4 ! A G rand Piano | is not possible for every family, so we have a piano or a player-piano graded to suit the purse of every family in moderate circum stances. I Whether your choice is a Grand, an Up right or a Player-Piano—select it from our stock. WINTER CO. 23 North Fourth Street v. 4 FOR UPSEr STOIIUCH. mESTIOI SIS, HEITBIHJPE'S IPEPSH Time it! In five minutes your sick, sour stomach feels fine Sour, sick, upset stomach, indiges tion, heartburn, dyspepsia; when the food you eat ferments into gases and stubborn lumps; your head aches and you feel sick and miserable, that's when you realize the magic in Pape's Diapepsin. It makes stomach-distress go in five minutes. If your stomach is in a revolt— if you can't get it regti- Church Society Presents "Hanging of the Crane" "The Hanuing of the Crane," an adaptation from Longfellow's famous poem, will be presented in the audi torium of the Curtin Heights Metho dist Church on Thursday evening by the following cast: Minerva Rohrer, Sarah Esteile Butler, Mrs. W. B Bricker, Mrs. John Haas, Mrs. B. F. Funk, Mrs. Reynolds, Blanche Ennis, Helen Broomall, Rhea Miller, Eliza Lingle, Mollie Lingle, Lula Beard, j Emma Hollinger, Zora Martz, Sarali Burgoon, Ruth Taylor, Mary Taylor, Fern Gross, Elizabeth Sykes, Reba • ♦Geisking. Emma Williams, Katherino Bricker, Dorothy Haas, Vernon Hunts berger, J. 11. OPoore, C. O. Ely, Mr. Barnliart. Jerry Weibley, Charles Frank, Charles Ruch, Clifford Zellers. ; In connection with the play there: •will be several readings by Mrs. Nona; Downey Hockenbury and Miss Pauline Hauck, with Mrs. Clara B. Lackey as accompanist. The entertainment is given under the auspices of the choir and the proceeds will be given to the building fund. UGH! iT MIL, OIL OR SE TAKE •CHLIFORHIH SYBUP DF FIGS" Delicious "fruit laxative" cleanses j ou ! t p f your system by momins wiu.pt griping. Please don't think of stomach, liver and | S > - ™P of Figs" asa physic. i Ron t think you are drugging yoursalf DOWels ? r Y ou . r children, because this delicious fruit laxative can not cause iYiJury Even the most delicate child can take A harmless cure for sick headache, most harmlen/'effcctfve^^omach'liver biliousness, sour stomach, constipation, and bowel cleanser, regulator and Indigestion, coated tongue, sallowness tonic ever devised s»'<iioi ana —take 'California Syrup of Figs.' For Your only difficulty may be in get i Itao cause of all such misery comes ting the genuine, so ask vour dru~g!« bowels a Per and BlUgßtSh t° r a •;° T -- Cent bottle of "californin A tablespoonful to-night means all by' 'th e°' ••< 'aHfoVnia 'TV's! run 8 r 1 " I '' constipation poison, waste matter, fer- panv " This ciTv ~, m-.n'v t •"!' menting food and sour bile gently "flg'syrups." so'watch ou" Pn Beauty Culture Shop 31 (t CHESTNUT STRKKT W MRS. REEDK FACIAL M Manicuring Hair Dressing Scald Treatm;ni Shampooing MANUFACTURERS' PURE FOOD EXHIBIT CHESTNUT STREET AUDITORIUM EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVENING THIS WEEK Displays by the World's Largest Manufacturers of Pure Foods Music—Demonstrations—Prizes. Samples For Everybody. ADMISSION IO CENTS Afternoons 2 to 5 Evenings 7 to IO ■ - 1 ' WEDNESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH OCTOBER 14, 1014. I;'ted, please, for your sake, try Pape's Diapepsin. It's so needless to have a bad stomach—make your next meal a favorite food meal, then take a little Diapepsin. There will not be any dis tress—eat without fear. It's because Pape's Diapepsin "really does" regu late weak, out-of-order stomachs that gives it its millions of sales annually. Get a large fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. It is the quickest, surest stomach relief and c ure known, it acts almost like magic. It is a scientific, harmless stomach preparation which truly belongs in every home. The Harrisburg W. C. T. U. Meets With Mrs. Hartzter 11 A postponed meeting of the Harris ; burg Women's Christian Temperance L'nion will be held Friday afternoon at 2.20 o'clock at the residence of Bishop H. B. Hartzler, Washington Heights. Delegates to the State and ; county conventions will present most interesting reports and there will be ! other special features. Members will take the Carlisle car I leaving Market Square at 2* o'clock and get off at Dale avenue. ! Mrs. John W. Reily and Mrs. Mabel | Cronise Jones are representing the ! Civic Club in Pittsburgh, at the con ference of the State Federation of ! Pennsylvania Women. Mr. and Airs. David Rodgers and small son, Henry Bell Rodgers, Germantown. arc guests of their rela j tives, Mr. and .Mrs. Arthur Bowers, of Market street. ; Mrs. H. Murray Cravdon, of 1709 1 North Second street, has returned home after spending several months at the Grand View, Wernersviilc. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brett Luper, of Philadelphia, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Edward O. Pardoe, at Camp Hill. IIITIIiII FETE GIVEN FOR CHILDRES S AID ! "Ready-to Wear" Flower and Food Sale Saturday in Market Square The very newest form 06 entertain ment is promised in the food and flower sale, with a dansant accom paniment. which the members of the Children's Aid Society of Dauphin county will hold on Saturday, October 17 at 9 North Market Square from 12 to 6. The big store room is to be attractively decorated with autumn foliage and colors, and at various tallies the committees will have for sale enticing dishes of all kinds, meat loaves and tongue, dainty salads ready for the table, aspic jellies, chicken, po tato. celery mayonnaise and stuffed to matoes, rolls and buns, pies and pas tries. luscious cakes and candies, and everywhere flowers. Dansant to He Featured At small tables light luncheon and tea will be served and from 4 to 6 one may dance to his and her heart's content. The tea table will be presid ed over by Mrs. Paul Kunkei and Mr.?. Robert C. Williams with able assist ants, and the dancing floor will be in charge of these same ladies. Their assistants will be Miss Arta Williams, Miss Sara Denehey, Miss Helen Hammond, Miss Katharine lit ter, Miss Mary Myers, Miss Eleanor Clark. Miss Marjorie Mercer, Miss Constance Ferriday, Miss Louise Car ney. Miss Sara Cooper, Miss Alice Wallis and Miss Virginia 'King. Large Committees Announced The president of the Children's Aid Society. Mrs. George Kunkei, and the members of the various committees, among whom are Mrs. Mercer B. Tate, Mrs. Olmsted, Mrs. William E. Wright, Mrs. J. Harvey Patton. Miss Mary Emily Reily and Miss Lillie "Walton, of Hummelstown; Mrs. Morris E. Ja cobson, Mrs. Orville Ilickok, III; Mrs. | Walter P. Maguire, Miss Anne Mc- Cormick, Mrs. Frederick L. Morgan thaler, Mrs. Joseph Nachman, Airs. Ross Anderson Hickok, Mrs. J. D. Hawkins, Mrs. Francis Jordan Hall., Mrs. E. Z. Gross, Mrs. Henderson bert and Mrs. Martin W. Fager, Mrs. 1 jHomer Black, Miss *iargaret Bow man, of Millersburg; Mrs. Charles E. I j Covert, Miss Fanny M. Eby, Mrs. j Charles B. Fager, Mrs. Carl Brandos] Ely and Mrs/ David P. Deatrick, ol', Middletown. Sweet Things in 1 'lowers Miss Elizabeth Bailey and Miss! Margaret tftackpole will sell flowers, 1 j.Talsted by Miss Janie Hickok, Miss Mary Emily Bailey and Miss Jertrude |<>lmsted. The Children's Aid Society lot' Dauphin county has done such fine ! work for the past three years in plac jing and caring for orphaned children, I that its appeal to the public will and ; ought to be most generously met. Meade V/. C. T. U. Discusses ''The Progress of Peace" The Meade Women's Christian! Temperance Union met Tuesday after-] j noon at the home of Mrs. Violet Hol | lar Bolan, 1006 Juniper street, when j the topic, "The Progress of Peace," ! was ably discussed by the leader. Mrs. j Clayton Albert Smucker. , The committee appointed to find j I a place of the meeting of the Loyal | I Temperance Legion comprises Miss! | Elizabeth Hockenberg, Mrs. Edward I Clark, Mrs. C. W. Byer. j There will be a silver medal ora-1 Itorical contest'on November 2. The; I meeting place will be announced later. ] The Rev. Robert H. Colburn and Mrs. Colburn have returned home to !Cherry Tree. Pa., after a short visit among relatives in town. Mrs. Anson P. Dare, of North Sec ond street, who is spending several weeks in Philadelphia was in town \ yesterday. Lloyd Myers has returned to his! duties with the Union Trust Com pany after a week's visit in Philadel phia. S. N. Brown, of 228 North street, will spend Thursday at the Newport fair. Mrs. Howard Manifold and small daughter, of York, are guests of Dr. and Mrs. John Barr McAlister, of 234 North Third street. Mrs. W. H. Harper, of 351 South Eighteenth street, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. M. J. Sourbeer, in Ma rietta. Dr. W. B. Maustcller, of 14 North Second street, is spending two days! in Pottsville attending the Lebanon! Valley dental society meeting. Mrs. William F. Darby, of Pine street, is improving in health after an! operation at the Methodist Hospital! in Philadelphia. Mrs. Edwin C. Thompson, of Thir teenth and Derry streets,, and her niece. Miss Isabell N'issiey, will spend next week at Atlantic City. Mrs. William O. Hickok, 508 North Second street, is expected home from Bedford Springs this week, after spending the summer there. Mrs. Daniel Gary has returned home to Dußois after a visit with Mrs. Mor timer J. Wolf, at 21 lti North Fifth street. (Other Personals on Paso 7) LANDSCAPE ARTIST SPEAKS AT PAXTAiG "The Village Beautiful" Will Be Theme of Albert Yeoman's Illustrated Lecture Albert B. 'Yeomans of Chicago, a landscape artist of wide reputation, will lecture in old Paxton Church, Paxtang, Friday evening, at 7.30 o'clock, on "The Village Beautiful," using stereopticon slides to illustrate his talk. Mr. Yeomans, who is a cousin of the late John V. Boyd, laid out the grounds of Bonnymeade and also of Paxton chu"ch when it was remodel ed. The lecture will be most timely for the new borough and will be instruc tive as well as interesting. Everyone interested is invited to be present. There is no admission and no collec tion. Harrisburg Chapter D. A. R. to Hold Social Session A meeting of Harrisburg Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolu tion, held Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. October 20, will commemo rate the surrender of Corn'wallis at Yorktown. Mrs. Frederick Herman Marsh, of 229 West State street, will be the hos tess, and, following a most interest ing program, tea will he served. Mrs. Gilbert M. McCauley. the chap ter regent, will preside. Mrs. Edwin |J. Deeevee will sing two numbers and (Mrs. Charles W. Hunter will give piano selections. Mrs. G. W. Ensign, |of Camp Hill, the chapter delegate to the recent State Daughters of the American Revolution conference at Easton, will give high lights of that important meeting. MINISTER TAKES BRIDE TO HIS NEW APPOINTMENT Tuesday afternoon, October 13, at 3 o'clock, at the parsonage of the pas tor, of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, the Rev. William H. Worrall united in marriage the Rev. D. W. 1 Patterson, of Chambersburg, Pa., and [Miss Ella May Lininger. of Grafton. The Rev. Mr. Patterson is the newly appointed pastor of the Chris |tian and Missionary Alliance work at : \ ertz, Blair county. Mrs. Patterson !is a talented woman with a host of 1 friends. The couple left on the 3.30 train for Chambersburg, Pa., where they will 1 spend some time previous to Mr. Pat- Iterson resuming his labors at his new appointment. LITTLE MISS I'ORMAN'S MERRY BIRTHDAY PARTY The eighth birthday of little Miss Ella Forman was merrily celebrated yesterday at her home, 819 James street, with a gathering of small folks. There were games, music and a sup per with a birthday cake lighted by I eight candles. The guests were, the Misses Tillie Williams, Lilliam Capin, J Mamie Capin, Jeanette Capin. Grace j Meisenhelder, Irene Meisenhelder, j Sarah Lack, Rachael Lack, Cecelia Dulrin. Fanny Brown, Molly Forman, Anna Forman, Lillian Brown, Beatrice !Cohen, Mildred Handler, Reba Hand ler, Betty Ronemus, Mollie Michlovitz, land Ella. Forman. Israel Forman, j Earl Dulrin, Morris Abrams, Arthur , Lack, Morris Michlovitz, Samuel For man, Rudy Brown, Louis Cohen, Rus istell Wall, Sidney Wall, Hugo Rone m\is, Macy Capin, Hyman Michlovitz, Morris Forman, Israel Michlovitz [ Herman Shawle, Isador Zegor and I Miss Lillian Zegor. TOURS FOR TWO MONTHS William W. Nunnemaker, of Cres cent street, has just returned home after a two months' tour over the States of Pennsylvania, New York and Ohio. CAUSED BY OVEREATING Deficient gastric secretion, meaning ! a lackyof the fluids necessary for di gestion, is a prevalent condition. You may have it now and not know it lie cause you are able to get along with out actual discomfort even with your 1 enfeebled digestion. Kut if you overeat—then you are in ! trouble. You have indigestion because! you have given your weakened stom ach too much to do. The deficient gastric secretion was what doctors call the pre-disposing cause, the over eating was the exciting cause. It is easy not to repeat the overeating but the predisposing cause must be cor rected if you are to be well. The secretions that digest the food come from glands that are nourished directly by 'the blood. When these secretions are insufficient the only way to restore their healthful condition is by building up the blood. This can be done by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills i the non-alcoholic tonic that assists na ture in keeping the body in health Proper attention to diet and the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills should be tried in cases of disordered digestion because it is the simple and natural 1 way to correct the troublt Send to-day for a copy of our free diet book, "What to Eat and .How to Kat." Address the Dr. Williams Medi cine Co., Schenectady. N. Y. Your own druggist sells Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.—Advertisement. % ! IN THE _ French Room ;/f Zri?, Millinery of character for women whose iL'A I tastes discriminate in favor of individuality. '| : TTvMWk | French Room models present all that is de- I | sirable in Millinery at prices which place quality I hats within the reach of all. : ..p Our invitation to everywoman is: \mS&k COME TO THE FRENCH ROOM J Astrichs ELEVATOR TO THIRD FLOOR MRS. ROBENII AVER HOSTESS AT CARDS AND A SUPPER Mrs. W. J. Rodenhaver was hostess last evening at the Hotel Carlton at cards and supper in compliment to Miss Arne Shaffer, of Dauphin, pi nurse at the Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia. Supper was served after the gaiAcs to Miss Shaffer. Miss Helen Louise Wallis, Miss Ruth Shaffer, Miss Anna Hoffman. Miss Anna Miller, Miss Ber tha Sellers, Miss Sabra Clark, Miss Carrie Gerberieh, Edgar Forney, Wal ter Shaffer, Ernest Shaffer, Bion Welker, Ray Hoffman and Charles Gerberieh, M. Goodman, J. A. Merge and J. G. Langan. SSRMBks Mr. and Mrs. Samuel' Wittenmyer, of 2141 North Front street, announce the birth of a daughter, Catherine Cordelia Wittenmyer, Thursday. Oc tober 1, 1914. Mrs. Wittenmyer was formerly Miss Ethel Schoch, of Se linsgrove. Air. and Mrs. Charles Baum, of 14 20 Notth street, announce the birth of a daughter, Geraldine Louise Baum, Tuesday, October li, 1914. Air. and Mrs. Newton A. Ruhrman, of 401 South Nineteenth street, an nounce the birth of a daughter, Leona May Buhrman, Monday, October 5, 1914. I Sweaty and Sore Feet i These annoying and enibar- I i rassing troubles can easily be • I overcome. Here is the quickest • • and surest remedy known. "Two • i table; poonfuls of Calocide com- • i pound in a warm foot bath" gives • i instant relief. Don't endure foot f • torture of any kind. By this ? • treatment corns and callouses ? j can be peeled right off and sore ? • bunions reduced. It acts through 7 t the pores, removing the cause. J • Large box of Calocide twenty-live t t cents at any drug or general ? • store. Prepared at Medical For- f f nulla laboratories, Dayton, Ohio, t "Made inHarrisburg" When you buy any of our food products you know that they have been U. S. inspected and passed. You'll be able to identify them by the Serial Numbei 25*1 which the Government permits us to put on our products only after U. S. inspector has thoroughly examined and O. K'd them. Get acquainted with them at our display at the Pure Food Exhibit and for your family's sake always demand them: Premium Hams and Bacon, Dauphin County Lard Frankfurts Minced Ham Boiled Hams 291 Sjausage and Dauphin County Sausage. If Your Dealer Can't Supply You 'Phone Us Erelsfcrd Packing and Storage Company HARRISBURG, PENNA. Four Real Artists Give Successful Recital The recital given last evening at Camp Hill by the Misses McCarrell and Myers, assisted by William F\ S. Yates and Miss Pauline Davisson, pianists, was much of a success. Miss McCarrell was in especially fine voice and rendered lier numbers very «leverly. She made a decided impression with her "Rosa" and "Anti-Suffrage" and the audience was highly appreciative. Miss Alice Myers, well known in Itarrisburg and Camp Hill, gave her vocal selections with much ease and fluency her best numbers being "Morning," by Humor, and "Mon Desir," by Nevin. These two ladies are going upon the lyceum platform the coming season and are sure to be successful. Miss Davisson gave her selection with much artistic coloring and her light runs and passages were superb. She shows exceptional talent for one of her age and experience. Air. Yates, known all over Harris burg and vicinity, gave Ills' selections with his usual masterful technique and was decidedly at his best . in Chopin's "Marche Funelre," where his soft singing tones were wonderfully executed. READ THIS THIS IS ORDINARY news paper print and should be read without any trouble during the day or night. If you find any difficulty in reading this print, either, you need glasses or your glasses need changing. We ex amine your eyes free and tit you with a pair of reading or Sewing glasses with gold-tilled frames as low as SI.OO. Then this print will be clear to you. Open even ings. RUBIN & RUBIN Eyesight Specialists 320 Market St., Second Floor Bell Phone 2020W" See Us to 3ce Better. HOCKKIt-KMITH WEDDING JUST ANNOUNCED TODAY _ Sirs. Robert O. Cochrane, of 35 North Eighteenth street, announces the marriage of her daughter. Miss Isabel A. Smith, to William I locker. The ceremony was performed Tuesday afternoon, October 13, at 2 o'clock, at the bride's home, by the Rev. H. Eve rett Hallman, pastor of the Immanuel i resbyterian Church. Mr. and Mrs. 1 locker will be "at home" to their friends after October 20, at 35 North Eighteenth street. Special Sale of LADIES' NEW FALL READY-TO-WEAR SUITS S3O Values —$15.50 We have a line of 50 new suits in Gabardines; Hroadcloths and Man nish Serges, in all shades, and all of I lie Bloom standard, worth $30.00, which will lie sold while., n e C.f\ they last for sli>.DU AINO attractive value* in new and uxeluwlve ready-to wear ContM and DreNNm. 810 North Third Street * i The J. Edmund Skiff Vocal Studios J. EDMUND SKIFF, Director, in Harrisburg Tuesdays and Wed nesdays, beginning Sept. 29th. MISS R. FLORA WEIL, As sistant. Studio 23 North Third Street
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers