Read This I Men's and Boys' Clothing ..f//!, I Railroad and Trolley Reduced to Nearly One-Half j[lro>£\ JL I A^v,' Fairs Refunded For This Big Holiday Event ° Ur St ° res ' Beginning BALMACAANS WINTER SUITS \li' rrow) Saturday ' -isw srt£r£& *&«,„. jb&LSy \i a " • %»M M Mtt WS W nprpmKor 1 9fli MADI'J TO SliJ.I, IP TO »1_ ar< . extraordinary ba, *aln*. L . | \ X'TZVI ✓ x/CvCHlDvl lLin« ThfNc coati nre very wr- All regular mI/.c* and extra \ 1/1 \ 0 . vleeable* new and nobby. mIIKCN. i wA d* If */% bee schedule in to- Ih 7 * r . e n, " de ot Haiapro«* *!» m ,um v I # l /*f # X morrow (Saturday's) Men s Balmacaans & | f&Jg \ ~ ]L\joi W try Day Until Christmassr&irz. "vrjr* m 7 T liii M «» have your full railroad or uy0,40 *p27» i O Uln ' 1 1 / \\VjjlTp_; trollev fare refunded Fancy Ilalmacnan* and JaPW 8 La \ eC / _ - _ _ " UU " idle ICIUIIUCU. Made of all-wool material*. Ore*- Overcoat-. Sold In 1 If. \H r-'/rt Jf* fj * J Value* la thl* lot to sl2. All otlier -tore* at $10.30. All I H I Jf\ TK- — st of All Christmas Sales i I*l n WEN S CLOTHING DEPARTMENT S 2 O Overcoat or Winter Suit «P"*i v |\\ ll £VCfV fittldc 3 J SSVinO Cost I PANTS** ThebertKOv«rcoat and Suit bargain I\V \\ y^l ■— • j v 3""" 1 " J 8 f' Kn ~ nn Harrisburg. Every garment guaranteed. VY\ V® est and Best Stocks of Useful Holiday Gifts— 1 * MEN ' S SUITS, A» Extra w L_J. \1 ya rds and to Insure This End, We Have Placed f RAINCOATS I PANTS, Lined I BALMACAANS 1 Extra Large Men I Article in the Store. 1 A S£3L JPf!L $13.50 *#1075" B fL K> Useful Presents Than Ever Before and Best of All You Can ?«" OVERCOATS PANTS >,L. .... JS d» r% af\ A 1 *C\ tailored. A real Chriat-, wool woratedw, kry Your Holiday Gifts st KAUFMAN'S s " vm,s<o ' ir '"""• """" >: ' r,<> ' "'" u " ik ""' < ""' r< " pk Boys' Suits and BOYS' KNIT Boys' Raincoats Buy the Boy aKg Man y ihousand f U wc n f fi'ialiju sgjsk i Winter Overcoats TOQUES V. to Match Rea l Indian or IM Dollars Worth of *Uk 3 US WiiOSit V * +* la v..»ea«. «*. H Art r i c NO OTHER OPPORTUNITY LIKE THIS ) 5 JJ. 1/1/ Cowboy Suit ArM Our rocen) purchases for spot cash of thousands of dollars' worth of Riell, Lux- / f iJttl JJ i „nd kU'^hlm^^arm'Wuea Z" ClSt lh ° y Thelnrxe«t variety In feftd] nrlous 1 uis offers you a splendid opportunity to buy fine Furs, under their own- C//W»'V '.fflif *// T f" si"e« 2 V.' to xo ! tS< nrvvi ujam PST^ names, whh our iron-vlad guarantee, at prices which we doubt will ever prevail again. t yenrV. ' Six different color*. • . ('//« dU IJ WUJL the city. \3T// Biark DOR, Leopard anil Wlilte I Coonoy 31 uffw, black OP brown. I Ooonoy Scarfs, Hlark or ' A • "" iftl _ fox s et> WOTth t052a.50. w h «.,,,, | J Boys' Norfolk Suits and dJO AQ D aLtc 75cIndian Suit M _ 3 far 11 lot Mink, tiray Fox. Black I)<>k, Red Fox Leopard, Black Dog. Black Ono glim. ff'V.ffiW- i i . .. /1 Is} _ al "' Black l>o K . Mu-k Bat and Bed Marillo t Mink and Black^\ o« Black Fox or Red Fd« Searfl. M I Value, In thl. lot to »S.OO. S .,e« (i to 1. year., f Hi I 4 it O !: ' r up' oW Worth "i» t<> 520.00, t , WCIS. $1.50 Cowboy Suit r Norfolk SUITS, Norfolk SUITS, J BO F^ IB 95c kWoitii up to 527.50, Opossum and .lap 3llnk AluiTs. or Black Opossum Scarfs. ,' \ • ' fflW,.. ' jf I • Si?.SO "" n '-sis£o $12:75 jl S2A , $3.89 1 Knickerbockers f - 50 1 Ot iter Sets of Jai> Mink Fitch V IVVt' l]\ | I \ allien In thla lot to JTJj "••>0 A alue lor OUItS jCgJ J} I jarw„-- SVr i 1 3£~: o or , % | $24.75,530,535 to $75 $19.75 $14.75 up to $45.00 [ J ;;;•■■ """ A ~ *" WS 5 .. .r ""C Ji Women's and Misses' s«ibSharpiy I Underwear for Men & Boys I b.„. g S in the Christmas Offering | rt \ /A. 1 ■ • • Y' ■ • V j\ I _ _ J/ A 1! 0 \ff H and euff*, nil new pattern*; Men's Riblfed Fnion Suits; Men's Roxford Gray Ribbed |-| r>*f. Kq \V ff | \ ~ fi values to 75c. Chrtatmaa 47c $2.50 value. Christ- <C IQC Vtiion Suit-s, all sizes; $1.35 r* Of* I •aITTQ CTV tt Si \ WORTH t;i* TO s!s.oo WORTH UP TO SBO.OO 8 4/C Price ?1.95 valute. Christinas 7 q V*irio » W i I - Percale lire.. Shirt-, -ewe-t Price ' ™ Men', and Boy-' Silk Four m in nil rWr!« colors ; Broatlclotli.* All colors in all sizes. H pattern*, coat model-; SI.OO 65c Boys' fleeced lined Union In-luinil*. all the newc-t -tyle- Vv-C/ SV ( 8 t'hrl-tn.a- Price Suits, nil slwrs; values All n X - TNR -, WOOJ IT. u , pi .. «««> -l»«l>E»; all up In -ln K le V^Y» ■ft t „, T _™ . H Men'- Fine Percale Shirt-, all the 75c. Christmas Price **OC Wool Incler holly boxe-. Over 2RO pattern ■r Si MTS /T 4 r A SUITS (f 4 7 Cirt 1 „c»e»t p-ttem-, l-„ndered and French cSmas ' QO rhrl-O.'.a"- Frtie"" 25c ®V r ' %1 I Sll Til / Tfll? SyS?- t0 95c Men's Natural Wool Shirts J,rice 83c *-fcrtatma- Prlee iIV AT . . JI i • Jl/ AT • • 4/ I * •«/!/ j: »» a5 - Cl.rl.tma- Price and Drawers: 75c value. 1 rl< ° Men'- nnd l.oyV ll„„d«„„,e JTV QSn * * tt M <MI*M I'int* Ht |)rcNN Shlrtn. olcnted fliri*itniHH l*ric'P ■'OC * Ilk F oiir-iu-hnndM—>n< fJ J Jf |m WOHTII ITP TO $22*50 WORTH UP TO 98&50 fi i,o*on., coat ni«Mlel»; f2.00 Jl 39 Men's fleeced and ribbed OM a}M» Splendid materials in tlxe best styles or .. y ipoafle!o?h , and men's wear^'seril> P A P ll « value-. Chrl-tnia- Price .* • Men's Fine Ribbed Union Shirts and Drawers, all sizes; -hnpe in over 150 pattern- to the season. Plain tailored and t rimmed in all size" 8 Boy-» Percale I»re«« Shirt-, laundered Suits; $1.50 value. QO_ value to 75c. Christmas choo-e from; value- to SI.OO. fV g II \ 1 lllodol,i - Newest colors, in all sizes. an sizes. n nn(l French cuff-, coat modclat AC- Christmas Price ZfOC Price tOC t hrl-tm-. aq hfS // II ' 8 T(k' valac. Chrl-tuin- Price Price "*Ot- gkQl// AT AT I 'Coat Sweaters For Women, Men' | Give MroiSTuiider- pn^\, t f L! ! ■' Beautiful styles and materials in the j Stunning suits, the most desirable ma- H r ir /i' li ''Le^ <' f bo. 11l I WOMEN'Sj PETTICOATS, -11 \V/l y | fig U Presents For ♦ ver y Woman and Miss Should Se- i I $1.50. Cliristmas price' ... 95c I I Christinas price ,oPM * ? ?:. <ta .93c' r\l?)p I 1 f ¥-IClt* : cure a Pretty Dress at These • c JSBSi' ill OcT : |vh Immense Savings j f «**—»*• » oc 45c I'll mas Price <P « MS/IW ll J|\ Cnnibliintlon -tyle- ot Serjec and Gorgeou» lire—e* in tine Milk and J I )'' V.fIBWHBB All-wool and Shaker-knit Coat Sweat- WOMEN'S CORSET COVERS (in liolly lioxes). lace or em- A Q U{ i I \\ omens Silver Mesli 4 «/MU .a \ Satin. Al-o plain tailored ilre—cx cloth materlnl-. Moat de-lrahlc I ers, for men and women, roll collar, ill all broidery triinmetl: 75c value, Christmas price HtOC {T >s^" IlandbiiKs: new style $1.50 ♦ gS \\\ ; \*\! ft "* ""Ke and crepe. Xewe-t color* -tyle- nnd color- of the *ca*oa , K ]'"■ MT W colors uiul sizes; SI.OO values. (t O "7Q WOMEN'S COMBINATION SI'ITS lace and embroiderv trim- Price' <l,,ls " naS 95c ♦ in nil »l«e«. , gtiJ Christmas price qt&.IV med (In liolly boxes); $1.25 value. Christmas 95c Women's Silver Mesli ♦ \\\ \'l 51 fr Uf6SS6S 2lt <s' 1!e •5 ♦ ftffillllWl'l Men's anil Women's .Tiimbo Coat AIIL MUSLINS IN HOLLY BOXES. RjV Bags: values to $3.00. jjl 1 M |jj **«• WORTH tI» TO $-(MIO J $4.79 v '® \ :UX \ iAjSSS' SBrt&JSK" I!.-™.:»{'rf"'5;: r&fk JrifiSr WSS i Ymae i&J jss&vUXisns: i """ r r i ?*'""• 5i.39 j Amas nanaKercnieis gK3 Women's Comb and ♦ wonth n» TO no WORTH IP TO $22.50 ♦ ALL SWEATERS PUT IN HOLLY BOXES FREE. | TTX Brush Sets. $l5O value * . , ' Kxunl-lle lire-Men In Satin Diichex. ♦ \ SITI— Fiuliroldered Hnndkcr- Children'* Snl>- Fnihroldered tf RI IF Cliriatmnu e\ct f P' In| Xearly half price for-tuunlnK Silk [ Crepe Meteor, etc.. in elalioratelv f ' chief-, licniMtltched; value 10c. 'tandkerchlef*. two In n fancy J //V \ ,' y«C * A\ and Cloth Drc—e* In the newcMt ma-1 trimmed -tjle-. Xeweat color- In ♦ / V ___________ i Chrl-tnia- Price rii. holly bo*, 15c value. Chrlntniaa 1 I I'rice t_ *K terlnl*. color* nnd atyle*. All nine*. I all «l*ea. ♦ f _ _ - TI _ __ . .. \ Price, box 1 J f| 1 !}! SHOP E4RL.Y All-over Embroidered 1 j ft. 1 I W I I kuA ilm A _ _ _____ _ Handkerchief*! value to 15c. Women'- Fancy Swl— Hand- <♦ KTiJ // [ 77T 7 7TT. v Cw TTTI v UlllDrCII&S Our Stores Will Be Open Chr, " tm "" m i| Pi WOMEN'S AND MISSES' Women S House Women s Silk and Cotton Only 4 Evenings Before *>* | _. . _ . «| . H» j inn* Price, box Hilt Wonien'a very tine Lawn- and :| /JOCQj Cloth Dress Skirts Dresses & Kimonos Poff/Vnafc A Fine Serviceable Monday, KWisrs: ra Specialty Lowered in Price „Zv,L„„ r KUICOSIS * Jtrviceao.e Tuesday, Wednesday &i; SSSSSsWt; ~ *«♦ |KQ For This Big Xmas Event ' U Women's Silk and Cotton Present Thursday, December 21, I Cloth Dress Skirts, $3.75 »eU'?.Wi KSLXTtt fsr ' nd Petticoats Make a Nice Men's and Women's 122'I 22 ' 23 and 24 - (hr ""-' " rU " b "' 80» | WORT,, cp 'Ko $5.00 w'llmen'-'f'ui'™Venil'th crepe and C.U Gloria Silk Umbrellas,;steel v / :imtixmitmitmtttmttnniixtxtnimtitxmuimtxxmmttmmixtut:nmttxxttmx ' r °ds, fancy handles. .^s3. 79 siik^-^ C JJ I l^thc C "newcst FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 4, 1914.
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