For Rheumatic- Neuralgia Pains Rheuma Dissolves the Uric Acid Which Settles in the Tissues ▼ of Tender Nerves. Rheumatic-neuralgia is one of the most painful forms of rheumatism. It is due to weak kidneys allowing a set tlement of uric aqid in the tissues of the body near the tender nerves. There Is no swelling or fever, but ago nizing pain. Liniments may deaden the pain, but the disease must be cur ed through the kidneys. Rheuma, the splendid remedy for all forms of rheumatism, quickly dissolves the uric acid crystals and passes them oft through the kidneys and bowels, and the immediate relief is so pro nounced that you won't guess you are being rid of rheumatism —you will know It. "I suffered with rheumatic-neuralgia for six years. Tried different reme dies, but was not benefited until I used Rheuma. I have taken three bottles and am entifely free from the disease. I was so bad 1 could not sleep nights; now I sleep well, and my kidneys work perfectly."— : P. W. Miller, Catawissa, Pa. H. C: Kennedy and all druggists sell Rheuma, and will return your money If not satisfied. It is inexpensive, but worth many times its cost. —Advertise- ment. AT OHEV SIIOIiOM TEMPLE In view of the near approach of Anti-Tuberculosis Sunday, at the serv ices to-night at the Temple Ohev Sho lom. Rabbi Freund will speak on "En listment and a Justifiable War." Serv ices will begin at 7.45. Rabbi Freund Invites the public. No More Bustless and Undeveloped Women How to Create 8 Oz. to 1 lb. of Firm Healthy Flesh Upon Bust, Neck, Arms, or Shoulders in Four Weeks. To lulrodurr l.ntcnt Scleutlflc Triumph In Thin Country, Complete Infor mation nnil Instruction* Will He Nent to I.IMM) Headers of TeleKruph. Dr. Colonnay, the distinguished phy sician of the Faculty of Medicine, Paris, has at. last made public the sec ret of his latest discovery. All leaders of the French medical publications and Journals devoted to feminine interests are now familiar with the astonishing results of his unique experiment upon 200 ladies, ranging from sixteen to sixty years of age, some of them in the most weakly and anaemic state of health, and all absolutely lacking in bust development. Within five days the rapid growth of new flesh was no ticeable in all cases. In three to six weeks busts that were flabby, sagging and almost non-existent had develop ed from S in. to 8 in. by actual meas- i urement. Convincing statistical evi dence shows that In 415 per cent, of the «ases patients were compelled to stop reatment within four weeks on account f threatened over-development. *; :h; Words how an angular, masculine figure may Vi oiv be quickly transformed to one of beautiful turves by means of the new method explained in this article. Dr. Colonnay was the first to dis cover that various medicines, nostrums, prescriptions, dieting, apparatus, ap pliances, greasy creams, massages and other expensive advertised methods al ways fail because they overlook the basic fact that the mammary glands of the bust are the only organs which lie idle in tile greater part of a woman's lifetime, hence they can never be de veloped like muscles. A full descrip tion of just how this triumph of mod ern science causes new, firm and heal thy tissue to be created at Will, and just why Its stimulating action is ex erted only upon the bust, neck, should ers or arms but never upon abdomen, hips or other part of the body, would require more space than is available for this special article, but arrange ments have just been made whereby readers of the Telegraph are enabled to obtain all necessary information by promptly using coupon below. No ] charge is made for tills, but, If con venient. two 2-cent stamps may be en closed for posting expenses. (There is, of course, no interruption in the regular mail service between this country and lCngland.) IMI'O HTANT NOTlCE—Headers are particularly cautioned not to use tills new method where more flesh Is not de sired, as the enlargement, when once produced. Is ahsoliriely permanent, and cannot he reduced afterward*. It Is UMunlly advisable to stop treatment nhout three days before the bust at tain* the exact nlxe and firmnexN de- M) red, UK the Wilmulntintc effect may continue for two or three days, but ' never loniser. —FREE COUPON —-y FRENCH BUST DEVELOPING METHOD Coupon positively void after Janu ary 4. Entitling (name) I Address to receive under plain, sealed cover, absolutelv free of cost, full particu lars in regard to new method for de veloping the bust to any desired size and firmness. Enclose this coupon In a letter (postage to England is only 2 cents) or mention number given below, as evidence that you nre entitled to ac cept this offer, which is exclusively for the benefit or Telegraph readers. Onlv one member of each family may apply. Address MARGARETTE MERLAIN, Secretary, Pembroke House, Oxford Street. London, W„ England Telegraph Coupon No. 1175 D. HiEARTS TREATED FREE Dr. Franklin Miles, the Cirnrl Specialist, Sends a New and lteinnrkable Treatment, Free, as a Trial Heart disease is dangerous, hundreds drop dead who could have been saved. Many have been cured after doctors failed. To prove the remarkable effi cacy of his new Special Personal Treat ment for heart disease, short breath, pain in side, shoulder or arm, oppres sion, irregular pulse, palpitation, smothering, puffing of r.nkles or dropsy, also nerve, stomach and rheumatic symptoms. Dr. Miles will send to af flicted persons a $2 50 Free Treatment. Had cases usually soon relieved. These treatments are the result of 3.1 years' extensive research and remark able success In treating various 'ail ments of the heart, liver and stomach, which often complicate each case. Send For Remarkable (urea In Your State I So wonderful arc the results that he wishes every sick person to test this fatuous treatment at his expense. Af flicted persons should avail themselves of this liberal offer, as they may never have such an opportunity again. De lays are dangerous. No death comes more suddenly than that from heart disease. Send at once for his new Book and Free Trial Treatment. Describe your disease. Address Dr. Franklin Miles, Dept. HF., 525 to 535 Main St., Elkhart, Ind.—Advertisement. i FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 4, 1914. Now if Divers Only Used Just Pretty Bathing Suits Little Miss Alma Hearn Wouldn't Have Needed to Bother Captain Sorcho to Find Her Ring * ALMA HEARN But for the arrival of Captain Sor cho on the stage at the Orpheum at an unexpected hour yesterday afternoon, there might have been a diving venus in his submarine suit trying to find her way to the bottom of the make believe ocean that the captain carries with htm, and which holds several thousand gallons of water on tho Or pheum stage. With curiosity that is entirely with in a woman's province, pretty Alma Hearn, " who makes a very fetching feminine burglar in the sketch called "Tricked," climbed to the upper plat form of Professor Sorcho's portable sea, just to convince herself how this ocean was made so that it could be carried from one latitude to another each week and never spill a drop, and the sight of the pretty water was too much for this girl who spends her summers by the sea. So Miss Hearn knelt on the wooden beach and spanlc the calm ocean into a flutter of gen- THREE NABBED FOR ROBBING THE MAILS Railroad Police Get Third Man This Week on Charges of Steal ing Parcels In the arrest to-day of W. B. Frasch, 1610 Carnation street, a Penn sylvania Railroad baggageman, Cap tain P. D. Barclay, of the railroad police, believes he has completely cleared up the recent parcel post and baggage robberies at the Pennsylva nia Railroad station. Frasch is the third baggageman ar rested this week on similar theft charges. The other two were Frank B. Gottschall, 921 South Twenty-first street, and Edward A. Meckley, of Penbrook. Frasch confessed to having taken packages and articles at intervals during tho past year. Some of the goods taken by Frasch have been re- i covered. Following a this i morning before United States Commls- j sloner Leroy J. Wolfe, Frasch was. held in the sum of $1,500 bail for United States Court. CHARGED WITH SEDUCING GIRL 1 Answers in Court for Disillusioning Pretty Minnie Beckcroff Charged with seducing pretty 17- year-old Minnie Deckeroff, a Russian Jewess. Morris Muff was arraigned before Judge Charles Johnson in No. 2 room in criminal court this morning. The trial lasted nearly all morning. Minnie told a remarkable story of how she had met Morris, who told her he was a Jew and wanted to marry her; of how she "kept company" with him for eight weeks and then of his showing the uglier side of his nature by muklng certain proposals of a criminal character to her. Later, sha said, she discovered he was not a Jew. James RUBS and Andy Kosic were acquitted of charges of assault and battery and larceny, respectively. Rob ert Reed was convicted yesterday of enticing two small boys to the Island plavgrounds for purposes of a criminal natura MILLER I/EADS MICHIGAN By Associated Press Lansing, Mich., Dec. 4.—Blake Mil ler, of Tonawanda. N. Y„ picked by several critics for end on their all western football elevens, was to-day elected captain of the 1915 football! team of the Michigan Agricultural Col lege. CHICAGO no AIUI OF TRADE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., Dec. 4. Board of Trade closing: Wheat —December. 1.16% : May, 1.21%. Corn —December, 63%; May, 69. (Ints —December, 17%; May, 52U. Pork—January, 18.1B: May. 15. 60. Ijird—January, 0.75; May, 10.00. Ribs —January. 9.80; May, 10.12. CASTORIA For liifants and Childran. Bears tne The Kind You to Alwajfs Bought Bign o a f ture uineness, ust like the Atlantic when it is wide awake. "Oh my!" was the little scream that came from the actress, "I've lost my ring," and as she bent over the water she saw her diamond solitaire gliding softly but surely toward the bottom of that huge tank. It was some fifteen minutes later that Captain Sorcho returned to get something out of his dressing room. He found a sorrowful and very much scared little, woman doing her best to get into that "horrid diving suit." But the Captain came to the rescue, and Miss Hearn operated the air pump while the hero of the_ Maine went down and got the ring. "I suppose it would have been an awful Job, but I'd have got into that diving suit if 1 ever did anything more in my life," said Miss Hearn. "You bet I wasn't going out and leave that ring In the tank." Charged With Grand Larceny While He Served His Term in Sing Sing By Associated Press New York, Dec. 4.—The Kings county grand jury investigation which I resulted In the dismissal of Thomas F. McCormick as warden of Sing Sing prison because of favors shown by him to David A. Sullivan, who is serv ing a two years' sentence for the part he played in wrecking the Union Bank of Brooklyn, virtually ended to-day Vith the finding of three indictments against Sullivan, charging him with grand larceny while a prisoner at Sing Sing prison. The alleged offense was committed within the prison walls and consisted in Sullivan's divertion to his own use of payments • made on a mortgage which it is charged, was really tho propery of the Union Bank. Railroad Connections Between Vera Cruz and Mexico City Are Cut ' By Associated Press II Washington, Dec. 4.—Railroad com imunication between Mexico City and (Vera Cruz is almost hopeless accord ling to dispatches to-day from Consul Canada at Vera Cruz, who reports all the old employes have been discharg ed. The terminals are jammed with freight and all offerings are being re fused. SILKS INDICTED MYE TIMES Representatives of the firm of Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart to-day identified books said to have been stolen by A. J. Silks, 2005 North Sixth street. Silks will be given a hearing to-morrow. Colonel Joseph B. Hutchinson is anxious to have all the stolen goods identified. Five indict ments had been made out against Silks up to noon to-day. AUTO SKIOS INTO RAILING An automobile skidded against the railing of the small overhead bridge at Market street subway, yesterday after- I noon. The railing was broken and stones and iron were thrown into the subway. Several pedestrians hail nar row escapes. One stone struck a trol ley car. In the auto were E. E. Curry, New York, and E. H. Kyle, Philadelphia, who escaped unhurt. TO PIJACE POMCE BOOTH IN ALLISON HIM, DISTRICT Three new fire alarm boxes and fwo police patrol booths will bo installed between now and January 1 by City Electrician Clark E. Dtehl. Box No. 48 ' and a police patrol hooth will be In stalled at Twenty-first and Chestnut streets next week. A fire alarm box and police patrol bootli at Front street and Reel's lane and a fire alarm box at Tenth and Mulberry streets will be placed soon. OPEN BISS FOR 64 ISSESSIM BOOKS Controller and County Commis sioners Receive Proposals; Keystone Co. Low Biciß for fur " nishlng the coun m ty with sixty-four triennial assess /men books for the opened at noon WlslSfi SID «WS County Commls posals were received and the com missioners considered the awarding of the contract this afternoon. The bids were: Telegraph Printing Company, $178; J. A. Thompson, $185.60; Key stone Printing Company, $174.50, and Star-Independent, $297.50. Plan For Day Nurseries. Plans are being completed by the Poor Di rectors of Dauphin county for the In auguration of a movement to provide district day nurseries for the assist ance of mothers and children in needy sections of the city or county. The sites will he located as centrally as possible In order that expenditure of carfare will be unnecessary. The car rying out of the scheme will be In charge of Miss Rachel F. Staples, who has been connected with the As sociated Charities for several years. It is the Intention of the Poor Board to begin the movement after Janu ary 1. The removal of the Day Nur sery from the Capitol Park extension zone necessitated a substitute scheme and the dis'trlct day nurseries was decided upon. «0 Tons or Lime. Sixty tons of lime have been obtained by City Com missioner M. Harvey Taylor, Superin tendent of Parks, for spreading over the grassy slopes of Reservoir Park. The lime will all be placed within a few days. Planting on River Front. Dak, elm, sycamore, Norway maple and canoe birch trees are being set out by the Park Department in the River Front Park between Paxton street and Iron 'alley. As soon as this work is completed the planting of trees in upper sections of the park will be started. ENGLISH ACTIVE IN EAST London, Dec. 4, 7.59 A. M.—Tele graphing from Cairo, Egypt, the cor respondent of Renter's Telegram Com pany says British airships have been making constant flights lately over the Sinai peninsula and that there is no sign of the enemy. The Bedouins who attacked a patrol a fortnight ago, the correspondent continues, received an unforgettable lesson and are now im prisoned at Jaffa. SMITH COULDN'T AID HIS ATTORNEYS MUCH State's Alienist Admits This During Insanity Hearing of Ac cused Murderer Tlie State's refutation of the present Insanity plea of Edward G. Smith, charged with the murder of his aged grandfather, John E. Bush, was con cluded shortly after noon to-day when Dr. Thomas S. Blair, this city, took thb stand as the Commonwealth's finai alienist. The gist of Dr. Blair's testimony was that Smith is at present sane, although he said, in answer to Additional Daw Judge MeCarrell's pointed questions, that he thought counsel for tho ac cused man would be given little assist ance by the prisoner in conducting a defense against the murder charge because of Smith's "mental inaccessi bility." Most of the morning was taken up by Dr. Blair. John Fox Weiss and W. H. Earnest, counsel for Smith, vig orously fought the admission of Dr. Hlair as an alienist on the ground that ho hadn't properly qur.lified. The ob jections, however, were overruled. Dr. Blair followed Dr. C. R. McKin nes, one of the detense's alienists, who, on further cross-examination, de clared he didn't believe Smith was feigning insanity because the accused would have to have a thorough knowl edge of the various symptoms of the peculiar type of insanity of which he is afflicted—dementia precox. Dr. McKlnness said Smith could hardly have feigned the physical symptoms that were plainly noticeable. District Attorney Stroup said at the noon recess to-day that the State had iinished its side of the case and that the preliminary hearing was concluded unless the defense offered rebuttal. The district attorney expects to con tinue with the murder trial if the Jury finds Smith sane. If not, the trial of ex-Patrolman Robert Scott will be pro ceeded with before Additional L#aw Judge McCarrell. Judge C. V. Johnson, who has been helping out in No. 2 room, will not sit next week. May fo Albania The Moslem Albanians want Prince William of AVled to return as their ruler since Germany has become Tur key's ally. Essad Pasha, who deposed Wlod, has fortified Durazzo and massed his troops on the hills, pre paring for a march on Tirana, where an uprising Is feared due to the Holy War fomented by Austria, QUIET BROOaS OVER GREAT BATTLEFIELD Not a Shot or Glimpse of Men Where 100,000 Soldiers Lie Watching By Associated Press In Flanders, Dec. 3, via Paris, Dec. 4, 10.36 A. M.—A visit to the French trenches in Flanders by a corresDond ent of the Associated Press, under the auspices of the. French general staff, is here described. Standing in the shelter of a won derfully Ingenious and deep-dug trench on what undoubtedly is tho bloodiest battlefield In European his tory the first and most notable impres sion of an observer is one of utter sur prise at the absence of movement and the lack of noise. Within one's range of vision, with the use of strong field glass, there are probably concealed no fewer than 100,000 men, yet except for the few French soldiers with rifles in their hands standing or kneeling in the immediate vicinity and keenly peering over the flat land toward the positions known to be held by the Oer mans no human presence was notice able. A staff officer supplied the infor mation that behind a slight slope a few hundred yards away many Ger many guns were hidden from sight, but only an occasional burst of flame and a sharp whirring sound coming from an indefinite point told of the presence of this artillery. A little forest to the left is believed to be bristling with machine guns backed by infantry In rifle pits and covered trenches. The approach tr. these positions has been made almost impossible from the standpoint of an Infantry attack by barbed wire en tanglements strewn with brush and branches of trees and having the ap pearance from a distance of a small conse of heather. Behind the advanced lines of the al lies, which thus far has succeeded in holding hack the strong forward move ments of the German troops, are large bodies of fresh reserves, ready to give their help In stopping any attempted rush of the Germans for tile channel ports. Troops of cavalrymen stand at the heads of their chargers In neigh boring villages, ready to Jump Into the saddle at a moment's call, and stem any torrent of oncoming Infantry which may break through the lines of defense. Other cavalry regiments, ow ing to the small extent to which horse men may be used In this burrowing campaign, have been supplied with rifles and bayonets and are taking tlieir turn in the 'trenches witli their com rades in the foot service. In many in stances they have proved their versa tility and displayed great dash. The artillerymen, who often have suffered severely from the destructive fire of shell and shrapnel, have now learned to seek proper cover and con ceal their positions, so that the hostile airmen who constantly hover overhead can rarely discern them. ELK MEMORIAL TQ BE HELO SHY Adjutant General Stewart Will Be Principal Speaker of Serv ices at Majestic t Tickets of admission for the Elks' . memorial services, to be held In the 1 Majestic Theater next Sunday, were distributed to-day. Robert L. Schmidt the secretary, and members of the committee in charge of arrangements hcve charge of the tipkets. There will be no reserved seats this year. The doors will be open at 3 o'clock and the exercises will start at 3.45. Harrisburg Lodge and visiting Elks will meet at the Elks' rooms. North Second street, at 3 o'clock. Seats will be reserved on the lower floor fo«' members. The principal speaker will be Adjutant General Thomas J. Stew art. Tribute will be paid to twenty-nine deceased members of Harrisburg . Lodge. The memorial ritualistic ex ercises will be interspersed with a special musical program. Soloists will include E. i. Decevee, Mrs. William K. Bumbaugh, George W. Updegrove, Miss Bell Middaugh, B. S. Behney and Clarence Sigler. Fred C. Hand, of Scranton Bodge, will read a poem. William K. Meyers, ex alted ruler, will make the preliminary address and prayer will be said by the Rev. W. A. Hanson, pastor of Messiah Butheran Church, and the Rev. Harry Nelson Bassler, pastor of Second Re formed Church. AUDITORS FIBE RILLS Two of the county auditors to-day put in their bills for work on the audit just completed. Francis W. Rlegle's bill amounted to $3fi9.72, In cluding ninety-three days work at three dollars a day and railroad fare amounting to $90.72. Fred W. Hus ton's bill totals $319.92, including i items of railroad fare totalling $1.92 tar.d ICO days work on the audit at three dollars a day. John W. Cassel, president of the board, did not file his bill to-day. GOVERNMKNT RP.I.IISF FOR DBSTITI'TE IN LABRADOR St. Johns, N. P.. nee. 4. Relief for hundreds of destitute inhabitants of the barren Labrador region has been undertaken by the New Foundland Government, and the steamer Kvle Is now ploughing her way through the ice-laden waters off the Labrador coast. The Kyle Is carrying a cargo of provisions to Sandwich bay, which is about 100 miles north of Battle Har bor, where Dr. Wilfrid T, Grenfell maintains his mission station and hos pital. YOUR KIND OF HEADACHE The headache which in addition to the pain, gives the Impression of a tight band about the head, Is caused by nervous exhaustion. It Is a bless ing In disguise because it gives wurn i ing that you are overdrawing your " supply of nervous energy. Unless you stop the mental fatigue and build up your nerves you will be fortunate If I you escape nervous breakdown, some form of paralysis or other severe nervous disorder. Rest is, of course, desirable but not always possible and liable to be de ferred. With sufficient rest the nerves will build themselves up. Falling In this, you need something that will build them up and sustain them while they are kept moderately at work. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are probably un equaled for this purpose. They build up the nerves In the only possible way, by enriching the blood with the ele ments the nerves need. The treat ment Is one of nutrition of the nerve cells, requiring a nonalcoholic tonic and Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have proved useful in so many severe cases b that every sufferer Is justified In giv r Ing them a trial for any form of - nervous debility. They contain no 1 opiate or harmful drug. i A little book on Nervous Disorders - will be sent free on request by the Dr. s Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, V N. Y. All druggists sell Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.—Advertisement. J FREE EXCURSION To the Capital City and Back No Red Tape—No Special Conditions —just come and order a suit or an overcoat from us any time before Dec. 14, 1914, and we will cheerfully Refund Your Round Trip Fare From Any Point Within 30 Miles of Harrisburg 3-PIECE SUITS,(Mr OVERCOATS \ JUj Made to Order Regular $20.00, $22.50 and $25.00 values. Fit, Fab ric and Workmanship guaranteed to be absolutely* perfect. Standard Woolen Co. 19 North Third Street, corner Strawberry Ave. HARRISBURG, PA. ALEX AGAR, Manager. We deliver PttEG nil over the State. BOSTON LOAN CO. IS f ROBBED OF TBS o n Police Believe Vaults Have Been ' Looted of Great Quanti- s ties of Jewelry t By Associated Press t Boston, Mass., Dec. 4. The police 1 to-day were busily engaged In an ef- [ fort to obtain information upon which' to base possible additional arrests in connection with the theft of large sums I of money from the Collateral Doan | Company, known as the largest loan j ( brokerage concern in the country. The i investigation of the company's affairs 1 is said to have disclosed losses through ' thefts not connected with the methods , alleged to have been used by William Cobb, who has just? resigned as presi dent of the company, and who was ar rested last night charged with the em bezzlement of $X6,000. The police believe that jewelry in large miantities, pledged with the com pany, has been taken from its vaults and repledge with a resultant loss to the concern of about $28,000. Cobb spent last night in jail in de fault of $25,000 bonds. Mexican Snipers Hit American Soldier and Kill Man Over Border By Associated Press Naeo, Ariz., Dec. 4.—Snipers in the trenches of the Mexican combatants across the line fired into American territory to-day, killing a Mexican civilian and wounding a l T nited States soldier. Private John Miller, of the Tenth Cavalry, was shot In the thigh while In camp. Miller is the fourteenth soldier to he hit by Mexican bullets. Eighteen Americans and twenty-eight Mexicans on this side of the border have been killed or wounded since the fighting at Naco, Sonora, began. A CIILTCRED BULL-WHACKER [From the Atchison GJobe.] Years ago a cultured young man from the Rast came to Atchison and became a bull-whacker, and the first | day he worked he astounded the other bull-whackers by shouting out these words: "Whoa. Buck, likewise Jerry. Consequently the whole team." FURS Cheap for the Quality Offered. R. Gerstner PRACTICAL FURRIER 218 I.ocimt St. Opp. Poat Office *■ J \ I Cigars, 25 in a Box j SI.OO, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.25 —AT— GORGAS 16 N. Third St. mid Pcnna. Station j AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS KKiliH IIIrIi Claaa Vaudeville, 2.15 and 8.15 Vaudeville and rictnrea, 2.15, T * 0 _ • O 1 New Bill To-day Captain borcno 4 ™ thacw i Headed U7 HU Deep « DePAC£ OPERA CO. Next Week PEKI2V MYSTEKIBS A Wonderful Act of Illusion and A .Splendid Muslcnl Offering. Dane- Mniilc. Surrounded by a Big Show. Ins Content Tlila Evening. KITES FOR LIFE-SAVING SERVICE PROPOSED. The employment of kites for extend ing life lines to vessels in distress at sea has been suggested as having a marked advantage In certain instances over the methods ordinarily followed, and an illustration in the December Popular Mechanics Magazine shows how the plan would work out. In stead of throwing a line to a sinking ship by using a rocket, which some times miscarries, it is proposed that this be accomplished by attaching a trailing cable to a series of box kites which from a windward position might easily be directed over the middle of a ship. After reaching the line, it would only be necessary for those abroad a sinking steamer to draw in a hawser with this lighter rope, and attach it in a position which would allow the operation of a breeches buoy. HOW RESINOL CURED ITCHING SKIN TORMENT Baltimore, Md„ May 23, 1914: "My limbs from knee to ankle were com pletely covered with eczema for a year. It commenced with several small water pimples, which burst when I scratched them, until they developed into sores, and oozed a yellowish fluid. I he.ted to go Into company. It itched and burned so badly. I had no rest at night. I tried a good many remedies for eczema, both liquid and salve, but they did me no good, only made tho skin more rough and scaly. I learned of Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap and tried them, and was relieved of the severs Itching and burning AT ONCE, and after a month's steady use was completely cured." (Signed) T. S. Lewis. 1821 Summit street. Resinol Soap and Resinol Ointment are sold by all druggists. Doctors have prescribed Resinol for nearly 20 years. —Advertisement. 1 j AMUSEMENTS * _jl* Wilmer, Vincent majestic & A PP eii, M gr s. TO-NIGHT LAST TIME Beef Trust Billy Watson's Orientals The Joy Mne of Ilurlcnqoe With Kutn Kuta Koo Glrla 1 PRICES lfSe, arte, 35c, 50c, 75c. *■ _ _ Photoplay Today "UNCLE BILL" 3-nct Vltagraph llroariivay-Star Comedy Production, featuring; DAINTY ANITA STKWART, the fa. moua lead, in "A MILLION" "MARY JANE ENTERTAINS" 2-act VltUKrapli, featuring FLORA FINCH. "BRONCHO BILLY'S SCHEME" Kwanar. TO-MORROW ALICB JOYCE In "THE THEFT OF THE CROWN JEWELS" Mlaa Joyce wear* a *3OOO pnn and 91,000,000 In real jewela. 15
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers