20 f q j Come as Often as Vou Can to Harrisburg s MerriestToyland [ Everything to make the little hearts glad fills Toyland. Toys for the qniet and the boisterous —Lady Dolls or Gentlemen Dolls, Sailors and Soldiers, on p'i*) 1 1 , * '<l I r foot and horse. Military Hats, Drums and Trumpets—Elephants, Bears, Monkeys and the Whole Familiar Animal Kingdom almost. i' •' f ||i I 1 J To the grownups. Tovland offers the resources of stocks and the price range that completely satisfies. ' *f . 1 • To the children, it is a perfect riot of fun. ',. *. ' , S||ggM|ff i, t I Horses, sc, 10c to 25c. I Register banks. 50c, 98c to $1.25. Panama Pile Driver, »Bc. (lI'IDUR KI.KDS , ' j J ■■ lV > Bell tovs 25c. 48c to 98c. Lead Soldiers. 50c, s»c. 98c. $1.19. $1.48 Air Rifles. 350 shot, 98c: 800 shot. $1.25; Gulder Sleds. H3c 98c. $1.25 to sl.lß. '• •IJ "L. y . /M «. : Mechanical Duck Ponds, 75c. 98.-to $1.98. to $1.75. Pop Guns, 115 c. Combination Black Board and Desk, !)«<• « ' l |( Q (~\ Tsi-^ll. R Mechanical Boats. 48c, 98c. $1.48 to $1.98. Mirrorscopes, $2.50, $5.00 to $7.50. Uniform Outfits—Police. Mailman. Sol- to $1.98. f| ,111 a'J m"! ' N Attachments for steam engines or motors, Typewriters. SI.OO. $2.00 to $3.00. dier and Fireman. 48c nn<l 98c. VEIiOCIPKDKS 1 f ls . I U' It . N , 10c. 25c. 09c. 98c to $1.50. Mechanical Trains. 25c, ,48c, 98c. $1.50, Fur animals—Dogs. Cats. Sheep, Goats, Velocipedes with rubber tlrei, $2.98. $3.25, ' I • JLlljll « ffllfei. Mechanical tovs, 10c. 25c. 48c. 69c, 75c, $2.98. $3.50, $7.50. $8.75, $12.50 to $19.50. Lions and many other, 25c. 48c. 98c to $3.75. $3.98. $1.39, $4.75 to $14.00. II . < | Ifli | Mwl . 9Sc to $2.50 I'lcctrlc Trains, »Bc. $1.50. Si.oo, $2.98, $4.»8. Hand Cars. $2.98. $3.98. $4.98 to $7.50. fe— i ki' » L -^— J —*J I | I jL/lrU Flrn Engines and Hook and Ladders with | $3.89, $4.98. fi.so. 97.50 to $19.98. Never Slop Tops. 10c: Dancing Tops, 10c: ROCKING HORSES ' gJUgj ' II three horses, 35c. 48c. 98c. $1.25 and $1.75. Klectric Motors, 75c, 98c $1.25. $2.00 to Whirl-I-Gig. 10c: Never Stop See-Saws. 25c. Plush Horses on Rockers, *3.50, $1.50,, V 1 Wife Water tower, 98c. Ice wagon, $1.25. Fire $2.25. Sail boats. 48c to 69c. $5.39, $5.50, $6.50 to $7.50. TV- _ A -flftl'Alfl'y'lMlWllM ' Patrol, 98c; I>rav wagon. $1.25. Tunnels, 25c. 48c to 98c. Morse and Carts. 25c, 48c to 98c: Horse 1 Real Skin Horses. $6.50. $7.50 to $9.98. ' .AT/Vl TSgWWWWIiM 'l' X Lr SPSS? Steam Engines. 98c. $1.50. $1.75, $1.98, Stations. 25c. 18c. 98c to $1.98. and Wagons, 98c. $1.25. $1.50 to $3.50. Plush Horses on Swings, $1.98, $6.98. i // ' / 4y, \ V.1.l T ' v.-.K-j-M $2.50. $3.50. $4.98. $7.98 to $19.98. Signals. 25c. 39c. 18c. 98c to $1.48. Plush Horses. 25c, 48c, 98c to $1.25. $7.98. $8.98 to $9.98. , (J V I 1. ki Iron trains, 48c. 98c to $1.75. Erector Building Tovs, SI.OO to $25.00. Houses, 25c, 48c, 98<- to $1.98. I Bicycle Horses on Platforms. $6.98 to \ tt-11. VT. tOJ i Stoves. 48c.- 76c. 98c, $1.39, $1.75, $1.98, American Model Builder. 50c to $25.00. Stables. 25c. 48c, 98c. $1.98 to $3.39. $7.75. ' ll ' '. I|l \ I $2.98 and $3.98. Sand Toys. 48c to 98c. Box Cars. 48c 1o 98c. | Wagons. 48c to $5.50. . "|\\ h,' IV I 1111 I*] jf Mechanical automobiles. 25c, 48c to 98c. Friction Toys—Engines. 18c and 98c: Grocery Stores. 48c to 98c. 1 Wheel Barrows, 25c to $1.19. Ll. -J* l! KIII II I I I 1 1 Merrv-Go-Rounds, 69c to $2.50. Automobiles, 48c and 98c: Hook and Lad- Work benches, with set of tools, 98c. 1 Beds. 25c to $4.98. i '/r I Ferris Wheels, 69c to 98c. der. 98c. $1.98. $2.50. $3.25 to $3.98. I Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Third Floor. —■= " " 1 7r i " " 1 "Through Fairyland," one of the most pleasing Christmas attractions the store has Traveling Raas If the annual advent of , t ' i 11 i i l C. !• . o ' 1 1 ,1 r; .t 1 leveling L,a 6° Santa ciaus docs nothing- else ever developed, will be shown tor the nrst time to-morrow, at 1 o clock, on the rourth . for us work-a-day grownups it Floor. Every child ought to see this wonderful exhibit. | and buit Ceases turns our thoughts to the chil- ~ T . Tl.ree-pleec heavy (trade Kcratol black Coats and Suits For Women and Misses at Prices least, humanize* That Are Unmatchable: Scores of New Styles ' in that humor where we can r ,„ . , , 4 , , . I . T' 11 ~ I In lock nnd sliding <-aU-hes. French sewed mix in with the voungsters and e coat sect,on lias a inore comprehensive style showing than at any other time during the I'all season and the prices are as lIIMI soh . u . ntll ,. r wnm , 7 OP ,« for moment thino-s attractive as they will be at a later period. mchen s.voo tii&t r P ,r« One of the most important savings includes a group of $20.00 Salt's Plush Coats, in the new Fox Trot style, lined with guaran- n,, '«' k gi-ain leather bags. Enehsh through their eyes. , , , . 1 & 1 1 J 4>l f "li cut. leather lined with, pocket, solid brass c n _ hpartv wp ) f . nnif > : c PV teed > rarn d ' ved satln ' at : : ?Mb.au s)ldlnB loek and oau>llcs fllll cuti 17 or 18 a i - ii Other Coats in this broad collection are of Zibeline, Cordurov, Broadcloth, Cheviot and English Mixtures. In some cases there inches Woo tended to grownups as well as is on j one coat of a kind but all of them are specially priced. ' • Three-piece hl R h cut /.ehu leather bags tO Clldlen lO see ovland to- All-wool fancv novelty check coats; velvet collar but- Grey mixed novelty coats, broad box pleated back; , Blue and preen check zibeline coats; back finished leather lined, wit iI "" l M ' S . morrow. Don't forget to point tons close to throat and belted back $12.50 finished with self-covered buttons $15.00 with large plush buttons and fancy collar that buttons brass lock and mKH & 1 , close to the throat $18..»0 corners, suitable for either men or women, out to your little voungsters Br&wn diagonal cloth coats, plush collar and broad Heavy all-wool novelty coats; collar and cuffs of self , All-wool novelty coats with raglan sleeves, notched J6 J7 or 18 llM .| u . s $5 00 the funnv clowns and the ani- plU3h Sirdle SISOO n,ateHal s i ßso ! CoUar an l deep CU " B ,200 ° $3.98 solid leather ba«s Ut brown, rußs«.t mals from Jungleland that are SUITS AT PRICES AS LOW AS sl2 •50 black \Wtale walrus (train, leather tO be found in the aisles on the Black and brown suits of fancy weave cloth with a velvet covered buttons.. Reduced to $16.50 Velvet suits in Jaunty styles with short coats In mill- lhied. sl ,a l>c. li< n ''' j""srt'os flnnr Tlii< attrartinn ic simulated belt and silk braid and button trimmed; long $22.50 broadcloth suits in navy, black and other good tary style closing high throat: finished with fur; navy, 11 ''. lx ,nKa,rhii(<nt of sc iireci lioor. I nis attraction IS redinKote rt yle« $12.50 colors, finished with silk braid ornaments.. Reduced black and green $»0.00 1 b. eenuine worth a Visit to the Christmas $ 16-60 French serge suits, With redlngote coats, belted to $20.00 New velvet suits In navy, green and plum; military leoted high grade ire g c , with self material and trimmed with velvet band and Fur and velvet suits with short coats in rich poplin collar: waist finished with satin sash $82.50 walnjH, black. caJf, ljljf. . • • jn Store. buttons. Reduced to $14.50 broadcloth and novelty weaves; collar and cuffs of self- Velvet suits in jaunty short coat styles, finished with boarded I'.nglisli < >wnme nu i $18.50 suits in green, navy and black poplin in red- colored velvet, and skirt either in circular or yoke effect, fancy cording of velvet; skirt and jacket beautifully all the popular slz.es ami siyies. it ingrote style, trimmed with narrow bands of velvet and $20.00, $22.50 and $25.00 trimmed with self-colored crushed plus $35.00 Gloves Make as Serviceable a Gift as You I 1 Thousands of Beautiful Subjects in Gfl nThin k Of; Many Excellent Qualities Low in Price the Christmas Picture Gallery Two-clasp kid gloves in black, white, tan and | Washable leatherette gloves in two clasps; Framed pictures make one oi the most pleasing of gift things .and an exceptionally attiactnc g-rev. Pair white, tan, grey, natural and biscuit. Pair, X-L^—^holida)' display lias been prepared in the Christmas Picture Gallery in a section ol the Millinciy Kid gloves in two-clasp style: in tan and ,"»9£ to $1.25 Uri/p j Department, second floor, front, grey. Pair 51.25 Washable leatherette gloves; in Rarritz f Carbons, colored prints and Christy pictures, neat Nature prints and old masters in carbons Two-clasp kid gloves with Paris Point and stvle; in white and pongee. Pair #1 .(H) V Jm McSwm fra " l ™ ,■■■•■ ,•• ••: . H»e, ®se to sl.oo ln^l^ e oni f nre.?\ J nd carbon prints' in' gi'lt' oak and ~. ki„»i. i.:*„ "r i t i i at a. i i -a. Nature prints framed in Circassian walnut and gilt, Hand colored and carnon prims in ijiii, oa» »" three rows embroidery stitching; black, white, Long washable leatherete gloves, in white. ——14x17% inches $2.50 French frames - soe tan and grey. Pair $1.50 pongee, tan and gr.ev. Pair .. SI .00 to SI .50 Hundreds of subjects for different rooms. jSix Moments of a Girl 8 hie, 9527 Trefousse, Perrin. Fownes and Centemeri Cashmerette and leatherette gloves in black. U Qfl^lfprr Carbon and colored subjects in oak'Kif^and 1 '"ToiUS of^CmirUnp.'V framed in Kiiu'sxis inches— two-clasp kid gloves, made of best selected grey, brown and natural. Pair, 25«- and 50tf- V>lll 1 idllLirVCl OlllCla frames 25c four subjects in panel frame .. ••••••• •••• skins; in black, white and colors Pair Children's washable leatherette gloves; The list given here is for women th P e t vl^ z V ß avl oi?c^Bian, tUr ta^nu n t U ' mlZgan? an a ure pc ' uros 2.v. sot; to si oo sl. 75 to fleece lining: in white and grey. Pair . . and represents the same high quality frames 50e. Sl.oo to 51.50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —becond Moor, front. AVashable leatherette gloves in sand color to Children's cashmerette and golf gloves; in that is to be found in the list for match spats; two clasps, at $1.00; full length white, natural, grev, brown and navv. Pair, men. *1" 9 T T 1 r-pl T *yf 1 > M $, - 3S i SB3».ndflO* Hemstitched linen handkercriefs g U ndefWear 1 Hat IS Made tO Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. _ . , ~ ~ , . / , . " Linen handkerchiefs with plain or ■* ~\\ T Decorated Japanese Sets of Fine China broi<,t " e<l °" e .r-.-r:rTSA "'ZZXSZ J 1 W x 111 V/ Linen handkerchiefs with seal- Extra heavy Egyptian eotton HbbeU union "Ultn, boxes, pair 7»<- Decorated Japanese China bureau sets, con- RnliPtniftn Tilotc Warn loped edges and embroidered in one Natural wool shirts and drawers, medium ami boxes. Vm'ir 11 . 0^.' .. .'. T.! tC s'l'.'oo sisting of comb and brush tray, powder and ' corner . . fnt !° l,C KKyptTan h <n>«um ribbed 'shirts' and*lin?we^s;*mc- Women's heavy sllk hose: bla< k only, pair . $1.15 hair box and hat pin holder, for gift giving. Decorated flower vases that stand Bto 15 [XedZner'and Colored ™ ind at $1.25 inches high are among the good looking im- broidered lO* 4 to 256 TV . . v .„ Allr v sl " >o onl} ' .... e* » uiuiucicu ■ iu GIF r HOSIERS IN BOXES—rX)H MEN COTTON. WOOL AND SILK UNION SUITS Japanese hand-painted china celery sets, in- ported pieces of glassware from Bohemia— Crepe de Chine handkerchiefs, silk plated half hose; seamless; black, tan, navy ' ..... wllll .. eluding tray and six salt dips »1.»8 aml abo ,„ (hc , as , fo ,. „ , with hemstitched edg„ : all colors ES'JS'M«'iK " ITSt® 5, t*.« Decorated Japanese .nayona.se or wh.pped Pri „ d> in , he basenKnt , at 9gf Madeira hand-en.broidered, wiek iini i ..jrvf"'''" lO °' "' U °""T. fT 1 J?Hi S .h° C "" a ' 15 " S " -M* Dive* Pomeroy & Sie.'.rt 30< to *3.00 'aik 'liili' UiX \ii«k ii* V.V.V. .IS lluotol.l wool urn union 5i.11..»2,50 «nd 53.00 ladle and dish iHJp Ul i 8» roieio) & Ssteviart. Dke?, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Thread silk hHlf hose; <«olors and black, pair, 50c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. Finest Quality Groceries , n /0y x ! Attractive Gift I / at Very Moderate Prices \~f ( j Lingerie V J [^. H Pounds Sugar l'or sl.3<> llillliiii Combination pieces, gowns, corset covers With Each SI.OO Purchase '\ \ Jf/ nnd £ %*£ rx Y Telephone and mail orders will be given Boudoir Caps of net, lace, silk, voile or mm/ I Cm! Prompt service and careful attention It is SUpPefS Stand at the TOO in "ung er^e'tSmonos, - in 1 ( /(WSt M the aim of our grocery department to sell *>/iuuu iiivy x XAA gdid colors $1.50 to #2.95 \» M\ \\ M the finest food stuffs obtainable at the low- T* * £ \wfy est P" ces ' s to quote. lllG jL/10l Ol Vj-11l 1111110 collar $53.9.1 to $5.00 I Wift \ Wf New Asparagus in taii New citron, lb 23»- Tf TI . . . . _ . . ... c . . . D Beacon blanket bath robes, in a range of ™"T*I B. \ Wk tin, 2 for ... New Mixed Nuts. lb.. If Uarrisburg is to organize a branch of the Society for the Pro- . colors s:i.so to $7.05 * ll ' jf , t '» nc y new Pack Co imported Mala motion of Useful Giving among the first hints sent out to gift givers ' V I pr tt, s "ill be slippers ... Petticoats of Furniture Slightly I /fITTipS iOr Olfts I ca " i»c • IL ; c |he gift showing of slippers in the shoe section is well worth _ j ri WT Many homes will be brighter after ,a r.««3°' Vllnlr'S seein R' and choosin K wil! be more advantageous while stocks are Silk Ot* Damaged by Wate% Christmas judging from the way very size, lb.. i9c pt ' i»h- complete. 1 r selections are being made in the S itk AND STOR>I CH,LDRKN ' B RUBBER B°OTS Silk Jersey petticoats of messaline, $5.00 CSL»OmOKe ITI aopeCial Holiday Lamps Section It's the Fftncy «fi,eS n f »; Mens fine brown "kldskin Romeos. . h B*to Messaline petticoats, with tailored or . To-morrOW largest and most varied showing Peaches. largre ana Kancy "Tangrerines," made on full toe lasts with hand 10 V 4. price, $1.25. Specially plaited flounce to we have ever had. TaJfiy H«»d 'Rice. 5 ''Ufge "6raS sdSiv nrfced ReKUlar pr,ce ti» pr^, e ?«" K" ; $, ( !° Black cotton petticoats, SI.OO to $3.50 _ .. , u ( n |t, s * aso Fruit each 7ci 4 for Specially priced ...... 51.J3 Children 8 rubbers: croquet cut: Dive* Pomorov &■ Stewart Second Floor We had furniture temporarily stored Oil,, GAS ASD EI.ECTRIC LAMPS New Pearl Tapioca, n ... o Sc Mens brown kidskln slippers. Ever- m ade on full toe lasts; sizes 6 to 13. ' ' ' In our warehouse adjoining our stables Gas lamps complete with tubing, goose- jt,s -r,c Full Cream Cheese PUt: ' u " toe lasts with hand turn- Regular price 40c. Specially priced, on North Ninth street which was dam neck and Welsbucli burner, mantle and Mother's Oats, 3 pack- lb 23c e(1 soles. Regular price, $1.25. Spe- 2 »c aged by lire recently Most of the fur- KK";;'..?' " 'm ' ,'|s .mpon.d full loe lasts: wool lined; heavy roll , »•* LJIUUSCb 4)1.0U i, . « l 3 « S i n^a A «i qq -• . • nr C T> wJrESrSS.I insteaa Ot 5>1.»0 25 golden oak and ma ■hfde".. ! .. P .". iIoSS Red Alaska I)INI\G ROOM DOMEX tall tins, 14c. Dot., si.oo each. Ib 2t>.- Hand turned soles with low flat heels, priced . 180 r ].j s t er tucks 1 scallnned enihroiderv or lace * rn 4-<JiQ (rrk Cnoniol Fitted for electHclU or eaV the mn ,t "Tuna " Fish; a de- SuKa r Cured Bacon; Kegular price, SI.OO. Specially priced. Men's red and grey eiderdown bed CUlSter UICKS, SCailOpeO eniDroiClCp Ol lace TO 50. OpeCial, artlstlc and 1 atest deslirns "clous substitute for sliced, lb USc socks; silk ribbon round. Specially insertion. Specially priced for gift giving, L . % *ng^Voom n a d nd a HbJa?" IK K?ec f tHc P yome. i?; ch,cken ,n BaUdß: Corned Beef, lb.. Women's oxfords, grey Juliets fur priced P . . 50c * #1.50 tO $4.2^. s^^,Siai-.SS i n»"SSSr* ,sr attach ' «s. Pomeroj ' & aecond F,oor 6 golden oak buffets that fncludtnt P cWne d'' Cu'rVaAt Lebanon Bologna. 11,„ h.Hs, Regular price $1.50. Specially 3°' Speclallyprlced . . Q r o fn burned arid art ghi? nanofs Iti package 18c Boiled Ham, lb.. 3».- Srl?n. Nile yello'w Mo.aic and floral Pitted ITates, package Pure Cocoa, lb.. WOMEN'S RVBBERS made from high grade underwear ma- Qpp Men s SnPTial »t Half PHce aild decorations, with or without fringe, fruit Arabian Fard Date? nos»riiii« Raking Women's rubbers; croquet cut; terial, natural heavy fleeced. Special- ,vJCC iVIOII O opeciai dL Hall 1 I ICC dlia «tub l h L, ■\yJlS nd «. K 'Sl ta J-^"SSSIii!: lb f ■ " .!r..... Mte ChoSSTafe. 8 % made on tw„ style, toe and heel * priced 15,- Less. »7.». *»•»* • P12.00, nnd 9-0.00 p u lJed Figrs, larßft iSr shapes. Regular price, 50c. Specially Dives, Pomeroy &- Stewart—Street [XI \X/C Ori h Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. boxes 18c D., P. ft g.. Basement. | priced 3So Floor, Rear. • nV/V VO VJll 1 agt/ V Dives, Pomeroy & Stewar, Tlilrd Floor FRIDAY EVENING, HdVHOSnai OHXIBSIHHVH DECEMBER 4, 1914.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers