16 SY.O rrir ,, r ,, ni r.nr,,A I A Hint of Gifts for the Home— | GV CV*Si* . * A (glVaAWllXl Ba,h m " ,m in many distinctive coloring* A largo range of slips to $2.00 roue decorated Clllna Chop Plates and oval Salad I (owls 3°<' Vy v s<h- decorated China Tea Pot, Sugar ami Cream Seta H Fur-Edged Velvet Tipperary Toy land Is Full of Laughter and Fun No Snow Pile Was Ever ■ Turbans at $1.49 for (3rown Ud Folks as Well Too Deep for a Boy in Boots | _S —"\ Tlic Tipperary Tur- .... *■ Give a boy rubber ban is the millinery p) 1 • \ boots and lie will be mm -vj zZZZjxmt as boys and Oirls I interested in this new * himself till the next / I*. 'H \ ) shipment of velvet hats I'here are scores of amusing sights to hold you interested *n loytown, 011 the tlurd lloor. snow storm comes f\ rK, 1*- Jl\ \ /fT this popular style, in Demonstrations you cannot afford to miss, Arithmetelle, ten pins or bowling, teaches when he can ti\ them . j/ \ I frk: ; ! CT'\N m&MdSi ccnse, brown, navy and includc . addition and subtraction SI.OO o«*- rIPTVV A* / I 1 S • Ai. ym..£ri? black, trimmed with * . Ti,t«r«wanli n«i>fiil anrl vnlmhlr tnv- it " e have rubber I a / I fur band around crown ■ Armsteads baseball game, interesting and is a „ lovi ng picture spelling board, drawing boo ts in different Jb* I i [: vlu ( lV , —splendid value at instructing to young and old alike l>t chart and nume ral frame all in one SOf lengths for all mem- '4flt7/ / I "? t Other Tipperary very practical SI.OO, HB.Ort and SB.OO of fun for the boys; hundreds of toys in one, otier waim footwear f I urbans in vel\ et trim- Tireless spinner tops .no spring or strings SI.OO to shoes' 1 WaVnit'e l Bh^^ l 7 med with fur, fruit and , ti \ Erector Solors. the i>ift riddle: the girdles shoes, leggings and /sJarfrSsXr /v<- x V ' flowers at $4.95. to operate them; easy to operate ....... a re like structural steel; newest designs, overgaiters that are al- J~z % • $0.50 to $13.00. Gravity J mi, the httle man who walks down SI.OO to $7.50 ways on so many gift the platform but does not fall oft £>nt A . . . h«ts "s /yy New Black Velvet Shapes Chromatic Wonder; 1,000 color changes a vstcrv c? 5 ««> ™M»r noon,. ,l»r, th, u n «. I Black velvet sailors with soft edge and crown for girls and " tlio Mrvve'r Whirf- u" endiess riinnintr iuy" into an '""I 1 "-' ' and fascinating game ... 10'- Mpn'Jj four-l»u"kle ilVrtkJ' n !\".\ *5.73 mis ?h;ne„ia;«'biici;\;,VeV;aiior'wi,hv„>;- 'f! »iobi«■>— —• * —. ™« k~tsKl Ihe new large bldck \ clvct .ailor \\itli soft crown and 1 Men's wool-lined sheep skin shoes $2.00 stiff brim $2.95 _____ BOYS* kubbkh HOOTS \ni> ARCTICS Large sailors with satin top trimmed with band of monkey . ... fur and'velvet facing $«.95 HP I.' R^ nf R nA Un Dives, Pomerojr & Stewart, Second Floor, Front. | QIS Y Oftf S DOSt lCtlOIl OOOK-S IOF Boys' two-buckle arctics — 1 M A Handsome Piece of Table Men SbWomenWho Love to Read Stze^\o to to ln i3% f . S !! o^ s2.fl^ t aii«i < '»2.lV| kkH # f m Slr.es Ito G»». ... $2.5U and [ inen pr JV I Bambi, by Marjorie B.Cook, Wild Mustard, by Nicholls, WOMEX'S I,k««I\GS AND ovkkgaitkrs V I It.iv.lv.lv -I 1 I 111 • ——sl.2s $1.35 Womens black Jersey lesglngs, above the knee 75c and »8o I ' f y T T t_ 9B|B The Eyes of the \\ r orld, by Bettv's \ irginia Christinas, Women's black kidskin shoes: warmly iined si.r>o and i^.oo I Ini IQPW/1 IP Q raHurr TI I. n " tui - M Women's beaver cloth shoes, warmly lined SI.OO and $1.25 ■*■ 1V" UOV/ VV XX O X iOCII I Harold 1> \ \ right .. . s!.•{,> spl.«>U Slisses' and Children's black jersey leggings, above the knee — -a • . I, r , , ,-. , , , . v- i You Never Know Your Diane of the Green Van, llkm ii°to # 2 r?.' an?/ #£• /0-inch all-linen bleached table damask. \ard, i T I 1 ' , , * . ... S ?A to c 2 a U,22 R& M£ i' [ i jm.lii- 1 1 nrk hv Parker 25 s!.•{•> Sizes 3 to 6 75r and 98<* o«#C, and SHI.4M) Scotch table linen. 72 inches wide. Yard sl.£s ( I"' ie kittle Straw Wife, by The Auction Block. Children's brown corduroy leggings 75c and si.oo Double damask. 72 inches wide. Yard. sl.iK) and $1.50 \_ B. Houston SI.OO The Patrol of the Sun Dance ( hiullclls ri 's^o S Scalloped damask table cloths, two yards in diameter, - —J iB!S[ The Prince of Graustark by Trail $1.25 sizes 11 to 2" $1.50 an<i $2.00 5K2 'KI tn HSX "»0 —ll Pli r~ n AT f 1 1 ' „„ '' ' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor, Rear. Hemstitched fible cloths 10 to $1(11! George Barr The Duke of Oblivion, Gifts That SI.OO Will Buy ' : ™ Tj I in the Lingerie Section 50c Fiction Among the The Athletic *1 Fifty styles—Gowns in high neck styles with long sleeves Rnnlf C fjf I and low necks with three-quarter or short fancy sleeves; trim- V-rlll JLJvJ(JJSk.O 1i r . T T LjkPr'H fl Jls H I | mings of bunch tucks, lace or embroidery insertion and edge and The Harvester, The Melting of Molly, W QlSl ll&S 3 f 1 ribbon SI.OO Their Yesterdays, The Iron Wotnan, j f | The Seeret Garden, The Way of an Eagle, I Nainsook Corset Covers, trimme dwith lace or embroidery insertion, The lighted Way, The Valiants of .Virginia, medalllans, tueks and lace or embroidery edge SI.OO Old Rose and Silver, The Trail of the Ax. TT' 1 1 T i,ong white skirts in cambric or nainsook, tlat trimming or with From the Car Behind, The Shepherd of the Hills, I —l ■« ft k* n H I O\X7" ffll '"■»«* lace or embroidery flounce SI.OO Calling of Don Matthews, The Blue Wall, , X XIKXX CIXXVJ. X_/W VV Combination Corset Cover and Drawers, lace or embroidery The Trey O' Hearts, Blue Anchor Inn. . , __ . . trimmed SI.OO The Winning of Barbara Worth, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Street I f Marcella combinations, crepe or nainsook, lace or embrolderv Mother Carey's Chickens, Floor. | I ./INIITIt,MV t~7 Vill I. i ICgCo IXI H trimmed SI.OO IV T 1 " t\ Satine bloomers, black and white !!.!.SI.OO a /~\ * , f /~\ • f T"\« • • ! Ifl I __ striped bfirder. M.50 value, at'. . A Galaxy of Gift Things in the Furniture Section Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Second Floor . ttlC LJpholstorV ScCtlOll The waist is so designed that Think of the pleasure afforded by the gift of a beautiful I hv mi hi ii 11 miiicr tho lii"-li collar mahogany library table to father and mother—or a Princess H t •* - y . 4 -m —| Utility boxes covered with mat-1 Tapestry curtains for doorways i "iiuoiiunnig in a ii cuiuu J • * . i n i i . en .i CkT'fXf?* I fOl I c \/\/ I'f'ri |h t ting with oak, mahogany or bam- in green und brown. .Dresser to sister —or a mahogany hall clock to nil that empty ai 6 C 1-/UllO VVllll Lyycb boo trimming. $5.00 und $0.50 it forms a low neck. It is a space in the hall. These arc just a few of the many happy ■ mj.wk. W.«i> to 90.UU Couch covers in tapestry fringed . , . rj-\i /"""M /AO Satin top pillows filled with silk or plain edge. $1.25. $1.50 to ss.oo practical and suitable "•arment ways to solve the gift problem in our rurniture Section. hClt f IMCO LiWp *° Table covers, mats and scarfs In «!•>-, « r , si I X XXCXL V/lUOC. <7wG Serving Trays in mahogany and f„i t inother «nd tnnestrv c n i . , 1-olding card tables .S>l._o to .>!.»<» H Circassian walnut frames and fancy ' ' SI So to HitnA outdoor sports atld g!'n- Women's desks ....s«.i>o to $19.50 H ... j. i . jii . , , cretonne bottom ~. . ftNo *' Music cabinets .$10.75 to sls. OO I t wentv-nve sleeping-eve dolls with parted sewed wig, eve Dainty serving trays in white and Imported table runners in velour, cral wear. Willow chairs $2.05 and $».»5 ■ lashes, full ball jointed; shoes and stockino-s For Friday gold frames ,50c, 75c to $1.50 mixed colorings .>1.»5 $12.50 Turkish rockers »?*?■?? ■ ...,1.. a ~u- . A'elour curtains in brown and DiVes, Pomeroy & Stewart—Third Shown 111 white madia-; m,' $2».00 leather library rockers 5 " °"'y OHC green $15.00 to $27.50 Floor. 3HOWII ill Wlllte lliaUias aiHl Hnll clocks $29.50 to $75.00 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor. - colored stripes, ill lavendw, PRIXCESS DRKBSERS it. 1 ™ , Out Oloves ror Women: pink, light blue, green and SiA:SK A Little Flurry in Reduced Choice Qualities at 85c to $2.25 black * IOO s4s.°° wamut dresßers ( . HAißS - xXD - r^KKRS 9:1500 _ j Women's two-clasp kid gloves, in tan, grey, white and Middy Blouses in white with s23.oft solid mahogany chairs $1M.75 V hlirlr Pair .... ... $25.00 solid mahogany rockers $18.75 ■ Ov-»lO • . . white collar and cults, 01* white Royal easy chairs $11.50 to $25.00 I Women's two-clasp kid gloves, in tan, white, grey and , $29.50 mahogany library tables $15.00 Nemo Self Reducing . Redfern and Rengo Belt Corsets, in black. Pair ? $1..>0 with navy collar and cuffs, *"•«» mahogany parlor tables $1.50 an incomplete range of sizes, embracing values to $5.00. Spe- Women's two-clasp gloves of finest quality kid, in tan, GOLDEN OAK BUFFETS daily priced to-morrow #2.,-,O white and black. Pair .' JHI.T.I to $2.25 *I.OO $39.00 golden oak buffets $29.50 ■ nl ,. _ T-» „ , _ $35.00 golden oak buffets 00 H ' Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. D.. P. & S., Second Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Third Floor. I BRUMBAUGH GUEST AT TESTIMONIAL DINNER John Wanamaker, Mayor Blanken burg and Others Pay Tribute to Governor-elect Governor-elect Martin G. Brum baugh was the guest of honor last night at a testimonial dinner at Phil adelphia, given by the citizens of Phil adelphia and members of several edu cational bodies with which he has been silfillated, as a tribute to his efficient work during the last eight years as Miperintendent of schools in that city. $28.00 Krom Baltimore to Jacksonville, Fla., and return, with stops at Xorfolk, Va.. and Savannah, Ga. Hate in cludes stateroom and meals. Join a party leaving January Ist or 12th. Inquire of W. A. HUBER MKX H.\MCBBVRO, PA. / UMBRELLAS > "Hull's Famous" Gold and Silver Mounted Handles, for Ladies and Gentlemen from SI.OO up. JOS. D. BRENNER Diamond Wrrrhnnt »nd .lewrler _>o. 1 North Third SI. THURSDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH DECEM3ER 17," 1914. More than 600 persons attended. John Wanamaker, in a few terse phrases, expressed Philadelphia's atti tude toward both Doctor Brumbaugh II and the "political generals" who en- I deavor to influence the action of exe cutives. Mr. Wanamaker and Mayor Blankenburg headed a list of speakers, including nien prominent In various phases of public endeavor, who joln . Ed in congratulating the educator on his record of brilliant achievement as superintendent of schools and wish ing him equal success in his building career as a statesman. Speaking of Doctor Brumbaugh in terms of warmest praise, Mr. Wana maker said: "He was elected by the people He belongs to the people, and to the people of Pennsylvania, over and above all parties, he must render his linal account. "Illustrious as have been his prede cessors in the gubernatorial chair, he can be no common or perfunctory gov ernor to simply execute the mandates of political generals. The federal pat ronage has no right to claim control of the State, or city offices. Each branch of the government has its own proprietary rights." Those who supplemented Mr. Wana maker's words with sincere praise of Doctor Brumbaugh for his past work included ex-Judge Dimner Beeber, Henry Houck, Provost Edgar Fahs Smith, of the University of Pennsyl vania; President Joseph Swain, of Swarthmore College; Mrs. Edwin C. Grice, president of the Home and School League; Otto T. Mallery and Franklin Spencer Edmonds. Mayor Blankenburg predicted a splendid era for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania under the administration of Doctor Brumbaugh, whom ho said would always be remembered as a great public teacher, no matter how many governorships or even higher - offices he might occupy. In the course of the dinner John Wanamaker made a plea for America to work for peace. "It is incredible," said Mr. Wana maker, "that this country ever should permit the exportation of guns, of powder, of shot and shel' and the other munitions of battle to ai.., of the bel ligerents, when It ni*>aiis only it pro longation of the bitter strife, with all the suffering it evitably must inflict » upon every nation involved. "Far better that we. the beneflciar ! | ies of peace and happiness, should . ] unite to cast our whole strength, our . whole effort, to accomplish an adjust- P ment which may restore the tranquil- : , ity and the safety of the thousands of j , men, women and children whose whole' . future now is at stake." For 48 Dreadnoughts r 'wrcfcuvrioKAu ADMIRAL CHARLES S. BADGEK i Recently retired commander-in-chief i of the Atlantic fleet, who told the House committee on naval affairs that - our navy should have at least forty tl eight llrst-class dreadnaughts in the f first line, 100 submarines, ample air r craft of the various types and an adc - quale number of auxiliaries. Admiral - Badfeer Is now ii mcntber of the Gen ii oral Naval Board, You Can Grow Wealthy on j Tips ! No, this is not an ad for the leading hotel m Har rtsburg, but an ad for the WANT columns of the Telegraph. The livest "tips" on real opportunities are printed every day in the WANT pages of the Telegraph. Where to buy a cheap car/farm, home or vacant lot; where to get a good man for office, store, fac tory or shop; where to buy a business cheap —• these and many thousands of others offered in Tel egraph WANT ADS. "Why is the wise man wise? Because he reads and uses Telegraph WANT ADS." I i i I Try Telegraph Want Ads. Try Telegraph Want Ads. .o± tiiOigftm* ana mousness I vlioae foes cf com.'ort a. d well-being:, t-iero is one ;V'.rji!y remedy universally regarded r,s the best ■ c/;'g lve of deranged conditions of the organs of "iresucn. J?res;nt Eufrcrin.cc is relieved promptly, .id worst) sickness prevented by timely use of JEE&HAM'S PILLS I Let this wonderful remedy tone your stomach, stimulate your I^vi.' and kidneys, reflate your bowela and you will feel improved throughout your entire system. A few doses v.*lll prove to you why, for the common and minor ailments of life, Beecham's Pills iH Are the Eight First Aid * Ux*i, !0«.« J?Se. Pi. j»c cf VaV.u; LtfMria!)/ lo WIMQI) v*.'V» Stctt Bos. I* Makes Hens Lay "■iS® Pratts, Po t | Gets the laying hen» into the egp-a-day class and (tarts up the lazy ones. Puts life and vigor into the whole . M flock and gives a healthy relish to the feed. Costs but a trifle—the extra eggs pay for it many times over. Come in and let ut prove to you that it will make hens lay. If it fails, we will give you your money back. 25-lb. pail only $2.50. In packages at 25c., 50c. and SI.OO. WALTER S. SCHELL ELK VIEW POULTRY SUPPLY HOUSE HOLMES SEED CO. MOCK & HARTMAN Try Telegraph Want Ada.Try Telegraph Want Ad<s. I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers