8 For Myself and 1 § Family Peruna has Mr s. Emma Appleton, Wis., writes: "Peru na has done me a great deal of good since I began taking it, and I am al ways glad to speak a good word for It. "Three years ago I was in a wretched condition with backache, bearing down paint, and at times was BO sore and lame that I could not "move about. I had inflammation and irritation, and although I used differ ent remedies they did me no good. "A neighbor who had been using Peruna advised me to try It, and I am Klad that X did." Eastern Bosnia Is Now Cleared of the Enemy Vienna. Oct. 27, via Amsterdam and London, 11.52 A. M.—An official state ment given out to-day says the Aus trian operations, the object of which is the clearing of Bosnia, are proceed ing successfully. The Servians were driven back to Vishnegrad, October 24. and the Austrian pursuit reached the Drina River October 26. Eastern Bos nia to the Drinu is now completely cleared of the enemy. The Montenegrin divisions, sepa rated from the Servians have retired In a southwardly direction. TRUTHFUL REPORTS Harrisburg Heads Tlicui With Uncom mon Interest A Harrisburg citizen tells his ex perience in the following statement. No "tetter evidence than this can be had. The truthful reports of friends and neighbors is the best proof in the world. Head aWd be convinced. F. Kotehorn. railroad conductor, 434 Peffer street, Harrisburg, says: "1 am subject to attacks of lumbago, more so when 1 take cold. I have been so bad at times that when 1 made a quick move or attempt to bend over I got a sharp stitch in my back. A few doses of Doun's Kidney Pills h..ve al ways relieved me of the miser> after everything else had failed to do nie any good. 1 have taken them off and «>n for years and from my experience. 1 know that they can't be beat." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't pimply ask for a kidney remedy—get I Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that >lr. Rotehorn had. Foster-MII buru «'o„ Props., Buffalo, N. Y.—Advertise ment. HOW TO MAKE YOUR HAIR BEAUTIFUL Ten Minute*' Heine Treatment Work* Wonders, stops lulling Hair, iteli- IllK Scalp anil Omiilrtin' uml Mlikes tbe llalr Soft, Mrll- Hunt, l.ustrous anil Fluffy Better than all the so-called "hair j tonics" in the world is a simple old- > fashioned home recipe consisting of plain Bay Hum, lxivona (de Composed, and a little Menthol t'rystals. These three mixed at home in a few minutes, • work wonders with .any: .sealp. Try it 1 just one night Oet from yotir druggist - ox. Lavonn, G oz. Bay Hum and drachm Menthol Crystals. Dis solve the Crystals in the Bay Rum and pour In an S oz. bottle. Then add the Jjavona. shake well ami let it stand for an hour before using. -Tpply it by put ting a little of the mixture on soft cloth. Draw tills cloth slowly through the hair, taking Just one small strand h fit a time. This cleanses the hair and toalp of dirt, dust and excessive oil and a makes the hair deliglitfullv soft, lust rous and Huffy. To stop tlie hair from falling and to make it grow again rub ,J the lotion briskly into the scalp with n the linger tips or a medium stiff brush. Apply night and morning. A few days* n use and you will not find a single loose v or straggling hair. They will be locked «>n your scalp as tight as a vise. Dan- r •lruff will disappear and Itching cease, h You will find line downy new hairs sprouting up all over your scalp and Sl this new hair will grow with wonder- p ful rapidity. Any druggist can sell you the above. The prescription is very inexpensive and we know of nothing so effective and certain In Its result.—Advertise ment. TIIE economical use of coal '' means burning the kind or size that is best suited to the « needs of your range or furnace. ~ Some drafts are stronger, and some grates different, requiring certain mixtures or sizes of fuel. Tell Kelley the facts and he will give you the coal that will give results. H. M. KELLEY & CO. 1 North Third Street Tenth and State Streets UNDERTAKERS RUDOLPH K. SPICER" Funeral Director and Embalmer | 313 Walnut St. llell PUoae ' FOR HALLOWE'EN INVITATIONS—WITCH CAPS—BI.ACK CATS—OWLS- CREPE Pi. PER— PAPER DOII.IKS PAPER PI.ATES—PI.ACE C4RDS POST 41 CARDS—GREETINGS I,I'XCH SETS TAHI.E CI.OTHS NAPKINS STREAMER S—F F.STOO N S—ET< CENTRAL BOOK STORE, TUESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH OCTORER 27, 1014. *' AT LEAST THREE MARKS NECESSARY At the General Election there will l>e no separate nonpartisan ballot as at the Primaries. There are two candidates to rthe Supreme Court aiul two for Superior Court. Their names are printed at the head of the second column on the official ballot as follows: A mark in the Party Square will not lie m vote for any candidate for the Supreme Court. To vote for a can didate for the Supreme Court you must make a cross mark at the end of the name of (Me person for whom you desire to vote. Such a cross mark will not in any manner Interfere with any other marking or the ballot either in the party square or otherwise. A ballot must have at least three marks on it If the voter is to exercise his full franchise. A ticket marked as follows, for instance, will record a vote for the full Republican ticket a vote for Judge Ivunkel for Supreme Court and Judge Trexler for Sueprior Court: FIRST COLUMN. To Vote a Stnifht Party Ticket. Mark • Croat (X) in this Column. DEMOCRATIC. \ ] WASHINGTON. n REPUBLICAN. X| SOCIALIST. J BULL MOOSE. ROOSEVELT PROGRESSIVE PROHIBITION. n KEYSTONE INDUSTRIALIST JL—— I PERSONAL LIBERTY Lg*a Enhaut and Royalton to Have Mass Meetings Tonight; Killinger, Too Republican mass meetings will be held this evening at Knhaut, Royalton and Killinger. Thursday evening there will be a big rally of voters at Steelton and a mass meeting of colored Republicans at Midillptown. (in Friday Oberlln will close the campaign with a big rally, and Saturday evening there will be a meeting at Hershey, at which several well-known speakers will take part. MRS. MAHY 58IXX KCkI.KS Mrs. Mary Zinn Eckles, widow of Major Eckles. died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles 11. Treager, Bellevue. Pa., yesterday . QVAKK DORS XO DAMAGE fly Associated Press Milan, Italy, Oct. 27. —An earth quake was recorded in Milan this morning. Considerable alarm was caused among the people, hut there were no casualties. Free Treatment ion Piles Sample treatment of Pyramid Pile Remedy mailed free for trial gives quick relief, stops itching, bleeding or protruding plies, hemorrhoid* and all rectal troubles. In the privacy of your P"j!e"at' * Mail this Coupon tothe PYRAMID I)RITQCOMPANY, 816 Pyramid Btdg., Marshall, Mich., with your full nauie and address on a slip of paper, and sample treat ment of the great Pyrandd Pile Remedy, will be sent you ht once by mall, KHEK, In plalii wrapper. NONPARTISAN COLUMN. JUDICIAL TICKET. NON-PARTISAN. JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT N.tort 9 'MIH. GM'I« N W «FE»t. JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT. JW«M K CL.HL. trmmk M TiwUr. —-H COB COULD OWE AVOIDED TIX [Continued Front First Page] have .produced sufficient revenue," sabf be. "if the Democrats had managed otir affairs along business lines and axoided unnecessary anil extravagant appropriations. on certain items they were able to make a considerable saving, especially on pensions and Panama Canal expenses. Last year t ongress appropriated for pensions $ 1 50,.100.000, this year for pensions, 111>9,1 .jO.OOO. making a saving on this Item of $11,150,000. Last year Con gress appropriated for (he Panama < anal $34,82 V,1*41, this year for the Panama Canal $20,718,000, making a saving on this item of $ 14.105.5 M 1, or u total saving on both items of $25 - 288.941. Hut we find when we count up the appropriations made by Congress that the appropriations exceed last year's appropriations by $31,803,082, which. If added to the saving on pensions and I anama ('anal expenses, makes a total excess appropriation of over 000.- 000. These figures do not include the ri\ ers and harbors bills of either year. I he Mouse passed the rivers anil har bors bill, which with the amendments called for appropriations of $33,000,- 000. but thanks to the strenuous and successful opposition to the Republican senators, led by Senators Kurton of <>lilo and Ken.von of lowa, this is one instance where the Republican minor ity. arter a most Severe and deter mined light, has been successful in curtailing Democratic, extjavagimce. Ihe appropriations in this bill were cut down. I "To this must he added the Penm- I'nati.- treaties with Colombia and Nicaragua, the former carrying an ap propriation of sL'o,ooo,ooo and the lat ter $3,000,000. In addition to these there are a large number of other bills which carry appropriations amounting ti> about s.l j.UOO.000; so that Congress I'luit. after makiiiK appropriations near ly $100,000,000 ill excess of last year's appropriations. Would it not have' been better to cut out these appropriations which are really not necessary and pi actice a little economy, same as everyone else does under similar cir cumstance*, instead of taxfng the peo ple.' Had the President given in structions to the heads of the depart ments to economize Instead of in structing: Congress to levy taxes it would have been better." Other speakers at l T nion Deposit were John C. Xissley. candidate for the Assembly, and Arthur 11. Hull, a well-known attorney. W. R. Clay, a I prominent Republican, presided at this meeting. Frank K. Wickersham and Karl Henn spoke at a his meeting at Shells ville. P. H. Rhine, a prominent resi dent. introduced the speakers. Roth these meetings were held in the open air and despite the fact that the night was very cold remained until the close of the rally. XO SPECIAI, SKSSfOX "Washington, Oct. 27. President Wilson let it be known otticiallv to-day that lie has no intention of calling a special session of Congress after elec tion. Knox Declares That Democrats Failed Voicing willingness "to Join In thanks to the Almighty for many things President Wilson has done and left undone," and charging the fact that we are at peace with the world is due, so far it may be credited to any political party, to the Republican party, which controlled our loreign [relations during the critical half of our national life," ex-Secretary of State P. C. Knox, in a speech in Pitts burgh last night indicted the Demo cratic national administration, by its own acta, Its repudiation of its own platform promises and in the words of its own leaders, of failing to reduce either the cost of living or the cost of operating the government and instead saddling upon the people "idleness, fi nancial stagnation and ruin." HOW HE QUIT TOBACCO This veteran. S. H. l.amphere, was addicted to the ex ▼-WtSB cessive use of to bacco for ni an v pMVY years. He wanted i *1 to quit but needed something to help lie a free book that tells sbout tobacco habit and how to conquer it quickly, easily and safely. In a re cent letter he writes; "I have no de sire for tobacco any more. X feel like a new man." Any one desiring a copy of this book on tobacco habit, smoking and chew ing-, can get it free, postpaid, bv writ ing to Edward J. Woods. 92 I), Station E. New York City. You will be sur prised snd pleased. Look for quh'ter nerves, stronger heart, better digestion improved eyesight. Increased vigor' longer life and other advantages if you quit poisoning yourself. BRUMBNIGHSAYS STUDY THE ISSUES Tells Montgomery County People to Think About the Allega tions in the Campaign STRIKES HOME IN SPEECHES Roosevelt Great Drawing Card, but Fails to Swing Many Voters in His Tour Dr. Martin G. Brumbaugh Republi can candidate for Governor, urged people who heard him In Montgomery county yesterday to study the issues of the campaign. For the first time the doctor showed some feeling to ward the Democratic candidates who are maligning him and said with con siderable force at Norrlstown: "1 want no man to challenge my stand on the moral Issues of this cam paign. No matter what he may say about me otherwise the people of the State know me, and know my record. 1 have always kept my word." Dr. Brumbaugh also In his speech told how Pennsylvania had developed under the Republican party until it had become one of the best governed und most prosperous Commonwealths in America. To change now, he de clared. would leave a blank page In her history of progress and make easy the way for the organization of an alien Democratic machine, the object of which was to secure the patronage of ofW ce. "I have lived cleanly and openly all my life and with the help of God will do so to my dying day." he declared with emphasis. While' Dr. Brumbaugh devoted the most of his talks in Montgomery coun ty to State issues, he also took up na tional questions, placing particular stress on the necessity of the election of men to oftlce who will make possible the return of prosperity through a tariff that protects the Interests of the American workingman. This part of Ills talk was received with great en thusiasm in the various industrial cen ters of Montgomery county which have felt keenly the efTeot of the Un derwood tariff bill. Xorrlatowu's Mglit I.ast night was Norristow n'a big political night. While Dr. Brumbaugh und the other Republican candidates were talking in City Hall, Vance Mc- Cormick and the Democratic nominees were addressing a gathering In a skat ing link. More than 1,200 heard Dr. Brum baugh and 400 more men in an over tlow meeting in another part of the building. During the day in his tour of the county. Dr. Hrumbaugh spoke to a total of about 4,000 persons. Dr. Brumbaugh said in part: "1 ask only this one thing of the good people of Montgomery county: Study the issues of this campaign, and be sure to vote your conscience on election day. for it is my desire, and 1 speak it with very great earnest ness, that we should stand together in this Commonwealth for the clean est and best government which it is possible to give to our people, and only those should be voted into oltlce who understand l lie people of Pennsylvania and who have the conscience and the capacity to serve them earnestly and well, and if you vote in harmony with that thought, 1 shall certainly be sat istled with the outcome on the third of November. "I have no entangling alliances with any human soul, and 1 am just hand free and heart-free to ilo the decent right things for the people of Pennsyl vania, and 1 am Dutch enough to do it. In your road proposition one or two things are to lie kept in mind. You are living here in a great agricultural county, one of the richest in the world. Surely the State of Pennsyl vania ought to see to it tiiat good, well-drained, well-crowned, well graded roads are built from the farms of the people to the markets of the people, so that the farmer who grows food for our Commonwealth may be able to haul a maximum load at a minimum cost to the markets of the world, and for that thing 1 stand ab solutely before you this morning and before all the people, with their fur ther stipulation and understanding that every dollar of the people's taxes used, to build roads must build one hundred cents' worth of good, honest roads for the people of Pennsylvania, and the further stipulation that when a road is built It must not be turned over to the war of the elements and the t rattle of the. people and forgotten, to become in two or three years a worse road than It was when put into proper condition. Good judgment and good executive ability should require that someone competent to care for a road should be put in charge of that road so that it will always be a good highway for the people of the Com monwealth. "There is another thing which lies very close to that and in which I am Interested: I want the whole ma chinery of this Commonwealth to help increase the output of the farms of this State for this reason. We are los ing, constantly losing, large numbers of our farming community and our people are moving Into our villages, into our towns and into our cities, in the last ten years we have lost 20 per cen. of the farming life of the Com monwealth, and gained 20 per cent, of the consuming life of the Common wealth. We mean that there are only four people now in Pennsylvania growng food where five grew food ten years ago, and that there are now six people eating food In Pennsylvania where ten years only five ate food. It takes only a child to figure out how I6ng it will be until we shall he de pendent on long hauls by the railroads and, foreign markets to supply food for poor people. That will not only add to the cost of food for our people In Pennsylvania, hut It will break down the rural life of our people and the very strength and power of this Com monwealth has come from Its rural life. I want to see the farm so con served and developed that It will be profitable in dollars and cents as well as Intellectually for our boys and girls to stay on the farm. I ask you to work out a large program of increased output for the farms of Pennsylvania, which means increased food supply for the tollers of Pennsylvania. "I am also interested in the problem of workin* out here in our Common wealth the whole program of social and remedial legislation to which I am committed In this platform, and to which should lie Riven larger heed than did the last session of the lnture. It includes a worklnprnen's compensation act, and an employers' pliability act, Improved over the one now on our statute books, better pro vision for the care of women who toll, as line a child labor law as it is possible for this Commonwealth to write on its statute books, a local op tion law giving the people, county by county, the right to decide for them selves whether or not intoxicating liquors shall be sold in the county, and every other law that has to do with the independence of the local com munities and the moral and social up lift of the people of Pennsylvania. For that great crusade of righteousness and power 1 ask your assistance, your co-operation and your support at the November election." Roosevelt Sweeps Through Coal Region Theodore Roosevelt proved yester day on the first day of his tour of Pennsylvania that ho is as great a [drawing card as ever, but that he has not the power to make men vote for other men that he has to get them for himself. He spoke to great crowds, but the folks did not grow enthusiastic for the candidates he favored. He goes to the western end of the State to-day and to-inorrow will swing back Into the center, coming to Harrisburg Thursday. Urgent appeals to the voters to sup port Glfford Pinchot, candidate for the United States Senate, and Vance C. McCormick, Democratic candidate for Governor, who was placed upon the Washington party ticket when William Draper i.ewis withdrew after securing the nomination at the primaries, were voiced by the former President of the United States who likewise appealed for the support of the entire Washing ton party ticket. Vigorously denouncing Senator Pen rose, who, he declared, stood for all that was worst and basest in American politics, and declaring that A. Mit chell Palmer, the Democratic candi date, did not have a chance for suc cess in the coming election, Colonel Roosevelt called upon the men of this State to send Pinchot to the Senate. Colonel Roosevelt gave a flve-tnin ute talk to 4,000 at ''hamokln from the rear platform of the "Roosevelt special," and as soon as the train Stopped here began talking. I Roosevelt asked the voters to hold 'up the honor of the Keystone State next week by voting for Pinchot and elect him over Hoies Penrose by a large majority. Roosevelt told his hearers that it was decidedly danger ous to vote for Penrose, supported by liquor dealers. Roosevelt had spoken about two minutes when he was Interrupted by several voices in the midst of the crowd hurrahing for Senator Penrose and former State Senator McConnell. Penrose Says That Palmer Was Sold Out Senator Penrose campaigned in Le high county yesterday and stopped long enough In his remarks on the tariff, which is the big Issue in that district, to comment upon the man ner In which Palmer and Pinchot are ripping each other and to remark that Palmer now realizes he has been trad ed off by McCormick. "There Is very evidently diesention In the ranks of the opposition," said »»»+ | Ends Dry, Hoarse or | + Painful Coughs Quickly % + T A Simple, Home-Maile Rrmedr, + I Inexpensive but I'nequaled *;* The jirompt nnd positive results given by this pleasant tasting, home-made cough syrup has caused it to be used in more homes than any other reniedv. It gives almost instant relief and will usual ly overcome the average cough in 24 hours. <<et 2% ounces Pinex (50 cents worth) from any drug store, pour it into a pint bottle and till the bottle with plain granu lated sugar syrup. This makes a full onit—a family supply—of the most ef fective cough remedy at a cost of only 54 cents or less. You couldn't buv as much ready-uiude cough medicine for $2.50. Easily prepared and never spoils. Full directions with Pines. The promptness, certainty and ease with which this Pinex Svrup overcomes a had cough, chest or throat cold is truly remarkable. It quickly loosens a dry, hoarse or ti«rht cough and heals and soothes a painful cough in a hurrv. With a persistent loose cough it stops the for mation of phlegm in the throat and bron chial tubes, thus euding the annoying hacking. Pinex is a highly concentrated com pound of genuine Norway pine extract, rich in guaiacol and is famous the world over for its splendid effect in bronchitis, whooping cough, bronchial asthma and winter coughs. To avoid disappointment in making this, ask vour druggist for "2ounces of Pinex." and don't accept anything e]se. A guarantee of absolute satisfac tion. or money, promptly refunded, goes with this preparation. The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne. Ind. Thin People Can Increase Weight Thin men and women who would like to increase their weight with 10 or 15 pounds of healthy "stay there" fat should try eatinK a little Sargol with their meals for a while and note re sults. Here is a good test worth try ing. First weigh yourself and measure yourself. Then take Sargol—one tab let with every meal—for two weeks. Tinn weigh and measure again. It isn't a question of how you look or feel or what your friends say and think. The scales and tile tape measure will tell their own story, and most any thin man or woman can easily aud from live to eight pounds in the first fourteen days by following this simple direction. And best of all, the new flesh stays put. Sargol does not of itself make fat, but mixing with your food, it turii3 the fats, sugars and starches of what you have eaten, into rich, ripe, fat-produc ing nourishment for the tissues and blood—prepares It in an easily assimi lated form which the blood can readily accept. All this nourishment now passes from your body as waste. Hut Sargol stops the waste and does It quickly and makes the fat-producing contents of the very same meals you are eating now develop pounds and pounds of healthy tlesh between your skin and biines. Sargol la aafe, pleas ant, efficient and inexpensive. George A. Gorgas and other leading druggists In Harrisburg and vicinity sell It tn large boxes—forty tablets to a pack age—on a guarantee of weight Increase or money back.—Advertisement. On Curing Superfluous Hair My the Beauty lOilltur To the Beauty Editor: "Please ad vise me If there Is anything that will permanently kill a very bad case of superfluous hair that has become stiff ami coarse by repeated failures to find a real cure." Mrs. H. H. W. The only prescription I know of for completely removing every trace of Superfluous Hair Is Mrs. Osgood's Won der named after a well-known society woman who found that it removed permanently her own unsightly hair growths. It is absolutely harmless and inexpensive. You can obtain Mrs. Osgood's Wonder from Kennedy's Drug Store; a signed Money-Back Guarantee comes In every package. Other druggists also sell It. l>o not apply this prescription except to hair you wish totally destroyed never I to return.—Advertisement. I WESTERN UNION I DAY AND NIGHT [ LETTERS I impress I the man I you want > I to reach 1 THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. I Full information gladly given at any office. I Senator Penrose, "and whereas n few that he will b defeated, months aK<>. when I called Pinehot a "It proves my statement of n short squatter in Pennsylvania, Palmer said time ago that the senatorial iiKht was he was a bona tide resldmt, he now not the real issue in this campaign, declares that Pinehot is a squatter, as but that it is the governorship. I said, and is only in Pennsylvania a "I will be elected by an overwhelm tew weeks each summer ing plurality, and, of course. Dr. "ft all clearly indicates that Pal- Brumbaugh will win. The other sldo mer is convinced that McCormick is is making a last stand on the gover selling him out for Pinehot. and that norship, and Palmer knows that he is Palmer knows this, and knows, too, being sold out." GIRLS! CLEAN fl® BEIUTIFY U IDMDRIIFF—2S CENT DH Stop washing hair ! Try this ! Makes hair glossy, soft and abundant Surely try a "Danderine Hair Cleanse" if you wish to immediately double the beauty of your hair. Just moisten a cloth with Danderine and draw it carefully through your hair, taking one small strand at a time, this will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or any excessive oil—in a few minutes you will be amazed. Your hair will be wavy, fluffy and abundant and possess an incomparable softness, lustre and luxuriance. All Headline Week KEITH VODE MRS. GENE HUGHES A T'O., IX \*± ACTS "I.ADY GOSSIP." 1.0 l ANtilOlt. l\('l.t'Ul\(i SOPHIE BAHXAUI). MX Ml I.IT AHA IIAXI'BKS. TJ T~ OL * CAHMIK I fie run o/iop It AV MUX 1> A HEIDEH. HIGGEST SHOW OX EARTH FOR SA\ \IX-OSTAI VX TltlO. THE MOXEV TICKETS OF BAI.E XOAV FOR MIOX KiHT MATIX UK, ELECTION M A'liM'.E Be nn«l 10c XKiIIT—AM, RETURNS. EVENING 15c| Children, lOe A TIIE 1101 FEATURES BnnHn^H Palace Theater 333 Market Street Wednesday, Oct. 28 ARTHUR DONALDSON IX FOUR-REEL FEATURE! "The Land of the Lost" IX ADDITION TO Edna Payne and Robert Frn».er In Eclair'* 2-reel AAewtern Drama, "THE LINE RIDER." Eddie I.yona, Victoria Furilr nuil l,ee Aliirnii In Neator Comedy, "HE NEVER SAID A WORD." ADMISSION, 10c CHILDREN, 5c MAJESTIC THEATER, wn ™ rr e " TO-NIGHT—LAST TIME Thursday, Oct. 29, Mat. & Nifht THE STUPEXDOUS PRODUCT,OX ""„TDHEN, ,0C 11. (>• Delehamer Offers ADramaticEvent rTi F T 1/ I l" 1 f« Never Equalled iIJ jTi) FREC/IYI-illiS lljr tienr Stratton-Porter At Tliftcp PrirM wdr Author of "A Girl of the Llmber- Al inese rrice» l»»t" null "The Harvester." > .< nn NIGHT PRICES, ,oc, 25c, 3Sc and 50c PRICES, 23c, 50c, 7.» c nnd »t.OO. _ ENTIRE MAW MOV ? PHOTOPLAY TO-DAY WEEK I'lvll* lwf»fc FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN In l.nilleM* World aerial. DAILY MATINEES T..c»day and Wednesday. j OA,- I THE SEED AXI> THE HARVEST 10c and 20c - 1 THE PEACE MAKER The MYRKLE- j/-- HARDER CO. J. Harry Stroup Presenting New York's 6 ; G """' '""ranee *««' Best Plays in a Broadway 1617 N. Second Street Manner. V Monday Matinee and Night #*■> E h E usb*n°d A I.OUIS MANX'S STARRING I THE fV TELEGRAPH OTHER PI.AYSi DDHUTIItf* T GIRI. OF THE GOLDEN AVE ST. 1 I IYIII I lIAU 1 WHAT HAPPENED TO AIARYf J COMPANY UXDER SOUTHERN SKIES. | STOP THIEF—THE ESCAPE. | ™ r ' h ?'<i ?".*** ' I gwlpupii PRICES 20<! to 50<- J •*" * ' I HARKIBBURO, PA. Try Telegraph Want Ads. Besides beautifying the hair, one application of Danderine dissolves every particle of dandruff; invigorates the scalp, stopping itching and fail ing hair. Danderine is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, invigorates and strengthens thein. Its exhilarating, stimulating and life-pro ducing properties cause the hair to grow long, strong and beautiful. You can surely have pretty, soft lustrous hair, and lots of it, if you will just get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter and try it as directed. —Advertisement.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers