rV< KAUFMANS : fjga gfe»j> isoVEAyiEe Sale JgSfli Jlanulacturers Surp The Vast Crowds of Eager Purchasers That Attended the Opening THIS Great Sale Is Sure Proof of the Sensational Bargains to Be Had Thousands of the Newest Fall and Winter Suits, Coats Misses' at Such EXTREMELY LOW PRICES, Made Possible Only in a Sale of This Kind. *A. M., Closes9P.M. A SUITS Jp SUITS "v SUITS ;! COATS COATS A COATS Of Made to Sell Made to Sell Made to Sell Made to Sell / Made to Sell Made to Sell at $12.50 Jfpk at SIB.OO at $27.50 up to $8.50 • t\ l FIJI at $15.00 Amt\ at $20.00 BL vj.n s |= iLl|L*l|g Pretty xtylm In FL / F-JJJNN Ile.utlfnl Mn - |l\ 11 . STUNNING »T)le« Splendid all-wool 'T '\WIB Neweat FNLL nnd H ;| 3 foati, of pretty nil- / AHEMIM; f nil-wool mntcrlala. HI / jU [JHBI tertal» and COLOR!* * L\\ 111 11 11 111 Ported Brond- iiLf- inl\tureN and plnln FUR R 1 VALBA W „ N atylea. In /// ''A wool plnlda ao*l /. j )NM flHßlw «' W,OR "- AU /'/ YMTMM L» IV \ 111 L®, e wea t KIL 11" **O l*o ra COLLW *O«t IF \ jiIUVW "«*"«*>» «U JISS # |JL «» J G WFF'J ]lfl Wsms<3 surfs M suns® COATS tjr conslr tPy M "v!-,r,,r f A." t&j?% k 5» p fe mw nnr-iEi For TILIM £25 00 I For tlii* 1*!»00 - For till* 918.00 StnnnlßK Short and lonn All-Wool SERGE Elexant ABORT Beautiful BROAD- Hlahoratc Nll «11 - # Serviceable nn <1 khan and P1 11 * h Aool Heavy Broadeloth OONT *ty 1e M In NN d lon IF coat mod- plain tailored MTYLCNL . 1 NEAT mixture* For tlilw 57.80 All-Wool dreaay coata, In all- Kemey Coat. C'oatN. handsome mac* Diagonal Suit. Crepe* and .Serpen. SMHI. eln. ItrondclothM, clotli Suit. In rich llroadelntliN, l ChllTon Broad- NN d plaid**. .\>went Trimmed Coat. wool mixture* and atylea, aatlu lined T oaf. All colora, In all Popllua, etc*., all Popllna, etc.. In all I elotli Suit Fall and WINTER albellaea. Neweat throughout. All SLR.ew. V -» In all al/.ea. V HLL d alr.ea. NLJLEN In all alr.ea. ——^ ■■MM coltira In all wizen. / Mi/.ew. V —^ J ♦ ♦♦♦♦ ««••••••••♦ * ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦»♦♦»• • • ** ♦♦»♦♦»♦♦♦♦ * ** * * !| You Will Want More Than j Mil Great J|| 5rW/pMll f » Advance Winter Styles Here at Less Than Wholesale f rices ®||f DRESS AT THESE PRICES NEWEST UNTRIMMED HATS mm ' IUUUT ' I: 1 Beautiful Velveteen Hats Elegant Untrimmed VeU.t HaU Pretty Untrimmed Velvet Hats Dresses, Dresses, Dresses, I MADET.SELL» P T«S2.OO M.d.T.WIA P T.S3.OO M.de toseiinpto s3.so i |i Made to sell at $7.50 Made to sell at sls MADE T0 !E " AT $27 ' 50 \\\ |I • 69c I KNVEST nnd HtyllHh Hbnpea In nil THE I StnnninK ahape* In all TLIC neneat J ART A *7 C V \ !' I NEWE»t »l>n|lE« In blnck only. .ewer color.. VO.ID SLY.IO \ \\|; NEWEST TRIMMED HATS At IT ii ER.A.^K , ?RE I RS^, A VJ Jl\\ TRIMMED HATS TRIMMED HATS TRIMMED HATS V-RF, ! HN ZTVLZM TANLL "«»<1 - <». ILO ,1 «„d nei.t- Iluihrxn. In L.eimtir.il com 1.1- I \\\ / SI IR I 111 HI L U II RT I U " A CO Aft TBNT' >T 1 ! |! O« AN«".L"E.R trlmn.cd. Jleweat colors In notion atylea. All .In. In the | MADE TO Sell UP TO $4.00 MAJE TO Sell UP tO $6.00 MADE TO Sell UP TO SB.OO j II - : W || ss3>49 $4>49 ; Dresses, Dresses, Dresses, JF ii -I"LCED R H«T"° < " I,LR " I nnd "ve'ry re'tty "ha"."| BLKHELT 1!™,"!' ,L " *W2>\Q | IS MADE TO SELI AT $ lO Made to sell at S2O MADE TO SELI AT 22 - 50 7C "L| ——— —\ZY.\Y_[\\\ !| $4.75 $12.75 $14.75 Z.L,^ iij Women'S Bath Robes AC \ SNR P I«,STOCKSJ«.T , |S S£2^R^J£^N^V.'VR»«SSS'L&ISH. II Made to Sell For $3 OU '? ALE WOMEN'S WAISTS AND; , I aliea. nnd volorH; in nil MIXCM. feet*. All eolor« In nil Mlzex. ™J LALC® ■ JJ J-, JI I' Made of eiderdown, India and flowered patterns, cut full. / FCJ L«(J All sizes and colors. ... , ... , MI U \ * X?S Womens Waists Get Your Girls' Coat Now Inl\ Women's SUk Petticoats \ Jgi& Fa " 45C ! This Big Money-Saving Event I Made to seii at $2.50 EY 00 ° urSaU WOMEN-, O* T'JI A RN '■" ? GIRK' COAK TNAR FNAF« 'I UR * RLCE • • • > 4YNVFTJ colors; lace and embroidery trimmed. Made ; \JLL 15 VJiiilS VOATO VJlliS vOalS j, J C SJG£( to sell up to $1.50. Our Sale AO ■ Made to sell Made to sell Made to sell ii Made of Messalme S.lks, M all .he new Fall shades. Cut | PRIE , WC ! up to $3.50. up to $6.50. up to $8.50. II L'"»- D "P RUFFLE - J Women's Blouses i QQ QQ CQO ii ( ,„ , , ! J '/ , ' \V' Made of crepe de chine, China, messaline ! VI.O" «P«3«OZ/ J; Manufacturers' Surplus Stock Sale of |5 I ' ID and chiffon silks, in all colors and sizes.' 1 retty Mtylea In denlrnhle IlnndHonie all-wool ma- KLEEANT mixtures, etc., In(| , _ , , , T '/ 1 „ , , NN _ _ 1 r;r;;:,:" a ii Women's Girls "UFSAIE W"« . : $1.89; r,ir! e ' r.;Zi7rT,u nijTTZ*. Coat Newest models for evening or street wear, made of lace I Uirib ULRLS VxOdlS T HNNPW . I and nets, messaline, crepe de chine, taffeta and chiffon silk. I IT > Made to sell Made to sell Made to sell i; C ™F N S ! made to SDLTE F Made to sell up to $4.00. Our Sale (I>9 OA : IS (95 C »P to $4.50. up to $7.50. up to $12.00. jj .T. 4&C | » ; ; ;! For thla Qfrl*> $2.89 $4.89 $7.89 Boys' and Girls Wool Mixed Coat \ WOMEN'S Evening Blouses J[ HINEK. '/.iiieiine atyiea, in nii-wooi TAIRIIMH MTYLEA in HEAVY aii- SCOTCH PIAIDA NND tine chin- IJ Sweaters, roll collars. Made to sell *■ Very handsomely made of silk, nets and laces all copied , ~ Con«. to 6 BEWT T . O I ORH . glie. wool mnterlnlN. Dealrnhle col- chlllnN. newest atyleH nnd col- JI F OR $1,50. OUR Sale QA I from imported models. Made tO Sell Up tO $6.50. D» A ' 11 > : /2 to 14 yenr.. ora. 8 I.e. Ato 14 year.. or.. SL.c. «to 14 yenr.. j, OJ7 C [MR F OUR Sale Price <P4. 9U I Women's and Men's Roll Collar l|« - y % Honeycomb Coat Sweaters. Made to JMS U I i| Separate Cloth Dress Skirts ciothdress skirts ] ji SL FM$2 ' 00 :. OU . RSALE SI.39 A. J Manufacturers' Surplus Stock Sale of . D ILI I D • M A< K TO U P TO $8.50 Women's and Men's All-wool Shaker Knit Coat Sweat- I £ FLLDI At Kemarkably Low rrices ers, high and V-neck, in all new Fall shades. <F»O OA IIIKLJ UKLJJLJ II ri *L NDTCC QtfIDTQ .1 N nr CC QVIDTQ 3)5.01/ I ! Made to sell up to $4.00. Our Sale Price D>DU«O«/ j Girls' Dresses, made of percale and gingham, ]| LlOth UlxLjj oMKIo LlOtll UKLoj oAllvio MNDF . , LF | MPo rted nii-wooi 11 Women's and Men's All-wool Coat Sweaters, heavy and ]| two pieces, Dutch styles, sizes 2to 6. C A' WV I I Made to Sell up to $3.00 Made to Sell up to $5.00 - S 1 /JQ Q QQ V——————J jj Our Sale Price «PO.O*/ I; Girls' Wash Dresses, all new Fall models, /7V Ui'j ! V made of gingham, percale and galatea cloth ; J / Good qunllty hlnck and nnvy nenntlful Ituanlnn tunic and 'I SIZES 6tO 14. Made tO Sell UP tO $1.50. AO W*// I \ Itlue aer K e, in tunic and yoke yoke atylea. in nil-wool Nerice, !■ QOL» PR-IRO Tim l FL (/ I V atylea. crc|»e and Shepherd plaid. j %*!mF UHJL JBGW J * ■ |I UUR BALE L"TICe */ V/ N—L- I Cloth DRESS SKIRTS II I W P Kii II Made to Sell up to $3.50 Made to Sell up to $7.50 i| H R I; P SELLUP TO^ 4 ' 00 '° UR SALE J2 85 • *W»WWMW<M**W*WMMIWHWW»WMHMWMVMTWMMW!| £ ----------- " <. " FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH NOVEMBER 6, 1914. 5
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