2 (^ffiWcfcPeiwfiyLVAma'ffie^ NARROW ESCAPE AT DAUPHIN CROSSING / Automobile of H. V. Lukins Struck by Philadelphia and Reading Train Special to The Telegraph Dauphin, Pa., Oct. 20.—A train on (.he Philadelphia and Reading Rail road arriving in Dauphin at 10.05 ■o'clock in the morning, hit an auto mobile yesterday at a grade crossing Just before reaching the station. The jnachine was owned and driven by H. V. Lukins, of Duncannon, and a for eigner whom he had picked up on the road was in the car with him. The engineer could not see the automobile on account of a sharp curve in the road. Several people motioned to him but he thought, they were waving and jjaid no attention to them. When the ■train hit the car, both were thrown out, but neither was seriously hurt. The front wheel, shield, and axle of the car were broken, but a blacksmith, near the scene of the acci dent, repaired it and Mr. Lukins con tinued on his way homo without the company of the foreigner, however, for he ran away after he was thrown out of the automobile. CONSTIPATION A PENALTY OF AGE Nothing is so essential to health 1 In advancing age as keeping the bowels open. It makes one feel : younger and fresher and forestalls ' colds, piles, fevers, and other de pendent ills. Cathartics and purgatives are violent and drastic in action and should be avoided. A mild, effect tlve laxative-tonic, recommended by physicians and thousands who have used it, is the combination of simple herbs with pepsin sold by druggists everywhere under the name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep sin. The price is fifty cents and one dollar a bottle. For a free trial bottle write to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 451 Washington St., Monticello, 111. ; Aro YOU Getting rj/ Vq/uq for Your MONEY Every ton of Kelley's Coal is screened before weighing, and sprinkled after. It's a full load of clean coal that goes into your cellar. H. M. Keliey & Co. Office, 1 N. Third Street. Ynrd, lOth nnil Stnte Street*. HARRISBURG WOMAN FINDS QUICK RELIEF FROM STOMACH TROUBLES Mary Wheeler Gains ill Weight After Taking Mayr's Wonderful Remedy Mary Wheeler, of 706 Green street, Harrisburg, Pa., for a long time was a victim of stomach disorders. She tried many treatments and found nothing that could help her. At last she came upon Mayr's Won derful Stomach Remedy and quickly found herself on the way to health. She wrote: "I received your wonderful stomach remedy. I took it and it acted just as you said it would. I had suffered with my stomach for nearly a year and doctored all the time. The first dose of your treatment gave me re lief. I feel like new. I had awful distress after eating and suffered from bloating and gas, but now I feel fine, am gaining In weight and can eat anything." Thin is a typical letter from the COUPON COUPON 4 HISTORY iIsHOT < r ve «,. i WOR! - D W y Beautiful Al Style of i iIzSSSSz Bindto « > \ How to get them Almost Free l . Simply clip a Coupon and present together with our , special price of (1.98 at the office of the I Harrisburg Telegraph ; L* A Coqpont I"AQ Secure llw S vol- (hi OQ T * • 1 and umeitf this great yltt u6t < M Beautifully bound In de luxe style; gold lettering; fleur-de-lis design; rich half-calf effect Marbled sides in gold and colon. Pull size of volumes 5J* x B*. History of tbe World for 70 can- < W tnries. 150 wonderful illustrations in colors and half-tones. Wmight of Smt, S pound*. Add for Poetaf t * Local 8 cents Third Zona, tap to 300 mtloe, 21 eta i W First aad Sacond ZOOM, Fourth Zona, 600 " 39 eta r< up to ISO miles. -IS Fifth Zona, " 1000 " Bfl cts f For iremtnr distance tea P. P. Tariff jm WA Until further notice a big $1.50 1 LI War Map FREE with each set J TUESDAY EVENING, ' HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH OCTOBER 20, 1914. 1 York County Factories Working on Reduced Time Special to The Telegraph York, Pa., Oct. 20. Employes of the York Manufacturing Company plant, the largest of its class in the county for the manufacture of ice ma chines, went on eight hours' time for an indefinite period to-day. Other factories are also working on reduced time and some have been compelled to close down on account of a stagna tion in business. LARGE BARN BURNED Special to The Telegraph Shippensburg, Pa., Oct. 20. On Saturday evening a large barn on the farm of Benn Giesman, tenanted by David Duncan, was burned. The live stock was burned to death. NEWTOWN CHURCH DEDICATED Special to The Telegraph Newtown, Pa., Oct. 20.—The hand some new edifice of the United Breth ren Church here was dedicated with special services in the morning, after noon and evening. WED AFTER BRIEF COURTSHUP Special to The Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa.. Oct. 19. —Miss Rosella Kennel, of Stella, Neb., who came East several weeks ago to visit I her uncle, James F. Kennel, this place, met Benjamin Hare shortly after her arrival, and a brief courtship followed. The two went to Hagerstown last week and were married. They will reside in the Maryland city. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE SOI-D Special to The Telegraph Greencastle, Pa., Oct. 20.-=—Real es tate of the late Gideon Rahauser was sold at public sale Saturday afternoon as follows: The Benjamin Snively farm in Antrim township, containing 169 acres, to G. J. and J. W. Rahau ser, at $l5B per acre; the Melchl Snively farm in Shady Grove, contain ing 133 acres, to Susan Nicodemus, for $146 per acre; the Bishop farm, in Antrim township, was bid to sll4 an acre and withdrawn, and the im proved property at Shady Grove was bid to $2,300 and withdrawn. DEATH OF MRS. SUSAN OLLER Special to The Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa., Oct. 20. Mrs. Susan Oiler, widow of the late Joseph A. Oiler, of Waynesboro, died in Har risburg on Saturday. She was 69 years old and is survived by the fol lowing children: Charles E., Amos L., John and Lambert S., of Waynesboro; Samuel G., of Wilmington; Jacob F., of Harrisburg, and Joseph, of Kansas City, Mo. ♦ I For Beautiful Hair Nourish the Scalp Dandruff must be removed and the hair roots nourished to stop falling hair and itching scalp. It is unneces say to have thin, brittle, matted, stringy or faded hair. No matter how unsightly the hair, how badly it is falling, or how much dandruff, Pari sian Sage rubbed into the scalp is all that is ever needed. The hair roots are nourished and stimulated to £row new hair, even all dandruff is removed with one application, and itching scalp and falling hair cease; the hair be comes soft, ilufly, abundant and ra diant with life and beaut/. Parisian Sage, a daintily perfumed liquid, is one of the most pleasant, in vigorating and refreshing hair tonics known, yet perfectly harmless and in expensive. After the first application you will be surprised and delighted with Parisian Sage, for there is noth ing that will so help to double your present attractiveness as luxuriant, glorious hair, and this tonic treatment is all that can possible be desired. Be sure to get Parisian Sage from jH. C. Kennedy or at any drug or toilet counter, as there is no other so I effective.—Advertisement. thousands received from those who have taken Mayr's Wonderful Stom ach Remedy. The first dose of this remarkable remedy convinces—no long treatment. It clears the digestive tract of mucoid accretions and removes pois onous matter. It brings swift relief to sufferers from ailments of the stomach, liver and bowels. Many de clare it has saved them from dan gerous operations and many are sure it has saved their lives. We want all people who have chronic stomach trouble or constipa tion. no matter of how long standing, to try one dose of Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy—one dose will con vince you. This is the medicine so many of our people have been taking with surprising results. The most thorough system cleanser ever sold. Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy is now sold here by Gorgas' Drug Store, and druggists everywhere.—Adv. [WEST SHORE NEWS) Farewell Reception Given New Cumberland Pastor New Cumberland, Pa., Oct. 20. Last evening the social room of Trin ity United Brethren Church was crowded with members of the con gregation and friends, to give their former pastor, the Rev. D. B. Rojohn and family a farewell. The room was beautifully decorated for the occasion and one of the surprises of the even ing was music by the New Cumber land Band, which was secured by N. F. Reed, a prominent member of the church. The program was an instru mental duet by Elizabeth Smaling and Mary Switzer; prayer, the Rev. S. N. Good; address. Dr. J. H. Young; reading, Mary Malone; address the Rev. J. V. Adams; solo, Mr. Entry; address, the Rev. S. N. Good; reading, Miss Helen Lechthaler; address, the Rev. A. G. Wolf; address, the Rev. J. R. Hutchinson; a response was made by the Rev. D. "B. Rojohn, who thank ed the congregation and the people of New Cumberland for their kind ness to himself and family during their three years' stay here. Refresh ments were served to five hundred peo ple. The Rev. Mr. Rojohn and fam ily left to-day for Yoe, York county, with the best wishes of a host of friends to follow them to their new home. DEATH OF AMOS KOHR Marysville, Pa., Oct. 20.—Amos Kohr, a retired farmer of Keystone, but who had been making his home with his daughter, Mrs. J. P. Rhine hart, of Valley street, died yesterday. He was 59 years old and Is survived by a widow, three daughters and one brother. KILJ>ED GROUNDHOG IN YARD Marysville, Pa., Oct. 20.—A ground hog, weighing almost ten pounds, was killed in the yard at the home of E. G. Adams in South Main street. REPAIRING STATE ROAD Marysville, Pa., Oct. 20. —The road between here and Duncannon is being put in excellent condition by a l%rge force of men employed by the State Highway Department. SURPRISE FOR YOUNG GIRIi New Cumberland, Pa., Oct. 20.—0n Saturday evening a surprise party was held in honor of Fay Apmyer's ninth birthday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark. An enjoyable evening was spent and Fay received a number of pretty gifts. WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT Lemoyne, Pa., Oct. 20.—Announce ment of the marriage of Miss Lulu Squires, a popular young lady of Jer sey Shore, N. J., to Earl Whitman, of this place, was a complete surprise to their many friends. The wedding took place at the bride's home last week, but not until to-day was It learned here. Mr. and Mrs. Whit man are "at home" to their friends at their residence in Hummel avenue. FIREMEN ELECT OFFICERS Enola, Pa., Oct. 20.—At the meet ing of the Enola Fire Company last night the following officers were elect ed: President, Brandt Heckert; vice president, J. W. Keller; secretary, Paul Loser; financial secretary, Edward Gaughman; treasurer. Dr. E. Carl Weirick; trustees, George H. Horn ing, E. E. Shellehamer, R. A. Holmes and C. L. Conklin; foreman, A. L. Winn: assistant foreman, Stewart L. Wallace; hose directors, J. P. Kessler, E. A. Miller, E. E. Shellehamer, Paul Loser, Edward Baughman and C>L. Conklin. DEATH FROM TYPHOID Enola, Pa., Oct. 20.—Clarence Heiges, of Dlllsburg, formerly employ ed as a car inspector in the Enola yards and who was taken very ill at his rooms in the Enola Y. M. C. A. about ten days ago, died Sunday morning from typhoid fever. The body was taken to Dlllsburg where burial will be made. DEATH OF INFANT Enola, Pa., Oct. 20.—Ada, the 2- and-a-half-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Benner, of Seifertj road, Enola, died Sunday morning from membraneous croup. Funeral services will be conducted at the home Wednesday morning. Sunbury Officials and Railroad Clash Over Pipe Special to The Telegraph Sunbury, Pa., Oct. 20.—Trouble is brewing between the Sunbury borough officials and the Pennsylvania Rail road Company. The borough desires to lay a drainage pipe at a point un der the railroad's tracks, where the officials do not want It. When work men went there to-day they found a carload of iron dumped on the spot. The workmen made no effort to lay the pipe. 0 Recent Deaths in Central Pennsylvania Special to The Telegraph Bainbrldge.—William S. Alexander, 40 years old, died yesterday. He was a graduate of the Millersvllle State Normal School. Mlddleburg.—John Stickel died at the home of Charles Steininger on Saturday. Mr. Stickel was born in Wurtenburg, Germany, and received his naturalization papers at Blooms burg, Columbia county in 1876. Waynesboro.—Mrs. Ellen Eigen brode, 30 years old, died at the home of her father, Marshall Bumkardner, near Waynesboro on Saturday after noon. She had been ill about one year. Waynesboro.—Mrs. Ella R. Frantz, wife of Edward Frantz, died Saturday from Brlght's disease. She was 62 years old. Sunbury.—Mrs. Anna C. Reed, 32 years old, died at the Mary Packer Hospital here, of Brlght's disease. William Krug. 6 4 years old, died at his home here after a short Illness, due to uremic poisoning. Mrs. Anna F. Glass, 41 years old, died at the Mary Packer Hospital here yesterday, of a complication of dis eases. Mrs. Caroline Rupp, 81 years old, died at her home in Mt. Carmel, of a complication of diseases. BOY SHOOTS BROTHER Special to The Telegraph Codorus, Pa., Oct. 20.—Emory Frey, 11 years old, Is In the hospital in a critical condition from being shot in the head by his 7-year-old brother, Harry, with a 22-caliber revolver. Tho bullet entered the right side of the head. The boys were at play in the attic of the home. 1 T I | are worn by stout and medium I v women. Their great strength f/ / w /\/ \'7 jjj and elastic freedom eliminates, \/ Af y A'" \J also 1 , the feeling of heaviness. Vfk // / / L _> ! J \\V; / i U rpjl] \ These characteristics belong exclusively to ||| /, \ s Rengo Belt corsets. They are the direct | fjs/ Ifriffli / achievement of the famous patented Rengo rengo // Jjf\ \ I // l|sM/ Belt feature, which has proven its worth by fe^Jrekt —> V \ 1:1 \SX over five years of growing popularity. Inserts II l| K /rs: 11 K\ I //.if of elastic enable the strength of the garment i\fif / \ If ) If j I ® . to be more perfectly applied and actual re- \\ I \LL.IJI JJ j| m duction is thus accomplished with comfort. \\ \ /£m J * I |||'lj||)S||| - ■ The boning is of double watch-spring steels \\ \ MU= =U W| ( ■ ill'j jl W —very pliable but extra strong —and is guar- \\ Hi Fi JJ | |(j f/ an teed not to rust. The crowning features of Y\ lltirT J1^ EL i IjJ Rengo Belt corsets are their thoroughly strong vCA\ I j| <^lmJ materials and tailoring —without which all llffl K&/ other reducing corsets fail. if • Prices $2.00, $3.00 and $5.00 For Sale By DIVES, POMEROY & STEWART INJURED IN RUNAWAY Erbdalte, Pa., Oct. 20. James White, 30 years old, a prominent farmer of Lancaster county, is lying critically ill from being injured in a runaway accident when his horse frightened at an automobile yesterday morning, throwing him out and break ing his right leg. His wife and child, I THIN FOR YEARS "Gains 22 Pounds in 23 Days" "I was all run down to the very bottom," writes Gagnon. "I had to quit work I was so weak. Now, yf' thanks to Sargol, I look like a new man. I gained 22 \ vltjf "Sargol has put just 10 pounds on me in 14 days," ■y states W. D. Roberts. "It has made me sleep well, enjoy -Jr W ' l3t atC anC * ena^ me *° wor k with interest and .si "I weighed 132 pounds when I commenced taking W ■Sargol. After taking 20 days I weighed 144 pounds. Sargol is the most wonderful preparation for flesh build 19f ing I have ever seen," declares D. Martin, and J. Meier, I adds: "For the past years I have Cine every day for indigestion and got thinner every year. [' x I took Sargol for forty days and feel better than T have | | felt in twenty years. My weight has increased from 150 V llil When hundreds of men and women—and there are r ' ft '■ j-v iH hundreds with more coming every day—living in every , J! nook and corner of this broad land voluntarily testify ,'h f to weight increases ranging all the way from 10 to 35 fmmt pounds given them by Sargol you must admit, Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Thin Reader, that there must be some thing in this Sargol method of flesh building after all. \Hadn't you better look into it, just as thousands of others have done? Many thin folks say: "I'd give V 'most anything to put on a little extra weight," but when H' someone suggests a way they exclaim. "Not a chance. V*/'* 'M Nothing will make me plump. I'm built to stay thin." W Until you have tried Sargol, you do not and cannot I Sargol has put pounds of healthy "stay there" flesh on hun f dreds who doubted, and In spite of their doubts. You don't have to believe in Sargol to grow plump from Its use. You just take / * lt and W atch weight pile up, hollows vanish and your figure round / out to pleasing normal proportions. You weigh yourself when you begin and again when you finish and you let the scales tell Sargol Is absolutely harmless. It is a tiny concentrated tablet You take one with every meal. It mixes with the food lilfisf vou eat for the purpose of separating all of Its flesh producing ingredients. It prepares these fat-making elements in an easily assimilated form, which the blood can readily absorb* and carry L "jfaiBMBS n H over your body. Plump, well-developed persons don't need W&B&jmBBKs Sargol to produce this result. Their assimilative machinery per forms Its functions without aid. But thin folks' assimilative or gans do not. This fatty portion of their food now goes to waste \ through their bodies like unburned coal through an open grate. A few days' test of Snrgol in your case will surely prove whether or not th ' s is true of you " Isn 111 worth trying? If you want a beautiful and well-rounded figure of symme trlcal proportions if you want to gain some solid pounds of ■few healthy stay-there flesh, if you want to increase your weight to normal, weigh what you should weigh, go straight to your drug gist to-day and get a trial package of Sargol and use it as dl /? I'a rected. Sargol will either Increase your weight or it won't and f t he only way to know is to try it. A single package of Sargol I £*# ' \ easily enables you to make this test. Sixty days' use of Sargol, I- MHK -:tJ according to directions, is absolutely guaranteed to Increase your V MIPPPSfc « S weight to a satisfactory degree or your druggist will refund all \ y the money you have paid him for It. Sargol is sold by leading \ ' 'iiMr druggists everywhere and In Harrisburg and vicinity by G. A. GORGAS AND OTHERS who were with him, escaped injury, i i they remaining in the buggy while the animal ran nearly a mile before he was captured. < WEDDING AT LEWISTOWN Lewistown, Pa., Oct. 20.—Guy In grain, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert In gram, and Miss Ruth Arnold, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Arnold, ■were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents on Saturday. CUTS CORN AT 84 Special to The Telegraph ■Waynesboro, Pa., Oct. 20. Mrs. Henry Bailey, widow of the former caretaker of the Bailey dam of the Waynesboro water system, is 84 years old, but, notwithstanding this, she cut twenty-one shocks of corn and dug up several bushels of sweet potatoes, and she goes about her work singing as though she were a young girl. AX EASY WAY TO GET FAT AND BE STRONG The trouble with most thin folks who wish to gain weight is that they Insist lon drugging their stomach or stuffing 4t with greasy foods; rubbing on use less "flesh creams," or following some foolish physical culture stunt, while tha < real cause of thinness goes untouched. You cannot get fat until your digestive traot assimilates the food you eat. ~ Thanks to a remarkable new scien ttflc discovery. It Is now possible to combine Into simple form the very ele ments needed by the digestive organs to help them convert food into rich, fat-laden blood. This master-stroke or modern chemistry Is called Sargol and has been termed the greatest of flesh builders. Sargol alms through Its re generative, re-constructive powers te coax the stomach and Intestines to lit erally soak up the fattening elements of your food and pass them into the hlood, where they are carried to every starved, broken-down cell and tissue of your body. You can readily picture the result when this amazing transfor mation has taken place and you notice how your cheeks All out. hollows about •your neck, shoulders and bust disap pear and you take on from 10 to 20 pounds of solid, healthy flesh. Sargol is absolutely harmless, inexpensive, ef ficient. G. A. Gorgas and other leading druggists have It and will refund your money If you are not satisfled, as per the guarantee found In every package. ' Cautioni—While Sargol has given ex cellent results In overcoming nervous dyspepsia and general stomach troubles It should not be taken by those who do .not wish to gain ten pounds or more. HOW THIN PEOPLE CAN PUT ON FLESH A New Discovery . Thin men' and women—that bis, hearty, filling dinner you ate last night., "What became of all the fat-producing nourishment it contained? You haven't gained in weight one ounce. That food passed from your body like uriburned coal through an open grate. The ma terial was there, but your food doesn t work and stick, and the plain truth is you hardly get enough nourishment from your meals to pay for the cost of cooking. This is true of thla folks the world oyer. Your nutritive organs, your functions of assimilation,, are sadly out of gear and need recon-< "'cut'out the foolish foods and funnr, sawdust diets. Omit the flesh cream 1 rub-ons. Cut out everything but the meals you are eating now and eat with, every one of those a single Sargol tab let In two weeks note the difference. Five to eight good solid pounds ot healthy, "stay there" fat should be the net result. Sargol, too, mixes with your food and prepares It for blood In easily assimilated form. Thin people gain all the way from 10 to 25 pounds a month while taking Sargol, and the new flesh stays put. Sargol tablets are a sclen-* tlflc combination of six of the best flesh-producing elements known to chemistry. They come 40 tablets to a package, are pleasant, harmless and m-> expensive, and George A. Gorgas and other dealers sell them subject to an absolute guarantee of weight Increase or money back. ————— THIN PEOPLE CAN INCREASE WEIGH® Thin men and women who would like to increase their weight with 10 or IB pounds of healthy "stay there" fat should try eating a little Sargol with their meals for a while and note re sults. Here Is a good test worth try ing. First weigh yourself and measure yourself. Then take Sargol—one tab* let with every meal—for two weekjtl Than weigh and measure again. It isn tt a question of how you look or feel <* what your friends say and think. The , scales and the tape measure will tell their own story, and most any thla man or woman can easily add from five to eight pounds In the first fourteen! days by following this simple dlrectlonj And best of all, the new flesh stay* put. Sargol does not of Itself make foU but mixing with your food, It turns thfl fats, sugars and starches of what yow' have eaten, into rich, ripe, lng nourishment for the tissues anm blood—prepares It in an easily assimi lated form which the blood can readllr accept. All this nourishment now S asses from your body as waste. But argol stops the waste and does it quickly and makes the fat-producln« contents of the very same meals you are eating now develop pounds and pounds of healthy flesh between you* *kln and bones. Sargol Is safe, pleas ant, efficient and Inexpensive. George A. Gorgas and other Reading druggist# [sell It In large boxes—forty tablets to a package—on a guarantee of weight I increase or money back.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers