1 TEN DAYS I | CLEAN-UP SALE | H Thursday > Oct 22, to Saturday, Oct . 31 xx JJ An Accumulation of Odd Pieces of H | Furniture, Carpet Remnants ( || Discontinued Patterns , £fc., «£ Cosf anc/ Less ♦♦ ♦t Some remnants large enough for small rooms. Odd pieces of Furniture that may match those you al- ♦♦ ♦♦ ready have. We also offer a general price reduction on our entire stock of Fall goods. Our location out of the XX high-rent district makes it possible to guarantee splendid money-saving values. 2 ♦♦ ? ♦« || See These Bargains "F? Genera! Price Reduction j| XX 25 pieces of carpet, 1 yard to 17 yards, 25(' to I ' if Oil All OllF NcW Fl.ll t* ♦♦ per yard. JL X B B > .. £f% - »♦ 50 carpet samples, 1 yard to \y 2 yards, .lOr* to LIIIC Ol uOOQS ♦« XX 25 pieces linoleum: all sizes: printed and inlaid. S4O DaVenDOrt, at S2O OH XX ♦♦ 15 parlor tables in quartered oak. Your choice, :V VoV«"" ♦♦ XX 10 solid oak beds; full size. Each $35 Davenport, at $27.50 || XX Odd kitchen, bedroom and dining chairs, ■ S3O Davenport, at $22.50 H I oii Dressers, Chiffoniers, Silk Floss Mattresses, I H Dressing Tables, Oak, Ma- This Combination sl2 50 1 ! hogany. Bird's-Eye Maple V D a ™" m Pur. Felt Mattresses, I :: 8 odd serving and mahogany 5 W LLI Li\ 55 ~00 « ♦♦ JMmHP to iMo.OO Pnnrirla V 1 II ■ ♦♦ tt 12 odd china closets at factory cost, SI Ito $24 j Regular Price $5.49 I XX ♦♦ Three 8.3x10.6 Axminster rugs, discontinued pat- With every sale aroonnting to CoiTlhinatian Matfr«toc ♦♦ terns, flower patterns. Value §21.00, each, $1 T.(M) cin _ iViaillCSSeS, ♦« XX One 9x12 French Wilton. Value $40.00; sale n i . r f XX XX P rice s:{:{.<K) Only One to a Customer £[>o.7s H "THE HOUSE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY" j] H N w v chas. F". || OPEN I™i \7 f~7 B 3 LOW EXPENSES II II EVENINGS I I VJ* V_>?V EH, MEANS LOW PRICES « II ' FURMTURECO. s I |j H 1413, 1415, 1417, 1419 North Second Street Both Phones X< XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXiXXXXXtXXtXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX& BOMBARDMENT OF RHEIMS gg v\ ~ "'"" ,_ ~ **' ' '\- ' notor ,°h Uer 7 ,an m^a^fhi.^t^armored fioior amo witn officers watch the Ijonibardrocn-t from distance. . v „i ß „ el , o "' , r T T h 0 Cre . W of • ,r, " ored P rltlsh motor car salute the burgomaster of Antwerp, who is seen at the international News "servire. We njf a «•"'«" "™>*. pussm* through the streets of by Steel Men Connected With Many Railroads By Associated Press Philadelphia,' Oct. 21. —Opening the argument iri behalf of the defense in the government suit to dissolve the United States Steel Corporation on the ground that it violates the anti-trust laws. Richard V. L.indaburiy declared to the court that he did nc4 know of CASTORIA For Infants and Children Iss Use For Over 30 Years WEDNESDAY EVENING, IIARRISHURG TELEGRAPH OCTOBER 21, 1914. any important case brought under the I anti-trust laws where the amount of competition said to be suppressed was so little as in the case now before the I'nited States Court. "In reading the record of this proceeding," he said, "you will be astonished to find how slight the competition was that is alleged to have been suppressed." llr. Lindabury began his argument after Jacob M. Dickinson, chief coun sel for the government in the disso lution suit, had concluded his opening address of six and one-half hours. Mr. Dickinson ended by declaring that the Steel Corporation had used its power more to exact noncompetitive high prices from the public than to destroy competitors. Referring to interlock ing directorates, he declared that when the suit was begun against the Steel Corporation its directors were interested fn companies that controlled nearly 50 per cent, of the railroad mileage of the country. Prisoners Taken From Retreating Germans By Associated Press Dondon, Oct. 21. 4:20 A. M.—The Daily Chronicle's Dunkirk correspon dent, telegraphing Tuesday, says: "A general advance has been made by the allies who are fighting mainly with artillery. The best work is being done by the British naval guns. I<irge num bers of French and Belgian prisoners have been taken from the retreating Germans. "The assistance rendered by the Brit ish warships in bombarding the Ger man lines advancing upon Nieuport, has been an important factor. "On account of the large number of spies captured in Dunkirk, an order has been issued forbidding any foreigner to I remain in the city, and requiring that all leaving the town must go in a « westerly direction." , LYING ON STRETCHER BOY TESTIFIES THAT IE WAS SET AFIRE Charges Enterline Pair With Giv ing Him Liquor; Lad May Never Recover Paul Sidney Erb, aged 15 years, 236 Charles street, who has been a cripple since July 3, was brought to the office of Alderman C. E. Murray on a stretcher this afternoon, to give testi mony against Mrs. Anna and Joseph Ablitz, of Enterline, who are charged with furnishing liquor to minors. The old police ambulance was used to convey TOUng Erl> from his homo. The stretcher was placed across two chairs in front of Alderman Murray's desk so that the boy's testimony could be heard. On July 3, while on a visit to the Ablitz home on a farm near Enter line, it is alleged that Joseph Alltz set Are to a sparkler which was stick ing from the pocket of Paul Erb. The boy had i nhis pockets other spark lers. and a box of matches, which were exploded. Young Erb's leg was so badly burned that he has never since been able to walk. The suit, it is said, is a forerunner ■>f other suits to follow—one for ncg lectfl in not earing for the boy prop erly and another for damages. Young Erb testified to having been furnished liquor by the Ablitz family. Charges were preferred against the Ablitz pair for furnishing liquor to Young Erb on July 3. Russian Attempt to Gain River Repulsed By Associated Press I.ondon, Oct. 21. 5:50 a. m.—An of ficial communication issued in Vienna at noon to-day is given in a dispatch from Amsterdam to the Heuter Tele gram Company. It says: "The battle in the center of Ga licla has increased In force, especially north of Etrvviaz river, where our at tacks are progressing. "The attempts of the Russians to gain the Magiger heights have repulsed. In the course of this fight many Russians were captured, includ ing one Russian gun. Several ma chine guns were also taken. "The Ausirians occupied Stryj, 42 miles southwest of Eembert, Koeroes mecoe and Serth after strong Russian resistance." (iKORtiU J. WISE DIRS George .1. Wise, aged 56 years, died at 103" Herr street this morning, at 5 o'clock. But let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. —Jas. 1:19, 20. THOSE ART- . FUL. GIRLS. A 1 Didn't Jack j *5? * kiss you by sur- \j \/U ' 7 prise last night? \ / IB! , 1 Oh, no! He \l' I 1 only thinks he iStSCUSS REVISION OF CLARK ICT FOR THIRD CLASS CITIES Special Committee of City Solici tors and Mayors Meet to Revise Clark Act I All the third class city solicitors i anil several of the mayors of Penn-1 |sylvanla met In City Council chamber] j this afternoon and discussed sugges-! I tions for the revision of the Clark com- I i mission form of government law. At the recent convention of the' Pennsylvania Third Class City league at Meadville the delegates talked about the beneficiary results that would obtain by revising sections of ithe act pertaining to the police pow-| jers, the dates for collection of taxes,! the compilation of assessments, tht conduct of affairs by a "city manager" and a dozen or more others. That certain radical changes are necessary along these lines was gen , erally conceded, and, in order to have . the suggestions placed before the Leg-. lslature at its session this winter, it I j was decided to have them threshed out by a special committee. This con sists of the law committee, including , | all the city solicitors artd Mayors John ij K. Royal, Harris burg; William J. I I Stern, Erie; William Ward, Jr., Ches ter. and Ira W. Stratton. Reading. The special committee held its first meeting this afternoon and It was de cided to vest the work of making the I necessary revisions in the hands of | a subcommittee consisting of three or j five members. one of the principal subjects dis-1 cussed was the referendum. Under, the provisions of the Clark act it is only possible to make the referendum - effective by obtaining 20 per cent. o£ I the voters of the previous election for | the referring petition. The method j whereby the petition is framed is the point upon which there Is considerable contention. Not only does the paper require 20 per centum of the voters, but It must be signed and certified to before the city clerk. And the most unsatisfactory feature about it all is the time—only ten days being allowed for the purpose. In Harrisburg this would mean that from 2.500 to 3,000 voters would have to go to the city clerk's office within ten days and sign the paper. $132,000 WORTH OF BONDS SIGNED BY COMMISSIONERS j Improvement bonds to the amount ; of $132,000 were signed and inadej convertible into cash by the sinking' fund commissioners at a meeting this morning in City Council chamber. The bonds were signed by Mayor John K. Royal. City Treasurer O. M. Oope lin and Commissioner W. I<. Gorgas, finance and accounts. They were signed after being carefully inspected and approved by E. M. Field, of the United States Mortgage and Trust Company, New York. The issue is the last of the third I improvement loan of sfi-11.000 author ized by Council at a recent meeting. t The money is necessary for the con struction of the river wall, river inter- 1 ceptor, Paxton creek improvements, i etc. Y. W. C. A. INSPECTION DAY To-morrow is inspection day at the j new Y. W. C. A. building corner, : Fourth and Walnut streets. The build- j ing will be open to the public from 10 to 10. In the evening from 8 to 10. • Updegrove's orchestra will furnish music. The piano used at this time' 1 will be the J. H. Troup Piano, a gift i . of the J. H. Troup Music House, this | piano was placed in the new building' to-day. HORSE RI'XS AWAY The horse of j. W. Garverich, a' post office employe, ran away this: noon, breaking the left front wheel of j the post office cart. No one was In- : .lured. The horse was caught by , Robert Boyles. ."ill Clinton avenue, at, ' Front and Walnut streets. ' PRINCIPAL FIGURES IN Judge Charles H. Kelby. who is conducting the trial of Mrs. Elorenco Carman, shown below, for the murder of Mrs. Louise Bailey, which oc curred in the office of her husband, Dr. Edwin Carman, shown above, at Kreeport, J, .1. The trail has just started in the Nassau county court, Mlne oia, L, X. Mrs, Carman and her husband are confident of her acauittal. f » y T T T T > > ,1! CALL 1991-ANY "PHONE. 1- FOUNDED 1871 f i v < JSjOtwruMti \ HARRISBURtt'S POPULAR DEPARTMENT STORI _ f Demonstration To-morrow j! Boiling applebutter without stirring. f* I'timing tomatoes in pan then changing a portion,/ 1 showing 1 you can burn food in aluminum but save the < pan. q~ Wear-Ever Aluminum < j_ % % Demonstration Special < We have added to our Alumi- C num Demonstration Special a Seamless Double Roaster, 4 rsize 14'oxlOx/ —with rack 24-inch - - ... X/ from hotton ventilator in end.'J %_ Special Jj?1.98 * Basement—BOWMAN'S. DRY GOODS SPECIALS \ Rear New Elevators < 2208 yards light and dark Outing Flan-] o \ nel in remnants suitable for women's dresses and men's night wear. Regular 8e and 10c I 4 qualities. Yard J " \ 100 Fearless Bleached i _ ~ , 12'je Baby Flannel » 4 . . . I£T //_ In pink, llnht blue, (1 n < Muslin—one of the best 0/*iC white, eream and Mark, f JjC ' 10c muslins made, yard, rfj J yard J 4 10c Unbleached Shak- . _ - . 12 ,. 3 6.| nt .i, Bleach- . er I-lannel. very heavy , / l/p ( , t| MusUl , Vu .\ Q < quality; line for under- I /2 C blenched Sheeting; f DC wear. >aid remnant lengths, yard. J * 12'ic 36-inch Cre-"| 4 tonnes for covering /\ 18c Pillow Casing— a* afrSd°jsua"s£i s»c ««. «« u.™*, }i2Mc'< signs, yard J muslin, yard Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. 4 EIIAUS TO GO ONISTRHWRIOE I Derry St. Church Young Folk Will Go by Auto Truck to Mechanicsburg tMMMnaMa The Christian En deavor Society of the Derry Street United Brethren Church will hold an auto truck straw-ride to-morrow *'4 4 evening to Mechanies ' iJMH burn and return. A 0 ■' MM party of thirty merry -A /'WiS • makers will leave the K ■if church. Fifteenth and large truck fnlt full Upon arrival rtt I- r > V V 1 Mechanicsburg an oy ster supper will lie held at the Glvler | restaurant. The party will leave Mechanicsburg; at 9.30 o'clock for a I speedy return home. LIKE CARRIER PIGEONS 1 released from thwr cage fly to their J destination with a message, so your j printed messengers go from your of- I flee and deliver your business mes sage to those whom you believe are I likely to be interested. Prepare your | message, then consult us regarding ; the probable cost of printing or en- I graving. Our facilities are ample to guarantee prompt and excellent serv ice. Preparation of copy and illustra , tions if desired. Telegraph Printing 'Company, j j : COUNTY NOT TO PHY MONTHLY ESTIMATES Precedent of Settling With Con tractors Will Not Be Established J J ) I ■ |i : "j Contrary to the ~——-—* ss - ii .i ,',i j their contract price monthly on esti j mates of work that has been done. | Several years ago this question was j threshed out and it was decided that | the county assumed considerable risk > in that the courts might not finally j approve of the hridgo when it was ; eompleted—in which case the county } would lose what money It had paid oil j the estimates. The fact that a bond : was required would not, it was figured, hold water. The question was put to the com missioners again to-day by a repre- I sentative of one of the contracting | companies now constructing a new concrete bridge and the commissioners I refused the request. Returns From ( ainula.—City Treas : nrer it. M. Copelin has returned from 1 Hollow Lake, Canada, where he was the guest for the last two weeks or ; W. Stanley Ray. Heard Water Pipe Appeals. City Commissioner H. F. Bowman, super intendent of public safety, to-day heard appeals of interested property owners on assessments for water pipe in Emerald. Fourth to Fifth streets; llildrup, Nineteenth to Twenty-first; Nineteenth. Paxtnn and Sycamore; Sycamore, Rolleston to city line; Len nox. Nineteenth to city line. Got Policeman Commission.—Wil son Levi shay, recently appointed a special railroad policeman for tho Pennsylvania by Governor John K. Tener, to-day appeared at the record er's office, qualified and was formally sworn In. \t Hie Register's Office.—Letters on the estates of Leah Light. Swatara. township, and Emma Hodston citv respectively, were granted yesterday ! !ioust , oi? rva Kht and Ril,ph D - Teachers to Hear Two Prominent Educators , Dr - •!: G - barter Troop, of the faeul t\ o ft he University of Toronto, Can., and Dr. Charles 11. Albert, of the liloomsburg State Normal Schaal, will be the chief speakers at the citv teach -5? J n o St . itut ," Sat "rday in the Central High School auditorium. The music will be in charge of Prof. E. (i. Hose, and the devotional exer cises will be in charge of the Bev. rhomas Relsch. The morning session, will begin at 9.30 an dthe afternoon session at 2 o'cloek. FELL THROUGH LOFT Antonio Nemis, of Philadelphia, was admitted to the 1 larrlsburg hospital last night suffering with severe bruises, lie fell through a hay loft j in a barn neur Dauphin. I i . Had Tuberculosis, —Now Insured When you know a man has been af flicted with 'Consumption, and later obtained Insurance, it means that he has recovered his health, as In this case:— 2.'(7 Dean St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Gentlemen:—l was troubled with night sweats, a severe cough and was very weak: having, in fait, absolute ly no ambition whatever. I consulted a physician, who told me my lungs were affected. Not satisfied, t went to anoth er doctor, who said that I was in the hrst stages, of Consumption. At this point I started to take Kckrnan's Al terative. The night sweats stopped almost Immediately, my cough hecame looser and gradually disappeared. My weight is now 142 pounds and my phy sician has pronounced me perfectly sound Which, together with the fact that I have just been accepted hy two different insurances companies for In surance, makes me sure of my entire recovery." (Abbreviated.). (Affidavit) W. K. GICK. Kckrnan's Alterative Is most effica cious In bronchial catarrh and severe throat and lung affections and upbuild ing the system. Contains no harmful or hahlt-rormlng drugs. Accept no substitutes. Sold by leading druggists. Write Eckman laboratory, Philadelphia, Pa., for booklet of recoveries.—Join. 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers