| Many a- Golden Nugget Is Bidden In the Telegraph Classified Ads. LOST LOST OK STOLEN' email, loose leaf note-book, of no value to any per son but Booth No. 52, Industrial Exhi bition. Chestnut Street Hall. Reward If returned, and no questions asked. LOST, OR STRAYED On Friday morning, large Maltese cat. Name ana address on collar. Reward If returned to 214 Herr street. STOLEN BICYCLE VICTIMS PLEASE REPORT all your stolen wheels to us and we will render our service In helping you get your wheels By making inquiry at the Mayor's you can see of the many arrests caused by our services along this line. Keystone Cycle Co.. 814 North Third street. United phone 19W. LOST Fox Terrier; answers to name "Pat;" white, marked with big black spots; six months old. Reward for return or information leading to Ills whereabouts. Robert F. Gorman, 1537 Park street. FOUND FOUND At Gordon Bros., 1543 Walnut street. Armour's Silverchurn and Swift's Premium Oleomargarine. 5 lbs. for $1.10; Empire Oleomargarine, 5 lbs. for 98c;; well known qualities. Bell phone 1331 J. FOUND Don't go any further, for tho right place is at Egbert's Steam Dyeing & French Cleaning Works, 1245 Market street. We deliver and call promptly. Both phones. HELP WAMI D —Male WANTED Young, married men, be tween the age of 27 and 40 years, for wagon tea and coffee salesmen; guar anteed salary and commission; grocery, laundry and bakery drivers preferred; must be able to furnish best of refer ence and bond. Jewel Tea Co., 269 Broad street. CONCRETE FORM CARPENTER WANTED on Mlddletown bridge. Ap plv Ferro Concrete Co., Calder Building, City. __ WANTED—Men. 1,000 positions open. Learn the Barber Trade. Only seven weeks required. New system. Diploma. Costello & Wise, Barber School, 2 lilv ington street, New York. PAPERH ANGERS WANTED Can use none but lirst-class mechanics for all-winter work. H. A. Bodmer. 813 North Third street. WE have an opening for a wide awake, aggressive young man as col lector; experience not essential as a de termination to make good; salary; bond required. Address M., 1859, care of Telegraph. WANTED White chef. Call Satur day or Monday, Hershey Cafe. Hershey, Pa. GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS Thorough instruction. $5. Returned if not appointed. Particulars free. Amerl can Civil Service School, Washington, P. C. MAN to give away premiums to ad vertise Rogers 20-year silverware; $52 monthly; also commission. A. A. Cllne, Advertising Manager, 285 Rogers Build ing. Philadelphia. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to get. My free booklet Y-372 tells how. Write to-day—NOW. Earl Hopkins, Washington, D. C. I WILL. PAY honest men up to SSO monthly. Spare time. Home work. No canvassing. No capital. Mail order business. Voorhies, Desk 100, Omaha. Neb. $2,500 ANNUALLY. Co-operate with nie evenings at home. Everything fur nished. Don't worry about capital. Boyd H. Brown. Omaha. Neb. j MONTHLY and expenses to ■ el. distribute samples and oill rs, or appoint agents; permanent. Jap-American Co., Chicago. $n TO $lO A DAY easily made. Co operate with us. No capital or experi ence necessary. Write at once. Mail Order Supply. 145 Madison street, Brooklyn. N. Y. WANTED Man to sell trees, shrubs, roses, berry bjishes. Perma nent. Brown Bros. Nurseries. Boclies ter, N. Y. ARMY OF UNITED STATES. MEN WANTED. Ablebodied, unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. !• or Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building. 3d & Market Sts.. Harrisburg; 48 N. Queen St.. Lancaster; 353 Pine St.. Williamsport. or 37 W. Market St.. York, Pa. I WILL START YOU earning $4 daily at home, silvering mirrors. Send for free instructive booklet, giving plans of operation. G. F. Redmond, Dept. 268, Boston. Mass. YOUNG MEN—Become Railway Mall Clerks; Harrisburg mail carriers, $65.00 to $l5O month. Pull unnecessary. Sam ple examination questions free. Write Franklin Institute. Dept. 361 T, Ro chester. N. Y. WANTED Young men who wish to become practical or mechanical chauf feurs, to call or write us at once. Open day and night. Auto Transportation Repair Shop and School, 5 North Cam eron street. Bell phone 1710. WANTED Railway mall and postal clerks; examinations soon; over two thousand appointments yearly: prepare at home: write for Plan No. 15 of pay ment after appointment. Philadelphia Business College, Civil Service Dept., Philadelphia, Pa. HELP WANTED—MuIe and Female SONG POEMS WANTED. We will compose music and arrange for publica tion immediately. Dugdale Co. Studio, 492 Washington, D. C. BOYS AND GIRLS Boys get a real Wireless Telegraph Outfit. Girls get a handsome Gold Bracelet. Sell only seven 25c articles. Hargor Co.. P. O. Box 3"9. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED for article which no housewife can resist. Sells at al most every home. The Hudson Novelty Co.. Fort Edward. N. Y. AGENTS Listen, we have what vou want. It's a fast seller and easily demonstrated. Write for particulars. National Specialty Co., Box 1510, Wash ington. D. C. t \ FOR SAIiE N. Front St. Ground 100 Feet Front This plot is just one hundred feet south of the southeast corner fk f Front and Emerald streets. It is one of the choicest building lots on the market at any price. Any person acquainted with River Front ground knows the de sirability of this plot. The Susquehanna River view Is one of the most beautiful In the world. Your opportunity to secure this ground Is NOW. Miller Bros. & Neefe lIKAL ESTATE Fire Insurance Surety Bond* l,o«-n»« ad Court Streets SATURDAY EVENING, AGENTS WANTED BIG Kansas Company wants you to co-operate with them evenings at home; make $3,000 and more yearly; no canvassing; no experience; fast grow ing business: we furnish everything; write for unique selling plan. FREE. C. W. Eyestone, 88 East Fifth, Pitts burg, Kan. AGENTS Snappiest household lino on earth. Red Hot sellers. Steady re peaters. Over 130 different articles. Goods guaranteed 100 per cent, profit. Write quick. Hurry. E. M. Feltraan, Sales Manager, 1525 Third street, Cin cinnati, Ohio. NEW 25c Kitchen Necessity; saves $1 monthly; every woman wants it; make $7 dally; exclusive territory. Duplex Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich. AGENTS A life wire can make S6O per week selling our unbreakable gas mantles. Quick sales, big profits. Write quick. The Honry-Earle Co.. 72 Dodge Power Building, Detroit, Michigan. WRITE for sample Holladay's new water-proof shoe polish; all colors; re tails 10c and 25c. 100 per cent, profit. Quick sales. Holladay, 258 West Thir tieth street. New York. AGENTS Salesmen, we have the specialty you want. No experience re quired. Write for particulars. Varyß, Swartz Specialty Co., 2826 South Cen tral Park avenue., Chicago, 111. AGENTS Men and women, our specialty is a winner. Experience not required. For particulars write The American Merchandise Co., R-7, Box 18, Lancaster, Pa. A BONANZA FOR AGENTS Some thing new; every home buys from one to six. Practically sells Itself. No talking required; 300 per cent, profit. Worth $5.00 per day to hustlers. An excellent leader for mall order houses. Particulars, testimonials and novel selling plan free. Sample, 25 cents. Economy Sales Co., Washington. D. C. AGENTS lf you want to control territory on an article without compe tition. selling to everybody using knives and scissors—write us at once. We are introducing Kwlcksharp. the only machine made that anybody can properly sharpen knives and scissors with. Absolutely no experience needed. Field for sale enormous. Price low. Your profit large. Investigate. Speng ler-Loomis J|'g. Co., 30 East Randolph street, Chicago, 111. SALESMEN' WANTED SALESMAN who will appreciate op portunity and will hold firm's confi dence by efficient service. Cleveland Core Compound Co., Cleveland. . I EXPERIENCED, capable salesman to travel for old-established house with line that sells to practically all classes of merchants. High commissions, with weekly advance, to right man. D. AY. Barrows. Detroit, Michigan. WANTED. AT ONCE Salesman, this territory, $125.00 monthly or com mission. to sell our line. Experience not essential. National Sign Mfg. Co., Dubuque, lowa. SALESMEN 'WANTED Experience unnecessary, easy work, big pay. Write for large list of openings offer ing- opportunities to earn SIOO to SSOO a month while you learn. Address nearest office. Dept. 244, National Sales men's Training' Association, Chicago, New York, Kansas City, San Francisco. WANTED Salesman to sell our line of Temperance Drinks in small country towns. 25 per cent, commission and $35.00 weekly drawing account. Red Cross Company, St. Louis, Mo.. Dept. G. lit LP WANTKI)—Female WANTED—GirIs 16 years of; age and over. Apply Harrisburg j Cigar Company, 500 Race St. DO you want another $2 'dally? No experience, constant spare time work, knitting hosiery; machines furnished on contract; we take product Helping Hand Stores (Inc.), Dept. 855, Chicago. TOADIES and girls to color post cards and pictures at home, profitable work, whole or spare time. Apply at once. Packer-Ward, Forrest Building, Phila delphia. WANTED Men to sell ornamental stock in towns. Good Seed line. Start at once. Herrick Seed Company, Ro chester, N. Y. t LADIES Earn neat Income, all or spare time, at home, making plain aprons. Dime for beginner's outfit. W. Sargent. Salamanca, N. Y. LADIES—SI.2O dozen making aprons; fascinating home business; parcel post any distance. Stamped envelope for particulars. Cornwall Supply House, Providence, R. I. WANTED Girl to assist in grocery store; one experienced; give reference. Address R., 1864, care of Telegraph. WANTED An assistant cook, by the Hershey Y. W. C. A. Good referen ces required. Apply In person. —— l FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. $25 to SSO Ber week. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich 'rug Co., Dept. 679, Omaha. Neb. "WANTED, AT ONCE Mature, cated woman, best character and influ ence. Inclined toward helping the sick, for well-paying commercial position. Box J., 1862, care of Telegraph. WORK'S DHRMMAKINU SCHOOL Teaches perfect fitting. You cut all | patterns by measure. You cut, fit and make the entire garment. You can not learn dressmaking right any other way. | Mnke all your Fall and Winter dresses while learning. Night and Day classes. Get terms and information. W. A. Work, 22 North Fourth street —— mmmmm —— SITUATION WANTED—M*Io WANTED Young man (26), honest, reliable, wishes position with good firm, or delivery wagon driver; understands horses; good references. Address A., 1565, care of Telegraph. WANTED By colored man, work as janitor or any kind of work; refer ences. 922 South Second street, Steel ton. WANTED By colored man, posi tion as cook or housework; references. i>22 South Second street, Steelton. > WANTED By colored man, experi enced. work on farm. 922 South Second sy-eet. Steelton, Pa. WANTED—First-class barber wants work for Saturday or steady position. Call, or address. 927 Grand street. WANTED Experienced steno grapher would like position; can do office work; young man, 18 years; Is at present employed: can furnish refer ences. Address Box No. 148, Dauphin, Pa. WANTED Young colored man wants position of any kind. Call, or address. 110 South Fourth street. WANTED Younf man. who must give up college for family financial rea | sons, desires an opportunity to learn some line of business. Apply A. T. K„ 121 South street. WANTED Married man wishes I outdoor work of any kind; has had three years' experience as salesman; best reference. Address 8. W., care of Telegraph. WANTED Experienced grocery clerk wants employment; good refer j ence. Address A., 1868. care of Tele graph. I WANTED Man wants position as i houseman or waiter. Apply 116% Lib erty street MIL.AiIo.N* UAVTKb—female WANTED Young woman desires position as housekeeper, or general housework; can furnish reference. Ad dress 1842 North Seventh street. WANTED Day's work or cleaning offices. Call 1212 Apple avenue. WANTED Place to keep house for widower; no objections to children; can furnish reference. Phone Bell 1194 J. WANTED —By an honest colored woman, place as first-class cook, or pastry cooking, or housework without washing. Call, or write, 419 State street. WANTED Young widow desires position as housekeeper. Address K., 1861, care of Telegraph. WANTED White, married woman would like washing or Ironing by the day. Call 2966J Bell phone, or address 1926 North Seventh street. WANTED Colored girl wants gen eral housework. Call, or address, 907 Sarah avenue. ' WANTED By girl, place to do plain cooking. 1408 Marion street. WANTED Young white woman de sires general housework or day's work. Call, or address, 1007 Capital street. WANTED By widow, bundle wash to do at home; will call and deliver It. Margaret Setterman. 1116 Montgomery street. WANTED Woman 38 years of age desires position as nurse to Invalid; wages. $30.00 monthly. Address 1950 Swatara street, WANTED Colored girl desires po sition as cook. Call, or address, Lizzie Alexander, 409 Fifth street. WANTED Stenographer and typist wishes position; can furnish best of reference. Address Box 0., 1562, care of Telegraph. WANTED Position by colored wo man, general housework or day's work. Apply 116% Liberty street. WANTED A capable and expert-' enced young woman of settled and re fined disposition, desires to secure po sition as nurse for invalid or child. Ad dress K., 1853, care of Telegraph. WANTED White g!rl would like position to do general housework in apartment, or hotel work. Apply 109 Broad street, City. WANTED Stenographer, with one year's experience, wants position. Ap ply E„ 1855, care of Telegraph. Situations' Wanted .Male nntt Female WANTED Young colored man and wife wish place together in private family; handy at most anything. Ad dress A. E., care of Telegraph, or call 3346R, Bell phone, City. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALIC Good farm. 125 acres; land level and fertile; new bank barn; house good as new; spring water in the yard; barn and house up and down stairs; located along public road. 12 miles from Harrisburg, 1 Vi miles from river and station. Price $32 per acre. Terms easy. Address W. Etzwiler, Box 249, Penbrook, Pa. REAL BARGAIN 1350 North 3- story frame; all improvements; new roof; newly painted; 10 rooms; bath. Price, $2,050 slsO cash. Irwin M. t'assell, 1444 Regina, Real Estate and Insurance. FOR SALE On Market St., Camp Hill, near Bowman Ave. frame 6 rooms. Lot, 37x200. Price, $1,750.#0. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE l4l-Acre Fruit Farm — frame buildings l2 miles from Har risburg 3,000 fruit trees some of which will bear next season railroad station on property. Brinton-Packer Co.. Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE Farm, six acres, three miles from New Kingston, Cumberland county. $850.00. Will consider ford Touring part trade. Immediate pos session. Good buildings. G. Martz, Twentieth and Paxton streets, Harris burg. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE In Dau phin; 8 rooms with lot 95x123, price, $1,200. Make an offer on 1813 Briggs street, 7 rooms and bath, furnace, lot, 25x110. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thir teenth street. HOSE MONTE (40) acres ($3,200) new buildings terms ($1,000) cash ($800) March (rest) easy payments. Buildings all painted— Home with large porches, glass doors, large pane windows and metal roof. (Bank Barn) and outbuildings painted red and white, Grand Location facing State road between markets of (24,000) people. (400) feet opposite Philadel phia & Reading Railroad, Milton to Danville. Loam soli, tine meadow and creeks. Opportunity for chicken busi ness. (Money maker). GREEN K WOOD (220) Acres ($3,900) Buildings like (new) and painted. Fine stone spring house, glass front, chicken and hog houses, new roof, bank barn with (new) tight boarded stock yard, (40) acres woodland valued ($1,600) and (2) peach orchards ($1,000). Thirty foot long front porch newly painted (white home) and buildings valued ($3,500). Valuable meadow and creek fed by *5) springs. (Half mile) to trolley anil (mile) to city limits (14,000) people markets (3) times weekly. MKADOWnOME (80) Acres ($3,000) terms ($500) cash ($1,000) more ' March, balance (easy payments), all straw (hay) and corn fodder after April. Large (apple) orchard, fine meadow and creek oppo site painted home, with (telephone) mail delivered, school and church Just across main road to (2) good markets and (2) mile to lime kiln. bank barn, straw, wagon, hog and poultry houses. Handy to good neighbors in fine location. No one to help reason for sale at a (bargain). GEO. B. OSTRANDER, Danville Phone Hours Sunbury 7 to 8 morning and evening. ' HAVE you S4OO that you will pay for a brick house on Jefferson street 8 rooms all Improvements drive alley on rear balance monthly as rent? Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing. WHAT la your offer for property at No. 1139 Derry street? All improve ments near business section lot, 20x120. Price right. Estate must bo settled. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing. CORNER PROPERTY. No. 599 South Front street 8 rooms bath fur nace - porches lot, 18x80. A well built property —Interior In good condi tion. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing. REAL ESTATE FOB RENT FOR REST No. 1628 Reglna St 25.00 No. 1821 Market St 26.00 No. 636 S. Seventeenth St 20.00 1418 BerryhUl St. 20.00 18 Honey St. 12.00 Apartment 27.00 2170 Brookwood 14.00 3. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market Street. FOR RENT 1521 Vernon street: 2H-«tory brick; 6 rooms; rent. $14.00 per month. E. A. Heffelflnger, East End Bank. FOR RENT No. 1903 North Third street; 8-room house; bath and gas. Rent, fifteen dollars per muntlL Pos session December 1. Call at No. 1129 North Sixth street. HARRISBURG t££S&g TELEGRAPH REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT 2217 Atlas avenue, $16.00; 2014 Green street, $24.00; 650 Emerald street. S2O; 1633 Third street. $18.00; house In Penbrook. $12.00; llaln ton, $9.00. D. E. Brightbll 1, 2 North Court street. FOR RENT No. 112 North Eigh teenth street, combination lighting, all improvements, $20.00; No. 1632 Derry, $25.00; 2807 Camby, Penbrook, all im provements. $15.00; No. 1805 Berryhtll, $15.00. A. W. Swengei, 219 South Thir teenth street. FOll KENT—NEW HOUSES 2131 Derry St., steam heat $23.00 213;< Derry St., steam heat 28.00 2135 Derry St.. steam heat 28.U0 Inquire P. VANDERLOO, 2119 Derry St. Or Masonic Temple, Third and State. FOR RENT Eight-room brick house, with Improvements. 1J29 Park street, city. Kental, S2O per month. Apply James Brlcker, New Cumberland, Pa., R. F. D. FOR RENT—.32O Broad street; 3-story brick, 11 large rooms all improvements; suitaole for boarding or lodginghouse. Call 429 Broad street, or 1631 North Second street. Phone 3613J-I. FOR RENT 72 North Seventeenth street; corner property; S rooms and bath; gas and electric lights; furnace; rental, $28.00. 11. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. FOR RENT 1443 Berryhlll; 9 rooms and bath; reception hall; all up-to-date improvements; front lawn and terrace; front and rear porches; newly papered. $22.50 per month. John H. Maloney, Real Estate and Gen eral Insurance, No. 1619 Green street. FOR RENT Store room, dwelling and stable, fitted with steam heat. J.indemuth s Grocery stand for years, at 235 Crescent street. Apply J. M. Hat ton. 320 Crescent street. FOR RENT A large stable in good condition; in the rear of No. 1013 South Twenty-tirst street. Inquire of 1. P. Bowman, 36 North Third street. FOR RENT New brick houses, with steam heat, all modern conveniences, SIB.OO per month. Nos. 2015 and 2017 Swatara street. Inquire of I. P. Bow man, 36 North Third street. FOR RENT House 608 Muench street; all conveniences; rent, S2O a month; possession at once. Inquire 1301 North Second street. FOR RENT—I7OB State street. Three story brick house, 8 rooms, bath and pantry; cemented cellar; steam heat; front and back yards. Inquire J. W. Roshon, 8 North Market Square. ROOAIa lOK KliM FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, in strictly private lamlly, on Harris street, near Second street, for gentle man. Artdress !„., 362, care of Telegraph. j FOR RENT Two nicely furnished second floor rooms for light house keeping; ail conveniences; y.easam lo cation. Address Box lO6U, care of '1 elegraph. FOR RENT Furnished rooms on second floor front and back; single or ensuite. with board; private tamily; home comforts; two minutes* walk from Capitol. Phone 818 L. Bell. FOK RENT Two largo rooms, fur nished or unfurnished, with bath, elec tric: light, hot water heat, use of phone; desirable location on Hill; references exchanged. Call Bell phone 784 R. FOR RENT - Three rooms, complete ly furnished "for light housekeeping; all conveniences; rent reasonable; ret erencea exchanged. 340 South Six teenth street. FOK RENT Two furnished and two unfurnished rooms, with board; ail conveniences, Including steam heat. Address 1304 North Third street. FOR RENT Furnished room, with large bay window; all conveniences; also transient roomers. Apply second apartment of Hoffman Apartments, Fifth and Market streets. FOR RENT Furnished front suite of large iivingroom, bedroom, private bath. Also bay-window room, station ary washstanu, near bath, suitable for gentleman. City steam; electric lights; hardwood floors; reference requireu. 218 Pine street. ROOM FOR RENT Second floor front room, adjoining bath; large and well furnished with all conveniences; very desirable; in private family; rent reasonable. Apply, or address Rooms, 215 Briggs street. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, for light housekeeping, with all im provements. 458 Cumberland street. FOR — Four unfurnished rooms, secinid floor, for light house keeping; gas and coal range; cup boards; sink; hot and cold water; steam heated; use of bath. Call at 333 South Sixteenth. ROOM FOR RENT Nicely furnish ed ; private family; all conveniences; use of bath and phone. Call phono 2188 W. FOR RENT Two or three rooms; rent, $3.00 monthly, payable In advance. Call evenings. No children. Only man and wife or lady need apply. 311 Briggs street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or ensulte; all conveniences. In cluding phone; reference required. Ap ply 1015 North Front street. WANTED At 25 South Second street —roomers and boarders—home like meals and nicely furnished rooms. Apply 25 South Second street X XFURNISHED ROOMS UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping, with and without kitchenettes: all rooms strictly private, nicely papered, stoves furnish ed free, laundry, phone and bathroom privileges; basement lockers for sur plus lurniture. Inquire office 429 Broad street, or Janitress, Room 6, same building. APARTMENTS FOK KKTfT FOR RENT Furnished, or unfur- v nished apartment, or rooms In small, private family; reference required. 212 Kelker street. FOR RENT First floor apartment 1941 North Sixth street; also house 627 Schuylkill street. Inquire J. C. Mehrlng, 2139 North Sixth street, or at Drug Store. Fourth and PefTer. APARTMENT FOR RENT Five rooms, bath, storage closet, steam heat and all improvements. Apply to 1409 Market street. FLAT FOR RENT 5 rooms and bath; steam heat; hot water; station ary wash tubs an.l gas range. Apply B. Handler Furniture Store, 1212 North Third street. FOR RENT An apartment, four rooms and bath, all conveniences, lo cated Sixth and Harris. Apply to L. Sllbert, 1542 North Sixth street. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOUR desirable apartments at Nos. 2510, 2514 and 2518 North Sixth street, for rent, on flrst floors. $35.00 per month. These apartments are entirely new and most complete. Apply to Harry M. Bretz, 222 Market street. FOR RENT One housekeeping apartment, furnished complete, linen, cooking utensils, large llvlngroom, com bination dlnlngroom, coal range, gas, .private meter, bells, letter boxes, sta tionary tubs, heated, bath. 1417 Mar- WANTED HOME WANTED where services will wholly, or part, pay board and lodging, by a young man. who for financial raa sons left college to learn a business. Apply 121 South street. WANTED WANTED—OId furniture. china, glassware, old books, stamps, etc. We are buyers for Boston, New York and Western collectors and will positively pay better prices than ever offered by any local collectors or dealers. Call or address Antique Shop, 1419 Sixth street. Harrisburg. WANTED Cars for winter storage In a large, commodious building Tn central part of city. Inquire Shaffer Wagon Works. 80-83 South Cameron street. WANTED Second-hand safe, shelv ing. roll-top desk and office chairs. Give full particulars and price wanted. Write X„ 1854, care ot Telegraph. FOR SALE FOR SALE AT GABLE'S. 113, 110 and 117 South Second street, 6,000 gal lons No A" Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acine make. FOR SALE—The greatest Bargains In the city In Men's Hats. Sweaters and Trousers and all men's furnishings. Also fine line of ladles' hosiery. Capin & Capin, 430 Market street, near sub way. FOR SALE New Style VIII Vlc trola, with $25.00 worth of records. A bargain to quick buyer. For informa tion call evenings, after 7:30, Bell 3221 J. FOR SALE Two-horse dray wagon. Apply Baughman, 310 Black berry avenue. CLOSING OCT BARGAINS!!: —Cherry parlor set, $7: "Neponset," better than llnoleoutn. 35c; locust-chestnut fence posts. 15c; imported body brussels. 65c; best. $1; 9x12 rugs. $3; heaters, ranges, guns. etc. Yingst, Front-Cumberland. FOR SALE Motorcycle, bargain. 1913 Excelsior, like new, worth $150.00; first $90.00 takes It. Keystone Motor Cycle Co.. 814 North Third street. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE A Ford town car or Taxlcab. with electric horn, speedome ter, and electric lights, used by a pri vate party: In the very best of condi tion. Will be sold at a big bargain. Address L. E. Herr, York, Pa. FOR SALE AT GABLE'S, 111-117 South Second street, 6,000 sets new sash Bxlo 12 L., primed and glazed, at $1.15 per set. Also other sizes. FOR SALE Piano, flno condition, very cheap; leaving city. Address 11., 1857, care of Telegraph. FINK AND COMPLETE LINE AUTO ROBES. Steamer Rugs. Car riage Robes. Horse Blankets and Stab's Blankets. Harrisburg Harness «fc Sup ply Company. Second and Chestnut streets. FLAGS OF ALL NATIONS. Butter flies, baseball players; 30 flags of all nations and 20 butterflies for 50 cents aliii 5 cents postage. Largo American Hag, 12x18. 15 cents and postage 3 cents. Mitchell, 411 Broad street, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE One set (five) McCuo wire wheels. 4V&x36, slightly used, $60.00. Regular price. $l6O. For further information address P. O. Box 448, Har risburg, Pa. 1 MAXWELL two-cylinder roadster for sale with delivery body; good run ning condition. Price, $125. Will dem onstrate. Call at Messner's Garage, 11118 James street. City. SPECIAL REDUCTIONS In Leather Bags, Suit Cases, Trunks to make room for Holiday goods.. Wholesale and Re tall Leather Merchants, Specialty orders and repairing. Harrisburg Har ness and Supply Co., Second and Chest nut. FOR SALE Retail Cigar and To bacco Store, doliiK a profitable business; well located and low rental. J. E. Gip ple, 1251 Market street. FOR SALE Motorcycle, cheap; good reason for selling. Apply 1316 Wallace street. FOR SALE One Powers No. 6 and one Powers 6 motion picture machine; in line condition. Write to Box 323, Newport. Pa. FOR SALE Two heavy work horses. Inquire S. W. Shoemaker & Son, Seventh and Harris streets. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board at 26c each. One of these signs will be given with each stx-time order for a classified ad. If paid in advance. Inquire at Office oC Telegraph, FOR SALE CARDSt on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR KENT FOR RENT Office in Commercial Bank Building, first floor front. Rent, $26.00 per month. Can be used ..s an office or small store room. DANCE HALL on the second floor of the new Eagles' Building, corner Cum berland and Sixth streets. Maple floor and new piano. For terms, apply to Geo. 10. Yousllng, Secretary, No. 404 Verboke syreet. BUSINESS OPFt>HTUNITIES GROW RICH IN BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN. Get out of the wage-earners' class. Your eo-operatlon with our fac tory starts j'ou with little capital dur ing spare time In your own home. We manufacture exclusive articles. No canvassing. Experience unnecessary. Write for booklet and proposition. Ad dress I'ease Mfg. Co., Dept. D-60, Buf falo. N. Y. CONFECTIONERY STORE FOR SALE on account of ill health lirst elass equipment stock in good condi tion desirable business location. (Jet particulars at once. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. BUY OIL. STOCK IN $01,000,000.00 Company. Just organized. Ground iioor proposition. 100 per cent, divi dends ninety days—possible. Twenty wells at once, Quick action on your money. Limited number shares at 2c share. SIO.OO buys $500.00 par value stock. Bis advance in stock soon. Sell ing fast. Remit now. Write for free information. Dividends declared soon. Amalgamated Oil Company, 1120 Col cord Building, Oklahoma, Okla. I MADE $50,000 in nve years in the mall order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock. 355 Lucltport. N. Y. ANY Intelligent rerson can earn good Income corresponding for newspaper*; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 798. Lock port. N. Y. HUMMUS VKUSONALS ABDOMINAL BELTS to order; any kind you need. Comhbitiatlon Belts, with truss, for naval rupture and float ing kidney. S. S. Appendicitis Belts for after operation. Lady attendants. Shanaman's. 408 Market, Second Floor. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts Insure your satisfaction. 8. N. Cluck, 320 Woodbine street. GENERAL UPHOLSTERING Send us your old furniture—we use best of material —drp.pery work—carpet-laying. Estimates given. H. Vollnier's suc cessor, JOE. Copllnky, 1208 Vi F.orth Third. Bell phone. Accordian side and knife plait ing done while you wait. Full length skirts a specialty. All work done on premises. Simins, clean ers and dyers, 33 North Second street, 802 North Third street. NOVEMBER 21,1914. BUSINESS PERSONALS FOR falling hair try Uross Quinine Ilair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street. Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. Harrisburg Paste Works l-fl R. Cameroa Street PAPERHANGERS' billposters', book binders' and all kinds of paste. Prompt shipment. All paste guaranteed. Bell phono 1186 L. HAULING 11. XV. LATHE, Hoarding Stabl. and National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. 11. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2503 R. STORAGE HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two new olght-story brick warehouses, one absolutely fireproof divided Into (Ire proof private rooms of various sites for the storage of household goods; the other warehouse of the most approved typo of lire retardent construction for I general merchandise. They are equip- I ped with two large electric freight ele vators and spiral chute for the quick and safe handling of household goods and all kinds of merchandise. Low storage rates. South Second street near Paxton, on the tracks of Penna. R. R. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 75 cente per month. Apply D. Cooper 4 Co.. 411 Broad Btreet. Both phones. MONEY TO LOAN LOANS—SB to S2OO for nonest work ing people without bank credit at less than legal rates, payable in instalments to suit borrowers convenience. Cooperative Loan and Investment Co.. 204 Chestnut Street LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE Is hereby given that the following securities will be offered at public sale in front ot Court House, Harrisburg. Pennsylvania, on Tuesday, November 24, 1914, at 2 o'clock P. M.: 750 shares of the capital stock of the United Water & Guarantee Company. Two SI,OOO first mortgage gold bonds of the Big Run Water Company. One SI,OOO real estate mortgage bond of Grant C. Osborne. For additional Information apply to CHARLES C. STROH, Attorney. PUBLIC SAI.E OF Valuable Krai Estate, .Situate In the First Ward. Harrisburg, Peansyl- MONDAV. NOVEMBER 30. 1014. AT TWO O'CLOCK P. M.. On the Premises. Pennsylvania Hnllrond anil Cednr Street I.—Tract contaning 2.2 acres, more or less, between Pennsylvania Railroad ur.il Reading Railroad, having thereon erected 48 two-story dwellng houses. 2. —Tract containing 8.6 acres, more or less, between Pennsylvania Railroad and Reading Railroad, forme~ly used as a rolling mill. 3.—Tract containing 2 acres, more or less, between Pennsylvania Railroad and Susquehanna River. The said premises have siding con nections with the Pennsylvania Rail road and the Reading Railroad, and are suitable for manufacturing purposes. Terms and conditions of sale will be announced on the day thereof. For additional Information address. HARRISBURG ROLLING MILL CO., P. O. Box 558, Harrisburg, Penna. ESTATE NOTICE LETTERS OF .ADMINISTRATION on the estate of Catherine Finn, late of the I City of Harrisburg, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are re quested to malce payment at once and those having claims will present them for settlement to THE CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY. Administrator, Or (Third'and Broad Sts). MICHAEL E. STROFP. Attorney. WASTE PAPER KOII SALE Department of Printing and Binding Harrisburg, Pa., November 19, 1911. IN accordance with the Act of As sembly approved July 19. 1913, the Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding will receive at Ills office, In the Capitol, at Harrisburg, Pa., at 12 o'clock, noon, on Tuesday, December 1, 1914, sealed bids for the purchase of the following waste paper: White and pink writing paper used for Legislative bills and calendars, white book paper used for Legislative Journal, several thousand printed books, largely old department reports. All of this paper is printed. The con tract to be awarded to remain in force until July 1, 1915, and paper to be re moved at such times as the Superinten dent of Printing and Binding may di rect. The successful bidder will be re quired to remove all the waste paper at hi* own expense from such places In the State Capitol or the Division of Dis tribution of Documents as may be de cided by the Superintendent of Print ing and Binding. Certified check, made payable to the State Treasurer, must be deposited with the Superintendent of Printing and Rinding before any waste is removed from any of the buildings. Bids must be by the hundred pounds, the entire lot of each particular kind of paper to be sold to the highest and best bidder. Paper and books can be seen In- calling on the Superintendent of Public Printing. A. NEVIN POMEROY, Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding. NOTICE Letters of Administration d. I), n. c. t. a., on the Estate of Fred erick W. Donner, late of the City of Harrisburg. Dauphin County, Pa., de ceased. having been granted to the un dersigned residing In Harrisburg, Pa., all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. JOHN A. CLARK, Administrator. S. S. RCPP, J. H. SHOPP. Attorneys. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Anna C. Jauss, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of administration upon the above stated case have been granted by tho Regis ter of Wills, of Dauphin County, to the undersigned, to whom all persons In debted to the said decedent will make payment at once: and all persons hav ing claims against the said decedent will present them without delay to C. E. JAUS.-. M. D„ Administrator. Or to 1323 North Sixth Street. WICKERSHAM & METZGER. Attorneys, Bergner Building, Harrisburg, Pa. ASSESSMENT BOOKS County Controller's Office Harrisburg, Pa., Nov. 21, 1914. SEALED BIDS will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon. Friday. December 4, 1914, for sixty four (G4) Triennial assessment books for the County of Dauphin, and fifty one (51) assessment books for the sev eral School Districts In said County, for the vear 1915, as per samples In the County Commissioners' Office. HENRY W. GOUGII, County Controller. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHARTER NOTICE is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on Monday, the 14th day of December, 1914, by Troy B. Wlldermuth, James B. Mersereau, Isaac W. Matter and H. J. Wlldermuth. three of whom are citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, under the provisions of an Act of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, en titled "An Act to provide for the In corporation and regulation of certain LEGAL NOTICES corporations," approved tlie 29th (lay of April, A, D. 1874, and the several sup plements thereto, for the charter of an Intended corporation to be called the "FRONT-MARKET MOTOR SUPPLY COMPANY," the character and object of which Is manufacturing, buying', sell ing, dealing In and distributing en gines. tires, acaessories, parts, sup plies, goods and articles of a similar and cognate character of every de scription, for motor vehicles, motor cycles. motor boats, aeroplanes, and other similarly propelled vehicles, boats and flying machines, and for these pur poses to have, possess and enjoy all the right, benellts and privileges of said Act of Assembly and its supplements. JOHN FOX WEISS. . Solicitor. \OTIOE HIOALED BIDS will be received by the Board of School Directors of Swatara Township, Dauphin County. Pennsylva nia. for a duly authorized school bond Issue of Seventeen thousand ($17,000* dollars. The bonds are payable thirty years from their date, but the School District reserves the right to redeem them at the end of ten years from their date. The rato of interest is •M'-- per cent. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check, drawn to the order of R. A. Sliultz, School Treasurer, for 2 per cent, of the par value of the bonds for which bid Is made. BidH will lie opened in the High School ut Ober lin, December 14, 1914, at 7:30 P. M. Send all proposals to John M. Erb, Secretary. Harrisburg, Pa. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. JOHN M. ERB. i Secretary. THE MJ\RK PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By Associated I'ress Philadelphia, Nov. 21. Wheat Steady; No. 2, red, spot, export, $1.14® 1.17; No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export, Corn Lower; No. 2, yellow, local, 83@83%c. Oats—Steady; No. 2, white, 54®54%c. Bran Firmer; winter, per ton, 126.00@26.00; spring, per ton, $25.25® 25.75. Refined Sugars Market firm; powdered, 5.20 c; fine granulated, 6.10 c; confectioners' A, 6.00 c. Butter The market is steady; western, creamery, extra, 30c; nearby j prints, fancy. 38c. Eggs The market Is firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, 110.80- per case; do., current receipts, free cases. $9.90010.20 per case; western, extras firsts, free cases, SIO.BO per case; firsts, free cases, $9.90 @10.20. Live Poultry Firmer; fowls, 14® I 16c; young chickens, 13®16c; spring chickens, 10® 11c; broiling chick ens, 17®27c; old roosters, 10011 c; ducks, old, 14(®15e; ducks, young, i 115 c; geese, 14®15c; turkeys, 18020 c. I Dressed Poultry Higher; fowls, ; western, fancy, heavy. 19®20c; do., (fair to good, heavy, 17@lse. • average receipts. 15018 c; hmall, 13®) 14c; old roosters, 14c; roasting chickens, western, 15®20c; broiling chickens, nearby, ldo.. w«si«riu 12(3> 17c; capons, lar.*re, 2;i@2uc; do., small. 18®20c; turkeys, fancy, spring, 24025 c; average receipts, 15018 c; ducks. 11018 c; geese, ll«16c. Flour—The market Is steady; winter, clear, $3.85@4.10; straights, Pennsyl vania. new, $5.0018)5.25; spring straights $5.3505.60; do., patents, $5.7006.50; western, $4.2504.40: patents. s4.6uw 4.75; Kansas straight. Jute sacks, $4.18' 04.30; spring, firsts, clear, $4.0004.20; straights, $4.20® 4.80; patents. $4.36® 4.60, Hay The market is Arm; tim othy, No. 1. large bales, $19.00019.50; No. 1, medium bales, $19.00019.50; No. 2. do., $17.00018.00; No. 3, do., $14.50® 15.50; no grades, $ll.OO 0 $13.00. Clover mixed hay. Light mixed. $18.00018.60; No. 1, do„ $17.00017.50; No. 2, do.. $14.50 @16.00. Potatoes Market firm; Penn sylvania, per bushel. 58062 c; New York, per bushel, 45050 c; Jersey, per basket, 35® 40c. CHICAGO CATTI.IfI By A ssociat ? i press Chicago. 111., Nov. 21. Hogs Re ceipts, 9,000; steady. Bulk of sales, $7.25 07.50; light, $6.9007.50; mixed, 17.15® 7.60; heavy, $7.0007.60; rough, $7.00® 7.15; pigs, $4.50@6.76. Cattle Receipts, 2,000; steady. Beeves. $5.75@10.60; steers. $5.4009.00; cows and heifers, $3.6009.20; calves, $8.50011.50. Sheep Receipts, 1,000; steady. Sheep, $5.5006.25; yearlings, $6.40® 7.45; lambs, $6.7509.35. MONET FOR SALARIED PEOPUB and others upon their own names. Cheap rates, easy payments, confiden tial. Adams A Co., H. SOi S N. Market S«. / \ flead«uartrr* for TOOL MAKING ANB JOBBING fßell Phone 2470J B. C. Murray 5 North 10th Street ./ PUBLIC RALR OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE The undersigned Administrator of the estate of SILAS LAIRD. Lewis berry. York Co., Pa., deceased, will offer at public sale, on the premises In Fairvlnw township, about one mile south of Lewisberry, Pa., oit the road leading from Lewlsberry to Pinetown, on Saturday November 28. 1914; sale, 1 o'clock p. m„ the following real estate to wit: Tract No. I—Farm containing 117 acres and 142 perches of good Iron stone land, well adapted to the rais ing of all kinds of fruits or any other kind of agricultural work; having erected thereon a good frame house, frame bank barn and other outbuildings. 'A spring of never falling water near the liouse. Apple orchard and other fruit trees on the premises. About 17 acres of thld tract is good tlmberland. Tract No. 2—Choice timberland» containing 16 acres and 146 perches; mostly oak, some chestnut and hick ory, the oak measuring 10 to 18 In ches in diameter. Bell phone 108. Meebanlrahurg, Pa. Parties Interested address JOHN A. KIL.MORE, Administrator. Ho. 78 Weat Main St., Mechanlcaborg, Pa. ——■— i■» niIBBER STAMnn JtJ|l SEALS £. STENCILS |IV D| **Mre.BYHBG.STENCILWORKS ■ |1 11 130 10CUSTST.HBG.PA. II \& MONEY £' Employees Discount Co. 36 North Third Street V THE Harrtsburg Polyclinic Dispen sary will be open dally, except Sunday, at 8 P. M„ at Its new location, 1701 North Second street, for the free treat ment of the worthy poor. Try Telegraph Want Ads. 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers