. M. J. Muleahy, Mrs. J. B. McCalley, Mrs. Adolph Russ, Mrs. M. Melville, Mrs. Greenawalt and Mrs. William Russ. Miss Ida E. King and niece, Anna K. Smith, of York, are visiting friends in Harrisburg and vicinity. hH&L. KL > ■ .' ■ fIHH jH^Bjj^BflgggL Photo by Roshon. MRS. T. K. WONDERLY "" EX T ERT AIN S rx»ll GUEST Miss Dorothy DeVout. Evergreen and Chestnut streets, was hostess ves terday from 3 to 8 o'clock at an en tertainment in honor of her guest. Miss Margaret Hell, of Lebanon. The house was decorated with Christmas greens and mistletoe. Games, con tests and music were enjoyed by those present, after which a buffet luncheon was served to the following: Miss Florence Rlnkenbach, Miss Ivatherine iieidleman. Miss Frances Hause, Miss Katherlno Keene, Miss Adeline Kline dinst. Miss Katherlne Klinedinst, Miss Helen Hamblin, Miss Katherine Ham biin, Miss Martha Moltz, Miss Elida Buckaloo. Miss Agnes Albright, Miss Ella Marie Kreidler, Miss Mary Eliz abeth Deitrich, Miss Helen Ferguson, Miss Elizabeth Balmer, Miss Mildred Burke. Miss Susanne DeVout and Miss Dorothy DeVout. GIVE KITCIIEX SHOWER Mr. and Mrs. Herman Williamson gave a kitchen shower at their home In Penbrook complimentary to Mrs. I,eon Garman, who prior to her mar riage was Misss Ruth Houston. She received many useful and pretty gifts. Refreshments were served to the fol lowing guests: Misses Bertha Gar verich, Ruth Reidell, Mary Sollen berger, Iva Sollenberger. Mary Mader, Mrs. Harry Ludwlck, Mr. and Mrs. Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Gar man and Mrs. Buck. HURT IN FALL Mrs. Frank Gambler, 1258 State street, fell on Monday evening while walking in North Thirteenth street. She sustained a fracture of.her right arm and a severe sprain of her left arm. WATCH NIGHT SERVICES Watch night services will be held in the Epworth Methodist Episcopal Church, Twenty-first and Derry streets, Thursday night at 9 o'clock. The Rev. J. D. W. Deavor, pastor of the church, will preach. Mr. and Mrs. David Defilbaugh, 617 Geary street, have returned from a visit to Altoona. Miss Margaret Huling, of West Fourth street, Harrisburg, is visiting in Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Rupp, Salida, Colorado, are spending the holidays with Mr. Rupp's mother, Mrs. Minnie A. Rupp, 585 South Front street. Mr. Rupp is a former Harrisburger. He went West two years ago to accept a position with the Santa Fe railroad. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Koenig, 1847 Boas street, are homo from Lancaster where they were the guests of Mrs. J. E. Hibler. Dr. Grace Wintersteen, of the Penn sylvania State Hospital staff, has re turned from a visit to Lancaster, where she was the guest of Mrs. Mary Roth Ammon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Schlayer, of 638 Kelker street, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Crlswell, of 321 Seneca street, have returned home after spending a few days in New Vork city. OPTIAL SALE NOW GOING ON Eyes Examined Free Glasses Fitted I in Gold Frames \ Reading or V I J I Sewing as Low as > JL I RUBIN & RUBIN | EYESIGHT SPECIALIST 320 Market St. Second Floor I Tmi UooJ Eye Npi-rlallata to I Exnmine Your Eyea. Open Wed- I neaday and Saturday evenlnKa. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH HOW ENTERTAIN IN MOTHER'S HONOR New Jersey Guests of Hill Family Introduced to Harrisburg Society Many friends attended a delightful holiday event at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Holman, 1832 Regina street, Monday night. Mrs. Holman, who is the wife of A. W. Holman, manager of Doutrich & Co., 304-30G Market street, entertained in honor of her mother, Mrs. Jennie Koons, and sister. Miss Nora Koons, and Miss Myrtle Davis, of PiainOeld, N. J. The decorations were in holly, laurel and cedar. Mrs. Carl D. Fogg read and Mrs. A. W. Holman played several selections on tho piano. Refreshments were served, during which favors were distributed to the guests. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Clelland, Shippens burg; Mrs. Robert Green, Schenectady, N. Y.; Mrs. Mary Smith, Carbondale; Dr. and Mrs. C. E. L. Keene, Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Fogg, Mr. and Mrs. Dan iel C. Gotwals, Captain and Mrs. A. M. Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Giiles, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Feree, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Bogar, Miss Myra Porter, Miss Dorothy Feree, John Bogar, Mas ter Arthur C. D. Holman, of Harris burg, and Miss Jennie Kissinger, of Royalton. WHISLKR—LKSHKR A quiet wedding was solemnized at the parsonage of the Redeemer Lu theran Church by the Rev. E. Victor Roland, Tuesday evening, December 29, when Miss Gertrude Lesher, of 1909 Swatara street, became the bride of Ellas E. Whisler, of 74 3 South Twenty-third street. The bride, who was a clerk in Wilbur B. Goodyear's drug store for the last three years, was handsomely gowned in white mes sallne. The groom is an employe of the Adams Express Company on the Pennsylvania Railroad, running be tween Harrisburg and Pittsburgh. DA VIES—GIRVIN In the presence of members of the immediate families, Alfred P. Davies, a groceryman, to-day married Miss Margaret Girvin. The ceremony took place at the home of the parents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Girvin, 215 Woodbine street, at 4 o'clock. The Rev. E. E. Curtis, pas tor of Westminster Presbyterian Church, officiated. Following a wedding supper, the young couple will go on a brief honey moon. On their return they will be at home to their friends at 215 Wood bine street. HOLD STAG PARTY Blaine Albright held a stag party Saturday night at his home in Camp Hill. Those present were Anson De vout, Curtis Sponsler, Harry Lau, of York; E. W. Cowdcn, William Al bright and Blaine Albright. E. W. Harvey, formerly of Catnp Hill and now of Pittsburgh, is at tho Senate. Me Is attending the State Edu cational Association sessions. Miss Irene 1,. Graeber, of Shamokin, is the guest of Miss Leonore Graeber, 926 North Third street. KOONS—'HYKES Special to The Telegraph llagerstown, Md., Dec. 30. Miss Sue C. liykes and Victor Koons, both of Harrisburg, were married in this city on December 24 by Elder W. S. Relchard at his residence. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Booth have gone to New York to visit their niece, Mrs. H. M. Kaspar. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Hoffman and daughter Catherine have returned to their home in Mlllersburg after spending Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Albright, 1917 Moltke street. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Crump, of Chi cago, 111., spent Christmas with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Crump, 117 Evergreen street. Miss Ruth D. Shure, 352 South Thir teenth street, has returned home after attending a house party- at Williams port. Pa. Mrs. C. Calder DeHaven, Sunbury, is the guest of Miss Ruth D. Shure. Miss Pauline H. Shure is spending a few days in New York city. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Sprout and daughter, Miss Grace, and sons, Charles and Gilbert, spent Christmas with their daughters, Mrs. William Hauck and Mrs. Harvey Stauffer, of Lewistown. They were accompanied by Miss Gertrude Vanwiller, of Read ing. Mrs. Carrie Miller, of Chambers burg, has returned to her home after spending several months with her sis ter, Mrs. E. E. Bloser, 326 South Thir teenth street. Mrs. Kathrin Clements, of Philadel phia, is the guest of her sister. Mrs. E. G. Bloser. 326 South Thirteenth street. Mrs. B. G. Commings, of Lancaster, who was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Commings, North Fourth street, has returned home. Miss Florence Spatz, of Dallastown, and Robert E. Edgar, of Pittsburgh, were the guests on Monday of Miss Helen A. Markley. 1519 Green street. Miss Theresa Wolfson has gono to Pittsburgh after spending the holidays with relatives. Mrs. Annie Douglass, of Philadel phia, is the guest of her son, Robert Douglass, 1840 Regina street. Miss Ellen Mc.K. Choate, West Stato street, has returned from a visit to her parents in Altoona. Miss Dorothy Shook of Greencastle, Is visiting Miss Ann Young, 2323 North Third street. Miss Ida King and Miss Anna Smith, of Yoork, were week-end visitors at the home of the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Willims, 237 Jtforth Sixth street. Mrs. Meade Detweiler Gives Luncheon For Miss Meyers Mrs. Meade D. Detweiler gave a luncheon of forty-flve covers at her home, 23 South Front street, to-day complimentary to Miss Mary Elizabeth Meyers, a debutante of the season. The decorations, favors and Ices were carried out in a pretty color scheme of green and red, with holly, poinsettias and Richmond roses pre dominating. During the luncheon the Updegrove orchestra rendered a pro gram of classics. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Mathew, of 9 North Cameron street, announce the birth of Bessie May Mathew on De fender 25, 1914. Mrs. Mathew was Mis? Clara Smith before her marriage.] ■—«Huy here not alone because price* are loner, tint because qualities are better.'"" Tl-^ Now For a Rousing Sale of Extraordinary Values To Wind Up the Old Year Items Offered Are For Thursday Only Human Hair in Light, Medium 50c Infants' Kimonos 250 Large Size Blue Enamel and Dark Brown in Strands Thursday only 25c Preserve Kettles 50c value, Thursday only .. 25c ~Thursday only, 2 for 25c - ■ Ladies' 50c Handbags nelette Skirts 10c Sheet Iron Bread Pans Thurnilay only 25c Thursday only 25c Thursday only, « for 25c Ladies' 25e Fancy Box Garters 25c Ladies' Kmbroldery Bras- 5c Gray Knamcl Pie Plates Thursday only, 2 for 25c siers Thursday only, (! for 25c — Thursday only, 2 for 25c ——— Ladies' Ribbon Trimmed Shoe I 10c Mixing Bowls Trees 10e Children's Flannelette | Thursday only, 3 for 25c 25c value, Thursday only, 2 for . Drawers 25c Thursday only, :i pair for .. 25c _______________ 10c Large Gloss Nappies 50c Satin Ribbon, AH Colors 10c Children's Flannelette Diaper ihmsdi.? oui>. 3 i»r -,c Thursday only '-3 c Drawers ———————■ — ——— " Thursday only, li for 25c ——. — 777T, _— —— Thursday only, 3 for 25c 50c Roman Stripe Ribbon ; ~ ~ Thursday only .... 23c 50c Children's Rompers — Thiirnrifiy only 2Rc lsc Children's Aluminum Plates . ————— Thiirnday only, 3 for i! 5« ! _ B All-over Shadow Laces JOC Children's Flannelette | Tlmrwclny only SiwqilPS Thursday only. 3 for 25c 50c Readymade Stamped 50c Persian Trimmings, Bands Thursday only T!!! 25c and Kdges 19c Ladles' Aprons : Thursday only 25c Thursday only, 2 for 25c 50c Stamped Pillow Cases 50c to $1.50 Oriental Laces Ladies Silk \ civet Hats —____ Thursday only 25c SI.OO to $2.00 values, Thursday ' only 25c — ~~~~~~~ — 50c Children's Kcadymadc ——- Stamped Dresses, While __ . - 5c , Bands Fancy Ostrich Trimmings Thursday only 25c Thursday only. .1 yards for -!.*• „ va)^e> T i lur . da y „ n ly . . 25c viwiLinxi,. 50c Stamped Children's Crepo «ni!" fiMr kwcai $1.25 and $1.50 Library Books, Kimonos I hursda> onl). - for -5c Slightly Soiled Thursday only, 2 for 25c Thurailny only 25c 50e Ladies' Boxed Neckwear Thurndny only 25c 9 ~ n v' nvnlu I 25c Stamped Drawers — , , o ; W Thumdny only, 2 for 25c Thursday only, 2 for 25c I __._l__l_____.__ 25c Fancy Boxed Stationery I ———— Thurndny only, 2 boxes for .. 25c | 25c Cotton Crepe Plaid and 50c Stamped waists ———————— ——————. Thursday only, 2 yard* for 25< % Thurndny only, 2 for 25c Thursday only. 2 boxes for 25c Thursday only, 3 yards for 25c 22x22 and 18x21 —————— — Tliurnday only 25c 25c Gents' Neckwear, Knitted "«» 36-tach Bleached Mus- and Silk ' in 25c Stamped Corset Covers Thursday only, 2 for 25c Thursday only, 4 yards for 250 Thursday only, 2 for 25c nis' Colored Hose s(le Wool Crepe, Kvcning Colors 10c Cushion Cords Thursday only, 3 pair for . . 25c Thursday only 25c Thur only, 3 for 25c Men's Wool Hose 17c Silk Mousseline, All Colors 50c Stork Kmbroldery Scissors Thursday ouiy, 2 pair for .. 25c Thursday only. 2 yards for 25c Thursday only 25c l adies' Dresslii" Sacqucs 50c Fancy Crib Blankets Stamped Luncheon Sets 50c value, Thursday" only ... 25c Thursday only 25c Thursday only 25c 1c to 25c Dept. Store Where Every Day Is Bargain Day 215 Market St. Opp. Courthouse Old-fashioned New Year j Openhouse at Y. M. C. A. | New Year's Day will be celebrated | by the Young Men's Christian Asso ciation, Second and Locust streets, in th 3 good old-fashioned way. There will be a public reception from 11 to 5. when substantial re freshments will be served to one and all in attendance. The invitation ex tended is a most generous one, for it Includes the public. Men, women and i children will be welcomed; unem ployed men and boys will be cordially received, for the desire of the as ßo * ciatlon is to be helpful first to those who really need help and encourage ment. The building will be prettily decorated, and everything will savor of holiday cheer. A gymnasium exhibition under the auspices of the physical department for the benefit of the visitors will be given in the afternoon at 3 o clock, followed by basketball games. In the evening the annual mem bers' entertainment will be held in Fahnestock hall at 8:15 o'clock. De-j Witt Pnxton, of New York, the clever | humorist, has been engaged for the j occasion. Admission will be by ticket | only, but every member in good; standing will receive two tickets for the entertainment. The program for the day und evening will attract thou sands to the building. The entire plant will be thrown open to the public except the dormitory system. Mrs. Edwin Bowers and Miss Jessie Bowers, 318 Cumberland street, left to-day for a short visit to Philadel phia. W. G. Conklin, 130 Locust street, has returned from a visit to his home in Columbia. Miss Carolyn Stabler, Williamsport, who is attending the Educational As sociation convention In this city, is the guest of the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Williams, of 2837 North (Sixth street. DECEMBER 30, 1914. Coes Give Christmas Dance at Country Club Complimentary to their daughter, Miss Dora Wickersham Coe, and her house guests, Miss Leavitte Wicker sham, Lancaster; Miss Alberta Weber, of New York, and Miss Josephine Gloninger, of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. Sanford DeWltt Coe will give a Christ mas dance at the Country Club to night. The decorations at the club will be I of Christmas greens, with holly and poinsettias adding a touch of color here and there. Tho Loeser orchestra will play. Receiving with Mr. and Mrs. Coe and Miss Coe will be Miss Alberta Weber, Miss Josephine Gloninger, Miss Leavitte Wickersham and the debu tantes of the season. SPECIAL THURSDAY—FRIDAY 98c Pink Roses 98c DOZEN DOZEN SCHMIDT 313 Market Street I FLORIST p. R- R n Station I MISS BACON GIVES DANCE Miss Anne Bacon, 216 North street, was hostess at an informal dance in Handshaw's Hall laat evening compli mentary to her house guests. Miss Uene Frederick, Carlisle, and Miss Mary Tomkin, Norfolk, Va. Fifty-six guests were present. Mrs. J. Cobean and Miss Anne Stev ens. Thirteenth and Kittatinny streets, entertained twelve guests informally at their home last evening. Buffet luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Clark and daughter are visiting Mrs. Clark's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bratton, 1618 State street. CAMP HIMj CIAJB TO MEET The office:* and directors of the Camp Hill Civic Club will meet Thurs day afternoon at 3.30 o'clock at the home of the president, Mrs. J. W. Millhouse.
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