Either Ml 204® or Cumberland 203 Wil lead tie lelegnpl Wait ki Department An Army of Rescue and Relief! Take heart, you who fear you can no longer with stand the forces bearing down upon you! For there's an army of allies—tried and true —at hand. Ready with wide-reaching arms, covering all Harrisburg in an effort to rescue and relieve you. Out of work? Want help? Telegraph Want Ads is the aniwer. Got to move? Want to sell your place? Want a furnished room? The army of Telegraph Want Ads is jour relief. Lost something? Find it in Telegraph "Lost and Found." Don't say, "I surrender!" Call the Telegraph WANT AD army to the rescue. TELEGRAPH WANT ADS, the biggest army in Harrisburg. DIED ECKELS - Mary Zinn Eckels, widow of the late Major W. H. Eekeis, died at Hie home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles H. Treager, in Bellevue, Pa* DERICK—On Monday, October 2t>, 11)14, at the home u her daughter, Mrs. W. G. Sellers, No. 540 Maclay street. Sarah A., widow of the late George W. Deriek, of Duneannon, l'a.. aged 72 years. Funeral will lie held Thursday, Oc tober 29, 1914, at 9:30 A. M.. from No. 140 Mai-lay strict. Relatives ana friends are Invited to attend without further notice. Hotly will be taken to Duneannon, Pa., at 10:30 A. M., where services will be held in the U. B. Church and burial made. EGOI.F On Monday, October .6, Lewis A. Egolt, aged 35 years, l'uneral Wednesday. October 28, at - o'clock, from the residence of his mother, 520 Forrest street. Relatives and friends invited without further no ti. ■WINTERS On Monday, October 26, 1914. at 2:30 A. M., Mary E. Winters, widow of the late George Winters, aged 81 years. Funeral private Thursday, at 2 P. M., from her late residence. 109 South Sec end street. Kurlal private Harrisburg lAJS'i LOST Between Adams street, J Bteelton, ami Market street, Harrisburg, black earn ease, containing 425.00, Penn sylvania mileage ana small brooch, label al rewara it returned to C. E. Cores, lio4 Forster street, Harrisburg. . 1-OST OK STRAYED —Guernsey cow, red and white, without horns; quite old. If seen notuy li. D. Bitner, Eighteenth street, near Arsenal. Bell phone 142uW. LOST On Market street, South Fourth or Chestnut street, between 1 ana 5 o'clock Monday afternoon, Water man fountain pen. Reward u return ed to lludolpli K. Fortna, Letter Car rier. No. 1. LOST Friday, near Front and Cumberland. Beagle pup. Reward If re- ' turned to 1214 North Second street. IaJST Bunch of keys, on Saturday. ; Reward if returned to niglit clerk, Hotel : Plaza. LOST Rabbit hound, tan, with White face and white feet; lb inches j lilgli. Reward if returned to G. N. \\ en- I phone _N'o._Aso2l. , tUtMi FOUND, AT LAST Groee's Wagon Shop, the place to get your wagons re paired anu puiiueu at very littiu cost. 1541 Walnut sti eel, liell jJiione 2110 W. j FOUND The nom«j of reliable | WOI K tor particular people, at Lggert s j Steam D>eing it French Cleaning Works, 1245 Market street. Call either 1-none, we'll Jo the rest. tltXl' kVAAIt-K—Jlulli YOUNG MEN desiring to prepare for Civil service Examinations, please note tnat Mr. 11. Laurens i_aui win be at the [ Bolton ilotei in ttarrisourg oil Weunts- j day, October 28, to meet personally, those interestou. Post otuce ana ivan way Mall Clerks, Letter caiiiers, ue partmeiu Clei'Ks, etc., ages is anu o%er. j Salary, SBOO up. lie win oe mere Wed- I nesuay only, j :00 until »:uo f. m. &ee him without tail. Minors must be ac- j coiupanied by parent. HOW MUCH IS AN HOUR WORTH? \ One person gets titteeli cents; another j person gets ntteeu dollars. Why tnis tremendous difference? Special train- , lng is the answer. M- PRIVATE L.r.a- SO.SS In Shorthand, Typewriting, etc., j will increase your efficiency. Call, well talk it over. Merle E. Keller, Room ion, l'atrlot Building. MEN Employment and collection i agency can be started at home with a ! capital of *5; complete instructions tor I profitable business, (Oc. Mutual Supply Company. 42t> Jefferson avenue, Lnza beth, N. J. WANTED Several first-class painters, at once. Apply to H. R. I loose. Third avenue and Second street, Worxn leysburg. Pa. ARMY OF UNITED STATES. MEN WANTED. Ablebodied, unmarried men i between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character ana temperate habits. who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building, 3d & Market Sts., Harrisburg; 48 Queen St., Lancaster; 353 Pine St.. Willlamsport, or 37 W. Market St.. Y'ork, Pa. WANTED Experienced dye-cutter on soft-sole shoes. Harrisburg Leather J Products Co. f —\ FOR SALE 3V2 Acre Farm The "Berkheimer" Property 1% miles northwest »f Camp- I meeting <; round*. 011 the road from DlllHburK to l.ntlmore. 16 apple, 24 peach. 13 cherry, 3 I plum, 1 pear and 1 quince tree—B grape vines and 500 strawberry 1 plants. 7-room frame house. Frame ground barn and usual out buildings. Miller Bros. & Neefe j HEAD ESTATE Fire Insurance Surety Bunds Locust and Court Streets TUESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG S&feb TELEGRAPH OCTOBER 27, 1914. ( Hl'.l.l* W.WTKI) —Male WANTED Someone who is inter ested in making an extra salary each week which will in no wjiy Interfere with your present positij>«tT Must have a large acquaintance otherwise we can not use application. In reply state where you are employed. Big money for right people. Address M„ 1314, care of 1 Telegraph. 1J f-Ll* V\ AN TED—I- cmule EXPERIENCED LADY CANVASSERS 1 WANTED Prospective business every home. Call 9 A. M„ 501 Kunkel Build ing. Harrisburg. j YOUNG WOMEN desiring to prepare 1 for Civil Service Examinations, please ' note that Mr. 11. Caul will be at the Bolton Hotel, in Harrisburg, 011 Wednesday, October 28, to meet those ; interested. Post Office Clerks, Depart -1 ment Clerks, etc., ages 18 and over. I Salary. SBOO up. He will be there Wed nesday only, 1:00 until liH P. M. See him without fail. Minors must be ac companied by parent. for Lace Counter; must have experience. Apply to Mr. Greene, care of Astrlch's. Main Floor, Fourth and Market streets. WANTED Experienced girl or mid dle-aged woman for general housework In small family; must be a good cook. Wages, five dollars per week. Apply Mrs. J. B. Leitliiser, Hershey, Pa. WANTED White woman for gen eral housework; family of three. 1521 North Second street. al l C ATION WANTED—MALE WANTED - A young colored boy, about IS, desires a position working around a store, or washing dishes in a cafe or boardinghouse. Address Bur rel Banks. 1314 Marlon street. City. WANTED—Experienced upholsterer on furniture, carpets, shades, awnings and curtain draping would like to hear from reliable firm desiring first-class service. Address 8., 1355, care of Tele graph. WANTED Young colored man de \ sires position as waiter, can give ref erence, either in private family or i hotel. Address H. H., Room 3, 433 North I avenue. \ WANTED Position as clerk in i store or with orchestra. Address Box | Iv., 1361, care of Telegraph. ' WANTED Young man desires po sition In restaurant, waiter or short , order cook; three years' experience. Ad : dress P. O. Box 3(9, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Young colored man. 35, would like a position to care for elderly I gentleman. Address H. H., Room 3, 433 I North avenue. FIRST-CLASS COOK (white) is open i for position; hotel or restaurant ex i perience with references. Address E., 1354, care of Telegraph. WANTED Colored man desires work around automobiles or horses. Call, or address, 1232 Bailey street. M l «..«». n.\s 11.1 M Kli —renin 10 WANTED By a middle-aged, white lady, work for the afternoon, : liouseeleaning, washing, ironing or of i lice ( leaning. Address C., 1358, care of j Telegraph. | WANTED Neat colored girl de- ! sires position as plain cook and general housework in private family. Call, or address. 1521 Fulton street. WANTED ' oung colored woman desires day's work of any kind or wash ing or Ironing. Call, or address, 1211 I Apple avenue. j WANTED Colored woman wishes I a place as cook or general housework; i has reference. Address 806 Cowden j street. WANTED—By middle-aged white woman, position as housekeeper, or care for old couple; best of references. Ad dress H., 1363, care of Telegraph. WANTED Washing and ironing to' do at home; also lace curtain stretch ing. Address 1911 Forster street. WANTED Colored woman desires j position as cook. Call, or address 1329 North Fourth street. WANTED Day's work of any kind Apply N., Box 1360, care of Tele- ! graph. WANTED By middle-aged white i woman, position as housekeeper; good i references. 418 Walnut street. WANTED Colored woman desires ' 1 day's work or general housework. Call, or address, 1219 North Seventh street WANTED Colored woman desires ! housework or dishwashing. Call, or ad j dress, 1329 North Fourth street. I WANTED By young colored girl, j place to assist with housework, or j dishwashing. Address 313 South Four teenth street. 1 WANTED —By colored girl, general housework. Address 313 South Four ! teenth street. ! WANTED Colored woman wants | position as chambermaid or to do gen feral housework. Call 1410 New Fourth 1 street. HEAI, ESTATE FOK SALE i FARM FOR SALE Stock and fruit farm: 139 acres; good buildings; tine I water; close to town. SI,OOO cash. Hal- I I ance on easy terms. Mark M. Mattia. 1 Millersburr 0 HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE At Edgcmunt, one-half mile north of Peubrook on Twenty third street, one six-room house, $1,2U0. Some others at S4OO, six rooms; lots, 30 xl2o. Address G. S. Hnrtman. 38 North Twelfth street, Harrisburg. DEKKY STUKET PROPERTIES FOR SALE No. 1119—3-story brick—9 rooms, bath and furnace—porch. No. 1161—3-story brick—B rooms—bath —furnace—front porch. , No. 1163—3-story brick—9 rooms—bath —steam heat—corner property —gar- age. No. 1227—3-story brick—7 rooms—bath —furnace—front porch. | No. 1524 A—3-story brick—9 rooms and 1 v. bat ' l —steam heat—store room. No. 17 03—3-story brick—9 fooms—bath —furnace. No. 1844—2 bk-story brick—7 rooms batli—steam heat—large lot. No. 1847 A—Store Room with dwelling _ on rear. No. 1952—2 H-story frame—B rooms, bath and furnace—porches. No. 2133—3-story brick—new —9 rooms —bath— steam heat—porches No. 2135—3-story brick—9 rooms —bath —steam heat —-porches. BKINTON-PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut Sts. FOR SALE Three-story brick house 8 rooms bath gas fur nace porch front. Lot. 18x100. De sirable location. Price and terms rea sonable. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. CORNER PROPERTY ON SOUTH FRONT STREET 8 rooms bath furnace porch front. l>ot, 18x80. Price, $3,000. Other properties on easy payments. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. EITHER a 4 or 10-acre Farm within a twelve-minute walk of trolley ser vice loc fare to Harrisburg con siderable fruit good soil. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Three Great Bargains. Green street house, vacant. House in Reservoir Park section. A good invest ment house up town. D. E. Brightbill, 2 North Court street. Both phones. REAL ESTATE FOK RENT I FOR RENT 1427 North street; eight rooms; bath; all improvements; front and rear porches; -sloe entrance; good location; near trolley. Inquire A. M. Noll, corner Fifteenth and North streets. FOR RENT 2148 North Fifth street; three-story brick; eight rooms; all conveniences; owner leaving town. Rent. $25.00. For information apply P. V. Minter, Harrisburg Trust Co. FOR RENT Eight-room house in Bella Vista. Bell phone 3136 L. FOR RENT Eight-room residence, No. 1901 Green street, corner Muench; all improvements; possession November 1. Call Bell phone No. 3048 L. FOR RENT No. 1611 Swatara street; eight rooms; all conveniences; porches; yard; SIB.OO. Apply to H. E. Mart;;, 30) Market street, or 213 Cum berland street. FOR RENT House 608 Muench street; all conveniences; rent, S2O a month; possession at once. Inquire 1301 North Second street. FOR RENT Neatly furnished four room brick house; cellar, yard, bath room and improvements. Call 427 Herr street. FOR RENT A house within two squares of market, on Seoond street— whole or a part—partially furnished or unfurnished—reasonable. Desirable for boarding club or apartment. Address H., 1331. care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Nos. -*6 l and 465 Cres cent street; new eight-room houses; all conveniences; large front porch; central location; rent, S2O each. Apply at 459 Crescent street. FOR RENT ll2 North Eighteenth street; 171 South litghteentn; 1632 Derry street, and 2807 Camby street, Penbrook. immediate possession. A. W. Swengel, 219 South Thirteenth street. FOR RENT Two 2 %-story brick houses, No. 1521 1523 Vernon street. Rent, $15.00 each. Immediate posses sion. E. A. HefTelfinger, East End Bank. FOR RENT Manufacturing build ing. 75x20 ft., one story, equipped with steam heat, toilet, washstana and of fice. Rent, sl2 per month. Suitable for garage or repair shop. Located 1704 Fulton street. Apply 1709 North Fourth street. FOU RENT No. 1843 Whitehall St $30.00 No. 1850 Market St 32.00 No. 515 N. Thirteenth St 20.00 No. 2210 Atlas St 14.00 628 Oxford St 15.00 No. 1628 Regina St. 26.00 No. 1821 Market St 25.00 No. 1120 N. Cameron St 10.00 No. 93 N. Seventeenth St 20.00 536 S. Seventeenth St 20.00 J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market Street. REAL ESTATE FOK EXCHANGE WANTED To exchange city prop erty for a farm. Apply to J. M. Ens mlnger, 1813 Derry street. APAHTJdEMS i' UU BENT NO. 1619 MARKET STREET Very desirable three-room apartment, second lioor; heat and light included; all im provements. Rent, $16.00. Inquire at 1613 Park street. FOR RENT FURNISHED APART MENT, second lioor, 3 rooms and bath, private; furnished complete; gas range and water heater; rent reasonable; im mediate possession. 342 South Sixteenth street. ROOMS FOR KENT FOR RENT Large front room on second- floor. Reasonable price to the right party or parties. Call 628 Forster street —below Sixth. FOR RENT A nice, large corner I front room on second lioor, unfurnished or furnished, with use of bath. For particulars apply 1642 Sixth street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished second lioor rooms, for light house keeping; all conveniences; use of phone; steam neat; electric lights. Rent rea sonable. Pnone 2967 W, or address R., 1353, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Famished rooms on second lioor front; single or ensulte with board; private family; home com forts; two minutes' walk from Capitol. Phone 818 L Bell. FOR Rr-..<.T Nicely furnished rooms, in apartment, for man or mar ried couple; all conveniences, including I use of phone. Apply Mrs. Eichelberger, i Lincoln Apartments, 19 North Fifth street. , FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms in one of the best locations in the city; use of bath and telephone. Apply 2u3 State street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or en-sulte; all conveniences, in cluding phone; reference required. Ap ply 1015 i>»orth Front street. FOK RENT One furnished room I and two unfurnished rooms, in private family, near Thirteenth and Market streets. Address R., 1357, care of Tele graph. FOR RENT One newly furnished room, fronting on Capitol Park; elec tric lights; hot and cold running water in room; use of phone and large bath. Apply 410 North street. ROOMS WANTED WANTED Three or four unfur nished rooms for light housekeeping, centrally located. Address H., 1350, care of Telegraph. ROOMS AND BOARD FOR RENT Furnished rooms and boarding by meal, day or week. Ap ply 1001 North Second street, corner Boas and Second streets. WANTED WANTED TO RENT Small, fur nished apartments, or house, for the winter; references exchanged. Address P. O. Box 16, Harrisburg. WANTED —On North or South Front street, one or two unfurnished rooms, by gentleman, not more than four or live blocks from Market street. Address H., 1339, care of Telegraph. WANTED A reed baby coach; must be in good condition. Address C., 1362, care of Telegraph. HORSE WANTED Dapple or steel gray, about 6 years old, weigh about 1,350. Must be sound, good worker, city broke. Call Brelsford Packing and Storage Co. WANTED Cars for winter storage in a large, commodious building in central part of city. Inquire Shaffer Wagon Works. 80-88 South Cameron street. FOR SALE FOU SALE 3-ton Morton truck, platform body, SI,OOO. 1912 5-passenger Packard Phaeton, $1,350. Packard Motor Car Co.. of Philadelphia,, 107 Market Street. FOR SALE Chickens, mixed; Pigeons, common; Ducks. Indian Run ner, fawn. Call evenings after I P. M. V. M. Pottelger, Summerdale, Pa. FOR SALE Restaurant, near Broad Street Market, good location, doing a good business. Wish to sell before Oc tober 28 or 30, on account of other business. Inquire corner Broad and Fulton streets. FOR SALE One demonstrator tour ing car; 40-H.-P., 120-inch wheel base, 1915 model, run 3,000 miles, good as new; car sells for $1,190; will sell at a reasonable price, if sold at once. This will be worth while investigating. Ad dress X., 1330, care of Telegraph. FOK SALE 1913 Indian single cylinder motorcycle, fully equipped, in first-class condition. No reasonable offer refused if sold this week. Call at Crescent Oarage, 919 Myrtle avenue. FOR SALE Barber shop In small country town, doing a good business. For further information address 8., 1359, care of Telegraph. FOU SALE Two brood mares in good condition. Weigh 1,250 pounds each. Detweller Brothers, Steelton, Fa. FOR SALE— York safe; double com bination; weight about 4,000 pounds; regular price, *lB5. Must be sold this week. Snap to quick buyer. Abbott Motor Company, 106 South Second street. FOR SALE AT GABLE'S, 113, 115 and 117 South Second street, 6,000 gal lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. FOR SALE AT GABLE'S, 111-117 South Second street, 5.000 sets new sash Bxlo 12 L„ primed and glazed, at *l.lo per set. Also other sizes. FOR SALE Double heater and gas stove, in good condition. Apply 2153 Atlas avenue. FOR SALE A dark bay driving mare. 6 years old, sound and all right; fearless of automobiles. Inquire J. M. Gibbons, No. 556 Woodbine street, Har risburg, Pa. FOR SALE 1914 Yale twin two speed motorcycle, with Rodger side car. Will sell as combination or separately. M. J. Hocker, Highspire, Pa. FOR SALE Barred Rock and Buff Orpington cockerels, pullets and one yeanold hens. Some laying. Fancy stock, no culls. S. T. Witmer, Union Deposit, Pa. Bell phone. FOR SALE Cigar store, in good location, doing a nice business. All up to-date fixtures. Address Box S., 1349 care of Telegraph. , HUNTERS, ATTENTION! Special sale this week Loaded Shells with smokeless powder, limited quantity, will be sold to advertise, 55c per box Keystone Cycle Co., 814 North Third street. - FINE AND COMPLETE LINE AUTO ROBES, Steamer Rugs, Car riage Robes, Horse Blankets and Stable Blankets. Harrisburg Harness & Sup ply Company, Second and Chestnut streets. SPECIAL REDUCTIONS in Leather Bags, Suit Cases, Trunks to make room for Holiday goods. Wholesale and Re tail Leather Merchants, Specialty orders and repairing. Harrisburg-Har ness and Supply Co.. Second and Chest nut. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad If paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR RENT —ln the Telegraph Building, a suite of well located offices Inquire for Superintendent in Business Office of Telegraph. FOB KENT FOII RENT FIVE-ROOM APARTMENT, 512 South Thirteenth street; front and rear porches; ltvlngroom, two bedrooms, din ing-room. kitchen, bath; sl6. Penn'a Realty & Improvement Co., 132 Locust street. FOR RENT Four floors, 30x80, with electric elevator, in heart of city; suitable for automobile sales room, store or light manufacturing purposes. Apply at once. Abbott Motor Car Co., 106-8 South Second street. HUfetMb** Ofi'UJViXNITIES ANY Intelligent rerson can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 795, Lock port. N. Y. FOR SALE Coiffectionery, Ice Cream, Cigar and Tobacco business. Best location in town. Business in pros perous condition. Good reason for sell ing. Excellent opening for Restaurant and Oysters. Rare chance for right man. Will sell right to quick buyer. Call, or address, C. B. Nelbert, No. 2 East Main street, Palmyra, Pa. FOR SALE Dry goods and no tion business, consisting of dry goods, men's furnishings, etc. Old establish ed stand. Will close out at a bargain to right party. Apply to J. B. F., 1520 Derry. I MADE $50,000 In five years In the mail order business, began with )5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock. 355 Lockport, N. Y. BLSINKSS PERSONALS GENERAL UPHOLSTERING, carpet laylng and curtain work—all work guaranteed—done by expert mechanics. J. Copllnky, 1208% North Third street, successor to H. A. Vollmer. OLD GOLD AND SILVER, Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry bought for high est cash prices. Jos. D. Brenner, Jeweler, No. 1 North Third street. Bell phone 1274 L NEW AND SECOND-HAND Furnl ture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Drop postal, or phone -143 J. Atlas Furniture Co., 430 Straw berry street. , BUSINESS PERSONALS MASQUERADE COSTUMES TO HIRE —New and second-hand clothing bought and sold—unredeemed overcoats [?!, ? a ' e - T Drop postal or phone Bell 1-iolJ. N. Brenner, 426 Walnut street. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts insure your satisfaction. S. N. Cluck, 320 Woodbine street. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 'll9 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone 1960 tS * n P rom Pt attention. Bell SAMUEL CORB, general buyer clothes, shoes, furniture, carpets, books false teeth, gold, silver, silverware! metals; also relics and antiques of all description. Highest Prices Paid. Send postal and I will call. Must mention article. 1317 Williams street. PROF. FRANCISCO - DE ECHEJIE~N~ i JIA , Pianist and instructor; music for dances and special occasions. Pianist at Park Auditorium, Mt. Gretna. Pa., season 1814. 223 Maclay street. Beli phone. HAULING H. XV. LATHE, Hoarding Stable and National Trannfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ... w - Lathe, Manager, Fifth and 2503R Btreets ' Bell Phone -No. STORAGE STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to *3. Wagons, 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411 Broad street. Both phones. HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two largu brick warehouses, built ex tor storage. Private rooriis ... household goods and unexcelled fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer chandise. Low storage rates. South St. and Penna. R. R. MONEY' TO IXJAN ANY person needing money In amounts from *5 to *SO holding a sal aried position, would be benetited by filing on us. Employees Discount Co.. 36 North Third street. I.OANS—SS to *2OO for honest work ing people without bank credit at less than legal rates, payable in instalments to suit borrowers' convenience. Cooperative Loan ami Investment Co., 204 Chestnut Street. NOTICE HAVING withdrawn as a member of the McCleaster Paving Co. on August 1. 1914. 1 am in position to handle con crete work in all branches. ROBERT A. McCLEASTER. LEGAL NOTICE BRIDGE PKOPOSALS " Office of Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings. JOHN K. TENER, Governor; ARCHIBALD W. POWELL, Auditor General; ROBERT K. YOUNG, State Treasurer, Commissioners. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed at the office of the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, Har risburg, Pa., until 2:00 P. M„ of Tues day, November 10, 1914, for the removal of old sub-structure and the building of a new bridge over the Shenango River at Grant Street in the city of New Castle, Lawrence County, Pa., in accordance with plans and specifica tions as prepared by Emll Swennson, Civil Engineer, Pittsburgh, Pa. All bidders shall deposit a certified check payable to the State Treasurer in the sum of *5,000 on some responsible Pennsylvania bank or trust company at least twenty-four hours before the time set for the opening of proposals. Bids must be enclosed in a separate envelope addressed on the outside with the hame and location of bridge and the name of bidder. Plans and specifications may be ob tained by applying to Samuel B. Rambo, Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, Harrisburg, Pa., or to the engineer. Bids will be opened In the presence of the bidders, or their representatives, in the Reception Room of Department, Capitol Building, Harris burg, Pa., at 2:00 P. M, on the above date. By order of the Board. SAMUEL B. RAMBO. Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings. C. P. RODGERS, Secretary. NOTICE to property owners along the lines of Nineteenth Street, from Market Street to Chestnut Street, Ordi nance No. 129, File of City Council, Ses sion of 1914-1915; Market Street, from Nineteenth Street to Twenty-first Street, Ordinance No. 128, File of City Council, Session of 1914-1915; Derry Street, from the west side of Twenty-third Street to the Eastern City Line, Ordinance No. 132, File of City Council, Session of 1914-1915; and Wengert Alley, from Fourteenth Street to Brady Street, Ordinance No. 136, File of City Council, Session of 1914- 1915. In accordance with the terms of Or dinance No. 883, File of Common Coun cil, you are hereby notified to make all necessary house connections contem plated by you "with the main sewer, gas pipes, steam heating pipes, water pipes or other mains," within sixty days from the date of this notice, and conduct the said service pipes or sewers from the mains in the street to within the curb lines of said streets. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY, Bureau of Water and I.lglit BIDS will be received at the Office of the Superintendent of Public Safety, Room 10, Court House, at 10 o'clock A. M., Saturday, October 81, 1911, for lay ing water pipes in Twentieth Street, from Market Street to Holly Street; in Holly Street, from Yale Street to Twent"-and-One-Half Street, and In Chestnut Street, from Nineteenth Street to Twentieth Street. Plans may be seen and specifications obtained at the Office of the Superintendent. HARRY F. BOWMAN. Superintendent of Public Safety. October 27, 1914. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed at the otflce of the Superintendent of Streets and Public Improvements up to Thursday, November 5, 1914, at 12 o'clock noon, for the construction of SEWERS In MIFFLIN STREET and RESERVOIR PARK. Blank bids and I specifications may be had on applica tion. The right to reject any or all bids Is reserved. W. H. LYNCH. Superintendent. DEATH OP MRS. KMERICH Union Deposit, Pa., Oct. 27.—0n Sunday morning Mrs. Elizabeth Emer lch died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Daniel lietrick. of this place. She was a member of the United Brethren Church and is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Harvey Cook, of Sand Beach; Mrs. Millie Horst, and Mrs. Daniel Hetriek, of Union Deposit, The funeral will be held at Union Deposit on Thursday morning at 9.30, services to be conducted by the Rev. O. G. Romig, of Hershey, assisted by the Kev. N. L. Llnebaugh, of Hershey. FUNERAL OF JACOB KOCH Newville, Pa., Oct. 27.—Funeral services of Jacob Koch, who died on Friday, at the German Hospital in Philadelphia, was held from his late residence in Green street, on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Koch was about 69 years old and Is survived by his wife, two Bons, Harvey and John, and one daughter, MTB. George Nehf, all of this place. Good Plays to Be Given Cheap at Majestic Next Week The Myrkle-Harder Stock Company, which comes to the Majestic Theater for an entire week's engagement, be ginning next Monday, announces an ex cellent list of plays to be presented here at popular prices. Although it Is several seasons since the Myrkle-Har der company had a date In Harris burg, theatergoers of this city have not forgotten that this organization Is one Of the best on the road presenting I stock attractions. William H. Harder, | owner and manager of the company, is noted for his daring in Paying high prices for big attractions as soon as they are released for stock use, and a glance over the list of plays he is to put on in Harrisburg shows that he has succeeded In getting some of the recent Broadway successes. The list of plays to be given during the Harrisburg engagement are as fol lows: Monday, afternoon and evening "Elevating a Husband." .Tuesday, afternoon and evening The Girl of the Golden West." Wednesday, afternoon and evening— "Stop Thief." Thursday, afternoon and evening "What Happened to Mary." Friday, afternoon and evening—"The Escape. Saturday, afternoon and evening 'under Southern Skies." In spite of the fact that these attrac tions are presented at very low prices, tile scenic productions carried by tliu Myrkle-Harder company are adequate in every way to give the shows the ap pearance of an original production. The seat sale for the entire week will open "t the Majestic box oflice on Friday of this week.—Advertisement. Crowds See Good Vaudeville at Colonial Theater Presenting a good vaudeville bill, the Colonial started its second week of Keith attractions to an audience that just about taxed its capacity last night. A,,. 411 " 16 Pretentious headliner called „,1, , Fun . sh °P." leads the list of acts. I his is a Juvenile musical comedy, com prising a sextet of really clever girls and boys, and they sing and dance and frolic through a little turn that would please vaudeville devotees in the higher priced theaters. The act employs an attractive stage setting, and the cos tuming, light effects and pretty girls make it pleasing as a "sight act." Dorothy Brenner a favorite Orpheum favorite, is there this week. Miss Bren ner, who sings "kid" songs so cute, is again seen as the little girl in rompers, and she sings a song to her hobby horse. Miss Brenner also appears as a pretty, grown-up girl, and then she and a clever partner indulge in a clever skit called "The Candy Shop." Another of tiie Colonial's good acts is pro gramed as Bernard and Scarth, a "nut" comedian and a pretty girl, in a skit of nonsense and song. Some interesting and decidedly difficult roller skating feats are exhibited by Joe Kennedv. The present week witnesses the "last of the noonday and early evening pic ture shows at the Colonial. The play house is to be converted into a popular priced vaudeville house, with afternoon and evening p<-rforinances only. Pic tures will be Hhown, hut shown only in connection with the vaudeville shows. —Advertisement. Apoplexy Causes Death of Lancaster County Farmer Special to The Telegraph Ephrata, Pa., Oct. 27.—Amos Shif fer, of Ephrata, was found dead in a cornfield which he owned ahout two and a half miles south of Ephrata on Saturday evening. Mr. Shifter went to the farm to husk corn, taking his team will him. While loading some of the fodder on the wagon he was stricken with apoplexy and was found Inter by Moses Weiler, who met the team on its way home without the driver. Weiler went to the field, where he found Mr. Shifter dead. Coroner Mil ler pronounced death duo to a stroke of apoplexy. He was 65 years old. From 1877 to 1908 he had charge of the Murrell Hotel, near Ephrata, but since the latter year has resided at Ephrata. He is survived by his wife and two daughters. Mrs.2Willlam Wle damyer and Miss Nora ShilTer, both at home. Four brothers and two sisters also survive. The funeral will be held on Thursday morning. GIRL HURT ROLLER SKATING Catherine Reem, aged 10, 1932 North Fifth street, was taken to the Harris burg Hospital late yesterday afternoon after she had fallen on the asphalt street near her-home. The little girl was roller skating and in getting out of the way of an automobile fell, sus taining a possible fracture of the right arm. DO YOU NEED MONEY? THEN CAM, AND SEE US AND GET IT—BAST TERMS. Small payment*!. I It IIHIIH'SH «*onH<leutlal. PROFIT-SHAKING LOAN SOCIETY KOOIIIM 0-7, Second Floor II North Market Square / MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names. Cheap rates, easy payments, confiden tial. Adam* & Co., R. 304, 8 N. Market Sq. These Houses Are Open to You - —— - - ■ i-. J . *-■ ' - I' ' ■' We invite your inspection of these beautiful houses at 712-722 North Eighteenth street, corner of Briggs. Two squares from State street, in one of the most attractive sections of the city. These houses have seven rooms and tile bath room.. Interior woodwork in chest nut, with attractive wall paper and fixtures; and convenience of two stairways. Exterior construction of brick and stucco, with concrete porch and coping. Attendant in charge daily to show you through. For terms and further details, apply to HAROLD A Builder, 1850 NORTH STREET Sell—26lS-J THE MAR PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE) By Associated Press Philadelphia. Oct. 27. Wheat ft.V/'v , ~i. red spot, export, $1.09 H *' Northern, Dulutli, export. $1.2301.26. co 9. — Lower; No. 2, yellow, local, 83 hi 0 84c. K jV/ ats Steady; No. 2, white, 64© 54 >^c. to „ Flrm '> winter, per ton, 24 00 spring, per ton,' $23.50® j ? . Sugars Market lower; powdered. 6.90 c; line granulated, 6.80 c; confectioners' A, 6.70 c. Butter The market is unchanged; western creamery, extras, 35c; nearby prints, fancy, 36c. r> „, Kes , — The market is unchanged; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, II ee cases, $9.60 per case; do., current leceipts. free cases, $8.700 9.00 per case; !f', e ''S rn i extras, lirsts. free cases, $8.70 Sw'2° Iler case; do., firsts, free cases, *8.70 per case. LJve Poultry Steady; fowls, 13® ibc; young chickens. 11® 20c; ®P'' in K chickens, 12016 c; broiling chick ens. 17 027 c; old roosters, 11® 12c; ducks, old, 13® 14c; ducks, young, 14® 15c; geese, 13®14c; turkeys, 19®20e. Dressed Poultry Lower; owls, western, fancy, heavy, 19020 c; do., fair to good, ne:.vy, 17® 18c; average receipts, 15018 c; small, 14® °' d roosters, 13V4c; roasting chickens, fancy, I6®18c; broiling chickens, nearby, 16®22n; do., western, 12® 17c; capons, large, 23025 c; do., small, 18@20c; turkeys, fancy, 24026 c; do., fair, 20@23c; ducks, 11018 c; geese, ll@l6c. Flour Market weak; winter, clear, $3.8504.10; straights, Pennsyl vania, new, $5.0005.25; spring straights *5.355(5.60; do., patents, $5.70(0)5.85; western, $4.2504.40; patents, $4.50(i« 4.75; Kansas straight. Jute sacks, $4.15 04.30; spring, firsts, clear, $4.0004.20; straights, $4.2004.30; patents. $4.36® 4.60. Hay The market Is firm; tim othy. No. 1, large bales, $18.50® 19.00; No. 1, medium bales. $18.50019.00; No. 2, $17.00® 17.50; No. 3. $14.50015.50; no grade. $11.00013.00. .New clover mixed. Light mixed, $17.00® 18.00; No. 1. do., $16.00017.00; No. 2, do., $14.00015.00. Potatoes Weak; Pennsylvania, per bushel, 58060 c; New York, per bushel, 45050 c; Jersey, per basket, 35045 c. CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., Oct. 27. Hogs Re ceipts, 20,000; weak. Bulk of sales, $7.20 07.45; light, $7.0007.55; mixed, $7.05® 7.65; heavy, $7.0007.60; rough, $7.00® 7.16; pigs, $4.2507.00. Cattle Receipts, 7,000; steady. P.eeves, $6.15010.75; steers, $5.70®8.60; stockers and feeders. $4.8507.90; cows and heifers, $3.2508.76; calves, $7,000 10.75. ' Sheep Receipts, 24,000; strong. Sheep, $4.R00t!5.90; yearlings, $5.55® 6.10; lambs, $6.0007.50. Rubber stamoa I SEALS & STENCILS l#V " MFG.BYHBG.STENCILWORKS ' gl 130 LOCUST ST. HBG.PA. 1# THE Harrlsburg Polyclinic Dispen sary will be open dally, except Sunday, at 3 P. M„ at its new location, 1701 North Second street, for the free treat ment of the worthy poor. "When the Frost is on the Pumpkins and the Corn is in the Shock" Thru It's time lo lift your ten der plants from tlic Immls and pot them up for whiter flowering in doors; nnd it's time to transplant those plants whirl i have out grown the size of pots or tubs they are in now. We Have Ail Sizes of Flower Pots and Plant Tubs Rest Quality—Right 1 Vices Delivered Anywhere USE OUR PFjANT FOOD IN TABLET FORM. It puts new life In your plants, lOe and 25c per box. QUALITY BULBS They produce Finer flowers, We have sold many thousands of them and still have a tremen dous stock for you to select from. Get your order In now. Tulips, Hyacinths, Narcissus. Walter S. Schell QUALITY SEEDS 1307-1309 Market St. I We have Pumpkins for Hal lowe'en. Get them for the Chil dren, 5, fl, 8 and 10 cents each. 11
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