1. BRUMBAUGH 111 FAYETTE OVATION Republican Candidate Gets a Not able Reception From the Coke County's Voters RESTATES HIS PLATFORM For County Local Option as Plainly as He Can Say It; Thou sands Cheer Him ;Fayette county showed it was for Dp. Brumbaugh, because he is four square. In a series of rousing meetings yesterday and by a grand rally in I'nlontown last night. To-day Dr. Brumbaugh went into Allegheny coun ty and will make a dozen addresses. A dispatch from Uniontown says: "In this industrial center. Dr. Martin G. Brumbaugh, Republican nominee for Governor, met with the largest re ception he has received in any county, the day's tour of the section ending here to-night with a big industrial pa rade, a large meeting at the Opera House and a big overflow gathering in front of the McClelland Hotel. The candidates delivered addresses at both meetings. Five thousand men were in line in the parade which formed at 7 o'clock and passed through the prin cipal streets for an hour before going to the meeting. Twenty special trolley cars brought delegations from the out lying districts to participate in the pa rade or attend the meeting. Streets in the centi'al part of the town ware almost Impassable before 7 o'clock. Red fire burned everywhere; eighteen bands played on corners before the time set for the parade to begin. It ■w»B not a crowd of merrymakers, however, but serious men who have felt the effects of the Democratic tariff and are anxious to have prosperity return again with a Republican ad ministration. The meetings last night PROVISIONS FOR THE ARMY IN THE FIELD Importance of keeping body well nourished In time of war, the greatest effort is always made toward cutting off the enemy's base of supplies. It is the well-nourished people who fight the strongest and live the longest and con tribute most to human progress. Is your stomach doing its duty—does it convert food into good blood and tis sue? Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery has been so successful in the treat ment of Indigestion, that thousands of former sufferers owe their good health of to-day to its wonderful pow er. and testimonials prove it. It arouses the little muscular fibres into activity and causes the gastric juices to thoroughly mix with the food you eat, simply because it supplies the stomach with pure, rich blood. It's weak. Impure blood that causes stom ach weakness. Get good blood through the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and you will have no more indigestion. It is the world's proved blood puri fier. It's not a secret remedy for its ingredients are printed on the wrap per. Stajt to take it to-day and before another day has passed, the impuri ties of the blood will begin to leave your body through the liver, kidneys, bowels and skin, and in a few days yott will know by your steadier nerves, firmer step, keener mind, brighter eyes and clearer skin that the bad blood is passing out, and new, rich, pure blood is filling your veins and arter ies: . The same good blood will cause pim ples, acne, eczema and all skin erup tions to dry up and disappear. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is the helpful remedy that nearly every one needs. It contains no alcohol or narcotics of any kind. —Advertise- ment. POLITICAL ADVERTISING JB Bf James W. Barker Washington Parly .Nominee For STATE REPRESENTATIVE from the CITY OF HARRISBURG If Elfc«e4 Will Favor LOCAL OPTION, WOMAN SUF FRAGE, GOOD ROADS, PROPER PROTECTION OF LABOR, CIVIC RIGHTEOUSNESS. -Your Vote aud Support Solicited Are YOU Getting Full VQIUQ for Your Money t • - Every ton of Kclley's Coal is screened before weighing, ancl sprinkled after. It's a full load of clean coal that goes into ybur cellar. A.M. Kelley Co. OMte. 1 N. Third Street. Yard, 10th and State Streeta. SATURDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG I TELEGRAPH OCTOBER 24, 1914 Ten Reasons For Not Being' a Christian No. I—The Church Is Full of Hypocrites No. 4—l Don't Need Religion; lAm Strong Enough No. 7—/ Am Young Yet I Want My Fling First! I»o you menu to any that the Church trachea, atanda for, hypocrlayf Witlu.j.l Iff * ou wnu * ,0 make life a Joy ride, and when you have amaaheal Ihe Waa It not ilenounred In nn»rorln K terma by Jeaua Chrlatf " IlflOUl 11. machine, you'll try and aneak out of the ronaequencea! For • 11 , m .1, . . , . , . , . ..., . . , . , the aake of oa-eaalonal nervoua "thrllla," you'll lay on your And do not Ilia true follower* now loathe Itf A hold aayln*! "I,et him that tblnketh he atandeth take heed leaf ehlldreu and cblldrcn'a children the curae of broken vitality, You atngle out the Church; haa It a monopoly of hypocrlayf .. ™ e vleloua tcnilenetea and weakened wllla. la there none In aoelety. In hualneaa. In politic. In the lodge T Jou ae«-ede from CJodVs!e>?&»n? unlverae ami let up a little uni- ,n " ,r M,, h » "'»» wwuW b ' n,,d ■ l)o you refuse to connect yournelf with any or all of thene, be- verae of your ouu. in which you are your own js«d! c.uae nre acme hypocritea them. re,.... No. 8~l Tried tO Be 0 Christian Once and Failed! Nof Then «hj aln K le out the thurchf your Jack of power to help youraelf, and your life falla Into Poor W , ww , Vou carrie „, neiderlrd the meana of grace, your If you hate hypoerltea *o, why do you plan to apend eternity with . Inextricable rulp. otu aaaoclatea gathered ahout you a K aln. nnd down you themf #»»*,.. ... I sil 1 • tumbled. AND VOU HAVE STAYED DOWN! IVn S Kfliainn It #■ nr IrflfllM nnn ( hllnrpn ' When you were a year-old-hahy you tumbled down n hundred Nn 9 TL - r L_ V _L I. /» 1 A C-./£.li neilgion IS ror rromen una tmiuien. tlmea a day; you cried and whimpered a little. HUT foil Al,- c—i ne Lnurcn is low and oeinsn _ . . , WAYS GOT UI» AGAIN: »ni> poor idiot 1.>.i.1.-» <i<i not trv So yon aaaume men have no aoula! again, and thev never Icnrn to walk The pity la that here and lliere an exclualve aoclal eluh maaqner- Moaea waa a man; David, the royal Paalmlat, waa a man, and a When you fall In other mattera, do you a'lwaya qultf If not. why adea aa a church, and that an occaalonal "deadwood" Cbrlallan , rc d-l>looded one. too. be a "quitter" In religion onlyf , , , ~ . . . . Jeaua Chrlat waa a man—and a man a man at that! la na cold and aelflah aa an outsider! The propheia were men; the Apoatlea were men; the great Chrlat- M Q /l/f., AI„l f I r I . . Aa n whole, next to the family, Chrlatian Church la the atrong- lana who ahnped the hlatory of elvlllaed natlona nnd molded the Iv 0« %r 171 y i.(olilcs /llt IwOl VjOOu CnOflg/t 10 (lO CO eat aoclal tie In the world. aoula of untold mllllona were men! I I . , , , , , , . . . . Chriatlnnlty la pre-eminently a man a religion, but not a religion Ihttrrhl Hie t hurch atanda for ayiupathy. klndneaa. helpfulneaa; where tbll , drawa brutal, animal, vile men. ita teachlnga. Ideala, . .. ." thexe are lacking Ita fundamental prlnclplea are violated. purpoaea taaka problema all appeal to that which la man- A aniall pebble to trip over, but tliouaaada are dolag it. right here One word mores when you attended church did yon make It eaay Heat In men ' •" Hnrrlaburg! It la a caae of pride! Not large, noble pride, for ahy, timid t'hrlatlana to be aoelable with you f ' hut the petty pride born to vanity. The house of God aa a mi A 111 I> | . i| ..IT .1 / /■>! «i' place where people compete In clothea and millinery! I.oae No. 3—l Am as Good as Any of Your Church 0 • QV€ OH tS out t € Tilt 0 y (he Make of clothen! Lone one'* ton I rather thim humble one'N What kind of doubtnf Are you really overwhelmed by the coin- pride N little! The trngcedy of the altuatlon IN that clothea do Members pi** problema of thin Ntranice worldf t>r nr r your doubtn juot not count with re«l ( hriMtlanw—and the rcat do not matter! " ptcked up a a children pick up ineaMleM or whooping couffhf OP Heal i hrlntlan churchea have a warm welcome and help for "Why are you decent, respectable, law -abiding;, moral f To keep do they i&row out of your fixed prejudice aKulnut religion and tlioae lu poor « k lrcuyiNtanceM. your own nelf rcnpcct nnd to win and h«ild the reupcct of the itN requlremeptaf |i « g% W A ♦ll . r*. . n ytj • • • people about you f The preaumptlon la nitaiiiNt your doubtn havlnfc any valid banla, ||() a J(/ J /\ff\ /V Ol tit 10 tj£ Q C tlYlStlQfl I A purely McltlMh motive. for the mlKhtleMt Intellect* of the world, men like Cilndntone, The true t'hrlMtinn liven an outwardly worthy life, and. In addl- llooaevelt, PreMldent \VII»on, have faced them nud net them That*n the only valid reaion In the bunch! Hut you do not need tlon, a devout, prayerful, arodly Inward life tliat plea«en anlde. t«» be Ht— .ICMUM t hrlnt NiippllcM the fltncMN. The greater your whom you Ignore and repudiate. The moral and aplrltual dl*- The be»«t cure for haraNnlng doubtn In nurrendcr to Jenun t hrlnt. nln. the greater your need and the greater ( lirlnt*n anxiety to tance between your nelflnh "good" life and your nelglibor*a god- **lf any man will do hln will, he nhall know of the doctrine nave yon. t "All the fltuenn He requlretli In to feel you need of fearing ••g;ood" life In Infinite. whether It be of t«od." Him.*' The Stoug'h Evangelistic Campaign There Are No Reasons on the Side of Sin Opens Sunday Nov. Ist in Tabernacle, State & Cowden Sts. Harrisburg, Pa. True Reasons Belong to God's Side were the largest political rallies ever held in Uniontown." The big Uniontown meeting was ad dressed by Ex-Congressman Cooper, who called it to'order; Senatoi' W. E. Crow, the chairman, and Ex-Congress man Thomas S. Crago. In his speech Dr. Brumbaugh said: Welcomes Discussion "I welcome the discussion of all the great moral and social . issues that properly lie within the range of legis lation and administrative acts, for I believe with the better thought of the people of this State that our govern ment should be clean, and that there should be crystallized into the law not only the will of the people, but the moral standards of the best people of the Commonwealth. For law should not only express the strength of a peo ple. but it should also express the righteousness of a people, in order that its enforcement should promote the highest moral and religious inter ests of the Commonwealth. "I lay before you my record of serv ice in the field of endeavor as an earnest of the kind of service that you may expect of me as a public official in this Commonwealth. X have no other gift, either political or financial. It tnust be the gift of service, true, earnest, effective and devout, that I bring to you, and that I believe you will agree with me this Commonwealth needs and deserves. "I am in favor of every form of remedial legislation that will add to the safety of health, the comfort, the happiness of our people in their toil. For that reason 1 stand pledged for the enactment of an employers' lia bility act, which shall be just and humane and fair, and which the in coming Legislature must surely pass in order to do just by the working people of this Commonwealth. "1 am in favor also of an employers' liability act more extended in its pro visions that the present one, and which must include among other things the absolute assurance that the widows and the orphans of those who lose their lives in toil shall be ab solutely secure in the support and as sistance which they have a right to receive when their loved ones are stricken from their homes. "I shall also be found fighting stead ily for the most advanced child labor legislation that any progressive Com monwealth In fairness and in the in terests of the children can possibly enact. My experience in dealing with this problem has made me familiar with all its features and given me the basis for an effective solution of this question. For County Local Option "I also believe that it is absolutely right to allow the people in each part of this Commonwealth, county by county, to determine for themselves How Would You Look Without Your Hair? Ie answer is to ° serious to contem / plate. And yet. every time hair comes out /\\ in the combing you are that much nearer /ill! Vm\ a cont^t ' on partial or total baldness. / JLSL \|l\ Don't neglect your hair. It's loss is a ca \ lamity, which deprives woman of her (flSnltiit Newbro's - Herpicide J. Saves and Beautifies the Hair \lS^ / 4 1 Dandruff robs the .hair of luster and luxuriance | \ Xffi )1 7 and causes it to come out. Hence one's system of per -I\\\> sonal cleanliness is incomplete unless it includes a re liable. sanitary hair dressing. The fact that thousands of ladies daily depend upon Tfcrpiclric to keep the hair and scalp clean and free from dandruff is the best possible evidence of the value of this well-known scalp prophylactic. & >V It is to those who wish to make the most of nature's gifts by having light, fluffy, snappy hair tha Newbro's Horpiclde appeals most strongly. It has an exquisite fragrance, contains no grease and does not dye or darken the hair. Hcrpicide is the Original Germ-Kemedy for dandruff. You will like Newbro's Herpicide—try it. 'C t < Send Ten Cents for Trial Bottle and Booklet—SEE COUPON SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY ... Applications obtained atthe better Barber Shops. Sold and Guaranteed at all Toilet Goods Counters ° y' Kennedy's Medicine Store, Special Agts. 321 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa. ' ~ c s vS whether or not intoxicating liquors shall be sold in the several counties. I made this statement in my primary platform, and I stand for local option now, as I have stood for it in the past, and shall stand for it to the end. I want no man or group of men to be misled on this issue, or to misrepre sent me in a matter upon which my whole life has been a definite pro nouncement and a consistent record. "Whatever promotes the strength and security of the human life of our people, advances the educational and social outlook of our people, or that guarantees increased effectiveness their right to worship in their own way in this Commonwealth, I stand for. "I want it distinctly understood that when the working man puts his dollar upon the counter of his merchant, Ivo shall get a dollar's worth of food for it. There shall be no short weight and no short measure in this Com monwealth, and precisely what I say in this respect I mean in the adminis tration of the whole government of Pennsylvania. 1 shall see to it that equal justice is meted out to the hum blest as well as to every other citizen. I have never played favorites in my life, and I never will. "It has been intimated that if I were elected Governor somebody, some where, in some way, would control me in the performance of my public du ties. I want to say to you that I h ave absolutely no boss, and never will have: that I am hand-free and heart free to serve the people of this Com monwealth honestly, openly and fear lessly. Pennsylvania is too fine a State, too splendid in her record of patrtotic achievements, too grand in her indus trial activities, to have a boss, and if I am elected Governor of Pennsylva nia you shall have a State unbossed and free." WOMAN HANGS HKRSELP Special to The Telegraph Marietta, Pa., Oct. 24.—Mrs. David Shenk, 30 years old. committed suicide yesterday afternoon in the barn. Say ing she was going to hunt eggs, she went to the hay mow, tied a rope around the rafter, and after she made a nose about her neck jumped to death. Her body was found by her husband. BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR GIRL Special to The Telegraph Marysville, Pa.. Oct. 24.—A delightful birthday party was given at the home of H. IX Kllenberger, on Thursday evening, in honor of their daughter, Margaret. Miss Kllenberger received many beautiful gifts from her young friends, while music and games were the amusements of the evening, after which they were invited to the din ing room and were served refresh ments. f HB f SOPHIE BERNARD Cupid Puts Two Stars on Orpheum Bill in Separate Acts The wiles and whims of Cupid are many and through his cunning darts many sweethearts agree upon strange ly peculiar pacts. Hut could you im agine a man after ho is married, has really and truly led his bride to the alterl refusing to work unless Ills wife could he by his side? The writer be lieves you would agree in admitting that the man would have to be a pretty clever fellow, before an employer would be willing to sign a contract like that. Of course, the answer is that the man in question is working and will work whenever he pleases, because he is just clever enough to "get away" with a demand like that. And the reason he succeeds so admirably is two-fold. Its because "wifey" is just as clever as he is. This pair of sweethearts are Sophie Barnard and Lcnu Anger, the bright lights of next week's bill at the Or pheum. Either of them is a headline]-, but according to tin; contract they have placed in the Keith booking office, if one isn't on the bill the other isn't, either. Tills was an agreement when the couple were married about three LOU ANGER ears ago and they have lived up to It more closely than if it was dollars and cents. It will be recalled that Mr. Anger, the well-known German comedian, ap-* peared at the Orpheum about four sea sons ago in a great comedy speech war. Soon after that he was married to Miss Barnard, and the next time he came to the Orpheum, they were both in »> sketch. In it Miss Barnard played the role of an actress and lie as a Ger man impressario. But the sketch didn't seem to give Mr. Anger enough appor tunlty to display his drollery, neither did it give Miss Harnard enough oppor tunity to exhibit her vocal or personal charms. The new season (inds both artists in their best line of endeavor. Mr. Anger is doing a monologue on war and with present European conditions he is said to have the richest comedy hit in vau deville. Miss Barnard, who is a beau tiful prima donna, has new and tuneful ballads and an array of gorgeous gowns. But mark you, they are on the same bill.—Adv. ' MAJESTIC This evening—John Vogel's Minstrels. Monday and Tuesday, with Tuesday matinee—"The Round-Up." Thursday, afternoon and evening "Freckles." Friday, afternoon and evening—"The Charming Widows." ORPHEUM Every afternoon and evening—High class Vaudeville. COLONfAt. Dally—Vaudeville and Pictures. A FINE RANI) John W. Vogel's Big City Minstrels boasts of a silver cornet band of twenty one pieces and a double symphony or chestra of fifteen, both under the able direction of the popular director, Pro fessor James L. Finning, and'the Ix>ulsi ana Glee Club, under the direction of Kdmond Balz, who has the reputation of being the foremost vocal director in the minstrel business, will supply the vocal numbers John W. Vogel's Big City Minstrels is the attraction at the Majestic this evening, and their band will give a concert in front of the thea ter at 7:3o.—Advertisement. "THE ROUND-UP" "The Round-Up" is a play with the bigness of all outdoors. So adroitly Is it handled that it is about as un theatrlc as a dramatic production can well be. With its stirring scenes before him the spectator loses sight of the fact that he is inside the four walls of the theater. The great Far West is magically transferred to city doors and the blood is set tingling with all one sees and hears. The plains, the moun tains and canyons have an irresistible fascination for everyone. In "The Round-Up" the bracing, vigorous at mosphere of life in. the open is pre served with startling fidelity and truth. This attraction comes to the Majestic for two nights, beginning Monday, with a special popular matinee Tuesday. —' Advertisement. "FRECKLES" "Freckles' may appear a queer, title for either book or play, hut when one lias read the story and learned the sig nification of the cognomen. It seems pe culiarly opposite. In "Freckles" Is de veloped a charming little romance, full of the vigor and freshness of out-of door life. It takes the auditor away from the trite, hackneyed scenes of or dinary fiction to a region where ele mentary passions and sentiment are nortrayed in frank speech and action. The cast which is to appear at the Ma jestic, Thursday, matinee and night, comes highly praised, and the scenic equipment will he entirely adequate.— Advertisement. ORPHEUM "Teddy" Roosevelt, via the Dock stader route, will leave the Orpheum to night. So will that uproariously funny comedian, Johnny Pooley, and pretty Yvette Itugel, and L.uey Gillette, the clever lady juggler, and a wealth of other good things. For' next week the management Is announcing the longest list of well known stars that have ap peared on any one bill this season. They are Sophie Barnard, the celebrated prima dona; Ix>u Anger, the greatest exnonent of German comedv in vaude ville. who has a wonderful comedy monologue on war: Mrs. Qene Hughes, late star of "Youth." who, with a floe cast of players will offer her newest comedy vehicle called "Lady Gossip;" John Henshaw and Grace Avery, of le gitimate musical comedy, now offering: a bright and breezy skit of song, dance and patter in vaudeville; and the Six Military Dancers, three young women and three youths in wonderful exhibi tions of hard and soft shoe lancing. Klaborate costuming and beautiful staging help to make their turn a "sight" act and well worth headline honors also. There will be two other Keith hits of merit grouped about these big attractions. A glance over the booking for next week would come pretty near convincing one that Wll mer and Vincent had outdone them selves In the way of sending good things to Harrisburg.—Advertisement. COLONIAL. Nothing could speak louder for the popularity of the improved vaudeville folicy now in operation at the Colonial, ban the dally increase In attendance there. Four acts of high-class vaude ville. any one of them of sufficient merit to appear 011 "big time" pro grams, is being appreciated by patrons of that playhouse to the extent that the numbers in attendance far exceed those of previous weeks. The arrange ment of the program seems to be more I popular also, that of a continuous vau- I deville bill with the pictures shown be | fore and after the performance. The attractions that are to be presented for the last times to-day include the Three Ellisons, in a delightful spec tacular musical novelty: James Ken nedy and company. In "Jack Swift," a comedy sketch: Mahoney and Tre mont, pretty girl and clever comedian, in a pleasing act. and the Aerial Bar bers, in thrills galore.—Advertisement. Recent Deaths in Central Pennsylvania Spruce Grove.—E. C. B. Mellinger, 56 years old, died yesterday after a I long illness. His wife died only four weeks ago. Ten children and a num ber of grandchildren survive. Adamstown.—Mrs. Mary Fishburn, 85 years old, the oldest woman in this section, died from infirmities of age. She was a resident of this section all her life. Three sons and two daugh ters survive. Marietta.—Christian Bloss, 80 years old, died at Lancaster fn?m a com plication of disenses. He was a school I Become a Jw l™iiik Pe,, 'ect Man Jlf HI I I 111 I Rupture holding; Lock it really is. If it ■II I ' 1 11 ln\M\l\m d °es not prove all we claim after tho Iji J IM illl 111 V|\m required test, it will not cost you a 111 I! | 1 illlli In® The Heal Secret of Healing? Ml i 1 | To successfully co-operate with Na-< IJI I ' I II J * t " rP tl,e work of healing. tho sup- Ml If ' porting device must he so constructed 111 P f\ 111 that the rupture retaining partk.ovcr- II I Wlv! i II laps and draws together tile breached 111 |||j 1 ojwjnlng instead <of pressing directly II 1 111 ■ I ■» AH 1 The trusses of to-day are sadlv laclc- II 111 l Bill \lk ins in tills quality. They nearly alt 1(1 • I•" I \ (five that direct pressure Into the I J! / H\\\vl|A opening, which can not help hut en- L I l Miil\ large it, making it that much harder to I ~ » uncontrollable rupture with serious The ttchtilllnir ltiiuture Lock was In nllnTllnr Is a hnnrilenp. If you vented to overcome Just such faults. RIIPTIInC don't realize tt now J 1 18 made to comply with Nature's llWr IwII ■» you will sooner or law ' an '' reach tile objective point hv later. It never gets well of itself, but l >\ e , urui shortest possible route, gets worse from time to time. It will .T 1 I 1 succeeded is best told by the oventuallv unfit you for work and life's thousands who are now singing its battles. It positively grows ilanKeroiiH E2X'"5? corner of our land. —think of the hundreds of people that This the ' J", that you get yearly sacrllice their lives to strangu- ' V ?r My"J.-ree Book Once Thft nnst has nroven that the old- 11 tfil,s >' ou all "bout getting rid of r»JhinnPri truss and anoli- y° ur rupture. It teems with Interest liiffilnn' t helD v o u—it ia n") t a con - ln * experiences of former rupture suf !t™.Z is all wro ig An« star of ' Pr «' l ' B ' It tells why physicians are honp has arisen for ufe ruptured—a na- recommending tills Kuptiire Lock In tural outcome from the deficiencies of Vou V fort P awalting e you 8 J ° y an<l C ° m " thiH RUptu* iXck "o?" fort awaiting you. gallant hoys of '6l. It gives you much The Schuiling Rupture Lock advice and many facts about rupture is a wonderful Invention for rupture— that you never heard or read about, the outcome of years of study, hard 4 1 80 tells you how to order the 30 work and diligent research. It Is away Omym Trial. from the old lines of truss construe- me the coupon, or. still easier, Hon, and holds the rupture exactly the i u ?t drop me a postal card with your way Nature intends, so that she may full address, and the book will be sent heal the opening without interference. V° u promptly by return mail. Guaranteed to Hold Sent on 30 Days' Trial A , h. SC'HI'II.IXG CO. In wearing my Rupture Lock you 70K v Ocorirla St Tnrtl*nnnnti« have absolute protection at all times. „ Georgia t>t.. Indianapolis, Ind. You may do any kind of work and get . Send me your 1-ree Book on Rup-. In any position under any condition. ture and Trial Offer. We will prove this, by a 30 DAY TRIAL. That's tne length of time you should Name have. A few days' trial can never bring „ „ „ out tho merits of any article. Thirty Street or R. F, 17. days is tbe only fair way. That'B why we insist, to give It the full, real test Town 5tate........ ao you may appreciate- what a perfect teacher in Germany before he came to America. Lebanon. Dr. Cyrus Jay Seltzer, who was recognized as one of the most able eye, nose and throat specialists in the country, died at his home, !):!! Cumberland street, this morning from heart failure. « WRIST BROKEN CRANKING AVTO Special to The Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa., Oct. 24. W. 10. Cline, junior member of the plumbing firm of Adams & ("line, this place, broke his wrist yesterday while crank ing his automobile. John W. Rock well, who was with Mr. ('line at the time, brought the automobile to Waynesboro. EPILEPTIC FITS Stop when the weak nerves that cause the spells are strengthened and kept in good condition by the use of Dr. Guertin's Nerve Syrup It helps with the first Dose. Safe, sure and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Your dollar back if first bottle fails in any case of Epilepsy or Convulsions, no matter how bad. It i$ the Sunshine fqr Epileptics. A valuable rettiedy for Dizziness and Insomnia. Large bottle, $ 1 .OO: 6 bottles. $5.00 Sold by Forney's Drug Store 4-0 Market Street Write the makers. Kalmus Chemical Co.. Kalmus Building. Cincinnati, 0.. for their valuable illustrated medical book, COMZC"EPILEPSY EXPLAINED" ■ lICC which is sent iree to you 7
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