6 LADIES' BAZAAR In tliis sale of Ladies' Fall and Winter apparrl we invite tlie most eritleul comparison of quality and prices. We have no doubt that other stores may closely approximate cither our values or our prices hut we have no fear that any will meet us iu both quality and price. So before you buy anywhere make com parisons and be sure you get the most for your money. We know where you'll buy. NEW COATS RECEIVED FOR SATURDAY NEW CORDUROY SUITS 1 We received to-day a large shipment of coats Here's a new arrival to-day. •. , . | . Corduroy suits in garnet, green, which include: mouse and brown, coat made Plush coats in a variety of models and lengths, some trimmed wltH box pleat in back belt and with monkey fur, others in caracul and Imitation fox, and stili ' others without fur trimmings, linings are of Skinner's and other >oke skirt. the coats are tne guaranteed satin, values $lB to S4O; O QO * Qft snappy short model, with linings in the sale to-morrow * «P 1 A.JTO lO of guaranteed satin and trim- Another lot of those Saltex Fur Arabian Wool Coats in black minirs of fur worth Si 8- nnnnlnl • only, lined with guaranteed satin, shawl collar of self material, whn* m,«v I- « frog, worth $22.50; in this sl4 98 last. $ 12.98 sale to-morrow at - *r 4 STYLISH SUITS THAT ARE ATTRACTING ATTENTION SATURDAY SPECIAL. | $12.98 Serge Suits $6.98 i SIB.OO Suits $10.98 $3 Brocaded Si.k Petticoats, , ... , I Lot of suits in serges, unfln- <1 QC All wool serge suits in navy jshed worsteds, broadcloths, ♦ ■•3O and black, guaranteed satin basket weaves, etc., guaranteed Brocaded silk petticoats in lining, worth $12.98; <f>s* nn satin lining, all shades and every conceivable shade, worth Sale Price «p0.*70 models, worth $16.00 to $18.00; $3.00; special l qq . i Sale $lO 98 Saturday only $1.98 $35 Chiffon Broadc.oth Suits ' rtcf ' * v ' $18.98 $15.00 Eponge Suits $8 98 v High grade imported chiffon | All wool eponge suits in Saturday Skirt Special | broadcloth suits in the wanted ! , v , shades, excellent workmanship, c 1 All wool serge, basket weave, "Z,T<i- m ° dC,S Sil l,« ni . hHKPn , C ' araCUl '° Ua , r ; C f S diagonal and other cloth skirts worth s3o; C|Q trimmings, satin lined, skirt . . . - . _ , m f Sale Price in a variety of shades and this Other broadcloth suits, worth season's models, worth $3 and S4O; Sale fcOO QC ,hort coat ' worth <to QO $4; special «1 oQ Price sls; Sale Price Saturday * .Jpl»S/0 10 -12 South Fourth Street WANTS NEW TRADE BILL By Associated Press London, Nov. 20, 2.47 p. m.—The Attorney General. Sir John A. Simon, introduced in the House of Commons to-day an Interesting amendment to the act covering trading with the enemy. He said his act was to stop the transmission of money or credits which would be advantageous to the enemy. Everybody holding property In trust, such as dividends, profits, etc., belonging to enemies of the empire in Germany, Austria and Turkey would henceforth be required, under penalty, to pay these profits to a public trus tee. EQUAL SUFFRAGE DISCUSSED By Associated Press Wilmington, Del., Nov. 20.—Equal suffrage was a topic of earnest discus sion by the National Grange this morning, and while the committee re port in favor of equal suffrage through amendment to the Federal Constitu tion was disapproved, the cause of votes for women was enthusiastically indorsed. By a vote of 26 to 24, com mittee report adverse to the proposi tion to combine military Instruction with general education was rejected. IL - fHow About Your Eyes?lK Our special offers of glasses I have brought us hundreds of per- ■ eons who have heretofore been I unable to get glasses on account ■ of the high prices. . Glasses Fitted in Gold Filled Frames ,' W\j with First Quality Hgsa Spherical Lenses , for Reading and Sewing, as low as eight given careful atten- I tlon. V. v . I BYES EXAMINED FItEE I SO DROPS ISEU RUBIN & RUBIN 320 Market Street I Second Floor. Bell Phoae 2020W I Open Evrnlneii ESTABLISHED OVER 10 YEARS I H„| | Hf 1 1 Special This Week j Peanut Ice Cr Walker & Messimer 411 North Second Street Families and Parties Supplied on Short Aotlce. High Grade Service at Reason able Prlcen. Adjustments free. I.enaea duplicated while you wait. £i*£j3e£<un(fer Exctusnc Prescription Optician 205 LOCUST ST. '•pp. Orphean*—Bell SMS L. Neckwear The new high ruchings with vel vet bands, finished with ribbon rose buds, some with vestee effects. An altogether new and smartly attrac iKlrd Street &t Herr The Shop Individual FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH NOVEMBER 20,1914 QVIET WEDDING EARLY IN DECEMBER ■9 H .4- BfijK ■BHHjfIHML £Gra|P9B H ' ' n ■ • *„> - ■•' . _ ;*''' ' ""■ v ! l '- -"T^ '*• .'' ' - ' 'i 4 - fe ftek '--'•*■ ■ ■-» i n J Eg *C SlI ' V* Y. j MISS GRACE ST. CLAIRE M ADEN FORT Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Madenfort announce the engagement of then daughter. -Miss Grace St. Claire Madenfort. to Walter Garfield Kochel. The wedding will take place December 3, 1914, at the parsonage of the Pine Street Presbyterian Church, with the Rev. Dr. Lewis Seymour Mudge offl dating. After the ceremony an informal reception will be given in their newly-furnished home, 1507 State street, to a few of their immediate frjends, everything being quiet owing to the recent death of the bride groom's mother. 2,000 MEN' APPLY FOB FOUR JOBS AT NEW YORK AGENCY By Associated Press New York, Nov. 20. —With 2,000 ap plications on file as a result of yester day's opening day rush, the new mu nicipal employment bureau to-day had but four jobs to offer and prospects of another busy day filing the names of men seeking work. "All that we need nov is emDloy ers." Superintendent Walter L. Sears said In a statement to-day. "We have men fitted for every task imaginable, but the positions are coming in very slowly—far too slowly." FREIGHT ENGINE RUNS WILD ENDANGERING MANY LIVES By Associated Press Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 20. An Erie Railroad engine, traveling at an esti mated speed of fifty miles an hour, ran wild into Cleveland early to-day, en dangering the lives of scores of per sons at grade crossings and resulting in serious injury to J. S. Hitch, 41, engineer, of Youngstown. who jumped to avoid what he considered sure death. Tlx flremun .succee'led in stopping the engine at Fifty-fifth street, near the heart of the city. When ten miies out of Cleveland the throttle of the engine failed to re spond to the fngineer and the engine lurched forward. iS siwktos Mr. and Mrs. Ralph K. Elicker, of 433 Harris street, announce the birth of a son. James Donald Elicker. Sat urday. November 7. lit 14. Mrs. Elicker was Miss Mary Belle Shettel, of this city, prior to her marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob O. Bender, of 2023 Derry street, announce the birth of a daughter, Hattie French Bender, Tuesday. November 10, 1914. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Meaner, of 1329% Howard street, announce the birth of a daughter, Esther Ruth Meaner, Monday, November 16, 1914. Mrs. Meaner prior to her marriage wai> Miss Ruth Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson, of 2012 Kensington street, announce the I birth of a son. Milton Edwin Johnson, Saturday. November 14. 1914. COTTON COM MITT ICE IX SESSION By Associated Press New York, Nov. 20.—The $135,000,- 000 cotton pool loan committee, or ganized recently under the auspices of tho Secretary of the Treasury and embracing the leading banks of the country, met here to-day at the Fed eral Reserve Bank of New Yorok. The meeting was held behind closed doors. FIEEDKR TO DENY APPEAIi By Associated Press Trenton, N. J., Nov. 20.—Governor Fielder has practically determined to deny the appeal of the Commuters' Association for a special session of ths legislature to take action on the pro posed increases in railroad passenger rates. The Governor believes the Pub lic Utility Commission qualified to dis pose of the equitabieness of the in creased charges, , PERSONAL [Other Personals on Page 7.] BRIDGE Hi SUPPER WITH MRS. WHIMS Guests Spend Pleasant Afternoon in Gaines of Five Hundred Guests of Mrs. Luther S. Williams ] •pent a pleasant afternoon yesterday I at her residence, 1523 North Second j street. Games of five hundred wer«; followed by a course Bupper, when i other friends came In. The house' decorations were of plnK and white with chrysanthemums and carnations prevailing In the flowers.* The guests included Mrs. William H. Bußhnell, Mrs. John B. Patrick, Mrs. Frank A. Gibson, Mrs. Thornton Balsley, Miss Backenstoe, Mrs. Den nlston, Mrs. Edward E. Ewlng. Mrs. Frank Strock, Mrs. Orr, Mrs. Neiffer, Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. William G. Schoo ley. Miss Witherow, Mrs. Sassaman, Mrs. Pancake, Mrs. Charles Splcer, Mrs. Grlssinser, Mrs. Herb, Mrs. C. M. Cole, Mrs. Cadwallader, Mrs. Shelly, Mrs. Walzer, Mrs. McFariand, Mrs. Walmer, Mrs. Funk, Mrs. Foarster, Mrs. Cocklin, Mrs. Herbert G. Terry, Mrs. Clark E. Diehl, Mrs. Rudy, Mrs. McAvoy and Mrs. Baum. SHOWER OF PRESENTS Mrs. William B<*>tt Receives House hold (ilfts front Many Friends Mrs. Margaret Rexroth arranged a surprise party In honor of her daugh ter. Mrs. William Scott, the guests bringing with them useful household articles as gifts. Cards and refreshments helped the hours pass merrily away. The guests included Mrs. Charles Allen, Mrs. H. Heisey, Mrs. Dennis Barrlck, Mrs. Huble. Mrs. William Layton, Mrs. Wil liam Rexroth, Mrs. Al. Rexroth, Mrs. Adam Smith,' Mrs. John Longenecker, Mrs. Charles Landis, Miss Sara Keil, Miss Maine Smith. Miss Marie Osmond, Miss Vera Longenccker, Miss Ruth Rexroth, Miss Hazel Rexroth, Miss Bertha Berry and Mrs. William Ger hart. OFF FOR MERCERSBURG Captain and Mrs. Robert C. Williams and Miss Arta Williams, of 1616 North Second street, are leaving for Me*- cersburg to spend Saturday with Charles Williams, a student at the j academy, and attend the field day festivities. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Sheibley, of 85 North Sixteenth street, have gone to Lock Haven to remain for a week. v Miss Kate Darlington has resumed her studies at St. Mary's Hall. Peeks kill. N. Y., after a short vacation spent at her home here. Mrs. Roy F. Bignall, of the Belvi dere Apartments, is taking a pleasure trip to New York, Boston and Nor folk. Va. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and M rs - Jacob Forman an nounce the engagement of their daugh ter, Miss Miriam Fornian, to Joseph Rosenstein, of Chicago. Miss Forman is now In Chicago visiting her sister, Mrs. Barnett Faroll. RETURN FROM THK WEST Miss Belle F. Sample, of 1506 Green street, has returned home after a six months' stay in Colorado. Alexander M. Sample, of Pueblo. Col., is spending the winter here with his sisters, the Misses Sample. FORTNEY-COTTEREL BRIDAL Mrs. Alice S. Cotterel and Charles. H. Fortney, both of this city, were married at the parsonage of the New Rloomfleld Presbyterian Church on Thursday, November 19, by the Rev I. Potter Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. Fort ney are residing at 29 South Fifteenth street. MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Clinton, of 181b Susquehanna street, announce thr marriage of their son, John Clinton, to Miss Ruth Cresswell, of Altoona The ceremony took place Wednesday Yovember 18. in St. John's Catholic Church, with the Rev. Father Egati ■ifflciating. GUESTS OF MRS. KELLOGG Mrs. James W. Kellogg, of Old Or chard, entertained Informally last evening at her home in compliment to Miss Ruth Brown, of Columbus. Ohio, who is visiting Miss C. Wynne Cassell, 1404 North Second street. ' \ Nußone For Comfort and Style |j Prop«r lit of your corset la all im portant. Utmost style and comfort cannot be had without It. Beside a slight Imperfection may tend to eventually impair your health and change your figure. Since no two figures are alike It Is eaay to rea lise the difficulty of buying a corset that fits you exactly unless made to your Individual measurements. KI.KXIBI.K KKSU.IKNT Nußone stays are triple wire Interwoven so that they are strong, but not rigid; flexible, but not flimsy, like single .wire Btays found in other makes of corsets that have been condemned. Nußone support* the figure perfectly and gives com-, plete freedom of the body In all po sitions. The stays are guaranteed not to rust or break within a year. Nußone stays are the best 6y test and found only In the Nußone Corset, not sold in stores. Prices $2.50 up. Flttlng3 at your home by appointments. Nurses Corset Shop Miasm Wolfe 404 NORTH SBCOXD STREET Hour* i &M a. in. to I.H p. <n. Specials For Saturday Main Store, 202 Walnut Annex, 311 Walnut NEW GARMENTS ARRIVING DAILY This Keeps All Stocks Up-to-Date SPECIAL SUITS m • $13.75, $15.00, $16.75 and $19.75 for $9.95 SPECIAL SUITS n. $23.75 to $35.00 for $15.00 SPECIAL SUITS $25.00 for $17.50 SPECIAL SUITS 202 $28.75, $29.75 ands3s.oo for $19.75 SPECIAL SUITS Walnut $31.50, $35.00, $36.50, $38.50 to $42.50 for $25.00 i ANNEX 311 WALN Wonderful Bargain Waist Sale Saturday Until Closed Out 200 of the best Waists you ever bought—Voile, Lingerie, China, Silk, etc., 95c-to $1.98. Special for 500 Long or short sleeves—such values will go out with a rush. Coats in new belted models with flare New navy, black serge and poplin .... , skirts with yoke trimming; regular size skirt .n browr; and green. Special ?2 .50 anci $3.50. Extra size. $6. t e> .75 an( i $3.75 New styles of waists, in white and House Dresses, ginghams, percales, c , • , oxifc mi iut etc.; 16 to 56 sizes... .•pI.WJ to stripes. . pecia ...... • • j erse y an( j Messaline Petticoats; Lingerie Waists, high and low neck; co ] ors anc j black. The best values we VA length sleeves, plain and trimmed, have ever had, $1.75, $1.98, $2.50, Special 250 $2.75, $2.95, $2.98. TUT _ • QX al . q SPECIAL—IMPORTANT lYlcLlXl wXUI" Furs! Furs!— Monday and Tuesday ——- • x O * Ic* next, November 23rd and 24th. A New YJ £LISt OpCCIcLIS York furrier will give an opening for us. , c-11.. Neck Furs, Muffs and Fur Coats. Don't Broken lot, Chitton, Lace anc .is, f or g et t h e d a y S —Monday and Tuesday $2.95 to $7.50. Special $1.95 next. Witmer, Bair & Witmer Williamsport and Lancaster 202 and 311 Walnut Street j Housing Legislation Is Up For Discussion Plans were made to increase State wide interest in building legislation by the directors of the State Housing and Town Planning Association at their meeting yesterday in the offices of the Chamber of Commerce, Kunkel building. Several committees were appointed and important matters to come before legislature were discussed. On the committee on conference in the building code arc Bernard New man, secretary, Philadelphia Housing Commission; Dr. Carol Aronovlci, Moy lan; Mrs. W. K. Sharp, Chambersburg; Mrs. F. P. lams, Pittsburgh; Samuel Wilson, The State advisory committee on town planning is as follows: Dr. C. Aronovici, Roylan; F. D. Bigger, sec retary, Municipal Art Commission, of Pittsburgh: J. Horace McFarland, Harrisburg; G. I. Blake, president Erie City Planning Commission; Jona than Mould, president Heading City Planning Commission. Those In attendance at the directors' meeting were Dr. J. M. J. Raunick, Harrisburg; W. C. Howland, Johns town; Mrs. W. K. Sharp, Chambers urg; Bernard Newman, Philadelphia; Dr. Carol Aronovici, Moylan; J. S. Kreglogg, Palmerton; Dr. J. J. Mul lowney, Harrisburg; Jonathan Mould, Reading: ' Sherrard Ewlng, Reading, secretary of the association. Every home can have a - Victrola for Christmas 1 As far as price is concerned; there is no longer any reason why there shouldn't be a Victrola in every home. If you are considering a Victrola for Christmas it is unsafe to delay selecting the instrument which will give your family pleasure for all time. Every year the demand for Victrolas is becoming greater, and there is but one safe way to assure your securing the instrument you wish. Now when the variety of styles is complete, you should visit our Victrola Salesrooms and select the one you want. We will hold it until Christmas time and deliver it when you desire. Our convenient payment plan place* lie Instrument In jour home. Better allow our salesman to explain our plan to you. C.AV.Si4l&r,lnc. Pianos Victrolas QU/LO/MQ. $1,200 FIXED AS LIVING WAGE By Associated Press , New York, Nov. 20.—The Bureau of | Standards of the Board of Estimate i which fixed all salaries in municipal < departments, has decided that $1,200 < a year is the living wage in New York City. In a report yesterday to the Board of Aldermen, the bureau state i ed that the $1,200 a year salary is taken as the basis for what Is termed I 1 higher and lower grades of work. { The report gives the results of work | of nearly a year and officially dlsap , proves of quick action In salary I raises. ' SAYS CHINA WILL LEAD WORLD By Associated Press Battle Creek, Mich., Nov. 20.—"Un ' less China is christianized by the rest of the world she will eventually lead I the rest of the world to paganism," declared Hie Ding Lin, a converted Chinese woman.of rank. In an address 1 before the International Medical Mis . sionary Conferece here to-day. MESSIMER'S Homemade Sweets Sprrlal To-morrow 3rd St. at Briggs Chocolate Almond Sheet 50c lb. CHAHI/KS I'"I,El'K ILL Charles T. Fleck, clay desk officer at the police station, was taken suddenly ill while on duty to-day, and was sent to his home, 13:! Verbeke street. Desk Officer Fleck had a severe attack of chills. JUST ARRIVED FROM NEW YORK with a smart and stunning line of latest styles of ready-to-wear COATS, SUITS AND UKISSBICS Ileatly I''or Inspection. (s> 810 N. Third Street V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers