2 r LVAni^]^e>jgs] IMIULFI-GOIDEII WEDDING AT HERSHEY Well-known Couple Celebrate An niversary With Large Num ber of Guests Special to The Telegraph Hershey, Pa., Nov. 9. Having i rounded out fifty years of happy wedded life, Mr. and Mrs. Christian Maulfair, of Hershey, on Saturday evening held a reception at their beautiful and commodious home in Main street. It proved to be one of the most notable social events held In Chocolate Town in a number of years. Mr. Maulfair is widely known in Leb anon and Dauphin counties, and the more than 200 guests of the evening who called to tender their felicitations included old-time friends from Har risburg, Hummelstown, Lebanon, Jonestown and other points, together with Mr. Maulfalr's fellow employes of the Hershey Chocolate Company. In the receiving line were Mrs. Anna Maulfair, the widow of the only son of the aged couple, who died a number of years ago, and two grandchildren— Miss Mary Maulfair #'.d Ralph Maul fair, the latter being accompanied by his wife. The visitors were presented to Mr. and Mrs. Maulfair in the par lor of the home and both entered with entliusltasm into the spirit of the oc casion. The bride and bridegroom wear their advanced years easily and they are more active thf.n many per sons years their junior, and although the festivities continued all evening, with innumerable handshakings with coming and departing guests, Mr. and Mrs. Maulfair both expressed them- Were You Prejudiced? Time was when you didn't know Oleomargarine. You thought it was imitation butter. •/frmours Silverchurn Oleomargarine Mnde Vld(ff U* S. QOffnUMll 1 1 I mperviiiloio I Is a delicious blend of the most nutritive food fats in everyday use— churned in cream. Absolutely Pure, Delicious, Wholesome and Economical You not only buy it but prefer it to any other spread once you have learned. Packed in hygienic paraf fined cartons. < ARMOUR v^COMPANV (11 UNDERTAKER i 1 Sixth and Kelker StreeU Lirfcat establishment. Beet facilities. Near to you aa your phone. Will to »ny« here at your call. ' Motor aervice. No funeral too small. None too expensive. Chapela, rooms, vault, etc., uacd wit kr •ut chart* EDUCATIONAL Stenography, Stenotypy DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS ENROLL ANY MONDAY SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 15 S. MARKET SQUARE HARRISBURG, PA. Harrisburg Business College 329 Market St. Fall term, September first Day and night. 29th year. Harrisburg, Pa. Business Locals GIIT SELECTIONS The prudent buyer of gifts for the v coming holiday season may now be seen making selections carefully from the choicest. Likewise, people of fore thought will arrange for settings at our studio In order to have the photo graphs in time for Christmas giving. Nothing more appropriate and pleas ing for an intimate friend or relative. The newest Ideas always at Kellberg'a, 302 Market street. Try Telegraph Want Ads. MONDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH NOVEMBER 9, 1914. selves as little fatigued when the fes tivities were over. Christian Maulfair and Miss Eliza A. Rank, were married on November , 7, 1864, at the parsonage of the Pal myra Lutheran Church by the Rev. William S. Kmroy, who served that congregation at that period. It was a very quiet and unostentatious cere money and they took up housekeep ing at once. There was but one child , to bless the union, a son who died some years ago, who left two children, and both of whom attended the func tion on Saturday evening. Mr. Maul fair Is now 74 years old and Mrs. Maul fair Is 70. Mr. Maulfair Is probably one of the best known men connected with the establishment of Mr. Hershey, the "Chocolate King." He sent over fifty years as an auctioneer in Lebanon and Dauphin counties, and in that period he sold thousands of farms and farm property, some of them several times. Mr. negotiated for and (purchased practically all of the 5,000 lor more acres which now form a part |of the Hershey Chocolate Company's interests, and he also ligured in the negotiations for the right of way for both of the street railway lines which now connect Hershey with Palmyra, Hummelstown and Lebanon. He was similarly interested in the right of way for the Elizabethtown line, which is now building. He is an expert and is highly valued as an employe by the "Chocolate King." WEST SHORE NEWS NEW ROOMS LEASED Marysville, Pa., Nov. 9.—The Men's Association has leased the upper floors of the Morley building, Diamond Square, and the house committee has placed an order for a lot of new fur niture. The new headquarters have every convenience and a more pleas ant locality and surroundings could not be found. The next regular nsso» elation meeting will be held to-morrow evening. WILL CELEBRATE VICTORY Marysville, Pa., Nov. 9.—As the re sult of the election in this state and county, the victors will have a big parade to-morrow evening. The pa rade will be headed by the Marysville Band, while several floats representing the Democrats 011 their lonK journey up the river will be in line. Marysville went Democratic by a very small ma jority. BIRTHDAY SURPRISE PARTY Lemoyne, Pa,, Nov. 9. —A birthday surprise party was given on Friday night by Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Mumina, of Hummel avenue. In honor of their daughter, Miss Hazel Mumma. Re freshments were served to these guests: Misses Edith Nebinger, Mary Neb inger, Mary Rudy, Mildred Rudy, Mil dred Whitman. Mabel Musselnian, Ha zel Mumma, Hazel Kuhns, Nellie Bow man and Lorene Mumma; John Win ger!, Eugene Haag, Walter Slothower, Mark Nebinger. Martle Best. Tony Maton, Harry Minges, Dewitt Waters, Frederick Mumma, Mrs. Minges. Mrs. Earl Whitman and Mrs. W. D. Mumma. WENT TO TABERNACLE Special to The Telegraph Lemoyne, Pa., Nov. 9.—A number of Lemoyne men attended the men's mass meeting yesterday afternoon at the Stough tabernacle at Harrisburg. A special car was required to accom modate the crowd. SOCIAL ANX) BAZAR New Cumberland, Pa., Nov. O.—A committee was appointed from the Methodist Sunday school to make ar rangements for holding a social and bazar in the social room of the church on the evenings of November 26 and 27. FINGERS CUT OFF New Cumberland, Pa., Nov. 9. William Leieht, proprietor of a flour and feed store in Second street, had two of the fingers of his lert hand cut off. Mr. Lelcht was chopping feed and got his hand in the machinery. Ho was taken to the Harrisburg Hos pital. In September Mr. Leicht had his leg fractured in an automobile ac cident. LADIES' CIRCLE TO HOLD BAZAR New Cumberland, Pa., Nov. 9. On Friday evening. November 13, the Ladies' Circle of St. Paul's Lutheran [Church will hold a bazar in-the hose liouse in Fourth street. Homemade bread, cakes, pies and a line lot of fancy work will be for sale. to stop dandruff and loss of hair Shampoo with hot water, rub bing thoroughly into the scalp the the rich, creamy lather of Resinol Soap eo as to soften and stimulate the Bcalp, to remove the dead skin and cells, and to work the soothing, healing Resinol balsams well into the roots of the hair. Rinse in gradually cooler water, the final water being cold. Dry ftie hair thoroughly, without artiiicialheat. This simple, agreeable method almost always stops dandruff and scalp itching, and keeps the hair live, thick and lustrous. Resinol Soap leaves no stickiness or un pleasant odor In the hair. Sold wherever toilet goods arc carried. For sample free, write to Dept.3-I*. Resinol. Baltimore, Md. AUTOS VARNISHED Ready in 48 Hours Work Guaranteed Price $lO and upwards Bell Phone 2423 ISS NATIONALLY lp I !! tiC Railroad A TY\ 7T7 "D HTT QT7 "T* BTEWAKr ~™ 1 H Timekeeper of AiJ V JJrf K 1 WARNER | America AUTOMETERS ♦♦ i • Sold by if T} Q BC JIAGS:TOS AND REPAIRS ♦♦ ♦: niFNFR' The UUUIJO K.-W. and HEINZE tcE « H ; J rr ■ The World's Best Merchandise hmtutm M.,„r Supply H ♦♦ 408 Market Street _ tt ♦♦ -j- -| y Either Phono 3890 ♦♦ g - In ana JNeai ~ U P Hg»m HARRISBURG, PA. I s; iK e SYSTEM V Merchandise that will bear national advertising has to have exceptional merit. f# H e^se t^le manufacturer could not afford to spend large sums of money for the adver- ♦♦ »j tising, and to attach his name and reputation to an article that was not extraor- It liPaS dinarily meritorious, for it is the repeat sales that he depends on. It is there- M cCc/vfC/«S tt I+tMsM fore quite evident that when an article is nationally advertised and nationally „tt TmSS&KiBm , , 1 , , . . . J . ~ , , , , J , are known the world over «« sold,year m and year out, year after year, it is exceptionally good goods to stand f or t j ie j r sweet an< j durable ♦* first and still THE BEST! tes t and prove worthy of continued sales and growth. It is conceded by ex- tone. Sold direct from fac- *♦ you nood one, too perts that when an article is advertised generally—nationally —it is the best pos- tory to home. ♦♦ C. L SAWTELLE sible product. The wise always, in consequence, prefer nationally known goods *♦ sales AGENT and ask for what they want by name. Read the magazines and keep posted on 3)3 Telegraph Building nationally advertised goods. CHAS. M. STIEFF ♦♦ ~ IF IT'S ON THIS PAGE IT'S WORTH WHILE — ;^"r I § I Corset and Hosiery Ift l On rcprular stock number for one I I #kM4*VV|l|W ■1 , shop T<Xf """T » jpowsev g 107 A North Sroonil Street * 1 * V?* Jfj A ® . v'j j Exclusive City Agency Hand-Fitlishcd Gossard THOR Underwear * STORAGE § „ ~ Motorcycles th ?S™!fwfS'ul!' , s: 10c Sheet Music SYSTEMS Is m AV9 A 1 O Merode quality. _ ♦♦ ■ lIISP I X RELIABILITY POWER Regular 50c garments 3Sc =J ♦♦ «. VP 1C? V L ttt-ALITY Regular SI.OO garments 75c yr _ w , , lr - w ® * Including extra sizes. I OUr MOIieV S Worth For All Pnrpoaes One and two cylinder models CUD 9 f I ♦♦ (They Laco In Front) at J 2 °o, $226. $250 and s2is. Two- Rp«CIP P S* ftfiymSJl Tk mm /v«*| lr-ir* S* fr • DOWSST & Co., ITIC, ♦♦ *e speed equipment S4O additional. DcSM" £<• * ©Ullllclil An J/IJ ♦♦ tf M an J R KFFFF « .. ..... rn Gloves, Hosiery, Underwear 1 • 1?I» \J I JLSLI\ Telegraph Building tt ' C. H. UHLER Indies' Goods Only j j SOUXH FOURTH STREET HAKniSBIHO, PA- Zt ♦v 107 A North Second Street j3i7 DBKKY SXIIEKX 222 LOCUST STREET " STREET ♦♦ ♦♦ "The Typewriter We are gole agentß for H arri.- THESE NATIONALLY KNOWN j-rir Tfti rnn tt tt n ( TrmU and vicinity for the cele- ARTICLES OK MERCHANDISE * "Cr 1 ULLUU ♦♦ <>♦ OI 1 n P le oervice brated MAY BE FOUND WITH „ . Rf m&iMl ♦♦ ' -- - nenvy Capnolty and Counter pi V/9MJ ♦♦ I Dr. Reed M. A. HOFF I v // Whlttnll Hue*. Royal Arm , <P«ih™ "JnP ++ H \JP®/ cushion Tgl Chalmers » H \li m SOLE Hb g tt - and THE tt n+4 It Writes. Types Cards and c< U C .A- ♦♦ Bills. No extra attachment. N f~l \ S Price SIOO. For demonstration, w y VAU 1 Harrisburg Typewriter „ New Cumberland, tt ..J G.innlv Pn _ P<tnil3 t OICUO OCQIC CO. Motor Cars May be Been at the J'"* U JERAULD SHOE CO. renna - ♦♦ 40 , 310 Market Street FOURTH AND BRIDGE STS. B eii phone R43 1019-1025 MARKET ST. *0 ♦♦ IlnrrlNburK, Pa. " B P RKYNOLDS, Sale* Agent. Robert L. Morton, Mounter. J<V ONE BELGIAN WRECKS BATTERY Also Captures Mag, Kills Colonel and Makes Forty Prisoners Special to The Telegraph London, Nov. 9.—A Belgian soldier, Emil Sapln, 22 years of age, who has arrived at Cherbourg for a few days' rest, is a chevalier of the Order of Leopold and of the Legion of Honor as a result of his exploits in the last Sew days. Single handed, Sapin destroyed a German battery, took a hussar regi -1 mental flag, killed the German colonel and made forty prisoners. KAISER HOLDS WAR COUNCIL Special to The Tele graph London, Nov. 9.—A Beuter dispatch from Rome says: "German advices received here say that Emperor Wil liam, much affected by the Russian victories, has held a council of war to decide on a further plan of 'cam paign." SBOT BY COMPANION Special to The Telegraph Newport, Pa., Nov. 9.—George Har ris and Emery Peters came up from Harrisburg to Buffalo township to shoot birds. They were successful in •running up a flock and in his haste, Mr. Peters shot at the flying birds, but | jat the same time put five shot in the back of the neck of his companion. I Dr. Lewis A. Carl gave him attention. WILL ATTEND POX HUNT Special to The Telegraph Newport, Pa., Nov. 9.—John H. Cluck and Charles It. Horting will at tend the second annual Blue Ribbon fox hunt at Ruffsdale, Pa. The local i sportsmen will take with them six i fox hounds of merit which will com ] pete for the sliver cup and blue rib | lion to be offered at the meet. I Ready Help in time of physical trouble caused by indigestion, biliousness resulting from torpid liver, inactive bowels, is al ways given, quickly, certainly, safely by the most famous of family remedies BEECHAM'S PILLS i Largest Sal* of Any Medicine in the World. Sold everywhere. In boxes, 10c., 25c. OLD LANDMARK RAZED MeehiinlenitiirK Dwellings IIOUMO, Hullt Century Ago, Mrlng Torn Dunn Special to The Telegraph Meclianlcsburg, Pa., Nov. 9. One of the oldest landmarks In this place, a dwelling house in East Simpson street, is being razed and will be superseded by a modern dwelling house. AV. H. Aulthouse and Son, wholesale candy dealers, purchased the building which was built, as near as can be ascertained, more than a century ago, and the large, colonial style brick building was a farm house, built and owned by one Martin Keller, located on the Simpson road, which was then the main thoroughfare between Harrisburg and Carlisle. Past this old landmark many a prairie schooner wended Its way to the AVest, and in war times it was a familiar figure in the little hamlet as the troops marched up the valley. Mr. Aulthouse will build in its stead two brick dwell ings with a garage and room for busi ness. FIRST ENTERTAINMENT Special to The Telegraph Dillsburg, Pa., Nov. 9.—On Friday the sale of seats for this season's course of lyeeum entertainments was held, when more than 125 tickets were sold. The first entertainment of the course will be given on Wednesday evening, November 18, and the at traction will be the Chicago Lyceum Players. HOIISKS FOR EUROPEAN ARMIES Special to The Telegraph Hagerstown, Md„ Nov. 9. Bradley McHenry, of this city, an expert horse man, has returned from a trip through the West, where he purchased a num ber of horses for the English and French governments. Mr. McHenry purchased 4,500 head that will be ship ped across the water to be used on the battle lines. The shipments will be made from Baltimore, Galveston, Tex., and New Orleans. WANT IMPROVED FIRE ALARM Special to The Telegraph Columbia, Pa.. Nov. 9. Chief Bur gess Detweiler has called a meeting of lire department officials, at his office, and will confer with them with a view to establishing an improved fire alarm j system for the borough. His object is to create efficiency in the service and offer plans for better protection in case of tire. The Columbia department al ready enjoys a reputation for good ser vice and means will be provided to Im prove it. «A COUNT OF NO ACCOUNT" Lebanon, Pa., Nov. !>. The Imperial Dramatic Club, composed of members of Trinity Lutheran Church, is prepar ing to present a farce comedy, entitled "A Count of No Account" on December 1. George Speicher, director of the ciub, announces that It will be one of the best home-talent productions ever attempted here. C. H. C. CLUB ENTERTAINED Blain, Pa., Nov. 9.—A pleasant evening was spent on Friday at the home of Miss Lee Smith, who enter tained the members of the C. H. C. Club with music and playing games. DISTRICT CONVENTION , Special to The Telegraph Halifax, Pa., Nov. 9.—A business meeting and convention of the Sunday schools of District No. 10 of Dauphin county for the election of officers for the balance of the present year and for the consideration of general Sun day school work will be held In the Otterbein United Brethren Church on Thursday, November 19. The district embraces the following schools: Hali fax Methodist Episcopal, Halifax He formed, Halifax United Brethren, Ebenezer United Brethren, Bethel Union, Mntamoras, Zion's United Brethren, St. James' Iteformed, Car sonvllle. Bowerman's Lutheran and Reformed, Enterline, Jacob's United Brethren, Waynesville, Carsonville United Brethren and Union United Brethren, Enterline. DR. GOSSARR IX PULPIT Special to The Telegraph Annville, Pa., Nov. 9.—Dr. G. D. Gossard, president of Lebanon Valley College, occupied the pulnlt of the First United Brethren Church of Pal myra yesterday morning. He will also speak at the. evening services when the teacher training class will hold its graduation exercises. MINISTER GOES TO OOATKS VII;LE Special to The Telegraph Halifax, Pa.. Nov. 9.—The Rev. and Mrs. George M. Richter left on Friday for Coatesville, where Mr. RJchter has been appointed pastor of the United Brethren Church. The Rev. Mr. Rich ter and his wife are returned mission aries from West Africa and were guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Anna Richter. NEIGHBORS HUSK CORN Special to The Telegraph Columbia, Pa., Nov. 9. Ninety-two men, neighbors of Stoner M. Seitz, of near Mountvllle, gathered on his farm and within an hour and a half husked ills crop of fourteen acres of corn. Fire, earlier in the season, destroyed the buildings on Mr. Seitz's farm and his neighbors tendered their assistance be cause of his loss, and showed their hos pitality by cleaning up the corn crop. | Seven teams hauled the corn to a crib, where It was safely housed for the Wi "fter completing this work on the Seitz farm the crew went to the farm of Jonas Haverstick, another farmer, who was sick, and in a half hour husked the corn In his fields and hauled It to the crib. CASTORIA For Infants and Children i Use For Over 30 Year* Alrr-ys bearo . - Signature of MASQUERADE AT ANNVILLE I Special to The Telegraph Annvllle, Pa., Nov. 9.—Miss Eliz abeth Kreider, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M*orris D. Kreider, of this place, entertained delightfully at her home on evening a party of her friends at a masquerade. Those who presided at the piano were Misses Ber niee Hoffman and Elizabeth Kreider. The soloists were Misses Mary and Claire Wolfe. Mrs. Ernlce Albert and Mark Longnecker. Dancing was en joyed, a self-playing piano being used for the playing of the waltz, tango and hesitation. At a late hour refresh ments, were served. ADDRESS BY CAPT. RICHARDS Special to The Telegraph Annville, Pa., Nov. 9.—A large at tendance was present yesterday morn ing at the United Brethren Church, in Main stceet. when the annual rally day services were held. Singing by different department of the Sunday school and addresses by the superin tendents preceded she address deliv. ered by Captain H. M. M. Richards. Captain Richards has been service in four wars of recent times. Is a his- ; torian and is a churchman of inter- 1 national fame. Quit Sneezing! A little Kondon's Catarrhal Jelly placed la the nostrils will bring relief. Your druggist Guarantees It. Money back if it falls. A 25c or 50c tube of KONDON'S Original and Genuine CATARRHAL JELLY Don't delay. Use it at once. Its coollne, soothine, healing effects are wonderful. Best thing you can use for chronic nasal , catarrh, colds in head, sneezing dry catarrh. , sore nose, noso bleed, etc. 16,000,000 tubes ' have been sold. Write us for generous free j cample. 35,000 druggists sell this splendid , remedy. Avoid dangerous substitutes. KONDON INFO. CO., Minnaapolla, Minn. I Special Notice Do not delay placing your order for CALEN DARS. Big Selection. Orders promptly filled. Call at our office, or phone Bell 1577 R. MYERS MANUFACTURING CO. SECOND FLOOR, 3RD & CUMBERLAND STS. MOONLIGHT IHKE Special to Th* Ttlegroph Dlllsburg, Pa., Nov. 9.—On Friday night Miss Marietta Menear, teacher of the Dlllsburg grammar BChool, went with her pupils on a moonlight hike to the country. The party walked to the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Wagner, In Carrol township, where a luncheon was served. mm I CONSTIPATION RELIEVED IN 2 MINUTES EASILY WHY WAIT ALL NIGHT? THE NEW WAT. Don't take pill*. pur*ativo» or cathar tlCß. Tu-bo-lax emptlee the lower bow el whenever desired. ALL DKITOQISTB. OR BY KAIL, 50 eta. Small Tube, 25 eta. Lar*e Tube con tain! 6 Umen amount or 250 else. SS-cJSSP 1 REPAIRING or adjusting, Jewelry cleaning or rcpoltehlng, take It to SPRINGE R^jew^LER 1^ 206 MARKET ST Bell Phoaa Jtlrrohnnta tt Mlnera Trnna. Ox FLORIDA TRIPS "BY SEA" ! j BALTIMORE TO JACKSONVILLE au<l return 533.50 SAVANNAH null return fL'B.OO Including meals and stateroom ac« commodatlons. Through tickets to al] points. Fine steamers. Best service) s-'tatnrooms de luxe. Baths. Wireless telegraph Automobiles carried. Steam* er Tuesday and Friday. Send for book> let. \V. P. TIIKNEII, G. P. A., Baltimore. Udi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers