CALL 1991-ANY "PHONE."* r— ~„ „ . , CALL 1991-AHY "PHONE. •=»= '{ FOUNDED 1871 ft SATURDAY STORE HOURS New st y ,es in Handbags - come m leath- gr± FOUNDED 1871 m, • s, ° re 9a - m - ci#,m 9p - m - a . nd .**•';» tmZ JSjOIPMCMZd ? HABRISDUBS'S POPULAR DEPARTMENT STORE POPULAR DBPAPTNENT STORIT j* —— —■ —■■—^^ ———■——— ———————— 4 About 1,000 Yds. of Gen- i ] T[ Not Every Day You Can Boys' Suits, Mackinaws, !; uine Cheney Shower Buy Brass Beds With % Overcoats, Everything Va \ Proof Foulards of the Price Taken Off For the Boys '• Will Go On Sale Tomorrow at 59c Yd. - rturhl if Let us outfit the little fellows with a,)- A!' The regular price of these well-known JHBa> have "been "used ai'floor .kl'f''VEuS Kro.lfer" &{]iriEX%l4/ iilaf ] silks everywhere is 85c yard. The fact that jMMKfK|» samples. cellent in serwee as that of his big brother. ft (j y Ijjfflf the patterns are exclusive, acids to the value MnHDMHuiI This accounts for the unusual price con- Boys Suits of wool cassinieres and i L Zjl X J of the offering. Beautiful designs in perfect cession, and it is an offer that hotel and cheviots; Norfolk models that are ver 5 "J/X Qryr "t~|~7 / / * shades of Russian, navy, Copenhagen, tan, apartment owners especially will want to sizes 6to 14 years at #«.. « \JuM 1 J>7«f^|^v x \vr Jw /// * taupe, rose, brown and Burgundy. consider. Boys' Norfolk Suits —we show over ten T LA / rMfjf 'A " Silk Crepe de Chines, 980 yd.—Value Every bed is finished in a guaranteed different styles—some with extra trousers; $1.50; very lustrous, newest shades of Rus- lacquer; your choice of bright, satin or polet materials arc cheviots, cassimeres, home- Jr¥j_ \ I j, * sian, Copenhagen, navy, Royal, prune. finish. spuns and blue serges; all guaranteed wool; M-U £T j IMb \ Black Satin Messaline, at 790 yd.—Value i Most of them full size, some of them sizes 6to 17 years, at .v.' $3.98 s~jhf L. raTII $1.00; yard wide; special for Saturday only. Vs_ \ > single size. Boys' Combination Set consisting of MjjLL TjXD//||Pf \'/I l| 1 Ria/t- QatJn riiarmpiico u i •«» i/arrl N 540.00 massive 3-inch brass bed $28.00 heavv Norfolk model Mackinaw coat, one J»4§-/-7 i, □//» f |mra|«| l/A II f Value $2.00; rich satin finish; 40 inches /Zg 1 $29.00 2Mnch post brass bed ssis.or. I ' ' r . ith rl~7'/ T /Tm' 11 Y\«l nil II » •]„ dm* $20.00 2 n -inch post brass bed $15.»5 ear flaps—all made of brown, blue or red fn-/|"H lIII MII II ■" . 0.. _ /k . at i mnn ■ flo'nn 9"i inc i, 1 conti ' ,uous post brass bed, $<0.95 plaid Mackinaw cloth; sizes 4to 10 years, [fnf-n + y^kJilill\\\^L II \ SMO! T . r . nan , Kr n , n \ I pS^li Beugaline. yard-Value $1.25; 1 tie L Odt Uept.NOU) Mattresses Reduced For This Sale r M 'w-Sl II I S plain black and white. A sfi.oo fen fiber mattrpsses roil ed K e $3.95 homespun and rough Kerseys, with the con- H HN V 11\V 1 'J Costume velvets and corduroys in all the I OUT AttßTltlOfl j U'.eo Id"*® °fe't matie^s 8 .!!!!!!'.! IsTiSs vertible and military collar's, satin yokes H H| M \ j best shades, and yard. _ _ $15.00 imperial edge felt mattresses $11.95 and sleeve lining sizes Bto 18 years" at VBII I II ij Main Floor BOWMAN'S. Psj QU) Fifth FIoor—BOWMANS. #6.98 and #7.50 |g |g Jjjj || Boys' Long Overcoats single and i /Ti 11 'j -i Never has this hustling department , f . tr\ double breasted; with shawl and convertible . The Corset Is the Foun- Complete Lines of Onyx dation of Good Dressing Hosier y For Wemen Kiddies "T l r,rr' Men and ° vercoats \ No matter how perfect fitting or well tai- five hundred of the season's latest ere- fkiUunn reastcd overcoats of chinchilla, Kerse> . __ lored the trown may be the lone smooth J Hundred or tne season s late, tc e HIICI LnlldrCll and rough materials; some have astrakhan A r p Fiponminri lorea tne gown may ue, uie long, smoom atlons — a H correct in Style and rea- or fur collars and cuffs • warm dressv over- , lines so much desired m the finished cos- 1 i • i di • ui i 4> _ . ' „o ' U «o' tume are onlv possible when the fitrurc is sonably priced. Plain black cotton coats, at #2.98, SM.9B, $4.90 and $.>.95 n - i corseted correctly There are coats for girls in bright and Silk lisle 25<!, and 50<! Third Floor — BOWMAN'S. fjp/fpr C111(1 iT\"t d corseted correctly. vivid mixtures and nlaids and in plain Thread silk 50*, #I.OO and #1.50 JSVILVI UUIfILZZU New Fall and winter models m Roval vn ,a nl '^ tu c an P'aia., ana in plain double ■ nlr- -mil hirli -nlirrd ! - r ,c cloths. Coats for women in ripple cloths in ■ rtU n«*>e aouoie soies ana nign spncea ; . lesSn2 lw a7ti?ts whi LCo black, dark brown and Russian greens-and heels. As the season advances, more and . rpprfpff tn itleals into effect" in zibelines in all the popular colors—and in Burson Hosiery, 25* Pr.—regular and BoyS $1.50 Coat Sweaters more S rows thc probability of a Slid-, ceeded m putting i deals into practical effect. smari mjxtures; ri di broadcloths, and extra sizes, plain black, split and all white J V den cold wave, and perhaps snow.. >nc model woitiy o mention, was de- broadtails and meritex and pompore—and m Why not join the overcoat ranks now . signed especially for the stout figure and aM the fur fabrics. Women's 50c Hose, 35* Pr.,- broken Af QQp and be oreoared when renl cold features the free hip and graduated clasp. r n! , ( - f™. 9n rf mmniro. mats lines and samples; black and colors; silk JljL L "Ov and De piepared wnen real cold. Made otf white coutil. The price .... #1.50 fnr C ° a^!n i n 3 ?or lisle and thread silk boots. weather arrives. You will want for . Another model, for the slender figure is m n«.Mi «»!ir & " Children's black cotton hose, fine ribbed, pv,_ c i „r A i no assortments than we are . a lovely creation that expresses the very g e » eral wear - double heels and toes, pair 12/,* For Saturda y only-oxford, navy, and showing right at this moment. best of present style tendencies. Has three- The Prices Range From $5.00 to $45 Children's hose, silk lisle, black and col- niaroon; second quality; good garments. inch busts and triangular elastic inserts in . , . ors, all sizes. Pair 251 Main FIoor— BOWMAN'S. D«*]*»««*/»»*«*»%» I ..<] „i D..,,„» skirt back; embroidery trimmed. Priced at great many new dresses and new suits Boys , heavy cotton hose doub , e knees , j DaimaCaanS Lead at rreSCllt #2.00 u 1 )e no")—BOWMAN'S heels and toes, fine ribbed, all sizes. Pair, and here you will find a very comprehen- T T -; ,__ | Main Floor bowman's. ' Splendid Winter Stocks £SS: proro 1 Additional Hair —— of Kayser Gloves Must Be Worn The Savory ' Seamless At this period, the ciove Depart- r„7&o'.(m?: 50 '* 10 - 00 -* 18 - 50 '* 15 - 00 , Eg i Hat brims are growing wider, and mod- "lent tells of a complete stock of these New Double Breasted Form Fitting Over ' * Pil'-:"' 1 ! <A' ! ists foretell a vogue for very large hats tvOaStCr well-known serviceable ffloves for coats are demanding unusual attention and i 1 i ]jt\\ Aljtt J which do not harmonize with small simple pj s |, nieat an( i f ow j -j| cooked to a iuicv ' * these have velvet I ilaJLii I coiffures The litdit nuff for fillinp- out the J nieat a " cl • al cookecl to a juicy women. patterns; priced at #9.90, $12.50, $15.00 X • i -\ T p-> comure.. lie light putt lor tilling the tenderness, with all the natural gravy retain- and $]H 00 Also at these prices are full 9 ■ I coiffure has already made its appearance, _ i Makes a second-class cut a first-class Kayser's 2-clasp leatherette K loves. I ana ipxo.wu. niso ar tnese prices are inn F 1 f and is now on sale in the Hair Goods De- * c , i VT i u l 75t> a,ul #, 0 ° back - s,n^le breasted overcoats in a dozen fcL I ' r vjoous UC roast. Seamless, round corners, oval bot- Kavser's 16-button leatherette gloves #1.25 I r ljft> r ent natterns ' partment. torn. Self-basting and self-browning in Kayser'a 2-clasp chamolsette gloves, 50c and 75c j •iKJI i. - 'J* ■ _ _ _ .» • • ™ . . • .. i,, Kayser's 16-button chamolsette gloves, w . n nvvTmn FINF HAJR noons meats own juices and retains the full appe- 75cand$i,25 , Ml?pi S STTTTS II A P J c • tizing aroma and flavor. Very economical. Kayser's lined cashmere gloves, all /ronounced Savings Applies the heat evenly, insuring quick and Baemo l-ciasp capeskln gloves in white, black. Are receiving particular attention, and Switches and transformations of so good S^fJ 1 1 'overseam" kioves fn bfack wi?h i ust now assortments are very complete. V a quality are unusual values at these low 2 . jmucu sieei or enaniei white embroidery and white with black ombroid- Every style from thc ultra-fashionable \sl JET prices. See them and you will be convinced. fin ' s, ? e s- ery » to $2.00 English models to the extreme conservative a Switches of fine wavy hair, 20 inches long #/ Main FIoor— BOWMAN'S. styles, will be found. The prices are i Gray switches of fine wavy hair, 20 inches iTw'-^v-duc"?'?) B —^vkh'ru^one'hi d! Third FIoor— BOWMAN-S. r a -v of line \va\\ a Cast' Aluminum Skillet, at #l.33—value Men! Let the Furnishing . i AH the popular shades except white and l!' "' a<l(! ' heavy we ' B '"' fine finisl ?' ; / V \ _ An Oriental Hug Sale <row ' m«<S Aiumtoum t«. .t «i.o» ■ / / Dept. Complete Your mi 111 • 11 Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S * —values $2.39 and $2.69 —choice of No. 7 1 / '4s?''' v ___ _ _ That Is Unrivaled ——- — ° r D^'rG . rman c hi „a.«, /{ I Wardrobe ; Marked enthusiasm was shown by patrons | L O'TTIOTTOW IS tfl6 98c—comb and brush trays, chocolate pots, \a\ / Catering to men of style, it will aid you' who visited this out-of-the-ordinary sale of salad bowls, nut bowls, cake and chop \V\ j n selecting new and attractive fixings for Oriental Rugs yesterday and Dap of ' jSiSf«''Choice, ; dress, and good warn, apparel tor general It is unusual, because the rugs are some _ . _ I new designs. * , r , . of the finest that can be produced, and be- D L . 1AT 0 Q U j BOWMAN'S Basement. IltlDOrtailt DISDOSaI of sniart'neckwea'r are in thc showing.' New S lm! wecan offer less than regular prices. To-morrow we TWO ImpOrtailt Savings OhOCS Ol llltereSt lO D , . . "/ 3 Those who are interested in rnirs of ibis /.Nil , . ~u,,uw wc wa * Aa O° _ _ . Bates-Street dress shirts feature, nobby character will do well to pay the Carpet De- 'ring to a close in Wailted OlliltS the Elltire FaOlilv stripe e ff C Rn ad « I°! ftn fi " C q " aHty t ™ ad ' ■ partment a visit to-morrow, as this sale can- , one of the most „ IIIC LiKllllC 1 nlllllj ras, at #1.50. At #I.OO are new patterns not last very long—not because the rugs are successful Baby Marseilles Quilts, at #1..)8 hemmed And every member of the family in percale shirts. All have attached cuffs, i hereon consignment (we purchased them f( Week events on ready for use; lull double bed size; beautiful m ,, v secure two pair of these For the man who does not wear a belt we outright), but for the reason that very soon / (J\ /juL. record. To say ''at sliirht serviceable shoes almost for the same | recommend President Suspenders. Priced the assortments will be broken, and the size /U /\ i that tWniml, • ma . seu . ies V uuts > at nave slight . . ~ at * range diminished. fvVV bat we thorough- imperfections, but in many cases we have price as one pair would usually cost. The Visor 4in 1 Sweater for men—worn Fourth Kioor — BOWMAN'S. "A -V enjoyed giving faded to find anything the matter with l\ote the splendid values. in four different ways; black, navy, oxford the babies this them; value $3.50. BABY SHOES of soft black vici kidskin; values and maroon; all sizes; priced at #15.08 mj pi O CI 1 1 treat ' wou,d not Main FIoor—BOWMANS. '"^HIIfDRENS 1 SHOES 'of Varloiis' leathers,' and Monito Half Hose double soles and Py pYAT Nhanpc £\r NhanAC iTI H be a full exnres- 11CW iJIIaUCd VX JllaUCd I / •(/ ■ ■ ,Je a IUII ex P res BOYS SHOES—grun metal, blucher lace shoes, F cilt »,lo^ !n Millinsrv 1 Uhl ■ ot our pieas- New Ribbons and «4 ill ITIIIIIIISrV la * X 11 re in having SO MEN'S SHOES—gun metal, lace and button; ' .. . . . J A n f tUc. lit TVTor'VnrCk Qt- the new English last; also heavy double sole black We also call your attention to complete While the tendency toward black vel- Q) f many 01 tnese 111- lICV/AWCdI and brown blucher lace shoes; value $2.50 and stocks of heavy weight underwear, outing r r "T U S It has been a creat help to mother s ilTse- A large assortment of popular-priced s "m russei' and - black gun flannel night w.ear, and cashmere hose, in the form of a black hat with colored uetn a j,ieat neip 10 niuiners in sc & , & ! metal button and lace shoes; welted oak soles; tons in the nonular shirles Amerira/n curing warm winter apparel for the children neckwear, collars, collar and curt sets, smart dressy styles; values up to $4.00, pair, »2.98 Maln FIoor— BOWMAN'S tops, in tne popuiai snatles—American since preatlv enlarged stocks offered better dainty vestees, etc., and 50<! WOMEN'S SHOES— patent colt, gun metal and • beauty, Chinese yellow, rose, castor and selectiont g More elaborate sets, at ... ~r>e to #2.(K> . < '. alf: . . a ". a ' ZeS th *smS fe At »r»e is a splendid lot of jaunty To-morrow we invite the little folks 1- Boutonmere bouquets, at .. and 50<! |un > m S eui7 n nobby styled Suggestions For the Home black velvet hats in the newest shanes come and enjoy the last day—the last chance -3c moire and taffeta ribbons, 4 and in- values $3.50 to $5.00, pair $2.49 while better aualitv hats ranL>-e unwarH in to have your picture taken. Here are timely ches wide, yard ; WOMEN'S overgaiters Made of black Rep, Yd.—value 38c—white ground while quality hatj. , angc up«a dln ba|)y ||ee(ls SOeßonj. stripe ribbons, yard . «5« -, my ; i,,,, W raa V aoliie' '.V.VwuS will, blue lloral designs, 35 inches wide. Beautiful trimmed bats in rharmintr Infants' sweaters, white and colors sl.aO taffeta ribbons, 9 inches wide, new | pair n»c Striped Voile, Yd.—value 45c for creations, expressing the last word *9 Fall shades ' yard - \ Th ! rd bowman's. sash or sill curtains. style, are finding ready demand at #4.9.1 Children's coats in cheviots, broadcloth, Main Moor BOWMAN S. ; . Nottingham Lace Curtains, 490 to #5.00 ' Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. * ' zibeline, velvet and plush, box style and # pair. # ■ long waist effects; also military detachable HftnuKCrCßief SllffffCStisDS l Couch Covers, to #2.49 — in striped . _ u _ _ capes, trimmed with velvet and fancy col- _ 1 > and Oriental designs, with and without . TJF.W lars; sizes 2 to 6 years. Priced at Colored initial handkerchiefs, 6in a pack- 1 V . fringe. . . #2.50 to #lO age 250 1 Sunfast Curtains, #3.75 to #7."75 pair. A new girdle will add distinction to your Infants'knit toques in white with pink and All-linen hemstitched handkerchiefs, Sunfast Material, 400 to #1.25 Yd.—3l dress. We are showing new, fancy effects blue trimmings and red and navy, at Beautiful crepe de chine handkerchiefs, • to 50 inches wide, in green, brown, blue and " m the popular shades 500 to #2.00 250 and 500 in all shades 250 ll,) rose . Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S Main Floor—BOWMAN'S. BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TEI EGRAPH NOVEMBER 6, 1914. 3
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