flare Nan and Work Find Each Other "-Telegraph Classified Afls Homelike Rooms There are rooms to be had in Harrisburg pos sessing all the comforts which a young man may have been accustomed to in his own home. Those who place these rooms in their houses at the disposal of young men realize that after a man has done a hard day's work downtown his home sur roundings must be conducive to rest. If you are looking for a room with all the com forts of home and do not find it listed in to-night's Telegraph, run an ad of your own to-morrow, tell ing what you want in a room and in what section of the city you prefer to live. You will get answers, plenty of them. Have them addressed in care of the Telegraph, if you prefer. - 1 LOST 1/JST Female Scotch Collie dog. 7- 8 months, color red and white; collar fastened with padlock. Reward if re turned to 440 South Tenth street, or < all Bell phono 2059 L. STOLEN BICYCI.E VICTIMS PLEASE REPORT all your stolen wheels to us and we will render our service In helping you get your wheels back. By making inquiry at the Mayor s Office, you can see of the many arrests caused "by our services along this line. Keystone Cycle Co., 814 North Third street. United phone 19W. FOUND FOUND At Gordon Bros.. 1543 i Walnut street. Armour's Silvercliurn and Swift's Premium Oleomargarine, 5 lbs. for |1.10; Empire Oleomargarine, 5 lbs. for 98c;; well known qualities. Bell phone 1331 J. x FOUND Don't go any further, for tho right place is at Eggert's Steam Dyeing & French Cleaning Works. 1245 Market street. We deliver and call promptly. Both phones. HELP WANTED — WANTED Young, married men, be tween the age of 27 and 40 years, for wagon tea and coffee salesmen; guar anteed salary and commission; grocery, laundry and bakery drivers preferred; intM: be able to furnish best of refer- and bond. Jewel Tea Co., 269 Broad street. ' WANTED —Men, 1,000 positions open. Learn the Barber Trade. Only seven weeks required. New system. Diploma. Costello & Wise, Barber School, 2 Riv ington street. New York. PAPERHANGERSi WANTED Can use none but first-class mechanics for all-winter work. 11. A. Bodmer, 813 North Third, street. WANTED GRANITE CUTTERS on new Post Office Building. Apply on work. J. G. Craig. • WANTED White butler, some ex perience; must have references; excel ent wages. Address H„ 1870, care of Telegraph. -v WANTED Young man, who can ring, for vaudeville sketch, to tour Pennsylvania towns. Apply between 7 and 10 P. M. at 510 Calder street, or call Bell phone 1291 J. ARMY OF UNITED STATES. MEN WANTED. Ablobodied, unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building, 3d & Market Sts., HarrlSburg; 48 N. Queen St., Lancaster; 353 Pine St., Williamsport, or 37 W. Market St.. York, Pa. WANTED Young men who wish to become practical or mechanical chauf feurs, to call or write us at once. Open day and night. Auto Transportation Repair Shop and School, 5 North Cam eron street. Bell phone 1710. WANTED Railway mall and postal clerks; examinations soon; over two thousand appointments yearly; prepare at home; write for Plan No. 15 of pay ment after appointment. Philadelphia Business College, Civil Service Dept., Philadelphia, Pa. HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED—GirIs 16 years of ige and over. Apply Harrisburg [Jigar Company, 500 Race St. WANTED White woman for gen eral housework; good wages. Apply !139 Green street. WANTED Girl to assist in grocery itore; one experienced; give reference. Yddress It.. 1864, care of Telegraph. WANTED Competent white woman or cook; city references required. Ap jly at once, 115 South Front street. -< FOR SALE 157-ACRE FARM 6 Miles East of City gßig Bargain For Cash 120 acres cultivated, 37 acres meadow and woodland. * Usual farm building*. You can leave the buildings and nineteen hundred and fifteen wheat crop out of consideration alto gether'and the price we'll do busi ness at is a low figure. If you can raise money to buy a big bargain then call at our office or tell us you wont one of our representatives to come to see you. Miller Bros. & Neefe lIEAL ESTATE Fire Insurance Sitrefv llonda Locust aad Court Street* TUESDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED—FemaIe WORK'S DRESSMAKING SCHOOL Teaches perfect fitting. You cut all I patterns by measure. You cut, fit and | make the entire garment. You can not I learn dressmaking right any other way | Make all your Fall and Winter dresses } while learning. Night and Day classes. ] Get terms and information. W. A. Work, 22 North Fourth street HELP WANTED—MaIe anil Female | WANTED Solicitors, men or wo men. Can make good money selling' I Cadora Cigars. See John Herman, first | lloor, 14 North Third street, or write , Cadora Cigar Co., York, fa. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Use your ."pare time to Increase your in- j come ten to thirty dollars per month, evenings. Light, agreeable wcrk. Har risburg and surrounding towns. Ad dress E„ 1871, care of Telegraph. SITUATION WANTED —Male WANTED Experienced grocery clerk wants employment; good refer ence. Address A„ 1858. care of Tele graph. WANTED By colored man, expert j enced, work on farm. 922 South street, Steelton, Fa. WANTED Young man (21), honest, reliable, wishes position with good firm, or delivery wagon driver; understands horses; good references. Address A., i 1865, care of Telegraph. 1 1 WANTED By married man of 30, j steady position as chauffeur, on pleas ure or business car or truck; eight years' experience; thorough repairman, understanding care of storage batter ies; best of reference as to mechanical and driving ability. Address D„ 1868, care of Telegraph. WANTED Boy, 16 years, desires work around store or as errand boy. Call, or address, C. G., 1117 Grape ave nue. City. WANTED Young man, 18 years, I desires work of any kind; Is not afraid to work. Call, or address, Paul F. Ross, 1117 Grape avenue, City. WANTED Young man, college edu cation, with experience as office man lager, accountant and sales methods, de- I sires position with expert accountant |or in office. Address Accountant, care I of Harrisburg Telegraph. WANTED By colored man, posi tion as cook or housework; references. 922 South Second street, Steelton. WANTED By young white man. 18 years of age, work of any kind. Ad- I dress E. M. F., 2543 Agate street. City. I WANTED Experienced steno grapher would like position; can do office work; young man, 18 years; is at present employed: can furnish refer ences. Address Box No. 148, Dauphin, Pa. WANTED Man out of employment would like night work at home. Ad dress J. R., 1933 li Logan avenue. WANTED By married man, work ,as night watchman, or any kind of work. Address A. D. F„ 2543 Agate I street. City. j WANTED--First-class "barber wants I work for Saturday or steady position, j Call, or address, 927 Grand street. SITUATIONS W.4NTKU—remm | WANTED —Middle-aged German wo man would like general housework by I the day or week. Address 541 Good | .-;treet, Steelton, Pa. WANTED Day's work or cleaning offices. Call 1212 Apple avenue. WANTED White girl, 16 years old. would like place to assist with general housework. Address E. F, Post | Office, General Delivery, City. WANTED Place to keep house for I widower; no objections to children; can | furnish reference. Phone Bell 1114 J. | WANTED By girl, place to do plain cooking. 1408 Marlon street. I WANTED Colored girl desires po sition as cook. Call, or address, Lizzie j Alexander, 409 Fifth street. WANTED Seamstress, colored, ex perienced in cutting, fitting and design ing, desires sewing. Phone 122SJ. Miss Henderson. WANTED Stenographer and typist . wishes position: can furnish best of j reference. Address Box 0., 1862, care I of Telegraph. WANTED Position by colored wo j man, general housework or day's work. I Apply H6'/i Liberty street. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE i HAVE you S4OO that you will pay for a brlclt house on Jefferson street 8 rooms all improvements drive alley on rear balance monthly as rent? Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing. I FOR SALE l4l-Acre Fruit Farm— frame buildings l2 miles from Har risburg 3,000 fruit trees some of which will bear next season railroad I station on property. Brinton-Packer j Co.. Second and Walnut streets. I FOR SALE Farm, six acres, three I inlles from New Kingston, Cumberland county. $850.00. Will consider tvord Touring part trade. Immediate pos session. Good buildings. G. Martz, Twentieth and Paxton streets, Harris b-'.rK. i REAL, ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE On Market St., Camp Hill, near Bowman Ave. 214-story frame 6 rooms. Lot. 37x200. Price, 11 ,750.00. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. WHAT is your offer for property at No. 1139 Derry street? All improve ments near business section lot, 20x120. Price right. Estate inust be settled. Bell Realty Co., Bergncr Build ing. CORNER PROPERTY, No. r.99 South Front street 8 rooms bath fur naco porches lot, 18x80. A well built property—interior in good condi tion. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT No. 1628 Regina St $25.00 No. 1821 Market St 26.00 No. 636 S. Seventeenth St. 20.00 ' 1418 Berryhlll St 20.00 : 18 Honey St 12.00 Apartment 27.00 ; I 2170 Brookwood 14.00 630 Oxford St 15.00 1937 Swatara St 15.00 J. E. GIPPEE, 1251 Market Street. FOR RENT To small family. 1323 Wallace street, $12.00; water in kitchen; paved street; good locality. Inquire Office, 429 Broad street, or Room No. 6. Phone 3613J1. FOR RENT 1521 Vernon street; 2&-story brick; 6 rooms; rent, $14.00 per month. E. A. Heffelflnger, East End Bank. FOR RENT 2217 Alias avenue, 1 $16.00; 2014 Green street, $24.00; 650 Emerald street. S2O; 10:",3 Third street, 1 $18.00; house in Penbrook. $12.00; Hain ton, $9.00. D. E. Brightbiil, 2 Nortli | Court streot. I FOR RENT Eight-room brick 'house, with improvements. 1729 Park street, city. Rental, S2O per month. [Apply James Brickor, New Cumberland, I Pa., R. F. D. FOR RENT 72 North Seventeenth street; corner property; 8 rooms and bath; gas and electric lights; furnace; rental. $28.00. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. FOR RENT 1443 Berryhlll; U rooms and bath; reception hall; all 1 up-to-date Improvements; front lawn [and terrace; front and rear porches; I newly papered. $22.50 per month. John H. Moloney, Real Estate and Gen eral Insurance, No. 1619 Green street. FOR RENT Large dwelling, suit- j able for boardinghouse. No. 331 South Fourteenth street; twenty rooms, in- K-luding steam heat, bath, electric and gas. Rent, S3O per month. Keys at I Weaver's Grocery, Fourteenth and Reese streets. FOR RENT New two-story brick house, with all Improvements, electric | and gas lighting; also side entrance. ! 1812 Zarker, care of Telegraph. FOR IIE.NT—JIKW HOUSES ,2131 Derry St., steam heat $23.00 | 2133 Derry St., steam heat 28.00 I 2135 Derry St., steam heat 2b.00 ! Inquire P. VANUKRUIO, 2119 Derry St. Or Masonic Temple, Third and State. FOR RENT—32O Broad street; 3-story brick, 11 large rooms all improvements; suitable for boarding or lodginghouse. Call 429 Broad street, or 1631 North second street. Phone 3613J-1. FOR RENT—6IB Geary street; SIB.OO per month; 8 rooms and bath; cemented 1 cellar, with hot and cold water; wide I front and back porches and balcony; granolithic steps andp avements, vesti bule, open stairway. Fine new home. Apply 660 Briggs street, or 620 Geary street. j FOR RENT—I7OB State street. Three ! story brick house, 8 rooms, bath and | pantry; cemented cellar; steam neat; front and back yards. Inquire J. VV. I ltoshon. ii North Market Square. huu.un t ult iktuN I FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, in strictly private iumily, on Hams street, near oecond Mieei, for gentle man. Address L,, 362, care of Telegrapn. FOR KENT Two nicely furnlsheu seconu iloor rooms lor light liouse- Keeping; ail conveniences; pleasant lo cation. Address uox J)'„ 1b63, care of xeiegrapn. FOR KENT Furnished rooms on second lloor front apd bacu; single or ensuite, with boaru; private luiuliy; home comtoris; itvu minutes' waiK from Capitol. Plione 818 L, Bell. FOR RENT Two large rooms, fur nished or unfurnished, With bath, ejec tric light, hot water heat, use 01 phone; uesiraoic location 011 11111; references exchanged. Call Bell phone 7»4ii. FOB KENT Furnished room, with large bay window; all conveniences; also transient roomers. Apply seconu apartment of iioHman .apartments, ritlh and Market sireels. FOR RENT Furnished front suite of large livingroom, bedroom, private bath. Also bay-window room, station ary wasnstanu, near bath, suitable for gentleman. City steam; electric lights; naru'vood iloors; reference required. 218 Pine street. ROOM FOR RENT Nicely furnlsh led; private family; all conveniences; use of bath and phone. Call pnonc 2188 W. I FOR RENT Two or three rooms; j rent, $3.00 monthly, payable in advance. Call evenings. No children. Only man anu wile or lady need apply. 311 Briggs street. TWO nicely furnished rooms, with batli, for rent; single or ensuite; well 'heated with steam heat; electric anil gas lights. Apply 7. North Thirteenth street. Bell plione 1149. FOR RENT Two nicely lurnished rooms, with all conveniences, Including use of bath and phone, electric and gas lights; desirable location. Apply 258 North street. FOR RENT Second floor rooms, nicely furnished, with or without board or suitable for light housekeeping; small, private family. Apply 45 North Sixteenth street. City. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, for light housekeeping; all con veniences; rent reasonable. Call >it 621 North Second before 6 P. M., and after . 6 P. M. 618 North Second. Bell phone. ROOMS FOR RENT Comfortably furnished; city steam; electric light and use of bath. Inquire 202 Locust street. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms, with bath, on third Iloor. 27 North Thirteenth street. FOR RENT Large front room, all conveniences, for two. 1217 Bailey street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or ensuite; all conveniences. In cluding phone; reference required. Ap ply 1015 North Front street. WANTED At 26 South Second street —roomers and boarders—home like meals and nicely furnished rooms. Apply 25 South Second street. ROOMS WANTED WANTED Three furnished rooms, with conveniences, for light housekeep ing, for a small family, centrally lo cated. Address Box A, 1867, care of Telegraph. APARTMENTS I"JK KENT FOR RENT Furnished, or unfur nished apartment, or rooms in small, private family; reference required. 212 Kcllier street. FOR RENT First floor apartment 1941 North Sixth street; also house 627 Schuylkill street. Inquire J. c. Meluing, 2439 North Sixth street, or at Drug Store, Fourth and Peffer. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH WANTED MOTION PICTURE PLAYS WANTED —We pay $50.00 each. Devote your spare time and make money. Constant demand. Send your play at once. Ad dress Motion Picture Syndicate, Box 123, City. WANTED —Old furniture, china, glassware, old books, stamps, ete. We are buyers for Boston, New York and Western collectors and will positively pay better prices than ever offered by any local collectors or dealers. Call or address Antique Shop, 1419 Sixth ctreet. Harrisburg. WANTED Second-hand sate, shelv ing. roll-top desk and office chairs. Give full particulars and price wanted. Write X., 1854, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE FOR SALE AT GABLE'S, 113, 115 and 117 South Second street, 6,000 gal lons We»v Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. AH the full line of the Acma make. FOR SALE—The greatest Bargains In the city In Men's Hats, Sweaters and Trousers and all men's furnishings. Also fine line of ladies' hosiery. Capin & Capin, 430 Market street, near sub way. RUNABOUT FOR SALE sl3O to quick buyer; electric lights; all new tires. Apply after 6 P. M. to 28 South Third street. FOR SALE Two-horse dray wagon. Apply Baughman, 310 Black berry avenue. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. SPECIAL REDUCTIONS In Leather Bags. Suit Cases. Trunks to make room lor Holiday goods. Wholesale and Re tail Leather Merchants, Specialty orders and repairing. Harrisburg Har ness and Supply Co., Second and Chest nut. # CLOSING OUT BARGAINS!!! —Cherry I parlor set, $7; "Neponset," better than ! llnoleoum, 35c; locust-chestnut fence ! posts, 15c; imported body bruosels, 65c; j best. $1; 9x12 rugs, $3; heaters, ranges, guns, etc. Yiugst, Front-Cumberland. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at tho Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE 2,500 lb. truck, in good condition. Cheap to quick buyer. Ap l ply J. D. Ferry s Garage, 125 South Cameron street. FOR SALE AT GABLE'S, 111-117 South Second street, 6,000 sets new sash, Bxlo 12 L., primed and glazed, at $1.16 per set. Also other sizes. FOR SALE Seven-passen ger touring car with electric lights, -40 horse power, in excel lent condition. Must be sold 011 account of party leaving city, rea sonable price. For further infor mation address Box 106, care of Telegraph. HORSE Small family horse for sale; safe. Price, $56. Inquire M. T. Hench, Linglestown, Pa. FINE AND COMPLETE I.INE AUTO ROBES, Steamer Rugs. Car riage Robes, Horse Blankets and Stable Blankets. Harrisburg Harness & Sup ply Company. Second and Chestnut streets. FLAGS OF ALL NATIONS. Butter flies, baseball players; 30 flags of all nations and 20 butterflies for 60 cents and 5 cents postage. Large American Hag. 12x18, 15 cents and postage 3 cents. Mitchell, 441 Broad street, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE One set (five) McCue wire wheels, slightly used, $50.00. Regular price, $l5O. For further information address P. O. Box 448, Har risburg, Pa. MAXWELL two-cylinder roadster for sale with delivery body; good run ning condition. Price, $125. Will dem onstrate. Call at Messner s Garage, 1118 James street. City. i FOR SALE Retail Cigar and To bacco Store, doing a profitable business; well located and low rental. J. E. Gip plc, 1251 Market street. FOR SALE Two heavy work horses. Inquire S. W. Shoemaker & Son, Seventh and Harris streets. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Roomi and Board and Table Board at 26c each. One of these signs will be given with each slx-tlme order for a classified ad. If paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. FOR RENT FOR RENT Automobile garage, near Eighteenth and Regina streets; electric lights and water; possession at once. Inquire Mrs. Clara Eiley, 1821 Whitehall street. FOR RENT Office in Commercial Bank Building, first floor front. Rent, $25.00 per month. Can be used ..s an office or small store room. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CONFECTIONERY STORE FOR SALE on account of ill health flrst class equipment stock in good condi tion desirable business location. Get particulars at once. lell Realty Co., Bergncr Building. I MADE $50,000 In Ave years In the mall order business, began with $6. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cocli. 365 Lockport, N. Y. ANY Intelligent rerson can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 788, Look port. N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS ABDOMINAL BELTS to order; any kind you need. Comhblnatlon Belts, with truss, lor naval rupture and float ing kidney, s. S. Appendicitis Belts for after operation. Lady attendants. Shananian's, 408 Market, Second Floor. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with bes'. material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts lusure your satisfaction. S. N. Cluck. 320 Woodbine street GENERAL UPHOLSTERING Send us your old furniture—we use best ot material —drapery work—carpet-laying. Estimates given. H. Vollmer's suc cessor, Jos. Coplinky, 1208 Vi lorth Third. Bell phone. Accordian side and knife plait ing done while you wait. Full length skirts a specialty. All work done on premises. Simms, clean ers and dyers, 33 North Second street, 802 North Third street. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary. 119 Market street. Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. HAULING H. W. LATHE. Boarding Stablr aad National Tranafer Co. Movers of f ilanos. safes, boilers and general haul ng. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2503 R. STORAGE STORAGE - 41# Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 76 cents ger month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411 road street. Both phones. STORAGE HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two new eight-story brick wa.-ehouses, one absolutely fireproof divided Into flre froof private rooms of various sizes for be storage of household goods; tho other warehouse of the most approved type of Are retardent construction for general merchandise. They are equip ped with two large electric freight ele vators and spiral chute for the qUlck and safe handling of household goods and all kinds of merchandise. Low storage rates. South Second street near Paxton, on the tracks of Penna. li. R. MONEY: TO LOAN LOANS—S6 to S2OO for nonest work- ' ing people without bank credit at leas than legal rates, payable In Instalments to BUlt borrowers 1 convenience. Cooperative Loan and Investment Co.. 204 Chestnut Street. LEGAL NOTICE WASTE PAPER FOR SALE Department of Printing ar.d Binding Harrisburg, Pa., November 19, 1911. IN accordance with the Act of As semblv approved July 19. 1913, the Superintendent of Publio Printing and Binding will receive at ills offleo, in the Capitol, at Harrisburg, Pa., at 12 o'clock, neon, on Tuesday, December 1, 1911, sealed bids for tho purchase of the , following waste paper: White and plnlc wilting paper used for Legislative bills and calendars, , white book paper used for Legislative journal. several thousand printed books, largely old department reports. All of tills paper Is printed. The con tract to be awarded to remain in force until July 1, 1915, and paper to be re moved at such times as the Supcrinten dent or Printing and Binding may di rect. The successful bidder will be re quired to remove all the waste paper at his own expense from such places in the State Capitol or the Division of Dis tribution of Documents as may be de cided by the Superintendent of Print ing and Binding. Certified check, made payable to the State Treasurer, must be deposited with the Superintendent of Printing and Binding before any waste Is removed from any of the buildings. Bids must be by the hundred pounds, the entire lot of each particular kind of paper to be sold to the highest and best bidder. Paper and books can be seen by calling on tho Superintendent of Public Printing. , A. NEVIN POMEROY, Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding. IN ME OPENING AND GRADING OF WICONISCO STREET, FROM FRONT STREET TO SIXTH STREET, HAR RISBURG. DAUPHIN COUNTV, PA. NOTICE is hereby given that the un dersigned Viewers appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County to ascertain and assess dam ages and benefits which have accrued •by reason of tho improvement afore said, will meet upon the line of the im- ) provement and view the same and the premises affected thereby on Monday, the 7th day of December, 1914, at 10 o'clock A. M., when and where all par ties In Interest may attend personally or by counsel. If they see tit. And the undersigned Viewers will hold an ad journed meeting in the Council Cham ber. Ip the Court House, at Harrisburg, 011 the next succeeding' day (legal holi days and Sundays excepted) at 10 o'clock A. M.. and continue the hear ings until all parties in interest who may attend shall have had an oppor tunity to be fully heard. JAMES D. SALTSMAN. HARRY FAHNESTOCK, PAUL G. SMITH, Viewers. MY WIFE, Mrs. E. A. Richter, 338 Hamilton Btreet, having left my bed and board without just cause, 1 hereby notify all persons not to harbor nor trust her on my account, as I will not pay any debts contracted by her. EDW. R. RICHTER. TO THE CREDITORS OK THE PLEAS AUTVIIJ.E WATER COMPANY! IN pursuance of an order of the Court of Chancery of the State of New Jer sey. made on the day of the date here of. In a cause wherein John J. Albert son, et als., are complainants, and Pleasantviile Water Company is de fendant, notice is hereby given to the creditors of said company to present to Charles S. Moore, the receiver of said company, at Ills office. No. 1512 Atlan tic Avenue, in the City of Atlantic City, County of Atlantic and State of New Jersey, their several claims and de mands against said company, duly veri fied under oath or affirmation, within two months from the date hereof, or they will be excluded from the benefit of such dividends as may hereafter be made and declared by said Court from the assets of said company. CHARLES S.| MOORE. Receiver of Pleasantviile Water Com pany. JAMES and MALCOLM G. BUCHANAN, No. 26 West State St., Trenton, N. J., and NFLSON B. GASKILL, vßroad Street Bank Building. Trenton. N. J. Attorneys. November 21, 1914. GERMAN REGIMENT SURREN DERS By Associated Press Paris, Nov. 24, 4:05 a. m.—The cor respondent at Petrograd of the "Ma tin," says: "The Russions, after hav ing checked the German offensive on the Plock-Leczyen front gained on that side a brilliant decisive victory. The enemy, 'who had heavy losses, is flying with all speed toward the Ger man frontier. An entire German regi ment surrendered to the victors." A CLIENT Has ordered the Immediate sale of a choice cheap property—facing trolley. Main street. Hlghsplre, and has placed a decided bargain price on same, 8- rooni house, summer kitchen. Plot 4 4 ft. front, 200 ft. deep. Plenty of fruit, good garden spot. Property will prove a prompt renter house, can be re modeled to double property and will prove a saft and profitable Investment. Terms can be arranged. Price. .. gisoo A REAL BARGAIN Suburban Property Just Completed. Modern 3-story, 8-rooni combination brick and frame dwelling; location 1904 Lennox streot, addition to Cloverly, one square from trolley. A snap for quick buyer 3-<IOO WANTED—REAL ESTATE If you want real estate you don't have, and have real estate you don't want that you can offer at an attrac tive bargain price, wo can supply your wants and sell your property. Posi tively no charges unless deal Is made. Have client for good farm, either in Dauphin or Cumberland counties. Tke Young House and Home Company Everything In llenl Estate Trmlerin" lleailqtiarterx Hell IMione 71.1-J. 20 NORTH THIRD STREET Uarrtsfcurg, Pa. NOVEMBER 24, 1914. EDGAR V, LEEDS IS ON ADVISORY BOARD Reading Relief Department Offi cials Announce Result of the Annual Election Today One Ilarrlsburger, Edgar V. Leeds, employed at Rutherford, has been elect ed a member of the advisory board, of the Philadelphia and Reading Railway Company Relief Department. The bal loting started November 12. The new board includes: Division No. 1. Read ing division, L. K. Morris, passenger trainmaster, Reading; division No. 2. shipping department. Horace Smith, lumber Inspector, Reading; division No. 3, motive power department, Harry H. Wilson, Reading; division No. 4. gen eral office. Charles E. Dilkes, Jr., Phila delphia; division No. 5, Atlantic City Railroad, Frederick B. E. Tompkins, Camden, N. J.; division No. 6. New York division, Samuel J. Logan, Olney; divi sion No. 7, Shamokin division, George Heebner; division No. 8, Harrisburg di vision, Edgar V. Leeds, Rutherford; di vision No. 9, Wilmington and Colum bia division. Harry C. Hunslcker, Coatesville; division No. 10, Philadel phia division. John G. Wormlck. Edgar V. Leeds is a brakeman em ployed at Rutherford. He resides at 11 South Fifteenth street, and was formerly employed at Steelton, where for a number of years Mr. Leeds' father 1 was freight and passenger agent for the Reading. WILL IIOXOH MILEAGE BOOKS By Associated Press Washington, Nov. 24. —Notice given by the New York Central Lines that mileage books sold before October 1, when the rate was raised, from two cents a mile to two and a quarter, would not be honored for passage, has been withdrawn. Although the rail road proposed to redeem the unused portions of such books, the Interstate Commerce Commission suspended its regulation holding it was a viola tion of the contract of purchase. To day the railroad withdrew the regu lation and the commission vacated its order of suspension. Standing of the Crews llAltlilSlll HG SIDE riilln<lel|>hifi Dlvlnloa —lo3 crew first to go after 3:30 p. m.: 121, 113, 111, 109, 117. 120. Engineer for 117. Firemen for 109. 111. Conductors for 109, 113, 117, 119. Flagman for 105. Brakemen for 109 (two), 112, 117. Engineers up: Crisswell, Keane, Gal lagher, Powell, Earhart, McCauley, Ten nant, Blssinger, Brubaker, Sober, Sel lers, Reisinger, Supplee, Brooke, Hap persett, Young, McQowan, Hogentog ler, Hindman, Newcomer, Ilenneeke. Firemen up: Behman, Balsbaugh, Mulliolm. Moffatt. Dunlevy. Chronlster, Horgan, Collier, Bushey, Myers, Swank, Miller, Robinson, Davidson, Wagner, Gelslnger, Bleich, Carr, McCtirdy, Houser, Dlbhart, Koclienour, Wilson, Kreider, Nissley. Conductor up: Ford. Brakemen up: Gouse. Ilivner, Fergu son, Brownawell, Griffle, Mumina, Wi land, Knupp, Herron, Riley, Allen. Bal toier. Middle Division —2s crew first to go after 12:30 p. 111.: 22, 20, 18, 24, 23. Preference: 3, 4. Laid off: 21, 16. 19. 17. Engineer for 25, 3. Fireman for 3. Conductor for 18. Engineer up: Webster, Free. Kugler, Havens, Wlssler. Smith, Garman. Firemen up: Reeder, Pottiger, Davis, Gross. Karstetter, Look, Zeldors, Wright. Sheesley, Fletcher, Drewett, Scflhreffler, Weibley, Buyer, Llbau, Thomas. Conductors up: Paul, Gantt, Huber, Byrnes. Flagmen up: Miller, Mumina. Brakemen up: Reese. Schoffstall, Kolili, Nearhood, Myers, Peters, Stalil, Troy, Spkhr, Plpp, Matliias, McHenry, Frank. Fleck, Kieffer. Kane, Baker, Werner, Wenrick, Kllgore, Kerwin, Putt, Bolan, liipp, Bickert. Yard Crew* —To go after 4 p. m.: Engineers for 213, 1820. Firemen for 306. 1171, 185 C, 1820. Engineers up: Swab, Harvey, Salts man. Kuhn, Snyder, Pelton, Shaver, Landls, Hoyler, Hohenshelt. Brenne man, Thomas. Rudy, Houser, Meals, Htnli 1. Firemen up: Bell, Bartolet. Getty, Hart. Barkey. Sheets, Balr. Eyde, Es sig, Ney, Myers. Boyle, Shipley, Revie, Ulsh. Bostdorf, Schiefer, Rauch, Weigle, Lackey, Cookerley, Maeyer, Sliolter. EXOI,A SIDE Philadelphia Dlvlalon— 246 crew first to go after 3:45 p. m.: 248, 205, 232, 222, 247. Fireman for 248. Flafman for 32. Brakemen for 9, 32. 43, 47. Conductors up: Keller, Walton. For Flagman up: Peck. ~ _ , Brakemen up: Taylor, Carroll, Deck er, Rice. Boyd. Shuler, Sumray, Malseed, Myers, Stlmeling. Deets. Middle Division —lo6 crew first to go after 2:65 p. m.: 120. 107. 116. 104. 112, 114, 115. 103. 118, 105, 102, 110. Laid off: 109. Engineers for 106, 105, 102. Fireman for 120. Conductors for 10i, 110. Fla"-nen for 114. 115. Brakemen for 120, 116, 118, 102. THE READING Ilnrrlshnrtr Dlvlalon— G crew first to go after 1:15 p. m.: 9. 22. -1, 17, 18, 5, 7. 8, 2. 19, 3. 1, 24. 20, 23, 12. East-bound, after 1:15 p. m.: 69, 57, ' 1 Engineers up: Kettner. Bruaw, Pletz, Sassaman, Crawford,' Wood, Tipton, Wireman. Riehwlne. Firemen up: Sullivan. Corl. Anders, Strieker, Snader. Lex. Kelly, Palm, Howell, Blngaman, Dowhower, Dob- W Brakemen up: Ensminger, Creager, McHenry, Resch, Heckman. Miles, Painter. Hoover. Shader, COOK, Yoder, Harts, Smaling, Taylor 1 Conductors up: Glnglier. Hilton. GERMANS NOT SEEKING PEACE 1 Cologne Gazette Says British arc Spreading Reports Berlin, Nov. 23. via London, Nov. 24. 3.30 A. M.— The Cologne Gazette declares that the reports of a German 1 desire for peace, which, it says, are being inspired by the British, belong : to the "region of higher political 1 idiocy." "Tho position of the Germans, neither In the east nor the west," It 1 continues, "is critical. The German military undertakings on all the bat tlefields are progressing favorably. Neither the military nor the political situation contain any reason which miKht make Germany desirous to con -1 elude peace." FIRE IX DEPARTMENT STORE fly Associated Press Pittsburgh, Pa., Nov. 24. —Fire starting in the basement of the J. Denny O'Neil department store in Mc- Keesport, near here, early to-day de stroyed the O'Neil building and two other structures with a loss of $150,- iooo. Morgenthau Demands on Explanation From Turkey AMBASSADOR MORGENTHAU Henry Morgenthau, United States Ambassador to Turkey, acting under instructions from Washington, lias de manded the Porte to explain the ac tion of the Turkish gunners at Smyr na in firing on a launch of the United States cruiser Tennessee. THE MARKETS PHILADELPHIA PItODUCB By Associated Press Philadelphia, Nov. 24. Wheat —• Steady; No. 2, red, spot, export, $1.14©) 1.17: No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export, $1.25% ® 1.28%. Corn—Steady: No. 2, yellow, local, S2@S2%o Oats—Steady; No. 2, white, 54 1 / &@ssc. Bran Firm; winter, per ton, 126.00®27.00; spring, per ton, $25.50© 26.00. Refined Sugars Market steady; powdered, 5.200; tine granulated, 6.10 c; confectioners' A, 5.00 c. Putter The market is lirm; western, creamery, extra, 35c; nearby prints, fancy, 38c. Eggs The market is firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, SIO.BO per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $9.90(0)10.20 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases. SIO.BO per case; llrsts, free cases, $9.90 010.20. Live Poultry Firm; fowls, 14(g) 16c; lod roosters, ll®12c; chickens, 13 ®l6c; turkeys, 18®20c; ducks, 14®15c; geese, 14® 15c. Dressed Poultry Firm; fowls, western, fancy, heavy, 19®20c; do., fair to good, heavy, 17®l#c: average receipts. 15®18c; sfnall, 13© 14c; old roosters, 14':; roasting chickens, western, 15@20c; broiling chickens, nearby, 16®2"--. do., western. 12® 17c; capons, large. 23®25c: do., small. 18®20c; tM-kcyS, fUric?, spring, 24@25c; average receipts, 22®23c; ducks, ll@18c; geese, ll®lflc. Flour—The market is steady; winter, clear, $3.85©4.10; straights, Pennsyl vania. new, $5.00®5.25; spring straights $5.35®5.60; do., patents, $5.78®b.50; western, $4.25®4.40; patents. $4.6u4P 4.75; Kansas straight. Jute sacks, $4.15 ®4.30; spring, firsts, clear, $4.00®4.20; straights. $4.20®4.30; patents, $4,350 4.60. Ilay Tho market is steady; tim othy, No. 1, large bales, $18.50® 19.00; No. 1, medium bales, $18.50® 19.00; No. 2, do., $16.50® 17.50; No. 3, do., $14.50® 15.50; no grades, $ll.OO @ $13.00. Clover mixed hay. Light mixed, slß.oo® 18.50; No. 1, do.. $17.00017.50; No. 2, do., $14.50© 16.00. Potatoes Market weak; Penn sylvania, per bushel, 58®62c; New York, per bushel, 40@50c; Jersey, per basket, 35® 40c. CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., Nov. 24. Hogs Re ceipts. 25,000; weak. Bulk of sales, $7.30 ©7.50; light, $6.90©7.50; mixed, $7.15© 7.65; heavy, $7.00©7.60; rough, $7.00© 7.15; pigs, $4.50®6.75. Cattle Receipts, 4,000; slow. Beeves, ss.7sffi 10.50; steers, $5.40®!'.00; cows and heifers, $3.60©9.20; calves, $8.25®11.50. Sheep Receipts, 18,000; weak. Sheep, $5.40©6.10; yearlings, $6.35©7.60; lambs. $6.50® 9.00. 1 > PUBLIC SALE OK VALUABLE ItEAL. ESTATE The undersigned Administrator of the estate of SILAS LAIRD, Lewis berry, York Co., Pa., deceased, will offer at public sale, on the premises in Falrview township, about one milo south of Lewisberry, Pa., ort the road leading from Lewisberry to Pinetown, 011 Saturday November 28, 1914; sale, 1 o'clock p. m., the following real estate to wit: Tract No. I—Farm containing 117 acres and 142 porches of good iron stone land, well adapted to the rais ing of all kinds of fruits or any other kind of agricultural work; having erected thereon a good frame house, frame bank barn and othur outbuildings. A spring of never failing water near the house. Apple orchard and other fruit trees on the premises. About 17 acres of thld tract is good tlmberland Tract No. 2—Choice tlmberland. containing 16 acres and 146 perches; mostly oak, some chestnut and hick ory, the oak measuring 10 to 18 in ches in diameter. Bell iihone UN, Merlinnlcalmrjc, I>n. Parties Interested address JOHN A. KM.MOKE. Administrator. No. 7.1 West Main St., Mrchunlcsbiirg, Pa. , \ Headquarter* for TOOL MAKING ANB JOBBING fßcll Plione 2170 J B. C. Murray 5 North 10th Street MONEY FOR SALARIED PKOPubJ ' and others upon their own names. 1 Cheap rates, easy payments, conflden -1 tlal. 1 Adams A Co., 11. 304, 8 N, Market Ba. . jflJ SEALS & STENCILS |IV : fIwMFG.BYHBG.STENCILWORKS" |g I II 130 LOCUST ST. HBG, PA. 10 MONEY Employees Discount Co. 36 North Third Street THE Harrtsburg Polyclinic Dlspen , nary will be open dally, except Sunday. at 3 P. M„ at Us new location, 1701 ■ North Second street, for the free treat ment of the worthy poor. 11
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