8 LADIES' BAZAAR THE W "BARGAIN" Was Never Mtre Appropriately Used Than in the Case of These Ladies* Fall Outergarments The sale of Ladies' and Misses' Fall Outergarn.«nts which we are conducting is not a matter of choice. We have been forced to reduc# prices materially to overcome the overstocked condi lon of our store due to the backwardness of the season. We mention this, not in a. spirit of complaint, but to impress upon you the exceptional advantages you may enjoy this season, by purchasing now. ALLURING SUIT OFFERINGS IN THE SALE' All-wool serge and novelty cloth suits, newest models, djo QQ satin linings: sizes up to 42. worth $14.98. Sale price «pO.^O Gabardine, unfinished diagonal, poplin, serge and novelty cloth suits in all wanted shades and models; worth $10.98. $1 A QQ Sale price $20.98 to $24.98 suits in poplins, serges, gabardines, broadcloths, unfinished worsted and finished serges. Skinner's and •• 1 C QQ other guaranteed satin linings. Sale price Suits in broadcloths, finished and unfinished serges, gabardines, novelty cloths, poplins, etc.; worth $27.50 to $50.00. Sale prices, $18.98 to $35.00 \ " Extra Special Special Purchase of WAIST OFFERINGS DRESS SKIRTS We were fortunate in securing To-morrow we place on sale at a price a lot of handsome one 0 f ttie most attractive skirt waists. There are three lots to _ . . choose from, all embodying the offerings we have ever offered, strict command of fashion. The There arc fifty all-wool serge values are in each instance $5, skirts in navv and black, in two but through the price concession , with yoke and vest given us, you may select to- - ... . morrow from black net waists effect, the other with plain tunic over white silk, with corded silk over accordeon pleated under vest and cuffs. Special to-mor- skirt of self-material; the values r °Plaid taffeta silk Waists 3 "n arc * 3 - 50 - You ma >' have your navy green; messaline Silk choice for Waists in plain phades and new- dS t QQ est models for 92.08 COATS An unusually large collection of pretty College Coats for Ladies and Misses is to be seen here now in novelty mixtures, Scotch Plaids and Mixtures and plain shades, all this season's models, and worth $8.50 to $22.50. Our prices, $4.98 to $15.98 EXTRA VALUE IN SERGE DRESSES All-wool serge dresses in navy and black, silk girdle and vest, white pique collar and c iffs, coat effect In back, and un- QQ usually pretty model for street wear; value $7.50. Our price. . don't Forget 10 19 C Ji-L Cj- —"—D° B t Forget the Number 1v" IZ* 0* 4IA Ol« Number Invitations Issued For the Raub-Diehl Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Clark E. Diehl, of 255 Briggs street, have issued Invitations for the marriage of their daughter. Miss Fanny Kennedy Diehl, to William Shultz Raub, of Lancaster. The cere mony will be performed by the Rev. Dr. John D. Fox, in the Grace Metho dist Kplscopal Church, Wednesday evening, November 11, at 8 o'clock. A reception will follow the service at the residence of the bride's sister. Mrs. James G. Hatz, 110 West State street. After a southern wedding journew. Mr. and Mrs. Raub will make their home in Lancaster, where Mr. Raub is connected with the Sheet Metal and Supply Company. BREAKS A GOLD, OPENS CLOGGED HEAD AND NOSE m "Pape's Cold Compound" ends severe colds or grippe in few hours Relief comes instantly. A dose taken every two hours until three doses are taken will end grippe misery and break up a severe cold either in the head, chest, body or limbs. It promptly opens clogged-up nos trils and air passages in the head, stops nasty discharge or nose run ning. relieves sick headache, dullness, feverishness, sore throat, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. Don't stay stuffed up! Quit blowing and snuffling! Ease your throbbing head! Nothing else in the world gives such prompt relief as "Pape's Cold Compound," which costs only 25 cents at any drug store. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, causes no in convenience. Be sure you get the genuine.—Advertisement. ye r/) Beauty Culture Shop /j f VViWV' 316 CHESTNUT STREET MRS. REEDE FACIAL MASSAGE Manicuring Hair Dressing Scald Treatment Shampooing MESSIMER'S Homemade SweetS ' Special To-morrow 3rd St at Briggs Butter Balls 40c lb. Chocolate anil Vanilla 1 ' ' l| - Stamped Articles When finished they make desirable, inexpensive gifts. Attractive are the crepe kimonos to be worked in the simple, long daisy stitch. Also the stamped-to-work , ~ j » undergarments, children's Mhp dresses, centerpieces, pillow lIIC cases, cushion tops, and run- StrwU&t; Herr ners to match. v Tke Shop * Individual THURSDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG <£§£& TELEGRAPH OCTOBER 2f, 1914. GIRLS Wim IN STRAW FIGHT ON BIG TRUCK Derry Street U. B. Endeavor So ciety Hold Modern "Straw ride" to Mechanicsburg -lave you ever bumped over the roads in a big wagon stacked with straw? Of course you have! But have you ever rolled along on the same pile of straw in a big motor truck? Well that's the difference be tween the old-fashioned and the mod ern "straw-ride" and take it from the members of the Derry Street United Brethren Church Christian Endeavor Society, the modern method' has the old one beaten to a standstill. The Derry street endeavorers, thirty or more in number, piled Into a big truck at Fifteenth and Derry streets last night at 8 o'clock and at 9 were in Mechanicsburg eating fried oysters as big as Jack Johnson's right palm— or thereabouts. Song singing, tryiiy* to find room for the many obtrusive feet and a straw battle. In which the girls came off victorious, were the features of the evening. In the party were: MissoS Helen Weaver, Eleanor Weaver, Helen Bright, Mabel Bright, Stella Ulrlch, Opal McCans, Kathrvn Carl, Elida Buckaloo, Irene Scholl, Catherine Rohrer, Erma Henry, Syl via Drawbaugh, Elizabeth Wilson, Miriam Carl, Mr. and Mrs. C. Laurence Shepley, Charles Gerhart, Earl Mal seed, Frank Barley, Jr., Joseph Coop er, Harold Hamilton, Roy Mikle, Al Cooper, Ralph Man ley, William Flckes, Earle Renn, Stover Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Filbert were the chaperons. MISS LEI MILIEU TOWED E. J. Dill Both Young Folks Prominent in Athletics of the Local High Schools * . 4 - . *?, .*■*■' ' MISS LENA T. MILLER Mr. and Mr?. Elmer E. Miller, of 1108 Plum street, announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Lena I. Millor and Edward James Dunlap, of tills city. The wedding will take place, Thursday. November 12. The bride elect is a graduate of the Central High school, class of 1912, and a member of the V. V. V. sorority. Sho captained the basketball team during her senior year. Mr. Dunlap, an 1909 alumnus of Tech nical High school, played upon the TPch football team during his school term and is now connected with the Weaver-Stewart contractors. Covenant Church Music For Sunday, October 25 Stanley Backanstoss, choirmaster, and Miss Canan, organist, announce the following musical number for Sunday, October 2!i, at the Covenant Presbyterian Church: Morning service: Prelude, "Andante con-moto,' Calkin: offertory, "Ber ceuse," Delbruck: anthem, "Thou Will Keep Him in Perfect Peace," Demarest; posllude, "Tocatta." Dußois. Arthur .lefferles, baritone, will sing a selected solo. Evening service: Prelude. "Com munion," Batiste: anthem, "Praise the Lord. O Jerusalem." Maunder; offertory. "Meditation." ("Thais") Massenet; an them, (selected I Men's Stough Choir, composed of lifteen men of the church who sing evangelistic hymns in connec tion with regular mixed choir each Sabbath evening; postlude, "March Aux Flambeaux," Clark. HOLMAX-LOXO WEDDING Special to The Telegraph Millerstown, Pa.. Oct. 23.—The mar riage of Miss Mary Long, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abram Long, and Dr. Abram Holman, of Lewistown, took place on Wednesday evening at the bride's home, the Rev. R. Romig, pas tor of the Lutheran Chuvch at Liver pool, officiating in the presence of about 100 guests. Miss Maude Shover played the wedding march and the ceremony was performed beneath an arch of ferns and ground-pine. Miss Helen Rounsley was maid of honor and Edward Holman, brother of the groom, was best man. Dinner was served. After a wedding journey to New York and Boston Dr. and Mrs. Holman will reside in Sunday street. Millerstown. JUST AXXOI XCE MARRIAGB OK MK. AND MRS. C. W. FRY Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Earner, of 1204% Bailey street, announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Mary E. Earner, to Chester W. Fry. The ceremony was performed at Hagerstown, Md„ just a year ago. October 23, 1913, bv the Rev. R. A. Boyles, and kept a secret until now. - Mrs - *>>• are taking a trip to Baltimore and Washington and will be "At Home" after November 1, at 2040 !• ulton street. LADIES' AID MEETS The Hebrew Ladies' Aid Society met l»«it evening at the residence of Mrs. Eli Goldstein. 1931 North Third street. A special hour followed business and refreshments were served. Miss Omi B. Roller, of North Third street, has gone to Boston to visit Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Stump at their home in Chelsea. MEMBERS OF B. lITS. CIA'B EST JOY A MERUV DAXCE Among the dancers at the B. H. S. Club party held last evening at Han *nS W Mi !4' , u ;r re Misß G<? «"trude Kear tf"f, X wf a Katzman, Miss Goldle £5- J»Jn "if infield. Miss Davidson, of Philadelphia; Miss Ida Reamer of rv,Y N MI "t? 1 *;" Bat » r 'n. Miss Dora Cohen, Miss Helen Silverman, Miss Esther Arch, Miss Itae Broude Miss vlly Mi« iw£ Vi i tz 'r> M, £ s Anna Mlehlo vltz, Miss Minnie Rochman, Miss Marv Constance Baturln, Miss Florence Basch M \ik M ?J y Coopf>r > Miss Tlllle §2l. ' „ M,SS , Hanna Michaels, Miss Edna Qaroniik, Miss Bessie Capin, Miss Frank, Charles Cooper, Lou Co - !?h2ii Da w^, Sher^ an ' Alb ert Arch, Mit r-hiii D ' b - Cohen, A. Bloom, Charles Brenner, Herman Nathan I Rachman, William Miller, Lot Lllllams' T fj l iF e £' Morris, Samuel Handier' I. Cohen. David Morrison, B. Goodman! of Baltimore; William Yoffee of Pal myra, and S. Lituian. DEIJGHTFtJi MASQUER YDE AT THE BOMGARDNKR HOME Starting at 7.30 o'clock last evening couples in gaudy costumes, were ush ered Into the home of Mr. and Mrs John Bomgardner, 1827 Fulton street' The rooms were decorated in yellow and black with corn stalks, pumpkins autumn leaves and corn. The evening was spent in singing, dancing and games. A beautiful ring was present ed to Mrs. Bomgardner by her hus band as a birthday gift. All masks were removed as the party moved to the dining room, where supper was enjoyed by the fol lowing people: Mr. and Mrs. John Bomgardner, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pen nington. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brady, Mr. and Mrs. S. Bradley, Mr. and Mrs Norman Lambert, Mr. and Mrs v" Bradberry, Mr. and Mrs. Imboden! Miss Anna Ross. Miss Eva Horner Miss Violet Bomgardner, Frank Lewis' Lloyd Bomgardner and Frank Lind sey. AT THE PHOTOPLAY There has been many pictures made of volcano erdptlons and explosions, but it can positively be said that the "Wrath of the Gods" surpasses any thing ever released. A typhoon ship wreck, earthquake and volcanic erup tions are portrayed with mervelous ef fects. "The Rose and the Thorne," a two-reel Vlagraph drama, will also be shown along with "Wrath of the Gods," making a splendid program for aIL Advertisement. DRIVE TO MOUNTMNS IN Hi BMW Secure Two Bushels of Chestnuts and Serve Chicken Corn Soup Members of Class No. 4 of the Derry Street United Brethren Church, taught by I. W. Barn hard, had an outing yes terday, going to Peters' Mountains, near Dauphin, in two large wagons They roamed about the woods, strolled to Cold Springs and spent the entire day out of doors. A chicken corn soup dinner was served at noon, with Mrs. Hays as chief cook. Two bushels of chestnuts were gath ered by the party, which included Mr. and Mrs. George Young, Mrs. Edward Seidle, Mrs. Lenta, Kdward Lentz, Mrs. Henry. Mrs. Sterling, Mrs. Cocklin, Mrs. Rhoades, Mrs. Morningstar, Mrs. Wells. Mrs. Drake, the Misses Ruth and Helen Drake, Mrs. Starry, Mrs. Arnold, Mtss Annie Keele, Mrs. W. A. Drawbaugh, Mrs. Ulrlch. Miss Miriam Ulrlch, Mrs. Spitler and children. Mrs. Singer, Nolan Singer, Mrs. Straw hecker, Leroy Strawheckei, Mrs. El mer Drawbaugh and Mrs. Hays. Large Audience Greets Wednesday Club Artists The music lovers of Harrishurg en joyed a rare treat last evening at the first fall concert of the Wednesday Club in Fahnestock Hall. A repre sentative audience of club members and their friends was most appreciative of the efforts of the visiting artists and many floral offerings were passed across the footlights. The entire program was presented by Miss Ruth McLinn. pianiste, and Miss Florence Connor, violiniste, ac companied by Mrs. Bent L. Weaver. The president, Mrs. E, J. Decevee, made the introduction from the plat form. Miss McLinn, who is a niece of J. Horace McFarland, of this city, is no stranger to Harrisburg's musical circles, having played before the Wednesday Club on several previous ocoasions. She lives In Princeton, N. J., and is a well-known/ figure on the concert stage throughout this part of the country. Her wonderful power of expression was demonstrated par ticularly through Chopin's scherzo from the sonata in B flat minor and her technique and control through Rubinstein's staccato etude. She is one of the few students of the piano forte who possesses the gift of merg ing her personality into her playing and carrying her audience with her. Miss Connor, from Sussex, England, is touring America in concert work She is a finished artiste, sure of herself and her power. This is the third time she has been the guest of Harrisburg's largest musical society and her wel come is always a warm one. The most enjoyable number during the evening was Schubert's Ave Maria. The plaintive singing area of Miss Connor' violin with the solemn ma jesty of the piano accompaniment made a combination long, to be re membered. A number of the selections have never been played in., public before a Harristmrg audience, especially Mac- Dowell's "Light and Silvery Cloudlets" and Mrs. Beach's "Gavotte Fan tastique." It was in the latter that Miss McLinn showed to best advan tage in her light, semi-staccato touch, although her rendering of Schumann's allegro from "Faschingschwank" was so good that It brought a short encore. RKTCKNS FROM CHINA A. Maxwell Paget, of Canton. China, arrives in the city to-day for a visit with friends in this vicinity. Mr. Paget, a former resident, will wed Miss Mary Baum, of Wormleysburg, while home and take his bride to China, later on.' Miss Pearl Boring, of Pittsburgh, lias returned home after visiting C. H. Kehr, at 910 North Third street. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Famous, of 9 South Market Square, will spend the week-end in New York City. Mrs. Sherman Notestlne.of 1623 Chest nut street, is the guest of Philadelphia friends, this week. William Davidson and his mother, Mrs. D. r>. Davidson, are enjoying a stay in the Catskills. Mr. and Mrs. E. Z. Wallower, of Front and Maclay streets, are home after a ten days' trip to Joplin, Mo., and Okla homa City. Oklahoma. Mrs. James" Anderson and small daughter, Marie Anderson, left for their home in New York after a short visit with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs George Gray, of Market street. Miss Jeanne Clarke, of State street, was hostess to-day at an autumn luncheon of ten covers, for her cousin, Miss Mary Kane, of Pittsburgh. ,„£i r 'J ind Mrs Wayne W. Aldinger. of IPOR Green street, are spending several days in Philadelphia and New York. Miss Mary Campbell, of 1216 Market street, who has been quite 111, of diph theria, is convalescing at her home. Mrs. John D. Pugh, of Cloverlv Heights, was hostess for the Idylwhile Card Club at the meeting this week Mrs. John W. Reily, of Fort Hunter, is home from Germantown, where she visited her sister, Mrs. John Wlster. for a short time. T, M , r^.C^ oU , Wl ! e «ler and small son. Dwight Wheeler, left for their country place in Ulster countv, X. Y„ after a brief stay with relatives in town Mrs. John Bruna Keefer, of 1831 North Front street, is Improving in health after a reoent illness. Russel Tomlinson and William Tom llnson have returned home to Cham bersburg after a visit with their moth er. Mrs. W. Tomlineon, at 16i'J Jtegina street. iH KEP BOWELS REGUUR mop COLDS No headache, sour stomach, bad cold or constipation by morning Get a 10-cent box. Colds —whether in the head- or any part of the body—are quickly over come by urging the liver to action and keeping the bowels free or poison. Take Cascarets to-night and you will wake up with a clear head and no doubt you will wonder what became of your cold. Cascarets work while you sleep; they cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the sour, undi gested food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry oft the constipated waste matter and poi son from the bowels. Remember the quickest way to get rid of colds is one or two Carcarets at night to cleanse the system. Get a 10-cent box at any drug store. Don't forget the children. They relish this Candy Cathartic and it is often all that is needed to drive a cold from their little systems.-—Advertisement. Witmer, Bair & Witmer, Main Store and Annex We Have Made Special Preparation For You For To-morrow IN ALL DEPAR 60 Special Waists for Saturday and Monday. Fine white lingerie, voile, etc., lace trim med, long sleeves; reduced from $1.95 to $4.75, for $1.50 and $1.95 Silk Crepe de Chine Waists, long sleeves; navy, gold, maize, rose and elph blue. Re duced from $5.75 and $7.50, for #3.95 White Lingerie Waists, in plain and embroidered voile, fancy crepes; some, lace trim med. others P. K. vests, etc #1.95. $3.75, $3.95, $3.50 and $4.50 10 styles of Waists, plain or striped crepes; Roman, Persian, etc 950 HUNDREDS OF NEW SUITS AND COATS 5O New Sample and Regular Stock Suits; black, green, brown, navy, etc., values $19.75 to $35.00. Special for Saturday, $15.00 New Serge Dresses plain or satin combination ... $0.50, $8.75, $8.95 to $35.00. Dress Skirts—black and navy $3.50 to $11.75*^ £ilk Petticoats $3.00, $3.50, $3.75, $4.00 to $5.00 Witmer, Bair & Witmer Annex, 311 Walnut, For Great Values 50 New Winter Coats this week —Sport or College—the •}_! and full length, for the yoUng girls, middle-aged or elderly women; black, navy and mixtures. The best value we ever offered $4.75, $5.00 and $5.75 50 Odd Winter Coats SO.OO, $7.50 and $7.95 9 Winter Suits—for girls and small women; 13, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 38 sizes; SIO.OO to $15.00 values. Extra specials for Saturday $5.00 6 New Styles of Waists, in white and the new stripes. Extra special for Saturday, .New Silk Jersev and Messaline Petticoats; colors and black, $1.75, $1.95, #2.50, $2.75, $2.95 and $2.98 Serge Dresses; navv, black and brown; P. K. collar and cuffs, long overskirt, * $3.75 and $4.50 New Fall Dress Skirts—navy and black—small and large sizes $2.25 to $4.25 House Dresses—ginghams, percales, etc.; sizes 16 to 56 SI.OO to $1.05 Witmer, Bair & Witmer 202 and 311 Walnut Street PI JICC PIHI C PlWr Mrs. Doehne Entertains Preliminary Tea Today uLnuU ulflLu uliL at Cards at Bellevue Starts Rainbow Campaig Pnnmrn Ifl nniriL Guests of Mrs. Edward F. Doehne. The preliminary tea, starting tl DHUIWtH IU DnlUt M3Ms{^i.ss;.srs , as! donfield, N. J., yesterday afternoon at 8 her pretty suburban home. ° n ' «''» »>« held this afterno. ■■ i* .i . n • Cards were enjoyed and refresh- v li,, "I, „, a ~c Mrs. William Beichley Receives ments served in rooms artistically dec- w en rv \?or mlc k™Mrs Ro ... , orated in white chrysanthemums. LTe R< ! Surprise Linens, China and The invitation list included Mrs. n I our (ii isc Liiiicus, viiiii* «uu Arthur Keown Mrs wullam ]3i aho p i and Mrs. D M p»bert w«ll presi Kltchenware Mrs. Nathan Hause, Mrs. Willis Geist P.,?' captains arid lie Newbold, Mrs. Frederick W. Watts, t en ants of the campaign will be in e Mrs. George Doehne. Mrs. James Fry e ' , a " ready for actual wor Bullitt, Mrs. Oscar Wickersham, Mrs. \JI, begins all over the city to-mc Members of John C. Nissley's class Samuel Dunkle. Mrs. Louis Haehnlen, row ' of young women in the First Baptist Mrs K«rl Richards-Mre Albert gTART ~< )R PHILADELPHIA Church gave a surprise shower last m" Ham Stover] SUNDAY BY AITOMOBII evening to Mis. William Beichley at Mrg Charles E. Covert, Mrs. Mercer her home, 214 Herr street, in honor r. Tate, Mrs. Arthur Herr, Mrs. Mar- „ r ' ana .Mrs. A. l . Heshore, of i o „r her r.c.M mW. r.wr „d m lie... McFar- 'VISTS™ The gifts included hand-painted lanu - Fourth street, leave Sunday, for china, beautifully embroidered linens Come out and dance the old dances automobile to Philadelphia. Th and kitchen ware arranged in quaint as well as. th.. new. h«1 Dancing with Frank Besh^eand 1 ". devices. Refreshments were served by Academj. Thirteenth and Market turn home by way of L ancaster a , Mrs. Belchley's sister, Mrs. Willard streets.—Aa\ erusemem. York F. Vance, at the close of a delightful Mits. PAl.mkh IN THE CITY social evening. The appointments were jjrg. Resolve Potter Palmer, of Fort of green and white, with fair flowers Huston, Texas, is visiting her grand nnri foli'iee orevailine - mother. Mrs. John Brua Keefer, at ana roliage pre\ainng. Front and Hamilton streets. Mrs. Pal- _jp The donors of the shower were Miss mer was formerly Miss Carol Duncan, V L _. Aa Anna Dewhurst, Miss Jennie Sellers, 8 Ute Gcnerul Josep1 ' 10111 CIJCS Mrs. J. D. Coover, Mrs. Annie Price, | — ——■ Miss Rosa Clark. Mrs. Mary McGinley, " IT* • IT' %r M L "z- m "££-r~ x 'i.£Sz pDcupiiT upfIMIPHFQI fcxammed rree McGinley. Mr. and Mrs. Beichley. Miss rnfMrnjl nrUllUljnrn Leah Miller. Mrs. John C. Nlssley, IlltlUlll liiuiiwiilui Miss Sarah Lerue and Mrs. Vance. ~ ~,„k Bv competent and reliable Don't Dope Th™ MUh Poisonous eyesight specialists: Our meth- RittinaaY fittft Rririnl - . I ods of examining are scientific. Dlllliigcf-\7llU ""Ulli y OU FU jf er ( r om chronic or period- No drops used—Glasses fitted) I /> ■ .it p « ical headaches there is something seri- J with lirst quality spherical 15 a Uuiet nome LVent ously wrong with your system. Head- lenses for sewing and reading Thcf only way ti'sVtHd if U IhTo as ,ow as No dr °r> s used. The marriage of Miss Lulu f\ Otto re et the trouble at its root. nilDI&I O V^llftlEl to J. S. Bittinger. Jr., of Mechanics- stop fooling yourself by taking so- I/J K||%l X T I/I KIM burg, was a quiet even of Tuesday called headache remedies, which are IXUUIiI VX. S\UUItl pvpnintr Ootohpr 20 at the residence ' nothing" but mild poisons in & disguised j of the'brlde's sister Mrs Seymore I /w&hoS* helping* you 1? "rouble! Eye Sight Specialists Simmons, 2138 North Fourth street. \ - ln the slightest. 0..« ». . . The Rev. Mr. Sharp, of the Trinity Your doctor will tell you that the! *'"® Market St. Second Moor. Lutheran Church, Mechanicsburg, offi- only sensible thing to do is to COR- | Bell Phone 2020W ciated, in the presence <Jf the imme- RECT THE CAUSE. You can do this . Ouen Evenings diate families. by ustng l Mo>-rel - s Salts-'The Safe, t>!Kii menings The attendants were Mr. and Mrs. jJjsde from the marvelous curative i Simmons and Master Hubert Simmons wnters of the Miinitou Mineral Spring acted as ring bearer. The bride wore ln Saskatchewan. Canada. A natural / ________ a dainty gown of white lace over satin remedy known to the Indians for cen and carried a shower bouquet ot bride turies. Now availablo to you in a con- , i-p* I r* 1 1 m rosP , venlent form for the first time. |kn I H HmunH \lrtr' Congratulations and a wedding sup- 1 Tuaran- EamUHa OKir per followed the service. Mr. te(id t0 ~o nta in no drugs or other In- Ctn/lina Mrs. Bittinger will be at home to j ur ious substances employed by most V OCnl tjlllQlOS their friends after November 1 at 2138 headache and constipation remedies. North Fourth street", this city. Take Morrel's Salts in the morning j EDMUND SKIFF Dlwtm as an appetizer. Correct constipation . Hflrrishnre Tne-»dnv« onH C4MP HILTi Cl\ TC CLUB or llver and ki(lne >' sluggishness with ' n yJ™® 8 "®?" "id Wed TO Hnrn niBvnHlRV Ml.'FTl\fi u - Use it whenever vour system needs nesda>s. beginning Sept. 29th. TO HOLD DIRECTORS MKETINO corrective or ton.c. Pleasant and Mlgs R FLORA WEtl There will be a special meeting of digestive disorders. sisiam. the officers and directors of the Camp This Salt has no bad after-effects. Dili Civic Club held Monday afternoon Goes right to the seat of your trouble StudlO at 3.30 o'clock at the residence of the and does its work In a inild yet perma presldent Mrs. James W Mllhouse. win convince you. Try O/i fJ or tk TKirrl Market street. A full attendance is one bottje to prove its value. At 1 Oil CI OiFCC urged in order to transact business of your druggist's. Morrel's Manltou Mln- Importance. eral Co.. Chicago, 111.—Advertisement. Gigantic Coat . 500 Fall SUITS and CO ATS Will Be on T AA Sale Tomorrow in One Sensational Lot •v|f Never Offered For Less Than S2O Sz $22.50 Latest trimming efifects smartly tailored coats and suits, beautifully lined; long and short models. Newest yoke Skirt effects and flared yoke coats, fancy but ton trimming—newest collars. [ Special Sale of VELVET DRESSES AQQ I Including the New Orlander Dress with detachable aR I■■ ZVfj topcoat. Absolute sls value. Saturday, choice yAVIv v $lO and sl2 SAMPLE d»7 QO $5 New Fall SKIRTS (9 AQ DRESSES at . ... «P1.30 For One and two of a kind in na yy ant l The flare tunic model in fine quality black only; stunning models in all Serge and Serge and Silk combinations, all a Bedford cord, plain and braid sizes. • ed model; navy and black only; ali sixes!* Coat Bargains For Saturday QQ College Coats, Baln]acaans and full length models in plain iWail |il| colors, mixtures and large plaids. The most exceptional lot of coats it has ever been our good fortune to be able to give you at the price. Sizes for all from Misses' 14 years to Women's 44. ASTRICH'S
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers