10 Bank Statements REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY, of ' Harrlsburg. No. 1230 North Third Street, ' of Dauphin County. Pennsylvania, at the cloae of business November 2, 1914: i RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and i notes, $51,697 00 Due from ap proved reserve agents. .. M.lll »° |136 728 80 Nickels and cents, „ 41J §• , Checks and cash Items... 6,695 52 Due from Banks and Trust ; Cos. not In reserve,.... 1,247 64 1 Securities pledged for Special deposits, 6,000 00 Assets held free, via: C o m m e r c lal paper pur chased: Upon one name $987 00 C o m m e r c lal paper pur chased: Upon two or more names 224.656 05 .... Loans upon call with col- „ _ __ lateralT 245,218 00 Time loans with collateral, 30,738 77 | Loans secured by bonds j and mortgages 53 Loans without collateral,. 129,137 67 ' ( Bonds, Stocks, etc. 285,866 82 I Mortgages and Judgments i of record, 138.467 84 Office building and 10t,.. 47.600 00 Furniture and fixtures, .. 18,920 00 Overdrafts 33 81 Total $1,385,255 57 ] LIABILITIES Capital stock paid 1n,.... $125,000 00 , ; Surplus Fund 225,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid, .. 31,725 07 Individual deposits subject ! to check (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Sav ings), 308,304 95 Time Certificates of De- ( posit (Exclusive of Trust ( Funds and Savings), .. 232,402 37 Deposits, saving fund, (Exclusive of Trust Funds) 397,069 85 Deposits, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 20,000 00 I! Deposits. U. S. Postal Sav ings 1,492 51 Deposits, Municipal 25,000 UO Due to Banks, Trust Cos. I etc.. not in reserve 13,557 14 I Treasurer's and Certified Checks outstanding 5,703 68 Total $1,385,255 57 1 Amount of Trust Funds invested 383,258 70 Amount of Trust Funds uninvested 7,061 15 Overdrafts 328 19 i Total Trust funds $390,648 04 CORPORATE TRUSTS Total amount (1. e. face value) of Trusts under deeds of trust or mort gages executed by Cor porations to the Com pany as Trustee to se- > cure Issues of corporate I bonds. Including Equip- ' ment Trusts $1,932,500 00 • State of Pennsylvania. County of Dau- : ,hin. ss: I, H. O. Miller, Treasurer of the above named Company, do solemnly 1 swear that the above statement Is true < to the best of my knowledge and be lief. ] (Signed) H. O. MILLER, Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me I this 6th day of November, 1914. ( (Signed) M. G. POTTS. ] [Notarial Seal] Notary Public. Correct—Attest: , (Signed) W. M. DONALDSON, ] (Signed) DAVID E. TRACT, (Signed) \VM. WITMAN, ] Directors. REPORT OF TIIE CONDITION OF THE Pennsylvania Surety Company j i Of Harrisburg, No. 14 South Second M Street, of Dauphin County, Pennsylva- ! j nia, at the close of business Novem ber 2, 1914. RESOURCES Due from Banks and Trust , Cos. not in reserve, SB,OBB 21 < Loans upon call with collat eral 24,000 00 Bonds, stocks, etc 385,116 00 I i Mortgages and judgments of I record 43,500 00 Premiums being collected, .. 7,133 35 . Total $467,837 56 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In $250,000 00 1 Surplus Fund 100,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid,.... 96 031 22 1 Premiums reserve. Loss reserve „ Total $467,837 56 State of Pennsylvania, County of Dau phin, ss: I, R. G. Cox, Treasurer of the above named Company, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief 1 (Signed) R. G. COX „ . . . Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this sth day of November, 1914 (Signed) CLINTON M. HEKSHEY, (Notarial Seal] Notary Public. ig My commission expires January 26, Correct—Attest: (Signed) EDWARD BAILEY. (Signed) G. W. REILY. (Signed) A. FORTENBAUGH. Directors. REPORT OF Security Trust Co. of Harrisburg 36 and 38 N. Third St. At the Close of Business Nov. 2, 1914 RESOURCES Loans and Investments $340,262.83 Mortgages and Judgments 202J85.46 Bonds 82,340.91 Real Estate Furniture and Fixtures 82,887.38 Due From Banks and Reserve 81,876.91 Overdrafts ' 3 6 .'i6 $790,189.65 LIABILITIES Capital Paid in $125,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 52 862.94 Deposits 482i546.71 Mortgage Bonds Sold 129,780.00 $790,189.65 Trust Funds $ 39,732.35 Corporate Trusts $800,000.00 GEORGE A. GORGAS, J. O. S. POORMAN, Pres. Treas. MONDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH NOVEMBER 9, 1014. KEPUKT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BAST END BAI.K, of Harrlsburg. Thirteenth and Howard streets, of Dau phin County. Pennsylvania, at the close of business November 2. 1914: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and notes $36,123 00 Due from approved reserve agents,.. 62,371 88 Nickels and cents 1,231 93 Checks and cash Items 11,368 76 Assets held free, vis: Bills discounted: Upon one name, .$17,432 50 Bills discounted: Upon two or more names 189,600 49 Time loans with collateral,. 12,470 00 Loans on call w'th collateral. 38,957 50 Loans on call upon one name 27,041 25 Loans on call upon two or more names 44,026 76 Loans secured by bonds and mortgages 121,339 73 Bonds, Stocks, etc.. Sched ule D 24,522 60 Mortgages and Judgments of record, Schedule D-2 44,236 00 Office building and lot 17.000 00 Other real estate 19,085 00 : Furniture and fixtures 4,200 U0 I Overdrafts 1,163 94 Miscellaneous assets 47 40 Total $661,217 62 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In $50,000 00 Surplus Fund 40,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid. .. 11,038 26 Individual deposits subject to check,5231,285 73 Time certificates of deposit 229,116 32 Savings Fund de posits 37,081 88 Deposits, munici pal 20,000 00 Certified checks,.. 2,615 00 Cashier's checks outstanding, ... 993 76 521,092 69 Bills payable on demand 37,750 00 Total $661,217 62 State of Pennsylvania, County of Dau fhln, ss: j A 1 K. Thomas, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signed) AL K. THOMAS, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of November, 1914. A. W. oWENGEL, [Notarial Seal.] Notary Public. My commission expires January 19, 1915. Correct —Attest: [SEAL.] (Signed) H. A. SHERK, (Signed) E. M. SIBLE. (Signed) E. A. HEFFELFINGER. Directors. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE COMMERCIAL, BANK, of Harrls burg. Pa., Nos. 1222 and 1224 North Third street, of Dauphin County. Penn sylvania. at the close of business, No vember 2, 1914: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and notes $25,340 00 Due from approved reserve agents, . 43,52.1 95 Nickels and cents 434 62 Checks and cash items 8,773 02 Due from Banks and Trust Cos. not reserve, 9 30 Assets held free, vis: Bills discounted: Upon one name,. $12,148 00 Bills discounted: Upon two or more names, ...140,921 03 Time loans with collateral, . 14,890 00 Loans on call with collateral, 20.056 83 Loans on call upon one name, 6,173 65 Loans on call upon two or ! more names, 52,479 89 Loans secured by bonds and mortgages 66,408 63 Bonds. Stocks, etc.. Schedule Mortgages and Judgments of record. Schedule D-2,.. 66,475 15 Office building and lot 106,978 45 Furniture and fixtures 8,181 65 Miscellaneous assets 976 00 Total, $578,769 97 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in, $121,660 00 Surplus Fund 60,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid 10.798 87 Individual depos its subject to check $126,498 46 Time certificates of deposit 111,144 72 1 Saving Fund de posits, 91,385 91 Deposits, Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, . 10,000 00 Deposits, munlcl pal, .. • • •«*... 30,015 89 Certified checks, . 1.728 50 Cashier's checks outstanding, ... 816 40 Due to Banks and Trust Cos. not reserve 14,721 23 Total $578,769 97 State of Pennsylvania, County of Dau fhln, ss: , C. Z HufTer. Cashier of the abov« named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the beet of my knowledge and belief. (Signed) C. Z. HUFFER, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of November, 1914. (Signed) WALTER R. SOHN, [Notarial Seal.] Notary Public. Correct —Attest: (Signed) AMOS LEBO. (Signed) H. A. ROBINSON, (Signed) H. C. KOONS. Directors Ub iHt CONDIIION O t lhe UARHIBBUHO TRUST COMPANY, of Harrlsburg. No. It South Second Street, of Dauphin County. Pennaylva -2 1914 c ' os ® business November RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and „ notes 193.352 50 Due from ap proved reserve agents 508,479 55 kt, , , *601,882 05 Nickels and cents, 1,031 03 Checks and cash items, ... 8,389 65 Due from Banks and Trust Cos. not In reserve 6,106 88 Securities pledged for spec ial deposits, 10,000 00 Assets held free, vl«: C o m m e r c lal paper pur chased: Upon one name, ... $48,735 00 C o m m e r c lal paper pur chased: upon two t- more names 806,716 02 . 855,451 02 Loans upon call with col lateral 813,272 97 Time loans with coliat . teral 338,836 68 i oans secured by bonds and mortgages 18,726 69 Loans without collateral. . 3,168 40 Bonds, Stocks, etc 230,686 00 Mortgages and Judg ments of record, 21,029 43 Other real estate 147,8U0 00 Total $3,056,318 70 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In $400,000 00 Surplus Fund 400,000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes , paid 71,659 05 Individual deposits sub ject to check (Exclu sive of Trust Funds and Savings) 723,960 48 Time certificates of de posit (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Savings). . . 621,406 70 Deposits. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 579,872 70 Deposits. U. S. Postal Savings 5,895 12 Deposits, municipal 132,000 00 Due to Banks, trust Cos., etc., not in reserve 120,530 57 Dividends unpaid 424 00 i it-usurer's u..<i certified checks outstanding 1,070 08 Total $3,056,318 70 Amount of Trust Funds invested $2,877,233 15 Amount of Trust Funds uninvested 232,069 01 Total Trust funds $3,109,302 16 CORPORATE TRUSTS Total amount (l. e. face value) of Trusts under deeds of trust or mort gages executed by Cor porations to the Com pany as Trustee to se cure issues of corporate bonds. Including Equip ment Trusts $24,557,000 00 Total amount of deposited by Corpora tions with the Company as Trustee to secure la sues of Collateral Trust Bonds 122,655 00 State of Pennsylvania. County of Dau phin, ss: I, Geo. O. Carl. Treasurer of the abo. - named Company, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and be lief. (Signed) GEO. O. CARL, Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of November, 1914. (Signed) CLINTON M. HEH.SHEY, (Notarial Seal.] Notary Public. Correct—Attest: (Signed) EDWARD BATLEY. (Signed) A. FORTENBAUGH. (Signed) E. J. STACKPOLE, Directors. Statement of the Hershey Trust Co. Hers hey, Pennsylvania, November 2, 1914 RESOURCES LIABILITIES Cash on Hand and in Capital $125,000 00 Banks $618,388 86 Surplus 125,000 00 Loans and Commer- Undivided Profits.... 90!333 15 cial Paper 75,883 37 Deposits: Demand Loans 110,537 50 Individual 1,354,155 03 Loans secured by Interest Certificates 176)509 98 mortgages 107,010 93 Banks 19 502 10 Bonds and Stocks ... 357,130 95 ' Miscellaneous Assets.. 21,548 65 $1,800,500 20 $1,800,500 26 OFFICERS M. S. Hersliey, President. W. H. Lebkickcr, Vice-President. S. C. Steelier, Sec'y and Treas. > j COMMONWEALTH TRUST COMPANY 222 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa, Condensed Statement, November 2,1914. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Cash and cash items .$ 104,785 41 Capital stock $ 250,000 00 i!oan^T' >n 264,242 16 Surplus Fund 450,000 00 meats 1,952.475 98 Undivided profit .... 70,047 53 Heal estate nnd bank Deposits 1,802,088 23 building 277,325 32 Due to banks 841 25 Overdrafts 431 29 Mlserflanmua <n r«~ Miscellaneous 782 00 M'scciiancous 19.565 lft $2,000,042 10 $2,000,042 10 OFFICERS William Jennings, Warwick M. Oftelsby, William 11. Metzger, President. Vice-president and Sec'y and Treas. Trust Officer. W. Grant Rauch, Asst. Sec'y & Treas. DIRECTORS Charles E. Covert, . W. O. Hiekok, 111 Warwick M. Oeelsbv Henderson Gilbert, William Jennings. Harry C. Ross. R. C. Haldcman, Christian W. Lynch, Thos.' W. Small wood William M. Ilain, William H. Mctiger, A. C. Staram. Francis J. Hall, Koi.crt H. Mollltt, John Fox Weiss. AMUSEMENTS AMU SEMENTJ~ ~ ■■■HMBTHE HOMR OF THE l \l\ i.itsAi. Palace Theater 333 Market Street TUESDAY 12th Instalment-iVliraere ALSO Regular Universal Program Mildred Bright and .Stanley Walpole In Eelalr Drama, "THK «U AltltFl - I'auHne and I-on (hnnr> In He* 2-reel, "VIRTUE—ITS OWN RE'- m Try Telegraph Want Ads WINTER WHEAT OUTLOOK GOOD "Modern Miller" Sees Promise of Increased Production Special to The Telegraph Chicago. Nov. 7. —The Modern Mil ler crop outlook: "Wheat seeding throughout the winter wheat States was under as favorable conditions as any crop ever seeded. Good soli prep aration and increased acreage greatly favor Increased production. The grow ing plant is up to an excellent stand. Soft wheat States report considerable Hessian fly and probable damage from that cause may develop before har vest. "Farmers in many districts continue to hold wheat and country movement to meet demands for export Is only likely under stimulus of higher prices on the farms." REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE STEELTON TRUST COMPANY, of Steelton, No. 1 North Front Street, of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, at the close of business, November 2, 1914: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and notes $11,782 00 Due from ap proved reserve agents 74,306 31 Legal securities at par 9,760 00 Nickels and cents 169 03 Checks and cash Items 3,189 25 Due from Banks and Trust" Cos. not In reserve 2,600 00 Loans upon call with col lateral 173.669 08 Time loans with collateral,. 4,315 40 Loans without collateral, .. 49,275 28 Bonds, stocks, etc 90,697 48 Mortgages and judgments of record 100,483 00 Other real estate 27,600 00 Furniture and fixtures 1,400 00 Total $548,935 83 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In, $125,000 00 Surplus fund 76,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid. ... 19,309 36 Individual deposits subject to check (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Savings). 106.762 98 Time certificates of deposit. (Exclusive of Trust Funds) 163,221 65 Deposits, saving fund, (Ex clusive of Trust Funds),.. 68,985 82 Deposits, municipal 632 62 Dividends unpaid 16 00 Treasurers and certified checks outstanding 18 40 Total. $548,935 83 Amount of Trust Funds In vested $106,755 60 Amount of Trust Funds un invested 13,189 34 Total Trust funds $119,944 84 State of Pennsylvania. County of Dau- ss: S. Bolton, Treasurer of the abovo named Company do solemnly afTlrm that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signed) GEO. S. BOLTON, .. _ Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of November, 1914. (Signed) JOHN H. SNAVELY. [Notarial Seal] Notary Public. Commission expires April 17. 1916. Correct —Attest: (Signed) JOHN B. LITCH, (Signed) ROBT. M. RUTHERFORD, (Signed) SAMUEL COUFFER, Directors, WOUNDED FRENCHMEN HIVE IN NEW YORK Three Men Tell Thrilling Stories of Their Experiences in Fight ing Against Germans By Associated Press New York, Nov. 9.—Three soldiers, all discharged from the French army because of disability and all bearing wounds which showed they had been in the thick of the fighting, arrived here to-day on board the steamship Rochambeau, from Havre. They were George Plerlot and Leon Leblot, on their way to their homes in Canada; and John Uosenbem, returning to his home in Holbrook, Mass. Plerlot and Leblot were wounded in the defense of Rheims. Leblot said that in the hand-to-hand fighting there he received a bayonet wound In his side and was carried to the rear. While a Sister of Charity, whom he knew only as Anna, was binding his wound, a German bullet killed her and her body fell across him. Leblot later returned and was twice wound ed in one leg. Then he quit. "The Germans used the bodies of their dead as barricades and we had to climb over them," said Leblot. Plerlot received a saber thrust in his left shoulder before Rheims. He said that the artillery opened the battla and rained shells on the opposing lines for three hours. Then the men closed In and fought hand-to-hand for three hours. Killed Seven Germans Rosembeni at Muelhausen lost his rifle and was slashed in the arm with a saber. "uRf I found a blacksmith's knife on the battlefield," he said, "and killed seven German with It before t was again wounded and put out of action." B. C. Heyneman, a San Francisco architect, who said that he was twice arrested and twice sentenced to death, once by the French and once by the Germans, also was a passenger. He gained his freedom and meeting Miss Florence Lacava, once his schoolmate, in France, married her. He brought his bride along. Antoinette Ronner, known as the "Queen of Diamonds," and Joseph Kislinger, arrested in Paris last June, charged with the larceny of SIBO,OOO worth of diamonds from a New York i jeweler, arrived on the Rochambeau in the custody of two New York de tectives. Dentist Mcßride Admits He Was Practicing Here Under Stolen Diploma G. Calvin Mcßride, who practiced dentistry in Harrlsburg up to seven months ago, now in a Philadelphia | hospital with a bullet wound, con fessed yesterday that he was practic ing under a diploma and license be longing to another man of the same name. The Harrisburgers said his real name was Harrison. On October 26 he was shot by Dr. Silas Hertz, :i Philadelphia physician. The local police say Mcßride Is wanted. LODGE IS 135 YEARS OLD Perseverance Members to Celebrate Anniversary To-morrow Nlglit This week's big event in Masonic circles will be the celebration of the 135 th anniversary of Perseverance Lodge, No. 21, to-morrow night. Fol lowing a business meeting in the lodge room, Masonic Temple, an old-fash ionned turkey dinner will be served at 8 o'clock. An address of welcome at the lodge meeting will be made by Dr. F. E. ' DoWnes. The closing exercises will be in charge of Robert W. Hoy. At the banquet. Worshipful Master, W. Har ry Musser will me toastmaster and will respond to the toast, "The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Penn sylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction." Toasts and addresses will be given by Charles L. Shaffer, John N. Peregoy, J. Henry Williams, Philadelphia; Egan Fahs Smith, Philadelphia; Jesse B. Cunningham, James M. Yeager, jLewistown; J. Henry Williams is right | worshipful grand master of Pennsyl ; vanl Masons. Other grand officers | who will be present are Louis A. I Watres, John S. Sell, William S. Sny j der. Music will be furnished by the j Masonic orchestra and by Perseve ' ranee quartet, including Ralph E. Steever, Jerome M. Hamilton, Nevln R. Seltzer, Howard H. Fraim. AUTOIST HAS NARROW ESCAPE Maryland Man's Machine Stopped Throe Inches From River Rank Joseph Smith, of Thurmont, Md„ had a narrow escape last night when "nls automobile was within three inches !of crashing over the river bank at J Front and Muench streets. Had it not been for the new depressed walk | just below the bank level the autoist i Would have met a speedy death, i Mr. Smith, unfamiliar with Harris- I burg streets, was driving his car west ward on Muench street and was una ! ware that he was at the end of j Muench street when he reached Front, i The automobile mounted the curb at | Front street and was stopped three inches from the edge of the bank. Mr. Smith Is driving from Thurmont j to Chicago. I STOCK TRANSPORTATION HALTED Albany, N. Y„ Nov. 9.—Calvin J. Huson, state commissioner of agricul ture, to-day issued an order forbidding the use of any boat, car, van or dray for transporting livestock In the state I of New York unless It shall have been disinfected. CITY CLEAN-UP STARTS The city's Fall clean-up started to day. Two dozen wagons are busily collecting rubbish and other material from the backyards t>f residents and the alleys of Allison Hill. AMUSEMENTS !/!•_#.• Wilmer, Vincent' majestic & A PP eii, Mgn. To-morrow - One Night Only CHARLES FHOHMAN PHESEXTS JOHN DREW IN A COMEDY THAT WILL MAKE VOL' FORGET THE WAU,— N. Y. Herald. The Prodigal Husband By Darlo Nlceodeml and Michael Morton. PHOTOPLAY TO-DAY^ Helen Gardner In 3-act Vltagrnph, "The Butterfly." "The Tlrket-of- I.eavc Man." 2-act Blograph. Ben Wilson In the 12th ChronlclM of Cleek Series, "The Myaterjr of the Sealed Art Gallery" « Brat-run "Made In America," film each day. A MIS KM I. NTS AMUSEMENTS Juvenile Actor With "Pa" and "Ma" at Colonial w*r- ~ ; - - 1 . . r i , n i. . ... i . i 111, i. ,mi Mu • • • I 11. hl.i lil iii i mnr.it as clever u juvenile performer as to "• to( ?' ' I! ' US . ... , . , , , proves to he the little boy s father re vaudeville boasts of. A\ ith his pa turned and reunited with the family and Ills ma, and his sisters and he deserted when Billy was a baby, brothers, he is to present an amusing Ever since the Colonial has been comedy sketch. "Billy's Santa Claus" running its new policy the shows have at the Colonial the lirst three days of I been excellent. Like Ragtime Singing? Here's The Girl That Can Sing 'Em Where is the man, woman or child who doesn't enjoy the happy swing f of ragtime? f There's a little girl at the Orpheum Theater this week who has such a clever way of singing the popular < \ %% songs of the day that her managers v i s*£9l have every contldence that she will /I, >. "N*| \ help to give the vaudeville house one if f 1 i 11 of the biggest weeks of its reason. i t 'WW XTI Her name is ltuth Roye and her size jj £ , f $ \ isn't much bigger than her name, but j j SI m ' 1 her standing on the vaudeville cir- / M .. J jcultc is just that big that she went ' ' ja to the Palace Theater in New York / * |® U * W : 'Jk with a one week's contract and re- / | ? Jf % mained there seven weeks before they K "jJ V M & Miss liner at the Orpheum this week l>e cause there's a musical comedy act t£ 4 there called "The Lawn Party" that \ jjgßßffiSHs occupies the distinguished position of \ v ' '| ? Jjg&pEP/ top-liner, and there's a big troupe of i Arabs there too, but Ruth says she's going to give each of these big acts j ->'» , J ' a run for their money and she'll make the town give her credit for being ; the headliner anyway. A girl who can so endear herself J " \ to the hearts of vaudeville fans that she remains in one theater for a ' whole week, ought to be able to make folks sit up and listen alright, and W that's what Ruth proposes to do in W/ Harrlsburg. RUTH ROYI I MAJESTIC THEATER Appell, Managers | Thursday, November 12--one Night Only CHARLES DILLINGHAM PRESENTS IN The Sensational Fares Comedy Success of Six Countries IsMMBHiM Direst From Six Months at ftis Garrlek Theatre. New York SEATS TO-MORROW TRICES—Lower floor $1.50, SI.OO, 75c. Balcony SI.OO, 75c, 50c. Gallery 25c. " ———— - f *> rp. . •-* MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY lhe Lawn 1 arty Biliy's Santa Claus With Dooley _ _ Moukm uinl DJIIKM'R Ruth Rove rajwnss m\. Ulll til.Will SWEET (Star of "Judith of llrtliulln") The CJenltta of nnictltne —ln AIIOC HAMAD TROUPE 'THE PAINTED I ADY" .... . A Photo Omnia Wonderful Arnbx MATINEES, 5.- mid lOc 4—OTHEII FEATURES—I EVENINGS, 10c nod 15c A" "f:": LTST YICTW^r THE MILLION DOi.i.AR MYSTERY 20th Inntalment. The Secret Wnrnlnif. A MOTHER'S INFLUENCE THE WORTH OF A LIFE—2-rrel Kayhee. PATHE COMEDY. Coming To-morrow "FALSE PRIDE HAS A FA IX," frnturliiK Dot Farley. ADMISSION lOe CHII.DREN Be
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers