1991 "ANY "PHONE. -&"* (~ TO WOMEN You are in- I CALL 1991-ANY "Pfl A \ j. ''O'JNDID 1871 # A vitcd to visit the new Rest Room 13 7*l m g JSmmuMid HARPIiBUWi POPULAR DKRARTMINT STORE V / MAMmUMH POPULAR MPARTMENT STORE Jjp Christmas Is Coming a Week From Tomorrow^S aT^L I Fancy Linens For Gifts Dainty Neckwear Ar%rl All TVTII C + Ro f - T>\ ! and squares, embroidered p pr Q r "Her" Gift -/~YI lvA JLl.ll U.O L XVv^Clvlj/ : J>\ Scarfs and squares, lace trimmed. Oriental lace collars .. r2s<- and 50£ —So many gift lists to complete; so many presents to buy and .-JmdnL- —"i = ir == l/ a 3 \ to Organdie collars •••;•• ~ o< r to $ . t j c U p j n neat gift-looking packages. There's a friend, too, vou'U .JjUOv' * 0 ( " in( ' " to $2.00 want to remember; there are absent ones to whom will be sent gifts ttgf *M ' d tira " nCI SCtS ' s4 # 9Bto #IO.OO Scarfs Crepe de Chine scarfs in a that speak Cheer, and no doubt in the past year you have re- V-df) &K Madeira napkins, $2.00 to $3.00 doz. la, ¥ c assortment, at ... SI.OO to $2.95 ceived favors from certain folk whom you'll care to extend a slight 7&\ Second Floor.' —BOWMAN'S. Main FIoor.—BOWMAN'S. token of appreciation. -'■> I v TKP Tarr.Pt % / C \ 11C- V_>d.IJJC.I 5b- Tl l - * IS* *1 1 have never been equaled here nor anvwhere. »£ I Holiday 'Handkerchiefs Ih e t amOUS KllmaltlOck KugS —— . T | » From foreign countries which pro- When you have given up in despair trying to find the rug to carry out J_ LJlTlbrCllcl IS cl LiStStHlOf 1 illt : §. » duce reliable goods; also high grade do- your color scheme; let us show you the Kilmarnock line. & 0 mestic makes. A large stock requiring \ rU gr specially designed for high class decorative work in bedrooms; a j V /"* /» */ /-»• n* IT i 1 :S enlarged space. Styles for men, women mostly plain centers with straight band borders; or pretty fastoons, or con- Ana Tott L>Ollla lSot v» iVe a MOTC Useful ventional borders. Besides all the staple colors we show mulberry, rose, 01* Acceptable Present & & , light blue, French gray and many shades not found in other lines. The ma- . . <r fe f 1 ... . c i. *i "t> *i i :ti i„.. .. -f 4-1 -t. Women s 26-inch Umbrellas —tape edge; American tafteta cover; case and tassel; A jL ¥"* II tei lal is a heavy Scotch weave. vC \u si) c, an < ]e t } > guaranteed waterproof; fast color; handles all of beautiful designs, at 98 if- : i? ; «: H,very OOlir the floor without tacking. Men's 28-inch Umbrellas —tape edge; American taffeta cover, fine qual ty; case and |L V r-r-i i-\» r> r- .V ri /-* ■r. tassel; handles of boxwood, mission, plain carved and trimmed with gold and silver, :» t Tomorrow Brines a Rtt 8 s ror the Home Girt at € V XT . P Body Brussels Rugs— Axminster Rugs— Women's 26-inch Umbrellas—tape edge; piece dye taffeta silk cover; paragon .« 0 N#»W Sn<»ria 6x9 to 11.3x15 feet; priced at 18x30 to 36x72 inches; at frame; long mission handles with neat and large ends, in plain, carved, and trimmed ,g ft' - Mtv * uptLiai $16.00 to $49.50 $1.15 to $3.75 with gold, silver and pearl, at .•. $1.50 a S in Royal Wilton Rugs— 6x9 to 12x15 feet; at $12.25 to $.38.50 Men's 28-inch Umbrellas—boxwood and mission handles, fine grades in all the W Wlicring in Uie 18x30 to 30x63 inches- at Tapestry Brussels Rugs— newest designs; cover of silk and yarn piece dye taffeta; tape edge; guaranteed water- { 1 PV . • $55.15 to $6.98 6x9 to 11.3x15 ft., at. $7.25 to $35.00 proof, at $1.50 :« Lyeot. 4.6x7.6 to 11.3x15 feet, at Hassocks-all bright, new goods. f Women s and Men s Umbrellas—fine silk cover; tape edge; case and tassel; paragon J V T , $13.50 to $60.00 Large Wilton, sl.oo—Body Brussels, frame; handles are of dark mission, beautiful designs, inlaid with gold and silver .| '9. Items ottered during hour Velvet Rugs _ 75f—Wilton Velvet, 85f—Axmins- at (M> -g J' sales will be arranged so that 18x36 to 36x72 inches; at 89f to $2.89 ter and Velvet, 59<;—Tapestry Brus- Main FIoor— BOWMAN-S. jf: you may buy in comfort, with 6x9 to 11.3x12 feet; atsß.9B t0520.00 sels, 39<\ '$ 5 ample opportunity to examine Fourth FIoor— BOWMAN'S. • ( j| M salespeople to w ait Pl on l> you. j Everybody Is Buying In the Linen Shop I STORF I —-?y> v 1 w The most important item of r > ,lr»vf»<; For „ ~ 1 VyixJ—* ~~yj 2 V , ... 1 .v . ( VjlOVes 101 VjillS Double satin damask table patterns, in dm . f W rloVli "MA I'!" 18 ° »< A And complete stocks of women's 72x72-inch size; a beautiful line to se- . ____ _ wQ'it) % $12.50 to $20.00 Coats at $lO gloves are here, from the lower priced lect from, at $5.00, $6.00, $6.00 and V I 17 Q On Sale From 2to 3 Only gloves to the very finest French kid. $7.00. V_y 1 1 <>» / / 1 / : S * There are about one hundred coats—. Prices are in keeping with the qualities. Hemstitched table covers; size 61x63 J I '/>• "A ji :» ?!! TO mn n " B o HhtlrTro Main Kioor.-BOWMAN'S. inches: beautiful oattems to select from. ' M t' W / j 1 a " aosoiuteis new. »\ianj ol them are t a thing to remember —This 11.; ; VtilT I C. VrMf-M $ • I samples, and there is a good color and , t . _ at s<«.lM 5, , gpm on Christmas l' .vJg} I J Wfligl m 2, size assortment. There are a great many 'I *1 _ Ol 11 H r . . .. <lrt • , . . t nJlvim'ir 'inclndlnir our I / / u '' i f more *15.00 and si6.r.o coats among Should DC 3 Linen sheeting, 90 inches wide; one of K '' ', hat f '.Vu mav sIJ d this T :1 [: them, than J12.50 coats—and quite a 1 11C1C UIIUUIU UC a heaviest and best qualities we have -Sn a home J ' " P . .Hf/ (.\M / JTf i | good many ol them are $20.00 \ r x->l , Uii ■:!> e\cnint, ai noun. 111 / :/\ #k f coats. They will be on sale only one \/ Q/*> l? 11 C ever shown, clt 5J51 ,«>U }aicl \. y* &( L\ -3 \j; hour—aftenvards they will be sold at V CIL LiLilll V-/ICdIICI Ramie linen, 30 inches wide ; C:OOd, —All responsible persons are invited 'i k the regular D rices _ « - • i i*. . oA, ® i to open a charge account here, and re- .J vj, CC, M t There are zi be lines, boucles, astrak- heavy quality, at . 39<* yard celve the numerous advantages that such + / 7 I : W, hans .Arabian lambs. Chinchillas, broad- ill J OUL 1 lOITIC Handsome Turkish towels, With blue an account offers. » _—_— ..—A. —————i— « *| fe' cloths and kerseys—and in the wanted , lllr i it .. ff_ 4 ** * 9 colors—black. na\T, dark brown, dark i t should he 'i Silliolex Flectric and pink mercerized Stripe., at jpi.w —ln order that no one Is compelled to •£ HPL * f . D 1 :» green and Copenhagen. A . U sn OV, De J l . . imp '^ X . J - ,ecu,L cac h. 1-ace cloths to match, at 1 wait, a through elevator will run be- I .iff I hmOS lOf rSaDICS :5 Jg: to cn D ' r ici on Vacuum Cleaner. 1 his machine is excep- , tween the Main noor and Tuytown. only, I iiiugo ivi a 5 L tionally well made, a,.d has never failed j T llrk!s h wash elotha, in blue, with all f «»> .» ««, »n«. .» A nf l OlfU PKilHrm I W: . y ° R IV c satislattorx lesults. n the n / the wanted initials woven in center, at /xllQ V^lillOldl n The Wing patented hood—capes that Zle there is a special brush which picks Uy. —Everyone having a Christmas Sav- m M can be used in three ways. Just came in , • <• t . r ~ VP i: nfr o i . ~, cd( -" ing Fund Check is invited to get It . M •& this week, in red and navy. Sizes 6to U P * lnt a,ltl raveiings. Main Hoor.—BOWMAN S. cashed at our Transfer Department, »S 14 years. We would be pleased to demonstrate - Main floor. This is merely an accommo- Infants' lon»" and short dresses made .5 Petticoats at $1.98; this machine to you, either here or at Novelty White Goods you're invited!'lust" the ° r n0t ' of nainsook with dainty round embroid- t * On Sale Fiom 9to 10 Only • TJ . . $19.75 One of the new and pretty materials for —By doing your Christmas shopping leevfoui''sty les''at " CCk .J* \ alues $..00. I.lght shades beau- «. jr> „u c •.. 1 .t-;,,,, on a transfer, you save considerable time sleq\es, lour Styles, at V '&• tifuiiy trimmed wit laces and hand Vacuum Cleaner and Brush Sweeper waists, havni b a larj,e no\elt\ stripe. an( j annoyance, because you are relieved Infants' caps—plush messahne, benga- 'Jj »9 embrolderj-. Tn messallnes, peau de a combination. All metal parts are Comes 40 inches wide. Yard .. Sf*l..»9 of all bundles until your shopping is ~ , -. ni i, rr ,: ( i ( , rf>f i cilk-• lice and rib- 51 cygrneß and Jacquard silks. Made to • i i 1 a*l e • n • i J • T x* u 17 complete. line, alia cmuruiucrtu MIK , WLC UIIU IIU •#» "tf wear with party and evening dresses. nickeled, and the frame is finished in ma- Japanese Nainsook, 4_ inches wide bon trimmed at to SSiSO *3 I Only one Will be sold to a customer. hogany. This one also will be demon- made especially for Bowman & Com- ) Infants' and children's sweater coats— J ft Jersey Silk and Messahne strated upon request. Price is ... $7.00 pany; lengths. Piece ... }|s4..>u . p i a j n an( i fancy weaves; roll and shawl : 1 if. r* ... . *1 nn Fourth FIoor.—BOWMAN'S. Main FIoor.—BOWMAN'S. ' . ,•. ... •JV »' Petticoats at $1.39 I 1 C 1 J'J \T l\/f J 1 collars, pockets: all white, and white With M h On Sale From 9to 10 Only TT 1 A • • 1 Al DplenUlU INCW MOdCIS pink and blue; also red, gray and | f value $2.50. Just Ave dozen of each TlnilClial A rtl\nt\7 RmmH A hoilf hagen; sizes to 6 years, at 590 to f* of these—and each customer can buy L JL xC/UllCl X \L/vJwIL y * t-V • Children s coats of chinchilla, cheviot, <1 one of each but no more. All colors are ! J n 9 Kpinf I broadcloth, velvet, plush and zibeline; :a among them. XU 9 111 L-d 1 \CIIIC S>CIJ> good styles; belted, plain and Balkan J M Pure Wool Poplin Skirts at Ihe Vjllt L/opanment \ ~ band effects; sizes 2to 7 years, at : f J: r' We especially invite you to see the dis- $2.25 to SB.OO * j* f)n SaVFrnm'ifitnii Oni,, • , (Furniture F loor) , . .. play of new models, on the second floor, Children's lingerie frocks in lawn, ba £ ° F :i v ™!d flftv of them In I • A t SU . r f pr l e . lS d " e yOU whcn "7 and the collec- of{ Jn thesc arc tiste , and dotte d Swiss; charming tunic % less than an' hour. Black, navy, dark Hon of gift things for every member of the family. Here re jus a w tured the "Nobrake" side steel guaran- and long waist styles; trimmed with tiny jA :» brown and dark green circular effect ! Triplicate Toilet Dressing Table - finished in the neu tured the .Nobrake side steel, guaran tucks a J d Swiss embroideries, some witn :J ft I K «"r d " d^ iSt ' l '6 9c i Til ill ? ar '' H "b=r J On Sale From 10 to 11 Only M|h M• I and backs of tapestry-; finished in russet brown and stone gray. OTkmSSToT vln? velvet bonnets; puffed backs; prettily .ft If. Smart, new white waists in mull and 4ln B !:i,j | il !|n Special price is sh. <.» for armchair or rocker. dainty worKmansnip is nawiess. van f. !lt i, pr( . f.. r f| n . vpr<; ai „i *3 ||- voile, daintily trimmed with laces and j!|f| i ;( i Ij' ,u Overstuffed Fireside Rockers ccnuine Spanish models arc featured, at SI.OO to tnmmed with leathers, fur, fl we . a » jf tl embrolderj-. The very newest models. ill I [ I j_J . uverstunea riresiae KOCKers genuine Free fittings on cotsets at *2 00 ribbon, at to $3.50 A 1 A » »Z*°- , . „ r I Hf 1 I 'big leath T c r i i s P nn « at and , back - , Pr ' ced at •• • i -mri over Children's hats-plush and velvet with ft Crepe de Chine Waists at , Libraiy Tables - large selection in qiKirtercd •»» d pretty shirred silk facings; trimmed with f # $l9B mr' . fumed oak and Kaiser gray. Prices are to H»2i.00 fur, flowers and ribbon. Suitable for J f n q , %.. n , So ld Mahogany Smoker-leaded base, ash tray, cigar hold- £lso Front-Laced Corsets chi j drcn 2 to 10 years old, at « V On bale Irom 12 to 1 Only jy h H 1| ers and match box holder. Special price #l.9n y 754 to $3 98 "fi f,rtfAaa'r;,2 ! y y Fumed Oak Magazine Racks-three pattern^ * : Ccn.priae everything that ia.eorrect in Knitted drawer leggings in ™hite, gray. | counter space so that all can get a ; 1 ——--k. M _ , ,7- , I corseting. A model for every figure, red and brown, at to $1.25 « M them C< are here Ct for o to e -morrow Un( over °a ' Il " New Self Lighter Smoker is selling fast. It Is the made of plain and fancy coutil. All per- Knitted toques and hoods, in white and : j % dozen models tn whiS cream fiesh iff J 1 most complete smoker in the entire assoi-tment. iMiteen dif- f C ct fitting. Priced at $2.00 to $5.00 colors, at to $ I.o<l € iff ptnk, hello, Nile, mais, rose, apricot, \ b I fcrcilt Stvles and finishes to select from. I rices are Olrls' wash dresses—made wltli double and Ij fW: peach, Copenhagen, light blue—just all I « * 0(1 «« t;r> fx . _ plain Bkirts, trimmed with plain colors; si?:es « H 1 shades. _ s _ . . . £ . , ~, , A , W R Pnt-cAte al Rlr 2to 14 years; all new styles, at ...BOe A .to Each customer may buy two waists. ' Eighteen different styles and finishes in Women S Desks. "• *>. vorscis, opecictl dl OJt Girls' White galatea middy blouses with red ■ fe : o°d U1 " be sent ° n approval nor c - I ruth rioor— BOWMAN'S. Prices range from $5.95 to $19.75 Medium low bust lone hip rubber an chndren's l1 dresse , s'"in ß 'serge— jMit & y styles jfl t V ———— —— aMeallim IOW OUSI, long Ilip, ruiJUer with long waist; sailor collars, plaited skirts; .gw House Dresses at 69c SS gore at back, embroidery trimmed at top. "f'l. VfSJB« -1 I On Sale From 3to 4 Only $1.50 model. g ,ffim" a a"n h a i«s?.uei m 6 P ?S te i4 y%WX y *' 7 | j;i $ and You'd ' Second FIoor.—BOWMAN'S. second FIoor.—BOWMAN'S® 8 " *° *** #S « f dresses. ' All sizes. Light and medium * * _ -—. . J Qfff 0 f Rareßemuty and Ch Showing the Latest Sheets and Sheeting 3 I $T?8; v"l»e $3 " ur ed g™'Small Shapes in Millinery Specials ' J Silk Kimonos at $1.98; value bethpool, Tigris Valley, Caspian Sea and southeastern Persian provinces. ? UP b"I O sT tht7now 50c Sheets, 27f—72x90 inches. 2 : Pf. J3 Special prices on small, medium and room sizes, (note that sizes quoted are tiie Mnnn n er" n Departnie a nTpVesents a a very 70c Sheets, inches. V , . _ tlioovoron-e i*nr 111Air.(r attractive and complete showing of the 90c Sheets, 69^—90x90 inches. „ '. * J Black and Colored Petticoats the a\erage sizes), including neW est and most authentic styles 42 and 45-inch Tubing, 20c and 22c 1 W. AQ _. .1... 7C 1 Anatobian Mats, at $4.75 —value $7.50. Small shapes are among the number of nnalitv at varH J U" at 49c; value 75c and SI. Wna Rnir(! value sls 40- Iy4 ft new lmtK, these are extremely smart and quality, at 14/ 2 ? yard. *$L r> v l no Smyrna Kugs, snlU. <o- value 3>ii.4U, Jx4 tt. stylish, showing white, sand, putty and 81-inch Pepperell Sheeting, at 22yit -ft :|F Crepe Kimonos at 98c; 1 Mossoul Rugs, $19.42 —value $29.50; 2.5x6.6 ft. other new shades. vard- 30c aualitv. n : valiiPC Sft and t? Cabistan Rugs. $20.00 —value $30.00; 3x4.6 ft. 98c will purchase a fine quality velvet - » u- t ']• i _ nr i 2 varrl nipri*"; • 4 v values ana T Plltrc . a..,,! ... ~-1..- ®c fi nn- Av7 ff hat, and .lust at this time, this low price l<ine white muslin, l and <£-yard pieces, •gf Q_ Sale From 4 to 5 Onlv Iran Rugs, $w.).04 to s.».>.•>» value $56.00, 4x7 ft. ls no indication of the qualty of the vel- 15 c quality; yard, fl «; unly Kirnianshah Rugs, $53.34 —value $8000; 4.2x6 ft. vet. «i/r nnhlearhed fine mti«lin vard M « Tills last hour \vill be a busy one. All Malinl Pnoc MSKfi Ol) ,valn» fin •in i v rs f. 11 in„? m r. Extra value nt. s6.so—Marabou set i 2, un * s * eac ' lct ' mus ' ,n > "7*5 J S the items advertised are new—all are of Mahal KugS, to value $20Z.00, 10.1x6.8 ft., and 11.10x7.10 ft. with scarf and large pillow muff. cretonnes, 40 patterns; 12 yards jl 'ff. a nature acceptable as gifts. j Sarook RugS, s3l6.o7—value $475.00; room size. f r » o nicfntripr «ViV varrl 'iff §' second Floor BOWMAN'S. j Kermanshah Rugs, $300.00 and $304.00--value $450.00; 11.7x8.9 and 11.9x9.7 ft. second FIoor—BOWMANs. to a customer, .) 4 c }a . M JZI V J i Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. V. J Main FIoor.—BOWMAN'S. j| THURSDAY EVENING. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 17, 1914. ONE.'tSP 3
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