Kaufman's Big Christmas Sale—An Event That Should Interest the Entire Family f \ GPANA N G C9L 4F* A I & I A M ' WE WILL GLADLY CASH YOUR IJ II 11 FX I|\ I II /\ FRIDAY STORE OPEN AT 8 A.M., CLOSES 5:30 P.M. CHRISTMAS CLUB SAVINGS CHECKS { MJIIF \ | »•„• V - ' 1 > 7 X SJ S\! ! T COMMENCING SATURDAY & UNTIL CHRISTMAS, OUR WHETHER YOU MAKE A PURCHASE OR NOT ■ I M I A I I 1^ I STORE WILL BE OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 9P. M. T OV T A IV "O IF FOLLOW THE CROWDS TO KAUFMAN'S AND SEE THE WONDERFUL VALUES TOL !! AVX ~I '. , IBE HAD IN THE NEWEST STYLES OF WOMEN'S SUITS, COATS AND DRESSES; AT, OFFERS EXCEPTIONAL || J 1 \ P.l | I 3 IT'S THE MOST STARTLING EVENT OF THE SEASON . mK nay ALL THIS SEASON'S SUITS ALL THIS SEASON'S COATS "W 1 DARGAINS II ' L EVERY STYLE, EVERY MATERIAL, EVERY COLOR. EVERY STYLE, EVERY MATERIAL, EVERY COLOR. * 1 DHNL THESE EXTRA SPECIA, Ue m . !I | NOW $5.50 *s*B COFTTS NOW $4.50 FLGL JLP J | BGMJI ON SALE FRIDAY ONLY JJ* JIFWSUITS NOW $7.50 COATS NOW $6.50 WLISII I SJFFILLEJ' BOOKS FOR I JESUITS NOW $9.50 SRFFL COATS NOW $8.50 WILSIL||OJ2^J^ 5 ILSIS® BOYS & GIRLS SUITS NOW $11.50 SR&SO COATS NOW $9.50 SRS£FT WSFILFFIP LCSS THAN HALF R SUITS NOW $14.50 JRFCGS COATS NOW $12.50 5R&31 UYF: L| |HT JR SUITS NOW $19.50 COATS NOW $14.50 SR&3J F ' II VALUE TO 50C, FOR I %/ C JJ I £// Our Entire Stock in This Sale Oar Entire Stock in This Sale » J HILL-CLIMBING TOYS, | ONE LOT OF SOILED JOINTED <',*,* AT T MRRTC LE I! F O ' R 00VALUE : 89C|R S :. 50CVAIUE :.. 19C I 1 DRESSES OURSPIENDID STOCKOF GIRLS' COATS IN THISSALE SS&&I&SKS: II .HON TREE KENCES: *..00 VALUE. 7Q | IDRESSES NOW $3.45 FORMERLY SOLD UP TO $8 50 COATS NOW $1.75 COATS NOW $4_ 75 WORTHY < IJ FOR IVC JL DRESSES NOW $4.50 FORMERLY SOLD UP TO $lO F A NOW FO JC WORTH UP F .. NNW TFR 7 R WORTH UP |I IF DRESSES NOW $6.50 FORMERLY SOLD UP TO sls OATS ° JF •'«? '• $4.50 LOATS NOW $5./5 ,„ $8 50 J IJ FOR BOYS .. P0P ... 0U . N5 ..' ■ SOC - 39C |||DRESSES NOW $8.50 FORMERLY SOLD UP TO $lB COATS NOW $3.75 10°55.50 COATS NOW $7.75 TO°sL2so J |I : II F OUR ENTIRE STOCK IN THIS SALE JJ FOLDING GO-CARTS; 75C VALUE, «; LT , ,F|P, N -R\FII 1 Y*' ■ ■** ■ **LF'" IJ Y*" ■ L V L " ■ I ■ < Y ■— ■ •• ■ ■■ J VAL 2 °V S OI T N O T F, D 5 DOLLS 89 C I F?O7WOMEN^—"; M RASES ! RICH FURS ARE NOW AS LOW AS CHEAP FURS I I I NET IN TIRNP FNR VMK : AND JVAIX^ N ' S - BLACKBOARDS: ... SO£ ..39C I| JUSTINLLME!OI AMJS { MA RAINCOATS J WOMEN'S & MUSES' CHILDREN'S SETS 1; ————————— ;[ 100 WOMEN S KIMONOS, QQP • FILL# QFTS WORTH $1.50, QCIR* RAILROAD TRAIN ON TRACKS; 75C QQ |I VALUE TO $2.00 FW \ GIRLS' NOW I/OC I ; H\ II VALUE, FOR OTIC I; FNU LENGTH FANCY CREPE KIMONOS; Fl] JLKP |!|| WATERPROOF WORTH $15.00, <FCQ 7RK QFTQ V -^LXSWSF^BIB/ |! '! ALL NEW COLORING; CUT FULL; SATIN I // "/£ Fl' I SIIFFIL RAINFAPFS NOW / V OT I J » II RUBBER T.RE GO-CART S , , BOYS' S.EC, WH.E, VE.OCI- I I , :»» JMOK I I $1.50 VALUE, PEDES: $1.75 OQ;; WOMEN'S PETTICOATS, OA : A FUR SETS NOW TYL.UO MARABOU F\ II FOR I VALUE, FOR .... $ 1 •OIL JJ $2.50 VALUE FOR .. ; W -—W I/LLC WORTH $20.00$ 1O IK SETS SETS, WORTH \ ™MMMMM— —— I —————MMMMM MM MMMMB , I MFTTLC OF MCSSALLTTO SILK 111 111! J JRKJP** I NOW . . WORTH $4.00. ACT $8.50, NOW JT/ &M\ 1 RAILROAD TRAIN ON TRACK, 100 JOINTED DOLLS; VALUES ;1 COLORE, AU LENGRTH; DEEP MFFLE. . STZCA«TO 14 YEARE ' V I $1.50 VALUE, OQ T054.00, $2 69 II WOMEN'S BATH R.BEI.TFO 4Q I GIRLS' SATINE RAINCAPES ! FUR SETS ' " II • II *3.50 VOL., $2.29 | -™ 51 . 90 : WORU. $25.00 514 75 WORTH $5J S 0 E S <C Q J5 PBJS II HOIBY ]°R sl^,R BEDC 1 GIRL,' GNARANTEEJ RAINCO»T» | FUR SETS N ° W "" SE TS CTU N :| FOR 40C FOR ©YE I! GIRLS'DRESSES, ON T WITH HAT TO MATCH SETS COMBMATION NATURAL AND BLACK \ IL VALUE TO $1.50 FOR BSC | WO KH" OO JI ON I WORTH S3O.OO<M QCA WORTH $6.50, <£4 QCT OSTRICH SETS, 7K TOYLAND IN THE BASEMENT MADE OF WASI. NUITORTAI, HIKH L FOR*VI<I«> $3.90 ; NOW IPLVL.OU NOW %P*T.\JO WORTH sls, NOW. ,SV7./0 |! :[ HCCKS; NIL STYLES; SIZES •> TO 11. T SIZES 6TO 14 YEARS. I J IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIII I »»««MINIMRNMMIIIIIIN;M D > R«I ,1 IVIFTRM. YOU DON'T OFTEN READ MEN'S FUNISHINGS 1 HANDSOME NEW BLOUSES FOR WOMEN DOVS UOTHES JVIILIN. OF BARGAINS LIKE THESE AT PRICES THAT WILL 1 AT PRICES YOU CAN'T RESIST IF, LOF .URHAOOT 1" BALMACAAO., OV.RCOAU & SUIU S.™ Y« IN | ™&£SI2!:!2&!SI*'KC 11 S ONE OL OUR NAPPY THESE PRICES ARE FOR FRIDAY ONLY MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS lAP 1 VOILES. AIL SIZES. HOBBIES TO SELL THEM MEN'S OVERCOATS; YOUNG MEN'S SUITS; I WOMEN'S WAISTS, Value to SI,SO t For... .QJ -1 VALUES TO DJC: '7CT VALUES TO HO HRN(LKER<'IRU-FR. I MADE OF CHINA AND SECO SILK, VOILE AND ORGANDIES: "OC AT PRICES TNAT SAVE SIO.OO $12.00 SO.UU l|| ALL THE NEWEST MODES; ALL SIZES; WHITE AND COLORED. PARENTS MONEY. B01 ,^C«»S ; A_C.„ MA -FHD„" FFIB4» ...$7.50 &«-; $1.95 " F BOYS' BOYS' CHINCHILLA —: MEN I NECKWEAR, 1 U/.„|J M.L,, __ A..»_,.KL O C\LI NORFOLK OVERCOATS, MEN'S OVERCOATS; MEN'S DRILL LINED COR- VALUE 75C FOR ... 40C | WOIILD MAKE AN ACCEPTABLE BLLT SUITS AT SPECIAL FRIDAY AT VALUES TO <DQ HC DUROY PANTS: <DI QK „K *"""" | 100 Women s Bungalow Aprons, 50c Value 01 DOT: $2.49 $16.50 «P»./0 $3.00 VALUE.. OL-FO MADE OF FAST COLOR PERCALES; CUT BIG AND FULL. V£ V * THEIM. enntn «'«»I»IE COAT SWEATERS F(M* || U > 'Ml' IF ll' 1 1 7~f .(1 cn MEN'S HEAVY REEFER MEN'S FINE PANTS; MEN AAD WOMEN, 95 | 95C ,Z FR COATS=MADET. $ G $3.50 VALUE,. JJ 49 1 CAT FUU. AK,^ BOYS' BALMACAAN COATS, ABOUT V 2 SELL AT $5.00.. AT... f I Womm >, mGLO vES,si.o o V«I««FOR FIQ > J 5 ALL SHADES AND SIZES, AND OF FINEST KID; GUARAN- FLRFP I BOYS' $6.50 OA BOYS' $7.50 QQ G TEED TO WEAR. BAUMCAAJB.. 6 A L| \ I RA MMLR WITH LTOYNL THE MIIILE WITH K T| •, _ J „JI 01 . . ILL | PIP«*D. H| K V ZJ \AFOOL MIXED SWEATERS, ROLL COLLAR, ALL SIZES AND BOYS' BALMACAAN £0 OA BOYS'TWO PANTS o*2 QO H LHR 1 °° LORS ' | RAINCOATS, WITH NORFOLK SUITS ... «PO«OV P| J | WOMEN'S & Men's Coat Sweaters, $4 Values ; „„ TANMMTNMNMMNTMMTMNMUMNMTNUMTMUUUUTMUMTUMMMMTNM: [WPY AN!) TOYS FOR ORPHANS* Shippensburg, Pa., Dev. 17.- —Mem- liora of the Sunday schol of the Lu- Iheran Church are sending a box to Ihe orphanage at the Loysvllle Home. A class is making candy for the chil dren and toys are being prepared. I * u Deafness Cannot Be Cured t>r local applications, as they rnnnot reach the {linen sod portion of the ear. Thorn is only ona way to euro deafness, and that is by constitution al remedies. Deafness is caused by on ir.flumed /••million of the mucous lining of the Eustachian •J'ub- . When this tubn is Inflamed you have a Tumbling sound or imperfect bcurlng, and when It Is entirely closed Deafness is tho rpsult. and unlets the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal eondition. hear ing will be destroyed forever: nine eases out of t» u ure caused by Catatrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaees. We will glv«* One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circa rs, free. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. | Sold by Prugglft*. 76c. Take Ball's Family P!U» for conitipatlo* THURSDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 17, 1914, News Items of Interest in Central Pennsylvania Special In Thr T tit graph I'Joom.sburg.—Damage that will run into the thousands was done in the home of Paul E. Wirt, manufacturer, here, when one of two hot water boilers in the cellar exploded. Roliesonia. Thieves entered the Philadelphia and Reading office of M. D. Sweigard, signal maintalner. and stole 1,150 feet of copper wire and also took brass and pipes from a freight car near by. Pottsvllle. Schuylkill county for warded this year J 125,0150 In license, fees to the State. This sum was made up from $88,925 liquor licenses. $27,223.57 mercantile licenses and $8,912 for hunting licenses. Malianny City.—Fire has been dam aging tho rich coal measures of the No. 9 mine of the Dehigh Coal and Navigation Company. Falling electric wires coming In contact with the tim bering and then igniting the coal beds is the. cause ascribed by officials who ' all day directed a fire-flghtlng force. Hazloton. —While examining a rifle the weapon exploded and tho bullet went through the hand of the Rev. John Intuaca, rector of St. Casssi mer's Church. Free,land. Bloomsburg. Mrs. Irene Miller, when she attempted to turn on the electric light while holding a tele phone, was hurled from her chair an<! rendered unconscious. Hliamokin Police tracked John Timcoe to his home here yesterday and found him hiding in a trunk in his bedroom. He was taken to jail at Sunbury. charged with thefts. He made confessions and implicated an other resident, an accomplice who dy namited the Hagenbach A Wallace circus here as the show was about to leave. Hethlehem. Wilbur Wombold, 16 yearsold, was probably fatally Injured on his father's farm in Palmer town ship. when, while thrashing grain in the barn, his right leg caught in ma chinery and was so badly crushefl that it was ainputed !n the hope of saving: his life. Market Square Store to Give Funds to Belgians Belgium's victims of the great war will reap the benefit of Monday's sales at the stores of the United Manufac- | turers' Company, 9 North Market Square, as the firm has arranged to turn over | to the cause one-tenth of the total moneys derived from the sale of that day. In an explanatory letter to the Telegraph on the subject, the United Manufacturers' Company says: "The prices on the merchandise will not he Increased to cover the donation, but the original price will apply on all merchandise, and one-tenth of ail pur chases made on Monday next will he turned over to the proper party for transmission to the relief commission. The day's business will be audited by a disinterested party, whose selection will be made between now and Mon day." CORNELL MEN HOLD DINNER The Cornell Association of Central Pennsylvania gathered at the clubhouse of the Engineers' Society of Pennsyl vania, at Harrlsburg, last night, for their annual football dinner. Thirty men attended. Between the courses the singing was led by a quartet, which also gave several selections. J. J. Munns, captain of the 1913 football team, spoke of the Cornell-Penn game from a technical standpoint and of the possibilities for next year's team. Others told of their experiences at the Thanksgiving Day game which the as sociation attended in n bod}'. The prin cipal speaker of the evening, Theodore F. Joseph, Cornell. A. 8.. '96. Allentown, Pa., gave a very Interesting talk, tak ing for Ills subject "Above All Is Hu manity," an inscription on one of the main Cornell buildings. At the meet ing the permanent organization was completed by the adoption of a consti tution and by-laws. The officers are: (Jeorge K. Wieghardt. president; R. Rlegel, vice-president; B. Willis Whlted, secretary, and 8. Wittenmyer, treas urer. O. P. S. TO HOI.D BANQUKT Itrlla Cbaptfr of firwk l.elter Kralfr nlly rlnnn Yuletldc fOven-l Ilarrisburß member* of the Omicron PI rtlifma fraternity planned u reunion and banquet at the Commonwealth Established 1867 In hermetically sealed sanitary cans, v Finest for table use and baking. Ask your grocer for It. Send postal card for booklet of Prize Recipes to P. DUFF & SONS, 920 Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh, Pa. Hotel, Saturday evening. December -*i Plates will be laid for 100 members and guests. Members of the- fraternity who were in the Delta Chapter which was Insti tuted at the Central High School in 1902, will attend the reunion. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers