CALL JT% fqundkd 1871 pf SATURDAY STORE HOURS Thanksgiving will remind you of I6 7i Store Opens 9 A. M., Closes 9 P. M. special sales in linens and chinaware. HARRISIURS'S POPUCAR DCMWRTMBHT STOP* 1 ~ MAURIS ttUWg'g POPULAR DBPABTWKHT STOWT ? Children! Read What's In Store For You To-morrow; Choice of the Entire Stock of Women's Grand Opening of I Wh ? Shiver For Want M f? f A '? N™ Looking ; and Misses' High Class Suits for $25.00 r pOYTO\A/]SJ a Warm & Needs erwear ; tTliis means that you may buy any suit in our lUI lUW IN DvArmat nr RaLaraan Men's SI.OO and $1.50 union suits, medium ' stock (veivets and fur fabrics excepted) for _ mnvmu, UVCTCOatOr BalmaCaan weight, cot*,,, ribbed; heavy J $25.00. Suits that were $32.50, $35.00. $37.50, 1 O-ITIOrrOW , 3e S To" scorn, as J2 - $42.50. $45.00 and $50.00. InOudes everything Jg "f.djldr«! One-d^ll! Once s(cp brj , k|y down the strcet dis . ; In MnUi cnitc hrnadrlnth<? P-ahardines ooolins wand and "Presto,"—a great big Toy playing one of the latest models in Men's heavy cotton ribbed shirts and 4 in Cloth suits, broadcloths, gabai dines, popnns Town full of every kind of toys for good Balmacaans. ZZTI drawers, ecru and silver color, at .lOO; ' i . lf . little girls and boys now await you. 1 f _ t , . union suits at SI.OO * ana nov eities. To-morrow is the day:' Every child The Mens Clothing Men's heavy natural wool underwear, at * eon nft Jnc nn an A Mi«pt' will want to come to this wonderful, place Department is showing a #1.50, $1.75 and $2.50 < S£U.UU and $£«>.UU Women S ana lyiisses an( j i, r j n g Jt s parents who might also fine assortment of smart Mg(fCßsX3& I Main FIoor— BOWMAN S. a Suits at $14.98 and $19.98 want to see what Santa has sent this styles the kind that ) _ mosV wanted kindshi flJifonab^wlore!' 1 or'short ' There'll be lots of fun for everyone, models for the conserva- | Saturday Offerings ill the \ coats—plain, plaited or circular skirts.. And all sizes but and especially the children are invited to tive dresser. Mitlffi \ "L ® not all sizes of anv one stvle. come and have a glorious time. Ibe Balmacaans in all the ft Basement i shoot-the-chutes will attract the atten- latest mixtures and tones fIjHUfWTt W $17.50 and $18.50 Suits at $12.50 tiot of many, and unless Santa disap-I are part of a very fortu- 510.00 portable gas lamps; height 22 „ .. .. , • . , ot ,.i » points us, there will be a letter from him n ate purchase that ® inches; shade 17 T /$ inches. Made of P>rit- j Poplins, crepe poplins, cheviots and ia fcw lo a „ thc littlc folk at the Sant!l Claus SSugh? hese coats to us ijXßt 9 tania "on-corrodible metal: finished in j good broadcloths. In black, navy, dark brown and green. Pogt office jn the basement atalf unusual prkereduc- antk l ue brass = S ree " and gold, or gold; fili- < $12.50 and $15.00 Suits at $9.98 Dr. Fixem is the man who cures the I i tion. And many from our R ree overshade. Priced $7.50 Cheviots poplins cords and serges. Properly tailored ills of all dollies and he will be glad to regular assortment will W . f.' 29 Guernsey earthenware 4 i . ,'-_ receive all patients needing attention. find favor. 'SB baking set; set consists of /-inch casserole 4 \\ f > and in correet models. ee tlie wont j er f u i display of mechani- Prices start at $7.50 with cover, mixing bowl, pudding dish and 4 \ / A nPKtV cal toys. Many new ones this season are and range upward to #lB. <3 six custard cups. Set iiiif A \ / Arrivea iniS iVlOrninS shown, and also games, wild and Third FIOOI--BOWMANS $1.25 serving trays, size 10x16 inches, ma- X I . woollv stuffed animals, dolls, and everv- hogany finished frame; elass center. Priced \ / , Sixty-five extremely smart suits from two of the high- thing that goes toward making a com- at I V I cst New ork makers. Black and colore l t)H plete Toy Store. T * $1.30 Wear-ever aluminum Windsor ket- * J cloths, gabardines, poplins and novelties. Most of them {Jf LTTIV}OVtCLnCG, tie. with cover; 4-qt. size. Priced at 95« , A / - are fur trimmed—some are trimmed with fur fabrics and $1.25 nickel plated copper tea , I f and braids. Many military effects are among them. (_ ne kettles; tinned inside throughout, flat bot -1 suit onl y many styles and ot none are there more » torn, straight spout, No. 7 and 8 sizes. Spe- i than two or three. The prices are about one-fourth less T— \ * c j al at A tban regular. They will be sold to-morrow at £ [ ■." \ Oriental Flouneings, 18 to 27 inches ... e. P n . , 4 u Jp15.00, $18.50, .$19.98, $25.00 JL \ in white and cream. Yard 35c to $2.50 Soap Specials , | Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S | W'f " Chantilly Lace Flouncings, in white and black, 10 rak« Swift's PriH<. snan I i 18 to 45 inches wide. Yard SI.OO to *3.95 fU cakes MVltt St ride SOip — I | t 10 cakes Ivory soap 88^ Comnlete Stocks Warm w~ Popular Fur Trimmings [0 cakes p. &g. Naphtha :tß<! ni • T T»-V V-/UllipiCLC uLUtivo v veil in \ fv- - *• f 10 cakes Fels Naphtha soap !?8^ Ollinc F unaerweai ror women \ \ ) y - 25 " t0 75c (No phone or-C. O. d. orders taken for A new feature has been added to the flfld Children 50c and SI.OO soap). Shoe Department. Men, women and chil- Chinchilla—2 inches wide; yard $1.25 BOWMAN'S— Basement. j vi . c |,„„ s Merode underwear for women —vest and Russian Mink—l and 2 inches wide; yard, dren are now invited to have their shoes ' , . . . ... a , T ,. «. 0 n uui ui 7s _ .... . oants. and union suits; band silk finish; all e d here, where they can enjoy pnvao > £ Children ! WOUIO *3 J | II Third Floor —BOWMAN'S. ! $1.50: union SUItS at $1 .(Ml to Jho.OO. light blue; yard 25cj and 50c .flf if —— Women's bleached union suits, medium V fkll I and heavy weight; silk finish; 10-inch Iwu LKJ *¥lll CI pink, light blue and mais. yard 25c I I I Moaaj FllV sleeves; low neck, at SI.OO D • Main FIOO-BOWMAN's. ( 11 I » I X Lll V/Udlo Women's heavy cotton fleece lined union ; II I fl i suits, silk finish, pearl buttons. Special for I antU** ILI B HB i MM «lc. a . i;(i„ We are going to give every child in Harris- licUlfleT 11 OVclllcS Ifm f Wj I nt»*t Mnnel* Itt Npflrtpnl MdYtnot Saturday at burg and vicinity an opportunity to win a hand- ..... Iff irT. Laiesi IriOaelS M liearseui, iriu I , Women's beavv cotton fleece lined vests ! some prize, absolutely free Of charge, by simply Women s and children s patent leather belts at , _ , _ I . . i , . drawing. 250 and 50p and Russian Pony ! anc * P ants » white and peeler color, at 11*.. F C 1 R-L Leather party cases, just the thing for Christ- [\T .. I " L| 25f , :{sf and .»0e A Picture 01 oanta tlaus ™ a s .......... SI.OO to $2.95 0 1 0 1 ® C_„_• 1 C Qafnr/lav Children's beavv cotton fleece lined vests All children between the ages of five and i»v^nnnH». h B? dbaSS ,n a " Btyles ' co i , , t « i i l, J lg £ a Dz I 1 I ' rap' special ror daturuay . t all at fourteen will want to enter this contest, and it> supplies at SI.OO to sß.o# U 1 9 ana pants, Pieacnea, an . lzes, ai , j ea ,.h Will be allowed to make one drawing of Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S V 0 Pony Skin Coat at $25.00-satin lined, ""ion suits ... 50f n claUß ' ln pencl1 ' ink or colored , —= ciinrt mnrlel liOJ'S heavy COttOll fleeCC lllied union | " I —" ■ _ _ OO— 'tl <; 1 at natural wool union suits, $1 The Public Will Decide the Winners Dainty Styles in Gift Neckwear j ® ] I collar, brocade blue and gray lining. M,'n noor—BOWMAN'S. non'e to the Pony Skin Coat at JM2.00 with tiger Q-i fll V.| -a \) Offering of iiot> S wMI' S be ' entiVle.'l to^"oue" vote. t, w^th b ".'ach Dainty collar and cufT sets in organ fly, collar, satin lined, new short model. ua.Luiiuu._y vy V/j. vlsl , You ~a n |, Pl]> vo tes for your drawing, 25c to $2.00 j\ ~ _ , u,. Ann , ut-- T T * by asking your friends to vote for your number. \estees in lace and organdy 25c to $2.00 MB Marmot Coats at #.»0.00 to #55.00 m GraV Hair OOOdS „ . , j Mam Floor-BOWMAN'S. f splendid for motoring " § Switches and transformations from purest Ten PhZCS Will Be Awarded This $25 Colonial Dresser at $17.75 c , T „ DATin(iw>o white to thc shade matching hair just begin- I Five to boys and five to girls, whose drawings Beddmp Hints ¥-* mi * /-> . Second Floor BOWMAN S. tQ arc inchldc(l in tllis J salc . All ! receive the highest number of vote,, as foliows: DeaOing niMS RvflllvThw SamPlUc L-.-a „.; o< i niialitv and wavv nnvc White wool blankets with 2-inch taffeta bind- IJCLaUoC A drc cxtra R ootl quality wa\). BOYS ing; weighs about 5 pounds; full bed size; »7.(!0 r Saturday Specials in ****», w,«u «.}» K "™"• Many Pieces ot oaiuiuay 111 G ra y switches, worth $4; to-morrow, Jj.l,, 2nd prize-Irish Mail Coaster; worth around; in rose, and old blue, at $15.00 „ .. (i ray switches, worth ,to morrow, 7- Alain FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Ih llirmf'l I —l O t/JI OTTATO Gray transformations; to-m0rr0w...52.15 • r u - rUinilUlC liaVe OCCn SHOES »»>*.»« Greatly Reduced Men's Gun Metal Shoes at sl.oß—value (2IRI ? Priced To-moiTOW rr v.. *1.4.11 1 .• $2.50; button and lace styles, English last, hl h « Furniture that has been tised as dis stout durable soles. T vX, \\d n"\y Tov' Piano • worth $4 00 wear off. Prices include laying. P "" ° 3 " 0t play pieces on our sales floor, and in Men's Shoes at ÜBI.O0 —value $3.50; tan /i ' ? 1 • ' n f. r *-t'is.' Ist grade, at $1.14 square yard, extra heavy; calf, gun metal and vici kid button and lace I 3rd Doll Coach ,\\ orth $3.-.. regularly $1.3 o. most cases only one of a pattern. All ■ /- j u 1 1 . / 4th prize—Writing Desk, worth $2..U). 2nd grade, at »8c square yard, extra heavy; t shoe,; Coodyear wc.t oak 5 01. 5 , smart / A '-JStt '5« l, m.e-Sct ufW; worth $1.50. in perfect condition. u/ . Styles. 7 1 \/U At \ \\ Fourth Floor —BOWMAN S. r Women's Shoes at sl.9B—values $3.00 I i Conditions Dressers and Chiffoniers filth ctvlps" \ ff J An drawings must be on paper furnished by atld cloth top shoes, good St} ICS. \ \ U/nm.n'c Women S onoes at \allie 90.-U \ I/I' / sheets of drawing paper, and some pictures of 118.00 mahogany chiffonier 58.75 and S400" fine natent colt £run metal and \ Ml\ \ 11 1/ Santa Claus to help In the drawing. 1 ] If 1 SIB.OO quartered oak chiffonier $11.50 T j ' P J i. • . . Xj/f WmHr Y Only one drawing from each child may be en- VkY\f\ I nilH%"On $21.00 bird's-eye maple chiffonier $12.75 tan Russian calt dress and walking boots, U \nr tered. Tills you must bring to the store not dllLl V-/1111LII Cll $42.00 Circassian walnut dresser $20.00 excellent values. \ U j later than December 6th. $16.00 quatrtered oak dresser $9.95 Women's Colonials at #1.49-val„e S s3_ . , p . Voting Begins December sth r"o'rmS,ir.„'2 r h:.Tw.Kr "it _ and $3..i0; fine patent colt, heavy turned ZA *K / jl I I Icfrifn I At which time the public Is invited to call and llslo thread; regular and extra sizes; pair, 25c rSraSS JBedS . *■ * soles. wl ll continue until December 19, and prizes will omen s plain black cotton hose, double heels $16.#8 continuous post brass bed $11.73 ... , _ .. . . , - n /+» O Or I \ rf • be. awarded before Christmas. and toes, wide garter tops; pair, 12>£o, 17c, 25c $29.00 2-inch post brass bed $19.A0 Women's Overgaiters at 2.>e-value jOc. U/S|c An ( )nerina Women's black cashmere hose, double soles; *32.00 2%-inch continuous post bed $27.00 Women's Overgaiters at 69*—value sl. at io Wlicilllg pair 25c, «5c and 50c $35.00 3-inch post brass bed s*».ss T"\ *1 1 O I J Women's 25c hose, plain black and colors, light Odd Arm Chairs —from dining room sets, in Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. I.— L?- / »•*-' Uv A bit of real fortune brings this very spe- j T T 1 1 aii Cl sizes* n '\i? lain b ' ack C ° tt ° n b ° Se ' r 'iawo Ca ° h ,3 ' 25 A T.ittlp Ahoilt cial Offering to you. They are plumes that Trj I Jr)holst6irV " P Main'Fioor-BOWMAN's. J ° Save on a Mattress Saturday Jr\ 1 nUUUL were made to sell at $5.00 and $7.50, and All y Cur recular $5-M feK mattrrß3 at -x every one reflects tile latest style note. Tnriain voilr cream and white around , Our No. 3 $7.00 roll edge felt mattress $5.»5 Oriental .Curled and uncurled and look quite smart w ith blue and yellow borders, 40 "inches ThlT6o ScltUrCl&V luieS I^^%^^!? !::$lI:?S o with the large velvet hats. Besides, they wide 39c quality, yard 25f 1. 11l UUIUIUUj' Fifth FIoor— BOWMAN'S. We have learned that the whole- would make an acceptable Christmas gift. Striped voile, blue and tan and vellow and o*ll O *1 T sale market is very low on Oriental MaAand whke'''' a " d " ,e ranKC vvhHe stripes, for waists or curtains, 45c Silk bpCCialS Reductions On Kid and for a °' 3n> C< m The Millinerv Deoartment q Curtains, white and beize novelty net cur- $1.50 40-inch Cascade Silk at yd. Fabric GU>VeS ing in tor a long time. Ine IVI llinery uepariment tains , yards long; hem and braid trim- _ in btl „,if„l, perfect shades of Sevres, Co- Kownes'2-clasn overscan, French Kid We suggest to those desiring a rug of Presents all the latest features from time mine, and clunv lace edges, $4.25, and , „ p „ cc - „ own ®' . j , . this kind fir a Christmas gift to make g S e- to time, and now show many new models ss.3l'values, pair, #3.75, 75 and JH.SO navy, Russian, wistaria, black Gloves in white,, tan black and gray; our lection early, as our present assortments that are right-up-to-the-minute in style, in- Matting covered boxes, with bamboo anc * ' etc c ' e e S re - regular $. . v .. ,>1 may soon be broken. eluding a large selection of jaunty hats at trimmings, feet and castors, at $2.75, $1.50 36-inch Silk Crepe de Chine at 88f Fownes l-clasp pique nger gloves in You will be interested in the verv spe- " **■»'• *».**. Ul*. » and $6.30. yd.-„avy Copenhagen, Royal, prune, Rus- »£">. bl * ck tan ' our «*" hr sl ' s cial prices, now a feature. ' Large black velvet untrimmed hats are Cedar boxes, plain and brass trimmed, sian and Nell rose. P rani-'' skin' 'PWS snrTr Fourth Fioor-BOWMAN'a $1.95 s9.f»o to $17.00 tauoe. rose and brown. with set figures. back, in tan and black, our regular J 1.85 , Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. value. Special at •• • V 1 *«H» . Main FIoor—BOWMANS. FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH " "™'"~ NOVEMBER 20,1914. ' 3
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